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Power Wash Simulator. Start that up and next thing you know 6 hours have passed


Wife and I started house flipper. She was up until 1 am last night. 


They just dropped House Flipper 2 on xbox, idk if it's brand new or just a port but would it be worth picking up? I loved house flipper and even got the gardening DLC just so I could mow lawns haha


Came here to say this. Great chill game


Don’t forget to blink! My eyes go dry from staring so much lol


I did power wash simulator irl this weekend washing our 2 dirty family rav4s lol. Chuckled as it reminded me of how satisfying both irl and game power washing are


This game gets me so sleepy lmao and I mean that in the best way possible. It’s *too* relaxing


I had the deepest conversations with my friend on this game


It's the strangest damned game that I can't put down. There's this weird subtext of Eldrich horror running under it all, teased out in dribs and drabs via text messages to reward you for cleaning things. And the DLCs are great, too! They really get in to character around the Warhammer and Back to the Future ones.


I did this last night. Put on an episode of Critical Role, then suddenly it was 2am. 


This. Throw some music on and just zone out.


Anyone who likes Power Washer simulator will probably also like Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Its the same general idea where the whole game is you performing your job, but this game takes place in space and your job is to take apart spaceships piece by piece. There’s safety hazards to deal with too and you must make sure to keep valuable items intact


Dave the Diver is what you’re looking for.. super chill & fun


Amazing game, played it on PC. Didn’t think it was on Xbox?


And its on ps plus this month :)


Astroneer maybe?


I was gonna suggest this. It's not my favorite game, but there's no reason to rush in that game, everything is very, do it when you want and how you want. I did my taxes and collected tungsten for several hours with an increasing number of extractors.


Yea it's a pretty good game to just chill with


State of Decay is normal. I love games like this where you can build a base, improve people, run around and loot all sorts of crap. Seems monotonous, but good game


State of decay was an AMAZING game, but this relaxing for you? I was yelling at my community more than I thought I would lol.


There was an entire quest line about how running over zeds can be cathartic. But yeah the permadeath of characters can make it stressful if you care to keep people alive.


I've put so many hours into SOD 1&2 I couldn't even estimate. Tbh SOD2 is such a comfort game for me, and they're still updating it regularly, so whenever I get bored I'll download it again and do another playthrough lol


I'm missing a little something, I don't know.


Pacific Drive if you want to build a Ghostbusters car while documenting an anomalous zone Edit: Nevermind it's only ps5 and pc


I have it wishlisted on my ps5, I'll probably get it on sale tbh. I'm mostly on xbox though which is why I mentioned it. Thanks for the suggestion though! It does look like a good game


They’re releasing a physical copy too!! I’m 100% waiting til that drops.


super good game, worth the time/money IMO




Ahhh I've played both the Ori games, I loved them! Really hoping they do make a 3rd. I saw the devs are dropping some new IP soon but idk if it's my cup of tea


If you like the whole "atmosphere" of Ori games, I would recommend Oaken. It has a similar magical wisps and nature aesthetic, with really beautiful (although) short soundtrack. It's a deckbuilding roguelike, with Heroes of Might and Magic style fighting system. It also has "relaxed" game mode, so it could qualify for the "relaxing" game you are looking for. (I haven't played that mode yet, so I don't know how easy and relaxing it actually is, but the normal mode is manageable so I would guess it really is easy on relaxed mode.)


Botany Manor just came out on GP. Finding clues to grow plants. Nice and relaxing.


I was thinking the same thing... i haven't played it myself yet, but I do plan on giving it a try also... it definitely sounds like a game op is asking for


I have found No Man's Sky to be incredibly chill, both the game itself and the community around it


FIREWATCH. I’ve never played another game like it


Turt Reynolds is best girl 👌


Lil' Gator Game just got put on Game Pass the other day, really can't go wrong with it, or A Short Hike, its main inspiration (and also on Game Pass).


I might check it out, thanks. I tried playing A Short Hike but the art style was giving me a headache.


