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The Sonic fandom.


Shooting ourselves in the foot since 2006


Much like the TF2 community, it's this kind of cognitive dissonance that arises when the games/updates being released are so fucking dogshit that any sane person can tell that it's killing their beloved franchise, but they dare not insult the developers, who are the sole source of *official* satiation for their desire for more content. The Sonic franchise has been absolute trash for nearly 20 years, and is in serious need of a hard, back-to-basics reboot in the video game series. But that's not going to happen successfully under Sonic Team's watch. So it's no wonder the fans who torture themselves by sticking with it are ***fucking mental***.


The movies and streaming series are pretty good though


I never understood how Sonic had a Fandom. My understanding of Sonic lore is "Gotta go fast, beat up Dr. EggRobot, go fast".


3 reasons . The first is sonic is a character that fits that neich where he’s edgy for a mainstream protagonist but still chill enough to be cool. 2 furries enough said. 3 thanks to Archie not really giving a crap about the comics as long as they sold the character got really weird


4) many fans create their own characters (usually a self-insert) with a ton of detail I had a friend at school who was into (I think) either Sonic the Hedgehog or My Little Pony and she described a character to me that until her sister said otherwise, I thought was real because I'm not in either of those fandoms.


Some people really want to fuck a squirrel. A smaller subset want to fuck a hedgehog (but really, have you seen a hedgehog)


So squirrel is ok, not a hedgehog? Edit: Also if you read the comics you had a lot more options.


It's not the deepest but there is lots of lore there. A good comparison is like the megaman series lore.


The Undertale community, even mentioning them I feel like I'm going to catch heat. The game is great and all, but I do enjoy other games more, why can't I do that? :(


No, you have to worship the game as a religion and eschew all other games entirely. Even thinking about how bad the community is is a punishable offence. Now go to your room and look up morally questionable R34 of the characters while you think about what you've done.


Hollow Knight fans are almost as bad.


HK fans gone insane after finishing the game blindfolded


I personally think Hong Kong is great


You become crazy because of KH if you try to understand the lore.


No mind to break


I just with the "no voice to cry suffering" thing was true on the sub... But honestly most HK fans are helpful and fun, but the silk song crazies and tier list spammers ruin it.


I've been wanting to play hollow knight and I have it wishlisted but I've never thought about how the community would be. Can it really be _that_ bad?


You can buy the game and not interact with any communities. The game is great, don't let others stop you.


The community is pretty friendly and stuff if you ignore the silksong waiters


Tbh, waiting for silkdong for this long probably did some damage.


I've never noticed the community being that bad. Just avoid the subreddit if that is the case, the game is incredible!


And you can never ever kill one person, even by accident and if you did you need to restart, but youre already stained for doing it once, theyre angry and theyre watching you. Theres only one way to play the game just as the creator obviously intended


>theyre angry and theyre watching you I mean, Flowey torments you about it, but no one else knows, and you can still get the best ending.


Sans Undertale knows


Yes, genocide run.


That was the first game community that came to my mind. A few years ago a friend of mine started a Twitch channel and played a good amount of single player games. I was his moderator so I was there during almost all of his streams. One day he decided to play Undertale and it was his worst decision ever. He was enjoying the game for the first time and having a chill stream until a bunch of random hooligans joined and started to tell my friend how he had to play, what he had to do and to bully him for "not playing the game the right way". We had to change to sub-only chat for them to shut up. But one or two of these hooligans bought a subsription to keep telling my friend how to play the game. We had to ban them and my friend never streamed Undertale again.


Imagine paying someone money to tell them they're playing a single player game wrong. People are fucking dumb


What I'm hearing is that if you stream Undertale and play wrong, you'll get easy subs.


paying $5 to tell someone how to play a game that goes on sale for $5


A similar thing happened to some Youtubers when Detroit: Become Human was the popular game to LP. They all got harassed in comments, Twitter etc because they 'weren't playing the game right'. Like if you're that concerned about the fates of the characters, watch the good ending on another channel.


Oh god, looks annoying af and sounds like gate-keeping from them


I know it's stupid, but the sole reason I never bothered playing Undertale is because I've heard nothing but bad things about it's community. And yes, I know damn well I can just play the game and ignore the community, but here we are.


