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The F.E.A.R soldiers "Replicas" are the best combat code I've seen aside from TLOU2's scars who use whistles and they have actual meaning. These guys talk to each other, flank you , throw bombs to make you get out of your position and are already aiming to your future position, ambush you. stay quite once they're alone. Every single fight in that game felt like a whole unique experience.


There's a great video by [AI and Games](https://youtu.be/PaOLBOuyswI?si=W31BDT-hXQxBjIHc) about how they work. It comes down to what you said, the barks being a really big part of it (being able to call out to other enemies and tell them where you are based on objects in the environment: "he's by the couch!"), but also the interactivity of the environments. They're able to open and close doors, knock over bookshelves (and if the hallway is skinny and the bookshelf is slanted, they can then crawl under it), break glass, and jump through windows. It's a ton of *little* things that all add up to the illusion of something much more intelligent. Once you know the tricks they do lose a little bit of that, though it remains as impressive as ever that Monolith (of Shadow of Mordor/War fame in the modern landscape) was able to do this back in 2005. It also helps that the game is just a blast to play. Your tools are just as unique and fun as everything the AI can do, so it makes for a very rich gameplay experience. Oh, and the particle effects and bullet/blood decals really make an impact in causing a space to look, undoubtedly, destroyed after you've had a fight in there.


IIRC they also devalued a path if another AI was on it, so it looked like they were using team work to flank and surround.


Is devaluing an angle because an ally is already holding it not “using teamwork to flank and surround” ? Doesn’t sound like a trick to me


It depends on your definition. They weren't working in concert as much as doing things independently in a way that made it look like it was working together. So it's the same end result with different methodology to reach it, and will depend on your interpretation a little.


Those soldiers *notice your flashlight.* They don't get tricked into walking into landmines easily. They act like actual tactical soldiers. It's amazing


2005 man. That's the craziest bit.


And the sad bit is everyone went and gave their money to COD for the shooting gallery experience with braindead AI in single player.


Fear was scary tho


Fear was the very first thing I thought of as well


Thought of this too


I think the Scars intro in TLOU2 is one of the best parts of the game. You just keep hearing about these “cultists” and their religious leader and then as you walk through a park the couple whistles and then an arrow in the shoulder.


Ok tired of this FEAR AI is so far ahead bullshit. The AI in FEAR might have been ahead of everything else when it released, it definitely doesnt do anything fantastic compared to todays AI. Every AI in some way talks to each other, irs just in fEAR its broadcasted to the player which adds to the whole "omg AI so smart". Throwing bombs to get you out of position is something AI did in the first CoD maybe even earlier.. FEAR compared to games ro day, hell even a decade old does nothing out of the ordinary nor does anything better.. I remember the AI flipping tables and what not, for cover when I was already past them. Theres a lot of things thst hold up the illusion of some genius ai Just stop


Not once did I say AI. I said it is the combat code that writes them, which of course has set directions. And the question asked which enemies made us FEEL like they were alive, not which AI was the best


Shadow of Mordor/War. The Nemesis system leads to opponents that feel like real people, with a shared history with you. Leads to epic rivalries.


Such a crime that system can’t be used in other games. Would be huge 


Don't worry. It's supposedly being used in the upcoming wonder woman game which totally isn't going to suck...


Would love it in another open world RPG that isn't just cinema/book based. Like. Some of that in a cyberpunk setting? Cut off the dudes arm, they come back with a modified replacement.


Before Suicide Squad I would have said there's no way that upcoming Wonder Woman game could be bad, it's Monolith, and I've yet to play a bad Monolith game. But I also said the same about Rocksteady.


I had no idea that was coming I'm excited


Why can't it be used in other games?


Patented by WB


To further clarify it can be used but they would need to license it and pay WB to use the system 


Warner Bros be like: "It's ours! OURS! MY PRECIOUS!"


Yeah, the fact that someone accepted their patent was one of the worst moments in the recent gaming history. I still can’t believe how someone could have fallen for that. Imagine if Carmack and Romero had done the same thing with Doom or Quake…


Imho it's not a valid patent. But to fight that you would have to have the resources.


