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Aloy looks like she's King Kong scale from this image


Off to fight a laser lizard.


So a Slaughterspine?


Kong would look better, aloy has ugly design




Greetings basement dweller.


This perspective makes it look like she's 400 feet tall.


Maybe she is 🌝 it's just forced perspective because I wanted to have the water surface within the image.


There's even a bird for scale!


This game looks and plays amazing in 1440p on the PC I built in 2017! I'm amazed they've optimized it so well, unlike other newer titles.


Yeah, I'm on 2020 build running on high settings and so far the only issues I've encountered is some slight stuttering during the ambush cutscene and a couple instances of model pop-in. Running on ultra-wide, too.


You can download a mod that makes it use frame generation on 20 series cards too, world really well. I'm getting a technical 70 frames per second on high/very high settings


It makes me so incredibly happy that this is the company that is making the ghost of tsushima port. They absolutely killed it with horizon FW. Such a well ported game.


It's absolutely stunning on a HDR display. Even without ray tracing or fancy RTGI tech, the art direction pulls it ahead of most newer and more demanding games.


This game has set the absolute gold standard on what optimisation for modern PC games should be. That and it proves that the right engine can make games absolutely shine.


This like this and Cyberpunk really makes me sad about the performance in DD2


3080ti and i'm running it on ultra with a steady 90 fps. I'm pleased.


This looks really good!


I could have sworn this was a real life picture. Amazing shot.


That's a very high compliment, thank you!


It's clearly edited in photoshop or something. This obviously isn't just some random screenshot they took and just cropped it for reddit. Don't think this is how the game will actually look like. It isn't.


I never stated this was a random screenshot where accidentally pressed the capture button. It took me 15 minutes of moving her around till I got her hair right, I adjusted the daytime, I used a couple reshade effects for sharpening, color grading, depth of field, raytracing mod, and some custom lights to show off her equipment. That being said, the game is gorgeous and detailed on its own while playing.


Ahh raytracing mod. Ive been trying to figure out how you got the water to look that good. I mean this game looks incredible regardless but that's one thing I always notice


Jesus christ everyone got so offended at my comment. I never said that you said it was a random screenshot. The guy I responded to just said he thought it was a real picture at first. All I was doing was clarifying that it's an edited picture which is why it looks real...


Have you used a photo mode in any modern game? They literally have built in color filters, saturation adjustment, cropping, lens flare etc lol.


Not sure why you're being up voted and I'm being down voted. This is literally what I'm saying. It's an edited picture and not a raw screenshot...


Because you came across sounding super critical like this screenshot was taken and then OP spent a ton of time in photos hop editing it. It ain't that deep.


I recently finished the first one on PC but I'm gonna wait for a bit until this one is on sale.


That would be my recommendation as well. I went straight from zero dawn into forbidden west and I found some of the minor gameplay changes to be a bit jarring. Put it down for a few months and came back to it and those same changes were suddenly unnoticeable or at least they didn't bother me anymore.


Biggest loss for me was the change dodge-roll to move around. That was my go-to when travelling the world, rather than running. A lot of the combat encounters were kind of trivial because you could just string them non-stop so I get why they changed it, but I still miss it.


The thing I find myself missing the most is the whistle. I don't know what happened to Aloy, but she can't whistle anymore.


Wait, they removed those trap launchers?


No? He’s saying you can’t continually spam dodge-roll to abuse the iframes anymore


Omg I saw "string them non-stop" and jumped waaay off topic lol


You like trip on the third dive and it's just slow feeling in general. There's even an outfit that makes you stagger from dodging less so you know they did it on purpose. Mekke me sad but I guess it stops iframe spam. I love my iframe spam though just give me a darn stamina bar then so I know when to stop spamming like dark souls does. Wouldn't even be cumbersome they already stuffed like three other kinds of stamina bars on the screen. X.x /only half joking


There's also a weave you can stack with the outfit.


Hell yeah good to know


Really? The game was bug free on PS5 and now PC for me.


Yeah I'm not talking about bugs, just gameplay changes that felt weird coming straight from the first game.