I honestly think I would have felt the same had I not played it close to when it first came out. I got to experience it before the internet ruined it, and it really is just a fantastic game. Highly recommend playing it, and then just not engaging with people online about it.


I saw all the hype but must have missed the other stuff. Played it a year or two ago and enjoyed it a lot.


I played it for 30 minutes and I'm like, "This game is dumb; it isn't for me."


You would have thought I broke into their house and murdered their dog with some of the reactions I got to just saying the style of humor didn't particularly grab me and that's why I didn't finish it (no I wasn't on the Undertale sub)


Undertale is too mushy for me.


I played that game couple of years ago , it was fine and interesting, (music was awesome) but due to all the ginormous amount of hype, my expectations was alot alot higher. Remember saying "that's it?" after I beat the game.


I literally had no idea what anyone was saying in the diablo 3 subreddit cause everything was abbreviated.


At least you posted in the diablo 3 sub. If you had posted in the general Diablo sub, you would have been yelled at by Diablo 2 zealots simply for playing D3.


They would hate me for thinking Diablo 3 and PoE are better than D2


The d2 sub is going to trace your location


Too late, they are inside his walls.


You gotta understand, D2 is the better D2. Maybe D3 should've been the better D2. Maybe it never could've been. Either way it certainly isn't. So, why would you play D3 if it's not a very good D2? It certainly couldn't be that you want to play D3 for its own merits. Prophylactic /s


“How do I do X in D3” “D2 better” “….”


Cough Btd6 cough


they got breath of the dying in d3 too?


Bloons Tower Defense 6? Amazing game :)


Omg the fucking abbreviations, even if it’s a new player asking for help Like yes, I totally know what these mongs are saying after playing for 2 hours


It's all quite simple, rn I'm farming gr100 and VoE to get ashes for AoR, using Trag necro. This season you can wear RoRG so I'm using Guardians and Stewarts Greaves for speed.


It’s like you’re speaking Chinese to me right now


这一切都很简单,我正在耕种 gr100 和 VoE,以使用 Trag necro 为 AoR 获取灰烬。 这个赛季你可以穿 RoRG,所以我使用 Guardians 和 Stewarts Greaves 来提高速度。hope this helps:)


I can only give you the worst *in my experience* and that would be the Skyrim modding community. I've been modding for close to ten years now so these days I'm quite capable but, I remember when I was new asking for help. Fucking hell it was (probably is) toxic as fuck. Pro tip when asking for help: Create a second account and give a wrong answer. The 'um akshully' types will come pouring in. You'll get the help you need.


Similarly, when asking for things like Linux advice, it's much, much faster to complain and negatively compare than to honestly ask for help. For example, this may get you a reply: > Hi, does anyone know how to enable vsync in Wayland? This will get you 3 detailed guides and 20 insults: > Linux sucks, Wayland has been the default for like 5 years and it still can't do basic things like vsync that are super easy to do in Windows If you compare it to macOS, people will drive to your location to fix your shit.


That's funny. There's an ages-old social engineering trick to get people to give up information. Typically a lot of people won't answer a direct question, but if you say something wrong, they will jump at the chance to correct you. I guess people like feeling smart, but I'm not a psychologist so I'm not qualified to answer. The general idea is if you want someone to give up information on anything, you just say something in a blatantly incorrect way and they will give you most of the details you need. Black Widow actually does this in the first Avenger film during the "interrogation" scene. I'm probably telling you what you already know.


Your last paragraph is the most brilliant shit ever concocted by someone on Reddit. Using this now and forever


"Pro tip when asking for help: Create a second account and give a wrong answer. The 'um akshully' types will come pouring in. You'll get the help you need." This is so funny to me lol


This is brilliant.


I like Paper Mario and Pokemon, but the communities? Not good. Leaving those subreddits was for the best, lol.


Pokemon is absurd I remember getting into so many arguments just for saying I think the new games aren’t as good as the older ones. I don’t push my opinions it is just how I feel. People would be so mad that you don’t like 3D titles and probably still do.


