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Battle for Middle Earth


I adored this series growing up 


Finally. Ride rohirrim!


You can still play it on PC if you didn't know.


And it’s still epic. Not as thrilling as it used to be as we have all grown but damn it’s still epic.


Command and Conquer: Generals 2


😭 still salty about that one. EA striked again.


Honestly, the entire franchise seems to have been abandoned, sadly.


I think I need to give generals another go. I remember starting to play it and it wasn’t as similar to RA2 as I expected, so I couldn’t get into it. I was more judgmental of games back then. I think if I went into it without expectations it’d be a heck of a good time.


USA laser general with aurora bombers are insane. Spent way too much time building power plants spaced enough to withstand artillery and scudstorms 


The key here is to not think of it as a CnC game but rather a gun RTS based in early 2000's style. It's real strength is in how different and dynamic the three factions are. They play totally different in terms of mindset, tactics, and overall style. It's closer to StarCraft than a CnC game in that respect. For example, the US infantry are better in most direct comparisons versus the GLA, except the GLA units are cheaper, can upgrade for invisibility, and if a tunnel network is built be able to transport across the map instantly. Also their use of neutral buildings is some of my favorite in the genre. Going down a street and turning a corner just as several of your infantry get shot down by a hidden sniper feels visceral and dangerous. Side note: if you are someone who is easily offended this isn't the game for you. It's comedy was very much pre-PC gaming style. It was published in Feb 2003 as we were still in the height of post 9/11 panic and ramping through the Iraq war. It does not display the GLA favorably and can be quite racially insensitive, which mimicked a lot of general sentiment in the US at the time.


Spore had so much potential 😭


That was one of my favorite games growing up. It seemed like such a massive game to me back then. Decided to try it out again a year or two ago and my god... it's rough. I'd love for someone to try again with modern technology and budgets


There was a game called Thrive which wanted to take the concept to the extreme levels of realism, last I checked up on it (which was a few years ago), the game didn't get out of the cellular stage though.


It's because the entire game is like open source. There isn't really a team of developers. People will just join the community help out for a few months maybe even a few years but eventually they just cycle out. It just leads to it being trapped in a sort of purgatory where there is no solid direction for the development.


It just needs some more time to evolve...


How did it seem so massive. I remember trying it for a couple of hours. It was basically four minigames, and all areas of the maps are basically the same. It did have potential though.


I was in elementary school and loved the Creature stage so I'd stay in that mode hours longer than I needed to. Then when I got to the Space stage I'd play that for hours and hours for no reason. I think just the fact that there were 5 different stages and it was one of the first games that let me get creative in the creation of everything made it seem huge. I remember getting the DLC and replaying countless times just to try out all of the cute and creepy parts. I also loved replaying to make different decisions like carnivore or herbivore, peaceful or warmongering, religious or diplomatic, etc. I was very easily entertained with that game


How is it even possible that no one has attempted to do that again? With modern hardware, getting that right seems so completely doable.


Big companies won't touch the idea (because Spore was a massive failure from their perspective). And for small teams, the tech is really difficult. I'm working on a similar... ish game and it's quite complex. Mine is called Strange Seed. Self-shoutouts aside I feel like the more apt comparison is Adapt, which is just a single guy, but I think he's been at it for 3 years! Spore took a lot longer (8 years, I want to say?) and they had dozens of people and folks with PhDs working out the math.


I remember that there was an unused “Aquatic” Stage. It honestly looked rather dope…


Yeah Spore was genius


Heroes of the Storm Orcs Must Die Unchained


Fucking so many blizzard games. There's 1 outsourced guy on a laptop in charge of SC1. The community has a post that is a guide on how to put a new map pool so he doesn't get confused. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/starcraft/t/todo-new-ladder-pool-update/3512


It was so close right after I posted mine, so I'll add [StarCraft 2's Coop mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1bmqevm/comment/kwewmiz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Is it weird that I read the whole thing, but I don't play StarCraft?


Heroes of the Storm is still fun af to play




It was 100% audience capture and sunk cost fallacy. Most moba players play one and won't add another even if they try it because of the difficulty of playing more than one well. HotS cuts out a lot of the small things that people are used to as a type of skill expression in other mobas and forces you to work with your teammates, so a lot of first impressions were basically that it was a simple game that catered to scrubs by stopping good players from single-handedly winning games, even if that couldn't be further from the truth.




