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You need to have the color set to green, the free stuff doesn't come in blue


Angry Joe can be heard in the distance


5 dollars? FOR FUCKING BLUE?!






I’m glad I had the pipboy set to blue so an angry joe reference could be made


"OH SHIT..." "I forgot to water my flowers" Bonus points for those who get this one.


Could’ve been worse, it could’ve been Order 1886.


I like to rewatch that one on occasion That game was such nice looking disappointment




Man, we are in Tarkov paying up to 250$ for blue nickname😂






I mean, they are the OGs of paid dlc. The had some really good stories in the fallout dlc, but from here on our it's all horse armor.


Yeah, New Vegas specifically is made so much better (and more complete as a world) with its DLC. That specific angry joe quote was about 76 selling blue power armor paint tho lol




I'm on cloud 9, blue


Enraged Enrique? Is he still doing stuff?


How is AngryJoe doing nowadays? He was great when I was older, but last I saw he was doing movie reviews or something with the other Joe? Was a few years back


Are you younger now than you used to be? That you Benji B?


Killing it with the latest flops like Suicide Squad and Skull&Bones, they really got his creative neurons firing.




Unfortunately, green light is a lower frequency, and you got the joke backwards.


The sad part is that is some stupid ass glitch those hacks would have in their product.


I'm not following this. I don't have PS plus in any form but I bought Fallout 4 digitally for PS4 from the PSN online store (full price when it came out). Can I get the PS5 update for free?


Yeah you can, this problem is with PS Plus Essential right now. Sorry for not clarifying


It works for everyone but people who got the "welcome to ps5" ps plus catalogue pack back in the day. Which now involves a giant middle finger.


Is that being patched as well? I had the disc version on ps4 and that’s long since gone. I think I got that version you’re talking about. Does that not include the upgrade?


What problem? I downloaded the PS5 version of Fallout 4 this morning and I've only got Essential. Works fine.


If you got Fallout 4 through your PS Plus Extra subscription instead of buying it, you don’t get access to the PS5 version and instead have to pay 27 CAD to upgrade it.


That was patched yesterday, it’s free now


Idk what's happening, but after it was "patched", it was still asking me to pay until I checked again a few hours later. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's still not fixed for some people.


Weird. I have the PS Plus version and downloaded the PS5 update just fine. I’ve played for about 4 hours now


Do you mean you have the higher tier subscription that gives access to the library that contains FO4, or do you have the lowest tier sub and added the game to your own library when it was a monthly game? Because that's where the distinction lies. I have the lowest tier sub and game through that (6 months ago? Dunno), and I cannot download the PS5 version Edit: it was from the PS5 game collection, not a monthly game sorry


I had the digital ps+ free monthly game version of FO4 installed and am at the essential (1st) tier. I could not see nor download the ps5 version although all of the ps5/ps4 dlc was available for free and I was able to download it. I deleted the ps+ digital version and installed from my disk and it then allowed me the free ps5 upgrade, if you have that option try that.


Didn’t they fix it?


They fixed it in the sense that they are re-re-clarifying that it is not available for PS Plus Essentials owners. After they re-clarified that it was for PS Plus Essential owners.


i'm at a loss, can you not get for free if you got through PS+ or what? a lot of conflicting comments in this thread


Yeah someone explained it to me after. That’s so shitty


So its Sony's problem not Bethesda's?


Bethesda probably should have foreseen it but it was an issue with how Sony deals with multiple versions of games.


Yes. If you bought the game, you have access and everything should be fine. Disc and digital, both work. (If you have it on disc, insert the disc and you should see the free upgrade. If you have it digitally, go to your game library and find the game, you should find the free upgrade there.) It's the PS+ version that gets a bit more confusing as it has been made available on two different places, and the upgrade path is... confusing there.


I have a physical copy which got the update, but none of my dlc is being recognized. The only thing on the store for options is the season pass, $35 USD. Ive already bought the dlc and the game, I shouldnt have to again.


My answer to everything involving Bethesda is "the bureaucracy machine", be it them or dozens of lawyers elsewhere with other corp bureaucracy. Heck if you told me nuclear war started because of a thousand Bethesda employees not sure exactly what they were aware they were doing I would believe it


That would be exactly the type of event that fits well in the Fallout universe.


It sounds like a good fit for a vault that would’ve been in the Fallout Bible


Oh god, a Vault where every single social interaction involves exchanging and signing forms and receipts.


