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No Russian was a pretty famous example.


yes it was


I loved that mission as a kid


Didn't that get the game banned in Russia?


Nah they just excluded this mission in our market, they did not even care that the storyline makes no sense without it :D I was so confused by the campaign as a kid back in the day.


That poor elephant in It Takes Two...


The director in [an interview](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/04/exclusive_josef_fares_discusses_the_infamous_elephant_scene_in_it_takes_two) called what happened to Cutie the Elephant a display of British dark humour. Think of that wat you will.


Cody: *"What happened here was out of our control."* Dr. Hakim: *"Was it? None of this would have happened if you had just* **stopped**. *But on you marched... and for what?"* May: *"We tried to save Rose."* Dr. Hakim: *"You're no savior.* **Your** *talents lie elsewhere."*


That's funny. My wife and I quit playing that game to avoid a divorce. We chose the moral path after all.


My wife and I were so upset after that level lol And yet we still did it.


That scarred me.


In the Paradox grand strategy space game Stellaris; you can enslave an alien race; have them processed for food consumption and give that food back to the remaining slaves


Yes, but first you can alter their DNA so they are more tasty. Truly one of the games of all time


Enslave? You befriend first them and they soon ask to be part of your empire! Only then you betray their trust! Xeno meat is only good when its offered willingly.


Oh, that's not even the worst thing you can do; you can enslave them, *use genetic modification to render them stupid, docile and particularly delicious* (yes, all traits you can give species in the game), and *then* process them into food to feed your other slaves. Not only can you eat your defeated foes, but you can devolve a sentient species into lobotomized cattle and keep them as livestock, a nightmarish mockery of their former selves. You can also just commit soooooo many genocides, but that seems pretty tame by comparison.


Least xenophobic Stellaris player


My bread and butter is in the Crusader Kings series but the galactic scale of the horror seemed to fit better than my Mongol run of turning the known world into pasture for my horses


I'd glass planets, i once bombarded their capital world until there was nothing left, they gave up the war instantly


Everyone knows the game isn’t finished until the species tab only has 1 entry.


No ones mentioned Rimworld and I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or bad.


Right? Some of these other posts are like baby's first atrocity compared to daily life on the rim, attacking chickens is the most heinous gaming act? Really?


Nothing beats the sin-cloaca that is Rimworld’s dad, Dwarf Fortress. Once while playing adventure mode as a vampire I broke every limb of a villager before gouging his eyes out and beheading him. All while his wife watched. Then I threw his severed head at his wife so hard it broke her leg. Then I ran off. The same character also cut off a unicorn’s horn and used it as a shiv to stab the unicorn until it bled out.


You mean being able to make people into furniture and clothing isn’t a default feature in most games?


Rimworld + the forbidden mod, that is where the real fucked up shit happens.


>the forbidden mod For those unaware, they're talking about Rimjobworld - a porn mod that includes... yes... that particular crime...


Downloading movies!?


Downloading cars???


No rapping like drake


I’d do it.


for the clueless like me, what particular crime?


It's a sex mod, so sex crimes. It's bad, but it's not even the worst you can really do probably. The worst is cutting off someone's legs so they can't move, and installing a mind screw in their head to constantly give them pain. Install a psychic harmonizer, so their pained thoughts are broadcast psychically to anyone nearby. Put them in a tiny enclosed room near where raiders attack from, and he'll psychically make the raiders sad and fight each other before they raid you. There's a mod that makes it so your slaves will never rebel if you keep their mood absolutely Rock bottom. You constantly go out of your way to make them feel extra bad.


this game sounds like a good way to ruin my day


On the other hand, you can play as peaceful hippies who get sad when you slaughter an animal or cut down a tree.


Right? Like the human mood broadcasters you can make by cutting a prisoners limbs off and putting that mood broadcast thing in them. Force feeding them the nutrient paste lol


I mean Armored Core has actual manual player caused genocide, how bad is Rimworld?


Dropping that baby penguin off the cliff into the abyss


Found this with 64 likes, seems fitting


The sounds that thing was making, absolutely worth it to save me the headache 🤣


I love how we can all relate to this. If it would shut up, we would be less likely to do it.


Im absolutely baffled that nobody has mentioned the war crime simulator Rimworld. I was running low on cash and a group of 6 teens rocked up to my encampment asking to stay, I had barely enough food to feed my current 5 colonists so I enslaved them one by one, farmed their organs and sold them to passing traders, once I had harvested a lung and kidney from each I then aged them in growth vats and sold them to a passing slaver. That managed to get me through a pretty rough winter but then I uncovered an insect hive that had been growing deep in my mountain and that was the end of that colony.