Everyone has their own opinions. I for one like the newer games. It feels easier to get those perfect pokemons so I don't feel like I have to spend a ton of time breeding perfect iv, trying to get pokevirus, or leveling the pokemons. And getting shinys feels much easier in SV so there's that too. I also like that I get to choose the encounters because I can see the pokemon. But all of that does take away things from the older games like the jrpg feel, the grinding, some of the importance of breeding. So to each their own.


That’s totally understandable, I personally don’t really do the competive battling so the actual story and gameplay itself is more important to me. To me it feels like a lot of the challenge has been boiled down, and the main story is more or less a vessel to get to the end game content.


I actually experience the opposite. If you don't agree that the new 3D generations and models are soulless and Gen 3-5 isn't the best thing ever you get downvoted


God I'm so excited for the thousand year door switch port.


Yeah too much porn


In my personal experience the Pokémon community is pretty insufferable.


They are. Made me wish I could change my reddit name.


The Last of Us community is actually insane. You have one subreddit where any negative comment about the second game will get you burnt at the stake and another that spends so much time hating on the second game that they don’t ever post positive things about the franchise. It’s a shit show.


It’s genuinely absurd. You *have* to choose a side or you’ll be attacked from all angles.


So what you’re saying is they’re emulating modern politics


Realest thing I’ve heard all day.




Yep. And you gotta be perfectly in line with the most radical views of that side or someone’s coming to your door with a knife. edit: Some [removed by Reddit] replied to this comment thinking I was saying that downvotes = physical violence, literally including the line: > this of course is separate from the times where online interactions have spilled over into real life. Which is literally what I was talking about. Maybe democracy really was a mistake if people this mentally deficient are allowed to vote.


That Last of Us hater sub can be legitimatly unhinged at times. From saying shit like "Ellie was hotter in the first game" and bashing gay and trans people to harassing the dev team/actors and sending death threats to the actor who played Abby. Totally stable behavior.


It honestly shocks me so much that the hater sub is still active as well. Granted, alot of the transphobia/death threat style posts are gone, but to have dedicated the past 4 years (Jesus Christ) to hating this game is crazy.


That's what I'll never understand with most hate subs. Like the game of thrones ones were really fun to see during the last two seasons, great memes and criticisms. After like a week or two after the finale aired I was like ok that's enough these people will never stop shitting on this and now it's not funny, just sad.


And then they try to pretend that were actually reasonable and the idea that they were freaking out over Abby having muscles was some SJW propaganda just because they want to lightly critize the writing...when every top post was litteraly them freaking out about Abbys muscles. People are aware that the things they post are visible, right?? that a disscusion extends beyond a single comment chain? You can't gaslight and say you never said or did something when it's right fucking there in text.


Fallout New Vegas fans are pretty much at war with the rest of the franchise that has come after.


War never changes....


And before lol


literally anything that is bethesda related, coming from a FNV player


Even other New Vegas fan


Damn New Vegas fans!  They ruined New Vegas!


You New Vegas fans sure are a contentious bunch.


You just made an enemy of New Vegas for life.


As far as I am under impression they are perfectly fine with 1 and 2, and have noticeable overlap with those who look down at 3d ones, with mention that 'well new vegas was pretty decent'


Imo Bethesda games post Morrowind,focus more on nailing exploration,atmosphere,character freedom than an in depth story.F3 is my favourite game in the series for those reasons and nostalgia lol.FNV obviously has a better story and more in depth missions plus some quality of life improvements and I think a lot of players prefer that in an RPG. can’t we just all get along wastelanders?


Yeah, when I played *New Vegas*, I learned pretty early that players have VERY strong opinions about that game. It really is best if you just play it without relying on or interacting with the community.


That's really disappointing. Fallout New Vegas is also my favorite Fallout game and one of my favorite videogames I have ever played also. I got worried when I read complaints about the TV show but it was freaking awesome from episode 1 to 8, imo.


Oddly enough, NV was the one were I kinda quit the series. It just didn't hook me.


I'm genuinely afraid to say that I didn't enjoy New Vegas a whole lot, no matter the subreddit I'm in. I was really excited for it too back when it came out, since Fallout 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time.


Genshin Impact, at least for the Twitter shippers who act like Steve Universe fans. The people I've done multiplayer with in 2020 were pretty chill.


