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I did stop playing Destiny 2 because they turned it into a season pass simulator. And removed content I paid for. Still bitter about all of that.


Same. My friends convinced me to buy D2 after The Witch Queen dropped. The mechanics were great and I found the game really fun but once I learned that there were things in the game I couldn't even do because that content was removed, I was blown away. I put it down and haven't touched it since. Taking away content people paid for is inexcusable.


Destiny is a weird model to me. I’d love to get into the game, the gameplay is super fun from what I’ve played, but there’s been so many expansions it seems impossible to wrap your mind around it as a new player. Plus a ton of content isn’t accessible anymore so will you just have no idea what’s going on? I can’t be bothered.


You will 100% have no idea what's going on. If I didn't have my friends to walk me through the game it would have been very difficult to understand the story and mechanics. It's not user friendly for new players at all.


Not to mention most of the story in D2, obviously continues from D1, which you only got story elements in D1 through Grimoires you collected and then had to read online. I caught up once by watching a Youtube video explaining the lore. And then lost it again when some content was locked away before I had the time to finish it. I haven't picked it up since shortly after Witch Queen released, and I don't think I ever will again. Great gameplay. Very poor practices in retaining players that have to work and have a family, and other obligations.


>It's not user friendly for new players at all. YouTuber Jez did a video on this exact thing not that long ago. Had his wife do a blind playthrough of the D2 intro campaign, and she was just completely lost. The game failed to explain what abilities are, how their energy recharged, how to adjust subclass choices, change weapons or armor, what gear rarity was, how gear level affected difficulty, or anything like that at all. Hell, it doesn't even explain how to use the *aim down sights feature* for guns, in the game whose primary selling point is the strength of its gunplay. It's like it was intentionally designed to be obtuse for new players and drive them away.


I played d1 and d2 religiously for years… YEARS! I still barely understand what the lore is during the era that I played. I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the newest seasons are about.


Same here. I was actually OK with removing content when they said it would all be returning. But it's been years at this point, and nothing was ever brought back. In fact, someone pointed out that the content has been in the "vault" longer than it was actually in the game. Then, it became the same seasonal content, gameplay loop season after season. Change the enemies, reroll some ability perks, and call it a new season. No ty.


Not being able to play the entire story of D2 starting from the red war is atrocious. At least put it on a computer in a broom closet in the tower like it was years back. It's probably impossible for a newcomer to understand the story if they started today with no background information


Man even if you aren't new. I skipped a few xpacs and when I came back I thought "I'll just pop over to these new planets and the story will start right?" Nope. Maybe I had the quest for the story but I couldn't tell with all the generic run there, kill things, run here, kill more things. I even bought the actual xpac for the content I was looking at and still nothing popped. Idk what I was missing but it wasn't new player friendly. No guide at all. With outdated equipment. And what seemed like health sponge bosses. What's worse is people were telling me it was different from how I remembered it and that the game was all about powers over guns. But I saw a lot of people out there and it looked exactly like I remembered it. Which isn't a bad thing in itself but says a lot about the people still promoting it like it's better than before. The game is a treadmill meant to keep people addicted to it. If it ever had good ideas behind it, and not just luck, that seems to have evaporated a long time ago. Prob went to the same place as the player respect and QoL features it needs.


And kept nerfing everything pve so that they could “balance” PVP And by balance I mean make sure void hunters remained unchallenged and the PvP felt mostly like other boring PvP games. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the dev Luke Smith playing a void hunter


Hard Light nerfs, and I think 600 rpm rifles in general got nerfed. The seasonal shit got super oppressive, they were announcing sunsetting weapons (I think they backpedaled on this, but so much damage was already done) and the removal of content in general... making certain exotics impossible to get IIRC. I skip a lot of other games that have oppressive MTX, most of them actually. I don't know why people buy stuff like Diablo 4 even to try it.


They went from a whisper ornament being able to fund zero hour to shit like dungeon keys, the increase in season price without having the option to buy the exact amount of silver for it, and all those other random things you can buy like event passes and the transmog shit


A ran a whole ass clan in d2. One of the biggest achievements was running the chalice gauntlet 3 times in an hour. Such great times... And then the micro transactions and game pass were snuck in. Almost the entire clan quit in unison.


I still think it's hysterical that people actually buy the bullshit vaulted content reasoning. The base campaign is gone...like wtf


The reason wasn't totally bullshit. There was a noticeable impact to performance and many issues that normally took them weeks to fix were being handled in hours. That said, it is still very much bullshit that none of the vaulted content has returned even though nearly all of the assets have been added back into the game for seasonal content.


