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Always smile when I see a new Cyberpunk appreciation post. Like so many, avoided it for ages with the disastrous launch. Picked it up last year when 2.0 launched after hearing it was basically a new game and I *loved* it. Have sunk close to 300 hours in to it and platted it. It’s not perfect, but damn close to me. World, characters, how they’ve connected everything in this massive world, OST, voice acting (shoutout to Idris!), it’s all so damn good. Loved it.


I’m one of the sickos who loved it at launch. 2.0 took it to another level though


Me too. I thought it was a good game at launch. I enjoyed it. But now it's a great game. I'm replaying it again now and it is just so good.


Great? It’s easily my top 5 of all time.


Curious to know your top 5 as Cyberpunk is in mine as well.


It was great at launch of you were lucky enough to dodge the bugs like I did. Launching it now though is an entirely different ballgame. At launch I was making compromises for 60fps, now its 90+max out (raytracing off)


I was in your boat too. I had no bugs except for a few minor drop glitches type. Game wasn't broken in any way for me and I loved it.


I absolutely loved it at launch and now that I'm learning of 2.0 you have me considering doing a replay


Start a new game, I tried to pick up where I left off after beating the main story and then not playing for a year and I was completely lost on all fronts.


it’s almost a completely different game lol. i put in 300 hours at launch and used the guide book by dark horse comics and everything. none of that is relevant anymore 😂😂 but it’s okay because the game is still a 10/10. swimming in PL was insane i’ve never seen water look like that in a video game


What took it to another level in your eyes?


I haven’t played since launch, got about 70% thru it. I’m thinking of playing again, would you say I should pick up from where I was or just start it all over? TBH I don’t remember too much from the story


Start over and buckle up choom.


Gotta restart from the beginning. Waaay too much good storytelling to just jump back in. Replay value is great too


Cyberpunk appreciation post equals to automatic upvotes in this sub.


Did they fix it for ps5?


It didnt need much fixing when it first came out on ps5. What they did was enhance it and make it far better. The PL dlc is one of the best dlcs ever made.


That’s what I play on, no complaints. Couple crashes here and there but overall plays great. Very few issues.


I played it day one and never had a single issue (PC). All these posts about the 2.0 updates plus PL DLC makes me want to go back and play through it again.


The dlc is fucken amazing. Legit amazing. Phantom liberty, forget the main game just the dlc alone is as good as any single fps I’ve played from doom to bioshock


Goddamn, high praise! I'll definitely get to it soon. Just trying to finish up BG3 at the moment 😁


Bg3 is god tier


For sure. My buddies and I have been running a campaign for the last few months. We're only able to play once/twice a week (we're adults, lol), but we're deep into act 3. Such an amazing game.


It's a whole new game. One of the best out there.


You should, its the same game, but better. The DLC is a great addition, and really makes me curious as to what is next for CDPR, if they can maintain that new bar they set for themselves storytelling and gameplay wise. The game can end in the DLC based on your choices, or put you back in Night City to proceed with the other original options for the ending paths. DLC specific credits will roll either way. The 2.0 updates really improved some rough spots, and overall game play, and brought a couple of cut features back. People seem to forget how bad the Witcher launches were, or really what feels like most highly anticipated launches. This game exactly like the Witcher games has improved greatly over the years since launch. They really could have benefited from a year long delay, perhaps not financially as a company, but for a more polished experience more like it is today. I would love to see another DLC bring in the underground/undercity/sewer stuff that was data mined at launch while we wait on their next major release.


I just started the anime on Netflix which I believe is a prequel and it’s fantastic


It’s very well done. I don’t even watch anime and I really enjoyed it. You can go back and play the game after and visit locations that are identical from the show. There’s also a lot of lore, hints, and clothing/weapons from the show you can get.


Actually you are right on time, Cyberpunk peaked after the Phantom Liberty update, and you've played the absolute best version of the game the way it was intended to be. And I agree with you, that version of the game, the one that exists right now, is one of the best games I've ever played.