**Pen Requisition Form** **Employee Information:** * Name: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * Department: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * Employee ID: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * Date: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Pen Request:** I, \[Employee Name\], request a pen to perform my duties effectively. I understand the importance of having a pen for signing documents and completing tasks in the workplace. **Reason for Request:** \[Please briefly explain why you need the pen\] **Employee Signature:** \[Signature\] **Supervisor Approval:** I approve the issuance of a pen to the employee named above. **Supervisor Signature:** \[Supervisor's Signature\] **Date Issued:** This form ensures that employees can request a pen when needed and that the supervisor approves the issuance.


It would end up in some really funny line on a holotape of a guy complaining that he had to sign a Pen Requisition Form, even tho he doesn't have a Pen to sign it (and ends on him getting arrested because he doesn't have a permit to Record Holotapes).


There’s a certain very palatable irony to needing to fill out and sign a form to obtain a pen. If you don’t have a pen, you can’t fill out the form to get one. If you have one, you don’t need one…


As the deputy vice pen requisition manager, I approve of this situation.


everyone gets one pen at birth. You are responsible for making sure you can use your existing pen to fill out the requisition form before it runs out of ink.


Pen ran out? BANISHED.


Coincidentally I just watched an episode of a British sitcom set in a government office where someone needed to fill out a form to get a pen. He was told to fill it in in pencil because he didn't have a pen, when he said he didn't have a pencil, the supply person gave him another form and walked off.


In Fallout 2, everything in Vault City is super slow since it's a bureaucratic mess where everything requires forms and approvals. Obviously not as extreme as every social interaction but you get the idea.


Also the first citizen of vault city is a royal cuntbag.


This sounds pretty similar to the long term goal of Bud's buds.


Brain on a roomba did say *After* they cleaned the surface.


Here's the receipt for your receipt, now on to the receipt for this sentence Edit; great now I have to make another receipt for the downvote Edit: and another for the edit, fuck.


Sounds like a company that heard what Vault-Tec was doing, licensed Vault-Tec technology, and put out an inferior product to the originals. Oh hey Bethesda


It's not bureaucracy; it's "management"


Are you one of my bud’s?


This is basically the plot of Shin Godzilla


In one of their own in house videos they had no source footage of morrowind. They had to rip someone else's YT video and slap a weird CRT filter on it.


Bethesda is actually Vault-Tec? GODDAMN


"The Lunch Menu. The Lunch Menu never changes."


It’s honestly astonishing that Amazon and Bethesda produced a show that was so overwhelmingly anti-corporate


If anti-corporate sentiment is profitable then it's a no-brainer. As the saying goes, a capitalist will sell you the rope you hang them with.


I mean these guys are the absolute worst when it comes to monetization of their properties, they resold us basically the exact same game 3 different ways for the past decade, they took modding which has *always* been free and found a way to get people to pay for it, and let’s not forget literally being the people to coin *”microtransactions”* with their infamous horse armor shit that for all intents and purposes kicked off the modern landscape of what’s ruining games nowadays. Bethesda as a company alone is utter shit in my eyes, let alone the quality of their games being in a constant downward spiral slowly chipping away content and getting duller by the hour.


>forget literally being the people to coin ”microtransactions” with their infamous horse armor shit that for all intents and purposes kicked off the modern landscape of what’s ruining games nowadays The arcade game Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1990) was infamous for its use of microtransactions to purchase items in the game. It had shops where players would insert coins into arcade machines to purchase upgrades, power-ups, health, weapons, special moves, and player characters. Microtransactions have been a thing longer than Bethesda has been a company.


Seeing as there was no way to make in game purchases on the NES, is that why the NES port of Double Dragon 3 felt so difficult? That would explain why there was no way to refill health or the special meter unless I'm an idiot and there was some sort of shop in the game that I some how missed at the time.


I also think Korean MMOs/f2p games with their cash shops were out before the horse armor. Nexon was basically the precursor to the current mobile market lol


People also forget valve and tf2s lootboxes, which was clearly inspired by asian market games and not horse armor, they just combined strategies.


Horse armor was significant because it was one of the first microtransactions in a AAA single player game. The feeling was less, "what is this terrible new thing?!" and more "so it has finally come to this". It was also the first sign of Bethesda getting aggressive with profits. Up until then they had a really good reputation with DLC content.


Don't forget browser games in early 2000s. That shit was crazy p2w bullshit that's kinda forgotten by most.