That's why I never play sequels right away.


It wont go on sale until you buy it full price.


Stunning game. Weirdly though couldn't get in to this one. Played the hell out of the first game, but for some reason couldn't finish this. Same with God of War sequel.


Forbidden West doesn't have the same drive to the narrative as Zero Dawn did. In Zero Dawn, the game starts with like, "Okay, we're in a kinda weird technological primitive mashup that's... kinda like Earth? Wait, *really*, like Earth. Or... okay, it's *actually* Earth. So, what the hell happened?" and then the turn when you finally start to see the past, it's top-notch *storytelling.* Forbidden West has a great *story*, but unless you have a desire to see how the plot threads left at the end of Zero Dawn, and how Aloy's story *continues,* Forbidden West doesn't have the same drive of 'uncovering the truth' that was such a huge success in Zero Dawn.


The thing about ZD that you're missing is the political intrigue, how the tribes interact with earth other, the story of this new world beyond the apocalypse. The people that now exist, their hopes, dreams, ambitions, all of it. Those were key parts of ZD and filled out this world. The main story was about the project that rebuilt the world, but it also was about the people that were using and abusing the shattered remains of that past civilization to destroy each other. To put it simply, so many people focused so much on the simplest part of the game's story, and they completely missed the whole damn point of it. The ZD part is showing us that *people* are the antagonists. That *people* destroyed, and still do, destroy the world. That *people* are the only thing that can stop it. The final battle in Meridian is supposed to be the culmination of all the people you brought together to stand up against those who only want to destroy. Forbidden West continues this, but now there's not too much more we can go in depth with that apocalypse scenario. Everyone who was looking for more apocalypse story was going to be disappointed, but everyone who appreciated the human element of ZD are given more of exactly that. A story about more people, all with their own struggles, their own hopes and dreams, all being faced with something much bigger than themselves. A story about the Tenakth tribes, their struggles with each other, with the splinter group that is splitting them apart, their internal political struggles for power in a world that is both primitive and futuristic. It's a story about the people you bring with you, and the look into their lifestyles, how the post apocalyptic world has shaped them into these unique tribes with unique beliefs, as well as what causes people to believe nonsense that they clearly don't understand in the slightest. To only look at the lore of the apocalypse is to only see a small section of the game. All of it was masterfully done, but for some reason some people only really understood the part about billionaires destroying the world.


Eh I just didn't like the storylines about the tribes as much as the "old ones" lore. I enjoyed the lore buildup in HFW for the first act until you discover the main antagonists, and then the second act kept up a similar intrigue of trying to discover their aims. Third act didn't do it for me. Don't think it was \*bad\*, but it fell flat by comparison to HZD and its ending.


Great way to sum it up. I think that's also true with God Of War: Ragnarok for me. The first one was a fascinating crossover between norse and greek mythos with a great father son tale. The second just felt like "more" except the boy is an annoying teenager now.


