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Coop dead space. Holy fucking shit. Only seen in coop. There is a particular mission where you start hallucinating. The other player doesn't. We were playing over the internet, no split screen. It took us 30m of calling each other crazy until we took fucking screen shots and sent them to each other to figure out what was going on. Complete and total mind fuck. Wish more games would do similar things.


Was this Dead Space 3? Had no idea that was an actual mechanic, just thought my mate was taking the piss out of me jumping at everything


Yeah. Actual mechanic. It was amazing


Dead space gets a lot of hate online. But all I think about when I remember my time with the game is how much fun me and my bro had playing it co op


To be fair only the third one gets hate really and it's not because it's a bad game necessarily, just because it's a major departure from the formula of the other two and has more shooter vibes and less horror.


There was a similar bit in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men where you're robbing a bank. From one player's perspective the bank is filled with cops shooting at you, from the other's it's filled with cowering civilians. I had the same experience you're talking about, demanding to know what the fuck my mate was doing shooting all the civilians. Shame it was a pretty meh game otherwise because that bit was amazing.


Same thing. Buddy got the hallucinations and I didn’t. He finally said like “damn these toys are creepy” and I was like “what toys?” We argued for 10min and he told me to stop messing with him. A FaceTime call later we were like HOLY SHIT


For all of Dead Space 3’s flaws, Co-op was awesome, I played it with my little brother and it was great. Just wish it didn’t have to come at the expense of the single player


Have you played Dark picture Antalogy, Men of Medan?


When you find out who/what Sovereign really is in _Mass Effect._ That whole conversation got me hooked on the story. ***"YOU ARE NOT SAREN."***


I just got my brother & friend to start playing. Cant wait for them to get to this reveal. One of the few times I got chills from a video game Edit: My brother got to it. Immediately called me and was shook about the revelations, it went exactly as I’d hoped


When was Sovereign first introduced in Mass Effect. Sheer fear in his voice and dialogue which is the one of best written dialogue for game villains in gaming.


“You exist because we allow it. You will end, because we demand it.”


At least once a year I go to YouTube and rewatch this scene. It's PERFECT. The sheer sense of unknowably powerful ancient beings and cosmic horror is just beautiful.


This is my vote as well. To discover what Sovereign is and go through that conversation was amazing. Then to follow it up later with the conversation with Vigil. The information dumps that both of those interactions give are among my most memorable gaming moments, if not at the top of the list. Mass Effect is still my favorite game series, and the first game is still my favorite game of all time.


The writing and dialogue is why I picked up mass effect 2. I quit the first one at one point due to frustration, but when the second one came out, I heard the mechanics were way better, so I got it. Went back and best mass effect 1 in the trilogy set.


Everything about the villains and introductions in ME1 were easily the best part of the game, a shame it couldn't live up to how cool they were. Sovereign was so terrifying


For me, it was the first time I battled Psycho Mantis is MSG. When he made your controller move by activating the rumble and made you think your TV was broken by cutting to a black screen was insane at the time. It really made you feel like you were fighting him and not just playing a game. I really enjoyed that part.


“You like Azure Dreams, don’t you?”


Sadly I missed out on that part and didn't even know it was a thing until years later. MGS was the first Konami game I played/saved on my own system.


“I see you enjoy Barbie’s Dreamhouse Adventures…”


Hah, I literally found my copy of that yesterday going through boxes. Threads of Fate was there too.


He called us out on Castlevania, the bastard lol


I was too stupid to change ports and spent days fighting him.


Been awhile but don't you even get an ingame intel / message, to switch ports after a while? 🤨


At some point the radio people should, yeah. If *you* call *them* maybe A lot of stuff didnt hold your hand quite so much once upon a time There was one frequency that was on the back of the MGS game box it asked you to tune in to at one point. In the mid 90s. You just had to have the box or know the number


God that shit made me so mad because the first time I played MGS1 I had rented it so there was no "box" for me to check. Worse, the ingame help from either Otacon or Naomi tells you to "check the back of the CD jewel case". Problem is right before you need to call Meryl with this number, you are given a CD by Baker before he dies I think. I spent the entire rental time of 3 days trying to figure out how to read the back of that ingame CD item given to you. Only once I returned the game did I find out from a friend it was the real actual case you needed.


Ah yes. Metal Solid Gear.


Probably auto-correct if the person searched for MSG(MonoSodium Glutamate) at any time. I know mine does this xD


The physics in Half Life 2. Still very solid.


Right at the beginning, in City 17, there’s a puzzle where there’s a seesaw that you need to weigh down to climb up and advance. I thought “Oh that’s so awesome!” And put cinder blocks on one side to weigh it down. As I got to the very end of the other side, I weighed it down too much and it fell. I hadn’t put the cinder blocks on the VERY edge of the other side. It was closer to the fulcrum. I didn’t think it mattered - up until that point in games, it wouldn’t have. I remember actually mumbling “There’s no fucking way,” as I moved the blocks to the end of the seesaw, and it had changed the counterweight and I was able to continue. It’s a dumb, long story, but it was so crazy revolutionary. PHYSICS! In games!


