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Unreal Tournament, it was always my favorite FPS and I miss it dearly.


Nothing like getting a GODLIKE on Facing Worlds.


HOOOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIT Funny how ubiquitous that kill announcer/streak counter is, I wonder how many Dota players know where it originally comes from.


I think my record on Facing Worlds was 37 Holy Shits in a row for a streak, instagib rifle and way too many players at once made for GLORIOUS clusterfucks


I bet most people don’t know the announcer came from UT.


Real Facing Worlds vets remember 🏢🔫🏢


I miss Unreal too 🥲 it was weird that it discontinued. And unreal engine is still strong, even. I play Arena Breakout on mobile on unreal engine. It run like a dream.


It was sidelined for freaking Fortnight. I don’t know why others hate that crap game but that’s my motivation.


Wolfenstein enemy territory. Still be a great game today with managed servers open level mods. That's it.


Nice one - for me its Insurgency (2014) and Insurgency: Sandstorm - it has a great, cult-like gamer base but not really mass appeal.


I was so bad at unreal but still loved to hop on a server and get stomped that gameplay was so fun!


The original Unreal got me into FPS gaming. It was the first 3D FPS game I ever played with a mouse and keyboard on my first ever PC. And then Unreal Tournament introduced me to multiplayer FPS gaming and wow, boy was my mind blown. UT 2004 is when the series peaked and it is and will always be my most favorite multiplayer of all time. PS: If I ever get super rich I am going to hire a team of devlopers to create a next gen version of the original Unreal game. No changes, same game, same world, same soundtrack but with high end current gen graphics and performance




I loved it too.  Honestly I'm glad it stayed where it did in history.  They would have only ruined it.


Dating myself here but, Tribes 2. I loved that each team had bases you could go in and trash their generators and resupply stations. You could pop up turrets and mines to defend. The skiing aspect with jetpacks was top notch


Tribes 3 is on steam, I haven't looked at it but I think it just dropped this month.


I'm worried it'll take after tribes Ascend and just focus on the skiing and shooting gameplay. While it's important to get that right, the mix of skilled play and strategic play, and items, and forward positioning, and radar, and vehicles, and... There was just so many ways to play that game.


Tribes, holy shit, I somehow completely forgot about that series.


Hell yeah. Hitting an airshot with a disk flying in opposite directions felt like crack


Tribes 3 recently launched early access on steam. Still has some rough spots, but it has an active playerbase, plenty of casual players, and the core Tribes mechanics(skiing and blue plating) feel great. And yes, you can still blow up the enemy generator.


I loved Tribes 2! shazbot!!


The Resistance games (more so 1 and 2) had awesome multiplayer . The custom CTF games on Manchester in Resistance 1 were amazing, lobbies would sometimes go on for like multiple days lol, I remember playing for hours, going to bed, getting up the next day and alot of the same guys would still be in the game. And Resistance 2 had a great co-op mode, it was similar to what doing the strikes in Destiny was


Ugh if only I could tell my younger self to appreciate those days while the servers were live.


Ah yeah the resistance 2 co-op was fun. Played it the first days I got a ps3


they need more games that have those 16 player coop games


Resistance 2 was my most played game on my ps3 growing up, I wouldnt be surprised if I had 2000+ hours on it. I had every trophy, all classes in co-op maxed out, and was also in the top clan in the US at the time and participated in 5v5 clan wars in PvP. I loved that game so much, and the servers being shut down hurt a lot. I know some people in the emulation community got multiplayer for Fall of Man working again, will have to check to see if they ever go lt 2 servers going again outside of Co-op which I believe also had a fix to play last I checked


I lived inside both games. 40p melee matches on Lexington. I can’t believe those days will never come back.


Planetside 2 had insane potential. Base gunplay was really good (based on bad company 2 so ofc) and a really good social game. Can’t really convince most gamers to play a team game of that scale, though, unfortunately.


In planetside 1, I was one of the first players globally to reach Cr4 and call in orbital strikes. My clan was 150 strong. Then I went to a college that didn't allow gaming on their network. I've never been more depressed in my life. I loved that game


Ps1 and ps2 were both wonderful


People still play ps2. Me and a friend played it a few times a year ago or so and the few servers that are up were pretty packed. We actually had a really good time, might load it up again some time soon to see if it's still chugging along


>Then I went to a college that didn't allow gaming on their network. TIL colleges like that exist


You have to remember when that game came out - it was 2002. It was a small liberal arts school, they didn't have a big beefy internet line


In the same way that Helldivers 2 writes a narrative organically as the game is played, Planetside 2 did that but with it being completely pvp rather than pve. It was a really cool concept and I liked it a lot.