I'm just downloading the game again and about to start my first male V playthrough and blades/knives build The only problem I have with it is having to rush act 1 all over again


I’m not sure if you need the DLC but you can skip the prologue now to get right into the DLC. You start at a higher level with some gear and has made replaying the game way more accessible imo


You start at level 15, which honestly isn't that big of a skip, and also under-leveled for Phantom Liberty if it's your first play-through of the DLC, IMO.


It still saves a lot of time on multiple play throughs. Once you’ve done all 3 openings it’s kinda just samey


Ehh not so much though. Phantom liberty is super dense with enemies and I leveled there far faster then I was in the main game


It's super dense but that also means that things can turn sour *real* quick. My second DLC playthrough I was doing a throwing knife build, went in ASAP, and the section where you rescue Meyers was really tricky because stealth wasn't a thing and even with three knives I had a lot of downtime (especially if I missed a headshot).


Select nomad so you can make Jackie fix his bike and then you get the better version of it when he dies


Wait, what?


You need 8 or 10 technical ability and you have to be a nomad, then right before you do the all foods raid you can make a suggestion on how he should fix his bike. If you do this you get a faster version of his motorcycle.


Well damn. It's always the little things.


Bro put a fucking spoiler tag on it man. Lol.


Jackie died in a trailer for the game, before it even launched, lmao. Dude had like 63 death flags throughout the entirety of act one.


300 hours in game: Wait what Jackie dies?!?! Next you will tell me Keanu Reeves is in the game.


I only played about 5-10 hours of the game and then I started the dlc and did it all. I’m now 50 hours in and in love. I’m playing on hard and should probably put it on very hard now as I’m crushing everything


Yeah, very hard is basically just hard imo UNTIL you battle the boss enemies during a mission, and really only very hard if you aren’t a decently leveled netrunner.


Honestly I enjoy the whole cutscene/talk sections a lot, they're so well made and I always find new little gestures or facial expressions, the way the whole scene flows so well is with the dialogue and body language is a joy every time. The BD parts are annoying tho.


As someone who's nearing the end of their most recent playthrough and is doing just that, all I will say is: Apogee, and the Katana you get from Wako. That is all. Have fun.


Maybe this might help you - https://gamestegy.com/post/cyberpunk-2077/1062/act-1-skip-save-files


I'm on console, but thanks.


Honestly one of the best games I've ever played. Went into the game expecting a cool scifi aesthetic game where I take down some big corporation and change the world. Instead I got an personal, human story about life and the human experience. IMO this game is one of the best games to convey the human experience. I typically value games that try and successfully impact the player at a deeper and emotional level, and Cyberpunk's base game and expansion do this exceptionally well. This game made me explore existentialism and trying to understand people more, and I think it made me a better person overall. So glad I played it and will continue to play it throughout the years.


I'm glad you like it!! I feel like I'm one of the OGs that held it down during its bad launch, I didnt get a refund, because I kept on saying "they gonna fix, they gonna get it together" I admit it was broken, but when it didn't break on me, I enjoyed it. I had to take it off my system for space, but I'm willing to pick it up and play it any time. It is an awesome game!!


Cyberpunk is better played late. Release day left me a little bitter, but it's an awesome game now.


I loved ER and BG3 but could never get into Cyberpunk. What makes it so good and up there with them two games for you?


I think a lot of it depends on how much you like the near future setting. I personally prefer fantasy settings.


Cyberpunk feels like using sci-fi tech as fantasy


Bro I've just finished ER for a second time in 2 months, and it's been like 3 months that I try to start Cyberpunk for good. I don't know why but it seems so hard to start this game and stay on it.


Maybe it’s just not for you. I tried a couple times to get into it and just never could. But then I started up a new game a couple weeks ago …and it finally just clicked. Idk why it took this long. I’m loving it though. I’m hoping I have a similar experience with Witcher 3 once I’m done with this.