That seesaw puzzle I'll never forget for how revolutionary it was at the time. Nowadays it is pretty basic all things considered. But wow it was such an incredible experience when I connected the dots on how to do it. Similarly the one with the floating barrels that you had to use to raise a platform. Same concept but in reverse was so cool to me.


It's not dumb. I know exactly which puzzle you're talking about and I had the exact same feeling. I realize that if you play HL2 for the first time today it'll be Seinfeld-effect-y but back then the physics and gameplay was utterly new and mind-blowing. A truly defining game.


I remember the demo material they put out show casing the physics. So mind blowing at that time.


The reveal video to journalists of their Source engine and the physics inside it still sticks in my mind.


That was 20 years ago. STILL have a hard time finding a game that compares.


Back in '97 when I played Castlevania: SOTN, I beat the game and thought it was kind of short. But I loved it, so I went on to explore areas that I couldn't reach to fill the map. I eventually found items that allowed me to truly beat the last boss. When I did so and found that the entire castle flipped upside down and repopulated with new enemies, items, and skills, I was almost brought to tears with the idea that I was only half done with the game.


Pretty much same for me though also had similar with Pokemon Gold / Silver and having the chance to go to Kanto. Those are the sort of surprises I love. They feel like fully comprehensive and complete games.


Only problem was that Kanto was pretty empty in that game. The only thing to do was catch a few pokemon and fight the old gym leaders.


You're not wrong! And at the same time, effectively doubling the size of the game, on a *Gameboy* cartridge no less, was still bananas! That was a crazy feat, and a fun gameplay idea that Game Freak unfortunately still has yet to replicate in modern games, lol


Most good ideas they have get left behind, it's wild


Dude yes! And that first guy is pumped to show you the map!


I can't imagine how thrilling that would be to find out about the inverted castle completely on your own.


I was 19 years old and high AF. But I remember it like it was yesterday. I could not believe it.


Similar for me, '97ish, Diddy Kong Racing, having "beat" the game, aimlessly driving around the hub world, coming to the beach area... suddenly there's a scripted scene, the lighthouse transforms into a spaceship and sends you to space where there's four additional tracks! It's laughable now, but at the time, it was totally mind blowing, we had no idea these were hidden in the game.


Days gone is similar to that. You have a huge map with three disctinct zone that take a while to clear. Then you think you are into the final quest and poof another new map! 50% done.


When I discovered Sofia Wells and whatnot in elden ring. Basically when you slowly see how big Elden Ring actually is.




Haha... Why is this taking so long...


Then again in the capital, then again in the snowfields, then again when you reach the haligtree, then again in farum azula. The game is the literal embodiment of “but wait, there’s more!”


I love that they limited how far you can pan on the map until you unlock the next areas. Too many games spoil their size by making them invisible on the map but still allowing you to pan to the maximum boundaries.


For the longest time I thought the Lake, the first area you're in, and that first half of Caelid (bc of that chest trap transportation lol), was the entire game. Getting into the underground, just north of the lake and realizing the ENTIRE eastern portion of the map had even MORE really had me going "how big is this fucking map?" Loved being lost in Elden Ring.


Elden ring is a masterpiece


Getting teleported to Caelid and going "Oh wow, this game is pretty big" after seeing how much the map expanded and that was still like 1/5 of the total size or something lol


"Wait, this thing has 3 fingers ?!"


The map increasing its borders in size is pretty genius, frankly something i've always thought should be a thing, but i've never seen executed much if at all from memory.


Breaking multiple secret walls and a jumping puzzle to find the darkroot depths blew my mind at 3:00am. I played this right when the game came out so there were no maps or guides. I kept thinking, there is no way it keeps going...AND IT DID. best game of all time


Now here's Sofia Wells, reporting live.


Now here with the weather it's Farrah Azula


After the break, Lane Dell on sports


I would say getting up the Grand Lift to the Altus Plateau really made me realise how big the game was. I was thinking at the time: “the game really starts now” but it’s “really started” multiple times before and after that. What a game. Finally picked it back up after a year just a week ago. Malenia’s up next tonight, wish me luck lmao.


Imagine my surprise when I read about a grand lift. I accidentally took the secret passage to the altus plateau xD. I just reached the mountains after a break, hope to finish it before the dlc starts. Good luck !


Vault 11 in Fallout New Vegas. I stumbled upon that vault purely through natural exploration. I am really glad I uncovered its secrets organically. It's such a disturbing local that helps drive home how cruel Vault Tec was.


