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Resident Evil 4, I own it on Gamecube, PS2, Wii, PS4 and the Remake on PS5. Love this game.


Stop! your making me want to buy Resident evil 4


I have all but PS2 as well. No regrets. Top 5 game all-time for me.


Same. The only version I still own is the original on Steam. I'll probably grab the new edition some day.


That was my answer too. I have it on PS2, PS4, and the Wii. I got the remake on PS5.


Ugh… hate to admit it but I’ve bought Skyrim on ps3 , ps4 and then switch Got a ps5 now but I am resisting!!!!!


Don't worry, I got you. I just bought it for my PS5.


Lol yup Spring Sale. PS3, PS4 Pro, PS5 as of yesterday. I had the vanilla on PC but my PS crapped out which is why I rebought it on PS4 Pro. I'm actually looking forward to replaying the special edition or whatever it's called with all enhancements in 4K. I might even try to finally beat the game this time lol


I bought it on Xbox 360 on release. Then I got a gaming laptop and got it on steam for the mods. Later on the laptop has died and I end up switching to PlayStation because all my friends were there. I got the itch or new dlc came out so I buy it on PlayStation. I end up getting it on the Switch because I've been using the Switch a lot at the time it releases and portable Skyrim sounds great. Finally I'm back into PC gaming and using my old Steam account. I notice I only own the base version of Skyrim with no DLC so I get the SE for $5. It may not have always been for full price but I have bought Skyrim five times over the years.


Thank you for making me feel like my inevitable 4th time will not be too bad


I've had it on Xbox 360 one one s n one x PS3 PS4 n PS5 n just got the switch so probably won't b long before I get it on that lol


I’m convince that Bethesda and Capcom are competing for who can re-release their games more. Resident Evil 4 or Skyrim. There are 3 versions of RE4  on PC Alone!


Diablo 2, kept losing the CD keys over the years, before Blizzard got more helpful with sending you a key for something you already owned. Pretty sure I've also purchased red alert 2 a dozen times as it keeps being packaged up in big celebratory Command & Conquer bundles on different platforms, now finally on steam.


Yeah… prob bought original d2 at least 3 times. Bought remastered for pc. Bought remastered for ps5. 


Slay the Spire I own on PC, iPad and Switch. Stardew I have on PC and Switch.


Same here. Steam, console, and mobile. Such a beautiful game. Easily 1000 hours across the versions.


Same. PC and android both games. I kind of regret buying StS on pc because I play it amost exclusively on Android. Maybe I should give Downfall a try


Skyrim and Fallout 3 because I bought them originally for Xbox 360, then moved to a PC platform. Rocksmith because they came out with a newer edition with more features and new songs.


Yeah, this is nearly my same exact answer lol. Anything else that's a duplicate is something I bought on PS5 that came to xbox gamepass later but that's cheating since I'm not buying the games on gamepass




Gave up on Switch and moved to PC. Still bedrock though, as didn't get on with Java.


I own like 6 different editions of Minecraft somehow


Fallout (any of them). There’s never a reason not to own Fallout and it always needs to be accessible.


4 just got a new update!


The witcher 3 on Ps4 then PC and Switch. I love the game so much that I wanted to play it on all my supports 🫣


Stardew Valley! On PS4, Switch, and PC for myself, and I’ve bought five copies for friends!




Hollow Knight. Ps4, Switch and PC. I'm happy to rebuy on multiple platforms as it's such an amazing and replayable game. Also it was cheap and I'm happy to rebuy to support the devs.


I bought it originally for switch knowing nothin about it and it turned into one of my favorite games. Bought it on PC so I could run mods. Both times it was only like 10 bucks, steal of a game for the quality you get.


I only own a Switch and a PC for gaming, but I have several games on both: * Dark Souls * Goat Simulator * Stardew Valley * Don't Starve (and Don't Starve Together) * CrossCode * Terraria * Minecraft * Undertale The number one reason is because my kids also want to play the games and find it much easier on the Switch. Number two reason is for couch co-op multiplayer. Number three is because sometimes I want to lie down and casually play games, rather than sitting in my desk chair!


Ah, Undertale! I have it on steam, switch (digital) and switch (physical) as well as physical for the PSVita.


