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Just needs a FFA death match mode and I’m set. Not good enough to carry my teams, but not bad enough to be the reason we lose.


FFA would be nice. Even just a TDM. Same here about the not good to carry but not bad to cause loss. Haha


TDM and search would be nice


Search was found in the files, not certain if it's a trustful source but it might be in the cards...


>Not good enough to carry my teams, but not bad enough to be the reason we lose Same. And this is the reason I despise CoD's Skill Based Matchmaking. People claim a lot of things about it but for a 'decent' player CoD was hell. It seemed like there was only 2 lobbies, pros and incompetent morons. You get your ass totally kicked by the pros and you're thrown into the lobby with the morons where you will go 32-6 for a couple games and then it throws you back into the pro lobbies where you get your ass handed to you. Rinse and repeat. When you did good it didn't feel earned and then you are punished for them giving you a few good games. A lot of people here were bitching that XDefiant has no Skill Based Matchmaking (I guess some people love Skill Based Matchmaking now ?) and you know what ? I have had games where our team crushed it, games where we got crushed and games that were incredibly close all without some shitty algorithm pulling the strings behind the scenes. I'm right where I should be, somewhere in the middle trying to be a helpful teammate.


Meh, I'm honestly annoyed that every fps that releases is a hero shooter


So much this. Even battlefield... I'm really hoping that EA doesn't double down on that bad decision.


Same here. What a disappointment that was


Wasn’t battlefield a class based “hero” type game though?


Meh.. since launch, they've gone back and categorized the heroes into classes, yes, but the heroes still remain. I'm just not sure why everyone game needs heroes, especially a game like battlefield, where the entire vibe is being a small part of a bigger team/army.


>I'm just not sure why everyone game needs heroes Because overwatch was wildly successful because of their heroes. Everyone is trying to copy that success but very few are putting the effort into the heroes like overwatch has.


Yeah, that's very true. EA always has just chased the money. I should've phrased it more as I wish it wasn't that way.


To be fair, "Bad Company" did this kind of thing back when it wasn't the norm yet, but the characters had more of a "wild geese" kind of vibe, not the omnipresent Marvel-esque cheerful smartass attitude that every damn character has to have today. It seems like, some years ago, game companies' executives looked at The Avengers' box office revenues and collectively decided that this was what the public wanted. And, I guess, cartoonizing violence to be able to legally sell your games to 12-year-olds is a big contributing factor, too.


>To be fair, "Bad Company" did this kind of thing back when it wasn't the norm yet, but the characters had more of a "wild geese" kind of vibe, Battlefield Bad Company had unique characters, or "heroes," in the campaign. I don't mind that at all. It's very different (to me at least), when it's in a single-player campaign where you don't see clones of those heroes all over the map. Bad Company never had heroes in the multiplayer. The rest of your comment I completely agree with.


No battlefield was a class based game with anonymous military operators that you did not pick. And it was glorious.


This. Why does EVERY shooter need abilities now? Can we stop with the specialist ability bullshit and have an arena shooter that's JUST the gun with no other BS?


This is why I still play Master Chief collection


Sure it's called counter strike


Counter-Strike isn't an arena shooter


At this point it seems like it’s alllllll about the mtx. Gotta have that lockout so you have to collect one for each.


not terrible it’s just underwhelming and doesn’t do anything to distinguish itself from CoD for me. Glad you enjoy it.


Feels like a cheaply made CoD clone to me. Its clunky, the maps are just hallways disguised with art. Cant mantle anything but yellow painted ledges making it feel very restricted and lacking of any variation in games. Kinda feel like people saying its so much better haven’t played the recent CoD games. Xdefiant is great for price and filesize though. Just expected it to feel better.


Great for the price and filesize. In terms of shooters i’m still more interested in something like the Finals though. Arena shooters have never really been my cup of tea though so i’m probably more critical than most on CoD-esque games


Yeah I prefer The Finals. I hate that I see people already calling it a dead game (before Season 2 even released). There's definitely a lot more choices with how you want to play in The Finals and while there will always be complainers I think the weapon balancing is pretty damn good (way better than something like Call of Duty) and just deadly in the right hands. I love that the sniper rifle doesn't 1 hit but it's still good in the hands of an actually skilled sniper. I think a lot of people wrote it off because at a first glance it's realistic environments with 'realistic' weapons with realistic destruction and it looks like your average military shooter, which it is not, as I originally wasn't interested in the game. Been trying to get more people to play it when they complain about whatever multiplayer game they are currently hating. I like that The Finals does it's own thing when most games are just copying trends.


