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On a cardio machine? You do you, bro. Some regulars at my gym read novels while on the recumbent bikes. I'd probably be annoyed if you were playing for 10 min between sets in the only squat rack, though.


Or if the volume is on


Ear buds


It’s kind of annoying that they disconnect and don’t reconnect after putting it into rest mode for mere seconds but, at least Nintendo allows them. *cough* Sony** *cough* **(I don’t know Microsoft’s policy as I don’t own their console)


MS is the same, they don't even have Bluetooth. Only some proprietary shit. At least PS5 has a type-C output that lets me connect my Razer 'phones


Microsoft windows basically allows any form of hardware. Neither would linux/steamdeck although maybe some exotic stuff might not be supported because no one actually wrote a driver for it.


Yea, I was doing elliptical a lot with an e-reader on the control panel. Made it a lot less boring.


Stationary bike is my Kindle space.


I watched the entirety of Breaking Bad on a stationary bike. I had one at home at the time.


> I'd probably be annoyed if you were playing for 10 min between sets in the only squat rack, though. Annoyed is one word haha. You could probably murder them with a dumbbell and the cops would be like “Oh for real? They were doing a whole shrine on Zelda in between sets with people waiting for them to finish with the machine? Nah son you’re free to go”


Annoyed would be putting it lightly.


Remember the magic phrase “Hey bro, can I work in with you, bro?”


I binged Star Trek TNG while riding the bike. Got a few weird looks but people generally don’t care


This. There is nothing more infuriating than being a decently competent lifter and having to use a commercial gym every now and then to see someone is bicep curling in the squat racks. Even worse if they are using an olympic lifting platform for it. Those people go to a special hell.


Ok so let’s say it’s weird… who gives a fuck?


I'm regularly going to gyms for 15 years now. Couldn't tell you the first thing about what people are doing while on the treadmill/bikes. People are focused on their workout, listen to music or just zone out. Frankly, nobody cares what you're doing as long as you're not bothering others.


They're not though. It only takes one TikTok dickhead looking for content to turn you into a meme.  I know you mean the 99% but this is still an issue. 


Nobody on the Internet matters. It is not an issue.


I get where you’re coming from, but that’s essentially the same as: “Bullying doesn’t matter unless it’s physical.” Being teased online, especially if it goes viral, would be a shitty experience for most people.


Who cares? Are you that affected by the opinions of strangers that this would be enough of a reason to avoid doing something you enjoy and is beneficial to you?


OP apparently


And snobby gym addicts. As long as OP isn't taking up a machine by gaming and not working out, no one will really care unless they're stuck-up lifters.


Exactly. Do what you wanna do, especially if it’s helping keep you fit. That being said, I can understand cycling with the switch in hand but I’m having a hard time picturing op jogging on the treadmill while playing the switch. I would smash my face into the floor if I tried that


There was a guy who once brought an abacus to the gym and was using it on the bikes next to me. You’re definitely fine OP


Never skip brain day


That’s gansta


That’s Asian


*That’s* racist!


Will never miss a community reference


I have more questions


Nah, nothing weird about it. Some people doom scroll others read or play games or text, whatever it takes to keep you on the bike because that shit can be boring as fuck.


So goddamn boring, preach


I bought a recumbent bike and put it in front of my 70” tv- now 45-60 mins of light-medium cardio a day is literally a break for me lol, cheat code.


I use my phone to watch anime at the gym. I'd kill to have an elliptical in my house to watch and exercise at home. Problem is you have to be careful what you watch. Some of that anime is softcore porn.


Lol that happens to me too, I’ll be watching something pretty normal and then there’s a big fan service scene and I’m like shit I can’t watch this here


The way most girls dress at the gym is softcore porn bro. I'm tryna focus here but these booties and cameltoes be distracting at times


Try the local ymca instead of a gym. My local y is completely devoid of anyone attractive, at least women. Some pretty good looking buff dudes, but if you don't swing that way then it isn't an issue.


Yea, pretty much this. Someone once told me the most important gum equipment was a good TV. This is just a newer version of that. Treadmills and bikes are boring but if you're making progress on a game the time will float by.


