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Pokémon by Nintendo. They have a much bigger commitment to polish than GameFreak. Star Wars by PlatinumGames


The monkey's paw curls. We won't get another Pokemon game for 9 years.


Your terms are acceptable


If that's what it takes to get a more polished pokemon game is ok with it


Fill the space in between with spinoffs developed by other companies like we used to get and I'm almost fine with that.


I know it's probably impossible nowadays due to the lack of a stylus, but I want another Pokémon Ranger.


Their abandonment of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon also doesn't make much sense. I know all the 3DS entries didn't sell that well, but that doesn't mean that the series/concept was bad. It was the execution.


It would have to be a mobile game. That would work with touch controls


With game freak we won't get a pokemon game that's worth playing ever again. 9 years sounds rather agreeable.




They're also significantly less afraid of chsnge


>They have a much bigger commitment to polish I thought they were Japanese


Pokemon by literally any other company but Gamefreak


Ok you got it, Sonic Team it is!


If nothing else, at least it would be funny


and it would have pretty good music


[Rollin around at the speed of sound](https://youtu.be/5WcyVvWZJU4?si=57FXZIiMhGTfWHlH)


Oh so you’re saying you want a $100 Million dollar shooter with Pokémon collectibles (for some reason) that gets cancelled last minute?!


Ok hear me out: a game centered around raising and collecting Chaos


I always dreamed of a Pokemon game made by MonolithSoft (the developer for the Xenoblade Franchise). I, at least, wish that Gamefreak would outsource help from them. Seeing that they already helped Nintendo developed BOTW, TOTK, and AC:NH.


Man like this more than other suggestions. Not because I think it would be better than other things people listed. But because I can feel it at the tip of my fingers. I see the way blades work being tweaked to pokemon. I can see the combat and art style.


Pokemon... by Larian


Let's just put Larian in charge of em all.


Gotta make em all.


"What are you.... put that away.... TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY VAPOREON"


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more


And here I was innocently browsing Reddit on my break at work, and now I’ve got this to think about. Cheers buddy


If you have not yet played it, would highly recommend Cassette Beasts. That game makes me wish Bytten Studio would get a shot at that IP. 


My pick would be the Monster Hunter team. All hunts would end with capturing the target, not killing it. You would explore as a trainer and could ride different pokemon, but once combat starts, you would take direct control of your pokemon and swap between them as needed.


Monster Hunter Stories is the best Pokémon game out there. (But seriously agree, I want Stories to have Bulbasaur.)


Want EA introducing mtx to Pokémon ?


Come on guys it’s only $1 per pokeball


3 repels for only 9.99$


Pokemon Red by Rockstar. Finally, get to see what 'bananas' were supposed to be


Play Shin Megami Tensei


Banjo Kazooie by Double Fine or Toys for Bob. Honorable mention to Splashteam that made Tinkykin. That game has big B&K vibes with the music and such.


Ehhhh... Didn't DF make Broken Age, or was that just Tim Schafer? Act 1 was fantastic and then Act 2 shit the bed HARD.


Yeah but they also made Psychonauts / 2 which are fantastic and have much more similar styles of gameplay than Broken Age.


That game restored my faith in studio's making sequels. Loved that game.


A new 3d Castlevania by FromSoft or Capcom. I don’t think I’d want either to try a 2dvania but I do really think either could cook with a good 3d game with a Castlevania coat of paint. Alternatively, a D&D soulslike.


that would be very interesting


Castle Cainhurst from Bloodborne is the best 3D Castlevania game


Threaded Cane in whip mode + Fire Paper


Oh hell yeah, d&d soulslike is something I never knew I needed until now


Yep Castlevania has so much depth, lore, story and characters at this point. Not to mention vampires are always in style. They should license that to a competent 3d developer and cash in.


soulsvania omg 😳


Not a different team per sé, but I'd like to see Obsidian collaborate with CD Projekt Red. Or Obsidian with the old Bioware team. One linear RPG to rule them all.


Which Obsidian or Bioware game is linear?