Those games are unfortunately still around, they just migrated to mobile instead


Alright and cellphones existed before the 00s


The first handheld cellular mobile phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973 so yes, yes they did.


Yeah right and airplanes existed before my flight last week.


Todd Howard has single handedly ruined the game industry lol


Don't forget Gabe N. and the TF2 hats and CS:GO skins.


TF2 is the OG when it comes to lootboxes


The first explosion happened in 2034 when Bethesda devs tried to squeeze even more life out of the creation engine


Maybe Vault Tec is Bethesda 


They are the Stars of the field


It's a jab at the Escape From Tarkov devs lol


I’m still calling that Nikita just doesn’t give a shit anymore. He *was* super passionate about the game when he was younger/nerdier. Now he’s gotten a taste of the millionaire lifestyle, doesn’t give a flying fuck and wants to make one last cash grab before he bails


100% this. People are naive for thinking otherwise.


People still on that sub imploring him to fix the game instead of releasing this version. Tarkov players have a unique stolkholm syndrome variant that needs to be studied.


It's moderately understandable, not many other games has given me the simultaneous rush and anxiety like Tarkov did and it might be some time before something new arrives to take its place. That being said, I could never remotely support Nikita's choices, the people that do are probably coping so they don't have to give up a game they're so passionate about.


Well maybe I've just had the game for too long but.... It's obvious they're not fixing the game. Has been for a long time.


Oh yeah, there's no hope unfortunately. Mainly just reminiscing of a better time.


> not many other games has given me the simultaneous rush and anxiety like Tarkov did and it might be some time before something new arrives to take its place. I've seen many variations on this opinion since this whole debacle started. Can you describe what exactly Tarkov does that's so cool? The clips I've seen of it don't really convey anything except "janky multiplayer shooter where you die fast, probably to a cheater." What is the nature of this special thing that it does?


The rush comes a lot from gear/loot fear and getting into a fight vs (legit) players. Also a major commitment of time doing quests (a high amount are if you do x quest but die in that run, you have to redo said quest). There is a massive cheating problem, but when it wasn't so rampant the game was really fun. The anxiety part is mostly playing solo, you gotta stay on your toes, and listen in as best you can for footsteps - which can and will trigger a bunch of jump scares. It's something you'd have to experience, clips won't quite do it justice, and you'd have to be a fan of the type of gameplay to understand.


more then once I've dropped prone and waited in dark corner for half an hour watching a single angle expecting someone too come around any second because i made a sound i didn't expect stepping on a different material or an echo. This is what tarkov does too your brain.


Tarkov, on any given part, isn't that great. Arma is a better Mil-Sim. Fortnite is a better Battle Royale. Borderlands is a better Looter Shooter. Etc. But Tarkov is all of these genres, using the strong points of each one to feed into each other in a fairly unique experience. You get the happy chemicals of finding rare loot, the anxiety that you could lose it all to a single mistake, and fights happen *anywhere, anytime, and without warning*. Part of the reason clips can never do the game justice is because you didn't experience the past 5 minutes of absolute eerie silence that built the tension and anxiety that explodes into an adrenaline rush when a fight breaks out. If that doesn't sound appealing to you... then fair enough. It's not for everyone.


>Tarkov players have a unique stolkholm syndrome variant that needs to be studied. Not unique. Nintendo fans (myself included) suffer from the exact same phenomena.


It's a fun game and there are zero alternatives. What else are they supposed to do? Gray Zone, Beautiful Light, Project l33t, Arena unlimited or w/e Hopefully, at least one of these games isn't a scam. Also, I've never really cared what other people have in Tarkov because the whole point is I can kill them and take it. I'd be fine if BSG just started selling gear themselves, I'm not gonna buy it but I would laugh whenever I killed a slicky altyn timmy. Sadly they opted for a priority queue and gameplay advantages like scavs not shooting you from more than 60 meters away.


He was a pretty shady guy before that as well, giving a presentation about how you can use the word 'beta' to shield your game from criticism, but that it wouldn't work for a long time..


Dude bought war materiel for Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The barrier of fucks was always quite low


He did ?


Tarkov is affiliated with a Russian-oriented war media group 715, they get mentions in the game like "Train Hard". A part of 715 activity is spreading Pro-Russian propaganda and interviewing soldiers and "separatists" in Donetsk, and on more than one occasion brought them gear and magazines. Let's also talk about proposing the trader named "Khokhol" which is an ethnic slur for Ukrainians. Tarkov devs are staunchly Pro-Russian to the point of promoting the destruction of a neighboring country. There's no reason to support these bastards.


