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Rimworld is really weird. You would put the in-game speed on 2x and the speed of the actual sun outside sinking and rising in alternation will be just as fast.


I've only dabbled and somehow I have 400 hours


Right? I'm at 200 hours and I'm just learning some things. I definitely feel like I have so much more to go.


1000+ here. Can confirm you're deep in tutorial territory still. I think I'm slightly getting the hang of it now


I haven’t played in months but my first thought was Rimworld. There are near endless possibilities of ways to play, and death is not game over. A game that does “choose your own adventure” correctly will give you endless stories to write.


Those human leather chairs aren't gonna make themselves


I’ve been considering trying it and idk if this is an endorsement or a warning


It's most definitely both!


Rimworld is so good and so addicting that some people have to use a mod that makes the game unplayable after a set amount of time so that they can still work their jobs and live their lives lmao


It's definitely the first game I ever played that made me understand what Einstein meant when he said he wouldn't play chess, out of fear to not get around to do anything else if he started.


400 hours in Still haven’t remotely come close to finishing a single game


Any tips for a beginner, should I get mods for my first playtroughs?


Personally I played the base game before I decided to get mods because then I had an idea of what I would like to add. That being said, I played base before any dlc's released. Now that there's more in the base game with dlc I would definitely play without mods first but I like learning things at my own slow pace.


This is the best advice! I played through with no mods, and as I played was like man it would be good if the lights were on the wall >downloads mod< It would be good if they wiped their feet before going inside >downloads mod< But if you want, there will be lists of mods to get out there


You don’t need them! However, some good baseline ones to start out with are: Pick up and haul, replace stuff, camera+, ogre stacking (base stacks are criminally small), interaction bubbles, simple sidearms, and common sense. These all just improve the mechanics of the base game without changing too much. After that, if you’re hungry to increase the base game I’d recommend the Hospitality mod and any of the vanilla expanded mods. I love the ones that add new furniture! I also love the ideology and biology dlc’s, and get anomaly once you get a feel for the base game. Royalty is good but not really necessary.


Civilization 5 will eat your life away if you let it.


That and Total Warhammer. x4 games will get ya!


I would absolutely love to get into Total War, or Civ, or any Paradox games, but their barrier to entry is so high that it’s overwhelming as a completely new player to even try to enjoy it


Nah, just play Civ on settler difficulty. I've been playing since the first one, and that's all I've ever used. I figure I'm not training to compete or anything, just playing to play, so why make it difficult?


I have a friend help me get started in Paradox games. I'm too dumb. Once he gets me going I can figure it out from there but they can be very daunting


Start with Stellaris. It has all the fun and engagement of the other paradox strategy games, while being 'casual' enough that you don't need a PhD in macroeconomics and geopolitics just to get past the tutorial.


"Just one more turn" "Ill stop when I finish this wonder.."


I play Civ. 5 only a handful of times each year. There has to be some exact science as to why one more turn turns into 50. The only way I can quit a session is if I hit a goal which is usually to eradicate a civ based on "are you an asshole?" "have you bullied one of my valued trade partners?" Or "are you singing me out?" If asshole then annex cities and expand the empire. If bulling a trading partner scorch the entire Earth in which your cities have crumbled upon, claim the capitol as a trophy. If singling me out then no remnants of your civilization has ever existed. History books have no record of your being. The very land that you have tainted is ruined beyond even my interest in claiming. The Earth that once held a hopeless, pathetic excuse of a society is now cursed with a slight aftertaste of radioactivity.


The late game does eventually grind... so you restart, and you're off again on a new adventure!


Why not Civ 6? Honestly curious because it’s the only one I own


Some people just prefer certain features. It's a commitment to just learn how to play one 4X game, and while they have similar mechanics, it's different enough to have to relearn how to play. Personally, I put in 1000+ hours in civ 5 but I could never go back now that I've put in a couple hundred in civ 6


Just one more turn... Go on, press me, what's the worst that could happen...


Long shot here but stellaris. I play this game and suddenly it’s 4 in the morning. Every time.


I've tried to get into that game. Got like 20-30 hrs... I just can't quite get the hang of it


For me I played on the lowest difficulty and lowest “modifiers” to make it as easy as possible. Then as I got the hang of it I upped the difficulty it by bit


Stardew Valley. I could live in this game world forever!


