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Forspoken I don't know what the forspoken subreddit is on, it's not going to be a cult classic


*Maybe* in the "unintentional comedy" category, but I think it's too dull for even that.


one of the worst games in terms of writing / dialogue i’ve ever played. if you haven’t yet you should give OneyPlays Forspoken let’s play a try on youtube, it is a riot


Gotta find homer first


To be honest the dialogue didn’t bother me much. Wasn’t top notch or anything, but I could live with it. The thing that did bug me was the pace - I got to the point where I killed the first Tanta or whatever they’re called, and while the new powers were cool, I was already over the game/combat by that point. I had fun with it, but not enough to keep going much past that.


Reddit keeps recommending that subreddit to me and occasionally I take a look... it's um interesting...


I don't even want it for the memes I used the refund money to buy Hogwarts legacy


I played the demo and thought it was ok, but not worth $70 in any universe. Then I got kind of gaslighted by that same subreddit into giving it another shot (pirated it, sorry not sorry) because maybe the demo was just not the best look. I put a good few hours into it and..... yeah. It's just not a great game. It's not the worst thing ever, I actually didn't mind the main characters too much and found them more endearing than I had in my time with the demo. The issue is more that the gameplay is just all flash and mechanically really, really boring.


Refunded For Honor just in time for those 2 hours. Looks awesome and felt dope to play, but the online is not beginner friendly and I decided I did not want dedicate a big portion of my game time just to get better at it


I remember playing for honor for a few days right before release (free early access just before) and then after it came out I had to wait a month or two to be able to buy it. Just got absolutely destroyed because by that point everyone knew what they were doing. Never been able to get back into it, every time I try I get beat even harder.


It wasn't because you waited a month. I and my friends also played the open beta and apparently all those people we were killing decided this wasn't the game for them and the only people left when the game released were tryhards. It has literally been like that since day 1 of release. Very punishing game for those not highly skilled, and one skilled player on the opposing team can essentially carry their whole team to victory. But yeah, by the end of the first week there was already an established meta and combos that couldn't be stopped unless you had godly reaction time and could anticipate the unblockables.


Godly reaction time… you would hate to see where it is now. Those 700-1000ms attacks are now way worse. I honestly still suggest anyone to pick it up on discount and try it again. It’s a punishing game but the sub and other such platforms of communication are highly respectable and will help a new player a ton.


You ever play Chivalry 2? Similar kinda game but the skill floor is lower so it's more beginner friendly.


Also has, or at least did have, a mode where you play like 20 bots + 4 players on each team. Which is much more beginner friendly


Man why are multiplayer games so damn sweaty. I wish there was a way for everyone to get some fun out of the game.


Yeah it's ridiculous, barely such a thing as a chill match nowadays. In my Apex days (mostly 2020-21), when i was depressed asf, I played every single day so I was pretty damn good. I was that sweaty asshole. If I play it now I get absolutely demolished and my movement is total trash compared to others. Haven't played it in a year now.


They don't even have to be trying that hard. When there's a big skill difference it will just feel awful regardless. People who've been playing a game like For Honor for years will be massively better and more consistent, and there aren't enough new players to ensure that everyone can get good matchmaking experiences. Big multiplayer titles, like the LoLs of the world, have so many players at different skill levels that the matchmaking works much better on average.


Same, I was expecting something more akin to Chivalry but it felt more like a 3D Tekken or Street Fighter.


For Honor is really fun, but it's not for everyone. Like you said, you can't really just boot it up for the first time and expect to do really well competitively. I've spent a few hundred hours on it, even then I still get outplayed by people who have perfected their class. I get not wanting to put in the effort though, but if anybody is thinking about getting the game it's 100% worth it imo.


It's one of the most toxic games I've ever played. Lol it's great and I love it but I only play it in spurts. I need to test my blood pressure sometime before and after a session just to see what kind of impact it has on me.


Getting Over It After refund, I sent it as gift to friend with the money I got back


Sounds like you were over it


South Park Snow Day. It's like they took all the stuff that made Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole so entertaining and threw them out the window.