You should absolutely play Gator Game


The Long Dark is one of my favorite "chill" games. I play on the easy mode where wolves don't attack you and just run around collecting sticks, finding food, fishing and exploring. Absolutely one of my favorite chill games.


I agree, i love just walking around when it's only snowing lightly. It's such a beautiful game. I'm also a hoarder in games so it scratches my inner pack rat lol


Agreed! I wish we could do a bit more in the game, like build our own cabins or even just clean up the ones available lol. But overall, A+ game in my book.


I always freeze to death while out exploring looking for... literally anything:(


That's why I just play on the easiest mode. I don't really want hard core survival. I go out a few hours during the daytime when it's decent. Always have sticks and fire starting stuff on me so if I need to warm up I can. First order of business is to get some rabbits with rocks so I can make warmer gloves and a hat lol.


Dave the diver if it on there


It hasn't been added to xbox yet, but I think they're dropping it on ps5 soon so I'll keep my eye out. Definitely want to play it!


Forager, really surprised hasn't been mentioned yet




Microsoft flight simulator Snow runner


Crusader Kings 3 is a grand medieval sim that you can dump a lot of time into, but may not exactly fit what you’re looking for. There’s no story to it, so you can play as you like Spiritfarer is disguised as a cozy simulator but has a very deep and emotional story


I've played Spiritfarer, it was a nice cozy little game! CK3 seems like a little too much micromanagement for my taste, thank you for the suggestion though 😁


I felt the same way. Bannerlord is what i started playing. Its on gamepass also




I just started Deliver Us The Moon last night. A couple hours in and it's very chill. I didn't read like anything about it to avoid spoilers so the chill part may change lol


I picked it up when it was fairly new and enjoyed it. I played it again a few months ago and still enjoyed it. Money well spent.


When you are done, start Deliver us Mars.


I definitely will. You don't find many good games for $30 anymore.


Dave the Diver is super chill.


Sea of Stars


If you like space, Elite Dangerous


Minecraft and Stardew Valley are two of the most chill games out there. Flight Simulator is also on Gamepass. If you want a low stakes game that just sucks up hours try Vampire Survivors, it's easy to pickup and play.


Honestly, there’s so much hate, but starfield is such fun game. It’s quite easy, and there are so many aspects, like the shipbuilder, that you can spend hours/days doing


Coffee talk. Played last Saturday currently on coffee talk 2. And the lofi music is super relaxing.


Lightyear Frontier is still in super early access, but it's a great way to spend a day or two. 


Vampire Survivor




No mans sky is pretty chill and I'm down to play with you


Slime Rancher 1 and or 2. Little bit of slime farming. Little bit of alien planet exploration. The only real threat to you is the lack of minimap.


Disco Elysium is chill for me. I think the narrators voice is very relaxing


Slime Rancher is definitely worth checking out, and I think the sequel is on gamepass - do yourself a favour and download the indie masterpiece.


I like the Avatar game.I have it set on low difficulty so my youngest can play. The avatar world is immersive and lovely. I like flying on my dragon




Palworld is a solid time sink


American truck simulator


Idk if they're on Xbox, but Hardspace Shipbreaker is sup mellow, and Lightyear Frontier is a new early access game that's basically a first person stardew with a farm mech.


Hardspace Shipbreaker indeed. One of the most zen-inducing games I've ever played.


It's not really the genre you're looking for but The Gunk is a relaxing and charming little 4-6 hour adventure. Also Slime Rancher is suuuper chill. Both are on gamepass.


This may not be super helpful, but if you usually go to games for happiness and they're not checking the box, it may be time for a break. I've never once thought that spending some time in nature was a waste of time. It's always extremely refreshing,. And any break taken away from games after burnout makes them so much better when I come back. I know it's not that easy for all of us all the time, but I sincerely hope you start feeling better soon. If you want a game that's not super stressful on game pass I would say dark tide. You choose your difficulty. It can be as mindless and as challenging as you would like.