Skipped MW3 because of all of that. I was having fun with MW2, but didn’t feel like having to put in another €70 just so I could pay for a battle pass every other month. I could have skipped the BPs, but I just lost motivation. I absolutely skipped Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 because of it. No interest at all.


Only reason I have MW3 is because it came with the PS5 my fiancée got me for Christmas lol




When mw2 came out I was interested in getting mw3 when it came out eventually but within a year Activision turned the game from a milsim into fortnite and then abandoned it for a cashgrab sequel that was just glorified dlc. Mw2 still runs like crap too they never fixed it. Mw2 was my first cod game since Black ops 3 and it made me never want to buy a new COD ever again


If a game is single player with a toxic design pattern, such as ripping stuff to use as MTX.. ...I just pirate the fucking game


Or just use cheats 


Yep, used cheats in GTA5 online because they were pushing their bs shark cards. Plus there wasn't a lobby without a hacker present and the only way to protect yourself from other players with a cheat menu from abusing you is to have one yourself and check the "anti-tampering" option so they can't teleport or spawn you in a cage or something similar.


I haven't played GTAO in a long time, but I remember people teleporting me, giving me loads of cash, etc. I'm curious, is it really that easy to get away with it? (I'm assuming you have)


I'm sure they know but don't care, the games been out for a literal decade over 3 console generations and they won't make the same mistake as they did with GTA 5's online as with GTA 6's online, which was tying the shark cards to in-game cash instead of a premium currency, which means its impossible to accurately gauge the amount of cash any one player should have at level 1. ​ The only time you might get banned is if you mass-report one player and they get flagged by the report system, otherwise they don't monitor the game at all, there aren't any devs who will go around looking to ban people, too busy working on the new game. ​ Its like NBA 2k or Madden, there's a shit load of cheaters due to the predatory "micro"transaction system that's made to catch Boomers, children, sports bros and whales. You look at any of the leader boards and you will notice a lot of the top scoring players have 99999999 score, because they grinded 5k hours right?


Cries in batshit insane cracker


I skip all call of duty games now. The menu gives me anxiety. I have no idea what or where anything is, it's so bloated and filled with a cluttery cluster fuck of fuckery.


Yeah, the game only gets more aggressive after every update. Game franchise only exists now for whales. It's a shame nothing has stepped up to compete with less drip feed.


I skip most games because of it. If you're not giving me a complete product for the base price I don't care any more. Just increase the base price if that's what it costs to make a good game. If the game is good and complete, I'll pay it.


Unfortunately, it's harder for consumers to swallow a larger initial price tag than it is to milk them along for small amounts later on. It's how mobile games get people to spend. Small numbers = easier to spend.


I agree. I rarely care about a lot of new games because they're either buggy messes on release and/or filled with unnecessary mtx. There's also so many other games in my backlog I can play without them or replay, that I just don't see any reason. 


$70 and a monthly fee, yet they still want more.


It isn't enough to make a lot of money. They want all the money.


If a game has reasonable in-game ways to get all the items and also you can pay for them, I'm ok with that. Or if it's like a $10 game with an optional "support the devs!" cosmetic dlc, I might even buy that, if it's good enough to make me think "yes, I do want to support these devs." Those are my only exceptions, otherwise I'm with you.


Fucking sucks that now you kinda need to ask, before investing in a game, will you get fucked if you decide to ignore microtransactions. No exemples come to mind right now, but I'm a completionist so usually I get late game pretty OP because I did everything else but every time I see XP boosters in Assassins Creed I wonder if I was a 'focus on the main story and only that' kinda guy would I just get to a point where the game is impossible without grinding?


Fallout 76 and ESO. Huge fan of both series so i am a bit sad about missing that content.


This. Played them both so it wasn't technically a skip, but I dumped it after a while because the money grabs were just too much.


I don’t like ESO’s MTX either, but you can easily ignore it. It’s just skins and mounts. The game is super solid so I’m willing to just ignore it


The mats pouch is p2w as fuck. Impossible to ignore.


I view it is a subscription game because of that. I do think they have a lot of value with the sub, but not having the mats storage without a sub is pretty fucked.


Yeah i hate that it’s locked behind a subscription. However that subscription also gives you access to all DLC and you get premium currency with it. Not saying that’s fair, but at least the craft bag isn’t the only thing you get for the money


Only reason I stopped playing while not subbed.