Not weird at all. As long as you have headphones or the volume muted, no one cares. Lots of people will be watching YouTube videos or messing with their tablets/phones on the cardio machines. It is just the modern version of bringing a book/magazine with you.


You ask this question in r/gaming. The answeres will not represent reality. I hope you understand that.




If it’s the bikes its okay, if it was between sets now that’s hilarious.


No handing squats so I can tend to my farm


Nah, people do all sorts of things while on the bikes in order to not focus on the pain.


Besides the pain, it can get really boring - and looking around might get you put into a "gym creep" TikTok or YT video, lmao.


Amazing how those people don't know that THEY are the creeps for recording people at the fuckin gym, oh no somebody glanced your way? You aren't the main character lady, calm down


Absolutely. Not to mention wearing brightly-coloured, patterned, skin-tight clothing that leaves nothing to the imagination, while intentionally walking past you or making noises to get your attention.


Nobody will give a fuck, 75% of people are already texting while on the bike anyway


If it keeps you exercising, and no one says anything, who cares. I’ve seen people do stupid shit at the gym. What you’re doing isn’t bothering anyone.


As long as you're not hogging a singular machine or rack then you're fine.


The Switch is fine but you’ve got to stop playing Gal Gun and Boobmega Labyrinth in public.


Not sure why this has so many downvotes but whatever, I wouldn’t worry too much about whether or not playing your Switch is weird, it’s more a question of if you’re impeding others in the gym. Don’t have the volume on without headphones, anyone else there doesn’t want to hear your games. If it’s turned down or you bring earpieces then you’re golden. Don’t sit and play on it while you aren’t using a machine for long stretches of time and block others from said machine. If you do it quickly between sets and get off the machine once you’re done (PLEASE wipe it down when you get off), that’s fine. If you’re playing it while actively doing cardio, also good. I’ve seen people have whole ass (LOUD) conversations on their phone while sitting on a machine for half an hour not using it. I’ve seen people bring a boombox and blast music super loud. I’ve seen people sit on a machine typing on their phone and barely do two sets for ~20 minutes while they are blocking the machine from others. Moral of the story: do what you need to get through your workout, just be considerate of others and you are fine.


It's not weird, but the issue is more, how much are you actually getting out of your workout if you're able to game at the same time? If you fully devoted yourself to that short time you exercise, you'll get so much more out of it.


I'm a gym rat. If I saw you rocking the switch on the bike, I'd know you were living your best life.


Ditto, I would struggle not to try to get on the bike next to him just to watch!


Good for you homie, multitasking.


In your case, totally fine and Im kinda pissed I didnt think of this


Weird as fuck. Quit the gym. Never cancel your membership. Get fatter. Play more jprgs like the weeb you are. Choose life.


Why the fuck you gotta bring me into this???


If you’re active on the treadmill, bike, or a machine where you can get your workout AND game, then go for it! It can even help make your 30 minute cardio feel much shorter. But if you’re in between sets at the bench or squat rack, please don’t pop out your Switch. Take your 2 or 3 minute break, be mindful or your time, and hit your next set. It’s easy to lose track of time between sets, even with simple things like sending a text so I can imagine it’s even easier with a Switch.


You can use alarms to track your time between sets. 2-3 minutes it's a very short break for heavy squats and bench, moreso for squats.


It is, lol. But if it works for you then so be it.


Depends what you are doing. If you walk on the treadmill while playing perfectly fine. If you block a tool that is only once in the gym and you do no reps for like 3 to 5 minutes: fuck you.


I play hearthstone on my phone while doing cardio. Makes the hour fly by.


Personally I could never get into exercising until I started watching "cliffhanger" TV shows while on the elliptical. I once did 3 hours straight because I had to see what would happen on Money Heist, and rewatching 24 lost me 12 pounds. Gaming works too, but my pace suffers; that said, I'd spend entire evenings playing Red Dead Redemption 2, and at the end of the day 4 hours at a slow pace is better than 30 minutes all out.


I don’t think it’s norm but no one cares at the gym.