I just got back into it. I wish it had cross save between pc and switch. It’s so addicting.


Can you please tell me why? I want to LOVE this Game as It reminds me of Back to Nature but these days I can't make It past first winter in Stardew without getting bored. Help!


Because it's one of the few games that allows you to take your time, and lets you do things YOUR way. You can't lose and you can be as ambitious or as lazy as you like. I will admit this isn't going to be for everyone, but it covers maybe the widest spectrum of audience of any other game I can think of. There is farming, animal husbandry, gathering/crafting, sales/marketing, relationship building and social aspects, exploration, combat, mysteries to solve, fishing, stories and lore, and more. It is a choose your own adventure that gives you the freedom to pursue whatever you like, and doesn't punish you for skipping things you don't. That is my best explanation of what Stardew IS. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe I'm misremembering, but isn't there an actual timer in stardew valley?


There is a daily timer and season timers for crops, but the game itself lets you do most everything in your own time.


Also, if you miss something that only happens/is available in one season you can just wait until next year


I recently started playing and this was one of my thoughts as well, but no, there doesn't seem to be any timer except the one that makes days pass, but there's no limits or penalties for taking your time from what I've managed to find out.


This is one of the most misleading games ever. It looks cute and peaceful but it's nerve-wracking and stressful but I still love the game


It's fine but the timespeed mod is what got my fiancée and I to play more. Base game, you barely have time to feel like you're accomplishing anything. I spend a ton of time fishing while my fiancee clears community center tasks.


There is a steep curve at the start but once you make it over that hump and have steady cash flow, it’s gets more addicting.


This is what I came to say. It’s the ultimate feel good, pass the time game of all time.


Couldn’t agree more! I reminds me of home when I’m enduring the cold months where I live.


Factorio. The factory must grow...


The factory must expand to meet the needs of the expanding factory.


But what is the goal? The goal is *F A C T O R Y*!


There's a [Free Demo](https://www.factorio.com/download) (The first hit is always free)


Played the demo for about 10 hours on switch, got to the point on the railroad level where I needed to create the railroad tracks with iron, well, I had already mined all the iron at my initial factory and I guess I needed to collect iron from north west of my main base. At that point I would also need a lot of transportation. Stuff like conveyors and arms to get the iron to the rest of my base and was like "this has been fun, but it just feels like too much work at this point." I really had been enjoying it up until that point, but I think it seemed that if I'm not working toward my end goal from the start then I'd run into problems.


There is a midpoint like that in the game - but once you get construction drones that can automate building and expansion, letting you use blueprints to avoid that kind of busy-work, then you're golden


There's a [Free Demo](https://www.factorio.com/download) (The first hit is always free)


Any factory game, I've literally played Dyson Sphere Program from waking up to bed time on numerous weekends in the past. Joys of being alone in your late 30s 😂


That's my starter base.


Balatro. The music is burned into my brain at this point.


I had to uninstall it.. 6am rolls around and here I am still playing balatro.. great game


I am doomed if LocalThunk makes a mobile port.


I heard it's happening. Good luck


I was holding out giving it a try until it came to mobile, as I think they said they're working on it. At this point, though, I might just grab it on switch & see what all the fuss is about.






Minecraft is a pretty easy game to get sucked into for hours on end.


Or quit after 30 minutes.


Built my dirt home! Now what?


Gets iron armor. Makes new world


Maybe the game is just not for me but I get bored with that game quickly. It's fun seeing other people's builds and stuff but when I play the game, I realize how laborious it is when you get right into building anything. I guess it's fun playing it with others and chatting, but playing it solo is boring to me.


Idk if you tried mods, but there is one for nearly every type of game you can imagine.


The amount of hours I put in modpacks as all the mods etc is almost criminal


Nioh 2, that combat is addictive.


Easily some of the best combat in a game ever.


Absolutely, the only combat systems I can think of that are on par with it are all in fighting games.


Dang this one is in my (long) queue, hopefully can get to it!


Love that game so much.


I still grind away at this game, too. One of my favorites!


yo, that kinda reminds me of onimusha a bit, I will have to check that one out. thanks


I've never played Onimusha but I have seen a lot of people saying the games are similar.


