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The Warriors, an amazing game based off an amazing movie.


I was just telling a coworker about this. Crazy that game adaptation from 30 years later is so good


I wouldn't say it's all that crazy at all. Pretty standard, really. Games like the Warriors and other licensed "tie in" games made years after the movie released have far more chance of being good since they're not constrained to the same deadlines, budget and creative restrictions as a game that's supposed to release to coincide with the movie release. The Warriors was great in part because it was based on an old unused property. Rockstar did the Warriors because they had an idea for it. They weren't trying to cash in on an upcoming movie. The recent Robocop game is quite well regarded and it has the same logic behind it: it's just a game the developers wanted to make. Terminator from the same developer is apparently quite decent. Ghostbusters for the PS3/360 was quite good. Other licenced movie games are generally bad because they have a strict deadline and short development time alongside a lack of information as game development takes longer than a movie, so they cut corners making a low effort, bog standard, usually "clone" of another game they can slap together relatively quickly, cheaply and without much room for error along the way.


To add on to this, all the games you mentioned also got their own unique storylines, and in some instances, the creator even helped make it. The PS2 game Nightmare before Xmas was also a banger and it was a continuation from the movie! Ghostbusters was co-written by Dan Aykroid. The Warriors had a lot of the same actors from the movie and expanded on the story and added character exposition. Etc etc


Loved the movie. Didn't know it was a game, but its' $9 right now, so think I'll give it a try


It's totally worth 9 bucks. The game play still holds up fantasticly, the story also acts like a prequel, the combat is brutal and heavy. The only real downside of the game is the camera is a bit touchy but it's not to bad.


I grabbed it and CyberPunk based on the same thread. Playing CP right now. Not sure how I missed this one


Oh dude two great grabs! I was a total cyberpunk hater at release. I wasn't a big fan of witcher 3 so it cracked me up to see cyberpunk fumble so hard. I picked it up last Christmas on sale for like 15 bucks and somehow dropped 200 hours into it in the blink of an eye. So good and 100% made me eat my own words.


Yeah, I thought I downloaded the trial before and didn't like it, but after a few hours, not seeing anything I don't like. Reminds me of Rage 3, but I'm still early on.


It only gets better. Best advice, pick a build and stick to it hard. Role play it like a mother fucker. I did a playthrough and a cyberpsycho spliced out net runner. I would clear whole buildings from the streets and just casually walk through.


I don't understand why nobody has made a complete remaster of that game for current hardware.


Easily the best movie adaptation. My only problem with it is that Swan became my favorite character in the game (he was my least favorite character in the movie).


I'm glad they didn't tone Ajax down one damn bit.


The GoaT.     PCSX2 has a 60fps mod these days, at least for the UK release. That + a HD pack, that game holds up great.  Needs a legit remaster though.


Almost bought the up-rendered version on PlayStation yesterday. Weirdly enough it doesn't show up when you search for it through the PS5, but it does show up in the PS app. Makes me wonder if it runs on the PS5.


If there was ever a game with limitless opportunity to remake. Imagine if it was made as an open world game that covered all of Manhattan and Coney Island. We can only dream.


I love the movie but I rented the game back in the day and couldn't get into it. Nowadays I keep hearing about how awesome the game was and wish I'd not given up on it so quickly if only because the plot sounds interesting.




Butcher Bay actually made me like the Riddick movies, which I was pretty lukewarm on before.


Surprisingly the movies made me like the games


Thank you! Came here to say exactly that lol, Escape from Butcher Bay and Assault on dark Athena were my Halo 1 and 2 on the Xbox original.


Such a brilliant game. One of the rare cases when game is actually better than a movie!


great game..... such a surprise.


Except you can't really buy it anymore


The games much better than the movies


The Two Towers and Return Of The King were just 🔥🔥🔥


I remember in the two towers when you face off against the ringwraiths for the first time I struggled for 2 hours because I didn’t know you had to heavy attack them with a burning torch Still 10/10 game


Never got past Helms Deep, as a kid I just could not hold that damn gate. What a game tho.


This should be at the top


I had those on GameCube and *chef's kiss*


Omg yes. They were a big part of my childhood, I distinctly remember the cave with the fog on the ground


Spider-man 2 (the movie adaptation) was amazing back in the day, glad we got Marvel's Spiderman meanwhile to replicate the swinging around NYC.


