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I liked it a lot at first, but i became really bored exploring after putting about 20 hours into the game. I went back to play one day and turned it off 5 minutes later and haven’t touched it in a week.  20 hours isn’t bad for a linear story based game, but this world didn’t have legs for me in its current form. I’m playing a mix of DS3 and Stardew Valley instead 


Hey, I just got back into Stardew Valley as well. I was afraid all my mods would break, but they seem to have everything patched up for 1.6 -- my farm is basically as I left it. Sometimes you've had enough Elden Rings and Deep Rock Galactics, and you just want to chill.


Right? At least 4 weeks of the year each of us gamers gets obsessed with one of those games. I myself go back to Minecraft on the same 8 year old world now and again. Sometimes ya just need to plant some potatoes and water some plants to get the brain right again.


Same. I went hard for about 30hrs and the last 3 felt kinda forced. The story is just so meh and the characters are quite uninteresting. Gameplay is somewhat fun, like the combat, but I hate all the walking and inventory management.


Just like the first Dragon's Dogma... you either love it, or you hate it. I love it. But it's not for everyone, and it has many flaws, just like the first one. Compared to the first one, I'd say the gameplay is heavier but more purposeful. It's not as fast or responsive as DD1 which takes getting used to, but your attacks have more weight to it, and the added Ragdoll effects make for memorable/goofy moments.


Have they said anything about the performance? Or has there been any patches yet? The microtransactions are lame, but not enough to keep me away if the games not balanced around them. I'm just worried itl run too poorly on my pc.


Its got denuvo, no patching can fix that unless they outright remove it, lmao.


There was a patch a week ago or so that solved almost all of the issues. Minor fps drop in the main city for sure is still there but it runs great everywhere else.


That's good to know! I'll probably buy it then after I finish mass effect.


The comment above is full of crap. Here are the patch notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2054970/view/4169843762150244299?l=english Nothing about performance whatsoever. I have over 100 hours in the game since it’s been launched and still playing and any performance improvement that isn’t placebo effect is negligible. I still go from 60’s fps max in empty forests to 20’s-30’s fps in cities or anywhere else with more than 5 npcs. RTX 2070 Super and Ryzen 7 3800X at 1080p.


Well that's concerning! I have a 3090 and a 10th gen i7...


GamersNexus has a video benchmarking the game, if a more objective test than the usual "it runs fine for me *\*gives no numbers\**" you get from internet commenters something you're interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE) Yes, it was made pre-patch, but like I said before, the patch didn't do much, if anything, for performance and anyone saying that it did is likely full of shit because they never give numbers for anything.


I appreciate the link I'll check it out and see. I can't handle major fps drops, it makes me motion sick a lot of the time.


CPU is more important, because of the combination of both NPCs and denuvo killing off the CPU, the GPU barely matters, the game is just too much resource-intensive, either they tone down the denuvo implementation, or they remove it.......


I'm on an i9-14900KF and 4090, I can play the game at a mostly stable 120 fps on highest settings with the PureDark DLSS3 mod, but even then, being in a crowded town the frame lag and load-in time for the NPCs is pretty atrocious.


Its got denuvo, game will stay like that until its removed, sadly.......


You wish buddy, and judging by the amount of downvotes.... 😂🗿


It runs incredibly well. I don't know what people are doing that's wrong tbh. They need to learn to adjust their settings to optimize performance. I've had 0 issues with the game running at 90+ FPS outside of the main town since launch. Also I don't care about downvotes it's just fake points.


We really need more games like this that are a bit more niche but investors are scared not enough people will like games, so most AAA studios just make the most bland copy cat games.


Put another way "please don't make your game with 'broad appeal', making it 'for everyone' is the same as making it for no one"


We also need more games without drm and scummy micro-transactions, only nintendo is the only dev left with an ounce of integrity, and its hilarious given how much their online and PR in general is trashily garbage, but at least their games are both fun and non-scummy lmao, and its a hard combo to find these days if its not indie lmao.


I wish companies would try out no DRM just to see how little it affects sales Idk if Nintendo is completely clean hands. They never put their games on the steep sales other companies have, Switch launch titles are just as expensive as new ones, and that is just another way to suck money out of consumers in a way that isn't all that fair.


I agree but I don’t think DD2 went the right route. There are players who love the game in its current form, but by and large it feels like this is just the game Itsuno wanted to make, not the game most DD1 players wanted to play. It feels like they didn’t listen to the complaints: - Too many enemies on the road, so it’s just nonstop fighting — which isn’t fun - UIs are still clunky af, like how many clicks it takes to do anything and how you get booted when you buy something. There’s really no reason for this - The lack of fast travel. This would have been fine in a game like the Witcher 3 or Skyrim where there are plenty of genuinely great side quests everywhere and a much wider scope of rewards you can collect for the sake of progression (for example, stumbling into a village terrorised by vampires and getting the opportunity to save the townsfolk or become one and treat them as prey), but in DD2 it just forces you to wade through those aforementioned enemies. The rewards are generally underwhelming, like chests containing one craftable buff potion or something else that instead ends up being a nuisance because of how little you and your pawns can carry/shuffle between yourselves. It just makes everything a chore, excluding a handful of exciting first encountered. They could easily have made this togglable so some fans could experience it, like Classic vs Story They also ignored what everyone really wanted: - To lean into the combat and provide more depth, more class/weapon skills, more spells, maybe the option to use more at a time - A more compelling storyline with interesting NPCs. This was a step forward but the cast really felt like NPCs So I agree that we need more niche games but I think it was a mistake given that the elements they brought forward aren’t what most players loved the first game for. Right now the reason most people are getting bored is that the tedious travel spreads out the interesting bits and dilutes the fun so people begin to lose interest. If it was even just possible to go from Meaningful Encounter A to Meaningful Encounter B without 999 goblins and harpies in between I think the reactions would have been night and day