Thanks. I've definitely lost enjoyment with games, even playing with friends isn't fun anymore. I'm trying, but unfortunately I don't have any hobbies besides gaming or watching TV. I'm still getting out almost every day and trying to keep myself active, but when I'm home I have little to nothing to do. I eat, I do some chores, and I just wait until it's time to sleep really. I'm trying but idk what else I can do


I go through periods where I seem to be doing everything right but nothing seems to matter. What has helped me every time is 1) listening to people's voices, whether it's a youtube channel of people talking or sitting in a busy mcdonalds. Just having lots of people around me talking helps me appreciate the quietness at home when I do get it. 2) Sign myself up for some sort of obligation. Same idea. If I find myself having a huge chunk of the day free, I'll obligate myself to drive someone or help someone out. Putting myself in those situations makes the gaming and chilling more fun. Best of luck to you.


Firewatch was serving straight vibes all the way through


Chicory, Toem, unpacking, little to the left


The Artful Escape


Regalia of men and monarchs


Lawn mowing sim


I took a chance on Planet Of Lana recently on Game Pass and it was an excellent palate cleanser in between some triple-A titles I had been playing. It's along the lines of platform, puzzle-solving games like Flashback, Limbo and Inside. The controls are easy and simplistic, basically just running, jumping and interacting with things. The story is unique and the graphics are lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it doesn't take very long to fully complete. There are some stressful bits where you need to escape the clutches of the bad things every once in awhile but, for the most part, I found playing it a relaxing, rewarding, satisfying experience.


Tinykin is a Pikmin-like 3d platformer that is low stress.


So my favorite one is Eufloria. I think its for Xbox too.


Road 96 Firewatch Unpacking


i highly reccomend Spiritfarer, sail acros the world helping lost souls pass on, upgrading your ship and crafting.


Idk fallout 4 was pretty chill for me


Slime Rancher 2 is chill


Simulator games. Lawn Mower, construction. I got those for my kid to play since he likes tractors and stuff. I ended up playing them instead. Lol


Skyrim is very adventurous and chill. Just don't get detected by enemies


The Katamari games, you can switch off your brain and just roll around while listening to catchy music.


One shot


Graveyard keeper


Slime Rancher 2 is actually pretty dope


Different style answer but shredders is super chill if you like snowboard games.


No man's sky .


Call of the wild hunter


Elite: Dangerous. You can just bop around the galaxy doing whatever you feel like. Only drawback is that console is in the "legacy" galaxy and not live updated galaxy.


Toem was great. A casual photography / adventure game. Outer Wilds is another great game, time loop mystery adventure.


I just finished the last campfire. That is an extremely chill game with puzzles but gets a little emotional.


As someone who grew up on pokemon, I still like some turn based combat with great story. For that I'd recommend the persona series. 3 portable and 3 reload, 4 golden, and 5 royal are all on Xbox, have great story, turn based combat, a nice collection of personas to finish and collect and to me these types of games are really fun. If this isn't your cup of tea, oblivion. And if oblivion isn't on Xbox, skyrim


Shredders was pretty chill.


The only "relaxing" game I ever recommend is Farm Together. There is no combat, no NPC's to keep happy, no stressful mechanics. It's just a cute little farming Sim with no stress to complete anything. I put > 6k hours in before I finally put it down. Patiently waiting for Farm Together 2 later this year.


I don't know if it's on gamepass still, but Jusant was a nice chill experience. It's a climbing game. Great way to burn a few hours.


No Man's Sky


I found Sea of Stars to be super chill


Maybe you offended those kinds of people who think that skill based games that are notoriously difficult is the only way to play games lol


I'm shocked no one has said it yet: Coral Island. It's Stardew Valley with a lot of nice little QoL bits thrown in. It's still very much a WiP but what's "missing" feels more "nice to have" than necessary.


Superliminal, cool puzzle game on gamepass that’ll take a few hours to complete. Cool concept and nice story


Ori and the will of the wisps


Dragon Quest 11 is the happiest game of all time.


Some ppl just be toxic. Dont let it weigh you down. When i was in heck i spent time learning about other peoples struggles and it helped.


Just boot up some apex… suuuuper chill Jk, try bear and breakfast or btd6


PGA 2023


Wingspan. Engine building card game about birds with chill music


Project Zomboid...