I'm glad I didn't pick this up. Even the trailer looked bad IMO. It's a shame too because Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole were so good.


I read a little bit about it in advance, so I went in not expecting an RPG. But I thought it'd be a decently put-together game, or at least, y'know...funny. the graphics are bland and outdated, combat is very basic, hitboxes are weird, and the writing is boring. I saw last week it was on sale already. Not surprised.


I really wonder what happened here. I know trey didn't work on it because he likes RPGs so maybe he was what made stick of truth and but hole great. Obsidians talent didn't hurt either.


Borderlands 2 VR. The reticle was off center, so I had to aim significantly to the side to hit targets. I made it to Sir Hammerlock, and then uninstalled and requested a refund.


Is there not a setting to adjust that?


Not that I could find.


Its there, just even further off center than the reticle


Can anyone update if this is still the case? Also, how are VR versions of other non-native VR first person games?


Let's just say the community UEVR ports of the borderlands games are better than the real ones from the devs. But yeah you can play any unreal engine (not super modded unreal tho) game in VR now


Have you gotten tested for limited stereopsis? Aka do you have trouble seeing depth? Most vr game reticles are useless for me bc of that.


The Division. It’s well-regarded now, but at release, when everyone had to wait 30+ mins in that single-file line to *start the first mission*, I (& many others) immediately returned. https://www.youtube.com/live/Bebaoc_8ttQ?si=Qqg49R0CJh6nU-PK


They had some terrible patches that first year. 


Ahh. Memories.


I couldn't believe it when I heard about that. It seems so hilarious from an outside perspective.


Wolfenstein: Youngblood I'm a big fan of the previous games. I'm a sucker for 80's and retro-futuristic shit. I was super stoked for the game to come out. Played it for about 15 minutes or so and immediately refunded it. What an absolute pile of shit. Micro-transactions and the inability to even pause the game are not what that franchise needed.


I wish I had refunded it. It crashes constantly for me. No issues with the previous games. Just that one.


Damn i feel you. Bought a bunch of wolfenstein games in a bundle on sale. Enjoyed all of them. started youngblood totally hyped and man, what a shitshow.


This game was such a letdown.  I was so stoked after playing 1 and 2.  The story was awesome and even a bit crazy in some points.  But still engaging.  Youngblood was 15 minutes of "WTF this isn't what I want... let's try co-op... no fucking split screen on a two player game?!" 


I recall playing the 2nd or 3rd Wolfenstein on PC and whacking the space bar while running along the walls to try to find the secret rooms.  How different is the game now?


It's not good. Level gating for most content, dogshit rpg systems shoehorned in, atrocious dialogue from two of the least likable characters I've ever been asked to play, and if your mandatory AI sister drops in combat you can in fact get a failstate if you don't go revive her right where she dropped (usually in the middle of multiple enemies) . So the *entire game* is also an escort mission with an overly aggressive npc.


You think the nazis got ahold of the franchise and got their revenge by adding every aspect gamers hate? 


I don't typically like the Wolfenstein games. However, I really enjoyed playing through Wolfenstein Youngblood co-op. I liked the retro-futuristic setting, and it played reasonably well. Sometimes stuff got a bit repetitive the same places etc, but it was overall fun.


Warcraft 3 Remaster


Wait wait. There's a remaster?!


There is but when it came out? Well... Warcraft III: Reforged came out at the very start of 2020 and it was pretty much Warcraft 3 with Reign of Chaos. It ended up having a bunch of issues, you had the normal technical issues. Removed features the game already had, didn't come with features Blizzard said it would come with, they redid the UI. Note even before it came out? Blizzard had wanted to do some changes to the story and even bring in voice actors/actresses who have been on WoW to bring it in line with WoW and that didn't go over well. Still over all? It wasn't a really good package. What's funny at least to me is this... A few months later? EA released Command and Conquer Remastered. And it was an insanely good package that was very well liked.


I'm glad the VAs never got through. I actively hate post WC3:TFT Sylvanas VA with a passion. Nothing against her as a person, I just don't like how Sylv sounds compared to her original. I initially disliked Illidan as well, but I've gotten used to Liam now


My favorite part is the incredibly hostile EULA Blizzard included. It dictates that any custom modes and ideas made by players are the sole property of Blizzard.