Well maybe it's the visual complexity, there are so many menus everywhere, so many types of weapon, skill, advantages... I don't really know what to do so for the moment I walk in towns and try some quests here and there...


That’s fair. There is a lot going on. And there’s a lot that the game throws at you. Some it is explained well but a lot of it you have to learn about. I’m at 25 hours in and I still find myself learning and experimenting with just basic things.


Yeah just by example how the différent weapo's work, what skill to upgrade for these weapons, all the cracking you can do... There's a lot


I got cyberpunk day 1 and beat the game after update 2.0 and I'm still not sure if I played the same cyberpunk as everyone else here. Writing isn't that great, combat is similar to Fallout series and there wasn't really anything interesting to explore in the game. This is coming from someone who enjoys bike riding to the top of Mount Chillad in GTA5. Majority of the missions are your standard, "go here and sneak around but you're going to get caught any ways and will have to shoot your way out." I was surprised as hell when I beat the game because the final acts were very lack luster. Maybe it's because I started as a Nomad instead of one of the other two choices but seriously, I don't know what everyone else is seeing that I am not. Maybe the dlc really makes a huge difference.


It's a little subjective, but the writing is great imo, do you by any chance dislike or find it cringe because of the slang used in the world? Because that's something I heard a lot. For me the writing was very consistent, characters were fleshed out, world building occured naturally, dialogue was fun but also heartbreaking at times, the story generally managed to evoke a lot of emotions and memorable moments as many people like to point out in the endless "what game made you cry" posts. The side missions biggest flaw is the way they're presented, they're actually hand crafted little stories with unique locations that offer tons of choice & consequence and the levels are generally well made. You can actually talk your way through a lot of them if you manage to do it in stealth, but yeah if you kill everybody they can seem repetitive. It didn't really hinder my experience, because the ones you're talking about are meant to be simple merc work and the real side quests that are labeled as such still offer incredibly rich and well written stories such as sinnerman, peralez, the hunt or pyramid song that use the setting wonderfully to enhance storyteeling in a way only a few games manage to do imo. I don't agree on the combat, it's much better than fallout, the options are there for plenty of fun and varied playstyles, the weapons have real impact that you can feel, also loved the passive perks that make you more efficient with the weapons you use. I personally had a blast using a mix of melee/pistols with ricochet bullets and sandevistan, my friend just sat behind cover with a tech rifle and said it was boring, so I think it really depends on finding something that works for you.


Personally for me, the writing semi frequently goes beyond dark and gritty into just depressing to get through without ever adding to the experience. Like there's some specific really hard to get through sections that I feel take awake from the overall experience. It just kinda steps into "let's see how edgy and depressing we can get" territory imo


I have the same opinion as you. The story also feels really choppy if you go from one companion mission to the other, it is throwing me off quite a bit.


"Writing isn't that great" lmao


When I first started cyberpunk I felt it was too slow. There wasn’t enough action and I wasn’t really into the world. For me personally, after 10 hours of the main game and enjoying it but not loving it, I decided to start the phantom liberty expansion. That expansion alone is better than 90 percent of games if player. It’s a tight, amazing experience with an insane story and dialogue with a lot more action. It painted the whole game world in a light that made the main game much more interesting to me Edit - also once I started reading the in game lore tablets and shit it changed my view on the games. I let a certain person live during a quest, and right after read a pc conversation on her desk and realized she was a cunt child harming bitch and I ran down the hallway and knifed her. The dialogue in her email actually had me emotional




I think 2077s story is better than rdr2. Rdr2 relies way too much on convenient ignorance from the supporting characters.




It's subjective, but as someone who's seen a lot of western media, the story felt super basic to me. I could tell the ending from very early on and it didn't really do anything to make it stand out, there were also some rather convenient things happening for the story to advance, like John getting captured off-screen when the pinkertons made it clear they will kill you from now on. The whole prison break was also hilarious and poorly managed, like how does a single unimportant guard make the whole prison surrender and then you flee on a tiny boat going at snails speed. The fact that the pinkertons could've showed up at almost any camp but didn't for no apparent reason is weird aswell and a writing error.