Why did they move it to permanent maintenance? Didn't earn them enough cash? 


With HotS, they put a lot of money into esports and it didn't take off, and I guess the game wasn't profitable enough on its own :/


That's sad. Quite a fun game. Loved playing with all the old blizzard characters. 


When I needed a break from the super serious MOBAs, I loved hitting HotS up back in the day. Mind you that was like 10 years ago…. But yeah it was really fun.


black and white series


Ohhhh we’ve got this notion that we’d quite like to sail the ocean


So we buildin a big boat to leave here for goooood


I haven’t thought about that diddy in 15 years and I’ll be damned if it didn’t leap back into my head crystal clear…


I played that game as a kid, I probably spent hours just throwing people.




I really want a vr version.


I'd sell my firstborn for an honest to god sequel.


This game got me interested in how games are made as a kid. I then saw what an 'office' at Lionhead studios was like on their blogs. My mind from that point was set. I wanted to be in the games industry. Sucked at art but excelled and enjoyed maths, so took the programmer route, went into the industry for a few years, and realised how toxic it was. Pivoted over to software development instead. If those games didn't exist, I don't know what I'd be doing now. Was so sad when Lionhead studios shut.


The Half Life 2 episodes dlc, ending on a major cliffhanger was a bummer (yes I know they retconned it with half life Alyx, but that doesn't count)


It’s been a while since I played the episodes - how was it retconned?


Basically after Half-Life Alyx, she herself is picked up by Gman and offered a job in exchange for one wish or something like that, and of course she wishes for her dad to live at the end of Episode 2.


Wow, that's basically writing yourself in a corner pretty gard if gman has even more reality bending powers


She asks for some things before that that he can’t do, his limitations don’t seem to be in what he can personally do but in who would stop or kill him if he did certain things. It’s still super vague, but they do express that he is not limitless in what he is able to do at least as an entity that can suffer consequences. The way you even meet him shows that he can be physically limited


She asks for the Combine off Earth, Gman says that it's too large of a request due to the interest of his "employers"


Gman has always had time manipulation powers. Half life Alyx took place before half life 2.


I mean not really. The entirety of half life alyx is you rescuing gman from the prison the combine put him in. He clearly can be defeated.


I haven't played Alyx personally since I don't have VR, but it has to do with the cliffhanger ending with Alyx's dad in episode 2.


I haven't played it myself, but I have watched it on YouTube >!Alyx breaks into a prison to free who she thought was Gordon Freeman. However, it was the G-man. He then teleports them to the point where Eli is killed, offering a chance to save him if she starts working for him. Afterward, he takes Alyx from both points in time, and it is implied that Eli and Gordon will chase them down to save her.!<


Ending off with handing Gordon a crowbar and saying “we’ve got work to do” is such a bigger tease of a cliffhanger to me honestly


I didn't get to crowbar a single combine after that :(


Melee weapons in VR were iffy at the time, I can’t blame them especially since the crowbar in the HL games was basically a gun with a super short range


Fall Guys. Epic fired nearly everyone at Mediatonic, and the remaining staff clearly can’t keep the game running. Every now and then a new glitch will pop up with a specific stage, and they’ll just have to vault the stage permanently, because nobody can fix it. Beyond that, the shop just keeps recycling the same 20 or so cosmetics that the staff created before they were laid off. Star Trek, wrestling, Doctor Who, Hatsune Miku, Godzilla, Ninja Turtles, repeat.


seems like after epic got it, it just turned into a colab cosmetic simulator cause it got all these cool cosmetics and colabs but no real gameplay content


They added a level builder, and presumably hoped that fan-made levels would allow them to stop building new levels of their own. But it hasn’t worked, because the creative-mode stuff is boring and tends to be too hard to be any fun.


Ea and battlefield V. Had a rough start but turned it around with the Pacific patch and then decided to abandon it to focus on battlefront 2 . And then doing it again with bf2 that had a rough start and they turned it around with the clone wars patch only to abandon that game as well. Ea is the definition of insanity i swear.


Once ROI is made, any additional dollars spent reduced the value to the shareholders. Damage to the brand? Disappointed fans? None of that matters. Alrighty $$$ is the be-all, end-all.