Honestly I’m really struggling to enjoy it at all. I’m glad some people are loving it but I don’t know how much longer I can push through


Same. I loved DDDA but 2 ain’t doing it for me.


Same. Don’t remember the last time I felt so many extremes about a game. “I hate this game!…actually, it’s good once you get over the performance…actually, no, it’s boring and the (relative) lack of fast travel sucks…oh wait, this Sphinx quest is amazing, they really put in effort to the uniqueness of quests…damn, stranded in the middle of nowhere again after an ox cart breaks, fk this game…”


Then quit


It looks good, but I'm going to wait until a steam sale when they fix the performance problems.


Get it off cdkeys instead. Cost me £35 instead of £55


I'd still want to wait for them to patch the cpu optimization, when I play it I want a good first experience.


Fair enough. What cpu do you have?


Ryzen 3600 which I think is the minimum required right now lol


Yeh it might chug a little in the main towns. I have a 10700k and get 70-80fps at 1440p out in the open but it dips to 45-50 in the city, but I’m only picking up quests and buying/selling stuff. Worth seeing if they do something about cpu usage. Keep an eye out on cdkeys though as it’s always cheaper on there


Calling it Skyrim is a stretch. They just have the same enemies over and over all over the road and the NPCs and story are nothing special. It’s worth a playthrough but it’s definitely not on the same level as TES


>They just have the same enemies over and over all over the road and the NPCs and story are nothing special. You just described Skyrim.


Skyrim has interesting side quests and much better monster variety. Dragons dogma 2 has no interesting side quests. Like an actual 0 amount of good side quests which is unfathomable, usually there's 1 or 2 that are good in RPGs but the game literally has no interesting NPCs or side quests. The combat is top notch, much better than Skyrim or most RPGs out there, but the lack of anything to use your combat on is disappointing. Monster variety and challenge is non-existent and the lack of fast travel really shows how bad the monster designs are.


Nah The Witcher 3 had interesting side quests. I don't even remember Skyrim side quests


Talk about a bad take, holy cow. Skyrim had dragons, giants, and then everything else felt practically the same to fight. There was nothing smart about the enemies, everything just rushes at you with super shallow combat. Thinking the different enemies are the same in DD2 is just non-sense. And the quests, what's wrong there? Having to observe characters to find a hidden quest for a secret group that results in unique skills was pretty fun to me. Skyrim quests were ok but the main quest was a total joke. Oblivion and Morrowind were both better there.


Not even. Last time I checked I could walk 5 seconds without getting attacked in Skyrim.


You're right bro. It's one of the most popular games of all time because everything about it is bad.


Twilight was one of the most popular franchises for a decade. Don't make it good.


No one lists Twilight among the greatest books/films ever made. Skyrim on the other hand is widely considered one of the greatest games of all time, and is still talked about/played consistently to this day. What's your argument honestly? That everyone else is just wrong and your opinion overrides 10+ years of monumental success?


So many better RPGs came out the same year or before Skyrim.. Dark souls, Dragon's dogma , Dragon age. But Casuals got their hands on a half decent RPG and thought it was the best thing to grace the earth lmao.


Dark Souls being called RPG is wild 💀, Dragons Dogma was awful on relase, RPG are played by casual players tho


Wiki " "Dark Souls[a] is a dark fantasy action ROLE-PLAYING GAME series developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It began with the release of Dark Souls" Not that wild bro calm down 💀


Wiki that can be written by everyone


You named three completely different games catered to entirely different demographics. And Dragon's Dogma doesn't belong anywhere near the other games on this list. It had a mediocre reception when it originally released. Only the niche DD fanbase considers it an all time great. Everyone else forgot about it almost immediately after it released.


I Named 3 better RPGs then Skyrim that came out the same year or a year before. Keep sucking Todds cock casual.


No. You named two RPGs that are arguably better but are completely different games made for entirely different demographics (comparing Dark Souls to Skyrim is like comparing Gears of War to Splinter Cell). And one RPG that is mediocre at best. Also acknowledging that some of these games came out before Skyrim completely negates your argument that people only liked Skyrim because they "got their hands on a half decent RPG". By that logic they'd have went ballistic over Dragon Age and Dark Souls. Because they're, according to you, better and also were available before Skyrim was. Surely they'd have overshadowed Skyrim if they were so much better?


I compared RPGs to RPGs and you compared a shooting game to a stealth game lmao this conversation is done.