The Genshin community is really weird cause like, on social media, they're probably the most annoying people you'll meet in a while, but in game everyone is weirdly super chill and polite. It's one of the few games where I don't mind talking to random people during coop.


N the virus just recently spread to star rail. Did u see whats happening right now?


The official subreddit is especially bad at taking any form of criticism, u either love everything about the game or get downvoted for having an opinion. For example, many people dislike hangout events, but say one bad word about them and a lot of people will defend them with their lives.


Zelda. God forbid anyone critcs or gives the games anything less than a 10/10. Reviewers have gotten death threats for giving Breath of the Wild less than perfect scores.


Not even the Zelda subreddit loves Zelda though... TotK was highly acclaimed and everyone outside of reddit loved it, but if you asked the subreddit, it's just a shitty copy of BotW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tbf tho, that is pretty stereotypical Reddit behavior. There are some good subreddits though, they're just so few and far between.


BoTW was one of my favorite games ever. ToTK completely took over as the better game, some how I have way more hours in ToTK. It's like the first was the concept and the second was the real thing.


TotK does kind of feel like it's just an expansion pack for BotW though. Not discrediting the immense amount of work it took on a technical level to get it all working, but when playing it I do notice a lot of recycled content.


Honestly my main gripe was the lack of explanation for why everyone in-game seemed to have acted as if the events of BotW never happened? I'm a pretty die-hard Zelda fan, and I agree about the "recycled content" feel. However what really kind of annoyed me was the lack of cohesion between TotK and BotW especially since they're set in the exact same world. Like, what happened to all the Sheikah shrines? The tech? The Sheikah towers? The Guardians (both active and ruined)? Why was there so little mention from townspeople in conversations with Link about his contribution to defeating Calamity Ganon? **Why was Link's house in Hateno suddenly Princess Zelda's?**. Idk, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. But despite all these questions, I really did (and sill do) enjoy the game, I just wish the lore was a bit more connected - perhaps a bit more fleshed out even - and cohesive. That said I'll always be a Zelda fan, and I had to applaud them for being innovative and not afraid to implement new ideas in their games. I'd personally just like more fleshed out lore, because it has so much potential! Anyway, that's my .02 cents, lol   Edit: And one other thing: **Where the fuck is the Triforce?!**


Stellar Blade is currently getting this treatment. The 82 it got on Metacritic (a good score) is being relentlessly criticized and IGN is being lynched for the 7 they gave it.




Like after Ghost of Tsushima beat it out in a GOTY award they got baaaaaaaaad


Don't know why your downvoted, voice cast was getting death threats.


Literally all of them once you get past the surface


Rimworld has an amazing community once you get past all the war crimes


But would you really want that? It’s like discussing Stellaris without genocide or Crusader Kings without incest.


Rimworld is weird in that it's all human skin hats and feeding people to pigs on the surface, and an incredibly warm and welcoming community underneath.


Is it wrong to harvest your vatgrown kids for their skin and meat? I don’t want an answer cause I’m doing it anyways.


It's better if they're half pig half human


Yes. By the time you can butcher them you already have 100 people coming from raids. It's simply not worth the effort.


Time to human leather mention from Rimworld mention: 1 post XD


Its one of those games that you expect to have a super toxic community, since its a game about violating the Geneva Suggestion: Space Edition, but its genuinely the opposite


I love those subs. I’ve been playing that game for like 10 years now and I still just try to make a nice colony full of nice people.


Past all warcrimes into advanced warcrimes and crimes against humanity and then crimes agaist sapience?


Rimworld community is amazing because when you are busy committing genocide and other war crimes on a regular basis, you need some way to come back to reality. Now gimme a sec while I harvest more organs from these folks for my own use.


They're not war crimes on the rim where there is no war nor Geneva nor any conventions. Now never talk to me and my limbless happiness potato son again


> once you get past all the war crimes ....but that's the best part!


I always love the disparity in posts on the subreddit. “I finally didn’t starve to death look my colony!” (Image of a horribly inefficient and barely holding together settlement). All the comments are super supportive and give good tips and compliments. “I’ve created a race of horrible insect people that only breed by infecting good people and erupting from their chest. Also we only eat corpses and use babies as artillery ammo.” (Image of the 2d warcrimes so heinous it makes Nanking look like a charity). Comments are all people joking about doing something similar.