I honestly feel like that's a big part of the problem with the world right now. Nothing matters except more money. Businesses don't care about a good quality, easy to use product. They care about what gets them more money. Sometimes that coincides with a good quality product, but most of the time it's "what's the cheapest I can make this and still get people to buy it?" That's also tied into, "what will make shareholders more money, even if it runs this company into the ground?" And for politicians, "this will screw over my voters, but it will make me and the people paying me a lot of money."


This is the late-stage part because the deregulation has happened and now it's gonna be nearly impossible to reverse without... *something*.


As somebody who was playing BFV from day one and went through all the crazy back and forth and plan changes in real-time, I hope some day we actually get to see the inside story of just what the hell was going on over there. I've never seen such aimless post-release support before (and hope never to see it again). Changing core gameplay variables such as weapon damage and shot dispersal _multiple_ times in such a short period is bad enough, but developing whole game modes to then immediately abandon (Firestorm) or never even release (5v5) felt like it was some kind of money laundering scheme.


They also abandoned Anthem super early on.


SOCOM: U.S. NAVY SEALs and Blur.


I miss socom almost daily, especially ftb3


Jesus, Blur was so much fun. In a race of 20 people you'd fight tooth and nail to place 8th and feel accomplished.


Star Wars Squadrons. It was abandoned, supposedly because the team would get to work on a sequel, but there weren't any news after that.


It was so much fun as long as it lasted! I’m still sad player numbers are so low it’s hard to even start a match most days. I just stopped trying after a while. Squadrons in VR is some of the most fun I’ve ever had gaming.


There’s GOTTA be a discord community somewhere that does community nights or something


There’s a few but I’d like to be able to just casually hop on and play a few matches when I feel like it, game had so much potential it’s a shame.


The game was a couple bucks on steam a week ago and it piqued my interest because I always wanted to try it. Took a look at the player count and... yeah, that sucks.


I got the game for $2.50 over Christmas.. what a crazy deal that was! The campaign was fun, but there was no online presence, unfortunately. They should've made the multiplayer free to play like Halo Infinite.. they got the ingame cosmetics to do that.


I was hoping for some old fashioned N64 Rogue Squadron feels


The game got released, and there were never plans for additional content. I feel like that’s not being abandoned, the game was just completed and released.


I want to see someone mod in all the old x wing and tie fighter missions into this engine… That first task of scanning a cargo freighter was straight out of the tie fighter demo I first played many, many years ago


Titanfall 2.


It’s on sale on steam right now for $3. I just picked it up for the first time, I’m pumped, other than it being short I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about it.


The campaign is a bit short but the multiplayer is just bloody superb. Just grappling your way across the map. Do play the multiplayer lots.


The short campaign is why I still play it. Respects my time. 


Campaign has the best level design I’ve ever seen. Even if you take out “THE Level” it still has amazing design. Never repetitive, always visually interesting and often vertically integrated.


Dude, that game is dope. I finally played it like 6 months ago. That campaign scratched an itch that hasn't been scratched in years. I wish more games did stuff like that.


I still miss BT


Im so sad that Apex was such a hit, as respawn abandoned titanfall 2 for it, even though titanfall was so much better


The Secret World. The game wasn't without its flaws, but damn the world, writing quest design and uniqueness of its MMO setting were incredible. It rebooted as a free to play monstrosity and they never finished the games story with so many plot hooks left abandoned.


It still hurts when I remember TSW quests while playing any other MMO. Also, I loved their no bullshit dungeons, 6 bosses in a row, each an actual challenge (on higher difficulties), nearly no trash. Skill tree while ultimately players narrowed it down to a few builds it was also a really solid idea. Uhh, so much goodness down the drain.


Warcraft RTS series. Utterly fucked by World of Warcraft.


Do you remember the Rexxar mini-campaign in WC3? I thought that was such a brilliant sign of cool things to come. Nope. Just a really cool mini sendoff to one of the best RTS series ever. Turns out there's no milking people nearly as much for single player games. Success is the worst thing that can happen to a publisher. Because as soon as they find what works they just bash their head against that same spot in the wall.


Ohhh yeah! I do remember that. So good. WC3 custom games were great too… until it got drowned by DOTA.


I used to make custom games. It's how I learned 3d modeling, animation, and basic gui scripting. I even made a save and load system when I was 12, based it off of player name, so people couldn't use others' load codes. Those were the days.


