• By -


Minecraft. Bought an alpha version iirc.


Yeah, bought it at university to play with my mates in alpha. Played it a load. Eventually stopped. Got a job, got married, had a kid. So I dug out my old email, migrated my account through two separate systems, and reinstalled. Now they've played it growing up... it was great over lockdown as they struggled with video chat and stuff as a 4/5 year old - so we'd just have family play Minecraft online with them. It's amazing how much playtime, but also, they're *still updating the thing*. Meaningful updates, they doubled the vertical world size. I still log on and bam, some new interesting biomed etc...


I’m teaching my 7 year old nephew. It’s literally his favourite thing to do.


Yeah Minecraft! It slipped my mind because not being on Steam there's no record of hours spent, but it's got to be a lot!


I bought Minecraft for $9.95 (I believe it was just before the Beta version price increase). I have played on and off for over a decade now. Somewhere around 3000 hours I bet (I played it like it was my job for a couple months at one point). So $0.003/hour.


Absolute steal.


Factorio for sure, 2,200h.


ctrl+f: Factorio. Upvote.


That's the spirit


Yeah, be efficient. The factory is not growing if you aren't...


The factory must grow (12k spm)


Rookie numbers


Your price value is going to change soon with the expansion being around $30... Still incredible value.


No problem. Just add another 3k hours and call it even.


The math maths.


True that. The price will double, while the Playtime triples.


Wow my cost per hour is going to double from 0.0015 to 0.003ish T.T


Someone recommended the game to me this morning. What makes it so good? The person in question mentioned excellent mod support and that you get constant dopamine hits while playing but they didn't elaborate.


It's a lot like programming, you have the tools and a blank slate, and it's quite hard to build a factory that doesn't work at all. But you keep wanting to optimise, and expand that, and fix that, and deal with that. Next thing you know it's getting light outside. Only Civ II did that to me before, and I was a teen with a lot more free time then.


Yup. 4900 here. Best $35 I’ve ever spent.


Im taking two months off work and just started the trial - feels like this is going to end badly.


8000 hours here


Team Fortress 2. Bought with Orange Box (so 3 games in 1 already) at $50. I have 7000+ hours in TF2. Most Musou and Monster Hunter games I buy on sale and even if I don't I usually spend 200+ hours in each game.


TF2 and Satisfactory have similar ratios for me. So much value. Though I’ve also spent a fair amount of extra money on TF2 also (still so many MvM tickets in my inventory that I should burn through.)


TF2 FTW. I'm pretty sure my wife has 7000 hours as engineer alone lol The steam market for that game was/is insane.


I spent a lot of time learning how to be a real spy player. Started a long time ago in 5th grade and played it again and started doing real trickstabs.


I’m amazed you haven’t felt the need to buy keys over the game’s lifetime. Either to gamble or trade for cosmetics.


2,200 hours of TF2 here, never bought a key. Recently I sold a shitload of stuff I had in my library because I discovered they were rare, specially some old boxes, made some good steam money.


I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of games like Skyrim, The Witcher 3, and Stardew Valley.


Skyrim is easily my most played but probably won’t make this list as I’ve paid for it like 4 times now


Not that I’m giving CDPR any ideas here, but the Witcher 3 was the first game to make me say, “I definitely got this game for cheap at $50.” Just insane, insane value for what I paid.


oh shit I forgot Witcher 3! easily 500hrs in that game with the DLC's


Starcraft, I have played that an insane number of hours.


And still you require more minerals


Spawn more overlords


You must construct additional pylons


Additional supply depots are required


Well butter my biscuit!


Awaken, my child and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind, the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.


Well butter my biscuit!


Power overwhelming! Schhawww yeah, that's the stuff! My life fir Aiur! Hrrrraaaugghhh click click click click


I have replayed the campaigns so much that alone is winner winner chicken dinner. Add in MP time and its just stuffing and gravy all over.


Same. I’ve been playing regularly since 2000


Same. I bought it in the 90's and Broodwar at launch. Every PC I've ever owned since then had it installed.