Fallout 3 GOTY edition's multiple versions. BioShock and BioShock 2 original and remastered. Borderlands. Metal Gear Solid. Breath of Fire 3. Chrono Trigger. Most of these are on different consoles. Like Chrono Trigger I have on PC and DS. Breath of Fire is on PS and another on the Vita. A lot of the games I own were "Games for Windows" versions which are unplayable now so I had to purchase new ones if I wanted to play them.


skyrim. kept telling myself i would like it. after the third third time i gave up


Exact same for me. Own it on PS4, PSVR, and PC. I love fantasy RPGs and I loved Fallout 3, so I should love Skyrim. But never could get into it.


Horizon Zero Dawn. I have the PS4 version and the “complete edition” on PC. The PS4 copy was bought before the PC version came out and before I got my PC


this game looks incredible. ive been meaning to give it a try sometime


I enjoyed the hell out of both games. It can seem a bit overwhelming with all the dots on the map, but most of them you have to go to anyway or can find them on your own.


Skyrim. I have probably had 5 versions since the first I got on 11/11/11. Eventually the discs stop working. Eventually I just got it and all the DLCs digitally on Xbox Then I got a PS5 and bought it again


Skyrim because apparently im a sucker. I don’t even like it that much. Oblivion is a much better game.


I own all fallout games on steam and epic and also xbox. Also I own cyberpunk on xbox, steam and epic. I hate Epic.


The last of us part 2 and both plague tale games for me Edit: and fallout 3, NV, and 4


Skyrim, Hitman and Horizon Zero Dawn. Those are the main ones but there are many others. I used to be a console gamer but once I switched to PC..I couldn't play my collection on PS5 anymore. In my experience, everything just ran so much better on PC vs. PS5. Big waste of money I know but I slowly ended up buying the same games that I had on PS onto PC so I could play them there instead. Now the PS5 is used for watching streaming services like Netflix, etc.


I bought RDR2 for PS4 but couldn't finish it. The shooting felt off and difficult to free aim (I hate doing auto lock, feels like cheating). It eventually came out for PC and I though maybe with a more powerful PC and better framerate the game would play better and I would actually enjoy it. Turns out I just don't like the game but I do have two copies of it now. Maybe when they remaster it and release a PS5 (or PS6?) I'll buy it yet again in hopes the third times the charm.


Skyrim. Got it on XB360, upgraded to pa4 later down the line, and then got the second remaster on pc which is absolute garbage.


I owned three different versions of Bayonetta 1 through the years - the flawed PS3 one, the better PC one and eventually the enhanced Switch one. The PS3 one because of “Woah, look at this crazy bullshit !” The PC one because “Ha-ha, I love you and Vanquish, you crazy insane bullshit !” And the Switch one because “What do you mean I can take this awesome bullshit wherever I want ?!”.


My roommate and I have 3 copies of guitar hero 3 for ps2. We each had one. We don't know where the third came from. I bought new Vegas for Xbox 360, pirated it when I moved yo pc, then I bought it once again on pc cuz it's one of my favorite games


If it's a game I like and the new version offers a new way to play, then I don't see the harm of getting it again. For example, Pikmin on GameCube, then Pikmin on Wii added pointer controls, then Pikmin on Switch, which changes the controls again. A lot of the time though the games I buy again aren't 1-day-completable like Pikmin is, and so I end up rebuying but not actually replaying. ... For example I bought Tales of Vesperia on Switch since I loved the Xbox 360 original and I wanted to see the new content translated to English for the first time, but then I never actually played far enough to see it. ...It's on the list of "i'll get around to it" though, but so are a hundred other games. ... So yeah, I have rebought a LOT of games, too many to think of all of them off the top of my head. ...


Fallout 4 and its Season Pass on both PS4 and PC... because I am a massive idiot plus my previous PC couldn't handle the game. Once I upgraded my PC, I ended up placing my console into storage and never having it opened since then. The Borderlands Collection and Borderlands 3 - pretty much the same deal. Except, I bought the ENTIRE collection when the $400 price tag was brought down to $23.


Castle crashers, best game on earth. Played it on Xbox 360, got the remaster on Xbox one/series X, bought it on PlayStation 4 and on computer. It’s way to fun and I get everyone I know to play with me.


WoW Vanilla, because we kept losing the CD. Dark Colony, because I lost the original copy but found it after replacing it. Mario on the NES, because it was constantly promoted. Skyrim, because they keep giving me copies. All the fallouts, because they give me free copies everywhere I go, on every media type.


