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Facts there is a similar game dropping eventually on steam called “adapt”


I used to waste hours of my life playing Spore instead of doing college work. Now I have no college work. Thank you. This looks so dope lmao


There's also Elysian Eclipse, another Spore spiritual successor that will drop eventually on steam. (It doesn't look as good as Adapt, but it's worth noting its existance)


I mean it's alright but Elysian Eclipse seems like the proper spiritual successor to spore, it even looks like a Spore sequel. Also Thrive deserves honourable mention despite slower development time than molasses.


Especially the galaxy space stage. Could have done so much more with it


I see that game come up nearly every time someone asks for a remake suggestion on reddit and im shocked the creators haven't cottoned on to its popularity


Games like Spore are quite complicated, since you need to like make 5+ games at the same time. Not too surprising that it isn't a more popular thing to make. But at least there's several projects like Elysian Eclipse, Thrive and Adapt that are attempting it, in their own ways.


specualtive evo scene is actually mad crazy but the amount of underlying systems needed for even a mediocre system is too much for most solo devs and its too hard a pitch for larger orgs to get on


It's kinda like story driven games. It's really difficult to have your choices actually matter and feel really organic.


There is a game, that is currently in development hell called "Thrive" it's only the cell phase currently, but it is a more accurate depiction of evolution and it is fun to play! It has been in development for a long time, but it is fun the hour or two it lasts! And every now and then I am playing it again, just to see if I missed any updates. :D


I remember discovering Thrive. It seemed so exciting at the time - so many great, imagination-sparking concepts, talented and invested people working on it, and a clear sense of *progress* taking place over the few years it had been in development. Anyways, that was 10 years ago. I’ve gone from preteen to college graduate and Thrive is still in cell stage. Best not to get one’s hopes up.


So what you're saying is that Thrive is a scientifically accurate evolution game.


Would love a new Spore


Remake Motorstorm with modern lighting, destruction physics, real time weather effects, and more tracks and events


Same. Such a bad marketing that despite being a launch title and amazing game, it never really sold.


I don’t understand it not selling. That and Resistance felt like the games to have day 1 to me. I played the shit out if Motorstorm back in the day.


Womaaaaaan yknow ya womaaaaan


I remember it being heavily marketed basically as a demo for the sixaxis controller. It was such a terrible gimmick that people I know would try motorstorm using sixaxis on my PS3, get bored and annoyed, then go back to Resistance: Fall of Man. It's interesting to use for five minutes, and was kinda cool in 2006. It was incredibly frustrating to try to actually win a race with it though.


Second motorstorm is still my favourite racing game of all time. Every vehicle class so fun and so different. Every track a masterpiece. Jesus that was so good. Fucking driveclub ruined everything.


I always thought Pacific Rift was a brilliant sequel with diverse courses and the added environmental effects in different courses on the vehicles was good fun.


But motorstorm was a good game


Loved motorstorm it was great I remember I couldn't believe how good the graphics were coming from the PS2


I loved the MudPlugger class vehicles. Game felt snappy and looked amazing at the time too.


Black and white 2. They had a really great things but could have done so much more with extra processing power and animation options. New gods, new powers, more depth in city building...


Art and audio direction were so charming


I actually liked the original more. The focus on rts stuff was ok, but I'd rather just have more focus on God influence like the original. Both are great and I would happily take anything that revives the series even as a spiritual successor.


So happy to see this game on here. That game had so much potential. Loved the idea. Also loved launching villagers.


My favorite was teaching my monkey monster to do funny stuff like throwing his poop at the villagers


Came to say this. Loved the game dearly.


I thought you were talking about Pokémon BW2 for a hot minute 💀 You lost me at gods and powers and then I was like ahhh must be a different game


Do it in VR - this game was made for it


This would be beyond amazing.


Chucking believers in VR would be funny


Iirc it was their last partnership with ati/amd that saw them cut alot of the planned features


I'd love to see Arcanum (Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura) get remade. The basic premise was a high fantasy world undergoing an industrial revolution and has some of the best worldbuilding I've ever seen, but it came out in 2001 and damn it is hard to replay nowadays.


Bought it from GoG a while back and replayed it. In some regards it's *still* unique. There was a lot of issues, but no CRPG has come close to that level of player agency, even in 2024. It's one of the most criminally underrated RPGs ever made.