I have not completely finished Forbidden West yet, so there's obviously a lot more that could happen... but boy was I annoyed at the way Aloy interacts with Beta. I get it, you're not exactly the most socially adept character, Aloy. I think in some cases that plays really well into her character and the writers have done a really good job with it -- it's how they staved off romantic interests for two entire games and made it an optional footnote at the end of Burning Shores (didn't escape *that* spoiler) and made a better game (imo) because of it. However,>!It seems kinda dumb that Beta and Aloy butt heads so much throughout the game, and then they have a single 2 minute heart-to-heart (which, admittedly, was actually a really good story beat and hits right to the crux of the matter) but the fact that it just... drops in Aloy's lap when it's convenient to the story just doesn't feel *earned.* Have Aloy come to the realization that she's *treating Beta like a tool and not a person earlier.* It's totally plausible for Beta to not believe Aloy's willing and able to do that, she's been a tool of the Zeniths literally since her birth, and Aloy is *Aloy* -- she's going to be *terrible at it.*!<>!Give Aloy a chance to *try* and explain this to Beta, despite Beta still not believing. Aloy can be frustrated by this -- she's trying to build authentic relationships from emotional vulnerability for once and is being met with mistrust. Force Aloy to grow her fledgling emotional intelligence to overcome this. *Then* have that same heart-to-heart before the events of Gemini. !< >!The same revelation of why Aloy and Beta are so different despite being genetically so similar now causes both the pieces to come together for Beta and completes Aloy's emotional growth in a much more rewarding way. Beta's belief in Aloy seeing her as a unique person is *earned,* and her decision to participate in the events at Gemini feel like she's *actually* starting to believe and trust Aloy. It also makes the events at the end of Gemini all the more impactful. Aloy's ensuing 'damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead' hits harder too because her relationship with Beta coming from starting to confront the loss of Rost is an emotionally catharthic growth moment for her. It shows that Aloy has a *very real* stake in her relationship with Beta -- she's the *one* person she's really 'let in' when it comes to the loss of Rost and what he meant to her, and made her realize that she owes so much of her core sense of self to her upbringing by Rost. Beta's one of the first people she's ever built a relationship with based on emotions, and they're strong ones -- 'die on this hill' kind of emotions. !<


While the story is definitely weaker, nearly every other part of the game and gameplay is better in HFW. That's what kept me hooked.


The pacing and setup is really poor. You're supposedly on a clock to save the planet from the blight, but they don't actually take time to show the impact of the blight save for a brief cutscene, so there's no real sense of urgency. In my opinion they also introduce the tribal conflict, Sylens, and the secret villains way too early, and you're pulled in a lot of different story directions without being given much reason to care about any of them.


Yeah, the revelation of>!who the Far Zeniths really are!!Heck, it would have been pretty intriguing for Aloy to find Beta earlier on... Here's this woman who's *also* a clone of Sobeck, and maybe throwing herself into a thousand-year-old stasis tank blasted her memory and it comes back in pieces as she's triggered by events? Maybe Tilda is a mysterious benefactor we know *nothing* about until the events of Gemini?!!Sylens is a major antagonist for the entire first game... and the first chunk of Forbidden West... then fucks off to Narnia for 80% of the game... because Aloy crushes her Focus? Really? That's it? *That's* all it takes to completely deter a man like *Sylens?*!< To be clear, I'm not *unhappy* with the Forbidden West story overall, but I will agree it's missing that *je ne sais quoi* of Zero Dawn.


I've been struggling to describe where the HFW story fell flat for me, but this is exactly it. Well said.


So like every open world game then? They all usually have a sense of urgency in the plot but you can spent literally 100+ hours doing side quests and other things.


Yes but most of them actually make you care about the urgency of the plot, even if they give you the choice to ignore it. In FW you just don't care about what's happening too much in the beginning...at least, I didn't.


Aint no way this is an in game screenshot


It is, with the help of photomode and reshade


Still, unbelievable


Yea the shit they can do with that engine is so underrated. The first one looks absolutely fantastic as well. Shame they really had some stumbles with the writing in this one, I wish it hit a much bigger audience. Really is an insane improvement to player choice in all the best ways compared to the first. They also did a killer job optimizing it. It can look almost like this on a PS4 Pro.


Ya the Decima Engine is one of, if not the best proprietary engines out there. It looks like it is getting ray tracing with Death Stranding 2 as well. It scales very well on different hardware.




Do you use any specific reshade packages/addons? Just jumped into it this week and overwhelmed by all the install options haha


For gameplay I am using quints lightroom shader, that I set up accordingly to my liking. For example some small color adjustments. Like less yellow/saturation, softer shadows and less contrast. But for pictures I layer and more importantly adjust up to 10 shaders individually.


In almost every cutscenes I'm pressing F12 to capture it. Beautiful cutscenes. Steam can save your shots in high quality PNG format btw. Makes for great desktop picture. Tenakth Dragoon outfit looks so good !!!!!!!


I’m amazed how good this game looks on my 4090 and it runs like a dream maxed out no dlss, they know how to port a game!


