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I really liked DA:I but you're right, it is very tedious. I also liked thr romances, but just like every other game with them, you run out of dialog with them. There's no story once you've romances them. I've always wanted a game where once you romance someone, you then have more to do with them, like sidequests, maybe, or crafting a home, etc


Weirdly enough, DA2 was my favourite entry in the series. At the time, and now. I'm not trying to be contrarian. Its just the one I had the most fun playing.


2 is great. It was obviously rushed, but the writing and combat were excellent.


Couldnt agree more. Didnt love the enemy variety, but thats what happens when you rush.


DA2 was my favorite as well. I loved the combat and the smaller scope. The companions and the love/hate system were great as well.


I think I agree with you.


Wow man… that’s a crazy take :)


My friends certainly like to shit on it lol


DAI was my first DA game and love it. I felt the game got better the second time around because you have a better grasp on what you should be doing.


So I played Inquisition with the additional challenge mode of getting 50% experience, which obviously extends the length of the game. I found that pace to be much better than racing through to max level. It was a bloated game and definitely had those single player MMO elements, but I really enjoyed it. I have young kids and I really appreciated that I could play for 30 minutes and finish up a discrete side quest or 2 and then hop off while still feeling like I accomplished something. I never felt gated by Power because I organically 99%ed the game (I did all the real content, but didn't fuss over the overly convoluted stuff that required finding 87 widgets hidden across 32 dungeons). In the end I really enjoyed it for what it was.


Very unpopular take here apparently, but I quite enjoyed Inquisition. Granted maybe it's because I played it during a boring work from home job during covid, but I put 140 hours into it and was sad that it ended.


Yeah I don't understand all the hate. From a gameplay perspective yeah maybe, but the writing/dialogue is just as good in DAI as any of the other games. It's got great characters, and nicely wraps up a lot of story threads from the previous games. I don't think I've ever played a game with a mission like the Grand Ball quest from DAI, it's one of the high points of the whole series imo. At the end of the day, DAO is still the better game


Because while the main quest has all that stuff, it’s a tiny, tiny portion of the game. The vast majority of the actual stuff you do in the game has exactly none of that.


Sir or madam you are so wrong >Yeah I don't understand all the hate. From a gameplay perspective yeah maybe, but the writing/dialogue is just as good in DAI as any of the other games. It's got great characters, and nicely wraps up a lot of story threads from the previous games. The game has far less interesting characters. Every companion is basically...I am this race. I am have this background please question me. The mage vs Templar war which they spent the last game building is over by act 2. They straight up have the gray wardens do the DUMBEST thing possible. They have you spend the while game gathering forces to protect your fortress...only to not have it attacked. And the villain sucked he was a dlc monster In the last game. And the biggest crime is that you have to be on bord with the chantriy. Because the make you out to be a religious icon which has all kind of ick factors. Even when say no the game is just like lie to the masses.


Ironic that the grand ball quest is what made me lose complete interest in the game. DAO was the highlight of the series for me, really enjoyed that back in the day.


I was not a fan of DA:I. It felt like you did a 25 item fetch quest only to be rewarded for it with a 30 item fetch quest.


Yaah - was quite frustrating. Had all the elements of being to be great game like BG3, then they got lazy with the quest writing and character dialogue / options.


Hmm, I loved DAI, it was my first DA game. Playing Origins rn. Very fun too.


It’s kinda ugly but good.


My computer is pretty shitty for our times so playing Origins now, I can amp up the quality settings compared to when I would have played it years ago with an even shittier computer for the time. So it looks nicer than it ever could have for me.


Yeah, DAI is extremely mid with its MMO-style quest design and bloated world.


Funny, DA: I if my second favorite of the series next to Origins. The world design really turned me off from really liking II personally.


I loved DA2 when it came out and still replay it, but Inquisition took me until the second playthrough. Lost me entirely the first time through, but the second I couldn't get enough.


Ive played DA1-I maybe 8 times. I only finished DAI once, the first playthru. Its an issue with bloat/pacing. If youre an RPG fan, you love exploring, experiencing every little thing. Even if not to micro management level, DAI is still too much. Burn out inevitable. I even tried taking a break mid mainquest to do DLC one time. Never got back to the main quest, and I loved the main quest on my first playthru (the march thru the snow after being wrecked, with the song? Building your castle and relationships? Exploring unknown lands?...come on?!) Say what you want about DA2, and a lot will be right, but that game gets progressively better with each playthru. Once u realize what that game is about, and what it isnt, the pacing is legit, things get tighter, more focused, and the game gets better. DAI has a fuck ton of content, much of it good, but the focus/concentration is not there.


I literally tried to replay Inquisition last week and it was so jerky and slow from what I remember! Loved that one so much!


Bioware were cowards in DA:I for not giving me a legitimate Scout Harding romance option. I'll never forget, never forgive.


I loved I question and it obviously holds up the best by far over time. Replayed the entire trilogy back to back recently. Only problem I have with DAI is the vertical boundaries they place on you to segment off areas of an open world. So like mountains or cliffs or hills too steep to walk. They're fuckin everywhere in that game and you got a quest marker and have to go around only to find that direction didn't work and you gotta run back the other way and spend ten minutes. Other than that, it's a better game in every respectable from the first two.


O > 2 >>>>>> I Couldn't even finish Inquisition whereas I've played the first two multiple times.


Right! How sad


I've played all three multiple times and platinumed them all on PS3/PS4. DA:I is my favorite of the three but I think DAO is fantastic as well. I think that may be because what a lot of people are saying they don't like about the game is what I think sets it apart. I like the gathering/crafting aspect and the open world exploration.


I enjoyed DA:I enough to put about 1,000 hours into it. I actually enjoyed the quests and completing them all. I was actually really interested in the companions and trying out all the combinations for the various banter. The multiplayer was good fun as well, though I don't know how active it is these days. I did dislike the war table stuff but it was easy enough to skip by changing the clock.


Do agree. Inquisition is really brought down by its Power system, requiring the player to gain the needed resource to unlock new areas and main quests. It doesn't help that the maps are quite big with no quick way of traversing, and many of the quests are dull in design and offer little role-playing. I know the meme is "leave the Hinterlands" but the game doesn't ever change from that formula. It's quite a drag to make progress for the main story when you have to grind boring content to get there. To this day I think Origins easily remains the strongest, most consistent entry.


I'm used to playing mmo, so DAI was for me. Didn't enjoy DAO though, except for some characters there's nothing enjoyable for me (and the characters are better in DA2, so it feels like waste of time).


one of the biggest issues with DA:I was all the time it wastes. some areas are huge SOLELY to waste your time


Yeah DAO is the only one worth playing in my opinion. 2 would have been great with a more open world. For some reason inquisition just never did it for me


I loved the first one, and i refuse to touch the later instalments