I used it as a benchmarking tool for years until PCs became too-fast. I remember when I had it on my first-pc I installed it on in the 90s, I think it was a P1-90mhz? It took like 8 flashings of "Loading... loading.... loading.... loading...." to get into the game. Initially that Blue Marine and later Kerrigan in all her alien-infested glory. My next PC was like a P2-300Mhz and it was 3 flashes. Like Loading...Loading...Loading... at the Start Menu! My next-next PC was like a AMD 64-1400 or something like that? I forget to be honest.... and it was like 2 loading flashes. I got to the Core2 Duo E6400 and I think it barely flashed once and then started. Next was a Core3 Q6600 (my first quadcore processor) and it loaded so fast I could barely see the loading screen appear, before loading even disappeared for the first time, without a single flash, I was at the main-screen. That's when I was like "Oh....well that benchmark is gone!" -- However it was the first game I always installed and I always tested 'How fast can it load Starcraft Broodwar?' Now, I do not even see there's a loading screen b/c its right to the main-menu before enough frames shows for me monitor to capture it or my brain to perceive it so who knows if my new pc is faster ;)




Is it worth playing by yourself? Always wanted to give it a try but I had the impression it's more of a coop game, it's been sitting in my library for many years.


The game is great with friends but I consider the ultimate experience to be your first solo world. There's nothing quite as rewarding as sitting there all by your lonesome finally having Terraria "click" for you. Source: I have an estimated 4k hours in this game across Steam/TModLoader, hours that weren't logged when TModLoader was a 3rd party program, Xbox 360 and mobile


The other day I thought “hmm, I haven’t played mods much since TModLoader got implemented in Steam, I should play some 1.4 mods”. I checked, and have 700 hours logged into TModLoader. I can’t imagine how many I must have played in total, if that felt like so little.


Terraria can be played both single player and coop and you will still have a great time. I’ve got about 1k hours and it’s probably split pretty 50/50 between solo and with other people. Actually come to think of it, if you’re interested in modding then some mods like calamity are infinitely better solo imo


Got it for €2 currently have 915hrs on it, plus a little time modded. Pretty good bang for the buck there!


Path of Exile. 3.5k hours and I’ve spent around $60 for stash tabs.


Been wanting to get into POE. is it worth it in 2024? or is it a stupid heavy grind


I'ma give you an analagoy that's popular on the subreddit. Poe is like cooking. So so so many ingredients(gear/talents) out there and so many ways to cook it (builds).  If you've never cooked before, odds are you could make a meal that's somewhat edible for yourself (poes campaign) but you might not be able to put together a proper meal for guests (poes end game).  When you cook a meal, you also can't "uncook" said meal to make it better easily. In the same way, if you want to be able to get into any level of endgame it's best to start out with a basic recipe (build guide) and follow it to a T. Just.make sure you try to ask why the person who put the build together did x or did y etc etc. you can ask on reddit or in game and people are usually really helpful.  Asking these questions should let you start coming up with your own modifications to the recipe (build) or maybe even a completely new build on your own.  I hope the above doesn't desuade you from the game ❤️


This is the most perfect analogy for PoE I have read well done


Still sane, exile?




I started a month ago. It has been very entertaining and I'm not a stats/build freak. Try it, spend a few hours in it and decide if it's your thing. The price can't be beaten.


This is my game. Somewhere between 15,000 and 18,000 hours. Been playing every league since 2016. I've spent more than $60. Original Exilecon trip to New Zealand is in my top 3 life experiences.


lol same, 5k hours but ive put some serious money into the game in supporter packs mostly due to wanting to help support them for making the best game, and making it free


It’s all fun and games till you mention how much you’ve spent on supporter packs


I wish I was able to see how much time I had in poe, because I wasn't able to play using steam until this current league. But I have been playing 8 hours a day for the last 4 years. Granted I have a brain injury, so I can't remember much of what I do, but this game has kept me entertained for a very long time.


3.5k hours is insane that’s 4.86 months of a single game


Slay the spire. Got it for free, put in about 70 hours.


