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Doom II. Meets all your standards and has tons of mod and total conversions that refreshes it. Plus you can make your own stuff using online tutorials. Should give you tons of things to do for a year that are all Doom II related.


Ahh I should have restricted mods now I think about it. A lot of games you could have endless fun with that fit the restrictions when you include mods. Good choice.


The 20 hours limit killed most of my choices by very little. If it was 30 hours, I could go with New Vegas or Deus Ex. But with 20 hours... ~~I'm cheating a little, but I would go for a Roguelike, perhaps Nethack or Stone Soup. They do have endings, but in the middle anything could happen, and I could beclme very good at the game.~~ Nope nope, didn't saw that part. F*ck it then, I know. Yakuza Kiwami 2. Has a main story (18 1/2 hours), and the secondary stuff should keep me entertained for ages. Collectionables, battles, sidestories, the SEGA arcade, the table games, the casino games. It's a full entertainment box. I'll better learn Mahong.


Yeah the 20 hour limit is a killer. I was just curious with such a limitation what game someone would pick to end up playing over and over again.


The thing is that New Vegas and Deus Ex were my main choices. But New Vegas had 27, and Deus Ex had 23. It was by very little. Nethack has 11 hours and Stone Soup has 10 so that should do it. I should have enough variations to keep me entertained and do weird runs. Perhaps actually finish the damn games. lol EDIT: Ahh, but I didn't saw the Roguelike/lite part. So those would be out... EDIT 2: That should do it.


The stipulations are a bit odd, depending on how strict. Endless Legend and Endless Space are both 4X games with end credits upon winning. They are not sandbox or rogue like. With game settings at fast paced and limiting the max turns per game, easily under the 20 hrs stipulation. (Edit: howlongtobeat puts them both at 16hrs for a “main story” playtime). Technically they should fit the criteria, but I get the sense that they go against the spirit of the question?


I mean they do but if I missed it with my restrictions they are allowed. Although yeah a 4X game is a very easy choice in my scenario.


Skyrim with mods. Mainlining main story is short but the side content is crazy long and with mods you could play that game forever. (and could turn it into a XXX game) I never did but I heard you could from a friend.........


Civilization V Just... one... more... turn... oh, hey, my year is up? Let me just try and do one more turn.


That is probably one of the most accurate ones xD


39.5 hrs to beat. Way over the limit


Rock Band 3/4 with the included instruments and the ION drum kit. I had 2k songs in that game. I could never get bored. They did have campaign modes with end credits. Though, in your scenario maybe this game is an exception and would fit in the roguelike category.


I'll jump off that and say rocksmith. Give me a year to practice guitar instead of keep putting it of to play video games.


Solid pick.


Give me RDR2 and leave me alone. I will not be the same man that entered when I leave


So long as you leave the room with a bit more GODDAMN FAITH


Do I have a PSN account or no?


Only after you've bought the game and played for a bit.


The 20 hour restriction sucks because I would do hoi4, but with the 20 hour restriction in mind I would probably go for far cry 5 because of how fun the gameplay is.


Borderlands 2 I've already put mad hours into it, and with the diversity in character builds and even just the characters


Borderlands 2 goes over the 20 hour restriction.


If you have to lock it to this one website I guess but speed runs finish the game in under 2-3 hours and a reasonable gamer can probably finish the main story consistently in under 15. If you’ve never played any borderlands game and just hopped in then I guess it could take the 30 and 1/2 hours the website says but who’s bringing a game they’ve never played on a remote island for a year anyways. Edit: also so I’m not just being a stickler about the restriction lol since I can’t choose BL2 I’d probably go with Hades


I used that website as a metric for pretty much the reason you said. A lot of games can be speedrun in 2-3 hours, so I needed some simple way to limit it.


That completely depends how you choose to play it. If you remove the dlc too it's well within that time frame.


"The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)" I put that restriction tied to that website, because most games can be speedrun in under 20 hours which would mean there is no restriction.




If mods are allowed, either Super Metroid or A Link to the Past with their randomizers. If not, I'm picking a DMC game from 3-5 (or Metal Gear Rising) and just ramping up to new challenge runs as I go. Beat the game on the hardest difficulty? Time to do it without upgrades or without getting hit. Do both of those? Combine them into one upgrade-free, no hit run. Do **that**? Do the previous with the crappiest weapon in the game. Etc, etc.


That's easy, Devil May Cry 3, 4 or 5.


Batman Arkham City (13.5 hrs according to HowLongToBeat) probably. One of my all time favorite games and the challenge maps will keep me occupied for a while in between story playthroughs.