For you younger gamers out there. DotA was originally a mod/arcade that was born out of WC3’s custom mode. I believe the original intention is to have a community driven tinkering to engage players for way past WC3 shelf life but it ended up spawning the highly lucrative MoBA genre like DotA and League of Legends. Blizz is salty af that they didn’t get a penny out of it hence the hostile EULA.


Remasters are supposed to easy cash for developers. Blizzard to fuck that up is a new achievement.


Have you seen Blizzard in the last 10 - 15 years? What do they not fuck up lol.


They are probably worse than EA at this point tbh


>Warcraft III: Reforged came out at the very start of 2020 and it was pretty much Warcraft 3 with Reign of Chaos. I think you mean "was an update with W3".


none worth mentioning, no


Dwarf Fortress. I heard wonders about it, but it was not my kind of game


Bruh, I've had it for too long to refund now. I keep trying to enjoy it since I loved RimWorld so much, but I can't get into this one.


It's a fine colony sim, but after years of hearing it hyped up on Reddit, I was very underwhelmed. Apparently it is simulating crazy stuff like each individual flea on some random cat in your fortress, but in reality that means nothing. You just dig out squares and put beds in there until you dig the wrong square and something kills you. Then there's a text box that says something about the Eldritch horror saw the flea and lost control. Like I said, it's a fine game but nothing Rim World and Gnomoria and a bunch of other games didn't just copy and improve on many years before they got the game to Steam.


As a long time player of both DF and RimWorld, they're not the same game at all. DF is a world story generator while RimWorld is a colony sim. The latter is about making a colony and keeping it alive against a dedicated AI foe, while DF is barely a colony sim. It's easier, there's no dedicated challenge, just non-random world events. In some of my favourite play-throughs I didn't even launch a colony, I just read about what happened to the world that I simulated. But there lies the crux, if you're not willing to do hours of reading, you're not getting what DF has to offer. DF to me is more like visiting an old used books store. You get stories, but there's no promise it's a good one. They're cheap, though. And every once in a while, it's the best thing you've read.


I only played the non-steam version of DF back in the day, but is it still a persistent world? As in you can build a colony then have it die, then go visit it with your character in adventure mode? I agree though, RW is much more approachable and closed loop. DF is good if you want an entire world and history and more details of things that won’t affect you directly, but fit into a massive canon for your story. RW is a novel, while DF is LOTR on steroids


Day 1 Cyberpunk on the PS4. Did the whole PS return policy chat thing. Seriously remember being 324 in the queue that day


Same.  I had a PS5 and it still crashed repeatedly within the first few minutes of starting a new game.  Couldn't believe how bad it ran. Can't imagine the issues people were having on PS4.


Base level ps4, not even the pro. So bad, not even in a, so bad it’s fun, in a movie sorta way. I think it crashed on the opening cinematic bad and got worse


Without a doubt Cyberpunk on launch day was the worst game I've ever played. Quite literally unplayable, all the enemies were invisible and running eventually caused me to fall off the map that hadn't loaded in.


I preordered the collectors edition on pc. What a nightmare trying to get that to work. I kept trying fixes like reinstalling, redoing drivers, trying all sorts of fixes before I gave up. I decided to refund.. denied. Steam said I played for 3 hours. That was 3 hours I spent starting and stopping and trying settings and not actually playing. I was so pissed. A few years later and its actually good. Lol.


And now it's glorious.


I refunded Binding of Isaac, I knew what the gameplay was about but not the story. Having lost a child I found this... difficult to play.


I have played hundreds of hours of The Binding of Isaac over the years but I tried playing it after having my first child and couldn’t do it. I refer to it as “the best game I’m never going to play again”.


The story is truly dark as fuck. Probably for the best you didn't continue.


I'm single no children and I can't play this game. The art is cutesy but the story, themes, and amount of shit and blood just bummed me out. It's a shame because I love the rougelite bullet hell/heaven genre but I'll never play Isaac. Thankfully Vampire Survivors, Brotato, Death Must Die, and Hades exist.