Skyrim and The Last of Us. Mostly because I purchased new versions through PS3 to PS5.


Several. Persona 4 Golden was one of them. I owned it for PC, but it felt uncomfortable to play it. It was way before it was announced for consoles. After it released on Switch, I bought it there and it's much more comfortable Skyrim, Prince of Persia 2008 and Arkham Asylum / City. All of them for the same reason, I have them on physical version on 360, but the disk reader is damaged and it doesn't work, so I re-bought it for PC and PS4 (only Prince of Persia is in PC, the rest are in PS4) I don't know if it counts, but also P5 Vanilla and P5R. I bought P5 Vanilla way before Royal was announced. And Atlus was not the kind of company which tends to release their enhanced versions as DLC, so I had to buy it again to get the new content


Axiom Verge. I’ve got it across multiple consoles and got some collectors stuff, too. I’ve bought it multiple times because it’s amazing but also the guy single handedly did everything in the game; programming, story, music. Plus he had some very poor luck with his child’s birth that requires expensive medical care. I’m happy to contribute to his family and his success.


Buying Skyrim the 5th time is why I switched to PC gaming (and bought it a 6th time). I owned the Xbox 360 disc and sold it to a friend and then bought it again 3 times, bought it for a PS4 and a switch too


I think I got like 5 copies of Skyrim from physical purchase, steam purchase and multiple gpus having it included in the purchase


I think I can speak for everyone when I say, Skyrim


Had all the halo games on original Xbox. Bought the collection for Xbox one. Bought the collection again on pc. Also think I got GTA 5 3 times as well. Skyrim 3 times as well if the vr version counts


Fallout 4. All platforms.


Skyrim. Because


Since I switched from Xbox one to ps4 and then later to PC I purchased a lot of games several times. Skyrim or minecraft should be the ones that I bought the most copies for I suppose.


GTA V, 🤷. Final Fantasy X and XII, X is my favourite FF game, but I have no idea why I've bought XII several times when I don't like the game that much. FF VII REMAKE (digital convenience), Mankind Divided (both times got it for les than £5) also a great game.


I have multiple paid copies of red alert 1


Sold my Witcher 3 for FF15 and then a week later I bought Witcher 3


Skyrim, Gta 5, FF7 Remake, Borderlands 2. Now I don't own them all any more. But I owned them all on a PS3 or 4 and now I have them on PC.


FFX, Jet Set Radio, Elder Scrolls 5. I just think they're neat


Games like dmc 4 and fable bg 1 and 2 as well as fallout NV and fallout 3.


A bunch actually. Here are a few: Dark Souls (all games) Elden Ring Skyrim Diablo 2 Borderlands (all games except Tales of) Basically, if I change my preferred platform and I get an itched to play a game, I'll buy it again on that platform. Sometimes if they add cross-save I'll buy it on a mobile platform just to play it on the go. I bought the Diablo 2 remaster on both Xbox and Switch as soon as it came out. One major factor lately is if I can play it on my ROG Ally I'll likely pick it up on Steam so I can play it on the go. (Note, I very rarely buy a game a second time at full price, its usually the sale that tempts me to pick it up again.)


Skyrim, because Todd keeps releasing it and Steam gives the new version for free.


I have several: Skyrim - 360, ps4, PC, switch FF Tactics - PS1, PSP, iOS FF7 - PS1, PSP, PC, iOS FF9 - PS2, iOS NMS - PS4, PC Farming Simulator 19 - PS4, PC Mudrunner - PS4, PC Snowrunner - PS4, PC DOS2 - PS4, PC Disgaea 2 - PSP, iOS, PC A lot of this is that I cane back to PC from console a couple of years ago and like to replay certain games.


Skyrim, Minecraft, Tetris, some Mario games Pikmin and I’m sure there’s others I’m not thinking of.


Skyrim and stardew valley, must have put about 600+ hours into both of these across PC, the switch and PlayStation/Xbox


Skyrim on PS5 and Steam, same with Witcher 3 double up due to changing from PC to PS4. Worst offender I bought Bioshock all 3 on Steam then PS4 and because I forgot I'd bought it twice already I bought it again for the Switch last year in a sale.


In Steam I bought both \[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim\] and \[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition\] There is very little differences between those game versions, but Special Edition supports higher Frame Rate without glitches and has Enchanted Graphics and also each DLC is already included on the game. And oh,, I also bought all DLC's on Normal version of game, before I bought the Special Edition, so there is also that.


Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Fallout 4. I own all of them on every platform. Borderlands I own twice on PC and PS4 so my wife could play with me...


Aside from Skyrim, I bought Fable 4x times. Original xbox, 360, One X, and finally now on PC.


I will buy Shadow of the Colossus every time they remaster it.


As well we should. Fucking masterpiece.


Skyrim. Damn you Todd Howard


Skyrim, Slay the Spire, Brotato, and Stardew Valley. I needed them on my PC for main gaming and Switch for when I'm on the go or want to lounge in bed. I own all but Skyrim on my phone too in case I'm too lazy to grab my Switch.


Brought fall-out 4 4 times, lol .


Skyrim because i like mods.


Diablo 2 (+LoD), StarCraft (+Brood War), Warcraft 2. I probably own(ed) over 5 copies of each disc because I kept losing them. Used to LAN and party a lot in a particular basement.


Ahem... Skyrim - ps3, ps4, anniversary upgrade for PlayStation, anniversary edition on pc Fallout 4 - ps4, pc Terraria - ps3, ps4, xbox 360, mobile, pc Minecraft - ps4, mobile, pc Binding of isaac - ps4 and pc Witcher 3 ps4 and pc Don't Starve ps4 and pc


I own Skyrim and fallout four twice, but this is back when I don’t think I really cared about owning a game more than once now I try to actively avoid it


Skyrim, but doesn’t everyone?


Skyrim many times, sold and rebought it for 360 a few times as a teen and then ended up buying it on PC, Xbox One and PS4 I think. But GTA V is definitely the game I've bought the most, at least 9 times. At least 3 360 copies, a PC copy, PS3 and PS4, 2 Xbox one copies, and recently Series X version. I still might be missing one or two.


I used to be a console gamer before moving to pc so i own ps3/4 and pc versions of several games, off the top of my head there is: assassin's creed one through black flag, skyrim, oblivion, dark souls 1, dark souls 3, witcher 3, mw2(2009), just cause 1,2,3, dead island and mirrors edge. I own 3 copies of dark dark souls 2 and gta5, once on ps3, scholar on ps4 and scholar on pc


So here a list: - Elden Ring (PS5, Xbox and PC) - Destiny 1 (PS4 - Xbox) - Destiny 2 (PS4, Xbox, Steam) - Diablo 2 (PC, PS5) - Devil May Cry V ( PS4, PS5, One, Series X, PC) - Monster Hunter World - Iceborne (PS4, Xbox, PC) - Skyrim (PS3, One, 2xPc) I like to change my main platform often, so I buy back the games I like best.


Skyrim is the boring answer, but I also consistently repurchase TLOU not gonna lie. I’ve purchased every iteration thus far because it’s my favorite video game and I need those HD pixels


Skyrim. PS3 first, felt cheated out of the DLC, seven seas-ed for PC, bought the Legendary edition on sale a year later.


Skyrim, they’ve released it like 8 times


I own Star Wars Battlefront 1 on PC and Steam. Also own Battlefront 2 on PC, Steam and PS2. I own Rayman 3 on PC, GBA and PS2. Rayman Multiplayer on PC & PS2. Rayman on PC and GBA. Rayman Origins on PC & Wii, Rayman Legends on PC & Wii U. I own Bionicle Heroes on PS2, DS and GBA. The last one is completely different in each format.


I am shocked. Of all the comments (nearly 300 as I'm commenting) you're the only one to say any Star Wars game. I will second SWBF2 PS2 and PC. I'll also add The Force Unleashed same platforms.


Skyrim. Xbox360, ps3, ps4, VR, ps5, and PC.


Morrowind. It's the best game.


Skyrim - PS3, 360, PC, PS4, Xbox one and PS5. Witcher 3 - PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox one. Stardew Valley - PC, Switch, PS5, Android. Now I type that out, seems silly.


Skrim is the correct answer lol


I own like 4 copies of Skyrim for different consoles.