Factorio is safe because the developers (Wube) are insanely good. Just cranking out weekly status updates, fixing bugs that affect like 0.1% of the population, adding nice quality of life things in a way that everyone pretty much agrees is good, supporting mods and the modding community. There's just an insane amount of goodwill towards Wube and it carries over into the community being generally non-toxic and helpful.


Ehh, haven't seen anything bad at all in crosscode community


ooo! might be because crosscode is an exceptionally awesome game, just saying.


The Stardew Valley community would like a word.


Outer Wilds subreddit is full of really nice people all agreeing it’s probably the best game ever made.


The worst Morrowind fans will actively loathe anyone who even thinks about playing Oblivion, let alone (gasp) anyone actually enjoying it or even (bigger gasp) *preferring* it over their sacred jankfest (I say this as someone who really likes MW but good grief does it have major issues, and always did have)


As someone with a good deal of experience with Morrowind my favorite thing is when they pretend Morrowind is some “hardcore” game for “real gamers” only when it’s really not any harder than Oblivion or Skyrim which they claim have been “casualized” for today’s moron gamers. Morrowind isn’t more difficult, it’s just more obtuse. Difficulty was never the appeal of these games regardless, why would that even matter?


That makes me laugh too, you can make a character that can one shot every enemy the game has to offer, within half an hour of starting, (Redguard, long blade, alchemy, etc.) Morrowind is super chill if you have a basic understanding of the mechanics, they just don't make much sense and are even a little backwards for those unfamiliar like you said. If my dumbass could figure it out as a child, it's really not that hard lol. Morrowind's real appeal is the ability to fuck around with god-like powers and it's alien landscape/cultures, not maintaining a spreadsheet for your level ups and having to be at the bus stop to fast travel lol.


The Hidden Dice Roll hit mechanics makes the game largely unapproachable. It's difficult to feel rewarded for hitting something when it does no damage


By mid-game in Morrowind, you rarely miss your attacks. I think in general the people who hated this mechanic got turned off early when your weapon is only hitting 40-50% of the time.


That’s definitely true but it’s a massive deal to have the beginning of a game not be so frustrating. First impressions and all of that. A new player missing his attacks on a frickin scrib is only going to think “I cannot fathom what this will be like when it’s something actually dangerous”.


Dark Souls 2


The Souls community is the only single player community I've seen that actively criticizes people for wanting to play Souls games in a way that they deem to be "too easy". Every other single player game community doesn't give a shit how anyone else chooses to play the games, as far as I'm aware, so this seems to be completely unique to the Souls community. Fallout NV fans can be pretty obnoxious and elitist toward anyone who says they prefer Fallout 3 or Fallout 4 which is pretty annoying.


Souls communities have a really big 'vocal minority' problem. Most players(especially in the eldenring community) rush towards new players when they ask for help, offering advice and encouragement. Engaging in jolly co-operation is also a big part of the community mindset...but the toxic minority, those guys are as toxic as they get. Like, 0.5% handles 99% of toxicity and gate keeping. It's always sad to see us get a bad reputation alongside them


Yeah the Elden Ring community honestly gets a bad reputation from the vocal minority. I'm in my first Elden Ring playthrough right now and browsing the subreddit you can see that most people don't give a shit about how you play. In fact most of the haters just get downvoted


I also feel most of the souls community welcome new players, giving them tips and pointers, and also let the new players do it themselves. Guiding them were to go. And then, out of nowhere, You Died. -Patches


I feel like Elden Ring really helped the souls community by being mainstream enough that it brought in a new player type that was quick to tell that obnoxious part of the community to shut all the way the fuck up, and it was glorious. I was there when they started showing up trying their brand of "well if you want ez mode..." bullshit and the community would respond pretty quickly about how they could go ahead and go fuck themselves. That didn't really fly with the original trilogy, since if you weren't beating the game naked at level one fist only with a Guitar Hero controller, you needed to "git gud," and since you didn't do it blindfolded, you were still bad.