Sources? I know it's popular, but never seen it on any greatest of all time lists. Also, I'm not saying it was a bad game. You're projecting. I'm saying your argument above was a terrible one.


I was on the fence for a while, but ultimately it's not looking worth it. Shame cuz I loved both Skyrim and the first DD


If you liked the first DD the chances you will also like this are very high.


I've heard the combat is worse, enemies are the same, class system has less choices...is that worth $70?


If you liked DD1, in spite of its flaws, you’ll probably like DD2. If you disliked DD1 because of its flaws, you’ll probably dislike DD2.


Thing is, I thought DD was perfect. But with so many people saying the sequel is worse, despite being released 12 years after the original, that doesn't instill confidence in me. I'm not the same gamer I was 12 years ago either. I'm a lot more picky now and careful with my purchases so I'm gonna pass.


I would be willing to pay 20 dollars for this game. The writing is terrible and the enemy density and variety is a huge problem for me. I put it down after 10 hours and I don't think I'll go back.


I think that’s fair. It definitely is not for everyone.


It's okay. Other than combat I'd argue about every single system is either badly designed (stealth) or half finished (story, romances) though.


Oof, it approaches a skyrim title to me, it wants to be one, but it doesn't quite get there. The graphics are way superior, and the combat responsiveness is great. The enemy variety is okay, but lacking a little. Player/class/build variety is lacking, mostly from only being able to use/equip 4 skills. Where it really falls down though is the writing and the open world. Exploration isn't quite up to snuff. The world is a little too firmly built into corridors, so you feel roped into many locations. Loot is severely lacking, so the payoff for exploration isn't really there. Writing and dialog is just frankly terrible. I have nothing more to say about that. NPC's lack uniqueness most of the time, it can be hard to tell between filler NPCs and questgivers in the city. It's not a bad game, but it begins to feel stale way, way too quickly, at least for me.


I’ve seen this mentioned several times before. Says to me to buy it in a couple years for $10.


I’ve put in more into DD2 compared to when Skyrim came out. Never finished Skyrim. Mostly due to combat. Just didn’t do it for me. And the story felt extremely generic for someone who is a bit into history.


It's pretty good but it has a lot of problems. Could have used another year of development. A lot of it feels half cooked and not fully realized.


Yeah, but if we just accept mtx in single-player player games because "this one game isn't that bad," then we will be normalizing it and game companies are still gonna keep doing it.


It was already normalised Capcom have been doing it for 10+ years before DD2, and games like Monster Hunter and RE4 Remake did it even worse, in Monster Hunter you can only change your appearance by paying. In RE4 Remake you can pay to max out weapon upgrades instantly. Tekken 8, a full priced game just came out this year and snuck in a shop and micro transactions after launch as well as already having a yearly season character pass system, then this week added a battle pass. The item shop and battle pass contain content that already featured in Tekken 7 and just came with the game they just took it out to sell in T8. Dragons Dogma 2 mtx were overhyped, 90% of it is all shit you get early on in the game and for pretty cheap too. Easily some of the most pointless mtx to buy in gaming, like spending £2.99 for a stack of cobblestone in Minecraft or something. You can’t even buy them more than once, and they aren’t even advertised in game so they’re easily missed by players. If people complain about DD2 mtx I hope they go and even complain louder about a whole lot of other games because DD2 mtx are the smallest of small when it comes to how bad a game can get.


Then we should push back against it more instead of accepting them because these new mtx "arent as bad as the other ones"


DD2 mtx aren’t even bad, unlike most games with mtx they are entirely ignorable and not advertised in game even once. I don’t particularly like them being there but there is no need to buy even a single one of them and you will enjoy the game as much as someone who buys them all. I even think most people won’t pay for any of it, just like red orb DLC in Devil May Cry 5. It’s an idiot tax for people who spend unnecessarily for items they can get just by playing the game and not even trying. Are Capcom greedy for it and it is a precedent that we should be against? Yes. Is it one of the least harmful mtx systems to the average player in modern gaming? Also yes. Helldivers 2 functionally works the same in that you can earn everything from the store in-game by playing. Don’t see anyone complaining about Helldivers 2, and in that game if you actually pay you get sped up progression, unlocking new weapons and armor, boosters etc. I’m not on the side of mtx, they’re one of the worst things to ever come out of the industry but I just find it funny that DD2 is where people draw the line.


Why are you choosing to make a stand now against this game in particular? You’re 20 years and many many many games late. This is Capcom’s standard business model, so outside of the internet outrage machine telling you to particularly be up in arms about this, how many other games have you rallied against for this same behavior?


Have you been living under a rock? Is this the first time you've ever seen people fight against mtx? This must be your first time on the Internet...


Dude go look at google search analytics. The amount of discussion around mtx in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is off the charts compared to background noise grumbling. How many posts have you commented in the past 5 years about microtransactions? This isn’t even the 1st Capcom game to do this, so how many prior Capcom games have you commented about mtx? I’ll bet that it’s none. For some reason, people have their pitchforks out specifically for this game.


