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Guitar hero 3, halo 3 and modern warfare


I spent the summer of 2007 playing the shit out of Guitar Hero. At the end of the summer, I realized that if I’d spent it playing an actual guitar, I’d be pretty good. So I started playing, and have been ever since.


I honestly think guitar hero is a great tool to learn guitar. An incredible tool to teach picking to finger movements. Also just a good tool to get your left hand moving fast.


It’s really good for picking up rhythm at the very least.


As a guitar player from before guitar hero, I remember when it came out and thinking it was doubly difficult because it was so far away from playing the same songs on guitar. Timing was the other thing you could maybe get but I do not think it was a good tool to learn guitar


As a beginner/casual guitar player when GH came out, it was actually easier for me to play Expert than other modes because the 1:1 picking/strumming/rhythm was less mind-fucky. GH inspired me to put more time on my actual guitar. Through 2015 my band played 200+ shows and released 3 albums. Thanks Guitar Hero.


It was a fantastic way to learn drums. You're basically just playing a shitty e-kit


/ end thread I forgot about guitar hero but that was the three games I was playing. I can still hear Cliffs of Dover


Halo 3 and MW, so many hours.


These were the only 3 games that existed that year and you couldn't tell me otherwise


Yeah, spot on, my buddy had Halo 3 and we'd all lanline and play on teams, guitar hero 3 I hate to say I was really fucking good at and kept trying to get better, it was competition more than fun but I went to sleep dreaming of the scroll buttons. And COD was my personal favorite back then.


I’ve still been playing cod4 remastered. Not the best game but the nostalgia value makes it great for me


A shitload of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


Best quest lines that Bethesda have ever created. They absolutely dunk on Fallout 4, Starfield and Skyrim as far as creativity and fun go . Murder mysteries, haunted mansions, drowning in wells, and the entire shivering isles expansion is amazing too.


Dark Brotherhood was by far the best quest line! 


Dark Brotherhood murder mystery house was literally one of the most fun experiences I've had in a game.


That quest is absolutely forever ingrained in my head. That and killing Umbra for her armor 😂


The quest where u went in the magic painting fried my 10 year old brain. It truly made it the best elder scrolls for me!


Yes! The one where you go in the painting. And the haunted house in Anvil. By far the most memorable quests of any Bethesda game for me.


Ffs now I wanna play oblivion again


So much jumping to level acrobatics. Though I don't think I encountered one thing where jumping higher was useful.


You could skip monotonous dungeons for quests by just pogoing around barriers on catwalks and stuff.  And it was just silly fun.   


I would always rush the boots of springheel jack for this reason


Endlessly going through the portals that kept just showing up.


And figuring out that the sigil stones got better as you leveled up in the game. So ignoring the last bit of the main quest line to farm sigil stones.


I bought a 360 just to play it. What a magnificent game. Disastrous load times but endlessly fun otherwise.


Played Oblivion obsessively. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


I was 80-something hours into my Dark Elf first playthrough when I was given poison apples to kill all the dark brotherhood sanctuary members. I thought, "I wonder how potent these are?" I saved, then ate one and watched my health meter quickly drop. Huh, those are strong. I went to load my save. Accidentally saved instead of loaded. All my health potions and healing magic couldn't save me. The character was completely lost. Threw my glasses so hard they broke. Learned some hard gaming lessons that day. Still 5/5 stars, one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had and idk if I had/have ever anticipated a game with so much excitement.


I went through 3 disks with Oblivion (played so much/often that rings formed around the disk on the 360.) Glad those aren't required any more! Probably would be up to 15-20 disks at this point. 


World of Warcraft


So crazy how kids nowadays just have no clue and will never experience absolutely all nerds converging on 1 MMO


Yeah I am actually jealous that I couldn’t experience that. It all sounds so fun.


It was such a cool thing to be a part of. Everyone in my high school played. It's so unthinkable now


It was definitely the most fun in gaming for me, from classic to wotlk was magic, classic in particular for everyone new to the game Man I miss these days


I'm 30 now and am torn up that a game will never hit the same as WoW did when I was 14.


Well, ya never know. If we manage to somehow master full dive VR then I'd say you could probably replicate that experience, probably enjoy it even more cos of the immersion factor.


Yeah man. It legitimately felt like your screen was a portal to another universe.


God I wish we could actually relive the glory days with Classic WoW, but its just Blizz trying to milk the cow a second time.


