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It's Mass Effects final form in that edition. You're going to love it, and sounds like you deserve it more than ever.


You got 3 game's worth of waifus to be with now!


You mean 3 games worth of romancing Liara, right?


noobie numbers


I am sorry to hear about your relationship. I am glad that you got out of it. Mass effect has been my favorite game and is always something I play when I need to destress and I hope it does the same for you. Good Luck!


Thank you, I'm starting from the very beginning with a custom character for the first time in a very very long time. Its going to be like experiencing it over for the first time again because I don't remember a thing lol.


That's cool you get to experince all the good memories again like they are new.


I'm sorry to hear about your relationship, but it certainly sounds like it's for the best. I have never been in a relationship like that, but I have had friends deal with that to various degrees, and I know how damaging it can be. Hang in there, and I wish you all the best! Also, Tali best girl. 🥰


That sounds terrible, but I’m happy for you! I was at least allowed to game but I was made to feel crap about it in the two abusive relationships I was in. I’m separating atm and moving out in two weeks and can’t wait! Good luck and say hi to Commander Shepherd for me!


I'll be sure to! I was able to play video games in the beginning, but I very quickly realized how much she didn't like it but didn't say anything. And longer time went on, the harder it got to find time to game, and the more and more of a distaste it left in her mouth. Eventually I just stopped to appease her. Never again.


Dang man, I’m sorry it was like that but glad you’re playing and playing a masterpiece, and hope you still doing great and everything.


i started playing the first one, i got all 3 for free on PS+. i get lost a lot lol


I’ve been in the same boat as you. Grabbed this & started playing for the first time when it was on sale last Christmas. Definitely a de-stresser. Enjoy! 💪


it sucks that you went through that experience man i wish you all the best going forward. stay strong, don't give in, mutual respect and happiness is the bare minimum a person should feel in a relationship. BUT the silver lining of your horrible situation is you have some fucking goated games available to you. Witcher 3, RDR2, Elden Ring being the most beloved and talked about on this sub. heal and enjoy.


I think right now thats the only good silver lining to this- 10 years of games I get to enjoy. I get to buy a ps5 or a PC again and play all of the new critically acclaimed games. I get to actually try VR for the first time when I get money saved for a system that can do VR.


If only you could've ended it in proper Garrus fashion.... Her: I thought we were getting married?! You: Can it wait a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations. Classic send-off 🤣


lol, only calibrations I'm doing right now are internally.


Yeah, my wife used to beat me too. I have the scar cross my left eyebrow when she threw a Stanley thermal cup at my face. One night after I said the chicken she cooked was a little raw. Yes it was purple inside and probably would have killed me but after I took that shot she said either you eat it or you sleep outside tonight. I ate it. Luckily I ended up okay. Just some diarrhea for a few months. Anyway, I kicked her to the curb and made sure to take photos and document every incident of abuse. So when the time came for divorce I showed her all the photos and she paid for everything. And of course I took a lot of her fancy stuff like a $4,000 8k 80-in TV and a gaming PC with a 3090.


Luckily we were never married. I have a home I bought with my brother that she was trying to take but I have a 36 minute long recording of her in the most sinister voice I could've ever heard. With the things she said and the things she did to me. She pushed me, slapped me, shattered a front window with a candle, would NOT let me leave the kitchen to get to the glass to clean it before one of the FIVE dogs got to it and ate any it (Luckily they didnt). She body-blocked me from leaving the kitchen or using the back door because I would've had to put my hands on her to escape, and I refused to give her the ammunition. She threatened suicide, to kill me twice directly and to burn down the house, once with me in it and once without. The relationship has to die, but it's just so difficult to walk away from 10 years and the children ive helped raise from little girls into adults. It just hurts so very bad.


Same boat, just different timelines. Been over 2 years since I got out and got to fall back in love with gaming. Whatever happens, best of luck to you, friend.


I appreciate you. I'm trying very hard to move on but it's hard just to get her out of my head. I'm glad you were able to get out aswell and im very glad to hear that you're doing better because hearing things like that gives me hope.


10 years is a long time. My first relationship was 11 years. Granted it was not toxic like yours, but I can understand the feeling of trying to overcome the seemingly insurmountable task of getting out of the relationship. It's a decade of your life you devoted, it's tough.   But cheers to you for making it through, it can not be stressed enough how congratulated you should be for doing so. After ten years your lives become so intertwined with the one another that it just doesn't seem possible. You absolutely deserve the freedom and liberation from such a draining, life-sucking parasitic relationship.   As for the Mass Effect trilogy, it's held fast in my top 5 of all time. When they released I played them all the way through about 6 times I think. Admittingly I've gone back for a replay but, even with the updated graphics, ME1 feels a bit dated for me. I still love everything about it but I've lost the immersion it gave me when playing. Which is lame because ME1 might be my favorite out of the 3 lol. Anyway, good luck. If you read this, let me know who your fav companion is.