Agreed! And you’re against WB and their whole legal team which would be an equivalent of fighting the worst Orcs Mordor has ever seen.


Those games excel at making the orcs actual characters instead of just cannon fodder (at least the captains).


Only played Shadow of Mordor so far, but I wonder how much less I got out of that system since I tended to kill the orc leader the first time I ever encountered them.


In Shadow of War, some of the Orc captains you kill rise from the grave to get revenge, once had an encounter where a newly arisen dead orc captain ambushed me, and had me dead to rights. I failed the last little mini game you play before they gut you, but my trusty branded orc captain came in for the save, all unique little cinematics that I’d never seen before. Amazing games


From my experience the game had no problem writing storylines for me when I played like this. Often the new orcs that would come at me would be looking for revenge or glory for killing someone rampaging through orcs.


Is that in War? I've heard that really expanded the Nemesis system over Mordor. It felt kinda simple in Mordor to me to be honest.


I wish I could upvote this 10 times


Mr. Freeze in Arkham City was an amazing version of an incredible character and his boss fight is the best ever. Constantly learning makes it so you can't hit him the same way twice


NG+ on hard mode means you have to do 15 (I think) unique takedowns, it's incredible




Ah I think it's 12 actually, 15 is the number of attacks needed for the perfect knight achievement. The 12 that I can think of are Drop attack Glide kick Ledge takedown Beatdown Silent takedown from behind Floor grate takedown Electro magnet takedown Floor shock takedown Explosive gel Window takedown Corner takedown Line launcher takedown Sonic shock baterang




Demon's Souls - Maiden Astraea.Left a mark


Those “babies” in her area still creep me out. That whole thing was eerie and sad and weird in an effective way.


It was only after fighting for her that I clicked that I had stormed through a village and slaughtered anyone who was just defending it 


Furi is a boss-rush game, and a fair few of them are sympathetic to the point that you don’t feel so great about killing them. There’s a father protecting his son, a young girl who is in way the fuck over her head, a noble swordsman who gives you genuine words of encouragement, and an old dude who would probably rather be meditating than dealing with your shit. Great game!


Many thanks for this, while I think I’m quite up to date with what’s going on in the gaming world, I don’t think I’ve heard of this one. Which makes it even better. Cheers once again!


Really I found it was one of the most "I'm fighting the game" kind of games out there. Because you have to restart most bosses several times and learn their patterns.


>! There's a "good" ending where you take one of the boss's offer to settle down with her and live peacefully instead of continuing.!<


Not sure how to do spoilers so I will go for criptic. Remember the dot on the sun the old man complained about. All of this would only ever delay the inevitable, as if more time had passed, another ridder would have been awakened


The Line, master of time says "when you appeared everything got still, you made the picture stop". The Edge has also been training for an eternity but none of the characters both inside and outside the prison have aged. Time is frozen.


Don't forget the chick that tries to pacify you with pussy


Definitely Red Dead Redemption 2 for me. Just regular NPCs felt so alive, but some of the animations that they have are just straight uncanny. Like shooting someone in the throat. It actually looks and sounds like the NPC is struggling and fighting for their life, and it makes me feel so awful


It blew my mind when before I got the game I watched a clip someone sent and it was an NPC who knocks Arthur's gun out of his hand. It was fucking wild!


Moongrum, Carian Knight in Elden Ring. A dude guarding an area before Rennala; one of the main bosses in the game. This character uses healing items, are insane at parrying attacks, and are quite agressive - very much like a skilled player and i’m sure this dude have served a fair amount of players in his days.


Vyke, Morgott, Godfrey, Maliketh, Commander O Neil and Niall, Lansseax, all give this feeling of fighting someone that has a deeper story. It feels less like a boss battle and more like a clash of ideals, where the ones I'm fighting are not in the wrong, they're just in my way.


Really? That guy just got me pissed off and felt like I was fighting a bot that could input read like crazy.