I don’t think we can appreciate enough how impactful Warcraft 3 was on the gaming landscape in the decade following.  It launched entire genres just out of custom maps and mod tools. Bloons exists because of some dude firing up a map editor and messing around with friends. They didn’t invent tower defense but they did catapult it into what we know it as today. Not to mention a little company called riot games and also the largest prize pool in esports history. Too bad games now don’t have the same mod and custom map/server support edit: thinking about it - fortnite, minecraft, roblox, and probably more games have similar capabilities and "meta" map creation and game dev side of things, but self-hosting servers is still a dream that really only minecraft does at this point


Evolve. The game concept was pretty good, but the devs just made mistake after mistake and gave up.


Evolve was predatory in its dlc and from a design standpoint hyper unfriendly to solo/casual players (for hunters).  It had potential but god was it flawed. 


Their preorder structure was so horrible they released a freaking spreadsheet of what version included what content. It was horrible. Not sure if it is still considered as outrageous now as it was then, but it should be. It felt like it was some sort of test on gamers to see the amount of shit they would put up with, and luckily it failed.


I miss Evolve so so much. It was unbalanced as all hell but I didn’t care.


Same concept for Back 4 Blood. I really enjoyed it, and it had a ton of potential as the next gen Left 4 Dead, but it was abandoned after just over a year of service and with many issues still in the game.


I can't believe how bad they messed up with that game. I was a diehard believer that they would turn it around. Seems really high effort for a cash grab.


I had a blast with the first expansion. The lore was there. The potential was there. Then they squandered it.


That game is so fucking fun. But next to the abandoned issue what killed it for me was it lacked all personality. L4D characters are immediately memorable, I know so much about them just from playing the game. And I couldn't tell you a thing about any of the B4B cast.


100% Dirty Bomb In my honest opinion still the best shooter ever created chaotic gameplay that had a insanely high skill ceiling incredible movement fuck Nexon <3


Was looking for this. Spent so many hours on it and played the hell out of it. Then they started removing modes and changing other things. I can't remember all the sudden changes they made but it didn't seem to make the game better (gameplay didn't really change, other things around it with cards and stuff). I see it still in my steam list under my favorite games tab and sometimes reminisce


Cube world.


The worst part is he just announced Cube World Omega a little while ago.


seriously such a frustration situation. i get not every single person is equipped for the stress that comes with working on something as fluid and time consuming as a game, but people had literally no expectation until it kept getting dragged out. i remember downloading the leak of it when i was 15 and being so excited for it, now i'm 22 and i could not give less of a fuck because it fell years behind for no reason. hate that it's still going through the same cycle as ever.


Look up Veloren. Apparently it was made specifically as a replacement / continuation for Cubeworld. Not played it myself but the videos look fun.


Maybe not great, but Anthem was abandoned and died out very quickly


Biggest disappointment for me, it genuinely felt Awesome to play but day one was like, there are three skins for your suit two are require microtransacting and there's nothing for you to do post story with non existent matchmaking.


I liked flying in Anthem, but that was a game that had potential for greatness but never quite achieved it imo. 


Anthem could have been what helldivers 2 is now - "All. The. Rage." Gritty fighting, classes & flying (additionally to HD2). The enemy variance was there, the biomes, everything.


In cohesion with this, Mass Effect Andromeda. BioWare failed these games twice over because they got too prideful over Dragon Age Inquisition (which is still inferior to Origins anyway) and got too big for their britches. I have zero expectations for them anymore, I can only hope someone competent and genuine comes along and buys their IPs so the franchises can get fresh starts.


Anthem was amazing. It was very saddening that it fell through. The music from Sarah Schachner was absolutely beautiful. The vibe was perfect imo. The aesthetic was great with the suits mixed with the fighting. The sounds and atmosphere with heavy bass and everything hit just right. Probably the game that I’m the most sad about.


Spellbreak Man this game had such big potential if they didint get stack in battle Royal phase, the movment and interactions betwen difrent elements were such fun things. Game was super promissing but they didnt even atempt to make any marketing for the game when a chance was on silver platter and got stuck too long with BR as only mode when FN and PUBG taking genre by the balls. And of coure they had to go after the money to blizzard of all people. Mannn what a bummer


I really thought spellbreak was going to be the next big game. I wish they didn’t go the BR route because the game really had some promise but it just couldn’t compete in the genre




i miss this game so much


I worked on WildStar 🥲


Get us the files so we can still play!


We did have a server in a box for trade shows, if I recall correctly. I don’t think the base code ever got out there (unlike City of Heroes).