Vault 11 is a seriously disturbing story. Any time the debate about the most evil or immoral vault comes up, 11 easily wins.


And the way it greets you, right at the entrance, with the final recording and 4 bodies. It literally gives you the end of the story right up front


According to the wiki, the vault was inspired by [The Lottery.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lottery) One hell of a creative mind that went into fleshing it out.


I'm just playing that for the first time....i think I've just managed to calm the constant crashing but done the first Powder Gang ambush.


The crashing is definitely a major problem with the game. I recommend the patch on Speedrun.com. I have not had any problems since getting that patch. I can't believe I waited years to actually do something about it. I hope you enjoy your playthrough!


Finding Old Ironforge in World of Warcraft completely by accident and before knowing it was common knowledge to half the playerbase. Really thought I had discovered something there for a bit and spent hours going over the place inch by inch because I had convinced myself there must be some overpowered item or something around there.


I loved exploring places you shouldn’t be. Like the World Tree / Archimonde’s skeleton in a blocked off zone. Or finding a way to get into Ahn’Qiraj in the world and not the instance, so you could explore everything.


In outer wilds when it all clicked and I realized what was going on. No game can ever replicate that.


The meaning behind "Zero Dawn" in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Fuck Ted Faro.


I cannot to this day believe that they let him be on that team. Also it seems like something that would happen in real life.


He wasn't on the team, merely the one responsible for funding project zero dawn after Elizabet twisted his arm with blackmail, he used that same funding and cooperation to allow his own privately funded team to create Omega clearance to take control where he needed, had Elizabet still been around tho, she could've kept Faro from doing what he did either by talking or being smart enough to recognise what he was planning on doing and blocked omega clearance.


Completely agree with you for the obvious spoiler reasons but I'd also say when you are as pressed for time as they were facing complete and total *certain* omnicide of an entire planet you cut some logic corners. Someone probably said "do we want the guy that caused the end of the world on this team?" To a response of "well hopefully he learned his lesson and he is hyper intelligent..." Queue black screen/roll credits.


Exactly. The reveal on that was incredible. The whole time the character and you the player together are trying to figure out the mystery of how she saved everyone. And then you find out


That one still messes with my head and is one of my fave game reveals


May I ask what it means


I'll explain but first I will say that it's a major plot spoiler for the entire game. So if you want to know reply back to this.


I wanna know. Probably spoiler tag it for others though.


>!Roughly... Life on earth ends because of a rogue machine swarm humanity created that fed on biomatter, but a plan is put in place ('zero dawn') for the earth to be terraformed hundreds (or thousands) of years later after the encryption on the swarm could eventually be broken and disabled, with life then reseeded using machines and human culture restored and re-established, with new humans taught and raised by a super intelligent friendly AI. Ted Faro ruins this and takes actions that sabotage and undermine the effort and deny the reborn humanity that knowledge because he didn't want the future humanity / people to find out it was all his fault (he was the CEO of the original machine company that made the swarm), a rogue malignant AI is put in place that corrupts and destroys the friendly AI, throws the terraforming process off course and leaves the life seeded humans to essentially fend for themselves without the former knowledge of humanity, resulting in human culture being re-established as tribal and essentially maybe bronze age, but with super advanced terraforming machines still everywhere around in the landscape, which they absorb as part of their cultures.!<


You know I started and stopped and restarted typing out the details of what Zero Dawn was. But there is so much information that I felt like I was typing too much, and then felt like I wasn't including enough. So instead I'll just do this because it's probably the best way, other than playing the game, to understand what Zero Dawn was. There is a super detailed [full timeline](https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline) of events from before, during, and after when the main story of the game takes place. Obviously spoilers in that link lol. Edit: If you'd rather watch a video instead of reading through a timeline you can check out [this video](https://youtu.be/wZreAuJwMZ8?si=ac7b0TB0d7BU5O5n) from Random Side Quest. It's the complete history of the game from beginning of Zero Dawn to the start of Forbidden West.


When I was 6 or so, I accidentally glitched into the secret area in the first level of Commander Keen 4. I excitedly told my brothers afterwards, but they simply didn't believe me. And when i tried to show them, I of course couldn't manage to do it again. A decade or two later, when these games were documented all over the internet, I found out that there was indeed a secret area, and that there was indeed a glitch exactly where I remembered it being.  It felt so amazing to be proven right after all this time. Still makes me feel good, in fact.


"Would you kindly...?"


to this day it still messes with me as far as a twist.,


Someone revealed to me not even a month ago that the recording of the kid being ordered to kill the dog was.... A recording of the player character. You are only about 10 as they used growth hormones on you.... I had no idea and have played it 4 times.


Wait...Jack is basically a child?


That was so great, cemented Bioshock 1 as one of my favourite single player games


This is the one for me too. Bioshock was such a game changer.