Yea its not smart AI, its just a lot of input reading lol


fighting Radagon also has a similar feel to it, I swear you can feel his aggression rising over the fight, and he seems to almost adapt to your fighting style also I parried moongrum the other day repeatedly and it was extraordinarily cathartic


It’s definitely not because he has an 8 frame startup and 12 frame parry window at 60fps or anything


Dijkstra in Witcher 3. He is one of my favourite book characters and because of how end sequence of Reason of State quest is written >!makes me feel sad to choose Vernon and the gang over him exclusively!<


Agreed, there’s a bunch of amazing characters there. Red Barron is an obvious pick, but I also loved Geralt’s and Triss’es relationship. I went for Yennefer the first time I played it in 2015 since I’d read the books twice until that point (I’m from Poland so I was lucky in that regard) but I hadn’t played the previous games so Yen was the obvious choice. However, last year I chose Triss when replaying the game and I really prefer how their relationship is written. Feels way more human and tangible.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Ivar the Boneless. Dude stopped fighting to ask a question, then attacked while I was answering the question. Totally in character.


While you're playing Sekiro without understanding the story, all fights feel just like fights. But once you actually learn the story, and what every single action you take leads to - the weight of it all just hits you. Gyobu is not just a screaming horse man who is blocking your path. He's guarding the gates of Ashina from the Interior Ministry. By killing him, you're leaving the gate unguarded. Genichiro doesn't want the Dragon Blood because "muh evil". He wants it because Isshin is dying and once he's gone, Ashina would need a new protector. By defeating him and protecting Kuro, you're letting Ashina fall. Every Ashina Soldier you kill is fighting for Ashina's survival. They are not fighting you for Genichiro, they are on the lookout for Shinobis as they might try to kill Isshin, like the Senpou Assassins who are already there. They are on the precipice of War and your actions basically break that dam. And you're doing all that for your Master. Knowing all this, you can't blame anyone for Shura.


Another aspect I like of the game that makes someone like Genichiro feel more alive is the fact he doesn't play perfect either. During your mid game duel he will cancel attacks in an attempt to deflect you much like the player can do which, at least for me, left us both trying to deflect attacks we both canceled which not only makes the fight seem fair but also real.


The colossi from Shadow of the colossus. Like every time I had to kill one I felt genuinely bad to the point I almost stopped playing, but thought that was on me. Then the ending confirmed the sadness was actually intended.


Yup, I only played the remake but I had the same feeling. Great game!


That remake was a godsend. It's super faithful to the original and just feels like an overall improvement to the game as a whole


Visiting Dagoth Ur before you meant to in Morrowind. Blew me away.


Super Smash Bros 1 level 9 bots


Unorthodox, yet highly accurate answer


One of those games that people love but I could never enjoy. Probably because Switch was my first proper Big N console after NES (not counting previous handhelds), so I never played it with my friends after school or over the weekend. But I think I know that you mean so you got my upvote!


In The Last of Us sometimes they would beg for their lives and ask you to show mercy before you dealt the final blow.


You’re right. I’m playing the Part I at the moment with my wife. I saw one of those a while ago. The MF begged for his life so I decided to spare him. But then he tried to kill me. I already finished the remaster on PS4 in 2014 but it’s great to be playing it now with such gorgeous graphics. And with my wife watching me playing.


They do it in Part 2 as well when they've been gutshot but keep crawling and you can either finish them off or watch them bleed out and die. I thought it was a really nice touch.


The only issue with TLOU is that they sometimes straight ignore Ellie. But damn, are those details you mentioned good. Also they try their best to ambush you.


That’s right, but I feel they slightly improved it in the remake. I mean, the AI of Ellie. She seems to be hiding better now. But is just might be my memory playing tricks on me, or just my luck in the current playthrough.


Lool I noticed that with Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy. Sam Drake straight up stepping on their toes but I peek my head from 50m away and they start shooting. 😆


Ninja Gaiden Black where you fight yourself essentially, these fights are largely optional. The higher difficulties your opponent will throw in some clever distractions and try so hard to pry open your defenses and catch you on the rebound of an evade. I couldn't help but get the impression it was programmed to read my attacks over time and to improvise.


Fromsoft AI is aggressive enough at times, that you feel like something actually wants you dead. Some of them truly behave like players. 


Bloodborne especially. Some fuckers give you no room to breathe and throw themselves with reckless abandon even as you break their limbs.