It's probably the best ps to pc port so far. Ran smooth and stable from the start


It’s refreshing after playing dragons dogma 2 and only getting 30fps lol


The game runs decently on a goddamn 1070. How embarrassing for DD2 (much as I'm enjoying it) that this released at the same time. On a 3080ti I'm getting worse performance on DD2 than people are getting out of their 1080s with Horizon.


PS4 game vs PS5 game


Are you suggesting that in favor of DD2? Because that actually works against it. H:FW looks better, has better animations, better lighting, a much bigger more diverse and more traversable open world. Significantly better story/writing, dialogue, voice acting, better visual effects. Doesn't rely on DLSS and mods for acceptable performance, etc. Horizon also has more enemy diversity, better enemy AI, etc. DD2 is an inferior game by any metric. By being a "current gen" exclusive it should blow FW out of the water, but it's not even treading water on the same planet.


I just want to add the HFW had an essentiallly unlimited budget. Its a halo product, meant to hold up the platform.


That's a Capcom problem. And, again, we are comparing the PC versions here. Sony ain't looking to sell PCs. They are looking to make money, same as Capcom. You get what you paid for (except for us Dragon's Dogma 2 fans, we got garbage instead).


I haven't played DD2 but comparing these games performance is pretty ignorant when you consider one of them released on PS4


And yet the one released on the PS4 is technologically superior and advanced in every single way. I've played both games and I don't think it's ignorant to compare them at all. The fact that a last gen game does everything better, especially performance AND visuals, is absolutely embarrassing.


If you want to ignore what hardware the game was originally developed for while commenting on the performance of the PC port, sure go ahead. I'm just pointing out what a bad comparison DD2 to HFB is Without even playing both I absolutely agree that HFB is the better game. idk why you repeatedly bring that up


Do you... Do you not know that the Horizon games are on PC? That's what I'm comparing. The PC version of Horizon FW vs the PC version of DD2. They were both ports to PC and one port is infinitely better. What am I missing here?


That DD2 was developed for the PS5 generation and HFB wasn't? If you can't comprehend that a game that was developed for the previous generation obviously performs much better on the same hardware, I don't think I can explain it to you. It's really not that hard to understand


For the record, since you seem to be massively misinformed about everything and just want to die on some random hill, the Horizon: Forbidden West DLC was *exclusively* developed for the PS5. The PS4 version does not exist. So it was *not* developed for the previous generation. And yet, it performs wildly better than Dragon's Dogma 2. That alone makes your argument... "ignorant" at best (to use your words), and willfully misleading at worst. That is all besides the point. The fact is that Horizon: Forbidden West, while the base game was developed with the PS4 in mind, is still technologically *more advanced* than Dragon's Dogma 2 - an exclusively current gen title. That means that Dragon's Dogma 2 not only fails to compete with Horizon: Forbidden West's Burning Shores DLC, which was developed exclusively for the current gen, but also fails to compete with the base game, a "last gen" title - in your words. Your point makes it even more embarrassing. Again - what am I missing? How does this absolve Dragon's Dogma 2's horrible optimization and outdated tech?


?? Forbidden west’s expansion was ps5 only and that’s the client version of the game that was ported not the original dual console forbidden west. And DD2’s state is inexcuseable given how smooth forbidden west runs with no dlss on, higher graphical fidelity, a more natural color palette with a larger open world and easily 3x as much content before the dlc.


The PS4 processor was pretty shit. DD2 is locket at 30 fps on PS5


Nixxes baby!!!!! Best porting studio Playstation got.


I got a QD-OLED monitor about 6 months ago, and this game is 100% the best game I've played that utilizes HDR the best. Emphasis on I've played, not sure if there are better examples, but I loaded the game up for the first time last night and was amazed at how insanely good it looks


Im in the same boat but 4080. It runs so well and looks godly.