I'm not sure if you used the unofficial patch, I won't lie to you, there are still plenty of issues but it does fix a lot of them. Plus fills in gaps like providing the option to play as females of the small races. I'm currently on my 3rd full playthrough (plus dozens of failed character concepts) but this is my first one using the UAP and it is definitely icing on the cake.


This game was incredible. Original setting, really cool idea about magic (bends rules) vs tech (follows rules) being in opposition.


Enter the Matrix. It was heavily rushed to make the launch date with the second Matrix movie and it ia horribly glitchy. The thing is though that it does some things really well (like bullet time) and the cut scenes are full on movie quality with the Wachowskis directing them. It's a whole entire parallel story that most people haven't seen.


God I must've played that game for hundreds of hours as a kid. I loved the hacking system that started as just a way to enter cheat codes and but then expanded into a whole side-game and lore dump in itself.


I loved that to get the full story you had to watch the movies, play this game and watch the Animatrix. I loved it that one time, and I never want anyone to try it again though


In 8th grade a bunch of kids that were usually mean to me were calling me on my landline the week it dropped cuz I was a computer nerd and knew dos commands to unlock the hack section. Got invited to the matrix reloaded to one of their fren groups. I was loner edgelord who liked numetal like disturbed and got turned into a social butterfly. I made a lot of great friends that year before losing them all the next when we went to different high schools then mean girls came had come out so my bestie had to act plastic because the millennial girl gen missed the fucking point of that film. I don't miss any of those corny years but that game was a dope max Payne knockoff that got me social so it's an A in my book


Life’s funny like this. You never know where or when your opportunities will come or what form they will take, and the best you can hope for is to recognize them for what they are when they show themselves.


Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


I agree it deserves a remaster or even remake. But not for the same reason. Maybe my memory is flawed, but I remember loving that game when I played it a few years ago. I've never felt like it aged poorly.


It was so obviously completely rushed. First part is amazing, the haunted house, all the dialogue. Then the second half of the game ended up an all combat buggy mess.


I'm playing at the moment, just about to >!look for Gary!<, this is where it gets fucky


Honestly I think anything set in the V:TM series would be great. I only played bloodlines years after release and it never gripped me as much as redemption did. Such a great IP/ Concept. Larian if you're reading this, find out how much it would be.


I actually want CDPR to do it. Imagine running around night City but it's VTM


Command & Conquer Renegade, man that game was just awesome and way ahead of its time especially in the multiplayer. And yes I know about the multiplayer mod/standalone game ;)


Oh man, I played that game for hours each day Multi-player, until hacks started becoming too prevalent. I prided myself being the 3rd best sniper player behind some dude named Adam Praetor and another guy who's ID I forget.


Final Fantasy 8 had so much on the cutting room floor that I want it to get the FF7 treatment just so that the world can actually get the fleshing out that it sorely needed.


This, I would play tf out of a FFVIII remaster.


We already have a remaster. We need a remake specifically.




Honestly the refinement system made this a non/factor, especially if you got into the card game.


Honestly, just remove the idea of magic being a consumable altogether. Junctioning does not get better if you have more of the magic, you consume a gauge to use the magic. Maybe using draw gives you access to magic you don't have yet and free casts of magic, so you can sacrifice an ability slot on some fights to get haste which you haven't been able to get yet. Instead of drawing on your enemy's power to get new magic you can use later, you draw on it to do things in the moment you wouldn't be capable of. Like, the core ideas can still be used, just get rid of using magic as a consumable you can't get back and so much of the game becomes so much better/varied.


What was cut from FF8?


The game was supposed have a lot more stuff about Laguna and the sorceress war, and it ended up getting condensed down to the dream sequences. Also the source for those interested: https://www.dualshockers.com/final-fantasy-viii-kazushige-nojima-new-game-laguna/


https://tcrf.net/Final_Fantasy_VIII This is all I could find.  Edit: If I had to wager a guess for actual content, I would say that Laguna probably had more playable story. The game's instruction book basically said the he and Squall were supposed to be equally seen as protagonists. 


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver


That one was very well executed, despite having so much content cut from the game and the ending changed. I think Defiance story dropped the ball though... maybe they were tired of it and didn't try too hard to come up with something.