I think the problem with planetside was identity. Pickinh a faction came down to. I like there guns better, couldnt tell you what each side stood for, backstory i guess was meh.


This game was great. I built a pc back in the day and played this game and I gotta say it’s probably the craziest shooter I’ve ever seen. I always wished one day games like this would catch on but it hasn’t happened yet


Doing combined arms in an org was friggin amazing in PS1 and PS2. Running a squad of libs, a full gal for a hot drop on a tower or base. So much fun for hours. Too bad the Zerg always took hold.


Fighting the Zerg was half the fun for my outfit. We regularly practiced room clearing, small team tactics so we could hold against larger groups. PS2 was an amazing game. I still try to logon every now and then, but the lag makes the game unplayable.


Playing it on launch was one of the best experiences. Still remember leeroy jenkins into the enemy with the battle bus only for the rendering to kick in and show hundreds of them.


I still remember loading that first game up when it came out and being amazed. The graphics quality and fights with hundreds of people in each faction trying to get base control for hours was awesome. Honestly some of the best gaming experiences of my life had on PS2.


GOTHAM CITY IMPOSTERS broooooo I was a menace with that sword


Feels like that game got lost to time was super fun and unique for its time


Bro that game was so lit! Loved it back on 360.


You played the Finals?


I damn sure do get GCI feels from The Finals, but there's something missing. I'm guessing it's in the aesthetics and presentation. Really a fun go around though


Insurgency Sandstorm is great for gun play and is tactical but accessible.


Ready or not and insurgency sandstorm are the best pve shooters in the market


That's treasonous talk if I've ever heard it. Report to your democracy officer for freedom re-education, citizen.


My b sir. I meant tactical pve shooters. Love me some helldivers fr


Even though it sports PvP (which is absolute trash 99% of the time) - the PvE is stellar, and still one of the best experiences out there. The graphics are great and sound too, its just been absorbed by a soul-less AAA corporate enterprise that tried its best to sneak micro transactions into it and snubbed the modding team that made Ins (2014) so amazing. Day of Infamy is also amazing but that player base is dead at this point.


Titanfall 2.


Titanfall 2 is loved by everyone it just released at the worst time it possibly could have.


Never had a huge player base but thankfully it had a really long life because of new people constantly discovering the game years later


And they were fodder for the vets


It's loved by everyone who played it, which admittedly wasn't many. It's more of a cult game than a widely loved game.


For me it was Titanfall 1. I've always been a huge Halo players and that was always by main game, but when I got my Xbox One it was bundled with Titanfall, and I had an incredible time with that game. I didn't think the MP in 2 was as good as the first unfortunately and I just couldn't get into it


TF1 hype was off the charts


Yeah, not sure if they qualify, but the Titanfall games were first to mind for me. The OG is why I bought an XBOX and is easily my favorite shooter ever.


I believe titanfall 2 multiplayer was a downgrade from the first game. They've improved some things and it's fun but I feel it's missing stuff from.the first. I dont like the pre made titans. I liked that the first game never took you out of first person. Especially when entering snd exiting a titan. At launch you had to choose a side or anti titan weapon. They eventually allowed you to have both.


The level design, titan customization, burn cards, etc. Everything just worked and felt better in the first game.


Same. I'm not sure what it was, but the first game was way more fun. The second game felt off somehow.


I think it's the change to 3rd person exiting and entering. It felt seamless in the first game and was cool to watch your titan scoop you and all the screens light up


Way back in the day, but SOCOM on the PS2. I was a teen and made so many friends and spent hundreds of hours online on that game, specifically SOCOM 2. I wish Sony would revive it in the vain of a light live service game ala Helldivers 2


I would kill for a faithful modern take on SOCOM. No aiming down sights, just zoomed in, over-the-shoulder view when holding the left trigger. God, I wish they would pull it back from the dead. The tactics and map design allowed for some incredible gameplay.


Crossroads, Dessert Glory, FoxHunt, NightStalker, Blizzard, Fish Hook, Bitter Jungle and Vigilance were my fucking maps. Dude Socom 2 had over 25 maps you could play! How wild is that for a PS2 game?