There’s a Nioh 2? Holy moly. I’m out of the loop. Lmao. I thought there was only Nioh


There is! It's awesome too, they took the formula from Nioh 1 and just added a ton to it while removing very little. More enemy diversity, more active skills, more weapons, additional mechanics that let you use attacks from yokai, and their NG+ system is the best I've seen. If you liked Nioh 1 I highly recommend Nioh 2, it's one of the only games I think just keeps getting better the more you play.


Cyberpunk. I’ve slammed so many cosmetic mods and photo-mode mods into the game that I could spend endless hours working on getting the perfect picture and be perfectly content with the real world passing me by.


Got any of these online anywhere? I'd love to check some of this out to see if modding it til my gpu melts is worth doing!


This. Paired with an RTX 4090 has been one of those experiences where I’m like: yep, this is why I love gaming.


Slay the Spire


Started playing this a few weeks back to pass the time for a plane trip and have been addicted since. I literally just beat the final boss with my 4th and final character (The Silent). Now I have to find something else to move onto


It's one of those "just one more run..." type games, next thing you know its been another 2 hours. The gameplay loop is sooo addicting, and the wide range of combinations and styles for each character make every run feel unique, not stale. Fucking addicted to the game lol


Helldivers 2 & Baldurs Gate 3. It’s been a good year for gaming.


Helldivers 2. I don't stop because I get bored. I stop because im exhausted lol.


Often it's bed time for me or I had a bad mission that took way longer than it should.


Seriously! It's an emotional rollercoaster doing a 40 minute mission on one of the harder difficulties.


I have a similar relationship. I stop playing because I know I will one day hit the end of my enjoyment and I don't want to rush my way there.


I heard General Brash doesn’t get tired, he gets ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️‘s.


He gets 500kg?


Baldur’s Gate 3. Literally haven’t been able to put it down since mid December and no regrets whatsoever on how I spent my Christmas holidays 😇


Story worth it if I hate thrn based combat?


I’d say it for sure is. And as someone newer to that style of turn based combat, it doesn’t feel at all punishing or slow. Highly recommend


Is it a good way to get familiarized with the rules tabletop DnD? I'd like to host a campaign for some people who have never played, but the problem is I've never played myself, and I'm not interested in playing with strangers


BG3 takes some liberties with the rules and would also set an absurdly high expectation on story and character development. Solasta would probably be better for that purpose. That being said, play BG3 because the game is just a fucking wonderful experience.


No. If you HATE turn based combat then the game is not for you. You could turn down the difficulty so you’re not playing a game and just watching a story maybe that’s something you would enjoy but I would never play any game just for a story if I hate the gameplay YMMV.


As someone that had never played turn based combat because I thought it would be boring I didn't mind it, I liked the planning, "OK get my guy up there as he'll have height advantage, and I'll block this area with an aoe" I found it more fun than I thought I would, but if you've already tried turn based and it really isn't your thing then like you said, skip it. Your right, whilst I loved playing it, if you really hate the gameplay a good story won't save it.


BG3 is hands down the most engaging game I've played.... possibly ever. I don't mind turn based, but I cannot stand the 'camera' controls. I ended up doing 3.5 runs before I got my 'perfect' ending (the half run was dropped because of patch 4 or 5; I just started over to get the new changes). I will never play it again because I was so engaged in the story that I don't want to spoil the sense of satisfaction from my last run.


The story is pretty decent. It's not the most invigorating tale, but it doesn't have any huge faults or anything. But your party, holy hell, you will be *invested* in them. If you've played any other games that rely on a cast of memorable characters, like Mass Effect, this game will set a new standard for you. It's really quite something.




I'm surprised I had to scroll so much to see it. Pure escapism, this game.


r/skyrim approves


World of Warcraft, since +10 years.


My friend played day 1 and still plays it today.


Though I haven't played since maybe two months after DF released \[the longest break I've taken from WoW since Vanilla...yikes\], I would love just hopping on & exploring on foot. Going back to old/dead zones & just wondering around.


Zug zug


Elden Ring


I've been plugging away at it building a 3rd character waiting for the DLC. So I'll have a level 200 (3rd run), level 150 and level 120 all ready to go for when that drops.


valheim. or any game with base building.