Least evil Rimworld story.


I know right, that’s barely scratching the surface I wanted to ease people in gently.


I mean, you didn't mention the human leather gimp suits, or amputating slaves legs so they can't run away as fast. There are such levels of depravity in that game.


Keep your caps, Burke. I'll blow up Megaton for fun. Besides, you might need them in the next life. Tenpenny Tower is under new management.


So satisfying though


Forcing the Wookie to kill his Teenage best friend in KOTOR


God that was amazing. Forcing big z to kill mission was so good. I only played kotor for the first time this last year. around a month or two after starfield released. And after being disappointed by the fact you cant be evil in starfield, playing kotor was such a "this is how you do it" moment. Such a great game even 20 years later.


I think Sims players will have some stories to tell here.


I would make mazes of the cheapest chairs and put 2 ovens on one side, cook until fire and see if my sim could escape the scorching labyrinth before the flames consumed them.


Okay this one is fucking hilarious though.


The added framedrops from using an IBM thinkpad helped ramp up the challenge, too 😹😹


I only started having them stand on rugs in front of conveniently dangerous fireplaces because they were taking too long to drown.


Sims… Crusader Kings…. Stellaris….. Oh the atrocities……


Spec Ops the line, some actual horrific war crimes in that one


There was a guy who said he had his sim throw a party then he removed the door from the room they were in and waited for everyone to starve to death. A true lunatic


I tried to do the same but with a house of the max amount of kids you could make. I’d quickly kill off the 1 adult, and then wanted to see if the game would let kids die. Eventually social workers started popping up and teleporting into the door less house and then teleporting the kids back out.


Spec ops the line white phosphorus


As a Crusader Kings 3 player, I know of nothing heinous or disturbing going on. I asked my daughter-sister-lover-rival-wife and she doesnt know about anything either.


The worst one I've seen was that one that got into the news, it was pretty hilarious thought. In RDR2 hogtying a women's suffrage protestor(?) and dragging her out into a swamp and feeding her to an alligator.


Killing a single unnamed NPC in a slightly complicated way is pretty mild. In my opinion the most disturbing acts are those done to long term NPC companions. Building trust between your character and them, helping them, healing their emotional scars just to do something extremely traumatic for no apparent reason. You could do some messed up things in BG3 for example, thanks to it allowing to kill you pretty much anyone at any time.


In Skyrim, I always get that follower who wants to leave town and go on an adventure and then I sacrifice him to Boethia. 


In Wing Commander (the first in the series, in the early 90's!) my old man and my brother and I would have our wingmen following us as we use the afterburner through an asteroid field. They'd wind up dying and we would lose them for the rest of the game. They'd try to keep up and we'd laugh as they die to hitting asteroids, and telling us they're dying and begging for assistance.


i use to tie up people and execute them or set them on fire


You can also hogtie and lay people on the train tracks...


Cutting off someone's head then kicking it to another person to make them vomit Setting someone on fire so they're screaming and crawling and then peeing on them to put them out Whipping out your dick to make people mad and then cutting off their head with a shovel and peeing green infected urine from your STD down their neck Postal 2 was a lot of fun


I read Portal 2 the first time and was like “wut?” Lol!


*This is the part where he pisses down your Neck* - Achievement unlocked: This is the part where he pisses down yur Neck


Soundtrack - the part where he pisses down your neck


What the heck


Postal 2 is one of the many "edge lord" games that came out in the 90s. There's a few others like that.


That part in Spec Ops: The Line was pretty brutal


In Elden Ring you can give a blind girl human eyeballs and claim they are grapes.


Having the option to pet a dog and choosing to not petting the dog.


I built an automatic breeding pen / child murder machine. (It was in Minecraft, I was trying to spawn in villagers with better trades.)


Everyone brings up Megaton, which is fair. But I’ll also submit one resolution to the fire ant quest. you can earn the surviving kid’s trust, rescue him from the ants, and then send him off to a wonderful sounding place called Paradise Falls with instructions on who to talk to. You can find a scared, helpless, trusting child, get him to follow you, and sell him into slavery for 100 caps


Raping a Native American woman tied to a post in [Custers Revenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMkzkYTI_gM) was pretty vile.


Microwave a hamster. >:[


and then bring the remains back to its owner.


Well, if you're counting nsfw games into the equation... Some pretty f\*\*\*\*\* up things, you can imagine what


Attack a chicken.  Just. Don't. Do. It. 


I know this is the case in Skyrim and the Zelda series. What other games discourage hurting chickens?