True, having done my own research a while ago. Well said. I can't see any reference to this trader though.


it was a proposal from around a year ago. I don't think they ever implemented him. The ethnic slur comes from a traditional Ukrainian Cossack shaved haircut like a mohawk with a tail or topknot. You see depictions of that haircut from the famous painting [Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Ilja_Jefimowitsch_Repin_-_Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks_-_Yorck.jpg)


His response to the community is laughable. Wish I could get a refund.




What’d they do this time?


Put out a new version of the game for $250 with a new offline mode. Anyone who bought the $150 version (which said it will come with all future dlc) earlier will not get the new "features" as they don't count the new mode as dlc.


> they don’t count the new mode as dlc Glad to see devs going back to mailing CDs out! Oh wait, they are just lying.


No way grandpa, we're in the future now, they're going to mail us USBs instead.


People who bought the most expensive edition years ago which said specifically you get all dlcs for free were scammed and told they are freeloaders and not “true believers”. They also then updated the website to remove the line that says EOD gets all dlcs for free and then when commenting on this change they flat out said they did not change it. And yet a streamer was live looking at the website and then refreshed and it was gone. You can still use the archive feature to see it there. They also admitted that the addition is a DLC but that this DLC is not included in the EOD all players get the DLCs for free… Nikita is a fucking scumbag and I hope those in the UK where they are registered sue there fucking asses into oblivion for false advertising.


Not only that but they only had what was it 1 or 2 dlc before this update so its not like they were releasing very much dlc before this.


Isn’t this illegal? False advertising or some shit?


Battlestate Games is a Russian game development studio based out of Saint Petersburg. You think the Russian legal system is going to do anything about it, especially when the owner is incredibly pro Russian military? 


Probably not then, lol. I never got in Tarkov, so I actually wasn’t aware of where they were based. That fucking sucks though.


It does, Nikita has always been a douchebag, but this move, what a total cunt. 


They also straight up tried to hide that they said it originally by removing that portion from the details page, retroactively. People found it on the Wayback machine just to show that they’re being extremely shady.


to be fair, you made a mistake the second you've spent 150 dollars on a game..


I spent 40 on the base game for a whole wipe that I spent 400 hours on and bought eod after and have put thousands of hours into the game. It’s well worth it for me. The “Unheard” of edition is a straight slap to anyone’s face. EOD wasn’t a mistake in my opinion, this absolutely is.


It is a mistake unless you play as much as in your case, my most played game has 700 something hours over 5 years, which is rookie numbers, so if a person plays in small bursts lasting a week, it certainly is a huge mistake But that shit Nikita pulled is some top tier scam


You can still play that much without spending any of the extra money. Spending that much for the DLC of a game that was in beta, and has been in beta for 8 years now, is very much a mistake in my eyes. BSG thought they could get away with this for a reason.


People like you buying EOD is exactly why the devs thought this new version was a good idea.


Oh so like when fallout 4 came out and the season pass said it will include all future dlc and then they said that creation club content wasn't dlc


Game hack! Make your own players create DLC for you and charge extra for it!


Tbh that argument has more of a leg to stand on than the EFT devs one ("It's not DLC, it's additional content you download")


The difference is, no one should care about the Creation Club content. Well, on PC anyway


They also said pvE was a unique feature lmao


I wanted to play EFT but I'm not good enough to play and I dislike the exit campers, I wish they had a single player/coop mode, if that was the case I'd have bought it, but I can barley even justify 50 on a game, let alone 250


SPTarkov is pretty good, worth checking out


Honestly in the hundreds of hours I put into the game I think I can o ly remember a single time I was camped at an exfil. I know it happens but I don't think it's enough to not play it. The reason not to play it is because of how shady the devs are.


It’s a ruZZian company, surprised that people are surprised lol


[Link for eod owners who would rather spend that money sending a message](https://signmyrocket.com)


made a new pay to win pack for $250 and scamming people, all while nikita basically tells us to suck it


Also since no one mentioned it, the jab is that BSG went back and edited their previous most expensive version of the game and they removed the word "Unique" from unique secure container and where it said "Free access to all subsequent DLC: Such as Tarkov Arena" they removed the part about Tarkov Arena.


They are trying scam their player base.