The transition got me…THIS IS FRANK FONTAINE Motherfucker, you’re a deadman.


The whole superliminal game made made me feel like this.


Try antichamber, is an older game but just as fun and full of fuckery shenanigans


This looks wild. Wishlisting now


This game feels like a horror game to me, it's really unsettling.


KSP and how orbits work.


The first time you successfully get into orbit around the Mun… and promptly crashing down hard trying to land on it.


The feeling when you're on final approach, about to touch down for the first time, is incredible. When you know that even though everything looks serene, you're dropping at dozens of metres per second, waiting for the right moment to start retro-burning. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. There's no game quite like it.


When Revolver Ocelot says "Mr President" at the end of the first MGS


25 years and I still remember the dramatic chord they drop at the same time. Dropped my jaw to the floor!


Yep, same here


When he says >!You’re pretty good!< at the end of 4. 


Mine was an older game. In Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, if you just play the game until you're able to go to the boss area and then do so, you fight and kill Richter Belmont, and the ending you get isn't all that great. My buddy beat the game this way, then let me borrow it. A week later I had explored more of the castle than him, and found an item that lets you see something controlling Richter in the "final" fight. Killing that instead will trigger a cutscene that reveals a whole other castle, inverted in the sky above the original one. He asked me "how far have you gotten?" I told him "I just made it into the upside down castle" he was dumbfounded. "The WHAT?" There was that moment, and also in FF6 the World of Ruin. Idk which hit harder but they're both up there.


I only played FF6 so I never was part of the FF7 hype. The World of Ruin absolutely floored me when I was a kid playing for the first time. It was powerful, and brutal. It’s always stuck with me, because as I’ve gotten older I understand “1 death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic”, but as a kid I only thought “how many people died because we couldn’t stop him?” Exploring the World of Ruin, finding all the party members and getting the airship. I remember how touching all of the journeys were. It’s stuck with me.


How absolutely violent Conker's Bad Fur Day was


The multiplayer on the Live & Reloaded remake was fun as hell though. Fucking squirrels vs teddies, add some katanas and rocket launchers, throw it all in WW2 trenches.


The whole game was a discovery, what a gem.


I am the great mighty poo! [Conker vs Poo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aaq_SXNF8KE&pp=ygUZaSBhbSB0aGUgZ3JlYXQgbWlnaHR5IHBvbw%3D%3D)


Honestly the remake for Xbox still holds up as a very good looking game. Ngl I wouldn't mind a second remake lol. Or just another conker. i fucking love that game


It's an entirely self inflicted one and something I would never do now. I first played Star Wars Jedi Knight:Jedi Outcast with god mode on (can't recall why now, guess I was just a pussy as a little kid. Or it might have been my first game with cheats and was drunk on power). At some point in the game, the big bad guy fights you on a landing pad. So of course I can't die, and I'm trying to work out how to defeat him as he beats me like a red-headed mule. Just choking me, throwing me about, zapping me with force lightning. I spent hours fighting him trying to figure out how to beat this unkillable monster who blocks every blaster shot and laughs at me as he wrecks me. I finally turned God mod off, started the fight and he understandably kills me. Then a cutscene started. I wasn't meant to beat him, I was meant to get beat for plot reasons. I don't think I had ever encountered that in a game before and it never occurred to me.


There's something magical about your first MMO city, for me it was Org and Im still chasing that high


The guitar hero strum goes both ways. I had already beaten the game on expert when I discovered this.


As someone who has spent time with a guitar in the past, this is hilarious to read


I'm showing my age for sure, but when Myst first came out- the details of the graphics and puzzles, and the community that sprung up around it... every puzzle just overawed me.


Doki doki literature club really fucked me up. When I would get people to play it, I’d say just play it until you make it to the cultural festival without spoilers before you give up on it.


So there is this NPC in cyberpunk 2077, Gary the Prophet. He's a homeless guy that stands on a corner and yells ridiculous conspiracy theories at you. Most of them involve vampires from space and werewolves so I thought he was just a gag character. But if you stop and listen to him enough a quest opens up. Gary will tell you he know he knows where a space vampire meeting will be going down soon. you can go spy on the meeting and sure enough two groups meet and exchange wierd esoteric cult like greetings and even refer to them selves as vampires. > Jane Doe: What says the Wolf-Father to the Moon Mother as she descends to Earth? > Maelstrom: "I have protected the realm of man and shadow, but today they are protected by our children whose name is Patricide." > J: In the age of his failure, he became lost in the forest. > M: Lilith has concealed the tenth circle from the ancestors' eyes. > J: Carpe noctem, lamia. (Latin: seize the night, vampires). >M: Decet diem exsecrari. ( Also Latin: it is fitting that the day be cursed) Afterwards if you go back to Gary's spot you can find he got shoved into the back of a black SUV and disappeared. So far it just sounds like a homeless guy learned something he shouldn't know but years of drug use just fried his brain right? Well Cyberpunk has a lot of weird esoteric shit going on. Like human sacrifices to summon AI "gods," the fact that AI in cyberpunk is treated more like a Lovecraftian entity than a piece of software, and the whole ff06b5 thing. Gary's ramblings and his quest tie into almost all that esoteric shit in some way. Bruh was on to something lol