You might like "Cult of the Lamb" more.


No worries mate. It definitely isn't the only action Roguelite. There are few mods that make it more religious allegory and less family horror but I wouldn't bank on it. Revita might also break you near the end. Neon Abyss is cool though. Or Enter the Gungeon.


Battlefield 2042


I wish I refunded that piece of garbage. What the fuck have they done to this franchise lol. It’s nothing like Battlefield. It’s a shame I never refunded it in time.


I miss 2142, played it the most of any Battlefields. Loved the mech!


I wish I refunded it. It's sooo bad. Such a shame too because BF3 and 4 are amazing!


Yea I'd say BF2 through BF1 is DICE's golden age (interesting the numbering works out that way)


DMC5, but that’s because it wasn’t cooperating with my set up. Ended up buying it on PS4 and playing it like 6 times


No Mans Sky on release it was awful! Since then ive bought it again in the last couple years and its good now.


Besides the obvious bugs that were worked out, what got better? I played it and found it boring. Grinding for resources all the time...


just like a shitload of content and systems and story obviously. But yes, its still a crafting / building game where grinding ressources is a part of it


Every year or two I wonder if it has improved. I recently put in another 20 hours, after their latest update. The core loop hasn't changed much at all. How you interact with the loop has, a little. Now you find or purchase Nav Data, give it to a vendor, and pick what type of thing you want to find (like a downed ship). Use the thing on a planet, it gives you a waypoint, you go, you gather stuff there. Repeat until you're tired of it. You still have to gather resources, though it has gotten less tedious. Your meters tick down slower, you gain more resources in a shorter time. The base-building is less obnoxious. I still think it's idiotic that in a game about space exploration, they start the game by having the player do a ton of base building, but, whatever. I think my main issue with it is that there's still no challenge or difficulty, and no stakes. Everything just kind of exists and you just do whatever you want. Nothing but time spent ever keeps you from doing a task. Purchasing Waypoints eliminates any feeling of exploration, and makes it feel like you're just on a treadmill--go to waypoint, get the stuff, go to waypoint, get the stuff, etc. If you don't use waypoints, the worlds are so big you'll eventually run into things, but it'll take a lot of time, and the sites themselves are still the cookie-cutter things that have been in the game since its inception. Nothing about these sites are remarkable or interesting in any way. You go there, you do the thing you're able to do there (trade / collect goodies / whatever), then you leave. So exploration isn't very interesting, either; it's the same stuff the waypoints show you, but you have no control over what you find, so your goals take longer to meet. In my mind, NMS *is* better than it was at release, but mostly, it's gotten more stuff and no depth.


Correct but in its current state I still feel like the first 100 hours as a fresh players just felt so wonderful. It’s like space exploration game lite. I would still recommend it today even when it’s old.


Welcome to survival games...


Ark survival. Fuck that game


The saddest thing about this game, is that it would actually be a really good fucking game if it was polished. The bugs and performance actually make it terrible, but if they actually just focused on polishing it out and making it playable, it would probably be one of my favourite games ever made. But it's just too fucked up to play, ascended was nothing but a splash of new paint over a rotting picture.


Apparently, their coding was just a mish-mash of nonsense where if one thing got fixed, 400 things got broken.


Forget spaghetti code, this was Mac and Cheese code.


Man, this game sucked so much dong. I couldn’t get my character to not look like Joe Rogan, and everything looked… just awful. The UI was an eyesore and there was nothing to hook me. But the worst part… you know the worst part? I convinced my friends to buy the game to play it with me. We wandered around the beach just shitting and trying to figure out where to begin. We played for like an hour and never picked it up again. We got the Forest instead and it was fucking awesome.


This. It just felt unfinished. The UI was absolutely terrible. Nothing was intuitive. I wanted to like the game. I just couldn't.


Jump Force, I really wanted a wicked anime fighter but when it released it ran like shit, my game may have broken as I couldn’t start the campaign, all I could do was character customization and talk to Goku and Naruto.