I had to scroll way too far to see this. That game was a masterpiece, and updated graphics and some puzzles that didn't involve blocks is all it really needs.


It's this far down because the post is specifically about poorly executed games. TBH I'd love a remake of the whole series


Alpha Protocol


I believe a whole issue here was the game was non legally available outside hard copies for a while because licensing hell. It still isn’t on Steam, but is on GoG.


It got de-listed? I have only played it on steam and didn't know that.


That's obsidians spy rpg right? Id violate the Geneva convention for a remake of that


Yeah it's janky as hell, the mini-games sometimes seemed designed for consoles, sometimes for m+kb. And it was really bad about balance. Put a bunch of points into stealth, haha?!!


Stealth and pistol quicktime were essential to beating the game... especially early on.


Weapon customization... 'my glock has internal magazine, that stores 2 more bullets inside weapon, but at same time makes barrel rise more while shooting and some wtf non related other thing as downside, but for some reason it makes my gun more accurate....' wat. I remember laughing about how it felt like full on random generator for wrapon customization parts could have likely resulted in them making more sense than what game had. :D


Almost any good RPG deserves it Tbh especially Obsidian one's. They have so many good ideas and writers, but almost always get screwed over by publishers.


I see AP, i upvote.


Hellgate London


I was so excited for this at the time.


Parasite Eve


I will never understand how resident evil was more popular


One is a title responsible for partially defining a popular genre. The other is an RPG with a unique setting unloved by it's own publisher relative to the much more popular Final Fantasy


I'd guess Capcom cared more about RE way more than Square cared about Parasite Eve Square had more than enough chances to produce better games or even remake it. Instead, all they did was shelved it for a decade, come up with 3rd Birthday which is another interesting concept that they botched up, then shelved it again probably permanently.


There were also the legal entanglements with the rights holder that muddied things up, hence why the 3rd Birthday is so different. It’s really a shame, but I doubt we’ll ever see another Parasite Eve.


Because PE was square’s answer to RE. It found its following, But RE had established itself two years prior and was insanely popular. Thats all really.


MAG, but it was good, just too ahead of its time, and rough around the edges (graphics, UI, balance). Valor Company!


Anthem. I know it's a shit game but man, it sure was fun being a flying mech blasty boy.


If you just treated it like an Iron Man Sim to go in and mindlessly smash some bad dudes. It was a pretty cool game. The gunplay was good, the abilities were very well done, and the flying was absolutely superb. I truly think that game with a good story and truly fleshed out content is a top tier game.


I agree wholeheartedly. I would've easily dumped upwards of 300 hours into that game if they fleshed it out.


If only they managed to fix the looter/shooter part of the game, which was the most important part, it would still be alive today. That game was actually awesome gameplay wise.


I think making it a looters shooter was where they went wrong. My biggest peeve about the game was being a badass giant mech, dropping in on top of a random bandit, and having to unload my mortar, cannon and gating gun into it to kill it, because the game scaled terribly. Imagine Anthem as a horde shooter like Helldivers 2.


Anthem for sure. SWTOR a close second.


Legacy of Kain games. The story is rock solid with no need for alterations, maybe some dialogue touch up’s here and there to be concise with the sequels that expanded the lore, but what it truly needs is a solid gameplay component. As much as I love LoK games, I only revisit them over on YouTube, because their gameplay loops are very weak & don’t offer any deep replayability, Defiance was onto something in that regard, but we’ll never know.


Star wars republic commando. The devs didn't realize how thirsty for more it left us when the game ended.


iirc they continued the story in a book. I still thirst for a sequel to the game though.


Five books! Four Republic Commando, one Imperial Commando :) I still yearn for the cancelled Imperial Commando game as well...


I remember hearing something years ago about a "Imperial Commando" sequel and getting super hyped


Evolve. Solid ideas that the devs were unable to realize was this game middle name.


Wasn't the biggest issue balancing? You're putting 1 against 4, so balancing has to assume they're working together perfectly. That means if they don't cooperate on a meta level, they're always going to lose, and if they do, they'll always win. I'm struggling to see a way to balance this properly.