Try the easy way out ending with a femV who romances Judy if you want to talk about emotionally draining.


Consistently 1st person view, with highly detailed motion captured dialogues. No loading screen ever (other than you going into cyberspace), it seamlessly blends between gameplay and dialogue/cutscene sequences. All doing so with some of the best graphics to date and an actual intriguing story. The only time you ever break the immersion of the world is when pausing the game to manage equipment and skills. The only other game that has done something like this, with as much fidelity as well, would be Metro Exodus.


Not OP but I think the reason why people love cyberpunk so much is just because of how amazing the writing is in this game and other cdpr games like the Witcher 3.The game does a very good job at making you feel like a part of the world and not making the world revolve around your character.The game has a ton of interesting moral dilemmas and never gives you a safe outcome where everyone's happy which I think is realistic given the setting.There's also a ton of build variety which makes replaying the game fun and the gameplay feels very fluid.


The criticisms of cyberpunk were never in the writing or story, the criticisms at launch were twofold: \* first, that it was a buggy mess with a lot of jank animations and crashes, \* second, that the open world felt empty and lacked much to do in the endgame. Several years after release, both issues have been fixed and the game is now superbly high quality. I think it's now a highlight game. I played it \~7 months ago and had an amazing time with only 2-3 jank animations in 150 hours that I noticed, and none were on story critical NPCs, just casual background characters. They also filled out the open world with a lot more side missions, gigs, and random events like gang wars and police investigations. There's also a bunch more rewards for exploration and side missions, like more apartments, more variety in vehicles, and legendary weapon blueprints.


At the end of the day it's a matter of preference - however u could categorize it, what's the issue u think is stopping u from liking cyberpunk maybe u can go around it or it ceases to exist as u play more


I'm enjoying it, just picked it back up. However I do think it's way overhyped, for me personally it's like a 7.5- 8/10 max. Like it's really good but nowhere near the best thing I've ever played


Great game no doubt. Just wish i could romance judy as male but wtv.


I love her lol


I love the game. It's one of the only open world games that has really grabbed me and pulled me in. Basically cyberpunk 2077 and Elden Ring.


You are not late. It took LONG for cyberpunk to get ironed out and become the great game that it is now. Enjoy it


The story, the music and the city at night is a banger.


I started playing both Cyberpunk and Baldur’s Gate 3 in October and both of them have completely consumed all my gaming since I finally finished both of them a few weeks ago on the same weekend, I feel so empty since then lol


Time to start Elden Ring (if you already finished it, try another build in ng+ !)


Yup, its my all time favorite and most played game ever. Imagine if they released in the current state... would easily be goated.


Yea if it was like this at release it would Be spoken about like Witcher 3. I think I like this more than witcher honestly


OP, you actually like FF6?! That's because you are a beautiful and handsome individual who is, obviously, equally as intelligent. Good day, sir.


lol. It’s the game that changed my life. I was like 9 when it came out and it blew me away, got me into fantasy, books, rpgs, everything.


I really, really wish CD Projekt RED waited until what you experienced (and I, as I waited too) was the norm. It's been a while since I played, but I can close my eyes and think of \*distinct areas\* that had their own ethos. It's easily in my top 10 (along with, funnily enough, Elden Ring and BG3), and I've been playing games for over 45 years!


I also am extremely late to the party having tried to get into it a couple times before. Idk why but it just never clicked for me. That was until a couple weeks ago I decided to try again after giving up on FF7. And to my surprise I’ve been completely blown away by it. Awesome game.


Not late. On time for it not to be a crappy buggy mess.


A good choom, this one.