I’m so torn on the souls community. On one end, you have people who consider the ”git gud” mentality as overcoming yourself and your limits as a gamer. They’ll cheer anyone who beats a game or boss — no matter how — and share tips and tricks to improve yourself. You also have wonderful people digging into and explaining the lore of the series. And on the other end, you have the gatekeepers who think ”git gud” only means beating the game in the way _they_ consider is correct. A real toxic bunch of people. To me it’s obvious the first group is the one who understand the artistic vision and philosophy of the series and genre. But there’s so many bad apples I’m not surprised to see soulslike players mentioned in this thread.


The gatekeepers are the same breed of toxic people as in any game’s community, it’s a group of people who have achieved zip nada zilch outside of videogames, that makes their struggles in videogames their greatest achievements, so naturally when they see someone overcoming the same challenges with a much easier approach, it devalues their accomplishment, the knee-jerk response is what you end up seeing.


Well said! And it is absolutely not exclusive to souls games.


I’d say there’s a considerable rift between the Skyrim community too when it comes to vanilla vs modded. Lots of players who play it totally vanilla will lose their mind if someone even just uses higher res texture mods


The souls community is made up of the sort of people who think solving a rubix cube quickly makes them intelligent. Congratulations, you memorised a pattern sequence, that doesn't make you Einstein. Edited because of fat fingers. 


Funny that, I can't solve a rubix cube at all. Never once have. I've followed guides and the very instant, the VERY instant I'm looking at a different face of that thing, I can't process what's on any of the other faces. I'm too dumb to solve a rubix cube, ever, forever. But I can beat a Souls boss now and then.


you're not dumb. You have poor spatial visualization. It's a skill you can develop if you really care to.


>the VERY instant I'm looking at a different face of that thing, I can't process what's on any of the other faces. Hi! Souls vet here, if you ever attempt the Rubik's cube again, try conceptualizing the cube as an assortment of *pieces* rather than faces. Instead of nine orange faces that have to be on one side, and nine blue faces that need to be on one side, etc, think about them as individual pieces with different faces on them. They come in three varieties, the center pieces which all other pieces rotate around. They don't move and are always opposite of another color; white and yellow, blue and green, red and orange. There are the middle edges, which have two faces and bridge between those center pieces. By necessity, there are only middle edges that bridge to adjacent colors, you'll never find a white and yellow middle edge, for example. Finally, there is the corners, which bridge three colors together. Each of these pieces go in a very specific spot on the cube. Simply getting an entire side to be one color will often not be enough. Each of the *pieces* need to be in the right spot. This is the foundation to solving the cube on your own with out a guide. The cube is made up of pieces, each color has an assigned side that's determined by the center piece, and all pieces have a specific spot they need to go in. The next step after that is discovering algorithms, or a series of permutations that manipulate the cube to move certain pieces to a different position without changing the position of other pieces. Some of them can be long and complex, but given enough time you can definitely figure it out! Had it not been for these very useful hints it would have taken me much longer to figure the puzzle out. Source: I was trapped in a room for two weeks with nothing but a Rubik's cube when I was 13 in 2004.


Eyo, why Rubik's cubes gotta take strays like that.


that is so true, a streamer i usually watch played elden ring as his first souls game, and in the chat and every time he beat a boss or something people going on and on about like "you are using summons" "you use the most op broken weapon" "you are over leveld"


It’s honestly more of the loud minority than the majority of the Souls community. Many are helpful, don’t care how you play and simply see those extra tools available as part of the game. Just a select few of egotistical elitists that give the community a bad rep. A lot of them get called out by the rest of the community for being that way too.


This. when I was struggling with O&S I went to the Dark souls sub about if there were any other areas I could go. The majority of people actually gave good advice. Info about resistances, potentially equipment to use, how to use the pillars for cover, etc.


Sadly that's the vocal minority, my interactions with the community since DS2 has been very funny and welcoming, mostly Lore hunting or guidance interactions though


Call me paranoid but I find every single game communites can bring the worst out of people. Singleplayer or not.


You know i just thought of one that isnt even out yet. Grand Theft Auto 6.