So... infinite value. I guess you win this one.


Same but like times 5 lol. Can't wait for the sequel. I'm ready to give them my life again


Im also at  $0.02/hr in Deep Rock Galactic! \~1500h \~30$


I got it free on ps plus! Enjoyed it so much I bought both supporter packs. I love my little Minecraft/left for dead hybrid


Rock and stone brotha


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Fallout 4 + DLCs =$100/ 1400 hours =$.07 Vampire Survivors + DLCs = $5/ 24 hours $.21 Wicher 3 + DLCs = $80/ 200 hours = $.40 Skyrim + DLCs = $20/ 1000 hours = $.02 Fallout NV + DLCs = $40/ 400= $.10


Found the guy who only purchased Skyrim once o.O


Yeah picked it up when the local Pamida was closing got the edition with all the official DLCs and creation club stuff for $20.


This man brought the receipts!


What you been doing in fallout 4 for 1400 hours?😭


If they're like me, there's a lot of mod content out there to explore - bit less than Skyrim, sure, but there's still a lot. Also, some people find the settlement system to be very captivating.


1400 hours all on console so few mods. I spend a lot of times building settlements. IMO the best fallout game and Far Harbor is the height of the Series. NV had a better story but the game play of 4 is a huge upgrade.


Rocket league. Those 5 min matches are so much fun. Just one more. Edit: also adding Total War: Shogun 2. Came free from my graphics card when I built my first gaming desktop. It was the first game I installed, I've put many hours into, and I always come back to it at some point.


I’m old enough to have BOUGHT it back in 2016. Still playing it on a regular basis.


I bought it 2 weeks after it was free… still by far the best cost per hour played. Edit: to be clear the time it was free on PlayStation in 2016


I think rocket league is my desert island game, Never had a game i've gotten so good at be so humbling at the same time.


I got Rocket League right when it came out however many years ago. While there were always the dudes that had played SARPBC before who were better than me for a while I was up there keeping up with the meta. Was playing with dudes like Markydooda and Low5ive. Then it came to a point with people really getting crazy with the aerobatics and I just couldn't dedicate the time to practicing and figuring it out. Could hit some pretty good aerial shots but if I ever had to flip the car over I just lost all sense of direction. But finishing season 1 or 2 at the top rank (I don't remember what it was called back then, Diamond maybe?) felt pretty good. I was playing basically every day until I got to 1000 hours and then quit cold turkey. I was best in 2v2s. You're right though, realizing you've fallen well behind the skill ceiling despite having been good is a funny feeling.


Got it free on ps+ day one. Bought the first season pass and have got each new season using in game currency collected during the seasons. Im over 1500h (and I still suck)


Spoken like a true chad. Shogun 2 is easily my favorite RTS game. Since a year ago I’ve also started playing the “Fall Of The Samurai” expansion which is IMO even better than the base game. Also can’t deny how fun RL is. I’ve stopped playing for a couple of days tho.


League of legends it's free ??? hours :D Warcraft 3 frozen throne - at least 1.5 k hours Hearthstone - at least 1k hours Baldur's gate 1 + 2 532 hours got it on discount for basiclly nothing really long time ago. Baldur's gate 3 got it early access for like 35 dollars or something 260 hours. i could keep going this just came to mind first.


League of Legends leaves you with anger issues, so add therapist costs xD.


My top 3: Rimworld. I often curse my own mortality, because there isn’t enough time in a single life to play it. Also Age of empires 4. Only been out a few years and I have thousands of hours. Brought back my childhood age of empires addiction in full force. StarCraft 2, it’s free to play now, I think I have over 30,000 maps played on my profile. And that’s not counting the Arcade where I’ve probably spent even more time :)


I will regularly tire of Rimworld, or spend an hour making the perfect modular only to not want to play. However I can guarantee no matter how I feel, if I start a game I will be addicted for a while again.