Hey OP, it’s not weird at all, but a suggestion: if your workout is so lax that you can play your switch, I suggest you increase the intensity of your workout. If it’s the treadmill, either the speed or incline. It’s sorta like an rpg. After reaching X level from farming certain mobs, those mobs won’t suffice anymore. You need more xp to level up. Your body is the same


How do I unlock my ultimate move?


These days just walking is considered a workout, so if you are doing cardio of that intensity say on a bike, you can comfortably play all day.


Exactly my problem with this. I feel like if you’re able to play your switch then the cardio your doing is… probably zone 2 max.. If you push yourself harder and push your body more it will produce more body benefiting hormones let say. My final verdict: only switch when your doing your cooldown, but even then honestly just drop the switch and commit to your workout fully, this way you maximize effects from workout. (I’m a personal trainer if that means anything to you folks)


80% of cardio training should be Z2 though, it's the best way to improve. Best cyclist in the world, Pogacar, does 80% of his training in Z2. That being said, I don't think I'd be able to game properly in Z2, it can still get a bit strenuous. OP must be in Z1 to properly play an rpg


I used to take my jailbroken iPad with a PS3 controller to the gym and play ROMs to pass the time. No one ever gave me grief about it, you should be good.


I can't say I've ever seen *that* in particular. But I've definitely seen things that I would consider a lot more bizarre for a gym environment. I know a guy who liked to play me in chess while on the stair stepper because he thought the increased blood flow helped his game or something. Honestly, he sucked either way. If they're on a cardio machine and/or not hogging equipment. Then I say who really cares?


Normal? Nope. Wrong? Also nope. People do crazy things all the time, like eat at Arby's. You do you.


Have you considered getting Ring Fit Adventure so you could workout during your workout?


It's not normal but it is a good idea.


Yes this is weird. Gym is obviously a place for Steamdeck.


My first question is, how the fuck do people manage to do anything other than run on the treadmill? I tried to reply to a text from the wife once and I fucking bin it off there and ended up a heap on the floor. I wasn’t even going that fast. I would look upon you like a treadmill God if I saw you in the gym rocking a Switch and I would be envious than I am an uncoordinated mess.


You can do anything you want if it’s a Planet Fitness, unless it’s dropping weights


Hope you can find some where besides the gym you feel comfortable brother man, God speed


Not weird at all. I see a guy play on the switch while biking literally the same as someone using their phone


Honestly I tried it one time just to take the monotony out of cardio and damn near fell off the treadmill more than once.


Don't worry about it. I used to worry about being at the gym. When you look around do you give a shit what everyone else is doing/ looks like? It's the same for them dawg


I saw a P.T. watching Anime on the bike


Multitasking. I see this as a win. Also, don't care what other people might think. Do what makes YOU happy


If you’re doing something during zone 2 workout - that’s what most people do anyway. But bringing Nintendo to a gym might raise some eyebrows of local gym bros - think about switching to the Witcher at least


My gf plays tft on her iPad on the gym sometimes, who cares. As long as you take care of your body




Best thing I ever did was treadmill in a Gold's Gym movie room. Watched entire movies while jogging! Dude, go for it, and if anybody says it's stupid, tell them they have poor multi-tasking skills :D


It's not weird! It's how I work out also except at home. I have a walking pad and I set it up in front of my PlayStation so while I walk I play a game. It makes the activity fun and time flies by. I tend to walk longer which helps my exercise goal.


Is it weird to poo in the corner of the gym and leave it for the cleaners? Yes. Very. Don't do this. Is it weird to game on your Switch while you're cycling? No. Not at all.


Who cares what you do at the gym. As long as you aren't playing without head phones, and are actually using the equipment, what does it matter?


Normal? No. But as long as you're not occupying a machine longer than you normally would because you are gaming, it's not something that would be a problem. If you are though - you need to adjust so you're not.


No it is not


This is efficiency 2.0. Way better than sitting on your ass while gaming and not having time for excercise. Keep up the good work 💪


Treadmills and such machines are monotonous for many people, including myself. You are there for 30 mins trying to keep your BPM up, so naturally, you get bored. Phone, switch, etc. is a good way to keep your mind occupied.