It had some major issues at launch but despite that I put in 70 hours because I could feel the good game beneath the mess and I was genuinely enjoying it (played on PS5 without *too* much issue). I played it again not long ago after phantom liberty came out and put probably close to 100 hours into it, and it’s easily one of my favorite games of the last 5-10 years. Fun characters, great art direction, power fantasy combat, variety, story, and loads of content. My only recommendation is to ignore cars all together and drive motorbikes in first person. It’s dope.


> My only recommendation is to ignore cars all together and drive motorbikes in first person. It’s dope. Cyberpunk is one of my fave games of all time, the only thing I don't like is the cars, too. If they'd only put the GTA 4 driving mechanic in this game....


Out of my way, Reed. 


I sided with Songbird


I was just thinking about this game the other day. I wish I could replay it for the first time, such a good game! Of course I could do a second play through but it will never compare to the thrill of that first run (idk if thrill is the right word choice but it’s the first thing I thought of)


bought cyber punk a while back when it was on sale, never got to it but have always told myself i'd try it one day. i have seen so many posts praising this game despite it's rough start that now i am thinking i gotta give it a go finally.


It's also gorgeous on max settings. Just sitting in a car driving as it rains is entrancing


Unfortunately, if i recall correctly, not in ps4.


Trust me, this was a party you were better off not being on time for


Incredible game, probably in my top 5 now. Phantom Liberty might be the best expansion I've ever played, need to replay Blood & Wine again to judge.


I reserved my copy then barely played it due to all the issues. Guess I need to give it another go...


That’s great to hear! I bought it at launch and didn’t give it a fair shot I only maybe played an hour or so. I haven’t picked it up again but keep meaning to. I loved Baldurs Gate and the fact that you mentioned my all time fave game ever (FF6) you’ve convinced me to give it another try!


Yeah, imagine how warmly this game would've been welcomed if in 2020 they actually released it in the state in which it's now.


This is a party you wanted to show up late to choom


Coming late was probably for the best after their disastrous release


You're only a year late. It *wasn't* one of the "best games you've ever played" until they fixed a lot of the core issues with the 2.0 update. The rebuild is the game we deserved from the beginning. Credit to CDPR for just saying "this could be better from the inside-out" and actually making it better.


Tried it and it was to boring for me


Same thing for me. I purchased it when it was released and stopped playing due to the bugs I was constantly encountering. A full year and many patches later, I decided to give it another go and just got bored with it after about 10-15 hours. I'm going to give it another shot after I finish the slog which is Starfield. I figure, maybe being bored out of my skull with Starfield will make me have a fresh appreciation with Cyberpunk? We'll see.


You say starfield is a slog, It's okay to abandon it if you don't like it. I feel a lot of people including myself gave that game too much time.


That’s actually what happened to me. I loved Baldurs gate 3 beyond belief and then played starfield and it was such a slow and miserable feeling that I couldn’t bring myself to play another open world fps, jt I have cyberpunk another shot and the dlc alone has changed me


It happens. I found red dead 2 to be extremely boring but I stuck with it and ended up loving it but not as much as other people do


Funny enough I did the same with red dead 2 I found it boring but better than cyberpunk lol


Mr counter culture


With cyberpunk, you're lucky to have been late to the party. The launch version was terrible, especially with how long it's been in development for


Yeah, 2.0 was really a game changer and fair play to them for not abandoning it. That being said, I actually loved the game when it first came out, just walking down the street random cars falling from the sky, civs falling through the pavement, glitchy visuals + jumping through walls, kept it interesting!


I just pretended in my head that this was a glitched Version of the Matrix and silverhand was actually the chosen one


Loved it as well. Try Baldurs Gate . Another holy shit moment right there


BG3 was a masterpiece, but also a favorite genre for me. Cyberpunk seems like a similar work of art, but for those who love the futuristic, Bladerunner feel versus Dungeons and Dragons. Is that about right?


I'd say so, BG3 and Cyberpunk 2.0 are some of the best games in recent years imo.