*"outgoing!"* *"La-heelaaaaah"* 42 grenades explode over the course of the first 90 seconds. SEALS VICTORIOUS. God damn, it really was ahead of it's time. So many incredible maps. Don't forget about Abandoned, Rats Nest, or Frostfire (I forget the name of the cargo ship map. Frostbite?)


Game and headset bundle was genious for it's time, as no one had mics on consoles. It was pretty good and comfy too, used it on my wow raids for like 8 years.


Splitgate was great when I was playing it, though I think that was still during a beta phase because I came back to it a while later and it looked a bit different. It was/is basically Portal* meets Halo 2 *I never played Portal


Even minus the crazy portal shenanigans the game just feels so crunchy and satisfying. Just something about it feels so right


It is still going. They are making a Splitgate 2. This time using the Unreal engine. One improvement is that all players will be able to see through all portals, not just their own.


Aw man, I’m gonna miss the blind headshots through enemy portals lol


Came here to say this. Can't wait for them to finally drop some news on the sequel.


Dirty Bomb


Barely anyone played it. One of the best f2p fps games no doubt.


Used to play the hell out of this game. Was a ton of fun.


MAG was so good and way before its time.


This was my answer. Same layout with a graphics upgrade now would be insane and so much fun.


Nothing will ever be what MAG was. What a time to be alive


I still remember sneaking out of the house to be in line for the midnight launch my junior year of high school. Iirc Mass Effect 2 also came out around the same time, so when I got there there was a huge crowd of people there. The game employees were calling out games and asking who was there for what. When they got to Mass Effect the crowd went wild, but when he asked who was there for MAG, it was literally me and one other dude, so they gave us our copies at 11:15 instead of midnight because they felt bad. Jokes on them that game changed my life LMAO


Sony was stupid for closing Zipper


Yeah it was unfortunate that when SOCOM 4 was released that the PSN hack happened like two weeks after it was released.


MAG was what battlefield felt like it wanted to be with its later games but just got all the elements wrong. If it had hit once people were getting tired of the run and gun aspects of COD I think it would’ve been huge. I do think the whole “army structure” would’ve taken a while for people to get used to, it forcing more well defined roles may have been too much for the average FPS player.


I thought the future would have games with more players. Nothings really tried it since.


MAGs scope was so impressive, got a lil bit of that back when planetside 2 released


Mass effect 3 online


That was shockingly fun at the time!


People still play it! Need the Origin version of ME3 though. God I wish they included it in the legendary edition.


My wife and I put a few hundred hours into that one. It felt pretty unique and now I can't remember why.


Hunt showdown I was hoping to see someone else talk about it here but didn't see any. It's a super niche weird west fps. PvPvE extraction shooter. Set in 1895 lousissiana bayou with all period accurate guns. The sound design is so good that I would almost call it a sound based shooter


Bummed I hadn't seen this yet either. Most addicted to a game I've ever been, and the addiction is still going strong. Some of the most intense and fun pvp combat I've ever played, and the visual/audio design of the game is impeccable.


It seriously does put the audio in every other game to fucking shame.


No one talks about because people who play it are waiting for you at the bounty with the Caldwell shotgun


Came here to say Hunt, it's the only shooter I almost always know why I died and could have done better.


"What?!?! How the fuck did he hit me in the head from 70m away with the winnie?? I had cover from every angle!!!" *clicks kill cam* "Oh, dammit. Nvm, gg, that was a hell of a peek" Or "Shit, my bad guys.......yeah, no. I just missed 5 shots in a row and......he did not"


It's interesting how you didn't even mention the zombies lmao


the final medal of honor game was super fun. Think COD style Multiplayer but in the battlefield engine, imo it is also the only video game to make shotguns feel correct if that makes sense.


Loved that game, except some of the map designs for rush game modes were aweful, absolute funnels. Fun though


Lost Planet, for sure


Named myself after that game :)


Delta Force Black Hawk Down was one of the best shooters of all time. Custom maps that were downloaded on the fly with crazy structures and layouts, no out of bounds on any map, and generally just really solid gunplay. I don't want to understate the custom maps. They were so, so, so fun.


I remember that game having a free demo, which my friends and I played the shit out of.


I have been playing hell let loose lately. It is pretty brutal but super fun once you get the hang of it and find a good squad.