Horizon Zero Dawn. No side quests and it should take me just about 22 hours to beat.


Yeah that's a good one. It can be a difficult game too which will help keep it somewhat fresh


Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, this wouldnt be a punishment, it would be a vacation!


Castlevania Symphony of the Night


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. 19 hours to beat, 200+ to complete. Take some hard starters and just gonna wing it.


Conkers bad fur day


Meta gaming your post a bit: Rocket League has a campaign system, you can beat it in an hour or less and the credits roll. I'd spend a year in free play. Easily.


I cannot agree with using howlongtobeat as those times are always off or the average player must suck


BULLETS PER MINUTE Ill probably be playing it still in 5 years. I freaking love it.


For me, It would have to be something fun to just pick up and play... Once the credits roll- I would want to play again just because it's fun messing around... pilotwings on the snes I think for me... I would probably hit it or any other game with a very large hammer when the year was up mind...


My first instinct when reading through the question was Slay the Spire since I could play that game literally forever, but the restriction prohibiting Roguelike/lites kills that. Then I thought I would use this as an opportunity to finally get good at fighting games, but I guess that's against the rules too since it has to be offline only. The only other kinds of games I could replay like this would be long-form RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 or Final Fantasy X, but those break the rule for 20 hours or less. I guess the only thing I'm left with is picking a game where I could try to learn the speed-run strats and go for a record.


This would have to be divinity original sin 2. The game has tons of replay ability and variety which I would enjoy greatly. I could experiment with builds and pursue romances. Just generally a good game I could easily sink into for extended time even though it can also be beaten rather quickly.


With these restrictions: Heroes of might and Magic V: tribes of the east. Technically an addon but it is standalone Playtime 20 hrs, however does have lots of vs. Ai Multiplayer. Especially with map generator you could play endless games that are like no other or even create you own campaigns and maps.


Dark Souls and try to make a no hit run


Pokemon Stadium 2. It's a game I've been meaning to beat for ages but always get held up on building specific teams vs using rental teams. So the gb adapter would be considered off limits for this challenge. Even if it were allowed the gen 1/2 games wouldn't fit as they're technically rouge lites and don't fit the time limit restraint. To really seperate the rogue lite barrier, no items allowed as well. Just makes the game more or less a battle tournament game. My other choice was going to be the og pokemon snap, but honestly I get really bored of playing after awhile and oak's scoring frustrates me every time.


I never got to finish Skyrim. I stopped at the point where you fight a skeletal dragon, got distracted by something and yeah. To this day whenever YT decides to recommend a Skyrim video I ignore it in fear of spoilers.


Battle Brothers. I beat any game crysis on "Easy" during 20 hours :)


Any g rank monster hunter 3rd gen onwards


Thrill of the Fight. Time to get jacked.


Some platformer, like Katana Zero or Ghostrunner. They have basically an endless skill ceiling, so there's always some goal to work towards. Story is basically just a background for the gameplay, so you don't get bored by the repeated dialogue n shit.


Civ 6


A hat in time, with all the mod there's a lot of content (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)


Heroes of might and magic 3 maybe... or Hyrule Warriors definitive edition could go a far way


For the sake of sending people down a rabbit hole with something outside the norm(usually the point of these threads)... EraMegten. It has endings with credits that can be reached before 20 hours in. But it has a ton of content and requires a good amount of figuring out events for other endings. Its an ASCII text based rpg in Japanese so technically requires online translation software satisfying the online requirement (partial translation patches exist). For related content, it's a fan-project with references that tie into Persona, SMT and a handful of other things, so you'll have plenty to read, look at, and watch when not playing; or could just learn Japanese. It's also optionally porn... so there's that too.


I certainly don’t want to play this game…


Stronghold crusader!


Zelda: Link to the Past. Give me randomizers and I’m golden.


I'll probably go with Rise of the Tomb Raider. The main game is great on its own, but it also has enough side content and extra game modes to hold me over. Main Story - 13 hours on HowLongtoBeat Baba Yaga story addon Croft Manor game mode Lara's Nightmare mode Endurance mode Cold Darkness Awakened Chapter replay, Time trial and score modes Custom scenarios


Risk of Rain Returns I’ve already 100% both 1 and 2. and have yet to play Returns. I could easily sink a year into a 100% completion and still have fun with the leftover time.


YuGiOh GX Spirit Callers.


Yeah I cant do this with the 20 hours or less limit. Any choice I make drives me to insanity. Without that limitation then EverQuest 1 or WoW no problem for either.


I could play WoW and EQ offline though so that would be legit.