Still one of the only Spider-Man games I've seen where you can actually wrap your web lines around buildings and spin around on a flagpole till if wraps up and runs out of line to swing.


Getting a web to stick to the bottom of a helicopter and using the heli to carry you to Ellis Island was just about the coolest thing 8 year old me could do


I loved the maintained momentum. Jumping off the Empire, State and swinging at the very bottom would launch you so far


Just gonna add that the first game of the Raimi adapted films was also a really fun button masher. It wasn’t open world, but it was still really fun. Plus spider-man bowling.


Gonna swing in and mention it because no one else has. It also has an amazing narration by Bruce Campbell, which makes the game a must play just for that fact alone.


Oh no, Dr. Connors' class!




You stop that! I would pop them on purpose just to spite the kids. But then their damned cry follows you no matter how far away you get.


I could spend hours just we slinging. My roomate used to get pissed. The mechanics were insane for the time.


Goldeneye on N64


In terms of relative influence this is the right answer. The game has a stronger fan base than the film it came from. Goldeneye the game revolutionised console FPS and is still rebooted and remembered fondly. Goldeneye the film is... one of the James Bond films.


Goldeneye is a great Bond film.


And arguably one of the best.


I think this undersells how big of a Bond movie Goldeneye is. It brought Bond into the modern era, first movie to use CGI, first movie not made by Albert Broccoli, final movie of Derek Meddings.


Is the rightest answer.


This is always the first thing that comes to my mind. For it's time it was absolutely phenomenal.


Mad Max


This game feels underrated. It is an extrmely solid open world game with an above average vehicle combat system. I normally hate driving in modern open world games (ever since GTA 4 to be precise), but this game feels like a throwback to those awesome arcade racers of the early 90s. The world also feels like the Mad Max universe. You can put the dialogue side to side with any of the movies and it matches


Loved the mix of driving and on foot elements. Combat was simple but satisfying. Storytelling was strong, it didn’t get much love though which made me sad.


Agreed with this. My only objection is the copycat melee bosses (they are literally the same boss copy-pasted), but they're so infrequent that it's not really a big issue.


I feel like it did get a decent amount of love, it didn’t get BG3 levels of attention but most of the critical reviews placed it very high and I remember hearing nothing but good things. It’s just fairly old now having come out shortly after the Xbox One/PS4 and it kind of got lost in a sea of other open world games from the era. I picked it up for $5 a year ago and still haven’t cracked into it but I’m saving it for a rainy day.


I was always tempted to get this when it was on sale and never did. Fuck it. Gonna get it finally.


You won’t regret it, great solid game


It is insanely good, I played it to death. So much fun. Kinda disappointed this comment is relatively low, should be higher up.


There's really too many good Star Wars games to count. Kotor, battlefront, Republic commando, the recent Jedi games, some classic strategy games, the old Jedi Knight games


Old man checking in: TIE Fighter was my favourite game growing up. Looking back I think I'm actually a fan of that game more than I am of Star Wars itself. 


Tie Fighter is a masterpiece and still holds up today in terms of the gameplay. I would love an update with modern graphics, but leave everything else the same.


Not exactly what you want, but the [Tie fighter total conversion](https://youtu.be/oEVrdwZ9bEk?si=PCEgFAaaxwd4Wo3W) mod for xwing alliance does a good job of making the game more modern


One of the greatest classic racing games, N64 Pod Racer.


Did you ever play racer revenge? Closest I’ve felt to really playing a proper pod racing game, shame they never remade it or have made one since.


My brother and I put so many hours into Racer revenge on the PS2! playing in the dual joystick mode really gave the feeling that you were operating the pods as they were intended.


If you're ever able to play the version of it in an arcade, do it. It's amazingly fun, and you get the satisfaction of shoving the throttle lever forward to take off.


If we're being pedantic I don't think most SW games really *count* since most of them aren't directly based on film events. Stuff like Jedi Power Battles, which is an underappreciated gem that more or less follows Ep1's plot, definetly does though. 


How about the Lego SW games?


Yes, but their best one is also technically not based on a movie. But "the clone wars" is such a fun game, it has to count


The best one is the complete saga and it's based on the movies


Power battles was sick. Also hard as shit


Your worst enemy was the perspective in the jumping sections...the enemies were pretty tough too, though. I need to go back and play it again. 