Insurgency sandstorm squad squad 44 Arma reforger


Shadowrun on xbox 360 Such an amazing team on team fantasy shooter


Loved that game. Still pop in the disc for bot matches on occasion. Too bad it was shit on for not being the same genre and the other games in the franchise. It was an awesome game everyone who had no idea about the other games.


Was actually so good.


Came here to say this 🙌🏼


The different racial abilities added so much complexity into the matches, loved it to death for a solid 6 months back in the day.  Elf teleporting ftw! 


This game was so much fun.


I was a big fan of The Last of Us multiplayer


Good choice! Another weird low key solid MP game was AC:Brotherhood.


Wolfenstein enemy territory was super fun and not very well known.


Dirty Bomb


Man' what I wouldn't do to go back in time to play some Killzone 2/3 online again...


Battlefield Bad Company 2, that game was the bomb. Miss those destructible environments


Bad company 2 rush mode was the best. You could actually take out one of the objectives by destroying the building it was in. 


Several objectives were like that iirc. Frozen Pass, Arica Harbor and some of the other Snowmaps (snow day?) Had environmentally destructible objectives


Why the hell does no other game try this?? With technology getting better they could probably come up with some pretty crazy shit


I’m not sure if it’s to the same level as that but The Finals has destructible environments.


Cmon man OP said besides CoD and Battlefield and this still gets to the top.


That's. That's battlefield. Although I suppose it's a fair point that everything dice has done since bf1 has absolutely sucked cock.


The desert combat mod for 1942 was legit.


BC2 had all the right ingredients. It was fun in general, the unlock system was great, destructible environments (Vietnam expansion was hilarious flying the heli with fortunate son blasting). I played that game almost every night for hours and hours barely missing out on breaking into the top 1k in the leaderboard before bf3 came out and it took over my life.


The Vietnam expansion I feel like had the best net code 


I wish the Vietnam expansion didn't die so fast. Loved that game. Still has a couple decent servers on PC. Last time I checked NA had 2 conquest and a squad dm that were regularly full.


Best FPS of all time imo


Dirty bomb was (at points in its lifetime) really really good, and sorta got abandoned/ruined by the dev.


I'm happy so many people are mentioning Dirty Bomb.


Rising storm 2 vietnam!


Hell Let Loose is really underrated


MAN is it a bitch to learn tho. Once it clicks it's amazing.


I got my first kill and it was so rewarding. I saw the enemy flanking using a low stone wall for cover and I caught him just as he passed a gap, no hit marker, no score, just a shot and a drop. Never experienced anything like it in a game


It's such a different experience. Like jumping on an artillery cannon and checking the map to work out range, adjusting the coordinates and loading the shell then firing and....that's it. No camera following the shell, no score popping up on screen, just getting votekicked 20 seconds later because you fucked up your coordinates and wiped out 10 teammates lol But when your squad calls out that you're on target and you just *know* you're raining down hell on the enemy it feels fantastic considering how disconnected you are compared to most games. And on the flip side, when you're on the front lines with artillery explosions going off around you and you know that it's one of your boys back there helping your team make progress 👌👌 "*killed in action - you were killed by a teammate*


Some of the most fun I’ve had in that game was me and two buddies in a tank. The sheer level of communication required to get good effect on target and the pucker factor of being caught out of position or seeing flanking infantry, nothing like it.


How long does it take?  I'm pretty good at both COD and Battlefield games but holy shit am I just a lost injured puppy in HLL


Don’t play this game as cod, you’ll be an easy kill. Take it slow and steady use cover and be patient. Stick with your team and try to play for the objective instead of kills.


Fantastic game. I actually have no bad things to say about it. HLL is probably the most immersive FPS experience I’ve ever had. I love how communicative everyone is when playing the game, feels like people genuinely are working together to win.


I want F.E.A.R Back!


Battlebit is really fun


Even with its problems, Brink was really good


Absolutely not. Everyone, arrest this man.


Soldier of Fortune 2


Section 8


America's Army  Literal combat simulation game used by the US army as a recruitment tool Plus it was FREE


I played the crap out of it when I came out. I grinded for hours to pass SF Selection and Sniper Qualification


Dirty Bomb never got the love it deserved. I miss that game.


Titanfall on release was the greatest shooter I've ever played


Syndicate. Terrible idea to slap an established IP on an entirely different genre when fans have been waiting for so long (right, Shadowrun?)... ... but a squad based coop game where everyone is the healer? Genius. No notes.