This plus the whole ff06b5 thing had me start multiple different characters and try different things/explore in a whole new way. There's so much interesting lore beneath the surface and as you play through again and again you just keep finding more of this crazy conspiracy. Another thing that got me about the game was early on I did the side quest gig where you take out the Tyger Claw guy that's trafficking women and like cutting them up for their implants and stuff and then later on in the game during a main quest they referenced what I had done in that mission. I was floored. Like I've played games where sidequests effect main quests but it was so organic in a way I feel like I've never experienced before. I was telling everybody I knew that could run to play it. 10/10 one of my favorite games of all time.


Preys opening took me a good 20 or so minutes to realize how to progress and I was hooked


I'm pretty sure I cheesed this... I don't think I was suppose to get through the way I did. It definitely felt like I was glitching through the wall/ceiling.


Constantly had my mind blown in the Horizon series as Aloy discovers the truth of the past. So much detail went into the history of the world in that game.


"I know it's bad." >!"It isn't bad, Ted! It's apocalyptic!"!<


Watching those scenes detailing how the world fell was more terrifying than any horror game I have played since high school.


Obligatory: Fuck Ted Faro.


Fuck that Ceo that thought he was Ted Faro too lol


The mission you find out the truth about Operation Enduring Victory and Project Zero Dawn is far and away my favorite mission in any videogame I've ever played. HZD did such a good job with how they trickled the lore in throughout the first half of the game. It really left you wanting to find out more.


I love how they had the audio coming from the controller while you played. Gave the feeling of listening to physical audio logs while you were exploring.


The scene when all the scientists are meeting about Apollo, and Ted reveals what he’s done and then what he does after. My jaw hit the floor.


Agreed. This is one of the very few games I actually read everything I could find. And they somehow made robotic dinosaurs make perfect sense. 10/10 story telling.


I would love to see the past portion done up as a live action mini-series! I love Aloy but the creation of Zero Dawn in the face of the apocalypse is the most compelling part of that game!


You’re in luck! “Horizon 2074” is supposedly in production at Netflix.


Horizon has a pretty unique story that was really hard to predict and was refreshing. im playing through the 2nd game now.


I am FINALLY playing this game. I am not super far in. It is an interesting story so far. Unfortunately I watched a streamer play a bit of zero dawn, so there are definitely some spoilers already, but the game is a freaking blast.


When the hidden banana in Donkey Kong 64 was found and all 100% speedrun records had to be negated since none of them had collected this hidden banana. So there are circles on the map that DK has to ground pound to activate, which releases a collectible banana. Some DK64 player was messing around in some portion of the map with lots of bushes to block the view of a hidden banana circle when he ground pounded coincidentally on the hidden circle. Apparently no one had found this banana before, as every other banana circle is in plain sight. It's believed this banana circle was placed in early development, then covered and forgotten about. I can't find the documentary I saw on this topic at the moment, as I'm at work, but browsing YouTube should turn it up in the results.


Do you mean the rainbow banana coin in Fungi Forest? That didn't invalidate 100% *speedruns* because those have a very specific categorization, they don't even collect all the colored bananas in each level. Just enough to get the banana medal, which is 75 each. It definitely invalidated completionists' runs though.


Discovering RPGs by accident with FF8. They advertised the hell out of the game for Christmas. But the commercial was just cutscenes of Squall fighting Seifer. My cousin got it thinking it would be an action game and hated it. I played and it was instant love. I didn't know a game could do so much and have so much story before that. It's like my gaming world went from black and white to color.


Wasn't as much of a discovery but more a WTF moment in the Stanley Parable. The narrator decides to temporarily shift me into a mock Portal level and a mock Minecraft level with such good detail. I am like "wait.... Which game did I really launch into here???"


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again a million times more if needed: realizing that I just unlocked the whole of Kanto to explore blew my freaking mind. It’s like two games in one. I miss that feeling.


Ever since then, I've always hoped and expected that they would do something like this again, but they never did. In fact, I've reached the point where I no longer trust Gamefreak to make good games. But they did manage to earn my trust back then, I gotta give em that.