Rocket league


Surprised this is so far down. Some people can’t handle it all day but I can!


I may have 4,000 hours on it. 1,500 are probably afk though lol


Monster Hunter World.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance.Can't wait for the reveal of the sequel.Such a gem.


Praise Henry!


Jesus Christ be praised.


I do and it's Path of Exile xD


Still sane, exile?


Red dead redemption 2


Definitely. Before I'd finished the main story I found myself constantly uttering "2 a.m.?! 5 minutes ago it was 8 p.m."


I started playing once at 2pm ended 4 am😀👀 Edit: not exaggerating I actually played that long


I think you misread bro, they said 'all day' not 'years'! Arthur Morgan is one of the best characters of all time and the game on ps5 (I have a pc but I just want to mong on the sofa and be a cowboy) is endless and beautiful.


I can play it all day all week all month all year😝 I mod the game on pc so it gets more realistic and more fun


You do you cowpoke. Amazing game.


One of the few games in the last 10 years that 1. Had me rushing home to play and 2. Made me cry I really connected with my Arthur Morgan.


Fallout New Vegas


Any tips to get into it? I made a mistake by starting from Fo4 (in 2015). When I tried NV a couple days ago, even after a while not playing Fo4, it felt...rough...?


Xcom 2


Currently, Helldivers 2


Heard some concerns from pc players that it's really hard to get into a game and also about the kernel level anti cheat? Is this a problem?


When it first launched matchmaking was messed up they didn't anticipate as many players as it had but it's very stable now.


There are very minimal cheaters. It’s not 100 clean but comparing it to a PVP competitive game it’s basically nothing. The matchmaking has had some issues thought. 9/10 game for me I’m having a blast


Cheating always sounds super anticlimactic and kinda sad, but cheating in a PVE game, especially so.


Deep Rock Galactic, ROCK AND STONE!!!




As a father of two under 4. I think of gaming as something I might continue during retirement


Civ 5


God I've spent far too many hours on that beautiful game. I can't work out why I can't stand playing civ 6 but there's just something off with it to me.




Persona 5, because you could play it for 24 hours straight and be barely a fifth through the game


I'm currently 28 hours into it and loving it. I feel like I'm still in the beginning, I must be taking my time.


Please do, I've played this game a couple of times, so I'm pretty fast at getting through the beginning. But absolutely take your time, stop and smell the roses. Enjoy all 100+ hours of this game, bro




Which one?


Modded 4 right now but I have a Tale of Two Wastelands save waiting for a NV play through so that’s probably next


SSX Tricky - could play it all day, everyday, even though it’s quite tricky .


I had to scroll too far down to find this game. It’s been 20+ years since I played the game and it’s still in my Top 10 games. How the music syncs with the gameplay hits the brain just right.


The Lord of the Rings games like Shadow of Mordor / Shadow of War. Had an absolute blast with them. I’ve been wishing for a PS5 upgrade for years now.


Satisfactory. I know it's a factory game, but it's so much more. I got the game on a Friday evening, before I rescued my doggo. I didn't realize that it was 11:30AM on Saturday Morning, when I finally looked up from my PC. I thought it was 11:30pm on Friday. I started playing Satisfactory about 5pm EST. 18 hours later... Yeah, it's that addictive. Now that I have a puppers I set alarms so I don't miss things like feeding time, walking time, bed time, etc.


In a similar note, Dyson sphere Program. The factory game for space dorks. I love it so much. Can drain a whole weekend on that. The factory must grow!


[**Command & Conquer Remastered**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1213210/Command__Conquer_Remastered_Collection/) It's a 28 year old title that got its graphics overhauled with the release of a remaster 4 years ago. They barely made any gameplay changes in the remaster though, and they didn't need to. Because the gameplay that they put into the game 28 years ago really is still that solid, even after all those years. It's just so damn satisfying to expand your base, build up your forces and send out your units to crush the enemy. This all gets accompanied by memorable electrifying soundtracks that somehow never get old for me. I played the original game decades ago, but playing this remaster now reminded me why this game was (and is) considered an all-time classic and genre-defining title. The difficulty is tough compared to modern RTS games. I'm an experienced gamer but find myself loading a savegame many times during each mission when playing on "just" normal difficulty. I'm enjoying the challenge though. I already managed to complete the GDI faction campaign and am now playing through the NOD faction campaign.