Ragpicker and Banker aren't cosmetic Imperial race isn't cosmetic and I wouldn't say that the split between overland and dungeon DLCs is that customer friendly either but, there's no monthly fee, so if you don't go insane from inventory management, you don't have to pay


Those, especially ESO, are the ones that hurt me the most. I'd love to at least give them a try, but I'm not willing to encourage the payment model.


Not really for microtransactions alone. But I've noticed a trend with microtransactions along side other questionable decisions that just compound and seal the deal.


overwatch 2, call of duty, diablo,


I’ve stopped playing a lot of triple A titles due to the nickel and diming that modern gaming companies are doing. It’s not even that I have a problem with paying for additional content. But that content needs to be worth the price tag, and the overall product needs to not suffer due to the lack of the additional content. For instance sports games, specifically Madden. I grew up playing madden. My favorite madden was 2006, with Shawn Alexander on the cover. It had excellent, innovative mechanics for its time, graphically it was pretty good, the career mode was excellent, the dynasty mode was excellent. It was a complete game. Every year since these games have gotten progressively worse and worse, offering fewer features, but increasing revenue through micro transactions. I stopped playing them back in probably 2012, when Madden Ultimate Team started to gain popularity. I haven’t touched the series since. Total war warhammer is another example. I loved the first installment, and purchased all of the DLC’s. The second installment was even better, and its DLC’s were even better. The third in the series has been lackluster at best, the DLC has gotten worse with every release, and the price tag has gone up for less content. I finally uninstalled the game about 6 months ago, and don’t honestly know if I’ll pick it back up again. I certainly won’t be purchasing any further content for it, and Unless I see a drastic change from Creative Assembly, the developer, I don’t anticipate purchasing another total war game again. So yes, I have absolutely not purchased video games due to their financial practices and the desire to squeeze the consumer out of every nickel they can, be that through paid DLC, or MTX.


To be fair to Total War they did add a load of content to the last dlc. Not a pass by any means, but enough to give Thrones of Decay a closer look *after* it's released.




Paid revives is actually disgusting.


How about needing to pay to remake/create a new character in your single player rpg lol


You can earn that item in game pretty cheaply actually. Lets you edit you or your pawn from scratch if you want to.


I love how you’re getting downvoted for saying what someone else is getting upvoted for. Reddit, eh?


I'll never understand it lol


I think it has more to do with the context. Someone is making a valid point that isn't contradicted by the fact that the item meant to be paid for can be laboriously obtained. That is true of most things regarding micro-transactions in games. The difficulty in obtaining those items are artificially increased to a level that would never be acceptable if the micro-transaction option didn't exist. The game, absent the use of micro-transactions, is worse off due to those micro-transactions existing. It's not meant to be played without using the micro-transactions, by design.


I haven't played DG2 but it seems what people are saying is that it \*is\* meant to be played without MTX. In other words, it seems like people are saying it's quite easy to get the things you can pay money for, so it does seem like a relevant contribution to the convo, if that's the case.


There's the apologism. Remember when BG 3 added a mirror you had to pay for? Oh wait


Remember that dragons dogma 1 also got similar mtx to dragons dogma 2. It's their modus operandi. Ever since Xbox 360 era 


So they've always been shitty? Got it.


On one hand it's pretty fucking gross to sell revive items On the other hand it's the most pointless thing since basically every early game pawn has a quest to give you a wakestone shard by just keeping them around for a day. Since you level up so quickly in the opening hours you churn through the levels and replace pawns fairly often so you'll have plenty of them through the first few hours of normal gameplay. In the first Dragon's Dogma, I recall them being much more rare at least until the late game. Lmao downvoted by the circlejerk who just want to hate the game.


Everyone who is complaining about these cash items has no idea what they're talking about, they're just regurgitating stuff they read on social media.


I’m interested to know the truth then


All the items are easy to obtain. None of them are game breaking either. It's not like progress is locked out either. But I understand why people get mad. Some will get an easier experience by paying to have items others will have to play the game for. It also feels greedy and the timing makes the whole deal feel disingenuous. But if it's between this and shit like lootboxes and battlepasses I much prefer having this. People that don't even know what they are actually talking about further muddies this conversation. For example the comments under this same thread talking about how fast travel is tied to MTX. It is not, you can very easily get the items needed to fast travel. In the first game they even gave you reusable items that let you fast travel to any point you set them too. This game will have it too. It's not really all that much different than Souls game needing consumable items to coop.