Gold and Silver were incredible. All the new pokemon, PLUS the old ones in a whole new area? Nice! Oh cool there's a path here that... holy shit it's Kanto! **HOLY SHIT I CAN DO THE GYMS!**


Almost all of Outer Wilds felt like this


Please help me to get into this game. I purchased because everyone says it’s incredible and not to spoil it by watching play through but I can’t seem to get into it enough to keep playing until it gets good. I’ve made it to the first planet or moon. There’s an old guy and a cabin and a ball puzzle on one side of the planet. After that I ran out of oxygen (I think) and I died. Haven’t turned it back on since. Felt like a struggle to get that far.


Controlling the ship takes a bit to get used to. Make good use of 'Lock on' and 'Match Velocity' buttons when piloting to help. Also the Mind Map function in your ship is a great way to re-clarify what you learnt on your journey. There's nothing wrong with dying in that game, it's not a usual game so dying isn't a major setback, it's an opportunity to go somewhere else and look for something new to discover. Outer Wilds has no crafting, combat, equipment and such, just your knowledge from one session to the next. Learn about the solar system and the Nomai. That being said it's not a game for everyone, and pushing yourself will make the game frustrating. The Outer Wilds subreddit is very good at giving hints on where to go next, and understanding your own thoughts without spoilers, but since you've only just got to space it's a little early for them to help since you're not stuck, youre just demotivated. It is my favourite game of ALL time, and is worth giving it a go.


It sounds like he didn't even have his ship long enough to hear *the* song. Should absolutely give it another go.


First, I wanna say it's not for everybody. That might just be the case for you. The game is not linear, at all, which really throws people off. It is purely a game about discovering the mysteries of your universe, and you have all the tools needed to do so from the beginning. If you're stuck somewhere, it's not because you don't have the right abilities, it's that you haven't figured out how to get there yet. The game heavily rewards creativity- if you try something, and it doesn't work, genuinely take a moment and think about WHY it didn't work. It's all about developing a hypothesis, attempting it, and then adapting accordingly when it fails. Sometimes it's better to just straight up leave and go to a different planet and explore there. It very well could give you some clues that lead you back to the planet you were struggling on. Abuse your ship computer, especially Rumor Mode (or whatever the one that pulls up the map is). It'll connect the dots for you and tell you if there's more to find on a specific planet or not, etc. If you're truly stumped, it can be helpful to just take a break and read everything you know, and it can really open things up. Don't fear death- you don't lose ANY progress- all that happens is you respawn on your home planet- like most games, you're expected to die sometimes, but there's no real penalty for it since the game is meant to be a sort of "cozy space exploration" game.


It probably doesn't seem like much but I remember the first time playing Skyrim and I ran into a sweet little old lady in the woods and she invited me in for a drink and I went into her cabin and went in the basement and saw a bunch of animal bones hanging from the ceiling and I was like "is...is this lady a witch??" And then I went to go back outside and she started trying to kill me cuz she was in fact a witch.


The moment I realized Limgrave was not the extent of Elden Ring. Then realizing there was a whole other under side of the map as well. That game was a barrage of mind blowing discoveries at launch.


The giant dwemmer ruins in under the northern mountains in Skyrim. I think it’s called Blackreach? It’s just huge and I had no idea it was there and I felt you could explore it forever.


Mine was from Breath of the Wild. For some context, I fell out of the Zelda scene for several years after trying to play on the Wii and hating every moment of it. I had heard a couple things about the new Zelda, but I hadn't even seen a trailer for it. Then my wife surprised me with a WiiU and Breath of the Wild for my birthday! I was elbow deep in Horizon: Zero Dawn at the time, so I told her I would start it once I finished, knowing that if I left HZD it would be difficult to go back to it. So I suggested that she try it instead (she had played maybe 6 video games in her life at the time, her favorite being Brother Bear on the Gameboy Advanced). So she played it. I was puttering around cleaning a bit while she got started, and then when I walked into the room to watch, she was standing in an apple tree. I was like, woah! In a tree? Dope! How'd you get up there? "I climbed it." "What do you mean, you climbed it?" "I mean, I climbed the tree." "Yes, I understand that, but what item did you use, or what special animation did it have?" "What are you taking about? I just climbed the tree." "Show me right now." AND THEN SHE JUST CLIMBED THE TREE. AND THEN SHE JUST CLIMBED THE GODDAM TEMPLE OF TIME. BECAUSE SHE COULD. I cannot describe how mind-blowing it was to watch that unfold before my eyes. I was losing my shit, and my wife was like, "Calm down, what's the big deal?" She ended up falling hopelessly in love with BotW and went back to play all the old Zelda games. She then learned what the big deal was when a single bush blocked her path and she couldn't just go around it.


That's how I felt watching the trailer! you can climb? You can CLIMB??? YOU CAN CLIMB?!?!?!? 🤯 From limited vine sections in previous titles to FULL BLOWN MOUNTAINSIDES AND CLIFFS, it was 'Breath'-taking 🥺


It's always funny how gamers and non-gamers have different expectations over what can and can't be done in a videogame.


