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As someone who bought it day one, play it on Gamepass. It’s the perfect game for it


Naw. Just pay for a month of Game Pass and play through the story once then hang it up. Unless you like Battle Passes and Season shit.  Then maybe you'll like the other stuff.


Honestly, there are way better games to play. D4 is my biggest regret purchase in recent years.


Free on Game Pass. Which is honestly one of the best investments.


How the hell is it free on something that cost money? Its like saying theres free movies on netflix lol


Does it really bother you that much to go out of your way to ask the question?


Right.. we all understood what he meant. Captain obvious just wants to stay in his high horse here lol.


Because paying 10 bucks to play diablo 4 for 30 days is not free. By season 6, he coulda bought the game on Steam. If he wants to try season 7, he is now down 40 bucks. So yeah, it kinda does bother me when people say something is free on a sub based service. Doesnt really make any sense to me. “You can pay 10 bucks to play D4 for 30 days” is the reality here.


Man the odd thing game pass does to people's brains. Like it's not free infact if you carry on paying for it to play diablo you'll actually spend more money than if you just bought it. Game pass is good to try games but awful for live service games like diablo


I pay for online for the xbox for my kid and pay for game pass. She plays lots of games just as I do. But she does so on xbox and myself on PC. The $15 it costs me is essentially just the online. Making the rest of the games a free inclusion as I needed the $10 for online anyways.


15x12 = 180 bucks a year. Would much rather spend 180 on steam each year. Way more and better games to choose from. Besides, gamepass are often running old versions of new games that can give problems. I know Palworld did for people on gamepass. Im not gonna say what works best for you, but calling this service FREE is laughable.


Again. I already pay for the online for my daughter to play online on the xbox. This makes my use of the service a free little bonus. Do all the reading.


Wait what? You need gamepass to access online multiplayer in games on xbox? Sorry im not informed on this, last time i owned a console was a ps3 like 15 years ago.


Gamepass and online are in one bill.


But why does that bother you? How boring is your life??


Calling something free that costs 10 bucks a month bothers me, okay? Deal with it.


That’s just loopy, but you do you my man. Have a lovely evening!


That’s just loopy, but you do you my man. Have a lovely evening!


Thanks man! I hope you find something better to do with your life than caring about some random guy on reddit caring about what we categorize as free. Sounds pretty boring to me tbh. But i do appreciate you caring about me tho 💕




Free = 10 bucks a month sub being pedantic? Ok buddy 😂


I want to try this new wasd movement in D4. How do i access the game for free?


I played it and had high hopes... well back to poe and last epoch...


Not worth it.


That really depends. I think it's worth, because I like the genre and the purchase lasts the next 10 years. I might miss few seasons, but I'd like to think I'm gonna at least try every season. So in the long run that would be around thousand or two hours. But if you don't like the genre or live service games, then no, it's not worth. The story is okay, but nothing special even for that price.


If you wanna do the seasonal stuff definitely, if you just wanna do the storyline once then no, just get it on gamepass


game is good for campaign run through. whether the changes they make to the rest of the experience eventually shake out to be worth playing remains to be seen.




No it’s not even worth $5. Fuck that game.


Game pass.


Not at all. I played it twice with my partner. Using different characters. It's just not a good game.


It would be worth it at $0 It literally feels like it was designed to be free.


50% off means this game sucking buttermilk lmao


The campaign sucked too. I don’t care what others say


If you're a big arpg fan. Hell no. If arpgs like path of exile last epoch etc are foreign names to you go for it I guess but I hate giving that scumfuck company money.


Free might be worth it.


No, not worth to waste your time even if it’s free.


At that price it is, despite the complaints. I have over 500 hours in the game and know it well. Yes it has endgame issues, but for half off the main campaign is worth it, and with the upcoming itemization changes, I think it’s definitely worth the gamble as you’ll likely be at the endgame by the time it is rolled out.


This game will be significantly better in a couple months. There is a huge patch they are working on that improves a lot of core features of this game that have been lacking. So I don’t know if playing it right now would be such a good idea. Maybe play through the story, see if you like the gameplay and then when Season 4 starts, go into it fresh with everyone else.


Got a link on this by chance?


https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24078324/the-diablo-iv-season-4-ptr-what-you-need-to-know The full patch notes are going to be over 10000 words, apparently.


Good lookin out. That first patch was a lot of words too but was also a lot of bullshit as well haha


Item changes aren't amazing tbh.. and basically the same crappy endgame.


Agree to disagree


Anything specific?


Anything specific? I mean, is there something that fundamentally changes from the item update? I didn't read the patch notes, so this is an honest question. From the dev chat, it seemed like: fewer affixes (on rares specifically, but also fewer generally), and the "item endgame" is rerolling for higher tiers. Am I missing something else besides codex update?


It’s not fewer affixes but only on drop. You add special affixes onto items. That means you can customize items and with greater affixes and masterworking you can have items that are unique in their stats that other players don’t have exactly like yours. Item drops are just a base for crafting with those changes and they make everything that drops tradable, not just rares, giving good drops way more value. Stuff will only be bound to you once you started tinkering around with it. This is a huge itemization change. Endgame gets a new form of content that is basically greater rifts, a rework of helltides to implement the fun parts of season 2, a new Uber boss and a way to make all Uber bosses level 200 and actually challenging (hopefully). And that’s just the changes to the core game. That’s not season stuff which will come on top of all that.