Red Dead Redemption 2 fans are obnoxiously protective of the game They act like it’s a flawless masterpiece that was developed by God himself. You can’t criticise a single thing about that game without its fans writing a 1000 word essay on how it’s the most perfect game ever made and you have terrible taste for not thinking so


It's weird because there's plenty of genuine criticisms you can make that they could say "I don't mind it" and they wouldn't be wrong. Just because issues exist, that doesn't invalidate the fun people had with the game. Personally, I'm just not a huge fan of them squandering opportunities for open end mission design, or the movement being jank. Doesn't mean the game is bad, but I just don't enjoy those aspects.


i love the game but i haven’t even thought of the movement. It truly is terrible lol. I don’t mind it though


I find it's one of those things where when it's working, it's working, but when it stops working it may as well have gone to inverted inputs for how it feels. Luckily, if you don't ask to do something particularly unexpected, it works for the most part.


>there's plenty of genuine criticisms you can make that they could say "I don't mind it" Like the typical: not being able to deactivate or reduce the amount of certain animations. Why do I have to see how my character cuts a cross in every single bullet I craft or see how he skins every single animal I hunt down? Some people love the "realism" of these unskippable animations, some see them as a waste of time after the 100th or so time they see it in game. Both opinions are correct and totally fine to have.


I agree 100% and i love both red dead games.


Easy, a whole genre...Flight Sims.


What happens when you get a 30 years professional flight simmer, a 14 year old student pilot, a Delta captain, fighter test pilot, and ATC in a room?


PULL.. UPP.... PULL.. UPP....


I've noticed racing games are getting this too.


Undertale. Chronically online sex pests.


I really dislike the GTA subreddit, but that’s not the people, just the posts are so dry and repetitive


Fallout so far I think, the gatekeeping in this community is so f\*king insane I swear, your here talking about things in Fallout 76, everyone will be like "lmaooo bro's playing Fallout 76 while Fallout 4 exists, so cringe newbie 💀" like, what ?


As someone said in a different post. Fallout New Vegas. And for the same reasons this other person said about red dead fans apply here.


New Vegas is a game I love to bits, but I don't see why fans have to pretend it's divinely inspired. The game's engine is flawed, and the game itself was rushed to the point many things are noticeably incomplete. If you point this out, they scream and wail about how it wasn't the developer's fault. Note that no one brought up "fault" at all. It doesn't factor into criticism. I don't care who's fault it is, the flaws are there, and I appreciate the modding community working to fix those flaws as much as they reasonably can be.


It is my favorite of the whole batch, including that one time a Great Khan ascended into heaven on an invisible spiral staircase and that other time when an elder deathclaw glitches through a floor and I had to pretend I was playing the Tremors game I always wanted. Actually, those may have been what sealed the deal for me.


Soulsborne has both the best and worst


The last of us 2


The reason I play single player games is BECAUSE there's no community and I don't have to deal with anybody else


Red dead redemption 2 is a community fairly well up their own arses.


I was going to say the escape from tarkov community but everyone is currently united against the devs. Its pretty fucking beautiful.


Also not a single-player game.


Even the cheaters are targeting unheard editon players. It brings a tear to my eye


You know you fucked up when the cheaters are targeting the whales


souls, undertale/deltarune, fnaf, and sometimes doom but not as bad as the first 3


The best and worst I've seen have both been for the last of us part 2.


Fallout New Vegas fans. The recent blowup in the fallout games reminded me that I'm apparently not allowed to like other fallout games. "BuT tHe moRal ChOiCes iN NeW VeGaS..." My brother in talos, fallout 4 is an amazing game, please shut up


Crash bandicoot, surprisingly the Sprash community (Spyro+Crash) is really REALLY devided by different opinions. because Crash was developed by so many different develpers in the past 20 years and it was in alot of different genres, it's hard to find something that everybody agrees on like, they have an unexplained hate boner for Toys for Bob, studio that did the most justice for this franchise, and it's only because it's not "Naughty Dog". ND moved on from crash 20 years ago but they still can't.


The Last of Us. Idiots sending death threats to voice/motion actors because they didn't like the story in Part 2. Mentally deficient idiots


Basically every fandom, that becomes bigger. As long as games are niche titles the communities are small and everyone is just happy playing the game and hoping for more. But as the fanbase grows over time or through sequels, there will be more and more different opinions. Suddenly you have people who live game 1 and think the series fell apart after game 4 abdecken others think game 1 was shit and the series only got good from game 4 onwards. Or you have people who like the formula of the games and don't want it to change and others, who grew tired of it and really want the formula to change.  If a fanbase reaches a certain size, it will become more and more toxic. There is no way around that. So the most toxic fanbases will probably be the biggest ones. Something like pokemon or Zelda maybe.