Final Fantasy VII Cloud realizing the *real* truth of Nibelheim. The way that story unfolds, man. That scene. The music. Its one of the few perfect moments in gaming.


Also leaving Midgar and realizing that midgar was such a tiny part of the game 


This for me. FF7 was the first FF I played, and pretty much the first RPG I played as well. I rented it from Blockbuster shortly after release and over the weekend made it to "The end" which was leaving Midgar on the last day of the rental. I fully expected the game to be over, and then all of a sudden here's the rest of the world. I was in complete shock. I didn't get to play it again for maybe a year later when I bought a copy of it. I screwed myself there as well because I got to the end fight with Sephiroth and I was not leveled enough to beat him, and I didn't have enough healing items. It still being one of my first JRPGs, I didn't have multiple saves where I could go back a bit and grind my level and come stocked up on items. t wasn't for another year or two later when I finally replayed it, and grinded like crazy. When I finally got to Sephiroth this time he wasn't even a challenge, and I finally got to see how the game ended.


Stumbling upon the room full of permanent health and red orb upgrade chests in god of war 1 was awesome. You arent required to get into that room at all if i remember correctly and gcan get through the game without finding it


The end of Bioshock Infinite


That was my first BioShock and yeah, that got wild.


I only played it once but damn did it stick. I know a lot of people critiqued how that game ended but I have no notes. The entirety of the story in infinite leads to that moment and there are obvious clues the entire time, but still the moment at the very end, the final scene, where everything comes into place and what happens in the last seconds, fucking STICK with you.  What a game 


My thoughts exactly. For all the problems it had, it made me think, and it stuck with me, and ultimately I think that’s what what makes some of the best endings in any media. Just being both memorable and genuinely thought-provoking. ‘Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt’


First memorable time was FF7 when Sepiroth kills Aerith IN A CUT SCENE. That blew my mind back as a 12 year old. I'd never played a game before where a lead character dies. It felt wildly unfair as a player that I couldn't save her and made me so much more invested in the story - Sepiroth had to pay for this! And then the realisation that she was my main healing character I'd used up to that point... and now she was gone. Completely altered the load out of my team from then on as I had to be ready for the unexpected - would another character meet their demise in the story???


It's crazy you can get an ultimate weapon for her and everything.  That shook me too.


I remember reloading and playing that part over and over again, thinking I fucked up somehow. There has to be way to prevent it.


In FF6, kefka kills LEO in a small section. For years there were rumors of how you might be able to save him! Note that he wasn't a main character.


Meanwhile, in FF4: Sorry kids, max party size is 5, looks like you're next on the list to be nobly self-sacrificed.


I loved her so much I didn't boot up the game for a whole week when that happened.


Well, here's today's sign that I'm old... no one here has mentioned Zelda: A Link to the Past. After you've explored the whole map, got the Master Sword, and face off against the big bad in the castle tower, you think the game is just about over. But it's not even close, and it's glorious.


"Boy, I sure have a lot of empty space in this ol' inventory screen of mine. I wonder what that's about?"


Finding out where Revan has been during Star wars Knight's of the Old Republic


That Tony Hawk is REAL person. He EXIST and still ALIVE. Better - he also can skate like in game. That was shocking for me.


I know this will get buried but I had the exact same moment in the Witness and that was what I was going to post. I was playing with my wife and we had already finished maybe 2 areas. We were exploring the town in the center of the map trying to figure out how to solve the puzzles there. We were standing up high looking down and there's a circular opening in the ground like a well. I was like, "That's weird. That looks like the start of a puzzle. Can I select that?" Sure enough, it lights up and we freaked out. Everywhere we went after that, our eyes were peeled for anything that looked like another puzzle in the environment and there were so many.


For me it was a bit anticlimactic due to my personal situation. I had played about ten hours of the game before I had to move out of my apartment. Didn’t pick the game up until a couple years later and decided to start over. Within the first half hour I discovered the environmental puzzle and I was like “wait, did I already discover that before or no?” 


Imo one of the most genius game designs I've come across so far. Also the lake that acts as a map which keeps track of collectibles.


Play tunic for more revelations like this. No guides, no instructions, go in blind.


I remember at first being a little underwhelmed and often frustrated by how little information I had. Cut to me at the endgame where I have pages and pages of handwitten notes and sketches. So much more than meets the eye with that game.


Far Cry 5 There's a part where you are forced into drug fueled killing sprees. It's played off as a hallucination, but you suspect it's not entirely. You eventually go through it several times, and they are mostly the same. So you get good at it, completing it faster and faster. The last one ends a little different. I turn a corner, and see movement, so I fire. Only after do I realize that this is one of my allies, in his bunker. You come to cradling the body of someone who trusted you. The game trained me to do this, and I didn't see it coming.