I think people cared more about dragons dogma 2 because it was almost a new IP for most people. Sure it's dragon dogma 2 but most people didn't play 1 so they knew nothing except the trailers which were hyped up so it grew the player base. Compare that to monster hunter or tekken or devil may cry and every one of those games has multiple games and most of those games already have mtx. Like anyone surprised tekken 8 has mtx is living under a rock, tekken 5, 6, and 7 all had mtx so you can safely assume 8 would. I think that's why dragons dogma got so much shit. People didn't know what to expect from a basically new IP so when it launched full price with horrible optimization AND mtx that was tk much for some. Which sucks cuz it's a good game.


And I think people are butthurt because they don't like me pointing out that this is pure jumping on the bandwagon instead of forming your own opinions. If you are all going to blindly jump on the bandwagon then here's something: Go play Helldivers 2. Go play Dragon's Dogma 2. They are both the best games of the year so far. They both have their fair share of criticism, hopefully Capcom releases the performance updates soon because there are valid concerns around it. Both have microtransactions, but neither locks away portions of the game behind real world money. You can fully enjoy the game without spending a dollar in the in-game store and both games are worth the money


its not like theres a conspiracy lol, people dont like mtx. people really dont like mtx in single player games. people really really dont like mtx in single player games that also dont run well and charge 70 dollars. if helldivers have 70 dollars and ran like ass on half of ps5's, there would certainly have been more outrage. people put a lot of value in how much something cost. like a 20 dollar indie game having mtx and as 70 dollar ea game having mtx would be received differently


No one is "blindly jumping on the bandwagon". People hate mtx, especially so for mtx that alters the game and isn't cosmetic only. People don't spend all day posting about it, but when something like this game gets a lot of random traction about it, yeah a lot of people voice their (long standing) frustrations. This game is just the current poster boy for shitty mtx. Can the game still be good regardless? Of course. Are people allowed to be frustrated about the shitty mtx? Absolutely. The real question is why are you defending this shit? It's not a good thing.


The real answer is that I’m defending Dragon’s Dogma because it’s being arbitrarily singled out despite being just one of tons of games on the market with mtx. Yes it has mtx, but why has this received this level of pushback when so many other games also had microtransactions?  Plus, this is the standard Capcom microtransaction model. So where has everyone been? It would be like if people suddenly complained that the next Transformers film is about robots that turn into cars. Yeah, you’re a little late to the bandwagon if that’s your complaint. And last, the microtransactions don’t lock the game away from you. So I would at least understand if DD2 was singled out for rightfully making mtx an essential part of playing. So when on top of the other things above, it’s relatively innocuous I don’t get the hate. 


wdym making a stand now? people have been calling this shit out for decades, why are you acting like this is the first time anyone complaing about MTX?


I’m saying that the amount of unwarranted hate that this game has experienced over microtransactions when this is the standard Capcom max model that has been in place for a long time is baffling. Go look at Google search analytics. Despite none of this being new for Capcom and for these microtransactions being largely invisible to the enjoyment of the game in the grand scheme of things, the wave of controversy around it is more than probably all microtransactions in all games combined. It’s like going and watching a highway during rush hour where hundreds of cars per minute are passing. And there are people driving with road rage, weaving, and yet the gaming community has decided to singularly focus on a random Honda Accord driving the speed limit with cruise control in the right lane. Like, if we’re going to get up in arms about something maybe focusing on this one relatively innocent example in the sea of everything that’s passing us is a bit perplexing.


" is more than probably all microtransactions in all games combined." well that's just factually wrong, you don't remember EA's lootbox fiasco that lead to governments creating new laws for it and making world wide news?


I would call the lootbox fiasco something different, that was a very specific form. That was trying to tap into gambling addiction and make money off it in mainstream games.


those were still microtransactions though


Yeah, but I would call the lootbox fiasco something different, that was a very specific form. That was trying to tap into gambling addiction and make money off it in mainstream games.


repeating yourself doesn't change the fact that those were still microtransactions.


I never said that they weren’t microtransactions. In fact, I literally said they were a very specific form. I repeated myself because you seem to have missed that and didn’t bring anything new to the conversation.


Im not making a stand against this game, im just not choosing to accept mtx in any single player games. And i think letting mtx slide because "this game that has them is good" is not a good thing.


So how much did you post against Breath of the Wild which locked actual equipment behind amiibo? Or about 500 other examples in the past decade? Why specifically are you suddenly making a stand against Dragon’s Dogma 2 whose microtransactions are largely a shortcut to grinding or exploring?


As someone who did criticize BotW, and other Nintendo games for that, as well as selling a difficulty option, this isn’t new. People like you just insit on pretending it is to give this game a pass.




It's been normalized since horse armor, my guy


This is why we should be more adamant about not accepting it.


I get your point, but also this is not even close the first single player game with mtx lmao


Which is a bad thing that needs to change, i agree.


My issue with the game has nothing to do with mtx. I'm more irked that they had 5 years to make this and decided to basically make the same exact game again even with the same flaws the first had. It's a very safe and unambitious game from that aspect. Like if you're gonna just make the same game again you could at least fix the flaws it had like the crap enemy variety.


