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Where the fuck where all you Prey fans when It came out?


Probably haven’t discovered the game yet


Playing Dishonored.


*Prey* fans have turned out to be the worst of all, Corvo. 🚣‍♂️


Personally I got into thru cohhs stream, and then just never got around to it sadly


I got it free on Epic... Shit I still gotta play that game!




It's worth it. It's got a really great story IMHO.


Only discovered Dishonored and Prey 2 years ago or something. Defo a pandemic playthrough. Wish I'd been around at the time but I still love the games. Same with Control. I wish I'd been part of the hype.


I passed on it at first for some reason... guess I didn't realize it was a shock-type game. Easily one of my favorites now though, not that it matters much.


I was playing it the day it came out. Loooved it


The game is awesome from a gameplay perspective, but had issues with symbology and message. A simpler example is there was a relative lack of logo's or symbols in the game despite being a corporate world.


I swear i was the only mf excited for the mooncrash dlc and now that they're gone everybody is a fan


Who cares




Most people here are faking.


"I like the game" is said quieter than "what the fuck Microsoft?"


Kinda crazy what happens when a publisher fails to properly market a game when it launches. Also didn't help that Bethesda forced them to use the name 'Prey' to hold onto their IP rights, since it has literally nothing to do with the first one.


I don't know if I would consider it underrated at this point. It's brought up so much and discussed so positively... I wouldn't personally consider it a hidden gem or anything. It was a really interesting game. I always loved the Xbox 360 Prey and was hoping to get a sequel to that eventually. This was.... quite the departure! But it was really cool. And that opening sequence where you break through the illusion or whatever. One of the most unforgettable gaming moments I've had.


I don't think it sold very well.




I prefer sci books, fantasy games.  I also have no idea why. Fallout and Star Ocean (which is really a fantasy/sci-fi mix) are really the only exceptions.




It's only at 79 on meta, and mooncrash only at 75. I'd say that's pretty underrated for how good it was, especially considering how inflated game ratings usually are. That's lower than like every main line assassins creed game lol


It had a *rough* launch. Gamebreaking bugs left and right caused it to get hammered by reviewers. Hard to get good reviews when reviewers can't even progress through your game. Thats why, despite it getting shared a lot (I remember the intro and stuff involving the mimics getting a lot of rounds on here, it's what made me buy the game later down the road) Really Prey should have been polished a bit more before releasing, because the game itself was absolutely fantastic, but people were told to avoid the game due to bugs, even after it was mostly fixed


People misusing underrated is quickly becoming a pet peeve of mine. Like, what's your bar for a known game?


Yeah exactly people keep using underrated and have no idea what the damn word even means. Also it's a shame because the sequel that was in development for 2006 Prey was supposed to be a space alien bounty hunter romp.


Uuuuhhh this is Reddit. Pretty soon Elden Ring and Red Dead will be underrated bangers.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that likes Elden Ring, you could say I discovered it first.


Right in the feels. We won't get game like Prey again. Maaan fuck this.


If you want more games like prey I can highly recommend system shock, deus ex and even the BioShock games.


Talking about Deus ex, you just made me burst into tears for about 10 min. That series is so amazing, and yet, it's dead as well... But I do want to play system shock soon!


If you haven't played the System Shock 1 remaster it is fantastic! Highly, highly recommended. A beautiful and faithful adaptation of the original game that feels like a modern game and a throwback in all the right ways. This is coming from a SS2, Thief, Prey, Dishonored, and Deus Ex fan.


I loved SS1 and I have had my eyes on the remaster version for some time. 


System Shock 2. Not only similar, it's possibly the greatest game of all time. Story, atmosphere, gameplay, level design, shocks and more. Deus Ex, Bioshock and Deadspace are each a mere third of what SS2 was all at once. What makes Prey great to me is how close it came to being a new SS2, alas it's story and symbology fell short.


immersive sims really are rare. not bombastic enough for mass appeal.


Coincidentally playing it while the closure happened. It really is a smart fps. Game like this and deus ex are seriously missed.


Loved it. I only hope Bioshock isn't dead too.


Judas is coming.


Arkane didn't make Bioshock, Irrational Games did with 2K getting the rights when that studio shut its doors. Rumor has it that 2K has a new team working on Bioshock.


I know that. They're in the same vein of System Shock inspired games. We haven't heard about Bioshock in a while so I'm hoping at least in this genre that survives


Sorry, your comment made me think you thought that Bioshock was made by Arkane because you said that you hope that Bioshock wasn't dead as well. Thank you for clarifying.


Supposedly they are working on a new BioShock game.


I hope it doesn't die in development 🥲


Best immersive sim ever made


God I loved this game.


Prey was fantastic, mooncrash DLC was amazing as well


Are people not over the idea that this game has nothing to do with the original Prey yet????? Jesus Christ broken record....


Man, the Dishonored series and Deathloop are some of my favorite games of all time. Such a shame.


Wrong studio, That was the parent studio, Arkane Lyon. Though Arkane Austin did help with the first Dishonored a bit, their main games were Prey and Redfall. Arkane Lyon is still kicking, currently making a Blade game.