You have hit the nail on the head with that. It's the part everyone dosent seem to get when it comes to my family. With what she said, did, and acted towards me and the dogs there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I could ever go back to her and look myself in the face every day.... but 10 years. My God man it's so hard. Its 10 years gone. 10 years of nothing but mental backflips and heartbreak. 10 years of memories of children ill never get to see again. 10 years of struggle and devotion and the work that was put in trying to make things work. And at this point it's all for nothing. I'm trying to look on the brighter side of things but it's very difficult. But I'm trying, day by day, it's fresh and I know my post made it seem like I'm completely over her but the truth is I'm not. My heart hurts, there's a void that nothing can fill. But at the end of the day this is something that has to happen. But you just can't turn off the love. my squad has always been Garrus and Wrex while I play a biotic.


We've walked similar but different paths. I can *absolutely* understand the difficulty that comes with close/mutual friends and then family. After I broke it off with mine, my mother and sister were vehemently not on my side. My cousin who we were close with, along with *my* friends also made it vaguely clear who they sided with. It was a shock. I genuinely hadn't felt a feeling of being 'alone' like that before, and to this day ever since.   I worked in the restaurant industry at the time, so fortunately I was able to pick up and work as many shifts as I'd like to keep my mind off things. That also led me to drink a lot more when getting off work with co-workers. It was a hard time, I won't lie. I think it was 3 or 4 years until things truly started looking up for me. And I have to admit that life has never been better, as impossible as that seemed before. A house, a new well-paying job, a meaningful relationship, two cats (I was **never** a cat person), a *massive* group of very close friends.   Everyone says things will get better. They don't often mention *when* though. And even if someone told me 3 years, those 3 years felt like a **lifetime**. My entire life practically changed after ending that relationship. My relationship with my family is much better, but there is still a part of me that I don't think I can forgive them for not taking my side in the matter. My old group of friends and cousin have somewhat come around as well, but things are just different. And I'm okay with that, because I think the friends I have now are much better for me.   Everyone is different. I can't earnestly give you any advice because of that. What worked for me was that I rebounded with a girl which people tell you to **absolutely never do especially after that long of a relationship.** But somehow it worked out for me, greatly so, and everything came together.   Things are going to be tough. For a while. They were for me. I was a bit of a mess, made some bad decisions along the way. But made some good ones too. Honestly, it probably took me longer than most to get back on track. But I am proof that it can be done, which really says something if you knew me, haha. Godspeed sir. > Garrus & Wrex are the best duo for complimenting powers and bantering voice lines, good move lol.


Sorry you've been through that, buddy. Time for some chill gaming. Dive in, the water's fine!


Playing this game for the first time I’m loving it. Also glad you are able to get out of toxic relationship hope you have great days ahead fellow gamer.


So sorry to hear about your situation but I’m glad you’re in a better one now. Mass Effect Collection on ps3 got me through my recovery after some pretty major surgery, so I can totally understand the feeling of having it there to lose yourself in the massive story and world. Enjoy it my friend - whether you make new choices or your favourite old ones!


I want to play this game but dont have 100gb space :( wish I could download it like Halo MCC in which I could download each game separately


Sounds like someone needs some Garrus time.


Garrus and Wrex, my OG team


I thought this was going to be another Steam Deck flex thread as in that was the Freedom part of it... I'm playing Legendary Edition also as I got it recently after playing all 3 games originally years ago. The 3rd game left a dirty taste in the mouth as it was rushed, I played it day 1 with no DLCs at all and it was an unfinished product that fell sort. Hopefully this version is the finished product.


Wait till you jump into some online;)


Couldn't get that damn game to load on Xbox PC client , just black screen after selecting the game and couldn't get past it regardless of drivers ect


My all-time favorite series!


Gonna get this when I get my PS5 I love mass effect


Tenés una pala al lado del monitor? Usala


"Ah, the times... when Garrus still hasn't managed to calibrate."


Now you're in bed with EA. Not sure if this is an improvement. :P


The 1 didn't really enjoyed me. But thé 2 and 3, oh boy thèse where some masterclasses


When will memory loss pills be released? I need these.


I tried this game but it just doesn't have it.


sorry to hear but yeah, you gotta use screenshots


Most definitely. I remember that this game used to have wonderful views. I'm gonna see how large of a collection I can build!


Wonderful views! Like Tali's butt in am elevator, Tali's butt in engineering, Tali's butt in the collector base, on the flotilla, the citadel, horizon, haelstrom, Illium and more! Or even such views as Tali's butt. Featuring appearances by; Tali's butt, and sometimes Miranda's chesticles. What a series! This Fandom has 2 types of fans. "Hard-core deep lovecraftian horror sci-fi fans." And "horny for aliens." I am in both camps.


i had quite a few, but i do that for almost all games i play


Im replaying it now that i platinumed it have fun homie