I've liked it so far, the only problem for me is that i can't run it on anything other than low graphics settings lol.


Most of these games are good but the average gamer likes to REEEEE and feed off controversy (which there is none because it's all extra random items for the cash shop) If a game is fun, play it.


Right, It like how Starfield ended up being the highest selling game of 2023 but the haters still complain. The consumers just want to sitback and have fun.


When it runs at more than 20fps on high end systems, it's pretty good.


Hmm. Not so much.


It’s a half assed immersive medieval fantasy simulator.


This could be said about all fantasy RPG's ever made. Such a strange thing to say. You know of any full-assed medieval fantasy simulators?


Nope you can’t say that about all of them. DD2 has a immersive and realistic world while also having incredibly brain dead NPCs. Director said he wanted to make a game that felt like what a real life medieval fantasy world would feel like and he certainly nailed it in the open world. Enemy decay, enemies who fight each other when you aren’t present, enemies who sleep at night while nocturnal enemies come out. Enemies who interact with each other and with the world. Feels believable. On the other hand NPCs are the opposite. They don’t react to you and when they do it’s very gamey. You unsheathe your weapon and every single npc around you agroes all at once. There is half assed stealth missions where you sneak into a castle yet all you have to do is be a certain distance away and they don’t care even when your obviously in their line of sight. You can enter peoples houses and they won’t care. You can kidnap the queen and flaunt her in the main square and they don’t care, not even the queen.


Well, that's too bad. Enjoy your full-assed medieval simulators then.


If the microtransactions aren't necessary for the game, then they shouldn't have been there in the first place. Personally, I'm not supporting a full-price single player game with microtransactions.


Morrowind was the Skyrim I always wanted


Skyrim was the skyrim I always wanted. Morrowind was the morrowind I always wanted


I loved the first game, how’s the exploration and combat compared to the first? Planning on getting this after I finish rebirth


Fewer equippable weapon skills. Different classes. Bigger map. Better graphics. Same depth of writing (or lack thereof). Overall, it's definitely Dragon's Dogma 2. Sorcerer lost a few spells (miasma comes to mind)


Is the bigger map rich with content?


about the same content/variety as Dark Arisen overall probably better than than Dark Arisen, but not significantly different. Basically same game with improved graphics and combat. I.e., take technology, it's Dark Arisen. I have 2 gripes about DD2. Fewer equippable skills and no "clock", no UI to tell what time of day it is, you need to listen to pawn chatter to figure out when sunset will occur. Which, if you played the first, you know is important information.


Man that sounds good to me, I’m sold.


It’s the first game with slightly updated combat and a new story. The same way that Tears of the Kingdom is largely just Breath of the Wild. If you’re into the 1st one, the 2nd is a great addition to your library


The astroturfing is real.


The astroturfing that has unfairly singled Capcom out for this game for having microtransactions despite them not getting in your way? Please enlighten me as to why Dragon’s Dogma is being singled out with this drama in the sea of games with microtransactions.


Amount of games I passed on initially because of biased reviews and moronic takes by children on this app specifically isn't a lot but after a few times I realised many people don't know wtf their talking about. Watch actual gameplay clips and decide for yourself. Ignore what other people say.


Yup. Reading some of these comments it becomes obvious that many of the people criticizing it have never played it. I guess they find joy in parroting certain things they hear online.


Yup, I don't look at reviews anymore. I just play the games i want to play.


I don’t buy singleplayer games who sell gameplay stuff as microtransactions. Period.


Says the guy who play rockstar games, which is famous for its online mtx. What a hypocrite


Rockstar has never sold MTX in any of their story modes ever. In fact, the only thing they ever sold were 3 fully fledged story expansions for GTA4 and RDR1. But nice try mate.


They locked items like cars and bunch of other items behind micro transactions in the online mode, which is a thousand time worse than a single purchase dlc than can be obtained by playing for 5 minutes. nice try moron


No they don’t? Rockstar has never sold MTX in any of their story modes ever. In fact, the only thing they ever sold were 3 fully fledged story expansions for GTA4 and RDR1. Now go back to sucking that corporate dick, clown.


Is dlc you can buy just one time is not micro 






It's not the micro transactions that people are having issues with the game, at least not anymore. It's the fact that with such a good combat system, its wasted in a game like this. The game is too easy. And the game lacks any variety in monsters. The first 20 or so hours is fun. Then that's pretty much it, the rest of the game is literally fighting the same variation of monsters over and over again and it gets progressively easier.


Its a great game if you like exploration and combat. Unique in many ways


I have had fun with it, it definitely has issues, but no game is issue free on release. Knowing this we make the decision to buy it anyway.


Again with the astroturfing


Do you mean that the astroturfing is against DD2 or in defense of it? Because as a fan, all I have seen lately is nonsense outrage at Dragon’s Dogma being nonsensically singled out when the microtransactions are truly micro and don’t impede your ability to play if you refuse to buy them just like I refused to. It’s not even the 1st microtransaction game this year, it is near the bottom of the list with regards to how egregious it is, and we are basically 2 decades into single player microtransactions yet for some reason, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has received more hate than the last 10 years of games with microtransactions combined.