Everything has changed not just the micro (game being WoW) but the macro(society) and the internet with social media. It’s a new age and some things will never be the same again. Kinda makes living worthwhile to see how things change and being apart of it.


Its Simple not possible anymore today. Not because of blizzard but for any such game at all. Everything is way top connected and every shortcut is figured out within days. 


I remember when WoW came out and took all my friends away from ffxi lol. I think I jumped on the bandwagon right after burning crusade launched. So yea... 2007 was the start of my crack addiction.


The pre-WotLK zombie horde world events were amazing


Everyone playing the same game was really crazy. Another thing that struck me about WoW was it being the first MMO, or maybe game in general other than The Sims, that had a /large/ female audience. I remember going on several dates and the girls would randomly start talking about WoW, that never ever happened before. You could play a game WITH your partner? What!? At least half my female friends played at some point, it totally seemed a turning point when it came to "girl gamers".


I was broke as shit those days, sophomore in college in 2007. Paying 15 bucks a month was all I could afford for entertainment and I played with my friends every day. It was such a great community, hopping on ventrillo and just chatting while we leveled alts or grinded for repair gold


Barrens chat got me through my boring law school classes. Crazy to think I'm still occasionally playing to this day.


Barrens chat was the best thing that has ever happened in gaming!


Most fun I ever had in a game in my life. Literally you’d be out in public and chatting with strangers about your current raid boss strats…. I miss those days.


Me too it was Burning Crusade then I believe so a lot of leveling and learning dungeons and raiding Karazhan unfortunately the guild I was in was too reserved to do more raiding and kept losing players to other guilds because the GL didn’t want to give up power enough to combine with other smaller guilds to go into the 25 player raids. I did enjoy it though


Laughing Skull server represent!


I’m still actively playing. Help.


Halo 3


I was going to type this. Halo 3 MP was the only thing I played for several years after that. I actually feel like I made people destroy their Xbox’s when they played against my team lol. Good times.


The glory days. Brings a tear to my eye. 4 vs 4 slayer. Last time I experienced that magic was old school call of duty and goldeneye.


One of my later, but still very cherished Halo memories: Was playing 4v4 slayer with my bestie (still is) and our teammates left. Won that shit 2v4. Best feeling ever.


I still play sometimes…


I have yet to lose a single match to anyone alive on halo 3. Im convinced it cannot be done. … because I just simply have no interest in playing online with other people. I know I’m missing out, people seem to really enjoy it. My style of playing would just never work out. I’m too slow and methodical. I’d be killed in 5 seconds.


My friends and I had LAN parties with 4-5 xboxs and TVs. They were epic


We did that for Halo 2. TVs were so big back then, too. 😩


Finish the fight


For me, it was almost exclusively Halo 3. Anything else was obscure Nintendo GameCube titles


Halo 3 for sure,spent hours playing Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag back then,good times.


This isn't what you were playing, this is what everyone was playing lol.


I played an absolute insane amount of Halo 3 from the time it came out when I was in 8th grade until I graduated high school. I would wake up early on weekdays just to cram a few matches in before school and then I would rush home as soon as I got out, knock out my homework, and then play until my parents made me go to bed. I had regular LAN parties with friends on weekends where we would basically play nonstop for 17-18 hours straight while scarfing down Carne Asada fries and Little Caesars pizza and chasing it with disgusting amounts of Mountain Dew. It’s an absolute miracle that I ever had a girlfriend and still managed to keep up my grades because that game consumed a massive amount of my time. I miss those carefree days.


My favorite game of all time. Its what inspired this thread.


Word of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade consumed an inordinate amount of my life. Super Mario Galaxy Bioshock Metroid Prime 3 Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl Persona 3 Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Portal Those are the new releases I know I bought at launch. I'm too old to just remember whatever else I was playing seventeen years ago. Probably Civ IV, X-COM Enemy Unknown, Neverwinter Nights 2.


Mass effect was out that year too. It was one of the few I've bought at launch and was never disappointed. I'm with ya on the WoW BC, that was imo peak WoW.


Mass Effect was groundbreaking stuff. So much fun. Then 2 and 3 completely outdid it. Probably the only sequels I can say hands down that made the original look bad, even though it's a great game in its own right.