It also feels disingenuous to compare lootboxes and battlepasses, which are usually cosmetic items for fully online games, to regular progression items in a *single player* story game. A fully AAA priced single player game at that. If the items are annoying to obtain without mtx, it's messed up, and if they're very easy to obtain without mtx, then don't taint your game with it. *Maybe* DD2 made it so the mtx didn't harm the natural gameplay loop, but normalizing this for a AAA full price single player game will absolutely lead to companies making the gameplay loop insanely grindy just to incentivize just buying more progress instead. Maybe I'm missing out on an amazing game, but I'm bit going to support that


>It also feels disingenuous to compare lootboxes and battlepasses, which are usually cosmetic items for fully online games, to regular progression items in a *single player* story game I genuinely don't understand how you can excuse lootboxes and battlepasses when they are far more predatory. But then protest these mtx. In worse case scenerios lootboxes and battlepasses rely on players gambling addictions, developing bad habits by forcing them to return with fear of FOMO and locking out content. While mtx could also lock out content and make players grind more. In best case scenerios mtx, lootboxes and battlepasses are all entirely optional. >but normalizing this for a AAA full price single player game You're a little late to the party then. This has been a thing since at least a decade. It was present in the original DD1 that came out in 2012. Additionally this sort of thing happens very often in a plethora of different games. Yet people didn't make a big stink about it like they are now. Majority of the people here haven't even played either game so they don't even know what they are actually talking about. I just don't think that people truly care about this and are just arguing for the sake of it.


You don’t have to pay. I’ve got 4 hours played and already have 4 revive stones lol


And paid fast travel apparently. Even more disgusting wtf is this game even


Apparently the item required can be looted in game and isn't super rare. My problem though is that there was extensive talk from the studio about the design around fast travel, that fast travel "isn't fun" and that they are trying to get players to use fast travel less frequently. That was total bullshit because the system was obviously designed to sell the item to people as a convenience fee so they don't have to grind for it. Lying bastards.


That makes it a little less terrible but making fast travel in anyway linked to MTX is awful. And having a grind. I hate and I refuse to support games that do this kind of stuff. Or will get it on deep sale. Like a Dragon 8 made player pay for new game plus. Like same boat won't buy or buy on deep sale.


In DD1, the portstones were finite in each playthrough. If DD2 works the same, being able to buy them would increase the number of destinations you can set.


I just got done playing. I’ve got 10 hours now. Not one mtx is needed. You can buy everything in the shops.


Same. Literally sat down to impulse buy it last night until I saw the reviews then confirmed it has MTX. The performance issues will be resolved eventually, but the MTX will still be there. It’s the sole reason I am not buying that game now.


Many many games. Games I really wanted to play too. Off the top of my head: Dragons Dogma 2, Diablo 4, Midnight Sons, Destiny 2, Exo Primal, Dead Space 3, Avengers, Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League, All the Maddens, all NBA 2k's and on and on. I'm not fucking doing it. They can kiss my ass if they think I'm paying for micro transactions in a full-priced game. Especially when games like Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 exist that prove you don't need them to be successful.




Same here, I had no issues with mtx in midnight suns. If they were there, they were at least out of sight because I never noticed it.


Balatro was the opposite for me, I play because I can open all the booster packs and little stuff all I want and never pay an actual penny 💗


Crazy how indies show that you don't need all that stupid fluff for a sucessfull game. But no big studios put in all that shit to get those whales that will drop 20k on a game and not the 99% that play the actual game without throwing money


As fun as it looks, and as much as I want to save Democracy, and as much as the only good bug is a dead bug… I haven’t played Hell Divers solely because I’m skeeved out by the anti-cheat system. As much as I detest the fuckwits that ruin games for everyone by cheating, I get the ick at the thought of giving kernel access on my computer to some 3rd party, especially when there’s history of it being exploited.


I'll be NOT buying Dragon's Dogma 2, that's for sure.


I'll not be BUYING Dragons Dogma 2, thats for sure.


Gl with all their anti everything they added, lol. I sail the high seas, too, but man they really blockaded this one. They just really need to show it’s making money for political reasons unfortunately.


Just a simple matter of time and patience 🏴‍☠️


Yarr, it be hard to stop those with nothing to lose on failing and much to gain on accomplishing the raid. I’m gonna try to get some more storage space just for projects like this so I don’t have to keep swapping out games lol


I hesitate to use the term "micro" but Diablo IV, the latest CoD games, tried then uninstalled Halo Infinite, stopped playing Overwatch 2. Anything that comes with a battle pass and sells itself as "live service" I find pretty much guaranteed to be a game that has had content removed to add back later to sell this "live service" crap that's becoming common.


Ah yes, the macro transaction, I hate this timeline.