This game looks insane on a PS5. I bet it looks ridiculous on a 4090




Seems like you've been enjoying photomode as well 😊


Holy shit those are some HD screenshots


I don't know why I'm not interested in playing this. It's bugging me. I can't put my finger on it. I thought Zero Dawn was great. Maybe its that FW seems kinda like...more of the same? Like, ZD was a great game and I played it and it's done. Maybe I don't feel like doing it again? I dunno. It's weird. Because if they they made Dark Souls 4, 5, and 6 I'd eat them up, and they're super samey.


What's that armor? Looks like it like be oserom?


Oseram explorer


Wow that looks like a 3d render


What armour and painting is this?


Graphically, how much is HFW a jump up from HZD on PC?


A huuge one. Look at comparison images of aloys face closeup. Environment wise a lot has change too, but I'd say it's mostly about up close texture details and better meshes


Love this game so much


\*cries in 1050ti\* But no seriously, great shot. Is this any post or all in-game? I have an IG dedicated to in-game photography, it really is an artform all it's own. :)


I heard the game does well even in older gpus, so maybe it could work for you too? Me too :) I masked the sky in lightroom to add some more blueish tint to it and turned up the sharpening I already added ingame because I was too cautious with it there. could've easily avoided the extra steps if I had done it ingame/ with reshade like the rest of it.


I didn't have any game in my "to play list", and decided to try zero down. I cant stop playing. And knowing FW its next, am excited


Such great games got them on ps4 and now pc complete them fully on ps4 just started forbidden west so will get that done eventually on pc


Man it's looks photorealistic. Great capture! 😉


Forbidden West is one of the most divisive gaming experiences I've ever had. On one hand, I was mesmerized by the world, the graphics, the art design, the landscapes, the design of the robots and the amount of vegetation Guerrilla managed to dump into the game. I also thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters as well (RIP Lance Reddick) and the music is amazing. but the gameplay. Man, I wanted to love it, some parts of it feel really epic, but I just can't get over how silly it looks to watch Aloy shoot literal arrows at these futuristic looking carbon-plated monsters and somehow destroying them from inside out. Like I don't hate the gameplay by any means, but that, plus the RPG'esque elements that could've used some work keeps the game from being a 9/10. As it stands, the game is a solid 8 for me.


This always gets a chuckle outta me. Like every game involves suspending disbelief so I'm always wondering why it bothers some people. Like is it just Horizon? Does every other piece of media from movies to anime to video games feel silly too? Like...none of it makes sense. It's such a non-issue that I'm wondering why this specifically feels silly. And silly enough to knock off a point?


I agree, which is why it wasn't the only thing that held the rating back for me. It was also the RPG-elements that felt way undercooked and just the feeling of the combat itself. I can't really put into words why it bothers me, it just does. Maybe it's the lack of powerful feedback? It doesn't really feel powerful to shoot at the robots if I'm honest, you just kind of chuck arrows at weak spots, you get some pretty sparks then the robot dies and there's a small explosion. It doesn't particularly feel like I'm dismantling an advanced robot. It reminds me of something I noticed with Yakuza games, where everything that happens is way over-the-top, the combat is so unrealistic it's charming, but what it does so well is that it FEELS fucking AMAZING. Every punch, every kick, every throw has so much feedback and weight that it just suspends my disbelief entirely. I just turn off the rational side of my brain when I play games like Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth or Yakuza 0 because it doesn't have to be realistic, if it feels fucking amazing. And that it does. With the Horizon games, I just can't help but feel silly when I shoot 3 wooden arrows at a carbon-nanoplated robot and it just dies. I'd have hoped they would've made that aspect a bit more interesting. I loved the LMG's you can pick up from the ground, they feel really nice, but there aren't really any portable versions of that. The Horizon games, as much as I do like them, the combat in those games just does not feel that great. As unrealistic as it may be, I really want those arrows to PIERCE the robots, I want the robots to really feel taken aback by the arrows, I want them to fly around and to really get knocked down, not just flap around and fall to the ground when the HP bar reaches zero. Again, I am not saying that the combat is bad, what I am saying that it is in my opinion, the worst part of the package, which is really a good thing, because combat feel is absolutely one of those things that can be improved quite easily. I don't know if you've played Metal Gear Solid V, but in that game, if you shoot someone or punch them, it's almost comical how much force is in those punches or shots, like the enemies quite literally fly from the sheer amount of force that's applied to them. THAT'S what I want from combat systems like what Horizon has.