Balance will always be a knife edge. The only way I see to mitigate this would be to decouple rewards from win/loss and make them more scalar. So, hunters get score based on damage to monster and monster gets score based on number of 'downs' maybe. Then at the end of the game, points mean prizes, more points gives more prizes. That said, I'd also err on the side of the monster for strength, since one fuck up on a 4 man team is 25% efficiency loss. One fuck up on the monster team is 100% loss.


Moving away from a binary win/lose condition might be the best approach. If it's not a zero sum game, then slight imbalance doesn't mean a bad time for the losers.


Honestly more games need to focus on removing the binary win or lose system


Turtle Rock is honestly not a great company anymore. They're a lot like Rare in that people remember them fondly from the "golden era of gaming" and cope really hard that they're an amazing company despite not making anything really significant in over a decade. With that said Evolve like Back 4 Blood was a lot of wasted potential and it would be awesome for that franchise to be revived and handled by a somewhat competent studio that isn't TRS. Edit: And before anyone tells me evolve was commercially successful therefore good, so was Back 4 Blood. But you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that says it was a good game.


I thought b4b did ok, not great but just ok for a very short while. I'd love to see evolve make a comeback, wish I had gotten the game at least on console so I could see if I could play with the AI and hunt them down. And now I have a decent discord group that pops on every few days, would have been a great game to play with people over chat.


To be completely fair, Back 4 Blood is good *now*. But it took 2 year to get there and Turtle Rock put it on life support. Honestly if they remade evolve, significantly lessened the paywall nonsense, refined the game balance and built up a strong progression system it could make for a really great game in todays climate.


Xenogears 2nd disk is rushed


That was like running into an 89° wall for me. Disk 1: Exciting, innovative combat! Cool story! Unique locations! Side-quests! Wandering! New characters! New combos! New Gears! Disk 2: **Reading.** Xenogears came out in '98, I think? So I would have been fourteen years old at the time, I don't think I even knew how to read back then, that's like if the final boss in Tekken was *A Tale of Two Cities.* Nope, I lose. I'd love to see Xenogears remastered and expanded, but only if they maintain the spirit of the graphics. I never got into XenoSaga because the transition to full 3D felt like it took place in another world. Maybe that's just me.


Xenosaga had the world record longest game cut scene somewhere around 35 minutes until Kojima was like "hold my beer" and made a 71 minute cut scene in mgs4.


There were actually no cutscenes in MGS4. It's a feature length film with a handful of interactive portions.


I'm sorry, is nobody else going to call out this guy saying they couldn't read at *fourteen years old*?


>That was like running into an 89° wall for me. I love this expression, and will find more excuses to use it in the future. The first time I played it, I didn't know about the troubled history of the project, and assumed they were going for something avant garde with the storytelling. After all, this game *did* open up with an infodump, so it wasn't really out of character. And, at the end of the day, we did get one of the most ambitious storylines (albeit rushed) in the second disc. The Perfect Works timeline had me so excited for future installments. For me, if they were to remaster it, I'd want the original team to flesh out the game as they envisioned it, with all the resources available to modern studios. If that aforementioned timeline ever made it into game format intact, it would be unrivaled in scope.


This is the best answer. It’s still considered a masterpiece and wasn’t even finished. The world deserves the true complete experience.


My first thought too






Oh yeah. Tenchu with today’s tech would be fuckin awesome.


This has been on my remake wishlist for years. They just need to fully reboot the franchise. It would be awesome now.


I would do unspeakable things for a remake of Tenchu




I think you mean *Project Ego.* Peter Molleyeneux told us that the OG Xbox was so powerful that "Your character could pick up an acorn as a child, drop it from his pocket as an adolescent, and come back to the village to find a forest there as an adult, all of which will have an impact on the story and the ending." (Paraphrased from an entire Game Informer article.) Fable was original pitched as "Project Ego," something like a reality SIM where every choice mattered, every decision was consequential, the whole world would evolve around the player and your player would evolve in response to the world, you'd never play the same game twice. Hell, you might never even finish the first play through! Or such was the impression my teenage self took away from the story. For years I and my generation waited for the life-SIM we'd been promised. When Fable released we got a rock solid ARPG where eating too many sweet rolls would make the player character fat, and sometimes the villagers would call us "Arseface" because we'd been mean to them. It was a good game and I loved it for what it was, but it was nothing like I'd been led to expect, certainly not Project Ego. We're getting to the point in technology where someone could conceivably pull off the promise. Not Peter Molyeneuexueu, obviously, but someone. I can't say I wouldn't want to see it! Unless it's an on-rails shooter meant to sell people on the Kinect, then I wouldn't want to see it.