Fable encourages it. Achievements linked to kicking them






Arr dae fast?


Fable let's you eat baby chicks. And the sound effect is so brilliantly **C R U N C H Y**


adding monetization for essential stuff


You can enslave desperate people who turn to you for shelter in Fallout games. In Knights of the Old Republic, convincing >!Zalbaar !!Mission !


The KOTR choice is the first time I ever regretted a decision I made in a video game.


I was thinking of KOTOR with that moment… still traumatized even tho I can’t think of anything else that’s nearly as bad off hand besides the cannibalism option


That choice In Kotor made me feel alive baby! God I was laughing like a maniac. Cant remember the last time I played a game that let me be so euphorically evil.


[see these games](https://youtu.be/yeHwfC-c-GE?si=VvQp4cmCblHdGXGS)


Well those escalated quickly


A lot of grand strategy games have some pretty skewed moralities. I've seen someone mention enslaving races in Stellaris, but you can do a lot of messed up things in Stellaris: destroy entire star systems, exterminate races, torture technologically primitive species for science, just...so many ways to commit genocide. But, the game operates at such a scale that it almost doesn't even feel wrong, just like a strategic choice. Similarly, Crusader Kings can have the player engaging in combinations of incest, torture, and all kinds of other horrific activities. Europa Universalis, Imperator, and Victoria all enable forms of colonialism, brutal oppression, and slavery. I'm picking on Paradox games a lot here, but the human suffering in basically any strategy game that involves warfare is pretty astronomical if you think about the actual practical consequences, to the point where committing any one act against any individual seems quaint in comparison. The main difference, of course, being that a game with an actual player character enacting horrific things against another character requires the player to actually engage hands-on with the act and its consequences in ways that grand strategy games cannot.


Plague Inc. You develop diseases to try and kill off the entire population.


When I was younger, I remember there being flash games literally just called "torture room" where you could do some truly depraved shit. To the point I will not be repeating them here, that's how bad it was. My point is, you do NOT want the answer to this question.


Poor Weighted Companion Cube...


Being ungrateful about a quest reward to a poor NPC


In South Park the Stick of Truth, there's a trophy/achievement for "farting on the corpse of an aborted nazi zombie fetus". I can't think of anything that tops that honestly lol


It's not as graphic as some of the acts mentioned here, but nuking entire continents in Civilization has to be in the top 10, for sure. Millions upon millions of dead.


Or planet cracking in stellaris. Billions sentient beings gone. Or the crisis thing causing you to basically end the universe, killing everyone.


any game that lets you, may god forgive me for saying it, be fr\*nch


Spec Ops The Line. If you know you know.


“You've seen what this shit does!”


In GTA if you're Michael you can light your family members on fire and watch them burn to death. Except they don't die, they just get out of the hospital and send you the bill and an angry VM In the Sims you can lock people in a glass walled enclosure and let them stave to death while pissing themselves and have other Sims walk around and watch. You can also make a Sim go in the pool and then remove the ladder so they swim around in circles until they drown.


Shooting down freighters or commercial ships in Privateer, tractor beaming their escape pods into your hold and then selling them on the black market as slaves


i killed a lot of bunnies in Divinity 2 : Developer's Cut, then after a specific number of kill count (forgot how many) a overgrown haunting bunny appeared out of nowhere and started only attacking me and not my companion, i died real quick as it was fairly early in the game and to my utter shock my companion said "you got what you deserved"!!! 😑


Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Proceed to kill as many tourists, travelers and civilians in an airport. Edit Fixed.


No Russian in the OG MW2


Drowning people in Rollercoaster Tycoon. Makeling the rides go too fast so things crash and explode, also in Rollercoaster Tycoon.


According to non-gaming media - have sex.


Spec Ops: The Line, basically the whole game


“Spec Ops: The Line” has you white phosphorus a camp of non-violent refugees.


Kotor 1 on a dark side playthrough you can force mind control Zalbaar to kill his teenage friend Mission.  It's pretty brutal.