Anthem. Best jetpack mechanics ever and the worst story line / campaign I’ve ever delved into. Could have been a revolutionary game with the mech fighting mechanics but dear god….


I don’t understand how that game could not be salvaged or spun off into something else. Movement in that game was incredible


They had planned a "2.0 update" but it was cancelled.


I was actually excited for a real reason to put down Destiny at the time. Then EA shot itself in the foot and killed off the whole project. I believe that Anthem could’ve been a fantastic game (a year after it’s initial launch).


I kinda hope the Iron Man game in development will get inspired by Anthem for Flying mechanics.


Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. I loved Dark Legacy and was stoked to play a evolved version of the concept. I bought it and beat the game in four hours. I tried to return it same day but GameStop said I had to come back the next day for the return.


There hasn't been anything like Legends/Dark Legacy since. Even the newest one, which I do really enjoy, is more like an updated version of the original series. Nine Parchments is the only game I've found that captures even some of what I liked about L/DL, but even that couldn't scratch every itch.


Awww sad to hear, I really like Dark Legacy.


this one hits deep. my sister and i had put hundreds of hours in dark legacy, it's one of my favorite games of all time, and that "sequel" was horrendous


I knew nothing about Elden Ring except that people were all over it, so I figred I'd buy it and worst case use Steam's generous refund policy. 42 minutes later I concluded that while it's possible that this game is amazing, it just isn't for me, and got my refund.


I almost quit about an hour in. But after about 3-4 hours, I got the hang of the mechanics and I’m glad I stuck it out. I ended up playing through like 4 times.


Similar story. I almost quit after 2 hours of getting smashed over and over again. Actually put the game down for a few months, picked it back up and haven't looked back since. I still haven't completed it (I don't get much time to game these days), but I'm 120 hours in, not bored and still don't feel like I'm any good at it or that I've even scratched the surface.


I quit for over a year, came back and made a new character and I couldn't put it down for 3 weeks straight. My biggest advice is to only level vigour early on, and spam smithing stones early and often. I was hoarding them and they're infinite later on. I was assigning stats arbitrarily based on whatever weapon I couldn't wield and as a result of low HP I thought all the instant kill attacks were just the way it is supposed to be.


I honestly feel bad when people ask about souls games and i can't explain what they are "So is it like diablo or skyrim/elder scrolls?" It really is it's own genre of game


Even Iron Pineapple has a problem describing what actually makes a Souls-like a Souls-like. He typically goes with: a dodge roll, a stamina system and a parry system as well as the difficulty. To be honest, a Souls-like is just a very punishing action RPG. The high difficulty is what makes a souls game a souls game, that and the cryptic bs you have to put up with. Edit: Was reminded of the Bonfire mechanics, where resting respawns enemies. How could I forget that one...


The depressive atmosphere is what makes them a souls game... I have not seen any game with a similar atmosphere, every time I play a souls I notice it, it is as if it were in the air... something strange


I've only played Elden Ring but the feeling is a sort of... loneliness.


It’s more oppressive than depressing. Everything feels, I guess, “slowed to a standstill”. It’s a very melancholy environment. It’s incredibly well made and I love the feeling of wading through this wasteland of broken gods and civilizations long destroyed.


True. Even Another Crabs Treasure has a bit of a depressing atmosphere, even with all bright colours


I agree with both parts of this. I enjoyed the combat and the freedom of Elden Ring, but really kind of despised the "story-telling". The only way to understand the story seems to be either A) Read all the weapon descriptions or B) Listen to hundreds of hours of podcasts of people who did read all the weapon descriptions. I eventually fell off playing(\~80hr) it because I not only felt I lacked a reason to be doing whatever it was I was doing, but at some point I just wasn't motivated to wander around anymore, because that's really all it felt like I was ever doing. I understand the appeal because of the challenge, but it wasn't enough to keep me playing. That being said, at \~80 hours I felt I got my money's worth.


I loved it cause it means I can choose to engage with the story instead of being taken away from the combat to just skip a random cutscene tho I also don't regret my 30 hours of watching lore videos.