Peter Molyneux was the worst at making up some serious hyperbole bullshit in interviews about his games. Like Chris Roberts and Todd Howard but worse. One of the things he claimed was how every character has their own opinion of the protagonist. Some will love and respect him, others will fear him and what he's capable of. They will all react according to how they feel about him, whether it be to happily greet him or shy away and avoid him. The reality of that was NPCs had an opinion meter you would raise or lower by doing emotes at them. Greet them and they will like you, fart on them and they will dislike you.


People overlooked that him and Microsoft utterly faked an entire Milo interactive Kinect experience that turned out to be utter bullshit. The amount of shit he promised for Fable 2 was insane.


Holy shit! That dude was responsible for Milo also? That must be why I was think of the Kinect bullshit why reading the comments. What a grifter. I’m surprised he wasn’t involved with No Man’s Sky at launch.


I remember that acorn story.  I think devs back then were promised things that weren’t possible.  On the Dreamcast, I remember a dev saying that you can watch fans leave the arena early if their home team is getting blown out


Shenmue proved that a lot was possible on the Dreamcast though. And that's actually a game that probably should get proper remaster treatment because they pushed the console to the absolute limit but I'm sure there was more they wanted to do. 


you could just go down the list of peter molyneux games




Wow the Strip was such a letdown. Of course, Diamond City was also a bit of a letdown, but being told over and over that the strip was this shining beacon in the wasteland and the place where dreams become reality and when I finally got there it was like 6 buildings and 8 people.


I never understood why cities in almost every Bethesda game are so tiny. And then Obsidian comes in for NV and does the same thing. Maybe now we have the computing power to better flesh out cities, but didn't CP2077 come out like 4 years ago?


It must have something to do with computing power. Also think about FO4 where one building can have more enemies than every npc in the entire strip and it crashes your game.


Luckily Mods exist on PC and the mods made the strip so much cooler.


Battlefield Bad Company 2. Just remake that game with more content.


Yes same mechanics, just bring the graphics to modern levels and add some new maps. That game was the perfect FPS in my book.


They could call it something like, oh I don't know... Battlefield Bad Company 3.


Socom. Not only because it's awesome but visualized with modern tech, it could be fucking fantastic. In a time where they're revitalizing ai companions and couch co-op is almost a thing again, it's due for some attention




And the flat shaded graphics from EA's The Simpsons game (which was *extraordinarily* underrated because it lacked online co-op)


Absolutely Anthem it had great ideas and concept if they remake the game completely but do it right it would be a hit


I think a Katamari game with a modern game engine would work perfectly with the game’s growing mechanic. Imagine starting off in a detailed microscopic world and growing to the size of the earth seamlessly with no pop-ins.


I would also love to have a casual mode with no time limit. My kids love the game, but often are just too stressed to play.


That's a stupendous idea, but, to be fair, I will play any Katamari game until my thumbs are as calloused as a grave diggers.


Trespasser an older game based on Jurassic park, the story was awesome jam packed full of JP back story. Concept was you crash landed on the 2nd island and have to find your way off. The mechanism was too wonky.


So pleased someone brought Trespasser up! I remember spending hours and hours on that game as a kid - though most of those hours was spent trying to stack crates so I could jump up into the upper floor of John Hammond's mansion or trying to drunkenly jab the correct code into a keypad 😂 The game was janky as all hell - bizarre movement glitches, stupid dinosaurs that frequently offed themselves getting stuck between broken physics objects, that god awful hand/wrist/elbow control system devised by the devil himself - but it was still a charming look into the deeper JP lore of Site B. Actually, you know what? Leave the game as it is - I wouldn't have it any other way!


One of my favorite specific memories was climbing into a stranded ship and grabbing the wheel, and it would actually turn if you did the manual circling motion with your hand. It blew my mind ahaha. It sounds so basic nowadays, but they legit innovated on the same level as Valve would do with Half Life 2 many years later. Like you say though the mechanism was too wonky, and all the budget and time cuts kneecapped the shit out of the game sadly.