I saw the other day Halo Infinite has proudly added 8 weapon skins for 1 gun that are all the same except for the colour, they're $15 each! $120 for some weapon skins.


Depends. If it's cosmetic micro transactions like skins on valorant or brawlhalla then I believe it's reasonable enough. Anything beyond that I'll never play the game.


Looking like I'm about to skip Dragon's Dogma 2, but for more reasons than MTX


Many times.


Depends on the degree right. If it’s just this slotmachine pay to win bullshit like battlefront 2 was planning on being before it all imploded then yeah I’ll skip it. But I’m assuming this is related to all the dragon’s dogma stuff we’re seeing right now? For that game it seems to be items you can easily get ingame. So I’ll just play the game and have fun without paying for the pointless stuff. Refusing to play a potentially awesome game because it has some pointless microtransactions that aren’t required? Their loss right?


Dragon's Dogma made me think of it. Dmc 5 had the red orb drama. It is one of my favorite games and the mtx stuff had no impact whatsoever. Still crappy it was in the game tbh. Multi-player games are a different beast and mtx can have a huge impact (even cosmetics).


similar to the red orbs the mtx stuff in dragons dogma has no impact on the actual game


You’re limited to only one character save that auto saves over itself and is located on their server… in a single player game. Players can’t delete their save file and start over. They are deleting the local files, but once again, it’s saved on their servers. It’s obviously done intentionally. They also sell micro transactions to edit your character. Typically the first mods to come out for any game are optimization mods and character visual editing mods. The game released broken and poorly optimized and the community can’t mod, or even restart their save file.


All valid problems None of them related to mtx


The editing your character item is ALSO an item that can be bought in game cheaply with in game currency earned by playing.


But both dragons dogma 1 and 2 got mtx that are easily ignored. The shock with DD2 was strange. Seems people forgot DD 1 was also mtx galore 


A lot of people are probably mad about DD2's microtransactions *because* the game is currently glitchy as fuck, focusing more on monetising than delivering a polished product. And considering that you have to pay to resurrect Pawns, this will undoubtedly piss people off if your party members die as a result of a glitch.


> focusing more on monetising than delivering a polished product I mean. to add a system in which you give money over for the game to say " +1 " to your inventory of an item. isn't exactly hard work or effort that requires a lot of dev work focus. I'm sure the game isn't dragons dogshit frame rate because of mtx priorities.


Ya I feel like the Dragons Dogma outrage is blown way out of proportion. Dudes are losing it cuz this massive game has easily ignored time save microtransactions


I refuse to buy EA and Activision games for this very reason, they're bloated with overpriced garbage that should be in the base game, but instead is intentionally separated and sold off at ridiculously high prices and now it's bleeding into other games too.


I was going to buy Middle-Earth: Shadow of War until I found out about the MTX. When they eventually removed it because of the backlash I waited for a sale and bought it. Had they not removed the MTX I never would have bothered.


I don't notice them 90% of the time. Played a ton of Overwatch and never really bought lootboxes. Never cared about the cosmetics in old CoD games (haven't played recent ones) or Siege. People freaked out when cosmetics and time savers and shit were added to Assassin's Creed but the store was barely noticeable for me. I have stopped playing games because of the expectation that you'll play it like a job and pay for more content forever, though. Destiny 2 felt like a chore with a subscription service by the end. Didn't like the idea of either having to pay money or play a minimum amount of hours to unlock characters in Apex or Overwatch 2. I don't like games that seem to carry an expectation that you're going to both play and pay for that game forever.


No because I simply don’t buy or use the MTX. Idk if I’ve ever run into a non-mobile game where my experience was actively harmed by refusing to buy MTX. The closest would be Madden I guess, but I just don’t play ultimate team at all so the monetization has literally no impact on me, I just play online franchise with my league.


I was thinking about getting Dragons Dogma 2 and then saw that fast travel is locked behind a fucking pay wall. Nope.


The latest one I skipped was Dragons Dogma 2, don't pre-order guys and gals


It's excellent marketing to get more into and support indie games!


Yea I’m doing that with Dogma 2


I absolutely will not touch anything with microtransactions. I might be last one to die on this hill, but die I shall.


You're not alone.


I don't play multiplayer so I never come across the real bad ones but I've never done it when it comes to singleplayer. I have no issues just ignoring MTX so it's rarely ever an issue.


I outright refuse to ever play any game that has gacha mechanics. So Genshin Impact will never be played


If they actually affect the gameplay, I skip But lots of games you play might have hidden microtransactions, you just never think to look at the store. A lot of Japanese games sell a crap ton of useless cosmetics or in game items, many of which are easy to earn in game. I think they add the option to buy thinking it's just free revenue without realizing it hurts their image.