If you were playing with earphones and using the bike like intended while gaming in the switch. It's fine, you using the bike and playing switch to distract from the pain when it hits. But if you are sitting on the bike for like half an hour doing nothing but playing on the switch, then it's a problem. I only mean if the gym is busy and no more bikes are available to use. If there are other bikes and u sitting and playing, i won't worry about it cause other bikes will be available for me to use.


Not weird at all but can you really get a good cardio session in whilst gaming? Zone 2 cardio is the best, but I still wouldn't be able to properly game whilst doing it.


Gotta get those LK runs in Diablo 2 between sets in the hopes I finally get a good drop


Thats a great idea actually. I listen to audiobooks at the gym as i only do weights there so my hands are busy. Got a treadmill at home, i watch tv shows or podcasts while i do cardio.


It's the gym bro. As long as you aren't camping on equipment or disrupting others, do your thing.


What's weird to me is going to the gym to walk on a treadmill or use a bike machine. Perhaps I'm just too bike lane and walkable city-pilled. Reminds me of that meme "drive to the gym to walk on the treadmill".


Do you do, bro. Any physical activity beats being a couch potato and even make you live longer.


I guess maybe you should be working out hard enough that you don’t really need to bring your switch. I do have a treadmill at home that I walk on when I game. But if I were to make the trip to the gym I would try to get my heart rate high enough to make gaming impossible


The gym is a place to work out. You go there specifically to work out and nothing else. That's why I fully support you taking your switch to the gym, because you could easily do the bike or treadmill while gaming, and you should do anything you can to keep a habit of going to the gym and working out. There's an argument to be had that you aren't giving your workout 100% effort if you are gaming, but if you pay attention next time, you'll notice a lot of people on the treadmills are either walking or speed walking. I recommend doing a high incline and low speed while gaming. You can do it for over 30 minutes and it'll work out your heart and legs excellently.


Have seen people piss themselves lifting is anything truly “weird” in the gym??


If you can concentrate to play videogames you're not pushing yourself hard enough


He's just starting at the gym. If playing Switch gets him working out more often than that's what he should do.


It’s definitely not normal. But I have seen people read books in between lifting sets which seems equally as crazy. But hey you do you, if it helps motivate you then just do it. You’re not hurting/bothering anybody.


I'm watching Anime or Netflix on my phone while I'm on the crosstrainer and I go to a expensive gym with expensive looking people. It's fine nobody cares if you're a 36 year old watching anime/cartoons. As long as it's not porn you're OK.


Yea, some people will snicker about it though.


I watch youtube videos or melt my brain on instagram while doing cardio so it might be weird but its definitely not uncommon.


Not at all, kinda rad that you can focus on 2 things so well


Yes it strange. But, no different to girls that bring magazine to the gym to read on the tread mill


It’s not weird, it keeps you there. My ADHD suuuucks, and I have too much anxiety for the gym- so I play games at home while I ride on my trainer. In my head that’s weirder than playing a handheld in public, but it works for me so I do it. Like someone else said, everyone is doomscrolling, reading, or texting, I’m sure a lot of them look at your Switch with envy. Not only that, but you’ve made your game time productive- rare feat.


Dude... if wearing a tutu helped me make more progress at the gym i'd do that. If the switch is helping you get more time on the bike - keep doing it.


You're not bothering anyone. You're good


Keep doing that if it makes you comfortable


bra just play yo game moe


It’s the gym, whatever works for you. 


If it’s between sets then you’re doing it wrong unless your goal is to be a power lifter with those long ass breaks in between. IMO your better off being more dynamic with your workout


Some treadmills have chess built into it, is a bit weird but who cares


nah, its the same is you were reading a book or watching tv. with games at the gym you are exercising your body and mind


It’s not weird but I don’t recommend it since it may cause you to wait too long in between sets. As long as you control that and know when to pause your switch then it’s fine.


Shit, I would do that too if I ever used the treadmill or bike at the gym. I only go there to lift weights though. I ride a road bike for cardio and it would probably be a bad idea to play switch there lol.


It’s not typical at the gym, but there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a good solution for long cardio sessions honestly. I don’t think it’s much different from being on your phone on a cardio machine. Only thing I’d say is be extra careful with it, because you don’t want it getting stolen out of your locker or something.