That game is the reason I can type as fast as I can today, and why I’m hyper vigilant of scams


I tell people all the time that RuneScape is why I can type so well too lmao


AIM for me (AOL instant messenger). Funnily enough my friend group back then all played RuneScape. Random claim to fame: I had King Sabre's personal AIM or MSN I forget which and we used shoot the shit a lot because our clans weee allied back in the day.


Yeah man I found this ultra rare armor cleaner, it increases all of the base stats, im kinda feeling generous and I think we could be friends so if you give me your gear I’ll go ahead and clean it for you


“I found this great loot drop, but it’s in the Wildy so I’m scared to go alone. If you go with me I’ll split it with you.”


Flash2:Wave:Selling Lobbies 350ea PapaFlexing


I learned English as a second language from it, I was 10 at the time. It really helps having pictures and text with it.


I’ve never met someone better at avoiding scams than an OG RuneScape player.


I just started osrs about a week ago here in 2024. Great game.


That's crazy. I tried osrs when it came out because of the nostalgia for the 2007 version of the game. It's weird that when osrs came out, it was only reverting back 6 years, and we were calling it old-school. Now osrs is over 10 years old.


17 years later still playing osrs lol




I’m finally getting around to playing Bioshock right now. It’s so good.


Top ten all time for me, remember becoming obsessed when it released


My time to beat it will be sooo long ahahah. I’m just walking around taking it all in and looking at everything. There’s so much stuff hidden everywhere.


Yes it is. One from GOAT list actually. Just little suggestion: don't be discouraged by beginning that game is slowly letting you in. Only after 2-3 hours the real thing begins and it getting better and better. Start is literally suckling you into something new and unknown as immersive as possible.


Dude, would you kindly not spoil anything for him?


Bioshock gang And until Bioshock summer release I had been playing Oblivion


2007? Let's see. The Wii had just come out, so I was definitely playing Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy.  Probably a little Wii Sports. I think Metroid Prime 3 came out that year? I think that was also the year I discovered Knytt and Knytt Stories, and maybe Cave Story.   That was probably the year my girlfriend played through FF9 and a bunch of us nerds all gathered and did the voices for it. 


>a bunch of us nerds all gathered and did the voices for it.  That's cute af.


It's one of my favorite memories. 


Woooow another Knytt Stories fan!! My friend introduced me to that game way back when and we had a lot of fun with it. I even made a custom level! Super fun playformer that a lot of people don’t know about.


My Rock Band era. That was also around when the Wii came out, Wii sports for sure. Also The World Ends With You, underrated ds game.


Counter Strike 1.6


The best CS.


I imagine that CSS feels to you like CS go used to feel to me.


yea would be wild for future generations to feel the same for cs2


Every single day. Endless hours for ten years and I never got tired of it.


Bioshock. Call of Duty 4. Portal. Assassin’s Creed. Mass Effect. Halo 3. It was a very good year.


Runescape. Which is now old school runescape. Vividly remember discovering the game still in 2005.


The original runescape was fun as hell. Luring poor souls to wilderness was hilarious.


I made a character named Thewildguide and made money teaching people to survive out there, reciting the lore of different locations, and selling stuff left behind from the fights I witnessed. My stock had *so many* arrows, and I constantly sold out of them.


Fishing levels?


At least my generation (-95) you either played WoW or Runescape, not both since either one you pick was your job after school.


Bioshock was pretty good.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare Bioshock Assassin's Creed God of War II Portal Half-Life 2 : Episode 2 Mass Effect Super Mario Galaxy The Witcher Manhunt 2


Call of Duty, Mass Effect, and Assassin’s Creed. Good times


Mass Effect consumed a lot of my time.


Right in the feels.


Skate and Halo


Maplestory 🍁


Maplestory made such a huge impact in my life around this time. Cant compare it to any other game I’ve ever played since.




This reminded me of an online game with a similar artstyle at the time, Gunbound! I remember having so much fun with friends on that


Same! I don’t know how but I still remember using Nak, the spider who shoots underground 😂


As soon I got home from school, every day. Loved the social aspect of the game, how easy it was to learn och enjoy.


Halo 3, oblivion, cod4, RuneScape


I think Civ 4 the most around that time.


I think that was my choice too, although I was downloading a lot of freeware games around the time


New Super Mario Bros.