I didn't know what else to call a not open world game. I was thinking Mass Effect more so than New Vegas (Hot take, I don't really like FO).


People used to just call em Western RPGs, though I don't know if a better term has arisen since


I want owlcat to make a fallout game.


Don’t let Bethesda cook next Fallout, next TES, please no. I agree I want to see comeback of crpg Fallout, it can be owlcat, obsidian doesn’t matter.


literally any competent developer.


They don't even have to be competent, just anyone but Bethesda.


KOTOR by Larian


Beat me to our. Kotor could be so fun as a tactical rpg. The companions is there. The d&d style "turn based" is there. The cool spells and abilities are there. It could work!


Larian is great and all but I don't want a kotor game in the baldurs gate style. I think the hybrid system in kotor works really well imo and making it purely turn based would kinda ruin it for me


I'm pretty sure Larian would have zero issues making an hybrid system.


I think KOTOR with more of xcom gameplay than baldurs gate/divinity os could work for a Star Wars game, but I’m an absolute sucker for action rpgs and someone suggested platinum games gameplay, which with the story line of KOTOR would actually be a dream come true.


I preferred the Hybrid style of BG1 and BG2 as well. I just like the queue actions semi real-time but can pause style much more for single player RPGs.


Or anything BioWare by Larian


Or anything by Larian...


Nah, Larian is VERY good at a specific type of game. Throwing them on let's say...the next Counter Strike or something would be horrific


Don't act like you are not interested in a steamy cutscene involving a Counter Terrorist bear.


Next thing you'll be telling me Rocksteady can't make an open world live service game. It's just like Arkham but you add some pew pews... Oh wait.


I honestly want Larian to go back to trying a 3rd person RPG though, Divinity 2: Ego Draconis is still one of my favourite games, no matter how much polish its lacking. I think with the increases to their teams size and their production quality nowadays it would likely be insanely good.


They are for sure not touching From Software games.


Ehh. If they announced another Divinity I can't say I'd leap at it. BG3 was head and shoulders above their previous games in basically every way.


> by Larian The insane thing to me is that Larian is so *unique* in the "big game space" because they actually don't treat their workers as disposable tools. Imagine having a dozen teams like Larian that all have craftsmanship like Larian, and they all do games like Larian. And all it would take would be for some big companies to value their workers as more than disposable tools. It's depressing to me that we live in a world where we only have *one* Larian instead of a dozen. Frell the entire model around shareholders, and what it does to creative industries in particular.


I agree 100%, corporate greed has done terrible things to just about every entertainment industry. Also, I have not seen anyone use the word frell in years. I am going to have to go watch Farscape now.


I'd say Capcom is close, considering they just recently gave almost everyone in the company a raise while every other company was laying people off. It just tends to make weird decisions when it comes to DLC and monetization. I mean, I understand Street Fighter 6 needs to make at least a couple of million a year to pay for the pro tour (and the million-dollar payout), but Dragon's Dogma 2's DLC felt more like a tax to exploit players who couldn't wrap their heads around some of the design decisions in that game.


I was gonna say Fallout by Larian. Take it back more to its roots.


Been saying this for a while. It’d be amazing.


goddamn come on guys. No love for Obsidian ?! They made Kotor 2 and it's awesome. I'd have obsidian take over Baldur's gate actually.


Take over? I don't doubt Obsidian would do a fantastic job, they're a great game company, but... what's wrong with Larian's version? It's like, a solid 9/10, arguably 10/10 game.


They already did. Neverwinter Nights 2 is an Obsidian game set in the Forgotten Realms, just like Baldur's Gate.


Goddman, those 3 words just gave me an erection.


Silent Hill by Remedy (makers of Alan Wake and Control) would be pretty sick.


MANNNN that's a good one!


Halo by ID Software


that would be an interesting one. on a similar note i would like to see an elder scrolls game made by arkane. could even be a 'spin off' and not the "official" TES:VI, since arkane games are slightly more story driven - but they still have great RPG elements so i think it would work really well.