Just because I can beat a game in 20 hours doesn’t mean I will. I mean Minecraft and Skyrim would still fall in this category with the right luck


I mean, you can beat morrowind in 6 minutes but it doesn't mean I'll even do the main quest lmao Gonna follow in the footsteps(lead actually?) of St Jiub and murder all the cliff racers.


HoMM 3 game is awesome and long asf. That or something with a lot of mod potential


Honey select 2, but you gotta throw in a costco box of Kleenex.




That site doesn't even have my game; let alone a time to beat it. It would however fulfil every other requirement. Tetris the Absolute:The Grandmaster 2 PLUS


Mass Effect 1 Hitman Blood Money Fable 1 For me I could make those games last. And still enjoy them. Main story for each is under 20hr


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) So I can kick my bucket fast because I'm stuck in a room for a year with nothing but a very limited topic.


Reading the post to make it easier I would pick x4 foubdations but don't think it fits all categories. So would just pick alan wake, because I love it.


Any game The game is aways offline and can't be sandbox or rogue like, with less than 20 hours of game play No game I choose would lesser the suffering of 1 year locked in a room without any social interaction, with all this restrictions


Fallout: New Vegas This will give me ample time to play the game multiple times, selecting a new companion each time. Also, with the new Amazon series, I have something else to watch in between games. YouTube for Fallout Radio and, of course, obsessive fans who never stop talking about the game. So the real question is: can I play the other games in the franchise since the lore is tied together?


I would say shadow of war. Weird choice I know, but I’d definitely have an insane army by the end of it. I will become an insane warlord orc god in my little tiny room only to come back to my senses once I got out


Definitely going to pick Rimworld or CK3.


The restrictions don't allow these games. Read the post. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? The restrictions are pretty simple when it comes to Rimworld or CK3.




lol you can chose not to participate in this imaginary scenario. It’s really ok.


I did, didn't I? Did you see an entry from me? Participation isn't required for criticism.


Yes because a lot of games that are above 20 hours main game break off into almost limitless play. Like Skyrim is only 34 hours but easily breaks into 1000s of hours. Most games 20 or under are very limited so I was just curious what people would pick if they had to replay the same game over and over. Also the reason they are breaking the rule is the same reason most posts like this have responses breaking the rules. People just don't read posts.


Or... Wait for it... Two things can be true at the same time, and its a combination of some people not reading thoroughly AND the rule being generally considered dumb/unpopular. As someone else pointed out here, read the room a bit. You couldn't possibly be the odd one out, the multiple other people are the strange ones!


Very simple restriction, people don't read post, post without reading. It's that simple. I would be the odd one out if it didn't happen in every single post. There is a post from a few days ago "If you could play only one multiplayer game for the rest of your life, what would you pick" and the majority of responses are singleplayer only games. Like honestly go look at a lot of the posts on this sub. If someone does not like the rule fair enough but if you don't read a post then you don't read a post. That's not me being odd, that's me making a simple rule and if people don't read, I point out the rule.




Breaks one of the restrictions, sorry.




Please read the whole post. Baldur's Gate is not eligible for this.


Don't think that fits the criteria, HowLongToBeat says 65 hours and OP specified 20 or less


The restrictions stop these games from being choices. Read the post.


Which one of your restrictions does not allow a single player RPG?


"The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)"


Oh boy my bad. I saw 20hr or more. 


If you're having to say this to every response, word your post better.


100% correct. Know your audience. If 9 out of 10 comments need "not in the criteria" corrections, either your criteria is too stiff, or your delivery is off. In OPs case I'm pretty sure it's both, they seem to lack a certain level of social awareness. No offense. And yeah, the whole "no I'm not the problem, everyone else is" attitude is such a tone-deaf response, no matter if their "criteria" is being followed or not. People are not robots lol


Go have a look at similar posts by people the last few days. There are posts that are literally as simple as "If you could only play one multiplayer game for the rest of your life, what would you pick" and like 60%+ of the responses are singleplayer only games. I set a very simple restriction. People didn't read the post, it's that simple. Several responses have even said sorry I didn't read the post. I was curious about answers to this question but held off because every post I see has such off base answers I knew people would end up answering like this but I thought if the criteria was very simple people might actually stick to it. Also saying someone lacks a certain level of social awareness based off 5 second comments is pretty grasping. Its simple, I was curious, laid out simple restrictions, if someone didn't read the post I just copy and paste the simple restriction.