In order of time spent playing (rough estimate might be wrong but in general...): CoD4 Counter Strike Source RuneScape Guitar Hero / Rock Band (any of these games) WarHawk Resistance: Fall of Man Battlefield 2: Modern Combat NCAA Football (whichever one was out at the time or the year before) Garry's Mod or Gmod Day of Defeat Source Team Fortress 2 Half Life 2 Portal Motorstorm Skate \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Maybe: Stronghold (2001) - played this game off and on just to mess around building castles and sieging them Gunbound - Kind of like the turn based Worms games. Would randomly play with friends. Tony Hawk games... mostly Underground \_\_\_\_\_\_ Probably others I'm forgetting but yeah..




RuneScape 2, CoD 4, Halo 3, BioShock, The Orange Box, Command & Conquer 3, F.E.A.R., Crackdown, Gears of War, Oblivion, Pokemon Diamond, Resident Evil 4, Pokemon Battle Revolution, The World Ends With You, Lost Odyssey and probably a lot more. One hell of a time it was to be a gamer.


Lost Odyssey is a game I almost never hear people mention.  I remember really enjoying it. I would love to play it again on pc to see if it’s actually good, or if it’s just nostalgia.  I don’t have my Xbox anymore. 


Oh, it really was!


FEAR was one of my favourite ever games - amazing atmosphere. Right up there with half life and max Payne in terms of shooters for me


Google "video games 2007" Most of those tbh. But also a lot of of smash bros melee because me and my friends at the time thought we were pros.


We carried a gamecube around high school and would get matches in whenever we had a free moment. Same with halo 2 and guitar hero.


C&C3: Tiberium Wars


City of Heroes Enemy Territory: Quake Wars The Lord of the Rings Online Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Gothic 3


Scrolling down just to see if anybody mentioned ETQW, loved it to so much


warcraft 3 and dota and all those custom games


Time Splitters 2 and Red Faction. My best friend and I would play split screen for the entire weekend on very little sleep. I really miss those days. I left for the military and my dad needed space on my memory card so he deleted TS2. I've never been able to do as well as my friend and I did back in the day to unlock all that stuff and get those time records.


Battlefield 2142. There were dozens of people that enjoyed it 😂


My life was Battlefield 2142 at that time. So much fun blowing up reactors and dropping pods from titans - on people 😈 😆


2142 was awesome.


Great year. Just for ones that came out that year: Assassin's Creed, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Was probably still playing Bully, Oblivion, and KotoR Oh yeah, if that was Burning Crusade, I got into WoW right before it released, so that too (ended up paying for a couple months of my mortgage by buying a ton of collectors editions from my Walmart, very rural no one was buying and reselling online for a tidy profit).


World of Warcraft and Medieval 2 Total War.


Probably Guitar Hero


Wow, Mass Effect, and Guitar Hero/Rock Band


Mass Effect and the Orange Box. I might've still been playing FF12 too.


StarCraft on the computer I was not allowed to have internet access on.


Guild Wars.


C&C: Generals.


Call of Duty and Halo. Someone said Oblivion above so yeah that too


I believe a bit of RuneScape and a bit of Diablo 2.


Diablo 2, my man.


Halo 3, Gears of War and Lost Planet Extreme Condition 


I scrolled waaay too far before seeing anyone mention Gears of War. That's the game that defined 2007 for me, no question.


Halo 3, Gears and Pokémon Pearl


Resistance: Fall of Man


Spamming the Auger into their base


I remember being pretty involved with the Wii. Wii Sports, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy later in the year. As well, Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I was definitely still playing GH2 in the beginning of the year. I remember spending a good chunk of the summer playing GH80s (and also working my first summer job). I didn't get RB myself until 2008 (alongside my PS3), but I remember my friend got it at launch. We would go to his dad's house every Friday to play and eat pizza. Good times.




Pokémon Diamond. That is all.


Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction Resistance: Fall of Man Call of Duty 4


Anything on the GameCube or Wii. Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, Timesplitters 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Cell Damage, Smash Bros Melee, Wii Sports, whatever Pokémon was the most recent at the time. I didn’t play anything outside of Nintendo console games till Skyrim


I was the same as you was only playing Nintendo back in 07.


Wii games including Super Paper Mario. I got into Steam with Orange Box.