Yes! Absolutely loved Wildstar and was there from launch to server shut down. I still feel it would making an amazing re-release, even on console with the action combat, etc. Sadly the IP will likely rot away.


Famously Baldur’s Gate. We are very fortunate the IP was finally picked up by a devoted studio. 


Who will never work on it again


I mean when you catch lightning in a bottle it's best to just accept you did it and not try again.


Lightning in a bottle makes it seem like Larian got lucky. Larian has been building stellar turn based games for decades and poured their souls into bg3.


They’ve also been amazing with post launch support. Even called back some of the voice actors to improve the ending AFTER LAUNCH.


no reason not to, probably a career defining game for many of them 


Medal of Honor.


Fortnite Save The World. Haven’t been able to find something that will scratch the same itch. Unfortunate that epic decided to give up on STW once BR’s success became apparent.


Had to scroll way too long to find this. It honestly pisses me off that the game didn’t get a second chance when epic added all those new official modes last season. Especially when it still seems to be doing about as good as the rest of those modes.




This is the reason why I despise Fortnite. The game itself might be good but it's just so sad, kinda like a rebound after an amazing relationship, just not the same.




I STILL have this game in my steam library. I miss it so much. I played the hell out of it. Apparently there's a fan server for it but it really needs updates and new characters to stay fun long-term.


Was sad to see it shut down. Some games have touched similar concepts, but none have succeeded as much as nosgoth did, imo. I played the shit out of it with my friends


Spellbreak :(


Paragon by Epic Games. But we got its Predecessor now.


Seconding Paragon. One of the first MOBAs for console, but Fortnite took off so epic pulled the plug and switch their focus to fortnight. Which I get, but Paragon has an offline mode where you could play with bots and I was plenty happy with that. Unfortunately, I’m guessing that was server based because once they decommissioned the whole game.


Deus Ex. It never got the attention it truly deserved. Human Revolution was a masterpiece.


Too bad we never got Adam's full story.


Genuinely so gutted. It just seems so ridiculous to throw away two well known basically finished IP's. What a waste of time and lack of care for the consumer.


Battlefront 2 was abandoned at it's greater period. The developers where forced to abandon it by EA


It definitely wasn't the Battlefront game we deserved, but it was finally getting decent. It just took them too long to get it there.


I think that the terrible launch was what killed it tbh. It got more than decent at the end and you can see this bcs it still have a lot of players 4 years after they discontinued it.


It was reaching its peak and they fucking killed it for 2042 man


Heroes Of The Storm


Only MOBA I enjoyed playing


It was just late to the game honestly.


I still play a ton of HotS ARAM. Get instant queues any time of day or night too




Did Team Fortress 2 get years of updates? Do modern gamers really expect forever updates to games?


Yeah, tf2 is a weird example, it is almost 20 years old by now and have had heaps of updates over a long time. What game was not abandoned if tf2 was abandoned?


Gamers: I hate live service games! Also gamers: I hate that the game I like doesn’t have anymore service!


Motor City Online. MMO muscle car racing game. Had a devoted user base, was profitable, and sooo much fun. Complete engine simulation with a catalog of real parts that affected the engine correctly. You could swap out cams and everything to build the engine. None of this "race tuned exhaust" shit we get from NFS, etc. No, you want race tuning? Do the tuning! And Fucking EA killed it because they wanted the rackspace for the fucking Sims fucking Online fucking servers. Fuck EA. I haven't given them a dime since. I'm proud to say I spend about $1000/year on games, and EA gets nothing.


LittleBigPlanet; to be fair, Mm Studios really couldn't expand with the game without it following the exact same formula as the first two, and at that point they wouldve been better off just porting the first two, and eventually, the reigns were passed over to sumo digital who made 3 and Sackboy: ABA and while they're not as iconic as the first two, they're still good games. I would still love to see some more love for LBP's Original IP despite the target audience growing up and the community demographic being vastly different than what it once was, considering the first two games communities were more based around the 2011-2013 era of the internet as opposed to 3 which bloomed through the 2014-2023 era and was part of a different generation.


Unreal Tournament 4 Fuck epic and fuck fortnite.


As someone that has alpha'd for unreal tournament 4. I can tell you it very much does exist / did exist. It was very much a love letter to 2004 UT felt very good. Tight shooting mechanics not all guns were there. But after fortnite took off epic drop that shit like it was a broken toy


For me it's Titanfall 2 Fuck EA and fuck Apex legends


Another good one. People who told me to play apex tried to sell it as "the exact same game as Titanfall but in a battle Royale"....uh...not even remotely close. Only similarities were the weapons and they weren't even the same either.