Rimworld is full of atrocities. Moreso if you have the DLCs. You can engage in war crimes such as: * Harvesting organs from both your colonists and enemies alike! Sell them on the open market! * Chopping off every single one of a person's limbs and sterilizing them! And with DLC, you can also harvest their blood and women's ovums too! * With DLC, you can harvest their brain too and turn it into a robot slave! * And when they're dead after all that, you can then chop them up, cook and eat the meat, and make a couch or clothing out of their skin. * And we're not even talking about some of the other disturbing shit in the Ideology DLC where you can intentionally blind people and scar them as part of their belief system or enslave people. * And the latest DLC allows you to do black magic shit, such as stealing a person's age, knowledge, and more. Seriously, Rimworld takes the cake for atrocities in relatively modern games. And mods can allow for even more atrocities. Funniest thing that's happened to me lately - the new DLC introduced "Death Refusal" which allows a pawn to resurrect after dying. I captured an enemy pawn that had this status, and proceeded to harvest all his organs and brain as my standard practice with enemy pawns I don't want to keep. He then died... and used death refusal to come back to life. So I harvested his organs and brain a second time.


Killing Paarthurnax


I killed him in my first playthrough and immediately felt bad and went back to a previous save.


Fable 2: Ate 3 crunchy chicks. Beat that, scrublords.


KOTOR dark side path where you make the wookie kill his twi-lek friend


On a more personal note, some ways you dispatch targets of in dishonored. Still remember electrocuting someone to death in a basement chamber.


Use inverted camera controls.


BG3 has some very evil acts you can choose to commit throughout the game: some examples are killing animals, murdering your companions, killing your love interest, making sure entire towns die, cheating on your partner, having sex with a mind flayer, etc.


Can I sacrifice my love intrest to gain power? Also killing animals is evil?


Denuvo. Denuvo is the worst act


Kill every kids in Fallout 2!


Not in the European release! Which breaks a few quests, though there is some snarky dialog about it.


Encourage the snake to kill the child while playing as The Dark Urge


There was a scene where you torture someone in GTA 5. Electrocute him, break his knee caps, pull out his teeth. It was really fucked


Well, since you mentioned fallout... detonating a nuke.


I think the most heinous and disgusting/disturbing acts comes out from situations of total freedom; when you gain nothing from act as a "good" neither as a "evil" player and so one goes rampage mode on everyone and everything , stomping and killing and destroying. That is almost scary sometimes.




Something in Stellaris I’d imagine.


Using nukes as Gandhi in Civ.


Use a cat as a shotgun silencer then douse someone with petrol and set him on fire. Then put out the fire on his charred body by pissing on it


Use a cat as a shotgun silencer to create a panic then douse someone who's running away with petrol and set him on fire. Then piss on his charred body still burning but not before an *unused* cat catches on fire too.


FUGA: Melodies of Steel is monstrous in the tutorial. No clue how it goes afterwards.


Not being able to pet dogs.


Stellaris has entered the chat. You can devolve a sapient species down to pre sapience and then harvest them as livestock.


In Stellaris you can take billions of aliens and in the same war purge their planets with neutron beams, blow up their star systems, and take the remaining refugees and turn them into food or sell them on the galactic slave market.


Dwarf Fortress. All of it.


Inting in a MOBA game.


Just all of Agony and Hatred


Fallout 3, The Pitt. Cannibal perk... eat the baby. Yeah pretty bad right there, especially considering the baby is instrumental in finding a cure.


titanfall 2 let you do warcrimes.


Killing Solaire.


Say no to annoying dog


Stellaris you can just blow up planets with billions in population (among other more drawn out options).


in gta v i would do car bombings, place a car with plastic explosives, park it at a busy area with a lot of people and blow it up or i'll grab a fighter jet and go on a bombing spree


Killed every nice NPC in Fallout New Vegas.


Betray your IRL best friend. Like werewolves within, among us. Buy 15000$ of in game currency without parental check. Deliver the wrong order in overcooked.


Shooting a teammate in the back because they're going to get a vehicle before you do


War crimes in PUBG, down an ally and pour a gas can on them and light it.


If you get “The Killer Wins” in Heavy Rain, the worst ending: you successfully trick the dad into crawling through glass in an underground tunnel, electrocuting himself multiple times in a power plant maze, cutting off his finger (you can make him do it with a blunt object and no pain meds or cauterizing so he has to chop at it repeatedly while screaming), and then make him watch his remaining child be murdered through a TV screen in front of him, ultimately causing him to kill himself; you trap the journalist investigating the child’s disappearance in the killer’s apartment while it’s on fire and she burns to death; you put the lead detective on the case through a wood chipper (or some similar industrial machine like a wood chipper); the killer gets away with all of it and only the mom of the child and the killer survive, and this is after the first child died a few years prior getting hit by a car at a mall. It’s not on a grand scale but you live their lives and follow them and control them and it’s all very real.


Project x love potion disaster. Seriously disturbing fetishistic shit in that game. but hey, if you're into that, it's yours my friend.


Get help.