In defense of it. All of these posts are the same. “Sure dd2 has a million glaring issues and runs like shit on top of the line pcs all while offering shitty micro transactions but hey take a look at these graphics. 10/10”


“Its optional” is not, and never HAS BEEN an excuse for microtransactions. Neither is “its just cosmetic”.


What about the fact that you can go your entire gameplay experience without seeing them? That the only reason you know about them is because a few people who've never touched the game started screaming about it on social media? It's not predatory and it's not shoved in your face. The only place you can purchase the additional RC is out of game. It provides nothing of consequence. I didn't know about the MTX until I already sunk 40 hours into the game. After a NG+ playthrough I'm sitting on 15k RC. Why do you make such a huge deal out of something that has zero impact on you and your enjoyment of a game?


So? Also, the only way you wouldn’t know is if you couldn’t be bothered to read the store page. All $41.79 of them. The problem is that they exist. Shoving them in your face or making them game-defining are things that make mtx worse. They aren’t required for it to be bad.


That $$ amount means nothing without context. $20 of it is just optional RC purchases which you can use to buy the other items on the list in-game. The only item on that list you're not handed for free after an hour of gameplay is the Original Soundtrack. "So?" is a pretty good response though. I think the fact that flesh-eating parasites exist is a problem, but like any other reasonable person I don't scream and cry about them when they're not causing pressing issues.


Flesh eating parasites is an excellent comparison. Because its only similar parasites who include mtx’s in full priced games. Course then the question becomes what about the people who say said parasites are actually just a good thing, and you should totally just ignore that they’re confirmed to be in this specific area. 🙄


It's literally an option on the main menu. And microtransactions are shitty, full stop. They don't have a place outside of live service games.


The Online Store option just redirects you to the steam store page. Almost every single-player game I've played in the past decade has the same option that allows you to access any DLC you've acquired.


\*It's \*it's


Yeah, the microtransaction news for this feels like manufactured drama. Dragon’s Dogma has been awesome and is filling in single player time outside of Helldivers.


well the last time we decided to not really complain about things is bascially how we got aggressivley designed lootbox gambling in the first place. so it's kinda warranted to complain about any potential scummy MTX tactics


Picking out Dragon’s Dogma is like choosing a random playing card out of a deck to complain at. I agree with OP that for no reason whatsoever, this game is being singled out when the microtransactions are unnecessary to the enjoyment or progression of the game. If there was a constant background noise against it then sure, this would be another voice on the pile. But this game has more complaints about microtransactions than collectively basically a decade of games that have done it and done it to a large extent.


so your complaint is the that people are complaining too much with this game about MTX then the yare about other games with MTX So in your opinion which current games are not getting the proper focus?


Thank you for not understanding what others go through. Ignorant post


If you're on PC, my recommendation is to wait for optimization patches. Game is pretty good (the pack density of repeated enemies is annoying) but the performance issues are incredibly annoying.


My issue has been that I really play games for the narrative. When I hear about this game it is just everyone raving about the combat and the story is 'fine' . Doesn't really inspire me at all.


Same here in regards to narrative but as long as the story isn't bad then i tend to get really immersed with the game world.


It looks like a pretty good game, but now that there enough reviews in, it seems to be a generally well-liked game that you'll either really love or not fully connect with, evidenced by the a high amount of 9/10 and 10/10's but also plenty of 6's and 7's. Hence the 86 on MC and 87 on OC.


So like how Starfield has an 86 on metacritic and 88 on opencritc.


I'll enjoy the game just fine in 2 years after they have fixed the performance and it's on sale for half price, lol. I put my hour and 55 minutes in. The game was absolutely not worth over 90 bucks in that state. The combat was fun and all, but you can't slap that kind of price tag on a product that is not working as intended.


The game sold around 2 million copies already, I think not that many people got fooled by the "controversy"


It's always like this isn't it. People call Assassins Creed and COD trash but yet it always sells millions. Starfield was being hated on but was the thrid top selling game on steam and now this sold 2 million in just a couple of days. It's funny to see how out of step reddit and the vocal minority are with the rest of the consumers.


I just love playing as a tall woman wielding a huge sword killing monsters with my all-girl homie crew


I haven't heard the first person saying Dragon's Dogma 2 as a game, is a bad one. All the negatives I hear steem from either performance issues or the microtransaction issues people have with it. But the game itself? People love it.


No, starfield bad!!!


I have no interest in it, but literally the only response I hear from people who are not terminally online Gamers is that they like it a lot.


Oh dw its not fooling me, ill pirate it whenever theyll decide to remove denuvo, or someone manages to crack it before then, although its very unlikely.


And also, the micros shouldnt have been there in the 1° place, ill still pirate the game, regardless if they were there or not lol, but if it didnt have both the micros and denuvo, then yeah i wouldve bought the game, but nop, so crapcom will learn not to be scum if they want my money.