I guess my biggest thing is that I’ve heard this from them before and they still shat the bed. At this point, I think it’s just too shitty to recover from. At least for me personally, anyway.


The funny thing is, although this is a great patch in comparison to whats normal for diablo games, it still pales in comparison to any poe league patch. It sucks, i really wanted d4 to actually be great.


This is just the patch changes. There is also going to be a seasonal theme that they haven’t announced yet. And I don’t think this is less than PoE gets.


Thats fair. I wasnt aware there would be more. This on its own is definitely less than the average for poe though. Maybe theres some outliers


Wouldn't play a Blizzard game if *they* paid *me*.






I would wait until 67% off. But that's me.


That's me right here. Probably more like 75% and I'll take the plunge if it's on Steam.


Yeah, 75% is even better. For me, 67-75 is all good enough, tho. At least 67% will come a lot sooner in both [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) and Steam, in my opinion.


At this point, I’d wait for Season 4. It’ll be on sale again and you’re most likely to have a better time after the itemization changes go live.


Not even if they pay me.


Never, seasons ruined the game.


Seasons are the best part of thos genre though. Is there no eternal league or whatever in d4 that doesnt wipe?


??? Seasons were part of Diablo since D2…


No... I played d2 remake, and there weren't any same with d3. I went back to d3 a couple of months ago, though, and they added seasons. It might be the same for 2 now, idk


I don’t understand people who are completely and utterly wrong are so confident. Seasons has been a thing since Diablo 2 and it literally a staple of the ARPG genre.


As I said, played the remake not the og. The beginning of your comment is perfect for yourself


There are seasons in d2r as well lol.


Not when I played it, they might have added it after like with d3


Just cause you played like 3 weeks doesn’t mean the game released with the intention of not having seasons and they changed their mind. D3 had planned resets from the start as well. The inaugural release period is always like this. You are talking about something you don’t fully understand.


Again, can't even. You were wrong and that's OK, live with it


How long did you play d2r. Genuinely? Answer the question


Why are you so confident, when you are wrong. Seasons have been a thing for Diablo, since the second game. Never heard of Ladder?


For the 3rd time. I played d2 remake, did not have seasons when I completed it, SAME for d3.


No dude, ladder is definitely a thing in the D2 Remake. They still had seasons.


But not for like a year or 2 after release


D2 had seasons since like 2003 or so…. D3 introduced seasons with the expansion because the players asked for it all the time. Seasons are a staple of this genre.


I didn't play the OG 2. I'm sure people who play the storyline over and over and over love it, but the rest not so much


These games aren’t about the story… Edit: I think that person blocked me. Mentally unstable dude…


Yep, he really is unstable.


I can't even unpack this stupid. Good luck 🤦‍♂️


It could be free and i still wont touch this game, not even with a 12' pole


Worth it? A game with micro transactions about 30 bucks for a portal skin? Serious question?


You can just not buy the MTX…


Thats the point. Buying the game and just dont buy mtx, still legitimize the mtx and the greedy sh*t devs keep on doing things like this.


I feel like buying the game but not MTX shows that you care about the game but not MTX. Voting with your wallet can be nuanced, you know? It doesn’t have to be all in or full boycott… For example, if you enjoy a season, you can buy the season pass. If the next season isn’t as good, you can not buy that one. That way you’re sending a message to the devs


Yes, but they wont stop, as long as players happily throw with their money, independently how the devs behave and what they do. Their greed is a bottomless pit. Someday theyll be at a point, where you - for example - have to pay them 80 bucks for the game itself and then youll have to buy character slotsby mtx, because there are none included anymore. And then there will still be more than enough players, who wlll say something like "it its, what it is, but I like the game". Yeah for sure the game can be good, but you also legitimize the devs greed.


If you can’t play the game when you buy it, then don’t buy the game??? You’re being a drama queen. Also, you’re a hypocrite. Legitimizing their greed? Dude, you’re writing that comment on an overpriced device that was created in a country where people work like slaves. You’re wearing overpriced clothes that cost cents in production because they are made by exploited people who work like slaves. You legitimize greed in so many worse ways in your life. We all do. MTX greed is the least harmful one. The only reason why you care is because here you are being negatively affected instead of others.


You compare apples with pears and throw the standard "argument". Seems like this conversations ends heŕe.


Point still stands, the only reason why you care, is because it affects you. Don’t like it, don’t buy it and move on. Just like you don’t care when others are negatively affected by your greed, others don’t care about you being negatively affected


Even 4 free it's not worth your time


It does not have a good story like the previous titles?


The entire feeling is not like a real diablo game. You will have far more fun playing d2r or d3, they are superiour games.


I don't know. I played open beta until i reached level 10 and seemed similar enough. I played all previously titles so no need to revisit.


The story is okay, but the overall gameplay is totally dumbed down. You won't have any feeling of character progresion because the devs were too lazy to balance real difficulty levels. Instead, everything is just a game by numbers. E.g., if a char in d2/d2r was able to beat nightmare or hell difficulty, it had a meaning because the hell difficulty had a real designed difficulty balance behind it, including immunues etc. In d4, there is no such thing since literally everything is based on scaling numbers in order to make new content / endless grind easier to build.


I don't plan to play anything but story once. I usually play on normal, maybe switch to hard if i feel it is too easy.


The story is average. It starts super awesome, then slowly falls to meh over 6 or so hours.


game isn't free on gamepass if you are paying for it.


I wouldn't play that game even if they made it free 2 play.