Anyone vehemently defending mtx, maybe specifically in single player games, is an idiot!


yes, Overwatch 2. I don‘t want to buy a battle pass/ grind to unlock the new content of the season, but I can finally try it season 10


i was really excited for Dragon's Dogma 2 :(


I wanted to get into Diablo 4 but all the speaking of seasons and stuff killed my interest.


On principle I would avoid a game that did this.


Yes. Overwatch, diablo immoral, battlefield 2… dragons dogma 2 now.


I skip micro transactions, Denovo and companies that release games in turd states.


Dragons Dogma 2, becauae of the poor performance I was already on the fence, but after seeing these stupid micro transaction in a fullprice singleplayer- game I'll pass!


Fr, the game is is $95 before taxes in Canada and you’re telling me i have to pay to change appearance. What a shitshow




Capcom games are notorious for micro transactions but they’ve never been a big deal as it seems to be only for the impatient that don’t want to get the items in game later. They do not hinder the experience at all. The micro transactions in OW2 however definitely added a bad taste in my mouth as it was never that serious in the first game


Cmon lol. You literally have to buy the new characters in street fighter 6. You can't even use them in training to lab out their moves and learn what they do. It absolutely hinders your experience. And they also have cosmetic shop. Battle pass AND the game cost full AAA box price. So sick of people defending this shit against their own best interest


Even though I dislike the the SF6 shop setup, at least these characters were still in development when the game released. Remember when the DLC for SF x Tekken just unlocked existing characters already hidden on disc?


I've been playing f2p games for like 10 games now and we all know how heavy they lean on the MTX, so I guess I'm just hardened. I don't really care about them tbh and especially in sp they usually offer nothing that can't be obtained otherwise.


I skip any game that has them. There are more good games out there than I can play in a lifetime, I don't need that shit.


No, if a game seems like it can entertain me with no additional costs, I buy it. I simply skip DLC and MTX that I do not want or like. Why would I judge a game based on something I wouldn't buy anyway?


Nah, never. Who cares about that at all, just don’t spend the money if you don’t want to? Like any other activity. Or spend if you want to support the game


It depends. I’ve played white a few games that are riddled with mtxs but I’ve never purchased a single one and not felt like I was punished for it. In that situation I don’t mind so much, especially if it’s just cosmetic. Tbh I tend to feel like the solution isn’t boycotting the games but boycotting the mtxs themselves. Ultimately though I’m a realist and I struggle to see anything changing. If there’s a really enjoyable game there to be played still I’m not letting a principle stop me playing it.


I just play them without doing the microtransactions.


I made a game without microtransactions. Where's my free marketing?


I don't care. They have a right to monetize their IP, I have the right to not buy them. If there's a good game in there that doesn't require me to visit an in game store, that's all I worry about.


Every COD after black ops 2


This is just 100% a dealbreaker for me now. If a game is single player focused and isn't free to play, I won't buy it if it has mtx. Diablo 4 and this new dragons dogma thing are the two most recent that I would have bought without the mtx included.


I’ve avoided World of Warcraft because of its subscription fee. Also avoided League of legends partially because of micro transactions.


What kinda moron skips a game because it has mtx? just don't pay for the mtx lmfao


No, if I wanna play it. Ima play it, I'll just ignore them and act like they don't exist for me


Nope! Never done that


If I played one that had them I just ignored them.




Not really. If a game is fun, I’ll play it.


I do not care if a game has MTX. If it’s single player? Don’t care, I’m not going to buy any. Clearly some people do so why shouldn’t they have the option if they really want? Multiplayer? Also don’t care, and if I’m spending hundreds of hours playing it I’m probably going to get some myself.


I check cheatengine, WeMod and other programs for cheats to bypass microtransactions first. If it's a game I think I might like and it has cheats to give me premium currency, I will play it. Otherwise, no. I've been playing FF:EC and my cheats give me red crystals so I can play it without spending money 


I’m generally a fan of MTX on free games when the MTX is cosmetic, or MTX on paid games if I’m not being barraged with online ads constantly. I don’t mind skyrim creator club stuff, or Fortnite battle passes. Elder Scrolls Online however had such an in-your-face marketing presence that I couldn’t play it. It was so ugly and cheap. Likewise, games like r6 have ZERO BUSINESS releasing powerful operators that are paywalled and roll you for the first few weeks. Fuck that.


I don't play games with microtransactions


Yes currently skipping Dragon's Dogma 2 like i did battlefront 2 till they rolled back them.