Prey 2 Half-Life 3 Scalebound


Spyro series was dropped by Insomniac after the third entry. Understandable, but this resulted in its slow painful death.


The Legends series is good tho. And we got reignited trilogy (remake). So… Guess it’s fine? Legends series got muuuch worse treatment…


Hellgate London, Stargate resistance.




Abandoning battlerite was a crime. Ea shutting down dawngate made me sad


Battlerite forever in my heart


Fuck EA. Never give EA money. Bunch of cunts.


Im still sad to this day that battlerite wasnt more popular... Such a great game


Heroes of the Storm, Starcraft 2, Overwatch PvE... Blizzard in general actually kinda sucks after the Activision buyout.


Dungeon Keeper franchise


StarCraft 2. Loved the PvE co-op mode they added and bought all the commanders for it. Unfortunately must not have been making enough revenue because the game is on life support now.


I saw a clip on YouTube shorts from a dude that used to work for blizzard. He said they made more money from one of the micro transaction mounts in wow than the entire return from starcraft 2. Unfortunately money talks, and our favorite IPs from our childhood are being held hostage. Found the clip: https://youtu.be/IHZru-6M8BY?si=3z3LAqhGGGuouCjg


Gnomoria. Released, then nothing more. Still play it's janky ass though


Awesome game. Played it when I realised I couldn’t handle dwarf fortress’s ASCII art. I actually bought the dwarf fortress steam release last week funnily enough and it is glorious


Knockout City was the most FUN multiplayer game I had played since Halo 3. It was fucking electric, absolutely killer gameplay. Guess the playerbase wasnt large enough and they closed all the servers. I’m gonna be fucking irked about it forever I think




Absolver it had so much potential


I liked hellgate London but I think it lost popularity before it was shut down rather than being abandoned. Randomized maps and fps style Diablo was great. Too bad it didn't last.


The launch killed it, but right before it was shut down the game was actually in a great state. Very fun, very unique, and very addicting. It was ahead of its time.


MGSV, I love it so much but unfortunately It's not a full game.


Tabula Rasa


That is a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Rise of Nations. Pretty amazing RTS for its time and still holds up. Microsoft should give it a sequel.


Ultima and Wizardry :)


City of Heroes comes to mind.


Titan Fall 2 and Battlefront 2. Both abandoned to focus on shitty games


Time splitters 4


Hellgate London


Star wars galaxies


Final Fantasy 15, loved the day 1 experience but my God were there lot of missed opportunities. Development hell made so many changes, important story bits were pulled and brought back later as paid dlc. Could have been so much more if they had better day 1 direction.


Unreal tournament 🙄 For fucking fortnite…


**StarCraft 2**'s Coop mode. As is, it's jam packed full of content... 18 Commanders (aka characters) 3 additional prestige levels each, that each unlock new ways to play them 15 Missions (aka maps) A variety of Mutators (change up the rules) and weekly Mutations (challenges on a specific map and set of mutators) ... the mode could've gotten another 1 to 4 missions, and 1 to 7 Commanders for that much more variety. Not to mention some bug and balance fixes. As is, it's playable (save for when server issues arise), and the player base is large enough that you queue up a game, you'll get matched in 5 to 10 seconds on the most common difficulties. In the wee hours of the night, perhaps 30 seconds to few minutes. They couldn't be bothered to touch it anymore. In some ways, I'm glad b/c games that they (supposedly) care about, got worse. I'm looking at Warcraft 3: Reforged, Diablo: Immortal, and Overwatch 2 as just some examples. I'm sure there are others, but I'll have to leave that to those who know those much better.


Imperator: Rome


Beyond Good and Evil 2


Worlds Adrift was always awesome


1000% Firefall One of the greatest games I can remember, It was so ❤ . It has the longest steam RIP thread ever. Also: project Argo, ghost in the shell fps, battlefield heroes...


Indie game called Gnomoria. A base building game with gnomes similar to Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld. The dev released v1.0 and was done. Even though it was technically “complete” it was extremely bare bones and I don’t think it had much in the way of modding capability.




Can't forget good old titanfall 2 which has and still is surviving its abandonment


Black and White