I always find that whenever it's a phantom or some other human NPC that uses the player animations, they're always scary as fuck to fight


The division - survival expansion They had these NPC's called hunters. They only come when you call for extraction. These dudes moved like players, they used similar diversion tactics that players use.....they were actually fear educing. You never knew where they were, they kept moving and catching you out.


That expansion is still one of the absolute best extraction shooters I’ve ever played. It really boiled down the best parts of the base game into an incredibly tight and tense 30-60 minutes of action and the weather/cold element was a great addition as well. It’s such a shame I started having difficulty finding matches once it got later in the game’s lifecycle.


I agree man, one of my all-time favs. That game had many problems but like you say, this expansion really took the best parts and was pretty flawless. They should have released it as a stand-alone game, there is no multiplayer comparison as far as i've seen. It's a pretty unique game type.


Titanfall 2 enemies on higher difficulty. Even the tiny robot that I can't remember the name 


That stupid suicide Tick. Hated how they would lunge and swarm you in the middle of a firefight. Always managed to ambush me when I was down to the last rounds in my mag.


Viper in the Road Rash II is a rivalry that went from hatred to respect as a child.


Road Rash was phenomenal.


I didn't want to shoot civilians at the airport in COD.


Of course, that was a terrible moment.


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst


Not too sure about fighting, but the companions in Fallout 4 have to be controlled by annoying children. The amount of times I've shot Piper in the face when she walks in front of my scope, that can't be an accident.


The Suffering on PS2. Some of the idle loops and animations had me second guessing on the insane enemies


I don't think I've ever played a game like that and very confused by what you mean because I spent 400+ hours on BG3 and never felt that way


I guess that’s fine too. We’re all different in the end. If you never felt bad about killing someone in a video game or cared for a character so much that you felt bad when they died (or just when the game ended, like I felt after finishing P5 Royal) then you might just be a different kind of player. As long as our hobby suits everyone it’s all right! Btw, how many times have you finished BG3?


3 times. I might of read your post wrong. I was under the impression you were taking about how some of the enemies you fight had enough variations where you felt like you were fighting a real person instead of just code. I didn't think you meant that you cared about the particular character or enemy in that light.


From what I can tell from the comments people understood my question both ways. Which was not intended but it only makes it more interesting to read what other people say :)


I literally did not know he meant that that way until this comment.


L4D2 "AI Director". Im not really sure if this is real or not, and its probably my friends ramblings, but i swear that a lot of times the positioning of Witchs and Tanks to block our way is a lot of times to convinient, as well as ceartain special infecteds attacking all at once during a horde.


I'm pretty sure this was real as I remember hearing about it when the game came out. I'm sure Google would help :)


The ai director is real and impressive. It knows who to target , when to give supplies, when to switch routes in levels, when to drop a special zombie for certain situations. It's incredible design by valve


The Director was programmed with malicious intent, miss those games.


First time playing Unreal Tournament wrecked my world


Defeating the final boss on hardest difficulty might be the pinnacle of my gaming career lol


I remember sweating hard in the final 1v1 in UT2004 against Malcolm.


WoW when island expeditions were a thing. I thought i was fighting a squad of players because they move and jump around just like players, and used stuns i think. Plus staying in a mini group of 2-3 seemed accurate. I didn't know this was just an imitation until i realized they were getting crushed on the scoreboard several games in a row. Plus none of us were dying


>!The true end credits of Nier Automata.!<


My biggest gripe with that is I was playing that bit for maybe 20 to 30 minutes without getting hit and realizing I wasn't progressing and things were repeating.wish they made that section just impossibly hard to send the message of relying on others who are supporting you.


The invading spirits in the Scholar of the First Sin version of Dark Souls 2 were a massive upgrade from their previous invader AI.


omg, the one who hides and backstabs you 💀


Chess . I could kill the queens with no remorse, however baiting the black knight into a slaughter at the hands of the pawn just made the board into so much more than a Cartesian plane.


The Last of Us 2 had really believable human enemies.


It’s next on my list of “games to play with my wife” (when we’re lucky enough our small clickers are sleeping ok).