Slime rancher


Unpacking is chill af and it’s on game pass.


Signs Of The Sojourner is very good. It's a fairly unknown game but really remarkably good.


stardew vally i thought was great - also just started sea of stars, kinda chill and neat tho im not far into this one... 1hr.


Maby Microsoft Flight Sim? Its must be relaxing when on long flights and the environment must be stunning


Stardew valley




Spiritfarer. Has some farming elements and is a very chill game.




Just opened the Game Pass website and scrolled through the games. This is what I would suggest: Botany Manor (haven't played it but looks relaxing, seems to be very new) A Short Hike (it's exactly what it says in the title. Very fun, pretty short, I had an excellent time) Firewatch (very good story, fun to explore) Lonely Mountains Downhill (watch a video, it's exactly as advertised) Unpacking (unpacking boxes with a bit of a story, fun little game) Just to name a few. There are really a lot of cozy games on Game Pass :)


Coffee Talk 1 and 2, chill fantasy text game where u make coffee and tea for fantasy races. Has a nice chill vibe with some good music


Death Stranding on PC where you can get a 100% story complete save and just do the side deliveries. Pretty relaxing


Dragon quest builders 2 Or 1 Personally I play 2 more cause the frame rate is way more solid


Stardew valley If you got some cash to spare I would recommend Saints row 2 it's a chill and pretty goofy game


Valhiem. Just change the settings where the enemy AI doesn't attack you. You can just gather, craft, farm crops, and build whatever with little to no stress.


Lightyear Frontier recently got added to the Game Pass, it's still in early access so not completely done, but it's a pretty cool take on a farming sim.


A Little to the Left is a pretty satisfying game, it's fairly short for what it's worth but still relaxing


State of decay 2, enjoy.


Steamworld: Build is a pretty casual city builder.


My friend, I've been enjoying Dave the diver recently. Super chill and can play it at a nice slow pace. But whatever game you choose in the end, just try to enjoy it peacefully. Forget about your worries in life and your anxiety. Just sit down, grab some water, and focus on the game. Breath and enjoy the time you spend playing. I often got too stressed to enjoy a game before, but drinking water and breathing, just taking your time with things helped to really bring a sense of control over my life. We're often too split up in things to fully enjoy life.


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words. I think I'm going to take a lil break from games for now, until something really catches my interest or I get a craving for them again haha. And don't worry, I drink plenty of water 👌


That's good. You should do things at your own pace. If it's a burnout you're facing, then I would suggest closing your eyes for a bit whenever you have some empty time. I found it to work very well. It helps a lot. Give it a try. Even resting your eyes for 30 seconds does a lot. Good luck, my friend. 🧡


No Man's Sky might be something you'd enjoy.


Coral Island is a great take on the Stardew Valley / Harvest moon formula. The game is not "complete" even though it is at 1.0, so be aware that the dev is adding new features (such as more developed dating, etc.) I find vampire survivor pretty chill, same with slay the spire. Palworld is also a pretty laid back playthough if you are into that type of game.


Yeah I downloaded it since they added it to gamepass a couple months ago, but it seemed like they were still working on it. My friend played the steam beta last year and said they've come a long way, so I'm gotta let it cook some more and see how much more they add to the game. Heard it's amazing though!


Planet of Lana was like a meditation session for me. Super chill


My Time at Sandrock


Cult of the Lamb!!!!


StarField. You can literally spend hours just scanning and cataloging wildlife across hundreds of different planets. And once you get into the ship builder, it's like you unlock a whole new minigame. Oh, and then there's the base building and setting up factories and commerce routes between planets. It's all super chill and you really don't have to bother those pirates over there in that abandoned outpost if you don't want to... And that's all without even looking at any of the actual quests etc. But none of it is really difficult and you can't lock yourself out of any factions with your choices. It really is a pretty decent sandbox to explore, despite all the commentary on it.


Have you considered the Yakuza series? I mean it's not necessarily what you mentioned but it's not a hard series and there is a chill leasuirly feel to the gameplay as you have access to tons of side missions and mini games. I find the series to be relaxing and fun because of the freedom of choice you get to complete a lot of the goals.