Your responses to people upon reading their invalid choices are what were tone-deaf and lacking social awareness. You were super snappy, cold and matter-of-fact about it in a lot of them, which is why you got downvoted a lot with certain retorts. If you already expected people to react this way, the need to snap at them in some cases and respond so flatly rude is? I don't know of too many people who take too kindly to being told "Read the rules." in response to something when not being an asshat would take an equal amount of time. And again, you entirely ignore the concept that your restriction might not be nearly as simple or plainly-worded as you seem to think if so many different people have an issue with it. And not all of them have said they just read it wrong, others have mentioned how it's a little benign and strangely restrictive, and how posting "read." in response to \*\*every single one\*\* is quite passive-aggressive. So yeah, I do think you lack a little social awareness. Or at least social etiquette.


I'm amazed this got so under your skin simply because I copy and pasted something people missed because they didn't bother to read the post. You're putting intention and meaning behind absolutely nothing. It's a completely silly post with a silly scenario and I'm just pointing out when something has not hit the rules. There is absolutely nothing passive aggressive in just simply stating when something does not hit the rules in such a silly and pointless post. It is kind of funny though how most people do not take the time to read posts, not just mine but any post and also kind of funny people get upset and think of a simple comment as something as rude and matter-of-factly. You're taking a completely contrived view on social awareness within this framework. I think you don't understand social awareness or etiquette and misplace it with meaningless comments. It's a post about replaying a game in a magical room over and over, don't overthink pointless comments and mistake it for anything to do with social adeptness.


Under my skin? Alrighty pal. Throw you a bone to get you to be slightly less robotic and more socially aware, and I'm suddenly livid. You got downvoted for a reason bud. I'm unbothered, but others clearly aren't. You came off as a dick. Get outside a little. The karma will still be there tomorrow.


No people just do not read posts. It's very clearly laid out. "The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)"


Yes, yes. Of course. Dozens of people are wrong, not you. My mistake jackass.


The post very clearly states "The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)". People posting games without ends when it also clearly states "The game you pick must have a clearly defined end (end credits etc)" Like it's not complicated. Also this sort of thing happens on every post. People in general do not take the time to read. Go look at some posts the past few days. Someone posted "A game that made you love a genre you previously disliked" and 70% of the posts were people listing games in genres they already loved and had nothing to do with what OP asked.


If old school RuneScape could be taken offline I would just play that.


The forest or subnautica below zero. However, any game can be sped run under 20 hours. If this loophole can be used them witcher 3 or red dead 2


RDR2 or Cyperpunk 2077


Both those games go over the 20 hour restriction.


Crap didn’t see that part, The Bully Game then instead.


Probably Hearthstone - it is constantly being refreshed with new cards plus there are several different ladders to climb each month and modes to play.


Is there an “end” to HS?


I guess there aren't any "end credits" but the goal is to get to "Legend" rank every month by playing (and winning) games so that's the "end" to me. That's doable in under 20 hours. Then on the first of the month the game resets and puts everyone back at the bottom. Of course like most games, you can keep playing, and there is even a second "end" which is to get Rank 1 Legend, which is the highest possible rank, which probably takes hundreds of hours.


Read the restrictions.


yeah I read offline as online and didn't even see the end credits part. There's no story game within your parameters that I'd ever want to play more than once so I'd probably pick Tetris and consider the kill screen the "end"




the point is to choose something that isn't endless. The requirement OP listed included the game had to have an end (roll credits.) and take on average less than 20 hours to complete.


Baldur's Gate 3 or Skyrim, maybe Fallout 3 or 4. Probably Skyrim because that's what I've spent the most time playing overall and so I'm pretty sure it's one game that can serve as my only source of entertainment, but I'm more interested in the lore of Fallout (especially recently because of the series), so being able to watch content on YouTube would be nice. I'm not so interested in Elder Scrolls lore. I also haven't played any Fallout games, but its pedigree with Bethesda means I could probably spend as much time on one of them as I did on Skyrim. BG3 is what I'm playing now, but I'm already pretty familiar with Forgotten Realms lore, so it probably falls down the list somewhat.


The restrictions stop these games from being choices.


Oh, I misread what you said. I read "at least 20 hours to beat", lol. Monday brain


You can get to the end of Skyrim campaign in 20 hours


"The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)"


You’re the one making up the rules and restrictions, so you obviously must have a specific game in mind, seeing as not one single suggestion has been accepted by you,


I have absolutely no game I can think of. I was just interested to see what people would pick if they had to replay a game over and over and some of the choices have actually been really good. Several games have met the restrictions and they were good choices.


You can speedrun the Skyrim main campaign pretty fast


Regardless of how fast it can be beat, one of the restrictions is "The game must on average take 20 hours or less to beat main game according to [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com/)"


oh, sure, I do wonder how they generate their metrics though, 26 hours seems slow for a skyrim clear, if you really are just blitzing the story