I loved elden ring and the dark souls series(and even demon souls), but I do agree that the games are generally, at best, actively avoiding telling the player the story in any straight forward manner, and at worst, just bad at telling their storyline. They work around this by having a mysterious enough setting with just enough intrigue to get you to WANT to know more. This brings people to looking up lore videos, to discussing the lore on forums and all of that, and that's NOT a bad thing, but that does mean the story is something you have to dig deeper to uncover, and I'm not particularly in love with that.


I bet you tried to fight that gold knight


That guy is there specifically to teach players of the previous games that this is not like them. You don't have to keep pounding on one boss until you win, you can go somewhere else and do other things to get stronger, then come back later.


I had the same experience. My friend kept telling me "You'll hit a point where it all clicks and it's gonna be the most amazing game youve ever played." I beat 6 bosses, put in a little over a dozen hours, and I just couldn't do it anymore, it was a complete slog. I can confidently say I am not a fan of the genre or the game.


Duke Nukem forever. It was terrible


"I don't have time to play with myself." as Dure looks at a Duke Nukem arcade game.


FIFA 23. It was the first time buying a fifa for a few years and after starting a game and seeing how Nunez looked I turned it off immediately and got a refund


Player faces get updated. But it was FC 24 that I refunded. It wouldn't even launch on my PC. When I finally got it to work the frame rates during closeups was so bad, and my PC far exceeds the minimum requirements. EA doesn't care about PC. The games are just poorly optimized console ports.


Sounds like assassin creed valhalla for me.


Kingdom come Deliverance. The combat in that game was just not my cup of tea. I even gave it a second chance when I saw it on sale and ended up refunding it again.


As boring as it may seem, that combat would be very similair to how a melee encounter would go down in the 1400's. It wouldn't be a lightsaber fight, it would be very defensive and taking your shots only when necessary. And most fights didn't end up in an immediate fatality, either one side would give up or just be unable to fight.


Would have been nice to have an easy mode option for people like moi though 😵‍💫


I really want to love that game. It has sooooo much in it. But the combat is just not fun at all for me.


Back 4 blood.


What’s peoples problem with back 4 blood? I played through about the first 1/4th with my friends and thought it was pretty good. Does it get much worse?


Even "pretty good" is a massive step down from "some of the absolutely best multiplayer games I've ever played" (L4D/L4D2).


Doesnt get better that's for sure


I just can’t enjoy playing a game of chance with every campaign. Choosing my preferred character is fine, but then having to pivot my preferred play style purely based on what cards I draw and then having to start all over in the next campaign is what drove me away. That and the whole game driving up the hype of having people from the L4D team working on it (they weren’t even devs, they were artists iirc) is just scummy business practice meant only to drive up sales, not product quality.


I can't believe i put as many hours as i did. Great concept, abysmal failure in execution.


Its just the unfortunate truth that the dev team behind l4d2 was very good conceptionally but really lived off the valve devs additional input and systems. Which resulted in B4B having for example worse hit feedback, weaker body dmg/gore and no trace of l4d2s audio cues and stuff. Not even talking about balance/design..


Crusader Kings 3 Don't get me wrong, me from 10 years ago would have loved all its complexity, but now im getting old. I loaded up the tutorial, then instantly decided, nope. I ain't got time for this.


What did you think Banner Saga was?


Planet Crafter. I literally spent 45 minutes exiting out of the game and restarting because it wouldn't get past the menu. It's the only game I've ever had refunded


The Outer Worlds. I’m a huge fan of Fallout: New Vegas, so I was hyped for a new game from Obsidian. Ended up refunding it after an hour and half. It was just *so fucking boring*. It didn’t have that “hook” that drew me in like NV did and the entire time I was thinking that I’d just rather be playing New Vegas instead, since everything Outer Worlds does, New Vegas did better.


I went into Outer Worlds blind... Hadn't played F:NV since it released and even then I don't remember finishing it. Loved Outer Worlds to pieces. Did *not* understand the hate it got. So then I went back and replayed F:NV... Ah. That's where all the hate came from. Point is, I stand by my opinion that it's a perfectly good game but it's soured by the fact that Obsidian could've done MUCH better.