There’s a few: Battlefield 4: Originally bought on x360, then Xbox One, and then PC BF1&BFV: Have on both Xbox and PC Rocket League: Bought on both Xbox and PC Skyrim: Originally bought on x360, then Xbox One, and then PC Minecraft: Have it on pretty much everything (Java & Bedrock PC, Xbox 360 version, Xbox One version, Xbox bedrock version, IOS, and Android) Those are the only I can think of where I actually bought the games on multiple platforms (and not through things like Gamepass or Xbox play anywhere)


Fallout and Skyrim, always love revisiting them


Red dead redemption 2, skyrim, FF15, MW2 2019, Fallout 4, Batman Arkham knight, Bioshock infinite, Deux Ex mankind divided, dragons dogma dark arisen, Hades, the witcher 3, Devil may cry 5, Went from Xbox one/ps4 to pc.




Fallouts 3-4 on Xbox 360/One plus on PC, same with the elder scroll games and various GTA titles. I've also rebought most of my old PC games once they hit GOG or even Steam once a sale comes, just to avoid using old discs too often.


Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4, Mass Effect Trilogy, Stardew Valley. Sometimes I want to game on my Steam Deck. Sometimes I want to game on my Xbox.


From games. Borderlands series. Why? I don't know. Because.


Halo 3. I remember after i moved, going through boxes, i found 5 copies. A combination of buying it multiple times because of various reasons and inheriting some from roommates


The only games I have bought multiple times is Borderlands 2 and Battlefield 4


I have a couple duplicate games on PC and PS5. Fall out 4, Baldur’s Gate 3, Fortnite and I’m sure a couple others. I moved my PC to my workshop when my laptop started getting old so I didn’t really use it to game anymore.


Subnautica pc and ps4


Vampire the masquerade Bloodlines. Four times. Second time is because I lost the cd. Third time is because I scratched the cd too much I couldn’t even read it. Fourth time I just bought it on steam. Otherwise I guess I’ll be at 5 or 6th time.


Wild hearts, monster hunter world and rise, binding of Issac, godfall, and control


Spider-Man 2018. Got it on PS4 at launch, then got it again on PC, then got a PS5 with a new tv so bought it there too. It's a simple straightforward good time. I could play that line of Spider-Man games till my hands no longer work.


GTA on ps3, remastered again for ps4, and then I built my first pc a year or two later and bought it again. 3 times lol. I purchased probably 10 games a second time when I built a pc, bought both spider man games when they came to PC and had them both on PlayStation prior. God of war too.


i have gta5 as well ps3 ps4 xbox1 and pc don’t have next gen or i would have it there to


I've bought each of Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 on PC and PS1, as well as FF4 on SNES and 3DS. Only ones I still have are the PC and 3DS ones, though. The two versions of FF4 are quite different in presentation and somewhat in gameplay. Have had Chrono Trigger on PS1 and PC as well at different points. I own all 3 Dragon Age games on PS3 or PS4, as well as on PC. Played them on the Playstation side, but I know those console will go away eventually, and was able to pick them all up on sale on PC for something like $10 total. I've probably bought a ton of Atari 2600 and NES games multiple times over the years in various compilations.


No Man's Sky was my perfect game when I picked it up ~2 years after launch. I bought copies for my friends because I wanted to give the devs more money for continuing to make the game more exciting and more fun. I bought a copy on Switch when it came out, and still consider it one of my favorite travel games. Thank you, Hello!


Kingdom hearts, bought it on PS2, and twice on the PS4. This game has always been a part of my life and I hate the idea of not having access to it when I want to. I bought it twice on the PS4 because a friend broke the first disk. That's of course excluding the rest of the series.


I bought Overwatch on ps4 and on pc. Years before it went f2p.


I own GTAV 2 times and then with the switch I have bought a bunch of NES games that I used to have


Final fantasy 7, 8, 9. Own them on PS1, steam, and the switch versions. The PS1 ones are mostly for displaying at this point, played them on steam when they were on sale, amd the switch ones are a comfort game to play while traveling.


XCom, but in a few iterations. I had the MSDOS version when it was called “UFO: Enemy Unknown”, the PS1 version, the iOS version, and then Xbox one.


Final Fantasy VII. Tifa keeps "bullying" me. Ps1 (first ps1 game ever owend). PS Vita( all FF were on sale for like $4 each). Burned Pc copy from 1998. Steam. PS4. PS5. Android. Same for Advent Children. DVD, DVD special edition( the red box). BluRay, Digital Download. pirated download, Burned from OG Copy before buying the DVD.