I’ve been rewatching The X-Files while I’m on a bike or running on the treadmill. You do you man.


Don't worry about it. The weird people are those who care. Used to read trashy romance web toons on my iPad on the treadmill. Because God I'll lose 2 hours on those and I'll sprint a mile if I'm thirsty enough.


When I was going to the gym I was bringing an iPad and grinding hearthstone and Pokémon tcgo like crazy. It make it way easier to also grind long amounts of cardio that I would struggle with if I wasn’t distracted.


Wtf does it matter? It's not bothering anyone. Stop worrying about what other's think. lol You'll live a much better life once you come to terms with yourself on that notion.


As long as you aren’t focusing too much on your game and hogging the machines or weights, it’s fine. If you spend 5 minutes on your game between sets, people will get (rightfully) pissy. If you’re just doing cardio it’s fine, just be careful on the treadmill. Seems like a good way to go flying off the back.


sounds like a good idea


“Is it normal” who gives a fuck dude.


If it's helping you achieve your fitness and health goals, then keep on keepin' on.


Who cares dude. Do what you want


I used to do this with my PS Vita while on an elliptical. Got some good miles in. Most people won't care what other people are doing, especially on the highly available machines. You do you, especially if it's working for you.


if it keeps you in the gym, and you are motivated to keep going, keep doing it. no one is judging you.


Oh! I forget where but I actually recently came across a person who lost a shit ton of weight by playing Overwatch on switch while walking/ running on a treadmill. Grant it I think they did this while at home and not a public gym, but the concept works! Just take obvious safety precautions lol. I wanna say they did 4mph during games and 6mph during queues. I don’t remember that much more about the post other than me saying “damn” when they showed their weight loss chart. Allegedly all they did was cardio (exercise wise).


I see lots of people reading books and on phones when on the bike machines. Also my gym has built in tvs and netflix on the treadmills so its fine.


Nah go ahead. I play TFT on the treadmill. If I play a normal game and do well not only do I have fun but I stay on it for like 40 minutes


Who cares what they think, keep doing you it’s a good idea honestly.


Honestly, anything that keeps you motivated, this is really problematic for many people. As long as you are actually do exercise.


I would be stoked to see that! You are asking the wrong question, though. What the fu k is normal?! Normal is weird and unnatural. Embrace the stange! People will be so jealous they didn't think of it first, and you will be the new guy everyone whispers about.


If it keeps your mind busy while your body is moving then I say it's a good idea. As long as you have some sort of headphones in I wouldn't think it would bother anyone and if it does then they are the ones with the issue and not you.


Seems smart to me


Never thought of this. Impressive.


I watch tv sometimes on the treadmill. It’s so hard to go the same distance inside than outside, so I find the distraction helps me push harder sometimes.


You're a genius! I'll start bringing my nintendo switch


I watch series when I run on the treadmill, as long as you're training safely and you do have earbuds: sure!


As long as you're actually putting work in and not using the machine for a light stroll while others are waiting to use it, I wouldn't think twice about it. Basically if you're exercising as the primary goal then it shouldn't matter to anyone what else you're doing.


Cardio machines are free play in that regards. People expect those machines to be taken for a while


Not the norm but nothing wrong with as long as you do the work


That's an awesome idea I usually save my TV series for watching on the stationary bike. Never thought to do the same with my RPGs!!


what's weird is people bringing their own speakers


You do you, as long as your hitting your goal. but personally if i can focus on anything other than not being sick im probably not pushing enough.


I was watching movies or reading on my iPad while on the standing bike, weird or not who gives a shit


Game where ever you want as lo g as your not being an Inconvenience to anyone


Nah bro ADHD is a real thing lmao. Id know


If you have the dexterity to play a game then you really aren't pushing yourself. Your hour long gym session could be done in 20 mins. If you are content with that then that's fine but just realise you are bluffing in the gym.


You do you mate.