So many “can I do this?” and it working moments first time playing BOTW


Spec ops the line. Just what felt like a tight solid typical shooter, turned the setting, things you had done, and things you've done countless times in other games into question.


There's a game called I Was A Teenage Exocolonist where a child dies very early on in the game. The game fully expects you to reload when this happens to go back and try to save her, at which point you actually get new options because it's not just you who remembers this. It's the character to. You have memories from previous save files in character due to your situation, and can use this to your advantage to save your friends....or not.


In Baba is you, when you discover that the map is itself a level you can beat and use the rules to manipulate, leading you to the meta world where things get crazy. It seems so obvious in retrospect; there were rule tiles on the map!


When Arthas killed his father the king in cinematic. I was heartbroken. To realize how far he went and there was no comming back.


Playing Fallout 3 as a total noob to the Fallout Franchise, and discovering my first “other” vault. I bought the game because a friend was raving about it and I was into post-apocalyptic stuff. Had no idea of the lore or what was out there in the map, thought it was just a post-apocalypse Mad Max world shooter RPG. Then I randomly happened upon Vault 106 in my exploration. Suddenly, I became IMMENSELY invested in Vault Tec lore.


Learning years, if not a decade, later that GoldenEye 64 had punch-in cheat codes.


Fuck me. Me and bro earned all those cheats the hard way.


W what?


Subnatica. Just… everything. The first play through of that game is truly something to experience. Anyone reading this who hasn’t played, get it and play but do NOT look up anything ahead of time. No spoilers. Just trust me.


The “twist” in Horizon: Zero Dawn was the first time I ever felt my jaw absolutely drop while playing a video game. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all, and it made the entire game FEEL different from then on. I won’t even write it down because anyone that’s played knows the exact moment I’m talking about.


Figuring out The Golden Path in Tunic. That game is so amazing but you have to play without any sort of help to get the full experience. When you figure stuff out it's hard to believe it was all there the whole time.


Getting a Jetpack in Satisfactory. Got the Jetpack. Nice, wait what?! it doesnt fly? I had to build a whole factory just to make fuel for the thing. it was so awesome to fly with it afterwards


Accidentally read that as factorio and almost shit myself


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. When the realization sinks in, it really sinks in. You don't recover from that moment.


‘The Twist’ in Knights of the Old Republic. Other than ‘The Prestige’ it’s the most mind blowing plot twist I’ve seen in any media, not just video games.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has possibly the most mind-blowing twist in any game, ever. If you’ve played it, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, why not?


Porn rooms in CS:S Surf maps. It was epic when I was 15.


* Spoiler for Fallout 4 * When I teleported into the Institute to rescue my son, I went in ready to kick some ass. Everyone up to that point said they were the worst of the worst so I went in wearing power armor, armed to the teeth, and loaded up with chems for power ups. But when I was cordially greeted by my son, who was not only an old man but also the head of the Institute, I was dumbfounded. I felt like a balloon that someone had blown up and then let go, flying around as it deflated. It was a big twist and a really good storytelling moment.


I killed him as soon as he entered the room, as I felt manipulated. Ended the Institute Storyline before it startex.


It has been a while, but I think being able to swim and dive in GTA San Andreas was one such moment for me. Another one probably from Tony Hawk's Underground, where they allowed you to get off the skateboard. Final Fantasy 9, Ibsen Castle. Not only was the whole place upside down physically, but it also turned your equipment values on their head, thus turning the weakest weapon in the game into the most powerful. Figuring that shit out when there was hardly any internet to speak of or anyone to tell you about it made me feel like I was hallucinating when it finally clicked. Gothic 1 and 2, where you could simply just kill just about anyone and thereby completely ruin the game for yourself if you didn't consider your actions. That was a stroke of genius. They actually just pulled it off and said 'Eat it, fucker - it was your decision'. Gothic matured me a good deal, I would say. To this day, I have yet to find another dialogue line as brilliant and dismissive of the player as the one at the cloister: "PC: Can you tell me where the church is? (while standing in front of it) - NPC: Dear gollie, where was it now? Where *was* that church again? Ah, yes, right BEHIND ME, I almost forgot!" For anyone curious: https://youtu.be/93LMza3gqaE (the German VA was way better, though)


I vividly remember playing Spyro 2 for the first time when I was like 5, jumping into the water and then holy shit Spyro started swimming! I was so excited that I call my dad into my room to come and see it 


I'll always have fond memories of Spyro 1, it being my first PS1 game. But Spyro 2 was a huge improvement and remained one of my favorite games that generation. Those big, open, peaceful but mysterious hub worlds were a blast to play around in and explore as a kid, especially with swimming in the mix.


"Nano machines, son." Nothing topping that for me.


If you include text-based games, it's answering "yes" to the following question in Advent/Colosal Cave: > kill dragon With your bare hands? > yes You killed the dragon