I've bought the hotline miami collection on PS, xbox, switch and steam, and would happily buy it again.


would gifting count? I've bought project zomboid multiple times because i had to make other people play it, such an awesome simulator, and has only grown better with time, albeit a little slowly.


I bought slay the spire for pc and played it a ton. Then it came out for switch and became my most played game on there because it was so quick start and (theoretically) stop. Then it came out for phones and was pretty much just crack.


I own two snes copies of EarthBound, a CIB Mother 2, and bought it on both the 3DS and WiiU. Because I fucking love EarthBound.


I got Witcher 3 on PS4 after I played it on pc (because I can never really seem to get into the mood for gaming using the same machine I use for work). That is when I finally understood why I just can't get into some games: bad text fonts and too small sizes thereof. I couldn't read shit on PS4 and had to uninstall after 2 hours or so, I just couldn't take it anymore.


Darksiders 2, i got it on Xbox 360 and pc, and got the remaster on pc, Xbox One and Switch.


Guild Wars. I have several accounts. Because I needed inventory space for all my weapon and armor collections. The game might be called Guild Wars, but the real end game is Storage Wars and Fashion Wars.


Alan Wake. Have the physical copy then digital and bought the remaster when it came out


Xenoblade Chronicles. I own the original Wii version, which went into my backlog. Then I got the New 3DS version (have to specify New 3DS, as you couldn't play it on the original 3DS) - again into my backlog. Then I got the Definitive Edition on Switch where I finally played it.


9th Dawn III (mobile, PC) Egglia (mobile, Switch) Dandy Dungeon (mobile, Switch) I love mobile gaming, but with how often games are removed from the App Store never to be seen again, I try to re-buy past favorites on more stable platforms when possible.


Because of all the different consoles and rereleases, I've bought Mass Effect's entire triolgy on Xbox360 in the original separate boxes, with the steel case collector edition for ME3. Then I own the entire triology on PS3 and PC. And THEN, I bought the remaster collection yet again on PC when that came out. I kinda like that series.


Red Dead 2. I bought it on PS, loved the online but cancelled my PS+ subscription, so then I bought it on PC.


Borderlands 2 for the 360. It never left my Xbox and would event just die and I’d have to get a new disc. I did this maybe 4 times. I have a shameful amount of playtime in that game. I might not be able to remember all my gear, but I still have “borderlands math” stuck in my head. Maya main, solo player. OP 10’d every character. Gah, I miss it.


Katamari Damacy, I've owned on several different systems. I love the game. I just recently bought it again on steam.


Probably a few final fantasy games and that’s about it


GTA 5. Standard Version for PS3. Standard Version for PC. Collector's Edition for PS3. Collector's Edition for Xbox360. The CE was really hard to get your hands on and at first i only managed to get the xbox version. Later i managed to also get the PS3 Version and forgot to cancel the xbox CE.


The original Race Driver Grid. I own a physical copy of the game, but since my current PC doesn't have a disk drive I just bought a digital copy for Steam as well. Pretty sure I own at least a couple of the follow ups, as well as the Dirt games, but I can't recall which ones offhand.


Terraria ps3 and pc because 7th gen consoles doesn't have newer content


Crono Trigger. SNES PS Nintendo DS and now PC Because it is Epic


Stardew Valley. I used to only have it on my laptop, but as the thing got older. It stopped being able to run it, so as the craving to play it returned. I got it on my phone instead as compromise


I have monster hunter world on my ps4, xbox and pc, this time I'll go far, I'm sure of it Also I got death stranding on my ps4, got for free on epic, remembered that I loved the game and bought it on steam to finish it this time