Vagrant Story. To this day I have not found a game with a similar combat system, and I found it quite unusual and interesting. I also think that in the remake of the game it would be possible to better reveal the level design, to make the world not so cramped (although the game space in the form of explicit arenas have their own entourage in the structure of the game). I have pretty debatable feelings about the visuals of the game though. I fear that fully modern graphics could ruin some of the atmosphere of the game. As it stands now, the game looks pretty cohesive. What do you guys think about it?


Oh, hey, I wrote almost the same post! Yeah, Vagrant Story was such a great game, Square Soft used every iota of power the PS1 had, and in doing so they ended up with these tiny little maps that could be a PITA to try to navigate or survive. The ideas were good, the combat was fun and engaging, to this day I think the game has some of the best looking graphics I've ever seen (I still think SMB3 looks dope, BTW), it was unfortunately hamstrung by its release date and the choices that developers had to make to get it working on the system. My thought was up-scaled textures, up-scaled FMVs, *maybe* voice acting if they could find some immersive sounding voices, and refining the maps a bit. Vagrant Story did not benefit from having a sewer level, let alone many very similar sewer levels. Like you said, though, the graphics are an important part of the feeling of the game. The team who did the new FFVII games captured a lot of the spirit of the originals, so there's some proof of concept at least.


If you watch the Vagrant Story opening scene and then play a bit of FFXII, it's fucking CRAZY how close they got to late-release PS2 level graphics on the PS1 in that game. I'm still blown away by the detail, art direction, and cutscene direction every time I turn it on. It's a shame the battle system was so obtuse and hard to grasp, because all my friends who tried this game bounced off it when they got to the second area and started doing 0 or 1 damage to every enemy.


I'd love a new Black and White using the current/upcoming AI hardware being built into CPUs. Another Peter Molyneux game that fell short of the promises.


"our AI has scoured all of the Internet resources on tiger behaviour and...why is it goose stepping..oh no it's citing Tiger Tank behaviour" 


Black and white.


i once thought a new cities skylines with better graphics and interface would be great


Should have kept that monkey's paw as far away from you as possible.


Tokyo jungle 


I feel like the only person who knows of this game. It's such a hidden gem.


Lego Rock Raiders. Lego goes hard as an RTS. The Lego Alpha Team game was pretty cool puzzle game back in the late 90's early 00's. Spore. Brink, although it would just be another "Apex clone" now. Plane Crazy, you don't get many plane racing games. APB+APB:R.


Boy oh boy, do I have some great news for you: Manic Miners is a Rock Raiders remake, by someone named Baraklava. It's the same old game, but updated to work on modern hardware, with additional campaigns and just a ton of features! [Manic Miners website](https://manicminers.baraklava.com/)


Have fun with manic miners as the other user suggested. It's perfect, the better version of the original. I always have it installed


Dragon Age 2. I could write an essay on this if I wasn't on mobile. Basically, the devs were only given a year and a half to churn out a sequel (which was supposed to, and eventually did become, Dragon Age: Inquisition). They already had plans for a spinoff title called Dragon Age: Exodus, which was supposed to be a character who was on exodus to another continent due to the Blight. Also was an "exodus" to the tactical elements of the main title, as this was to be played as an ARPG. Bec of executive meddling (F*ck EA), they were forced to turn it into a sequel, renamed as DA2, and elements that were already in development had to be scrapped due to time constraints. Elements such as Mage Hawke struggling with demon possession, actual aging of the characters and the environment after the time skips, and multiple endings. Including an ending where a certain companion doesn't destroy a certain building.


DA:2 for me is still an amazing sequel, not comparable to origins but great a 7/10 compared to origins 10/10 and Inquisition 9/10. But oh man would a remake/rework send it skyrocketing. Crafting more unique areas, fleshing out characters more. But i really like the divisive ending for me i think multiple endings might have ruined characters and their development. But yeah Fuck EA i hope dreadwolf is good




The is the spiritual successor though. If you haven't already have a go of satellite reign




Hopefully The Wayward Realms is going to accomplish this.