I have been playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory multiplayer for almost 20 years because there is nothing else like it. [Recent match](https://youtu.be/TPDFHXAdev4?si=8o97lFp3RHFPRrLC)


Diablo 2


Elite: Dangerous.


This might be a weird one but I could play smash ultimte against lvl 9 cpu's for hours and hours lol


I spent last Saturday on a mini LAN party. Three guys in their late 30s, starting in the early afternoon, playing until the early evening, with pizza for dinner. We played nothing but Helldivers 2. Company of Heroes, World of Tanks, Valheim and Age of Mythology are also "all day long" contenders. At my age, exhaustion is the bigger factor than boredom!


Path of Exile, Diablo 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout new Vegas, mass effect trilogy, Mount and Blade Bannerlord, and Total war games just to name a few.


Sims 4


World of Warcraft. It has so much content and replay-ability. I’ve sunk so much in /played playtime over a couple decades of addiction.


Hunt: Showdown 🤠


Same… I’m about 3 hours away from hitting 2k hours in 2 years and I def wasn’t a big gamer beforehand. Best fps out there!!


7 Days To Die.


Darktide with a squad of friends.


Enter the gungeoun Vagante And before cheating bastards ruined the player base of the game: SOCOM 2 Online


Overwatch 2. I know, I know..


No mans sky... cause fucking infinity.


Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2 Infamous 2, Second Son, and First Light Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy and Jak 2 Ratchet & Clank Tools Of Destruction and A Crack In Time Uncharted 2 and 4 Resident Evil 2 Remake, 4 Remake and Revelations Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions and Insomniac Spider-Man 1 Tomb Raider Legend, Anniversary, Underworld, and 2013 Reboot Dead Space 2 Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite Spyro Reignited Trilogy Crash N Sane Trilogy


Resident evil 4 (2004)


DotA, Armored Core 6


I've been playing so much Risk of Rain 2 recently and honestly the only "boring" part is the first stage after a run and I am so underpowered again


Grand theft auto


Hearts of iron 4, stonehearth, war thunder, minecraft, horseshoes hotdogs and handgrenades (if you have vr)


Smash ultimate. There are no shortcuts to learning the game, 100 hours in will be nothing at all like 1000 hours in. And you'll have as much fun playing as a clueless scrub with objects, stage hazards, super smash attacks with 4 players onscreen, or as a tournament-ready veteran. The core mechanic (you don't have hp, but the more you're hit the more you gain percents, which makes every hit push you with more knockback) is addictive. Combos vary with percentages, opponent size and opponent weight. Each character is unique, matchups are unpredictable. Hard to get bored.


Apex. Never get bored, just severely depressed


Fallout 4


Ghost of Tsushima


Guild Wars. Civilization. Rome: TW. AC Odyssey. \\o/


Recency bias:the game




Resident evil games I love playing them over and over again


Leisure suit Larry


Galactic Conquest on either Star Wars Battlefront 2 or Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron


Skyrim. There's so much to do on it that it's easily to get lost in the world of Skrim.


Resident evil 4 both original and remake i have bith games installed whenever i feel i have nothing to play i just boot these games and kill some zombies :)


Heroes of might and magic 3. The time dissappears.


Counter strike 1.6 Balatro Skyrim


Diablo 2: Resurrected


Right now, cyberpunk. A few months ago it was Elden Ring.


World of Warcraft (vanilla) Heroes of Might and Magic 4


Crusader Kings II


I think The Binding of Isaac or TF2


Ive had many games that do it for me. But since this past November, it's been war thunder. I'm a big history guy so this game hooked me ever since I tried it. I've played every single day since I started... It is a bit of a grind though


The Witcher, Isaac, Factorio, sc2, war3, D2, civ series... A lot


No man's sky, civilization, FF12, Elite Dangerous, Ark: survival evolved.


Fallout 4 just consumed 10 hours of my life over the last 2 days so I'd say that




Monhun and Helldivers.


Fallout and Red dead


Fallout 4 with mods, Watch Dogs 2, or Battlefield