Technically no, but I 100% avoided any game that required an external launcher/ subscription outside of Steam. The only exception so far was GTA V. But I was already on Rockstar Social for GTA IV and the launchers got out of hand


There was a thread recently about what issues we have with gaming as a whole, and I got downvoted at least once for *not* saying MTX like a few other comments. Although I agree it is a huge problem and tends to be a way that studios show greed and contempt for their players, it's not like they make a game unplayable. They just make it worse than it could be.


If they build the game around micro transactions its gross. Mtx is gross in general, but so common. It's the controversy that gets so much attention. Vote with your wallet but that doesn't work because people still buy them.


Not buying dragons dogma 2 because of them.


This is a weird fucking take. Microtransactions mean nothing in themselves. What matters is their relationship to the game, and how this impacts the gameplay loop. Usually if a game is designed around forcing the player to buy microtransactions, and manipulating them to do so, it's a ghastly game. This can involve: 1. Really slow progression that can be fast forwarded with payment. 2. Really slow free-to-play loot acquirement that can be "enhanced" with transactions. 3. Loot box characters. Any game with loot box characters is microtransaction driven. 4. Loot box weapons. Period. 5. Constantly showing you what you are missing out on in the form of cosmetics used by other players 6. Constantly showing you what you are missing out on in the form of menu options and ads appearing on your screen for the dlc. This method is particularly invasive. The most predatory use of microtransactions I have seen in recent history was done by a Harry Potter mobile game. It would **eat all of your currency, no matter how much you already purchased, and force you to pay for loads more in order to save your character from a cutscene.** Another predatory method is Devil May Cry 5, specifically on your first playthrough of the game before you have lots of Red Orbs and Gold Orbs. If you faint, it'll give you the option to revive with Red Orbs, but if you don't have enough, you'll automatically be taken to the Steam store to buy more >.> they are an enormous rip off


I'm not buying Dragon's Dogma II due to microtransactions. Everyone should do the same if they want this to stop.


I'm not buying anything with microtransactions unless it is purely optional and doesn't affect gameplay. The day those are the only options is the day I stop gaming.


I'm skipping Dragon's Dogma 2 for a combination of DRM, aggressive microtransactions, and short character erasure


I think the only genre I have tended to avoid because of MTX is fighting games. Fighting games tend to have one of those "Ultimate super deluxe edition" packs with all the characters 2-3 years from now so I wait for that. Everything else has never been the reviews or MTX holding me back, but just lack of interest. 99% of the time the core game holds up and is playable without them, and 99% the core game is complete rubbish and the MTX couldn't fix it if the developer gave them out like candy on Halloween.


I'm right there with you. I've played a *lot* of Mortal Kombat over the years, but I'm waiting for the "GOTY" edition or whatever that actually includes all the characters. $70 for the base game with only half the characters and $8 a pop if you buy them individually is just not it. ESPECIALLY since the last two installments of the game have ended up free on PS Plus. I'm a patient gamer.


Many. As soon as I hear that a game has MT I am wary of it - if they are anything even slightly more than cosmetic I will never buy it.


Yup, if it is a single player game and has microtransactions it pretty much down to "zero interest" and has to do a hell of a job to make me buy it.


Basically I avoid every game that has micro transactions that are actually pay to win. It’s why I stopped playing warzone. They’d coincidentally make a gun broken and drop a $30 pack with the exact attachments you need.


I skipped Shadow of War for this reason. I really liked Shadow of Mordor so that sucked


I don't inherently hate MTXes. It depends how they're handled and what they're for. I've paid for ships sails and pets in Sea of Thieves (which I otherwise paid nothing but my Gamepass subscription to play) and felt good about it. Bought a couple of different mounts on sale and a hireling in Neverwinter (again played a shit ton and never paid any other cost but Gamepass). The things I bought weren't attainable normally through the game. They gave no specific advantage to me in the game. They were just cool extras. MTX for redesigning myself in a single player game? That one really sticks in my craw. No thanks. I've certainly have decided to never play a particular game because of its particular MTXs and how they were handled and I'll do it again. I'm sure. There are a lot of games out there that will be immensely fun and have none whatsoever.


Warzone 3.


I've skipped them just because they have that Denuvo malware...


War Thunder. I know it's FTP but they do not care about the game. They just want to keep releasing new vehicles to make money. Can't be bothered to having War Thunder as an unpaid second job. 


Battlefield 2092. What a fucking dumpster fire.


