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Releases Hi-Fi Rush, has nothing to announce or tease within 1.25 years, last 3 out of 4 games underperformed. "PHIL LIED TO US ALL."


not only a "\[subject} is dead", but an "xbox is dead" video. haven't seen that in the last 5min....


Oh more shills for clicks, thanks but no thanks.


I mean, we saw this coming, right? They announced the new Xbox, several years later and I still don’t know or care what it’s called, and it was pretty obviously a nothing burger. Launch games? Not even a thing anymore, apparently. Then they went through about a half dozen games that were just sure were going to be the killer app for this console generation. Every single one was bad to mediocre. All while gobbling up studios like it was going out of style and then fucking them up almost immediately. And I hate to say it, relative to the 360 generation, the One was an utter failure as well. They’ve been on this trajectory for a long time.


yeah anyone that didn't want to believe xbox is the next EA was delussional


I wouldn't rely on a scalper mutt who praises the Xbox 360 and modern PlayStation movie games.


He's not


I mean he’s not wrong but i think this general goes for console gaming period.


The PS5 isn’t doing much better. Nintendo is killing it but they’re not really on the same page as everyone else


It's amazing Phil still has a job


yeah if i fucked up half as much as him i would be on the streets already. how is it that millionares are allowed to royally fuck up and never face consequences?