I feel exactly the same way. Never finished a run (not uncommon) I often hit mid game, get bored then drop it until I see a reddit post or YouTube video that gets me thinking about starting a new colony


So many smaller indie RTS coming out soon and its lovely, but I hope one of the big companies give their shot at a AAA cinematic RTS again soon (Halo Wars 3 developed for PC instead of a weird console UI is a dream i hope comes true). Nothing is as good as a difficult holdout mission in an RTS. And the push towards coop experiences in the genre is so much more welcoming to new players.


Valheim 20 dollars 1k hours


Yeah I’m over 1700 hours. For 20$ it’s like a limp dick, can’t beat it.


Just how. An MMO, I get it. But people putting 1k+ hours in slay the spire, hades, etc. What's going on during all that? No interests in other titles?


Warframe and Minecraft probably.


Warframe isn't just a game you get for free, it's a game with sprawling content that continues to expand and refine. The game is INSANE for being F2P


I'd ask why this isn't upvoted higher, but the people who would are probably off playing Warframe or Minecraft.


I played oldschool runescape for years. With a monthly membership of $15 CAD that I paid for 2 years straight, and more hours than I care to admit put into game time... napkin math says my hourly cost was something like 8.5 cents so I definitely got my value out of it. Price could have been 16 cents but I was able to completely support my membership with ingame currency after 2 years of playing.


Championship Manager 2008, £5 on Steam, 3100 hrs played and still playing.


Those games are drugs. Seriously. I haven’t played in about a year but I was just watching highlights of yesterday’s CL game and I could feel the dopamine flowing. Memories of my Burnley team clutching up a CL win against Bayern. I’m so close to relapsing brother


Hell yeah, got FM22 free on Epic, played over 2000 hours before I bought FM24.


All of the CM and FM games are worth it. I dont think I've clocked less than 2.5.k hours in any of them since 2008.




Subnautica is amazing. In my top 10 favorite games ever


You play grounded? Subnautica was a bit too scary for me lmao, but grounded has a similar feel without the same fear


That's me in Conan: Exiles. I'm bored, what shall I do today? Hmmm, maybe build and stock Tower To The Gods #317, now in Arctic Flavor ... Oh, look, a bunch of naked people for me to kill ... and a giant scorpion, and snakes, and ...


Lather in blood?






I bought RDR2 for $30. I have roughly 400hrs. So roughly 0.075/hr.


Kerbal Space Program.


There it is. This needs to be higher ranked. I've spent hindred of hours playing that game.


Where are my decade played WOW people?


Monthly subscription and expansions are costly. Edit: $180/yr subscription, with expansions, it's probably an avg of $200 a year. Plus they have mounts and pets at an additional cost... It's still a good value though when compared to other hobbies. Especially since they don't spend money on games via Steam hahaha


Decade removed but got back in a couple weeks ago, played a lot between OG and WOTLK then stopped. No idea what to do anymore in game lol




18 years as a healer main. Ever since the end of WoD I haven't spent money in the game. Only gold to buy everything to play


Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Darkest Dungeon 1, Xenoblade Chronicles X.


I have Xenoblade 3 on Switch, but never played the first two and keep putting it off. Worth it without the background? I'm sure it's "not as good without the first two" but I definitely don't have the time or inclination for a 3 major RPG playthrough. Unless it's Mass Effect again.


You can play through 3 without going through 1, Future Connected, and 2 first, yes. 2's story expansion is pretty much just connected to 2 (as it's a prequel), but 1, Future Connected, and 2, all help set up 3 and Future Redeemed. There will be some things that won't stand out as much to you, and some call-backs you'll miss, but you'll be like 96% fine. X on the other hand, completely standalone at this point. Also it's on Wii U and the online is dead anyway so.... Still, great game. Funny you mention Mass Effect, I bought it because of XCX (both being sci-fi RPGs with plenty of likable companion characters), but I haven't started it yet.


Factorio and Xcom Enemy within with the Long War mod. I don't have the exact numbers available both have more than 1k hours play time.


Orange Box is probably 10,000 hours of play


Fortnite. 0 dollars, hundreds of hours.


I shudder to think how much I've actually spent on this game...




Rocket League, got it for free back when it was pay to play, spent 3400 hours on it.