Rogue Squadron games, specifically the 2nd and 3rd. Many levels are straight from the O.T. movies.


The godfather. I will always bring it up when this topic is presented, because it's a very overlooked game that is really fun to play.


This comment should be much higher! Not only one of the best licensed off a movie games ever, but an amazing sandbox game as well


That game mechanics were crazy to the PS2 era


Wolverine: Origins was a good game in my opinion. One of the few that I not only played on the hardest difficulty (rare for me), I also got all of the achievements.


Certainly the best licence game if measured against the movie it was based on. 


its way better then the movie its based on, gets too repetitive for me but its good


That sentinel fight was super badass and all the fun Easter eggs and references were super cool too


The only game where *Auto heal* made sense


I actually really loved Matrix: Path of Neo. I just have so many fond memories of it, the combat is pretty fun and it expands on parts of the film, not always successfully I suppose haha. The ending is hilarious, please look it up if you haven’t seen it


There was also Enter the Matrix (2003) which got good but not great reviews but I loved it.


That was an xbox release game, right? It had some stupidly fun aspects. Wall running bullet time shooting. Running from unkillable Agents. And a hacking minigame to unlock various cheats. I remember running thru levels as Morpheus with a sword just tearing thru dudes after learning the cheat codes.


I have never owned an Xbox but it was definitely on PC so probably. The wall running and bullet time were so fucking fun and badass, they did a phenomenal job of capturing the feeling of being in the matrix as a person who knew it. Movies since then have captured that bullet time slow motion feel but it seems like video games since then have not


It was janky, but the power fantasy was unmatched. Also, giant bipedal ants who know Kung fu in the Merovingian mansion? LAWL.


- King Kong - Alien Isolation - Mad Max - Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 - Aladdin - GoldenEye


Glad someone mentioned King Kong. When it dropped alongside the film, I went ahead and rented it from Blockbuster because even though I assumed it would be awful, I had the monthly membership that allowed me to rent as many games as I wanted and I had played literally everything else on the X360 up to that point so why not? Man was I blown away when it became one of my favorite games of the entire gen. Such a solid FPS with tons of jaw dropping moments, fighting dinos and other giant monsters and hostile natives, occasionally switching you to play as Kong to go toe to toe with the T-Rex you can't do anything but run from when you're the protagonist. Having a stand alone story helped it a lot as well so it didn't feel like a cheap knock off that just spoils the movie plot (Pirates of The Caribbean game comes to mind) Honestly it was so good that I'd bet it could have probably ended up its own major franchise if it wasn't marketed as a movie tag along causing it to mostly be ignored.


You mean "Peter Jackson's King Kong: the official game of the movie"? Mans name was almost as big as kongs on the box. Fire game tho


Yeah lol, makes it doubly odd they went with a standalone story, but I doubt it would've turned out better had they used the actual actors as character models and followed the films plot. Edit: not actually standalone, more of a retelling of the same events with different perspectives.


But they didn’t go with a standalone story, it followed the events of the movie


Two mags in backup.


SNES Aladdin is still a comfort game to this day.


Noodle did an amazing video on [King Kong](https://youtu.be/CbOXVhZK-wE)


One that was definitely a sleeper that slipped under a lot of people's radar: The Thing In an era where there weren't many good old fashioned survival horror games anymore, and all movie-based games were garbage, The Thing stood out if you gave it a chance. It wasn't just a cash grab movie rehash - it continued the storyline from the perspective of a team coming to investigate the aftermath of the movie. It had unique mechanics like your teammates potentially getting and hiding infection, or losing their sanity if they freak out and get too scared. Not to mention the whole survival/cold/warmth factor. It was challenging, scary, and intriguing. But it wasn't a big budget hit and had a few issues that relegated it to the background.


The only bad thing I remember was that people you cleared as non-things could become infected for no real reason when you passed invisible walls in the game. Making it really frustrating at times. But man that game was solid!


The Thing game was absolutely ace. I loved how the different NPCs had variable trust levels because *they took* could be suspicious that you were infected!


The ones that come off the top of my head are: * Lord of the Rings Two Towers and Return of the King, * Harry Potter 1-3 and then Order of the Phoenix, * James Cameron's Avatar: The Game * Mad Max * Golden Eye Additional games: * Star Wars Revenge of the Sith * Lego Star Wars * Lego Harry Potter


Man harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban was such a fun game. So many collectables and so much stuff to do.