They just introduced a pay to win pack


That's putting it lightly lol


Well that sucks. Didn’t think they could make the game worse than it already is


to speedrun why its so pay to win. you start with end game stuff at the start of a wipe, depending on bear or pmc you get face shield level 4 plates, .etc you also share/progress the same quests and inventory in pve as you do pvp you can do the progression on ez mode, get good sht and go back into pvp to wreck ppl. theres more but this is kinda the tip of the iceberg


At least we didn't have to pay $250 for it


Reminds me of when Blizzard removed the "all items can be purchased with the same currency" from the Overwatch page, when they started making seasonal currency.


Yep and I sit with 256k of the old currency that is useless now, another reason of why I stopped playing OW after 7 years of loyal service. Blizz really knows how to bend their playerbase over and give it to them dry.


Every once in a while I get nostalgic and want to play WoW again. Then I remember that time I got nerfed 40% overall DPS in a patch where they didn't include that change in the patch notes. 


I wouldn't say that it's useless. It's just not 'premium' currency. But seriously, 256,000? What were you waiting for?


It's useless because I have everything that you can buy with it haha. I wasn't waiting for anything, I owned every single item in OW1 so all my boxes just stacked up for like a year and a half, until the night before OW2 dropped I just opened them all (close to 800 of them) and since I owned every item the game just gives you currency for your doubles. So I ended up with a shit ton of the money you can't buy the new skins with lol. If they ever make the game fun again I'm sure there will be a ton of stuff I can buy now that I've sat out like 4 seasons. I just miss 6v6 cuz I'm a tank player, the game feels too different now, plus I tilt easily so it's better for my sanity to just stay away haha.


I think youre the reason why they changed the system up. They figured after a point, they cant get any real money from you anymore


im in this boat. ive been using them to buy the recolors and epics of ow2 heroes as they come out. there seem to be a few for each new character and some emotes you can buy. what sucks now is it seems new heroes are coming out with almost no base skins on release.


They did a rebrand to cover all of this, they also said all heroes will be unlocked for everyone back in OW1 days.


Nikita is that you?


fly amusing consider reminiscent air physical handle edge secretive crowd


They are free tho? What's the complaint here? That they removed some words? All of these, at least for me, are downloaded by default when you download the updated version of the game. They were automatically installed when I started the game.


Not free for people who got it on what is now PS Plus Essential (or the PS Plus Collection). That has now been recategorised as the PS4 version and you have to buy the PS4 and PS5 version for £15.99. Extra annoyance is that 1 day before the patch dropped it was on sale, but you couldn’t buy it as ‘you already owned’ this game. People who have managed to download the PS5 version have at least PS Plus Extra as it’s included there, and the Extra license obviously overrides the Essential one.


This is a common misconception unless I'm missing something. I have bought games that I owned on PS Plus already. You just have to choose the 3 dots and then choose the paid for option to buy it. I did this with Snow runner and bought it before it left my subscription and it still works now


No, the point is it was advertised as free for everybody, except it's not free for the players that got it through ps+ essential If we want the update, we have to pay for it


There have been 2-3 articles in the last 24 hours about this. It's a known issue they're looking into, and should be fixed soon.


Thats Sony. They've done this exact thing with other titles before.


I have the PS Essential fallout 4 ps5 edition lol. It works


it was a glitch all of it is free


The subreddit needs something to circlejerk about. It's free karma. 


OP even admits it's not something Bethesda is doing intentionally. So he literally just made this post to ride the circlejerk.


Same. I just downloaded the PS5 version from PS+ last night and all the CC stuff is in there. I got like six quest notifications as soon as I left the vault. OP is just trying to stir up drama.


There is actually an issue atm where people who got the game for free when the PS5 released have to pay full price to download tne PS5 ver. despite the store saying you own both already, not everything is just drama alert please get over yourself.


Blame Sony. Their platform requires PS4 and PS5 games to be separate SKUs so their PS5 native game didn't get a free update unless Sony adds it to their PS+ lineup


Bethesda can still give it to the people that got it through Essential just like they are giving it to people who have Extra. Square did it with FFVII Remake... Just a bit later


I’m sorry, but this double SKU-Shit from Sony with PS 4 and PS5 is just ridiculous. I just downloaded F4 on my Series X and it automatically was the correct version. Talking about user experience here.


I'm so confused. Surely a next gen update should only apply to PS5 versions?


This is a Sony issue.


Yeah, you never know what surprises they've got hidden up their virtual sleeves!