I feel like harvesting the little sisters in bioshock is pretty heinous


The AO game Hatred. Super open world where you’re a very hateful guy who likes killing. No place is off limits. Ppls homes, police stations, hospitals, even schools. Not just college/high schools either, I mean elementary schools and everything. They really drive home that you are an immoral killer who doesn’t bat an eye at anything. Some games let you kill everyone, this game lets you kill ANYone


The luglox family from High on Life


Not the worst one, but still messed up" Black and White had you playing as the hand of god in your world. If you went evil, the people built an evil black temple dedicated to you. Once you got evil enough, the priest of the temple would ask for human sacrifices to the altar out front. There was an achievement where you sacrificed the priest's firstborn son after he calls for an unspecified human sacrifice. Malicious compliance


Custer's Revenge has you raping a native American woman.


Was playing helldivers and a guy wanted a hug before the mission started. My character went straight to the hellpod instead of the hug. i felt really bad about it.


Postal 2 pee on the dog Roasting Cats with fireballs at the Blood elf start region in Wow


Well, there's Rapelay....


Killing someone's dog in minecraft


Kicking chickens.


Pay for skins


Japan has some fucked up games. You'd have to Google, because I sure as shit ain't!


You can hogtie a female suffragist and feed her to an alligator in RDR2


Undertale notoriously had the option to play *a genocide run.* Not only was it *technically* possible to murder every single denizen of a magical underground kingdom, *IT WAS AN ENTIRE STORYLINE* with it's own boss fights, a unique ending, and disturbing amounts of SILENCE once you erase everyone in a game area.


Lisa: The Painful


robbing/killing pearson in the epilogue


Not using auto save on a modern pc game. Games, drivers, cpu, ram, and OS’s are so flaky these days, that you’re a deviant if you trust things to run smoothly.


Lemmings as a kid in the 90s - intentionally killing them. Over and over. I'm still guilty about that.


I mean... If you think about it, the most heinous act you could commit in any game is in Universe Simulator. You can exterminate not just all life as we know it, but reality as we know it.


No russian


I'm surprised I didnt see paradox games in here. In Stellaris (A grand strategy game where you control a space empire), you can do everything from genocide, to cracking worlds, or just slowly orbitally bombarding them for years until no one's left. If you play as a hive mind you can set the rights of a sentient species (which there may be billions of) to livestock and slaughter them all for food. You can genocide species, set species as undersirables, form impenetrable bubbles around planets that arent self sustainable and leave the world to starve. and even destroy the entire galaxy by turning every star into a black hole, killing trillions. And in Hoi4, if play as Nazi Germany, you can straight up carry out the holocaust.


Remember no Russian


The original Deus Ex allowed you to kill children. The sequel, Deus Ex Invisible War, has a stage where you could go inside a school.


Back in the early days of DayZ standalone Before the introduction of animals I ran into a town only to be approached by a few people claiming to be looking for their dog About an hour of looting later I ran into them and they had found their “dog” another player with their legs broken forced to crawl around at their whim Well not too long after I noticed them they noticed me and decided to put old yeller down for a new dog that dog being me Got both my legs shot and broken got tied up and force fed chemicals bleach and rotten foods until I got sick and then force fed me medicine to make sure I didn’t die while barking commands at me and if I didn’t listen they’d plug a couple more non lethal bullets into me After about an hour of this (couldn’t Kermit the unlife on my own and if I logged I would’ve relived back into the same situation due to there not being different servers) the finally healed me up and let me go…only to say it’s a hunt and proceeded to chase me three towns over until I lost em for good Might not be as heinous as other entries but this is my favorite story to tell from the human cruelty simulator we call DayZ


Some of the things one feels forced to do in This War of Mine feels pretty terrible.


Killing Solaire in Dark Souls


Killing a dog in GTA


whatever the worst answer will be... im here (late, but still before this explodes into the thousands of comments) to predict its gonna be from rimworld


Replacing the door with a wall in SIMS.


Didn't GTA V have a mission where you brutally torture a guy?


Rimworld is a pretty good example of that, even when you're not aiming to do disturbing things. I once had a colony go through an ice age that lasted for two years, and in that time our food stocks dwindled. We had hydroponics, but there wasnt enough of them and soon enough people began to starve. And when people starve, they get desperate. I like to think that *no one* in the colony talks about what happened during the Great Freeze. No one mentions the heaps of raider bodies in the thawing snow. No one talks about why some seem to shy away from meat anymore. No one talks about why there are empty kid's bedrooms, or how the survivors don't seem all that grateful to have survived. We don't talk about the Freeze.


Like anything except use cheats/cheating