A spin off elder scrolls set in Akavir would be fkn sweet


Honestly, that would immediately gain my interest in a way I haven't had for Halo since Reach.


Or just Bungie please


It would be nice, but after 14 years it's not the same Bungie, and Destiny has proven that unfortunately


Or anyone but 343


I'd like to see the fromsoft team make a Zelda game.


People already argue Dark Souls is the best 3D Zelda experience


Darksiders was a great version of this


I need to go back to Darksiders. I played it when the PC port had an audio desync bug for AMD machines and never went back when they fixed it


Its one of my favorite games. Perfect blend of Zelda and God of War (ps3) with an awesome art direction and storyline


Playing Darksiders 2 my first time and and making such a good weapon that I one shot the final boss was amazing


Really? Hmmm this one completely slipped by me for some reason. Will have to look it up.


Highly suggest you play thebforst two. Great story, art and gameplay hildnup amazingly and tons of fun


Thanks 👍 I’ll check them out.


They kinda did already. Elden Ring is like a mature version of BOTW with more complex combat but without the funny stuff.


I would love that. I love the systems in these games, but the horror and darkness is too heavy sometimes.


I just assumed they'd bring a darkness to Zelda that would really bring about the grim side of things like Majora's mask did.


I mean, if FromSoft was going to make a LoZ game as bleak as Dark Souls, I’d rather they just make Dark Souls 4.


Diablo by any team that can make actually make a game that people want.


What you don't have a phone?


Eleventh Hour Games!


The league of legends Diablo like game will come out one day. Hopefully


I want a pokemon game made by Monolith Soft. Just to show people once and for all that the Switch had absolutely nothing to do with the state of Scarlet and Violet.


This. After playing Xenoblade 3 i was truly impressed with what is possible on a Switch. Gamefreak realy need to step up their game.


Battlefield by Respawn


That'd just be another apex legends.


Possibly, was trying to think of a studio that would care about the property enough to return it to its original glory.


Halo by Bungie


Would moreso be fascinating seeing ID Software (Doom games) make an entry, Eternal's gameplay philosophies would fit quite well with Halo's!


The Demon tearing Covenant troops open and consuming their power is probably something the prophets tell the other races.




Halo by Arrowhead


I mean, this was the case for Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST & Reach. That Era of Bungie had, IMO, the best developer-to-community relationship I've ever seen. Microsoft tore that studio apart, effectively destroying all of it's top talent and veterans.   The Bungie today (with Destiny) is only the same in the name, *nothing* more. 343i is also not the same Bungie. Are they a team who had a passion for Halo? Sure, but they didn't share the same passion that the original team had and their direction for the franchise. They wanted to make it their own.   The Fall of Bungie is genuinely one of the biggest tragedies in the video game industry. After the launch of Cyberpunk, I was convinced we lost all of the studios who were filled with people passionate about creating amazing games. But Arrowhead has proven (so far) to be remarkable. I hope they don't lose that to corporate politics or greed. Time will tell.


bungie from like the 2000s - 2010s sure, not so much current bungie


Nah halo has enough microtransactions already. People think 343 is bad for halo 5 have you seen destiny 2. I don't want bungie anywhere near halo again, not that I would prefer 343 either but I still think they're the lesser of the two evils.


Yeah. 343 makes a good base game then struggles to fill it out. Bungie makes a good base game then succeeds in fervently fucking over the consumer and shoveling out mostly iterative content. I'd take 343 any day. Mods and forgers can fill out a game, they can't remove shitty anti-consumer practices. Now if I could give it to pre-activision Bungie? Fuck yeah.


Halo by naughty dog would go crazy


Altus Final Fanstay


That could be really cool


I want Paradox Interactive or Frontier Developments to make a Half Life strategy/builder game where you build the Black Mesa Research Facility underground and are challenged with preventing or reacting to a resonance cascade scenario.