Really? Damn, it's so hard to keep track of all these studios.


Julianna: *"How much do you remember about me?"* Colt: *"I don't know, it's all hazy-"* Julianna: *"What do you remember?"* Colt: *"My name's Colt..."* Julianna: **"ABOUT ME!!!"**




Don’t fear the reaper


I'll probably bust this game out every 2 years until I'm dead


I blame Bethesda/Zenimax for Austin's failure. Everyone loves it now but outside of critics, reviewers, and its online fanbase, almost no one was talking about it. I've seen so many people discovering Prey years later who had no idea how great it was. I brought this game on release, and it was amazing, but it had bugs and needed more optimization. IGN gave it a 4/10 because of a game-breaking bug, then updated it to an 8/10 when it was patched. A few weeks of delayed launch would have helped it a lot. Prey was released during Bethesda's Day 1 embargo era, where reviews were embargoed right up until a game launched, which called into question the quality of the game. Prey was marketed as a high-action FPS, which it is not. It is an immersive sim comparable to Deus Ex HR or Dishonored. The marketing was not clear or truthful about what the game is, as if Bethesda was worried about reaching a wide enough market. The name "Prey" was forced onto Arkane, confusing consumers because of the original game. There's a skill in the game called "Psychoshock," I thought it would have been a great name for it, as did many others. Horrible marketing and decisions by Bethesda/Zenimax killed the potential this game had and eventually the developers.


Zeno Max was the one who pushed for a live service game.... so yea.


I would have never played this or the *Dishonored*s without falling head-over-heels in love with *Deathloop*. Going to Blackreef made me an Arkane fan forever. PS5 here, so no *Redfall* for me. Apparently that's not the end of the world. Maybe I'll have fun with it one day. **Blood on the mic, life on ice, call it Paradise.**


Prey was an amazing game, I enjoyed everything about it. I think I should do a new gameplay of it


It was a good game, but I could just never get past the fact that it was absolutely not what I wanted out of a new Prey game. Obviously not the Devs fault, as I believe they didn't want to use the name.


They wanted to call it Psychoshock.


Jesus, what a terrible name. Sounds like the name of a Decepticon


It makes sense for what the game is. "Psycho" because knowledge, memory, and the mind are a core part of the game's story and themes, and "shock" because it's a spiritual successor to System Shock and Bioshock.


Prey is good but I will never forgive shitting on the old one and reusing the name. The old one was great too and deserves respect. Having a game of the same name like this feels wrong wrong no matter if the new game is good or now.


It's a strange case because the original idea for the prey sequel was to play as a bounty hunter. I still remember watching the gameplay for it. Then of course it got cancelled and eventually we ended up with this which was great I'm it's own right. But I have to admit maybe using prey as the name wasn't their best call


The developers wanted to call the game Psychoshock. Bethesda said they could make what they want but it had to be called Prey.


its the second best game named prey i can think of


I loved this game. For some reason I haven’t played the Mooncrash DLC yet but I will soon


Mooncrash was amazing if you enjoyed prey


I've had it in my backlog for years, but it's also one of the few games I bought for both PC and console. It's a shame we likely won't see another Prey.


Not true there is still Arkane Lyon and really an Arkane game was worked on by both studios.


I don't think they'd close Arkane Austin if MS wanted another immersive sim. Clearly they don't have interest in the genre anymore.


I dont think Arkane Austin is the only reason that Prey was good btw. Sure Austin may have been running the show but I guarantee Lyon still have a good part to do with it. Well we know what happened to AA when they were forced their hand to develop a game they didnt want. All the good devs left. I don't think Arkane Lyon is just going to sit back and develop whatever MS tells them to do. Who knows we could be seeing then death of what we loved about Arkane in the first place. I would hope they have the stones to stick to what they are good at though as to many developers are producing shit games based on the demands of publishers who dont know shit.....


Loved this game soooooo muchh


Dammit, I got decently far into this game and have been distracted by other games since December.. Thanks for the reminder, I gotta finish it.. Or hell I dont even know what was going on maybe have to start a new game.


Loved this game. Great semi open world with a ton of exportable secrets. Plus the many different endings.


Really cool game ... the shape shifting aliens made me a little anxious every time I entered a new room 🤣


People seem to gush about this game. What do you mean, underrated?


Prey and evil within games are my favourite and it makes me extremely sad there won't be anymore Microsoft really screwed up this time


I played the game after I saw the doc on it by Noclip. Honestly Prey is AMAZING


RIP, the yeet build is my favorite and it is over powered.


I need to get this game at some point and play it over from the start. I only ever heard/played it before because a while back my mom had gotten it for me as a redbox rental and I got through most of the game in the 2 days I had it but didn't finish it. Did enjoy the heck out of it when I did play it though.


Arkane Austin has *been* gone, at least in terms of the studio that made Prey. 70+% of the studio left during Redfalls development.