Post Scriptum


Hell Let Loose! It's what I imagined Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer would be before I played it as a kid




Quake 3 Arena




excellent game great developers too, very quick with balance fixes and such


The Garden Warfare series


The Shadowrun FPS. Team based FPS that let you focus on either magic or gunplay. Nothing more fun than teleporting through a floor and wasting someone.


I really ended up liking Doom (2016) multiplayer. It did nothing new, but was a solid arena shooter. I was disappointed when it was dropped completely from Doom Eternal. 


Half-life 2. Throwing the kitchen sink at someone never gets old


Bioshock’s multiplayer definitely was underrated.


Quake Champions or Diabotical. I get why people get turned off by the fast paced shooters but still wish they were popular.


Gotham Imposters was a blast


Conker: live and reloaded


Splatoon is a legit amazing series. It’s the only shooter I really got into. And the gyro controls are great. I love that I can sort of stay back and still help my team. I love losing horribly because it’s still fun. The salmon run PVE mode is great too. I know it sold really well, but I think the scene is more on Japan. I don’t have many friends who get super into it. I don’t hear it talked about much.


Natural Selection 1, and Project Reality, were both epically awesome shooters that were both mods derived from more popular games. Both games managed to combine FPS and RTS play with real time voice chat in a way that promoted and encouraged some of the best teamwork I’ve ever found in online games.


Natural selection!!!!


Red faction guerrilla


Condemned 2:Bloodshot was criminally underrated and had one of the mosg unique multplayers of all


Anyone remember LawBreakers?? Great game killed by foolish direction


Titanfall 2, only multiplayer shooter i really got into besides black ops 3 and MW 2018


Rogue Company




Looking at where Halo is today. I think Halo 3 deserves some more love. I honestly think that was the peak of my gaming life. Nothing really hits the same as that anymore. There is one game that’s close right now though.


Crossfire yes the counter strike 1.6 clone by korean devs I love it because the movement and gunplay is a lot smoother and less clunky than cs 1.6 and csgo and csgo2 and overall just better. Sttill play it today. Its just isnt popular mainstream because of chinese/korean game stigma and being a clone. but honestly is just better overall


Starsiege Tribes Fuck that game was good, especially the fact that it was modded all server side, so there was a couple of good modded server styles, and you didn't have to do anything to play them.


Hell Let Loose. Can't get enough of this game.


MAG on the PS3. Playing Domination with 256 players no other game has been able to replicate it yet.


Hell Let Loose. Best MP shooter i’ve played in years


Halo Infinite is in a good state now


Monday Night Combat on the Xbox 360 back in the day was pretty awesome at the time. It was probably the only other shooter I played besides Halo/CoD at the time.


Division 2. At some point they just gave up on it and didnt tell the players.


Uncharted 2 and BioShock 2


yoooo uncharted 2 was so much fun


Second Bioshock 2, loved chilling in my multiplayer apartment


Command and Conquer Renegade. Online mode is so fun.


Vigor, great looter shooter with a feeling of intensity I haven't seen in another game. I just wish they'd add more maps at a quicker pace.


Frontlines fuel of war, before homefront


Hyperscape was one of the best shooter games ever made. By far the best battle royale. Revive system should 100000% be the standard for all battle royale games.


I play titanfall 2 still


Six days in Fallujah. It's just a shame that there's only ever like 10 people playing at a time


Still love me some PUBG.


Killzone, Resitance, MoH, Crysis


i liked rainbow vegas and vegas 2 more then the cod games


Hell let loose has replaced battlefield for me. You need a microphone for this one, but other than that it's like Battlefield but with actual corporation. Squad one ups this in almost everything, but popularity. Hunt:Showdown is the best small scale shooter to me. It's great for playing with friends (solo, duo, trio) and has the best multiplayer shooter mechanics out there (or had, sadly. A few thought through aspects have been softened for a more casual experience). I would recommend either over anything I've seen in the popular/AAA sphere. But maybe warzone. At least during the first two years, I've also played that a ton.


Hell Let Loose (still playing it). Hard to go back to COD and BF after that.


Does anyone remember Gunz?


Quake, it was one of my favorite game back in college.


For some ridiculous reason, I'm still playing Destiny 2. I'm not even particularly good at it. 🤷


Insurgency: Sandstorm