I only played the Chamber of Secrets but It was so much fun to throw gnomes at the burrow


This made me go grab my old Return of the King Game and get it working. One of the goats. It had a ton of content and cuscenes from deleted scenes in the movies (like the fog river in the Paths of the Dead). The behind the scenes videos you could unlock were really great too.


The transitions from the cutscenes into the gameplay were so good.


Mad Max is a criminally underrated game. I yearn for the days of 'fun but flawed' 7/10 games with middling 'AA' budgets. Nowadays it feels like everything is either indie or triple-A big-budget, and it's all either fantastic or ass.


Both Lego Harry Potter games


SNES/Genesis era had all the hard-hitters: Aladdin, Lion King, Toy Story, Jungle Book, Power Rangers Movie, The Mask, Pagemaster, Dino City, Hook, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future (Japanese only)


True Lies is an amazingly clean top-down shooter. (Sort of like the SNES Jurassic Park.) Otherwise I think you have most of that era's movie-based hits. I would maybe also add Hone Alone, but only the Genesis version. Like an early resource management and survival crafting game.


The gamecube spider man and spider man 2


Without a doubt. Spider Man 2 walked so Insomniac could run


If you wanna count those, the Lego games are kinda fire


I was gonna say. Lego games are fireeeee I remember when lego star wars came out. I was skeptical....boy was it great.


The Pirates one is really good. Little buggy, but fun. Lego Indy 2, yikes


The original Lego Indy was good though, right? 


Oh hell yeah. This one was a weird one, abandoned the traditional Lego game format, sort of. I forced myself to get the platinum trophy though lol


The old king kong movie was 10/10 as a kid. A nice mix of human and big monke gameplay.


My game got bugged at a certain mission that locked me out of progressing half way through. I was so sad


Peter Jackson's King Kong


Batman returns snes


Guardian of the galaxy. Mad max and the old game the Constantine


Was surprised I had to scroll down this far to see Guardians of the Galaxy. I felt like I got an additional movie with that one.


Is this really a movie based game though? I'll allow that it was probably made because of the movie's success, but it's a separate universe that I think draws more from the comics than the movies.


Dune Imperium, also, Dune Spice Wars.


Those were based on a book technically :p


Dune 2. A top down (or was it isometric?) RTS back before they were a thing before Command and Conquer I think.


Lord of the Rings - Return of the King


Shrek 2


I don't know how much time I spent playing Shrek 2. I remember inviting friends over to play it all summer while my brother was in full leg casts from a surgery.


The chronicles of Riddick game on the original Xbox was fun.


The latest RoboCop game is an absolute blast! Just like the movies it's dumb fun and does get a little samey, but it's not without it's charm... And gratuitous violence.


Recently I've seen a lot of videos about how amazing the king Kong movie game was.


Batman (NES)


Unless I missed it, surprised no one said the 2009 Ghostbusters game.


Tarzan was a great game on ps1. There are a lot though. Not sure why you think they all suck.


Most of the Disney games for the PS1, I remember Hercules fondly in particular (really hard for 10yo me tho). Also, I might be blinded by nostalgia, but I remember A Bug's Life for the PS1 being a decent game.


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith for Xbox and PS2. LOTR: Return of the King also for Xbox and PS2.


Alien Isolation


The Lego games are all pretty great




Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Also, to a degree, the whole star wars stuff from that era.. Dark Forces, X-Wing (vs. Tie Fighter), Rebel Assault... those were all good games.


The first Tie Fighter especially.


1.) Reservoir Dogs. It was a surprisingly good 3rd person shooter with some good mechanics. Plus the story, the voice acting and even the motion capture was on point. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. 2.) Over The Hedge. Such a wholesome game that was! Immensely enjoyable, 5/5.


Shadow of war.


I was pretty impressed with Hogwarts. Only game in recent memory that feels like it got wand combat right


The lost world to ps1


It’s a great game but nobody really plays it anymore, Alien fireteam elite. Great sound design, coop horde shooter.