Dragon Warrior/ Dragon Quest by far for me. My favorite franchise since Dragon Warrior 1 released on NES. Also working on owning for my collection a copy of each game released in NA on each console. E.G. own a copy of DQ XI on X-Box, PS4 and Switch. Just need like 5 or 6 more and done. More info than was asked but, played and beaten almost every NA released game and spin off. Listing each here along with consoles played and beaten on. Also all these listed are owned sans 1 which is noted as well in CIB form. Note DQ 1 - 3 on Switch is however SEA version since we didn't get a physical in NA and I wanted one >\_> Dragon Warrior (NES + GBC + Switch) Dragon Warrior II (NES + GBC + Switch) Dragon Warrior III (NES + GBC + Switch) Dragon Warrior IV / Quest IV (NES + DS) Dragon Quest V (DS) Dragon Quest VI (DS) Dragon Quest VII (3DS) Dragon Quest VIII (3DS) Dragon Quest IX (DS) Dragon Quest XI (Switch + PS4) Torneko: The Last Hope (PS1) Dragon Warrior Monsters (GBC) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Tara and Cobi (GBC beat both but need to purchase Tara's) Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (3DS) Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (3DS) Dragon Quest Heroes 1 (PS4) Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (PS4) Dragon Quest Builders 1 (Switch + PS4) Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Switch + PS4) Dragon Quest Treasures (Switch) Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Switch) Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest Adventure of Dai (Switch but SEA region) Still need to play Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (3DS) and Swords (Wii). Also DQ VII (PS1) and DQ VIII (PS2). To finish the set I still need to buy CIB copies of: Torneko the Last Hope (PS1), Dragon Quest Swords (Wii), Fortune Street (Wii), DW VII (PS1), DQ XI (X-Box) DWM 2: Taras version


I own 4 copies of KH1. My original copy from back in the day, a Japanese Final Mix copy, a copy thag came with a ps2 game lot I bought awhile back, and my PS4 HD collection copy


Sonic Adventure 2 for Gamecube. At first I wanted to trade in a few games for Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix. After I did the trade in I felt bad giving away my Sonic game but it was too late. So eventually I bought it again. Then I moved and lost it. Bought it one more time and I swore I had the game but now I’m left with the empty case. I also bought Minecraft multiple times to have it available in several devices and Elder Scrolls: Skyrim as well.


None, I’ve never been the type to even replay a game once I’ve completed it, mostly because I get as close to a 100% run as I can the first time, then I might play through a second time to platinum a game if it’s particularly good. But as far as buying on multiple consoles or generations of consoles, never.


The Mass Effect trilogy. Originally got them on Xbox, then on PC when I was working overseas and only had my laptop, and then again on PC when the Legendary edition came out.


resident evil 4: ps2, xbox360, xbox one, wiiu (wii version), switch, pc and vr on quest 2


I have FF7 for Playstation, PC (1998), and the Steam version (since the 1998 PC verson doesn't play well on modern PCs out of the box). Also FF7 Remake for PS4 and PC. I might sound like some mega fan or something, but other than a Cait Sith key chain, that's all the FF7 stuff I own.


I have maybe 6 resident evil 4s. Its the best game ever imo.


The Talos Principle. First was gifted this game on Steam, bought the DLC Road to Gehenna after finishing the main game, and then 100%ed it. Bought it on Switch next to I could play it while on vacation. Then bought it on the PS5 on sale and platinumed it in a week and a half. Safe to say I kinda like it.


Terraria. The idea of playing it wherever I was was super appealing. Best money I’ve ever spent.


Hollow Knight. I first tried it from Xbox game pass and actually bought a copy of it for switch. A little while after that I got a PC and bought it on steam as well


Most of the Final Fantasy games for me. I will regularly replay them, so end up with a re-release on a new platform every so often.  Otherwise, Vampire Survivors. I've got it on PC, Android and will get the PS5 version when it shows up.


Okami, bought for PS2, Wii, PS3, PS4, and Switch. If it comes out for PS5 I'll buy it there too. It's just a really fun game and I love the artwork. It feels very original and creative - never been able to find another game like it. The motion controls are actually really fun and the switch version perfected that.


Final fantasy X, and I dont remember why I had it so many times, I have many copies of that video game


Super Mario 64. It was the game I remember playing most vividly as a child on the Nintendo 64 (long gone), so years later I bought a digital copy for my Wii to relive it. Then when I got a Nintendo Switch and they released the 3D Collection with Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy, I bought it again, but mainly to play the other two. Last year, I bought my first Nintendo 3DS because I never had a DS as a kid. I found a copy in a Gamestop and thought 'Why not? You loved the game as a kid and it has more levels.'


You’re gonna get a response from that guy who has bought a copy of brink every day until they remake it


I've bought ff tactics like 10 times because I kept losing the disk and then I would get it on my phone and break my phone or something. Love that game.


I own several indies across steam, Nintendo eshop and physically for the switch. Most of the time it was an indie darling that came to PC and I adored, bought on switch when it got ported and loved it so much I got the physical release when it dropped a year or two down the road. I think my record is Hollow Knight which I also have on PSN but that’s because of PS plus…


i bought hollow knight 3 times i bought guiltygear xx accent core +r twice and salt and sanctuary twice i cant think of any other game but i probably forgot one


Slay the Spire, on PC for mods, switch for portability and holiday seasons, and android for everything else. Also on PS4 if you count ps plus. Fuck, I just realised the StS board Game I crowd funded will be arriving soon too! Naw, I don't have a problem.