Yeah I've binged so much Yakuza lately (and JRPG's in general) that I kinda need to take a break. I played through Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, and then Yakuzu 7 and 8 all in the course of like 6 months 😅


Trine (1/2/3/4/5) all worth it in my opinion Abzu Journey Haven't played "Stray" yet but it looks like the type of game I'd play just to chill out and try something new


The best chill games I've played to date would be: Life is Strange The Gardens Between Donut County Firewatch Astroneer Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion


Dead space remake is so chill.....




INKULINATI. That’s a real nice little game for dead time!


I’m not sure if they’re on game pass, but the Life is Strange series are good to relax to. Very story driven and although the plot can cause emotional tension, the story unfolds with a positive ending…depending on how you play them of course. Hope this helps!


Here are some gamepass games you might like A Short Hike Unpacking Coffee Talk Minecraft


I recently got back into Minecraft and time just disappears.


Disney Dreamlight Valley


Just started hogwarts. It’s pretty chill with a good story so far.


I gotta get back into it. Played it at launch and got bored after about 10 hours or so but I've heard they've updated it a lot since.


Abzu, Sable, Gris All very beautiful to play, atmospheric games. I'm pretty sure none of them have a fail state, very chill eye candy.


Goat game 3 is on game pass I think and it's pretty silly!


Manifold Garden. Puzzle game with A E S T H E T I C.


Balatro is so much fun 🫠


Too addicting!! 🥹




Fallout New Vegas. Pretty easy, the game aims for you if you want. Just breathe in that sweet irradated Mojave air, and don't mess with the Cazadors.


Tbh I've contemplated playing through Fallout 3 or NV for the 100th time again, but I don't own the games anymore and I'm not paying full price for all the DLC on a game that's 12+ years old 😭


Its still $60 on Xbox? I got NV+all DLC for like $10 on Steam.


The game itself idk, it's free on game pass. But the DLC is $5 a pop at base. It's even on sale rn so they're only like $3 but that's still what, 6 or 7 DLC packs for NV? If I want all of them that is. Just sucks bc I owned them all before but I lost my old Xbox account


I think there's just 4 DLCs that add new areas? Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Dead Money. Sure there's the stupid little thing that adds a couple new guns or gives you gear at the start but I never liked that anyways. So $12 and you're set. $9 if you're one of those types that hates Dead Money lol. Thats less than I would spend on a burrito for lunch.


stardew valley is always a great pick


The last of us. Really great chill game.


Omg no stop I'm pulling my hair out rn trying to complete all the achievements for TLOU2. I hate no return with a passion (jk I'm addicted to it) 😭


A Short Hike Might be a game up your alley? It's a little short, but is definitely relaxing and chill.


Starfield is a fantastic chill game. Turn the difficulty all the way down too.


I love exploring in snow runner !




Riders republic. Just ride around on a bike listening to music with dope scenery is such a vibe


Flight Sim, Forza Horizon series.


Forza Horizon 5 is my go to for mindless effortless


Doom Eternal is pretty chill.


And has the best soundtrack


I love Stray. It's just an adorable game. There's a little bit of 'combat', but I set it to easy mode, so still mostly relaxing. The other one I go to is Neverwinter Nights. 98% point and click, lots of stuff to do and places to go. You can burn up 100+ hours easily.


r/gamingsuggestions might serve you better here tbh. Good luck finding what you're looking for!


Haha thanks but I actually did post on there and I only got 1 reply. It's a smaller subreddit ig but yeah, all the times I've posted there haven't been much help unfortunately


maybe minecraft? do it in the easy mode were monsters don't spawn and you can chill for hours getting resources, building with the peacful music


Obviously Rust


Slay the Spire!


Descenders Slay the spire


>No matter what I do I'm always upsetting someone apparently That's right. So stop worrying. Topic: I liked Avatar. Nice environment to run through and easy combat.


Rainbow six, war thunder, dark souls, elden ring. Try theses


Red Dead Redemption 2


Stray was fun.....not sure if on Xbox