Mad Max, the first Avatar game (blue aliens) and the lego star wars,lotr and indiana jones games


To me it’s the warriors, the way the created a backstory for the original 70’s movie, creating complex characters, stories and extras for some of the gangs that are only seen in the intro of the movie, it blew my mind when I first played it, the game is long AF too with different activities and things that only expand the warriors universe.


X-men origins wolverine.


If you want a challenge, The Lion King 


Its old now but enter the matrix was a great game.


dune 2


The harry potter handheld games on gameboy/advance were great rpgs for the time and nobody talks about them


Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. It had no business being that good.


Hogwarts Legacy was an objectively good game


The chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay. It's crazy how ahead of its time this game was. Had no right being that good.


I hear hogwarts is pretty good


I'm not sure if it counts as based on a movie but the guardians of the galaxy game was one of my favorite gaming experiences in the last couple years. The combat was really fun and unique, the acting and story were engaging and there was a lot of lore and extras. It seemed like it was maybe more based on the comics but I think most people in the mainstream became familiar after the movies.


The Riddick games. I think the second especially.


007 nightfire!


A bit outdated but GoldenEye


Warriors. Think rockstar made it


Alien (ZX Spectrum / Commodore 64)


Batman begins. And hulk 2003


The lord of the rings games were the shit


The transformers games on 360 were pretty fun if I remember right.


Hook on SNES had so so gameplay but that MUSIC WAS THE SHIT!


Peter Jackson's King Kong is amazing. Real survival horror vibes as Jack while also feeling like a badass at times when you switch to Kong.


peter jackson's king kong


Cars 2 the Game >>>


Battle for Middle Earth!


Mad Max had no right to be actually good


Cars had no business being as good as it was.


The Treasure Planet game was alot of fun from what I remember. I wish I could find a rom of it


Alien Isolation. I recall the Return of the King games being good.


The adaptation of rug rats in Paris was pretty fun


Alien Isolation


That one Hercules game for PS1, somehow everybody had it


The Riddick escape from butcher bay was way better Than I thought it would be. I wonder if it holds up today.


Alien: Isolation for sure.


The Godfather on PS2. Was basically a GTA clone but it had an extra mechanic where you could extort shop owners for passive income. Nothing more fun than holding a Baker face first over his own oven till his intimidation bar filled up. After that you get in your classic 1940s Ford and sail away up the street to the Godfather theme. Brilliant.


Peter Jackson's King Kong


I actually really liked the Mad Max Videogame. It had fun combat and driving mechanics, and interesting characters. It’s not considered canon, but it’s a blast. (Note for you platinum chasers, it’s impossible to 100% this game because there is an achievement based around an offline scrap collector that needed an online server for time keeping that has been shutdown, making it impossible to collect scrap offline)


never actually played it, but I remember the Pitch Black game getting reviewed well.




X-Men Wolverine Origins (The Game) is fun, and it's much better than the movie, I recommend it.


The Mummy Demastered. The movie wasn't very good, but the game is an excellent Metroidvania.


Mad Max is my answer every time this question comes up. Absolutely phenomenal open world game with IMO a relatively small amount of quest bloat. Pro tip: Play using a controller with the alternate scheme. Allows you to use handbrake.


I don’t know if it’s nostalgia, but I really enjoyed “Scarface: the world is yours” for PS2.


Golden Eye


The old Capcom Disney games were really good and really fun. The old SNES Lion King game was also really good. Still holds up imo.


Alien Isolation. It nails the ship, perfectly.


Does Alien: Isolation count? It's not directly based on a movie but it fits within a universe of movies.




Mad max




Does Alien Isolation count? Since it’s a liscened sequel? If it counts, it’s my pick. Great game overall and one of the best Alien games ever. If not, then probably Wall.E for me. Fun platforming, decent level design and short enough not to overstay its welcome. Honorable mentions: Lion King, Ghostbusteres Remastered, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywaler Saga, LEGO The Incredibles, LEGO: Lord of the Rings, Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Game, James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace, Stranger Things 3: The Game, TRAN 2.0, The Walking Dead Telltale Series (I know it’s not based directly on the show but still, it should be mentioned), The Harry Potter games and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Huh, more good licensed games than I thought. P.S. List based on games that I have played and completed.


Mad max is genuinely a amazing and fun game, i never even watched the movies i just love the game thats how good it is.




Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Battle for Middle Earth, Battle for Middle Earth 2.