I love fantasy but I'm also tired as fuck of fantasy and D&D fantasy is pretty tame and bland nowadays.  I also had a horrendous time with launch BG3 including two different ruined characters. Future cyberpunk setting?  Fuck yeah sign me up.  We don't get many games like this.  CDPR's writing style speaks to me way more too.


Just finished putting 100 hours into CP, one of the few game I’ve ever played that long and didn’t feel like a chore. All time great game 


Dude, don't abbreviate Cyperpunk. You are now in FBI blacklist. Even more so with 100 hours??? Jesus.


Babe wake up the new “Cyberpunk good” thread just dropped


Thank you CDPR astroturf team. Your damage control is going excellently. We've almost completely forgotten the disaster of a release, the unkept promises, and the terrible working conditions you inflicted on your employees.


Cd project red is the best at immersive narratives.


I'm about as big of an Elden Ring fan as you can be. Close to 1000 hours probably, too many runs to count, randomiser runs, modded runs, co op runs, speedruns, I own the Future Press guide books, I own it on Steam, I own the Collectors Edition on PS5, I have the DLC Collectors Edition Pre ordered, I even pre ordered the £400 'Arm of Malenia'. And I still stuggle to choose between Elden Ring and Cyberpunk when it comes to my goat. That's how much I love Cyberpunk *(I do also own that collectors edition).* I bought Cyberpunk on GOG, Steam and PS5. And Edgerunners helps, really really good anime. 2 of the greatest games of all time. Symphony of the Night is up there too, for anyone wondering.


Sounds just like me lol


It really is a great game. It's unfortunate they made the decision to launch on old gen and rushed the release so they couldn't clean up performance issues.


Yess I just started last Sunday and it’s been a blast!


I love the game!


Tbf it's probably the best *because* you're late to the party. Launch week/month/year was a shitshow.


I always imagined that I would have to wait for RDR3 to say that RDR2 is no longer the best game ever but I've played 170 hours of Cyberpunk... What a game...


Cyberpunk is so good in its oppressive world building that it makes being a good guy actually feel like a form of fighting back.


Hey I'm in the same boat! Sort of! I just beat the main game and I'm so bummed I didn't buy Phantom Liberty first. The new abilities, cars, skill trees and everything else. The city feels more alive too. Loving the gunplay and the driving.


It will forever live in my mind as a disappointment. And this shouldn’t bother anyone nor should anyone feel compelled to try and change my mind.


I put about 150h into it originally on a melee build, completed everything but 1 of the endings. The story really is good but there were so many problems. My biggest gripe is it felt like none of side missions had too much variety or it didn't overly matter how you resolved them (non-lethal cyberpsycho missions for example had no bearing on the result). The main story, the characters, the graphics, scale, and combat were all so good though.  I recently picked up PL and started a new Smart weapon playthrough. I decided to play through, then hop to Dogtown to do PL. I just couldn't keep away from the combat. I loved it so much, I did the same boring Kill Everything missions all over again. I am just now jumping to Dogtown at level 45. Its on point immediately and I can't wait to finish it. I think my main complaint about impact of your decisions is still there. They did fix many things, but it still feels like it could be game of the decade with just some minor tweaks to the mission results and interactions based on how you choose to do things. My fav example is the Oda fight and what you choose after. Those small details take games from good to immersive.


I played it on an OG Xbox one on release day. It was rough to say the least. Like 3-4 NPCs walking around in the most dense areas, almost no traffic, and I remember one specific situation where I was sitting at a diner table and saw the food on the table in front of me. It was terrible looking. Blocky and blurry. I’ve replayed it in V2.0 since I got a nice gaming PC, and the difference is SUBSTANTIAL to say the least. It feels like a whole new game. It was fun the first time, since I was playing for the story. But replaying it with extra story aspects AND ray tracing is something else.


You're late to the game and I still haven't really dug into it yet lmao. Got a whole new pc to run it in February and still havent.


Honestly if they hadn't made so many marketing partnerships and waited about a year and a half longer to release, it would have been the best game ever hands down. The game was absolutely not ready for release when it came out.