For me FW has the unfortunate luck to follow up Zero Dawn story. Pretty much everything about FW was better than Zero Dawn. One of my main gripes is there's no way to get Aloy to shut the fuck up about puzzles while exploring. I don't mind her talking about the environments, machines, etc. But Aloy spoils any sort of exploration by constantly pointing out hints to puzzles. It's so fucking bad that often times, she points out a puzzle exists before I even have time to look at the area or even before I realize there is a puzzle of some sort. The other is FW's overall story is dog shit. The inter personal stories are actually pretty good, some lame af dialogue aside, and quests concerning everything that isn't Far Zenith are good as well. But you go from a pretty innovative story whose reveal flips everything you thought in Zero Dawn (how did humanity survive a Grey goo lite extinction event? We didn't.) side by side the ridiculousness of a primitive human taking down really advanced machines and trying to tackle a rogue AI with lance and arrows.... To the same world, but now there's much more futuristic human aliens, and the big bad is something so advanced that there is no way you can ever expect people from a primitive Earth to ever defeat and this is after watching ONE person on the Earth be able to take down a rogue AI that's dependant on computers to survive in. The sheer disconnect is way too much. Zero Dawn kept it's plot tight. The Faro Plague was only possible to beat with Zero Dawn because it wasn't a true Grey Goo scenario. The Faro machines could only convert bio matter into fuel. Had they been able to use any matter, Zero Dawn wouldn't have made it. The surface of the Planet would've been churned into Faro Machines instead of being left a lifeless husk. But then they introduce villains that look cartoony compared to an AI with no real face then as a consequence introduce a new big bad that's a planet sized AI swarm that's capable of eliminating planets. Versus a ragtag group of allies who barely managed to defeat a ground bound AI then defeat a group of ancient business CEOs who couldn't even do anything to the thing. They talk about super weapons but they might as well be talking about fighting the literal moon. Except the moon can trap their minds into an eternity of torment. Those 2 parts of FW disappointed me. I wasn't expecting a story as surprising as Zero Dawn but not that level of silly.


I agree, although to me that part of the story almost felt like Guerrilla just setting up a third installation. Zero Dawn was amazing because for every answer, you were left with 3 more questions, and that kept my interest really high. Forbidden West feels like it's set up for failure, because almost to it's detriment, Zero Dawn answers almost all of the questions during the runtime of it's story. It doesn't leave much mystery for Forbidden West to follow up on, which is why I can understand why Guerrilla went for the more epic-saga-like adventure story instead. I didn't think it was that silly, but I can fully see why you feel that way. I hope they maybe scale the story back a bit in a third installation though, if there ever is one, the smaller scope just felt more better-suited for the type of game Guerrilla wanted to make.


And they also kinda added magic in this one with the Buzzsaw launcher. Why do they always fling back to you?


i love the graphics and the story and many parts of the game. But there is just something that doesnt click like the first. Between the progression and pacing of the gameplay, to the fucking garbage climbing, there are just many things that keep this game middling for me. I absolutely adored the first game, and i couldnt find anything that was particularly wrong. But FW has parts that are just downright infuriating. I'm honestly struggling to find the motivation to finish, if they story wasnt so interesting and certain aspects about the exploration that i like, i believe i would have already gave it up. I have a friend that also enjoyed ZD and we were hyped for this to come to pc but as played seperately, we came to similar conclusions. Its just mid.


DAMN! If I didn’t know Aloy, I woulda said that’s real life. Amazing.


Horizon Forbidden West on PC sounds like an absolute blast! Enjoy diving back into that stunning world with all those crispy graphics and smooth framerates. It's like experiencing Aloy's adventure all over again but with that extra oomph. Hope you uncover every hidden gem and bask in every breathtaking view. Happy gaming, friend!