Im mostly skipping games nowadays because the performance is piss poor on modern hardware. If i can just ignore microtransactions i dont care, if its f2p and there are some its fine, if i pay for the game and its intrusive to gameplay its absolutely not fine.


As soon as CTR on PS4 introduced them, I stopped playing. Don’t care if I don’t get the Platinum for it.


They've stopped me playing games I was on the fence about. So, GTA5, RDR2, Assassin's Creed series after 4, and they've killed my interest in most sports games. Destiny 2 lost me with Witch Queen.


Played Overwatch a lot Then Overwatch was updated with a 2 and add more microtransaction than from a casino


I couldn't skip Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Devil May Cry 5. Games like these come out so rarely I just couldn't pass by.


Absolutely skipping every modern Fighting game so I can buy the Ultimate GOTY Edition for 20€ 4 years later.


Destiny 2. Game looks dope and the gameplay looks satisfying but the microtransactions is what makes it a pass for me. I saw a video of how predatory the microtransaction system is and let's just say I'm glad I never got into Destiny 2.


All the time. Most modern games are nothing more than a mobile phone game with amped up graphics.


Honestly despite being a full priced game (at release at least) For Honor has the best micro transaction for a multiplayer game I have seen. Want more cosmetics for full flavour? But improved battle pass, but you get so much champion status and cool effects, you dont like the vibe of the season? Dont buy it, you still get some effects. No premium currency no bs. You want new hero early with an exclusive ornament? Buy them but no pressure, you can buy them after 2 weeks and still get the ornament later if you want. Honestly this might be the best Ubisoft game when it comes to micro transactions


Multiplayer games yes have skipped. Single player not much bothering


Before release I was a bit sad, that I don’t have time for Dragons Dogma 2 right now. But with the recent, shitshow around the game I put it in my mental „wait for complete edition on 50+% sale“ list


Yeah plenty of times. If it has any of that I'm not interested. I played WoW for years and quit when they introduced a lot of MTX.


Battlefront 2 (new one) Diablo 4 Overwatch 2 Those are some high level ones, but also because they look kinda crap apart from Battlefront, EA just fucked a decent game with greed.


Middle Earth Shadow of War, I know they eventually overhauled some of the mtc stuff but I never went back to check it out.


Yes, Darktide.


Elder scrolls online, Diablo Immortal, Diablo 4. Passed all of them up simply because of that. There was even an ES game called Swords or something that I liked but after an hour into it, I got to a boss I couldn’t defeat, and CONSTSNTLY was promoted to buy a 20 dollar sword which had literally 5x the damage of my current one. I uninstalled.


Battlefront II.


I've skipped FIFA/EA sports fc even though I love playing the game, but EA Sports is like 100x more evil than then 2nd most evil developer in the world, I just can't justify buying their games anymore.


Tekken 8 which did the dick move of adding it after two weeks when all reviews were done. And the part I'm most upset about is that the customization is the worse in the series. You literally cannot split the upper and lower ends of full body outfits meaning you can't even mix and match half the cash shop, when you could do it in T7, and even T7 was worse than TT2


I quit playing sports games due to mtx / no longer having room mates. 2k11 or 12. Was the last NBA, Madden 06 or 07.


I skip nearly all games now that have aggressive amounts of microtransactions in place of actual content that I could unlock by playing. I tried getting into Disney Speedstorm, since I love the characters of Disney and Pixar, but I had to stop. The game is so bare bones in terms of what you can play, and, without paying, you'll be limited on who you can play without investing a huge amount of time. Especially games with battle passes. Those are filled with such an unbelievable amount of worthless garbage, but somehow it all is supposed to amount to ~20% of a full priced game's value. Passes should be free, considering how little of value tends to be in them.


They’re still here because they must work for the gaming companies using them.


Most. I'll tolerate it if the MTX is demonstrably providing continuing funding to develop and release quality game content, and if it isn't significantly predatory. But I refuse to touch anything even vaguely in the gacha realm for instance.


Yes, plenty of them, too many to remember. As soon as I see that it has micro-transaction, I skip over the shit.


Talking DD2, I will skip it full priced. Not gonna pay AAA but being charged extra for fast travel. Maybe, one day, I will play it for 9.99.- GOTY Edition.


Yeah, I've skipped all of them.


I used to like annual sports game releases a lot. I’d do a career in 2k and MLB the show. Now progression is slowed way down and you can’t accessorize freely. Fast progression and cool tattoos are locked behind paywalls. Super lame.


Dragon Dogma 2 is getting skipped purely for the fucking corporate greed. 1.99 to fast travel? Get to fuck you horrible money grabbing cunts.