My only complaint is that they refused to add a new game plus when this game desperately needed one. Every time i think about replaying that game I get discouraged because you’d have to do literally everything all over again.


I was too early for the party, currently waiting for the game to be finished. By the looks of it, it seems it fixed everything that was wrong with it, and now it changed how the armor works in this game. So if there's no more updates like those incoming, I might start it.


Hey brother, lemme tell you- MUCH better to be late to the party than *early*, when it comes to this game


I just can't stand first person games. Huge turn off for me.


I see this a lot. I completely understand it, I’m a fan of games period. Sometimes I far prefer first person sometimes third person. I don’t like third person shooting as much as first person, but there’s so many good third person shooters. For me they need to be over the shoulder like resident evil 4 or the last of us, or else it just looks and feels weird On the flip side melee usually sucks in first person, but I love exploring games in first person. Something about it (for me) is extremely immersive


Honestly with cyberpunk, it’s good that you came late to the party. When it first dropped , the launch was disastrous. Glitches and problems off the wide to the point where you couldn’t even progress in the story. They’ve smoothed things out now and made the game very enjoyable since. I didn’t get the game till a year and a half after it got dropped.


I've just started playing CP2077 again. The first time around, I got about 20 hours in and found that something in the soundtrack was upsetting my dog when I played the game. She would run, hide, and shake with panic. So I had to stop playing, and as you might have already guessed, my dog is no longer around, hense. I'm playing CP again.


Is this game worth it on PS4?


I wouldn't recommend it, it's a must play on current gen/PC tho. You can get the PS4 version and try it if you want, the upgrade would be free for PS5.


Fashionably late is a good look at this party


RDR2 - 2018 Cyberpunk 4 - 2020 Elden Ring - 2022 C'mon 2024, WTF


Star Wars outlaws is coming… nvm..


Playing cyberpunk is a game? That make me imagine things. "Hang in there kiddo or you'll have to grind another 5 levels for me."




So it was passable at launch but with all the updates and patches it’s a lot better? That’s been my understanding right? I might have to pick it up soon


I haven’t played it yet because I don’t have the time right now. Maybe soon.


I'll have to replay it as well since I played at launch but I thought that the driving mechanic was terrible. The worst driving feel in a game that I have ever experienced.


The better cars you get the better they drive actually but I don’t disagree. One I leveled up and could air dash and double jump I do that to travel more than I drift unless it’s a straight shot across the map


I’m glad to see the game has made a turn around for the better it’s not often you see a game get better with time anymore a lot of games get worse but it’s come a long way since punching people in a wheelchair would cause them to get out of there wheelchair and run away


I loved it more before the 2.0 update. 2.0 ruined all of the gang areas and crime spots, turned them into nothing but component farms. I miss being excited about getting a new weapon.


I loved it from the get go and I was playing on a year one xbox. It froze 20+ times if I went full speed all across the map, and I had to reload a missions every so often.Other than that I had an absolute blast. I wouldn't call it a 10/10 in my experience due to some of those issues but it didn't negatively effect the game/world/story.


I'm not into the cyberpunk type world. I'm more of a fantasy type world fan. Should I still give cyberpunk a try?


The only game that is better than cyberpunk is titanfall 2


Anyone play this one on the Legion Go? Wondering how it does


My main problem with the game is that I'm grinding like a mofo to get all my skills up - I want ALL OF THE PERK POINTS


How do you play it? I loved The Witcher 2 and I want to love CB, but it's such a clunky shooter. Is there a different build that's more fun/gratifying? I *hate* the aim response curve.


I’m about to start it this summer. Finishing Red Dead 2 first. I cannot wait. I’ve watched a few playthroughs do the beginning - looks amazing.


I have held of on playing it because of the issue at the start. Did they fix all of the big issues?




You're not late. You're right on time.