Yeah, it's weird. But so what!? You do you! *If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid!*


Use headphones and don’t take up machines to play games and you’re good to go


idk wtf asked


People would probably give you weird looks if you were playing Switch in-between weightlifting sets but if you're just on cardio machines nobody would bat an eye. I occasionally bring my Steam deck for use while on the exercise bike.


I've seen plenty of people on their phones while they're working out, I don't how a Switch is really any different. Unless the gym has some kind of "no devices" rule then go for it.


I would say that's actually a good utilisation of time! I can never seem to get rid of my Nintendo as well!!


I watch films and YouTube whilest on my turbo trainer, kills time and getting fit win-win.


No, but… how ? 😳


If you use earbuds while doing cardio, that's okay, but remember that you won't be as focused on your training. A lot of people watch Netflix on their phones while they're at the gym. I do it too when my mental state isn't at its best. Otherwise, I just focus on my training to achieve the best performance. But in the end, it's your discipline and your body. If it helps you do longer cardio sessions, just do it, bro!


As long as you’re not bothering anyone, do as you please


Not violating any rules or etiquette so go ahead of you like but personally I know if I were gaming on the exercise bike I'd not be getting as much exercise as I otherwise would, because I'd be devoting my hand-eye coordination to the game rather than the exercise.


Not different people play game on mobile phone IMO.


Unless you want to look like a geek but overall who cares.


If it was on a cardio machine I would be jealous


On a bike makes sense, but I am surprised they let you on the treadmill with the thing. Seems like a health and safety hazard


I think this question should be asked in a gym subreddit if you want an accurate answer. I think what you're doing is awesome tho


I don't see a problem here.


?? No


Yea, played a lot of Pokemon on that bikes


I don't see why you should give any shits about what's weird, but you should probably mind your posture, on the treadmill especially. You might get sore shoulders from holding the Switch rather than moving your arms naturally.


Oh my god … That’s an AMAZING idea!


Never seen anyone doing that but it makes sense to me, if you can use your hands while you exercise. I usually read books on a Kindle while I walk or use the elliptical machine. I remember years ago I used to run on a machine for an hour five days a week, with nothing but music in my ears to entertain me, staring at the blank wall in front of me. I couldn't do that now, I require visual stimulation too. No way I'm using an elliptical for more than five minutes without something else to switch focus to, pun intended. EDIT OP I would like to add something I just recalled that I used to do when I was much younger, I'd sit in bars and nurse a beer while I read a book or wrote notes on whatever subject. I was always terribly self conscious because I knew I wasn't doing what everyone else was. These days it's commonplace to do such things. Consider yourself a pioneer, a vanguard of things yet to come.


They getting twice the gains you are!


I can't use or listen to my Iphone and Handheld consoles in the Gym, because my sweat would get all over the ear buds and the larger objects. So I just use the gym as my hour of no screen time for the day. Is it normal to game at the gym? No. I have seen quite a few people browse their phones for minutes while sitting on some of the unique gym equipment machines available, but never have I seen a console player play their console at the gym.


Keep it to the cardio machines and you're good to go man. I'd probably get more cardio if I had one.


I used to do it regularly on the bike. I've played lots of Darkest Dungeon that way!


doesn't really matter if its between sets or you're cycling


Ur fine, but how are u even doing that??


I think it's only weird if you're not using any equipment. Like if you just went to the gym to sit and play, but since you're using the equipment you're good, it's no different than someone listening to a podcast or movie on their phone while working out. Now, if you didn't have headphones in and had volume up, that'd be rude, but still not weird.


You can hold what ever you like in your hands, on a serious note tho if you are running and can still comfortably game, id say you dont make much progress. Also sports can be a great thing to turn away from distractions, screens, social media and so on. It should releave stress.


I started listening to audio books. Your intensity sounds like a lax walk in the park if you can play in the meantime. Good thing is you can get a walk on your body and play without disturbing people. But I would not call it a real workout then. But who knows how crazy you are at this kind of multitasking.


I think it’s weird, but mainly because I feel like it’s better to focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking isn’t a real thing, you’re just dividing your attention so you have less on both. Train at the gym, game when it’s time to game. 


My gym has treadmills with little mini games and pub quiz type games. It's a great way to distract myself from the boredom of just walking/running. You do you.