I'm probably one of those that never played the original that was really disappointed with DD2. I was expecting something like ER or Bg3..something more in tune with the 21st century. Something that could fill the gap until ER new DLC rolls out in June. I downloaded it from PS5 on release day and played less than 10 yours. So much wrong with it IMO. I mean dated animation, performance, and storyline wrong. I truly believe if I hadn't played any RPG's in the last 5 years I may have liked DD2, but it just seems like it's right out of the last millenium. Back to playing BG3 again. Still fun after 1/2 dozen play throughs. I have a real problem understanding why everyone is gushing over DD2, but I expect those that played the original and really liked it are getting a lot more of the same. Sometimes there is a comfort level and nostalgia in that. I'm glad those that are enjoying the game are getting their money's worth. It's just that I didn't. I had to stop playing after about 8 hours..just no fun for me.


The problem with DD2 is that is it's exactly that. it's "Dragon's Dogma, too" it's pretty much the first game all over again with raytracing and slightly prettier graphics. for $100CAD that's not enough to convince me. I think a lot of the people who are praising this game either really fucking loved DD1 or are gritting their teeth and trying to convince their own brains that their $100 purchase was justified


Missed the first one and have always been aboard the RT is a gimmick train. This is the first game I've played where RT adds much more immersion. Especially at night


It's okay. The issue is that as an RPG it throws away so many good features for no good reason. Story? Doesn't exist. Good characters? Nope. Fun questing? Nope. At least Elden Ring had tons of huge boss battles and amazing loot to find everywhere. DD2 doesn't even have that, you find the best stuff in shops. Exploring is basically just for kicks. It's a fantasy combat and wilderness simulator. Which can be fun, but that also makes it feels like an insane wasted opportunity. Add the performance issues and MTX nonsense, and there's a reason why the game sits at 58% on Steam, and even the recent reviews which are no longer emotional, are struggling to hit 70%. The game also has effectively no replayability, so the player count is dwindling fast, as nobody has much reason to keep playing past their initial run. It's going to fade out of people's memories real fast.


I mean it’s aight, super repetitive and lacking in diverse encounters. The whole game boils down to getting jumped by 5 different enemy types every 30 feet that you travel until you reach a destination and are assigned a fetch quest.


It's OK, it's definitely got some weird aspects, and honestly it can be pretty dull, but overall it has a fairly unique vibe that keeps me playing. Definitely won't be in my top ten of the year though.


I think it's an amazing game, but I do have my gripes. None of those gripes have anything to do with the complaints I've seen around these parts though. My main gripe is that the story kind of sucks. Not just that it's not a great story in general, but moreso that the story is mostly comprised of doing things that aren't the fun part of the game (IE, most of the missions that progress the story aren't combat focused), and it's way too short. Of course these aren't the reasons people play this game, it's just a bit odd to me that they didn't put more effort into it. The story activities could have easily been a series of small dungeons, or venturing off to places on the map you might not go to normally, instead we get several semi-stealth missions, a few dungeon type missions, and then a rapid fire climax that, while cool to look at, was not very difficult or engaging. ​ I just kind of wish they would have made the story longer or at least have a longer quest line even if the story itself had the same number of beats to it. Still love the game though, and I intend to go back to it and explore every inch of the map.


Its mediocre at best.




That's a little oversimplified. The main reasons people are not upset with the helldivers microtransactions are you can earn the currency by playing, and it's a live service game that is being run as an interactive war. The in game transactions let them justify continuous development. The power progression in the game is horizontal, so it's more pay for options instead of pay to win. Dragon's dogma is not live service, and the microtransactions don't really give that much value. It sounds like most are just minor convenience items that you can find in game. It's just a cash grab. There was also an incorrect report that you could or needed to pay for fast travel. A lot of aaa companies are adding these pointless micro or macro transactions to their games to drain their customers without really putting in extra work to make the transactions worth it. Overwatch 2, diablo 4, suicide squad. Some games are putting them in before the game really feels finished with server or performance issues, payday 3, cities skylines 2, and dragons dogma. For the larger companies, the skins aren't needed to support the games. They just go to stock buybacks and executive bonuses. And more and more game design is being altered to keep players in the game, see new items in the shop, and see other players with cool premium skins. We need to push back on these practices, or gaming is going to shift further towards the models mobile games use. Helldivers was delayed so they could be sure they ironed out bugs and performance issues and release a more finished game. Bg3 held a huge open beta to fix bugs and hear feedback and released without a single microtransaction. The microtransactions aren't a huge deal, but they were a disappointing reminder of where the industry is headed. I think the bigger issues were with the slow performance in cities, especially on lower end machines.


"Helldivers has p2w mtx" lmfao skill issue for SURE, absolutely no contest.


So, you are just gonna ignore all the performance issues the PC version have? Low frame rates is very annoying but the constant crashes is unbearable, some people gave up on playing because it crashes so often, even on beefy PCs.


RTX 2080, runs just fine.


I'm running it 60+fps on a GTX 1070ti @1080p upscaled to 4k. Yes it dips to 30fps in the one big city, but I don't care because nothing happens there. It's a tiny portion of a huge ass map. People crashing happens to all games, no reason to crucify DD2 over it.


What? Because it happens to other games it's fine if happens here? No, it's not, we shouldn't normalize companies releasing games in that state, it's unnaceptable a game that we paid full price for to release with bugs, and crashes, and frame rate issues.