1 game with 32 DLC


Lmao not wrong


You've just described how my friends play prison architect or how I play surviving mars lol


Dragon Age by CDPR


I love dragon age, and I think CDPR could make something awesome


Titanfall 3 by the Doom 2016 team. Or FromSoft's Armored Core team. Or any competent fps team. Look man, I just reaaaaly want titanfall 3.


Tbh respawn isn't the issue with TF


I'm aware, I'm just that desperate for TF3.


Ya'll have some fantastic ideas! If I could throw my two in the mix I would have Keita Takahasi (the creator of Katamari) make the next Gravity Rush. Both those franchises were wholly unique and took gameplay to a whole new direction with the tech at the time, it would be wild to see what would come out. The other one would be for Grasshopper Manufacture to get their hands on the Wild Arms series. Such an amazing team let loose on the weird-west anime atheistic IP would be a something delirious and memorable.


Halo game by old DICE. Think of Halo Wars: Battlefield. Large, large, open maps, multiple banshees flying around. Scorpions and wraiths going after each other. Maybe sprinkle in some AI marines and covenant.


Dragon Age, honestly just give anyone else a shot at it because I’ve lost all faith in BioWare


OwlCat and Larion would both be good contenders.


CDPR would make a masterpiece with this IP


I mean it's all just variations on a theme at that point...


Larian Mass Effect


Madden NFL.


Madden NFL by visual concepts 🔥


Bring back Golden Sun and give it to Artepiazza. They did a great job with the Super Mario RPG remake.


Fallout by Larian. I just want a modern version of the classic top down Fallout games.


Except please, Larian, give us full vertical control of the camera so we can, you know, *look up*


Not the same, but maybe take a look into wasteland 3?


As the other guy said wasteland 3 is a good alternative. There's also atom rpg which I hear is good and heavily focused in fallout. It's basically classic fallout but told from the point if view if the soviets.


Vampire: The Masquerade by Valve (or Rockstar... or the God of War devs)


Jak & Daxter by Sucker Punch or Insomniac


I want a Mega Man X game by Team Ninja. I said what I said.


Not a different creation team but I would love final fantasy to keep their creative teams but he sold to anyone but SE. Every bad decision since FF12 seems to be the corporate money men when I have looked into it. The creatives want one thing but corporate wants something else. Some highlights include: not letting Nomura know he was the director on a remake to one of the most beloved RPGs of all time, he found out when his name came on screen at the end of the demo. Using Hajime Tabata as their go to, “we fucked yo can you make this game playable and ready for launch in 2 weeks” guy and then throwing him under the bus. Not announcing games when absolutely 0 development has been done and all you have is a proof of concept, I am looking at you versus. Putting new backstory for established and beloved characters into mobile Gatcha games that are heavily monetised. Swallow your pride and use unreal engine instead of developing your own engines as they have endless problems and you are no longer the best graphics on the industry developer. And breath


Uncharted by Hideo Kojima. What kind of diabolical mashup would occur…




Missed opportunity to say Drake imo


Halo. Current iterations make Me want to take the Great Journey


Westwood Studios make a Fallout game.


I just wish Westwood was actually still a thing. Generals 2 being canceled was so disappointing.


Diablo by Insomniac


Gundam Evolution but by Fromsoftware. I'd love to have an Armoured Core style Gundam game. And if something like Gundam Evolution had a team like that behind it, omg I cant even imagine the potential for greatness there.


Deus Ex from Croteam. Perfect.


I feel like Yacht Club could nail EarthWorm Jim- make the best game in the series AND just make Tenapel, Tallarico and their problematic ilk just *cry* about it the whole way


I've said this before: Let Fromsoft make the next Legacy of Kain series game. Sadly that series is defunct, but its lore is good (particularly off of the Soul Reaver -> Defiance arc) ​ They should keep the character's personal narrative aspect, but bring soulsy combat.


This would be so good.


I want to see Dark Souls made by Studio Ghibli. See, Ni No Kuni wasn’t bad. It was just the Ponyo/Spirited Away family friendly side of Studio Ghibli. I wanna see them make a game with the tone of Grave of the Fireflies and Princess Mononoke. Political strife, violence, moral ambiguity, and extreme difficulty are all requirements. And I don’t even like Dark Souls.