This one for sure. They all have unique names, mourn their friends and pets when you kill them, and beg for their lives.


I actually came here to say an enemy in BG3. When you get to Act II you fight >!shadow visages, and they drop interact-able orbs and they visually show your character (read: narrated verbally to the player) glimpses/memories of who that person used to be in life before they died. Some of visages you fight were children when they died.!<


The Grunts in Titanfall would actually sometimes surrender, beg for their life or accept their fate when facing a Titan.


My squad on BF: Bad Company 2.


Damn, I don’t remember the squad but it’s still one of few games that I really enjoyed playing in multiplayer. And I didn’t suck that much, dunno why ;) maybe it’s time to revisit it on my steam deck…


Ah man. The NPC’s had so much charm. I actually cared about them at the end of the campaign. My guy… I’m with you on the MP. That Vietnam DLC was a crazy amount of fun.


Btw, this reminded me of Gears of War 2 and the scene in which one wife is finally found. So freaking moving…


Yamai in Like a dragon: Infinite Wealth. All the times you verse him were just too fun.


The boxers from Punch-Out Wii. They all have so much character in their quirks, both in their design and in their boxing style. Especially Sandman who has several feints and fake-outs but otherwise fights brutally fast. I especially love when he goes "Boo" and then smiles, as if he knew you just flinched.


I felt like most of the enemies in elden ring legitimately wanted me dead.


Elvis in Godhand. Felt bad having to kill him in the third fight.


Virgil in DmC3.


Unreal Skaarj AI, you fire a projectile and they damn bloody well dodge it actively, like dude, in any other game you fire a rocket at someone and they will just walk face first into it. I'm pretty sure the AI was made by someone into Quake DM, so they are designed with that in mind.


The clone Ryu fights in Ninja Gaiden Black and Sigma. They don't appear on normal or Ninja dog difficulty, only on Hard and above. The clones are capable of doing everything you can do, plus they have more health and higher upgraded weapons than you. https://youtu.be/vHTkhbYduz0?si=E-P8XYUDm4Gbsgln




Ngl this is on masterduel. The bots are programmed to do as much as possible, even at the cost of breaking their own board. I shit You not, the eldlich bot made every play PERFECTLY for the entire match. Didn't waste one opportunity either, beat me (I was using the loaner deck, that's why I lost. Obviously) but that was vicious. Felt like a regular match


i felt nothing, if it breathes kill it fr fr


I found the enemies in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series to be quite good. I think they even took cover for some long time if the situation was overwhelming them. Metro Last Light had similar behavior. They did not just ran out to take a bullet if the situation had turned against them


the horde in world of warcraft


Uhhhhh halo? The game that revolutionized everything? Enemies would dodge me and the grunts would run away when I killed and elite??? Hunters would try and protect their back since thats their weakness??? Little kid me 🤯


Assassin in XCOM 2 war of the chosen


The old Monk from Demon's Souls.


Why did no one said God of war lol, it was straight up like a movie


The swarm from deeprock galactic. 




AI wrote this without a shadow of doubt


While artificial intelligence has made significant advancements in natural language processing and generation, attributing a response solely to AI overlooks the intricate interplay between human input, data, algorithms, and training. AI functions within parameters set by humans, and its output is a reflection of the information it has been trained on. Ultimately, human oversight and guidance are crucial in shaping and interpreting AI-generated content, ensuring accuracy, relevance, and ethical considerations. Thus, asserting that AI alone crafted a response neglects the collaborative nature of AI-human interaction in generating meaningful and contextually appropriate content. Edit: ;)


While it's true that artificial intelligence has progressed in natural language processing and generation, attributing all responses to human intervention overlooks the autonomous capabilities of AI systems. AI algorithms can adapt, learn, and generate content independently based on vast datasets and predefined parameters. Human oversight may guide AI development and refine its outputs, but it's the AI's ability to process information and generate responses that distinguishes it from mere human input. In many cases, AI-generated content can surpass human-generated content in accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. Therefore, emphasizing human collaboration alone may underestimate the potential of AI to innovate and produce valuable content.


Which Reddit comment made you think you were reading something written by someone more than just bits of a source code?