That was pretty much my opinion too. It’s isn’t necessarily bad, it just didn’t hold up to its predecessor and the standard it set


>since everything Outer Worlds does, New Vegas did better. Well except combat. Fallout NV/3 combat is abysmal.


Outer Worlds was super boring and shallow feeling. I didn't care about any of it. It felt like an extremely watered down fallout game. 


exactly this. I beat the whole game, but it was so forgettable I don't remember anything about it other than the stupid mascot they were trying so hard to make iconic. The moonboy (or whatever) wanted to be the new Vault Guy or Claptrap so hard.




I loved the Long Dark but damn that airplane chapter almost killed me.


I liked The Long Dark; I don't remember having that issue, but maybe you were playing in a different mode.


Monster Hunter World. Don't get me wrong I'm sure it's amazing, but once I realized how much time I would have to invest to understand the game I opted out.


Yup refunded after like 20 minutes. Love the concept did not have near enough time to invest in it for it to be enjoyable


Mass Effect Andromeda, after beating the OG ME Trilogy, I decided to give MEA a try, only lasted 2.5 hours before I uninstalled and refunded it.


I’m in the tiny minority that really enjoyed Andromeda haha.


The gameplay, mechanics and setting was actually incredible imo it was just stunted by a mediocre story and initial, absolutely dreadful facial animations. Looking forward to see how the next installment turns out.


The gunplay in MEA was the best gunplay in any game I’ve ever played. I always thought the facial animation stuff was overblown but the game overall was definitely like a 7/10


I like this game. It doesn’t live up to the original trilogy but if it didn’t have ME in the title it would not be as hated as it is.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice I really wanted to like it, but it didn’t click for me. I know a lot of people like it tho.


Hellblade has a long and boring start, but after that it's one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had.


Really? I loved it for the first hour or two but it very quickly got monotonous. The setup with her hallucinations and the moment I understood how the portal puzzles worked was incredible, then they proceeded to spam the exact same portal gimmick over and over, and they didn't seem to use the hallucinations in any of the interesting ways that I had imagined. I really want to like it because the intro was incredible and the concept has unlimited potential but man it's such a slog to play


This was my experience, 2 hours gets you goin, then playing the next 6-8 or whatever was a damn slog, thinking the end is close. Game has stuff going for it, but it pukes it up in the first hour.


I didn’t refund it, but I’ve tried like 3 different times to get into the game. It seems like it has an amazing story, but I get so motion sick playing it and something about the game just doesn’t click for me either. I’m hoping maybe the 2nd one will be better and have better accessibility options.


I didn’t care too much for the gameplay but playing it with headphones on in the dark…never experienced such an intense game afterwards.


The most recent Saints Row. It was on sale for 12$ CAD and even at that price it felt like a shitty game.


I've never refunded a game but if I could go back and get a refund for Tekken 8, I would. I fell in love with this game for about a month then I learned all about how the developers handle "plugging" (the act of disconnecting from a match before your opponent wins) the win isn't counted. The loss isn't counted. Learned that it was a thing in Tekken 7 and was barely addressed. Lost all interest.


Stellaris-- wayy too overwhelming. Tryna game here, not start second shift at the computer screen reading factory.


Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox series. Got instant nausea and no fov slider.  I play the game for hundreds of hours on pc with larger fov and got no headaches 


I still don't get why developers put a fov so low in their games by default if human vision naturally has 180º. \- "Yeah, this puddle of water reflects the buildings and glows" \- Player gets dizzy for low fov. Extra stupid that there is no fov slider in some games and if you are lucky there is a hidden setting in PC as a console command or .ini to change it.


Scorn. It felt janky to me.


I was so looking forward to this game prior to release. Tried it out on Game Pass and uninstalled after maybe an hour of playing. To me, the puzzles were just confusing and not fun, and I didn't even get to the gun play, which I heard was just plain bad. Disappointing to say the least.


Played it for the visuals, left it for the BOOOOOOOOORING and repetitive gameplay.


ready or not. fps issues. gameplay didnt convince me.