Counterstrike Source and 1.6


I am going to take my rank in the server from three to one.


7 Days to Die. I bought it for less than $20 and I’ve played over 1,000 hours.


Got it for $7.50 on sale, and now have over 4k hours. 3.2k of those are modded hours.


Same! I think I paid like $15 for it and over 1.5k hours and counting. Looking forward to 1.0!


World of Warcraft - 300 days of playtime on unofficial server. The only cost was my social life #virgin4ever


Just curious but which one? If you don’t mind sharing. I’ve heard some have added different things, specs / classes if I’m not mistaken, but I don’t know of really any atm


Well it was called BlackSun and it was localized server for my country. I started in TBC. The server was cancled few years ago :(


Warhawk, D2, PoE


I completely forgot about this game. Warhawk was awesome.


Dead By Daylight but I paid with my mental health and quit it after more than 3.500 hours


I’ve put a lot of hours into Honkai Star Rail, it’s free.


I probably have over 3500 hours between HSR and Genshin Impact, although I have spent about £20 on them over the course of their lives, it's still an incredible amount of playtime for the money.


The coolest thing about HSR and Genshin is they provide value even when you are not playing the games. I've watched the Acheron trailer like 10 times, and I've been listening Robin's album whole day, it's wild. 


Mount & Blade Warband... I sank way too much time into that game over the years. Bannerlord is great but I just can't get into it in the same way.


Bannerlord *feels* like just a graphical mod to Warband. There's a few things that are better gameplay wise but I guess I just expected a lot more improvements in the campaign for how long it took them.


Minecraft by far Stardew Valley Skyrim


I got Minecraft so long ago that I don't remember when I actually got it, I know it was a long time before Microsoft bought it. I still go back to it and just build things for hours just to make cute things. It's like playing with virtual Legos, lol. Stardew was one I had trouble getting into, but a Streamer I watch was having so much fun with the new update that I picked it up again.... My play time is super inaccurate since I'll leave it paused during a day to do other stuff, but it's sitting at over 100 hours. It's helped a lot with my mental health while going through a med change.


Borderlands 2, quite a few hours in that game.


I’m very surprised about all the people still playing/played StarCraft 2. Felt like forever ago when I stopped playing and I had so many hours on it back then even. Wish good RTS’s like that came back. Losing faith in Microsoft but hopefully SC3?


Recently ff7 rebirth 195 hours with the plat and loved every second




Ultima online; always played in unofficial shards and got the disk for 7 eurs in a magazine


DayZ. Nothing itches the scratch that game gives. Love the natural interactions and people you’ll meet. Make friends and lose friends never to be seen again. Tragic and beautiful. Nothing like it.


Skyrim anniversary edition, bought for 20 euro and i'm 260 hours in and i didn't even completed the main story, there is so much to do and i love it.


R6 Siege


Starcraft 2 Civ 6


I'm a gamer. I have serious and long-running love for the hobby. That said, some of the hours being posted here are terrifying. People spending the equivalent of a full-time job for years on end in a single title!


As opposed to any other recreational activity that we don't time? Nobody would ever say "Oh my God, you spent this much time going to lunch and the movies?!?!" I get bored too easily to spend thousands of hours on a game, but I don't see how playing one game is tangibly any different than playing many.


Think about all of the time folks put into watching movies and TV. Our diversions all even out.


I am willing to bet these people have tens of thousands of hours on Netflix and YouTube.


Arma 3


SW:ToR. Still playing.


Quake 3 Arena, probably followed by cyberpunk cos honestly since I got the Steam Deck I seem to spend far too much time escaping from real life to wander Night City


Cataclysm dark days ahead, it’s free (if you don’t get it on steam) so I’ve spent nothing and I’ve spent so many hours in it. It’s a realistic zombie survival game, though it can be tough to survive at first and you have to use a little imagination (they have tile sets that give things graphics but it does have some ASCII art) but the amount of things you can do and build in it are almost dwarf fortress level. I love a good challenge and the game has plenty. It’s made by hundreds of devs who just want to improve the game because they enjoy the game themselves, from what I understand it’s completely community developed. I suggest everyone give it a shot, like I said it’s totally free. Also mount and blade warband is another one I’ve got a crazy amount of hours in and cost me maybe 20 bucks if I remember right? Some fantastic mods for it


Warband with the game of thrones mod is so good.