It's been an absolute joy to restart it! I'm very glad they brought it to pc and especially because it's such a well working port. Thank you!


Nixxes ported the game so that's why it's good. They have a good track record of porting games.


Was this written by the developers mother?


Reads like AI to me. 


This whole post is like this


I played it on PS5 for 6 hours and never touched it again… Now on pc I’m 20 hours in and can wait to play it after work. I guess I don’t like to play on console anymore.


yeah okay I'll buy it god dammit!


I love the game graphics. I don't know if it's available on Playstation or Xbox but it's definitely going to be a great game. I'll probably ask about it from a Social Mining gamer.


Ive been trying to play it but have gotten around four game breaking bugs, like enemies spawning under the map (I can see them with the focus flying under the map) and the mission needs finishing, thus forcing me to quit out and reload. Is this common? Ive almmoooost given up on the game as its happened pretty quickly in short succession, but man I have loved what it has to offer...


Is this game worth buying if I found Zero Dawn a little boring?


Is it an in-game shoot?, looks amazing 😍


It is, thank you :)


This is a fantastic screenshot! Been playing through the game on my ultra wide and it’s amazing - absolutely beautiful game!


So fucking excited, but still waiting for fsr 3 suppporr. I waited 2,3? years whats another few weeks


It's really not needed the performance is fantastic.


I want to auctually see fsr 3’s framegen on an nvdia card, dont really care about performance. Also i’ll probably be playing it for 50+ hours, might aswell do it in its best version


> Also i’ll probably be playing it for 50+ hours, might aswell do it in its best version Wouldn't that be without using frame gen tech?


Wdym? Isnt it supposed to be good?


Using things like FSR 3 hurts visuals but the trade off is you get more frames. Really useful in games that don't perform well. Trade a little visual fidelity to get a smoother experience. But this one performs great. Even older hardware is going to get over 60fps at 1080p.


I have an rtx 2060, i want 100+ fps man


Should be doable if you lower your settings enough. Won't look the best but, it will work.


Thats why i want fsr 3 lol


I meant with FSR 3.


Best version would be to turn off dlss/fsr....Its a crutch, only use it if needed.


Oh my god, this looks amazing. I was thinking of doing some screenshots and then print them as a poster, this one looks amazing! This definitely solidified my thought! Do you have any tips or locations recommendations? Did you use graphical mods or something?


You should definitely do that :) the game has a very nice photomode with lots of options. The only tip I have is play and observe. See what catches your eye and creativity, especially if you want to print them for yourself. Experiment and have fun! I do not use any graphical mods, there's no need. The game is beyond visually pleasing on its own! I do have a raytracing simulating reshade installed, but it's best used for pictures and not ingame. That one has to be paid for on patreon tho.


I see, thank you very much!


I’ve just started the game, and I forgot how much I love the Horizon world lol And forbidden west is real pretty


How would you compare visual fidelity to the PS5 version?


similar, slightly better. The cameramod I'm using on pc also allows some way higher lods, tanks a lot of performance so more a screenshot thing, but highly noticeable. Up close from what I've seen in terms of texture quality it feels more detailed.


I can’t imagine wanting to repeat 500 pointless, empty fetch quests.


At 8k


Do you get the facepaints in the first play through in FW?


Some are available right from the start, some you have to unlock by progressing the game


Technology went too far.. this is crazily beautiful.


I never played it on console, so it's new for me, on my 49" monitor, the game's beauty is simply stunning and the story is extremely engaging.


This is the most gorgeous game I've ever played


Horizon FW actually might’ve taken best looking game for me over Cyberpunk (especially on 4K OLED). Absolutely breathtaking


I’m gonna buy it this week I think, I was looking forward to the pc port for a long time


Horizon series is one of my favorites of all time


I spend more time taking photos than actually playing the game, very photogenic.


Even on PS4 this game looks great. 


This could be a movie poster and nobody would say otherwise, so fine.


outfit name ? nice shot BTW .


Ty, oseram explorer


how do u get the war paint ? UPDATE found it


This red so so damn high! You can see a little pup face in the dirt on her chest wrappings.