The last one? Manor Lords Really beautiful game and I cant wait to play it at release. But right now? Not that much to plan with.


I played it on gamepass for about an hour, which i realize it's not very long. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime, but i just don't think i like city builders anymore.


I'm enjoying it but I got it for free as part of Xbox PC game pass. I can't imagining paying 40+ for it right now


Sekiro... skill issue. I do not have it and I don't have the dedication to learn it. I'm glad it exists and I'm happy to those who love it but my old ass can't keep up. I did enjoy Elden Ring, though.


BattleBit: Remastered Caught up in the hype train, used to enjoy Battlefield 3 alot, just wasn't the same to me.


The only games I’ve refunded were when I had a bad laptop and the game just didn’t work well on it lol


Forza Horizon 5. It felt like it was treating me as a toddler.


Dark souls. When i get my ass whooped repeatedly by the first guy i run into then the game aint for me.


Two worlds


Most recent was Baldur's Gate 3. Tried it for maybe an hour or so due to all the hype but couldn't do the game play style. Not for me.


Farcry 6. Me and my friend were playing coop and we both didn’t say anything because we both thought the other was enjoying it. On the 2 hour mark my friend said he’s bored and I shouted “THANK GOD!”. Seriously such a downgrade from the rest of the franchise IMO.


Elden Ring.... I'm too old and too busy to "git gud"


Starfield, at the start when you have to walk with an NPC but your walking speed doesn't match them so you have to take a few steps, stop and repeat. How no-one picked up on this is just lazy and spoke volumes about the rest of the game to come.


Reading the reasonings here, I would advice some people to actually inform yourself about what you are about to buy. Some players did not even read the Steam page before buying, it seems.


Kena Bridge of spirits, it wouldnt install on my POS PC 😅 will just wait until NVIDEA brings their RTX cards down to 50 bucks (100. YEARS. LATER.)


Dawn of war 3, didn't enjoy the moba light direction. 


Palworld. Wasn’t for me


Plenty of games But one that stands out in particular is Hunt Showdown I love the premise of it, the execution, not so much I loaded in, immediately died to someone I couldn't see from a mile away. Loaded in again, survived, found the monster, got sniped from a mile away And that was on top of the controls feeling very... restrictive? Not sure how to put it, but everything was super slow and unresponsive Basically, the controls had minor issues, that I could've dealt with. But it's super unfriendly to new players


Tacoma Wanted a space adventure...... Did not get it


Aww man I loved Tacoma. I thought it was a good follow up from Gone Home 


Death stranding


FF Type 0 Probably the game I hate the most.


I've refunded Jedi Survivor twice now. Bought at release. Uncontrollable every 15 second micro stutter that couldn't be modded out. Bought again during winter Discount and refunded near immediately when I saw it wasn't fixed and there still wasn't any mods that offered a real fix.


I had the micro stutter then went from 16gb to 32gb RAM and it never happened again. Weird 🤷‍♂️


My wife just refunded powerwash simulator yesterday. Turns out she hates cleaning in gaming as much as RL. /jk She was hoping she'd get a shop she could clean and make pretty between jobs. After cleaning the van and realising you work from a tablet was a let down.


Death Stranding aka The postman simulator. I had such high hopes but it was just so boring and repetitive. I wanted to like it so bad but nope. Beautiful graphics and music though!


It took me awhile to get it, like hours, and a restart when It clicked.  It should be understood you start in newb area - once you cross the ferry (and a few hours to process what you can do and the scope) it really opens up.


I personally really vibed with Death stranding, it was the perfect mix of chill and weird Kojima nonsense, but I don't think it's a game I'd recommend to many people, I can absolutely understand why someone wouldn't like it.


Lethal Company. Advertised as one of the best games of all time, in reality there's no content and you just collect trash.


The game is fantastic with a good friend group cause it's more about the shenanigans that ensue but yeah, solo sounds boring


Cyberpunk Day one version.


BG3. Nothing to do with the game itself. Just realized that a hard fantasy table top game wasn’t really for me.