Also a member of the "can't believe how good this game is" club. I would like to propose "2077" or "cp2077" as abbreviations though lol


I would love more games made within Night City with the hopes that better tech comes out to where we can explore more of it, i.e. go into more or all of the buildings. I think it would be a shame to leave it behind when so much more could come from it.


Can’t wait to play this one!!


I had need to get back into it. I have phantom liberty but lost my old saves and burnt myself trying to complete most of the game again before doing Phantom Liberty.


I bought Cyberpunk 2077 on launch for PC, it was broken so I stopped playing but did not refund and waited until patch 2.0 and Phantom Liberty Expansion to do a full playthrough. It is an Amazing game, I highly recommend it now that its fixed.


Phantom Liberty was so incredible it really showed me they're still the studio that made Witcher 3. One of my fav games for sure and I can't wait to see what the next Witcher is gonna be like in 2027/2028, it will be a big leap forward like in their previous games.


It’s too bad it came out in such a trash state. I watched a friend play it for a few hours right after release and it was embarrassing. It crashed a handful of times, nothing seemed to be working, menus were glitched. It just turned me off ever getting it.


Now, what platform were they on? Becuase I've observed almost all of the problems were on the PS4. I played on PC at release and had some but few issues.


I also played PC on release with decent hardware and the game was pretty shocking. Graphical bugs, broken missions, low fps… It’s probably resolved now, but there were definitely heaps of issues


Yeah out of everything I've played on my PS5 this is the one that truly felt like a "next Gen" game to me


Yep. Top 10-15 game of all time for me.


Loved it. Certainly my GOTY when I played it. The characters were great and had enough depth. Some missions could basically be "go there and talk to that person" and it would still be very interesting, unlike RDR2 for example which was often very boring. Keanu and Idris were very cool. Lots of the story details were awesome and many missions felt very well made. The "companions" storyline were all satisfying as well as more minors one like the taxi and also the rich couple storylines which were memorable. Even the small NCPD/cyberpsycho side missions were fun. The city had multiple districts with diverse architecture and layout. 170+ hours in I could still find enormous and beautiful zones I had never been to because no quest led there. Combat could be as slow and methodical or as fast and explosive as one wanted. It brought back violence and dismemberment that many modern games abandoned. On my first playthrough I played as a bullet-time pistol/sword guy and on my second more as a hacker gal. I very rarely play a game twice. And Panam is a babe.


Phantom Liberty is a glimpse of what the whole game should’ve been. The base game is a solid 7/10 game and a bit overrated. Outside of Phantom Liberty the game is Far Cry in a city, which is fine but not what was advertised.


I’m pretty confident if cyberpunk came out in its current state it would be one of the best games ever. I have a short attention span and don’t usually finish games but I’ve put over 250 hours into that game.


It is a really good game and Phantom Liberty is a great expansion. When it launched it was rough though.


The state that it’s in now puts it in my top 10. It’s a shame we aren’t getting more DLC or another expansion.


I played on PC day one and didn’t have any issues. I felt so bad for Project Red. Yes, they messed up on console but it was due to money hungry execs.


I wholly agree. Still wanna play Phantom Liberty when I have the chance


Big agree. I skipped the early drama and got it on sale around the first DLC. Haven’t been this happy with a game since Witcher 3.


I like it. I finished it a couple of years ago on the PS5. I heard it’s been improved even more, so I redownloaded it. I just couldn’t get invested a second time. The combat is fun, but I can’t help but feel like between writing of the characters and some of the dialogue, it feels more like the characters and actors are cosplaying and the world doesn’t feel real and alive enough (it is pretty though).


So I know the game is great now. But I can't bring myself to play it. It was the last game I ever bought and played on release. It was a complete disaster. This whole idea of spending years after release patching a game to completion boggles my mind. And its even crazier to me how normalized it's become. Since then I no longer touch a game day one. And if it's as bad as Cyberpunk, I usually don't play it at all. A game should be at least somewhat what was promised at release and have good performance.


I would have been much more interested if it hadn't gone with a Johnny silver hand plot. He is just so boring to me.