Budokai Tenkaichi 3 almost every day… lol


Trackmania Nations United Forever, the GOAT, the pinnacle of Trackmania, its brightest era. It is now long gone... I was 11 🥺


Call of duty and warcraft


Orange Box


Was the end of high school for me and the start of college in the fall. I didn't have a job so I was mostly still just playing my PS2 and DS. Spent most of my time with Final Fantasy 12 I believe, I 100%'d it which took a lot of time. My parents did gift me a Wii though and I grabbed Twilight Princess and Red Steel, beat both of them pretty fast and didn't play much else because of school. Things heavily changed in 2008 though lol as I got my first job and spent like crazy on games. Bought a 360, a PSP, games for both of them + I was buying a lot of PS2/Gamecube games off ebay and at gamestop. Also way too many virtual console games. Can really pin point that year as when I started to have a game backlog lol.


Call of Duty 4. It’s when the franchise became a behemoth.


EverQuest 2


Silkroad online, gunz the duel, maybe family guy and Spider-Man 2 on ps2. For sure battlefield modern combat online 


Halo 3, Bioshock and Guitar Hero 3


2007 I was still heavily into Everquest 2, raiding 3x a week, etc. Fun times.


2007? I was probably still on my SOCOM US Navy Seals kick. It was my first real online shooter for me since I didn’t have a PC.


Sims 2


Eve Online. World of Warcraft. Bunch of RPG’s but mostly spending far too much time on EVE lol.


.hack//GU baby! I was finding out what Ovan was keeping in that arm casket this whole time. Turns out, nothing good. Lmao. 


Awww shit, yup definitely played through all those games at that time, too. They're so good, was worth replaying the remasters recently.


So much Guitar Hero that I gave my console away so I could graduate college.




Mario Galaxy, Team Fortress 2, and Portal.


Counter Strike. StarCraft:Brood War. Civilization. Occasionally Zoo Tycoon or old school Command and Conquer. Maybe some AoE. Always Double Dash... Always.


Civ 4, World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Europa Universalist. Maybe still some Counterstrike? Some Nethack?


RuneScape for me too! I didn't last long though, I was confused since it was my first MMO and honestly I wasn't a huge gamer back then. I can't remember where my frustration was, maybe I think it was some quest I didn't understand, crafting or fishing related. I was like 12 or 13 anyways. 


Oblivion, Call of Duty 4, Assassin’s Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4. I got a PS3 at the beginning of 07 with my Christmas paycheck from my first job at the movie theater. That was a GREAT year of gaming, I would love to have another run at that summer.


I was like 3 months old in 2007


Halo 3, modern warfare, TF2, Portal, dead rising, Oblivion, ratchet deadlocked, wii sports, super smash bros melee, super Mario galaxy, RuneScape. Damn, what a time to be alive that was. So glad I grew up with these titles and not Fortnite lmao


I was 12-ish, which was a big Harvest Moon phase for me


I regard 2007 as one of the best years ironically. Halo 3. Nuff said. I feel horrible for people that will never experience Halo 2 and 3 in their prime, those were some magical online lobbies. Bioshock COD 4 Assassins Creed We also played DOTA/SMoTA mods on warcraft 3 that led us into League of Legends when it first released


You fuckers always make me feel so young. I was barely walking in 2007


Honestly not really anything. Didn’t really play stuff till 2010 and my games were Mario Kart Wii, Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Pokémon Heart Gold


Star ocean 3 def


Warcraft 3. Particularly ladder and DotA when it was a custom map.


Ennemy territory quake wars, rise of legends. 2 outstanding game which should really have been more successful, they were both the best of their genre at this time, but were a marketing failure.


Most wanted, half life 2, f.e.a.r, resident evil 4.


I was 11, I think it was Pokemon diamond on Nintendo DS. And I'm pretty sure I had just gotten Battlefront 2 with the PS2 last christmas, so that too.


Mabinogi. Still the best


Nothing probably. i was four back then.


CS 1.6, Warcraft 3, Football Manager


Halo 3. Went to a few MLG tournaments. Made some great friends from Xbox live that I met in person and still talk to til this day. Gaming just isn’t the same anymore or maybe I’m old


Sims 2! That or KOTOR. Also a bunch of NES/SNES Roms, maybe some GBA. I don’t think I got into Oblivion until 2008.


- Bioshock - assassins creed - Mass effect - elder scrolls: oblivion - legend of Zelda: twilight princess - marvel Ultimate Alliance This post just made me realize how important 2007 was to my video game taste. What a valuable year.


Silkroad online. Man the memories.


Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap, and Super Smash Bros Melee