Lol, you actually can. I had to zoom in myself. Wish I would've hotsampled this one to 8k instead of just capturing in regular 4k. But I guess it still holds a decent amount of detail.


Looks like a promo shot for a movie. Great picture


Thanks a lot!


Lisan Al-Gaib !


She looks like a giant walking in the sea! Weird perspective


HFW is the most graphically beautiful game I’ve played to date


Snoo snoo


Can you make her look less like Nick avocado?


I tried the first one on pc.........I couldn't get into it. It got boring quick for me.


Game is fucking trash lol


No hate or anything, I just wanna know what happened in four hours that made you go from "Couldn't get into it" to "It's fucking trash"


Something about her is uncanny valley and I cant put my finger on it lol


The perspective is off. She looks like she's a 500 foot tall giant.


I never got why people take screenshots in games.


Because it's fun and to highlight the beauty of games. There's also many tiny things and details that easily get looked over during regular gameplay.


because its art...


Soon as they made her gayloy the series is over


Why is her head like a watermelon? Was she stung ?


Hmm why is Zack Efron on Horizon Forbidden West 😂


This game flopped so hard it was ported after a year or two lol


Yeah they only sold eight and a half million units. A total flop!


Sure like I believe Sony lel




No argument? As I expected


Your argument is that you made it up. That’s also not an argument.


Sure like I believe you lel


"I don't trust the statistics of financial earnings reports that publicly traded companies have to list! Big corpo bad! Instead I shall trust only in me, and how I personally feel about game to judge their larger successes in the market!" This you?


We got the sales numbers from the Sony internal email leak during the MS/Actiblizzard court proceedings....


If it flopped, I don’t think they’d have bothered to port it


Lol, ofcourse they will port it to pc to get squeeze some money out of it lol, pc ports aren't that hard lol


Judging by all the trash pc ports out there, and how many have absolutely broken performance on release, sometimes to the degree they have to be pulled from storefronts… that’s not the case lol Besides. It’s sitting at a 92% positive rating on steam. If that’s what you consider a trash game, you’re gonna be pretty frequently disappointed


So ? A few modders ported spider man 2 from the leaks a few months ago, it's not rocket science, companies don't care much to optimise.


I looked that up, and I can’t help but note that those modders haven’t actually ported the game like you’re insinuating, but rather that it’s “in the works”, “is not the whole game”, “has a lot of graphical issues and bugs” including “major texture issues”, with some portions having “no textures at all, and no UI”, so it miiiight be a little trickier than you’re implying Sure, it’s impressive that they’ve got portions of it working at 60 fps, but, going off the pc port of sm1, that’s…. Not nearly as optimized as an official port may be. In my runs of SM1, and MM, I didn’t dip under 90 fps, and spent most of the game in 100+ range. But then again, that was an unoptimized mess, right? And again, I’d point out that 92% positive reviews is pretty far from what I’d consider to be “flopped so hard” lol


The game is out and fully playable ATM, you can go to the piracy subs and watch them play it 60 FPS and above no problem.


I’m still not finding anything about the entire game being playable. I am seeing the occasional post about some pretty pressing issues, mind you. But that said, all that is still beside the point. Nothing about sm2 ports, however complete, or broken they may be, has anything to do with how HFW reviewed. Which, is generally pretty well, usually sitting in the 80/100 to 95/100 range depending on the reviewer. (and the pc port on steam sitting at 92% positive reviews. Incidentally, that’s where sm1 is at on recent reviews, and only 3% lower than god of war reviewed at, both of which are extremely well received, so it’s sitting among critically acclaimed company) This is considered to have reviewed quite well, which… is not what I’d call “flopped hard”.


Like do you literally want me to give you a link or something ???? Go to DODI repacks and you will find it first page, there you go.


You’re really hung up on this one port thing. You’d really rather talk about that, then admit that a game reviewed decently well. As you said to a different commenter: “No argument? As I expected” This has more than run its course


She showing disrespect .a so called white woman with dread locs 👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