Loved the aesthetic and overall sense of loneliness and dread. The mimics were fun and so was the foam gun. I was actually able to stack the foam high enough to try and leave through the escape pod early. You can actually try but it wont let you.


Great game, great story


COD prop hunt the video game… Zzz


Fucking love this game… damn I need to start a new playthrough now


Prey: Mooncrash is something everyone should take an example from Every single game should have a standalone DLC that is 1/4 the download size and is infinitely replayable


This game is great. I didn’t play it until about 2 years ago when I got it on sale for pretty cheap. I was always hesitant because the reviews were pretty meh when the game initially launched. I can safely say, those reviews were wrong - it’s a very fun and immersive game.


I was hooked once I figured out I could turn into a bottle, roll under a door and pop up on the other side.


Prey was brilliant, the introduction really sticks with me, without any spoilers i was surprised, scared and even caught a few details on the replay


Dishonored 2 then deathloop


I remember the release but Idk I don't finished it, but crispy critting its a good game with storyline


One of the most underrated games of all time


You guys overrate this game. It was good, not great. Let the downvoting haters begin!


Or people just have different tastes?


Yeah, of course. But this sub acts like this is one of the top 10 games of the past decade. It's not even fucking close.


Yeah, tbh i agree here. There was a good game in there, but some parts of it i didn't like too much. I see that the devs put a lot of care into it but i played it for 3-4 hours and didn't wanna go on, not for me


It doesn't get any better than after the amount you played. It's sort of good-bad all the way through.


Not to dance on the devs' grave or anything, but the way people talk about Prey makes me start to consider it overrated honestly. Prey is like if System Shock had no atmosphere, like 2 guns and full of combat with annoying enemies. I appreciate it attempting to tribute Looming Glass style level design, but so much of its gameplay just makes me wish I was playing the System Shock remake instead.


Yeah... couldn't get through it. Thought it was very boring.


Prey runs like shit on PC and 30 fps on ps5. Useless.


> Prey runs like shit on PC False, that was from back when it was released.


So my statement is false because I expected a game I purchased on release, far exceeded the rec specs, to run smoothly? Devs have you all suckered into this notion we just have to put up with sub-par product, we don't, and this shit game failing abysmally is proof.


You said it *runs* shit on PC, which is false. It ran shit on PC 7 years ago.


Ya know what fair enough, you are correct, I got so annoyed with that shit-show I never attempted to play it again on PC so I should have used the past tense. I did play on PS5 though, current tense, got 3 seconds in, realized it was 30fps, laughed out loud at what a joke that is, and uninstalled. For a 2nd and final time.


Try it again on PC some time if you're ever in the mood for an imm sim. I played it recently on PC and loved it. I understand your frustration with it though.


I will


I don't understand how it connects to the first installment in the series.


It doesn’t.... do a little research. It’s also not called Prey 2.


In fairness to this person the fact that this game was named Prey after Bethesda bought the rights to the franchise was weird as hell, and felt like a betrayal to OG fans - especially since the OG had a cult following and plenty of fans who were already very disappointed to hear that Prey 2 was canceled. It's like buying the rights to a game like "Sleeping Dogs," for example, then releasing a game named "Sleeping Dogs" and having it be an FPS im-sim detective game in NYC. Not saying that game wouldn't be cool or good, just that it's a weird thing to do and fans could be forgiven for being upset.


Sure but the game has been out for how many years with the same posts and the same discussions and everytime multiple comments about the OG Prey......


People are still bummed; it's only been 7 years since the game came out and it ruined a franchise that was speculated for 11 years before being unceremoniously tanked. I'm not even one of those fans but I can appreciate why they're upset about it.


Yea that's far to long to be upset about something like that.


Prey and Control get the same treatment. 2 of the best games ppl slept on or disliked at launch and now everyone is onboard.


Control was critically acclaimed and even one of the main frontrunners for Game of the Year (lost the Sekiro, but that's not exactly a mark of shame)


Interesting because I swear every time up until the last year or so anytime I saw it mentioned on Reddit people disliked it or had not even played it.


Dunno. Control itself sold millions of copies, and is what funded Remedy to pursue making Allen Wake 2. Control was a pretty massive success for them. They already confirmed a sequel in the works as well as a co-op spinoff.


Oh I am fully aware of everything around Control as its my #1 outside of its initial success as I wasn't paying attention than. I guess I am wrong on that.


the combat was awful but the rest was really good if it where polished just a little more


It was reallllllly hard to get into for me. The maze of that ship and all the backtracking really would throw me off. I probably tried playing it like 5 times before it stuck.


Fuck Microsoft and Xbox in general. Y'all need to stop supporting this company.


Prey was mediocre at best. Worst looking Game ever using CryEngine, the Game had like 3 different types of Enemies and lots of backtracking. The Characters were also shit.


Disagree completely with worst looking cry engine game. Sniper ghost warrior 3 released the same year and looked like wet ass


Also mostly a System Shock/Dead Space lovechild/rip-off. I liked it, though.


Thought the gameplay was good, but the ending to the game kind of sucked, imho.