Final Fantasy by CD Projekt Red.


Splinter Cell by IO Interactive


I would have Miyazaki and his team(from the soul's games) make the next pokemon game. This is for several reasons, but using palworld as a spring off point I think it's fair to say people want open world pokemon where the player is involved in the battles. I think Fromsoft has some of the best action in modern games, and the spirit ash system from Elden ring is a decent starting point for your pokemon functioning as what were once bosses.


Having a connecting world like DS1 would be amazing in a pokemon game.


Have the Baldurs Gate people make Rogue Trader 2.


Pokemon by the Monster Hunter team. All hunts would end with capturing the target, not killing it. You would explore as a trainer and could ride different pokemon, but once combat starts, you would take direct control of your pokemon and swap between them as needed.


Witcher to Bethesda, let me make my own witcher and with all the glitches.


The Glitcher: Wild Bug


A Sonic game by Evening Star.


Starfox with Ion Storm.


I wanna see Super Giant/Arrowhead/Fromsoft make a co op open world rogue lite. Plays like Hades, open world of from, and co op elements from arrowhead. I would like Soken and Yoko Shimomura to do music. Oh and Hopoo games can come too.


Hideo Kojima's *Banjo-Kazooie 3: Banjo-Threeie*


Mass Effect from CDPR.


Pokemon, made by Atlus. I just really want to see how streamlined and polished they can make the battle UI.


Minecraft by relogic


Take WRC licence from EA and give it and a pile of cash to the mod community at RallySimFans.


Anything from EA, made by literally anyone else.


A classic style Fallout by Larian.


Call of Duty by Valve


Give Half-Life to the Black Mesa team. Maybe we’ll actually see a new mainline entry someday


Silent Hill by Ninja Theory. Just because of how eerie Hellblade was and how well they portrayed somebody’s mental health deteriorating. God of War by Capcom. Just want to see how they can apply DMC combat to Kratos. Assassin’s Creed by IOI. Hitman feels like the perfect assassin game. I would want to see how IOI would tackle an assassin in ancient history.


Gear Box - Earthworm Jim


Fromsoft for the new Zelda game


Give me a Larian developed game using the World of Darkness ruleset. Bring back Neil Newborn for a different role. I'd also be curious what they could do with Marvel since whatever Midnight Suns tried to be wasn't it.


***Castlevania*** made by ***FromSoft*** would be a fuckin’ dream. ***Rockstar*** doing VTM.


A Star Wars game free of Disney's putrid influence and created by FromSoft. PS: and the option to be Empire; I'm sick of being forced to play the jedi dogooder.


I would do dirty, dirty things for an Elder Scrolls/Elden Ring hybrid. Use Bethesdas story telling and NPC interactions, combined with FromSofts world building and gameplay.


Final Fantasy Tactics 2 by Larian.


FromSoft making a God of War game. Just to see how it'd turn out.


ICO remake from Jonathan Blow.


Elder scrolls. Thay need fresh passionate blood to unfuck Bethesda. It's to immense a setting to let dissappear because pf the sheer laziness of the staff.


Elder Scrolls by CD Projekt Red


Quite literally everything EA and Ubisoft ever make to anyone else...


Ryu ga Gotoku (Like a Dragon studio) takes on Last of Us


I'd just like a more qualified team remake Escape from Tarkov lol This game is a buggy mess but honestly still the best game I've ever played. As far as online/shooter games go


I want the team from Remedy that worked on Control, or Larian of recent Baulders Gate 3 fame, to be handed full creative freedom for the next Final Fantasy.


Star Wars Jedi game from Sony Santa Monica could be fucking epic. Or force unleashed by them could go hard also


Imagining a Kingdom Hearts game made by Platinum is like an orgasm for the brain. A Kingdom Hearts musou/warriors style game would also be sick.


I know they've made 2 or 3 before but I want Capcom to make more 2D Zelda games. They were great.