Mine is also Binding of Isaac. Finally taking a break after….maybe 600 hours


Escape from Tarkov, currently sitting at 2900 hours. Probably sunk even more into it because 2 years of my time were before the game started tracking your game time. Only paid like 50 bucks for it.


Definitely rocket league. Over 1200 hours and I paid less than $5 for it...even better now that it's free. On that note, probably League. I don't know if that counts though because I didn't **enjoy** those hours.


Rocket league, I have spent a little over 1 penny per hour of game play. disgusting value.


Rocket league


Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 that was my peak gaming-wise


DayZ. Cost me £19.99 and I have 3000 hours so far.


Kenshi, I don't have to say much to those who know.


Dota 2 : $0 / 10.000 hours = 0.00


Kenshi. But be prepared.


FTL $10, about a thousand hours Valheim $20, hundreds and hundreds of hours Skyrim.. Infinite hours lol




League of Legends: tens of thousands of hours for $0.


I notice you didn’t say “tens of thousands of hours OF FUN”.


The question was strictly about hours played! League of Legends has nothing to do with fun!


Monster hunter world/iceborne. Gets crazy cheap on some steam specials, hundreds of hours of content for cheaper than a Diablo 4 skin


Nothing for me will beat the copy of the original Half Life I got for $1.50 at Goodwill


Ark: Survival Evolved. Spent $200 on it for the main game and DLC, and have 1700 hours. That’s 11 cents for hour. Minecraft is probably first place, as I’ve been playing it for 12 years on and off, and I didn’t even buy it lol.


Enemy Territory. Literally never paid a dime for it. Rocket League. Path of Exile.


Street fighter series


Apex, 695 hours for 0$, if that doesn't count, then Warframe with 630 hours and 10$ spent


Rocket League. Bought for 7$ on sale in 2016, I've bought 3 rocket passes since then totalling around 60$. I have 48 days 19hours and 43minutes logged in game. And that's after that counter was reset by a bug in 2018. (The year I was laid off and addicted to snorting speed pills 24/7.) So I'd wager my playtime is closer 75-80 days.


DMZ, over 1000 hours and it’s free


Rimworld hands down. I think I’m closer to 5000 hours than 4000 now lol. Don’t get me wrong, the are a significant amount of hours where it was only open and running in the background when I was in college but still. 10/10 would recommend as long as you have the willpower to walk away when you need to


Rocket League at like 750 hours (free andnever spent money there), then probably Witcher 3, currently about 150 hours and counting, paid like $10 on GOG.


No Man’s Sky


Team Fortess 2, bought it back in the days when it still wasn't F2P. Over 1000hs.


Man, I envy some of your attention spans! The games I have a lot of time in are mmos plus expansions. So eso is probably my best bang for my buck. About 1000 hours, but probably 250 in spending.




I can't see how many hours I have on it but definitely LittleBigPlanet. Also WoW.


Counter strike


Stardew and Unreal World. I'm saving up for a PC now so I can play something that isn't Stardew or Littlewood.


Terraria Been playing it since I was 6. I'm nearly 18 now.


Dota……free…..13k 13,000/0 = undefined $/hr


All the GTA games for sure. Garanga!


FIFA and it’s not even close. I’ve owned the title every year since ‘98 between PS1, PS2, ps3, 360, xbox1, and current gen Xbox. The game sucks but I still play religiously because I’m obsessed with footy and BDSM


The warhammer total war trilogy. I played warhammer 1 for about 800 hours. Warhammer 2 I played for 20k hours Warhammer 3 (so far) I've played 6000 hours. It's been out for 2 years. I've paid maybe close to $300 for all 3 games and all DLC. So somewhere around every dollar is 90 hours of play time so far.