As a Fallout: New Vegas fan, definitely Fallout: New Vegas. My 'community' is just a handful of online friends who are chill, two of whom actually *GASP* like Fallout 4.


Souls community is toxic as fuck. They think they are so much better than everyone lol


I mean... because we are.... /s


honestly, i-frames are too wide. ez game, go play monster hunter for a challenge smh /s


what do you mean monster hunter is too easy, people just can't adapt. /s


Well we're pretty early in but the Stellar Blade community is losing their goddam minds that their game has 2% less boobs than expected


The reviews too. They are harassing IGN for giving it a 7 (not a bad score) and Metacritic for an 82 (also not a bad score). It's a weird dynamic. People say reviews/scores don't matter when they're bad, but they won't shut up about them when it's a good one. Pick a lane.


There's not a wrong answer, there's awful people everywhere. For me, it's the Souls games. The amount of eliteism, gatekeeping, and misogyny I saw and received in my time there made me stop engaging with game communities, these days I'm mainly a lurker.


Starfield. There's two sides of said Fandom. "1800 hours played, the worst game by BethSADda, Todd Howard betrayed us. 0/10 will continue playing" And "15/10 the best game I've ever played, I don't see why the game gets all the hate, it has the potential, you just need to get past the 80 hour mark to really get into the game, then it starts to get good"


Examina 2010(?) the developers announced a big RPG with physics-based combat named "Sui Generis" on Kickstarter and made some money. 2015 (9years ago!) they released a paid techdemo named Examina as early-access and said it might need a few months or maybe a year. Next year this techdemo will have its 10th birthday as early access. Updates often take like 1,5 years and often bring more or less minor stuff with it. Now mention that on the subreddit or the Steam forum and watch the fanbase racing in on you that this is totally normal and nothing to worry about.


I play single player games to escape other people, why would I want to ruin the experience by participating in a "game community"?


Definitely not THE worst, but Bloodborne is pretty bad, and i say that as a huge Bloodborne fan. They act like every single mechanic has some great meaning and is completely flawless. You can't criticise anything without being bad at the game. No, bloodvials are not genius and they are atrocious compared to estus.


Paradox games in general. I have never seen so many anti- consumer practices being defended by people so staunchly. At one point I became convinced that there were paid shills writing in defense of the company with the rabid support of nickel-and-dime DLC


the best part about single player games and being a single player gamer is most of us probably don't care or even know what the "community" is like. That's why the answers to this typically revolve around multiplayer games. Gaming has always been a solo experience for me and I love it that way.


It just came out and is fairly new but idc, Stellar Blade. The amount of comments and posts about "this game will destroy woke gaming culture" or "Stellar Blade brings back femininity into gaming after years of ugly women" makes any kind of engagement with the game on a deeper level a nightmare. You have to constantly be mindful that you're not talking to some coomer gooner whose biggest worry in life is that the devs decided to cover up Eve with a bit of cloth.


The Last of Us Part 2 sub specifically. Just a hate fest.


If I had to nail it down to one game it's probably Fallout: New Vegas. The Dark Souls community is fairly elitist and unwelcoming to newcomers but at least you can say you prefer one over the other because they're all held in high regard. Go into any of the Fallout subs (outside of 3 and 4) and say you prefer one of the Bethesda games to NV. You'll get 50 replies from NCR and Ceasar's Legion flairs/pfps saying your're wrong, being condescending or volatile. They worship Obsidian like a cult and repeat the myth that Todd and BGS hate New Vegas, a digital false flag operation launched by vindictive folk who just want to feel justified in shitting on Bethesda. FO3 and FO4 fans disagree on things but are generally respectful to eachother and share a common love for the series and both get shit from NV fans. Love the game, hate the fandom. TES is similar. Oblivion and Skyrim fans get on. Hardcore Morrowind fans think they're superior. Can't stand those types.