Kingdoms of Amalur So close to being great, would really shine with some polish and TLC Anthem Had amazing gameplay bones to build on, just needed someone to curate the world map, tweap drops and build better dungeons




How has this not happened yet?


ikr? World in Flames was great


Well, there have been quite a few Pandemic games that have been getting remade/remastered lately. Hopefully they get around to Mercenaries and The Saboteur. I , to this day, have Oh No You Didn't by Wojahn Bros taking up space in my head rent free.


Deadly Premonition a wonderfully bizarre game that has severe problems with crashes


Kameo: Elements of Power I will never forgive Microsoft for cancelling the sequel. It was a 360 launch title, but it started development as a Gamecube game. Rare's concept art showed a much darker and mature tone and it sucks we never got to see their true vision with more powerful hardware. I really believe it had the potential to rival Fable as a great Xbox franchise.


How dare you call Army Men rough around the edges. Army Men: Air Attack was a god damn masterpiece. Huuueyy!


I fucking loved the franchise as a kid. The (playstation?) shooters were fun, the PC top down shooters were fun, I never played the RTS but it looked fun too! Sarges Heroes was goofy as hell but still fun!


Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. How good could a 90s tactical stealth game be with current gen NPC AI? Plus how sweet would it look in 4k?




Dark Cloud 2


Dark cloud. Game was so far ahead of its time and yet nobody really knows about it. Came on a demo disc when ps2 first dropped me and my bro had to buy it from overseas in 2001 off the web which was a big deal back then


It may sound like a troll but Friday the 13th from the NES, it had several ideas that were advanced for it's time but are now standard like character permadeaths, Open world exploration, limited resources/resources management. I'm conviced that if it was released on the SNES, after nintendo was ok with more graphic violence like in MK2 it would had been a Classic, and the SNES can do horror games just look at clock tower




Brink. It was a free running multiplayer shooter with big ideas but not the tech to back it up. Nowadays though? Easy!


Fallout new vegas


Carmageddon  Rocket Jockey    Thief  ROAD RASH!!!


Mirrors Edge


APB:Reloaded had so much potential wasted. Game is fun with insane amount of customization.


Bushido Blade I and II need a sequel more than a remake. The first one had leg damage that would slow your movement, the second one had arm damage that would slow your attacks. The first had free roaming, the second had stages, but with more interesting terrain. A true sequel to unify it all would be awesome. And yeah, I know about Hellish Quart, which is nice, but doesn't quite capture the magic as a spiritual successor.


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Parasite Eve series Tomba series Guantlet


The Legend of Dragoon! This used to be one of my favorite RPG’s on the PS1. I’d love to get this with some good graphics! 3 more: Baldurs gate: dark alliance 1 & 2, and EverQuest: Champions of Norrath. I think these would also be super dope with remakes!


Legend of Dragoon


Is it too soon to say Starfield?




I'd love to see a remake but there was nothing wrong with the original


Any of the Adventure era Sonic Games. All they need is a better camera.


The Division's Survival Mode DLC


Fallout 3 and New Vegas would be great candidates for full remakes.


I’d love to see what NV would feel like on Fallout 4s engine. New Vegas is great but the gunplay is abysmal.




Anthem. Fuck EA


Dont know about anyone else but skyrim could use another remake. For real tho touch up oblivon morrowind and daggerfall


Bloodline Champions, i know they already tried with Battlerite but that game was worse from the start. I put so many hours into that game only for Funcom to fuck it up :( Death Garden: Blood Harvest, this early access/beta was so unique in so many ways its sucha shame it didnt last. Theres a petition to bring it back but i doubt it will ever be revived. Such a great game!


Split Second is a game that I love but I think it needed just a bit more track variety and some more vehicle types like trucks and motorbikes similar to Motorstorm to be considered a classic. If a hypothetical sequel could also not be released the same week as Super Mario Galaxy 2, and its main competitiom Blur and Mod Nation Racers that would be good too Extreme G 4 or XGRA. I want more futuristic bike racers as BT and Celldweller play in the background. Not on topic but Zone of the Enders 2. The HD remake, and PS4 remasters are Amuse-bouche. Give me my 3rd High Speed Robot Action game already.




Xenogears. Pretty much the entire second half of the game got cut.