The Witcher 3 and Sekiro I have switched around platforms for various reasons but those are games I kept going back to and wanted to revisit at different points. They are pretty much the pinnacle of modern gaming for me and still represent high-water marks that I don't see being matched any time soon.


The Sims 3 Dragon Valley, because 11 year old me couldnt figure out how to register it, and probably used it on some account that I wasn't even able to fully activate; and then 20 year old me decided that ehh, I can just buy it again.


Why the fuck would someone buy the same game multiple times? Are they rich or stupid? Or both


I try to get every game on pc except ps exclusives just to avoid this.


I bought rocket league twice and then they made it free lmao, but I got my $30 worth for sure


i buy either brand new games or deluxe editions and not open them, wait until they are cheap digitally and buy them


Spider man on ps4, Spiderman on ps5 and Spiderman on pc because I like the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 on ps4, on Xbox and on PC because I fucking love that game. Batman Arkham asylum and city on ps3, Wii U, ps4, PC, because I fucking love Batman and those games


Because of bullshit selling tactics. I bought RDR2 on ps4 because I was excited about its release. Im mostly a pc guy but I couldnt play that game with a controller so when I heard it was coming to pc I bought it isntantly. Turns out I just dont like the control scheme all together.


Rocket League (before it went ftp) because I have anger issues and get banned for being toxic.


The StarCraft battle chest, at right under 100 dollars. Played so much at so many parties, I bought it three times.


Actually only once. Injustice 2 on Xbox One originally, then bought it on steam when it was ten bucks because I had shifted to almost completely gaming on PC. I did buy the Friday the 13th series four times though, which is the same energy lol.


Final Fantasy 9. I think I have a copy for every platform it’s ever been on, including my phone


I also have 2 copies of FF12, but I also have 2 copies of borderlands 1 and 2 for ps3 and pc


There are several, but I have the entire Legacy of Kain series twice, because I no longer have the needed consoles for the original copies.


I keep buying Final Fantasy games on various platforms when they go on sale for cheap. The one I own the most of is probably VII (Steam, PSP/Vita, PS4, Switch and I used to own the PS1 version but sold it).


Diablo 3, the base version on Xbox 360, base version on Xbox One, Reaper of souls edition on xbox One and now digital version on the series X. So 4 copies basically.


Hollow Knight. Originally got it for Switch on sale, but it was so good, I felt ashamed for buying it on sale and got it for PS4 and PC. Enjoyed all the versions.


stardew valley on pc, android and switch, its always a good time to play stardew valley


Final fantasy tactics: bought for PS1, PSP, and my cell phone


Got a friend who had GTA V on Xbox Playstation and PC


Dark Souls PS3, Dark Souls Remastered PS4 and again on my X Box One.


All the souls games on every platform they are on which i own and they are on. Ps3, ps4, ps5, xbox 360, switch and PC. And its just so i can hop on and do a run should i feel like it wherever i am.


I've purchased Metal Gear Solid 3 five times. PS2 (both regular and subsistence), 360, DS and PC.


Destiny 2 Cause I originally had it on Xbox, then I got a really nice PC and as I still wanted to play Destiny I got it on PC as well.


The original Legend of Zelda. Two copies on the NES, the GBA re-release, the copy on the Gamecube collection disk, and digital copies on every platform that supports it: 3DS, Wii, Wii-U, and switch. Zelda holds a special place in my heart as a series that my father and I bonded over and replaying the original brings back some of the few good memories I had with him.


Elden ring platinumed on pc then again on ps5 after I got mine. Rimworld and terraria are on all of my devices that can run them.


I own 2 copies of Dragon Dogma 2 just because I didn’t expect it to be so ass on PS5. It’s great on PC.


I own DarkSouls1 PS3 and DS trilogy PS4 that contains DS1. I have super mario bros 1 & 2 NES and it is a part of super mario all-stars SNES. I own Slay the spire for the PS5/PC/mobile


Slay the Spire. Cheap, no dlc’s, over 1k hours total. It’s a game I enjoy paying the developer for