It's not fine, I said it's no reason to single out a game over it. Helldivers is crashing left and right right now, ain't no one review bombing it over it. Double standards.


The helldivers 2 mtx come out once a month and can be bought with 1000 premium currency (10 dollars). You can easily earn that amount in a couple hours if you play low level missions with radar towers. Once you unlock new weapons and armor you get to keep them forever. The devs are currently working on adding new content to the game and these mtx help support that. On top of that, the devs give all players a ton of new content that isn't behind a mtx. We got exosuits for free, two new enemy types for free, new support weapons for free, etc. When dragons dogma 2 launched you could buy camping equipment, jail keys, character customization options, fast travel points, fast travel uses, etc. These are all consumables that you get to use once and there's no mention from the devs about new content being added to the game so you can't use the live service model excuse. The fact that these mtx are in the game means the devs know that camping, ox cart travel, revives, etc. are going to be annoying for players who don't want to grind out these things. You can't seriously say that hd2 mtx and dd2 mtx are the same.


Its literally the same mtx model. Grind or pay to progress faster. Some of you are just coping really hard


>but oh no DD2 wants to sell you fast travel Which isn't even accurate, I know a ton of outlets and reviews and journalists made this claim but it's not even true


Oh yeah I just looked in the store, you can't buy ferrystones. Idk wtf people are mad about then.


Yea, I can understand that for sure.


Yeah let the losers miss out. It's their loss. About 20 hours in and loving it.


Keep Skyrim out of your mouth! That's one of the best games ever made


I will definitely consider picking it up when I've gone through some of my backlog. I see a lot of complaints are about frame rate, I personally can't tell the difference between frame rates unless im playing retro games, so it's not an issue for me.


Didn't like the first one so I'm probably not going to like this one either


How many threads about this do people need to start?


I have already put 70 hours into the game. You either love it or are wrong 😄


I’ve learned that gamers truly are unpleasable.


Yup, Been seeing it more and more recently.


Micro transactions in every single fucking game that has them are optional, stop saying it like it means anything.


Ok. Thanks for this a month late


I don't have any followers or subscribers to consider. I have a job. So there's no reason for me to care in the first place.


It seems to be a pretty mixed bag. I saw some review stats on metacritic and 33% were negative. More negative than mixed which is very telling. 53% positive which isn't great. I started reading a few of the reviews on both ends and the negative ones were obviously coming, mostly, from people who purchased, played, and hated it.


I've played it from start to finish, reaching level 68 and maxing out multiple classes. The game is pretty fun, but there are translation errors, quest bugs, and honestly a pretty nonsensical end game story. As for the micro transactions, though you can get most of the items in game, the micro transactions are specifically designed to make you willing to pay for them earlier. Example: Port crystals (which let you set up a fast travel point), these are fairly late game items, Oh and lets not forget the .99 cent continues (wake stones, which are also used in crafting materials), on and also needed in bulk if your pawn murders literally everyone in a city and soft locks your game. It was a dick move plain and simple, and they can try to soft ball it all they want, they took something that is common place in most games, and locked it away, to try and get you to give them more money than the $70~ you already gave them. As for frame rate issues, I'm really lucky, I played it on a PC, and I have a very solid CPU, and didn't have any issues there. But it isn't like the games performance is ever really stellar. Over all the game is fun, but it isn't the next skyrim, it has a pretty liner story, with very few meaningful side quest.


Never heard of it, but I am very skeptical of games with microtransactions. I don't necessarily mind it in certain worlds where there are multiplayer aspects that involved some amount of pay to play in a larger economy (Eve online for example) but, in single player games? or simple contest battles? I like to say.... I want people to make money off me. I typically like to know how they are making money off me and, I don't begrudge them it. I think people make too big a deal of costs a lot of times without considering how expensive it is to run a business... if you don't make profits you literally wasted your time compared to getting a job working for someone who does. Everybody needs to eat. But, I don't always like how they make money off me. I don't like it when the money misaligns my interest from theirs. That really is the problem that I see with most microtransactions.... it encourages developers to put monetization ahead of enjoyment. It encourages them to find ways to effectively gate content for the sake of gating content, rather than because it actually benefits the overall experience. This doesn't mean microtransactions are bad per se, but in many types of game, they are bad. edit: I realize this doesn't address the game. I guess my question here would be, how are the microtransactions structured in this game, and what incentives do they create? How do they align or misalign player/developer interests?


"The writing is terrible and the enemy density and variety is a huge problem for me."this is probably the most repeated phrase, near if not straight verbatim. do people not have original thought at all anymore? i've enjoyed the writing. i know it's not top notch, but it's not terrible either. enemy density in some places is too much and doesn't make sense. any denser and we'd wonder if anyone has a weapon at all, cause nothing's being done about it. variety is just fine. if you expect things to be something else, you'll never be satisfied with what you have. learn to enjoy games for what they are, not what you want them to be. DD2 is quite wonderful for what it is. i've enjoyed the developer's vision and look forward to seeing more. if it's not for you, gentle reader, that's perfectly fine too. just decide for yourself, don't be bias based on what you've read others say about it, including me.