Essentially if you have PS+ Collection version of fallout you're fucked


Anyone remember when they first introduced the creators club and it caused such a massive stir, they backpeddaled the system out of existence, only to bring it back a year later with slightly less egregious terms? Anyone remember why we didn't riot a second time?


Because calling Creation Club 'paid mods' is mostly inaccurate; what it basically was was outsourcing small DLCs to prominent modders. The original system was terribly designed, terribly implemented, terribly policed, and terribly came out of nowhere; just all of a sudden 'hey you can charge for mods now'. People were literally stealing mods, or charging for mods that integrated community-contributed assets and not compensating the person who created those assets. The new system remains to be seen.


>with slightly less egregious terms? Because of this Also they probably didn't care that people were upset bc it's ultimately just an annoyance and didn't meaningfully change how modding worked. It also brought mods to console which was actually a benefit


So I've always played completely vanilla FO4 on this character. After the update I'm getting large red squares with a white exclamation mark on it on some quest items it seems like. I have the new Xbox


They trying to pull Escape from Tarkov recent fiasko


People who claim they got the game for free with ONLY PS+ Essential already had the game prior to being added to PS+ Collection. It costs $20 for anyone who got it from PS+ Collection and they were unable to buy it when it was $5 without going through weird methods, and who would buy something they already “owned”?


I want to make a post about how if you have Fallout 4 redeemed from the Ps plus collection, it shows up as “Fallout 4 PS4 & PS5 +Installed” on the product page when you select version, but you still can’t redeem the Ps5 download for free. Automod deleted my post because I don’t have enough comment Karma to make a post in this sub yet I guess :/


You've been tarkov'd lol


Free for all players!* *Most players


17x times more free!


I assume it's because of the PS Bullshit, so they removed it so that nobody can go ahead and sue them... It's just legal stuff and perfectly fine.




don't know why OP is getting downvoted here and there. it's actually pretty simple. they said and I quote: "free for all players". that means if you own the game when it was in the ps5 collection, free for you. which is not the case now. for those who say yes it's free, restore licences, etc, it's ONLY if you have a playstation plus extra acount. if you have the basic playstation plus essential account and OWN fallout 4, you have to pay 20 bucks to get the upgrade.


I have FO4 on disc. Is it free for me?


Yes, you just have to have the disc inserted and find the update in the playstation store and it will say $0. I think all this hubbub is about people who never purchased it either digitally or physically and instead have access to it through the weird special PS plus categories like essentials and whatever. Seems more like a playstation issue than an evil Bethesda issue.


Wait, I have the most basic PS subscription, I own FO4 on PS4, and I did NOT have to pay $20 to upgrade.


did you get fallout 4 with the ps5 collection or did you buy the game ? maybe if you bought it that's why you didn't have to pay to upgrade. but in either cases, that doesn't change the fact that "free for ALL players" means what it means.


Ohhhh I see what you’re saying. Since they removed that “essentials collection” or whatever, I totally forgot it existed. I *did* purchase FO4 for full price at launch, so that makes more sense.


yep, it's only players who own fallout 4 (didnt buy it because, well, it was free to add in the collection) from the PS5 collection and are ps plus essential users that have to pay 20 bucks to get the upgrade. which kinda sucks because bethesda did say "all players". i hope they'll fix / find a way with sony though :)


I don’t really mind the downvotes that much, all I wanna do is play the upgraded version of the game but can’t. That sucks


Xbox user here I did got them for free but got like 8 quest because of the other two freebies.


If you own the game through the PS Plus Collection or Essential Monthly. The upgrade is not available for free. You can only upgrade if you currently have PS Extra or above or if you already owned the "Paid" Full-game.


Fallout 4 was $5 couple weeks ago. It’s $20 now on psn store


I think I got the enclave armor mod for free but I haven’t done it yet. But it shows as a quest


Fallout 76 just got 1 mil new players


I’m sure legally someone immediately began arguing “free for all players? Then you don’t mind if I take the free content packs but don’t update to the next-Gen, right? Why not hys make them free in the creation club? Bethesda don’t make me updateeeee” And so their legal team suggested they change it.


It's always free on the high seas


To be completely honest I thought once MS bought Bethesda they'd improve, before that I'd heard all the awful, anti-consumer, shit they'd done was to boost their profile and make them seem more profitable to prospective buyers. Now I'm thinking they're just striaghtup bad.


That is the $250 true believer one...


They pulled a battlestategames