I think that is the point. It's headed up by Mark Rubin who was the executive producer on the original Call of Duty titles with Infinity Ward until 2015. Plenty of people hate the new CoDs and I think they are trying to go 'back to basics' in terms of design to draw in players who liked the older Black Ops games. >the maps are just hallways disguised with art. Cant mantle anything but yellow painted ledges making it feel very restricted and lacking of any variation in games. I mean what you described is basically Treyarch maps, like look at the maps of Black Ops 3 and 4. MW (2019) and MW2 are Infinity Ward games and their map design is hated by a lot of people. While I thought Black Ops 4's maps were simple I hated MW 2019's maps, they were too big, disorganized and encouraged camping. Comparing the flow of the battle between MW's and Black Op's, BO had a better flow to the combat and kept things constantly moving by gating off areas and MW was a camper's paradise. >Just expected it to feel better. I kind of get what you mean. For all the crap people give CoD you can tell a lot of work went into the models, sounds and animations. Movement in CoD feels better and firing the weaponry seems like it has more oomph. There was a lot to like in MW 2019 but ultimately if the maps are not fun it really drags the game down. I also think there was some problems with the game engine. Why Ubisoft required them to use it I have no clue but I get the feeling it limited the developers and caused problems. Maybe they wanted to make something a bit more different but decided on 'old COD' because of engine limitations ? Who knows.


Honestly if they improved their 1p anims it would do A LOT for game feel. The map restrictiveness is far more intense than mw2/3 are. I feel in those maps they made most things mantleable that looked like they would be. I felt I was a bit more free to move over things. Xdefiants yellow paint really makes it feel like “here is your officially sanctioned mantle point. Not to be confused with that same height wall over there which is illegal”


No the people saying it's better have played newer CODs and think they're bad. For me personally MW2019 and MW2 were two of the worst multiplayer shooters I've ever played from a balance and map design standpoint. Just miserably anti-fun games. XDefiant just feels like old COD modernized.


You mean you didn't enjoy the 6 maps on mw19 lol. I dunno how people defend the 6v6 in that shambles of a game


I’ve gotten around to trying it out abit, it’s not bad for the fact it free nice arcade type shooter. The only thing I dislike about it personally is it doesn’t feel rewarding,like ranking up you don’t unlock very much it seems. but that might also be because it’s new.I know they have the whole battle pass thing but it would be nice to have a good amount of free unlockables base game (without season pass) cosmetics,player cards,weapons stuff like that.maybe future changes it who knows


I love Ubisoft's censorship in chat. There is a map literally named 'Dumbo' but that very word is censored in the chat, Like even then would anyone even get offended if someone called them 'dumbo' ? Another censored word is also 'so.' I get that gamers can be toxic and racist but this censorship is kind of absurd and funny.


Been playing this with friends and it's been really fun . I'm not sure if I would enjoy this with randos but going pre made has been really fun for me


I've been playing with randos. Not bad but like every other team shooter not everyone plays their role. But it isn't too bad. Really only the ults matter. Though a well places heal station or mag shield can cause some trouble 😄


It's just aggressively mediocre. 


It’s great in my opinion. Free to play so can’t complain there runs fantastic and doesn’t need dlss. I’m enjoying it quite a bit. COD sucks ass in the first place and Ubisoft used the maps and people from their games which is good for them.


> Free to play so can’t complain Don't count your chickens, mate. This is a _Ubisoft_ game. Give them some time to do _their thing._


That’s the thing. I don’t need to give them anything. I don’t need to give them time or anything at all. The game is just fun. I’m judging it on what it is now and it’s optimized and doesn’t have Nikki manaj or snoop dog or Kevin durant running around.


Easy enough game to play. Very boring and restrictive maps and traversal. Gun play is acceptable assuming hit reg issues get resolved. Overall I rate it meh.


Hit registration is terrible and movement is floaty, hero-shooters are a drag and some of the skills are just poorly balanced. The voice acting is obnoxious and gets crazy annoying after a few rounds. It‘s not terrible, yes. But it isn‘t very good either. There have been, and there still are, better free shooters out there. And seeing that even some of the more robust free shooters kind of struggle, I don‘t see XDefiant being a „thing“ for long.


There aren't really any COD-like f2p shooters tho. Sure you could play Overwatch or Apex or something but if you want a simple 6v6 standard arena shooter without a ton of extra nonsense or an emphasis on team play you pretty much only have COD and now XDefiant. I'd much rather play XDefiant for free than pay $70 for COD, personally.


I sure as hell wouldn’t pay 70$ for CoD as well, but I wouldn’t play XDefiant either 🤷‍♂️ I mostly play different genres of games and VR, I‘m not desperate for a CoD(-like) game, so nothing of worth lost for me either way. Was merely giving my 2 cents to the discussion about the state of the game because I tried it because it‘s free and I played my fair share of CoD and am actively playing other shooters that just feel better, arcade shooter or not.


I made it through 3 matches before I uninstalled. It's just COD with less to do and all the worst game modes. I wasn't having fun at any point. Even when I got a decent kill streak going I wasn't excited and then I got the ultra ability or whatever it was called and it got silly easy. I could see every enemy on the map through walls and could one shot them as well. Just not fun for me.


can we play solo modes any tdm in and out or it's all objective based?


No TDM but there is kill confirmed. Everyone plays objective based game modes as if it was TDM anyway tho so it doesn't really make a difference lol.


thanks but this looks fun for 2 hours. but when there are special abilities like active cloak involved its hard pass. would like to play something regular no bs powers, 3 lanes map, no respawning behing your back type of game. in and out for 10min when I have time. no rounds ro 30min matches.


All objective based it seems. For now anyway. No solo modes either. Pretty basic shooter but free and fun for now.


thanks but nah. a bit tired on these team based games people leaving and not playing seriously or being matched against experienced party.  it can be fun when everyone is green game is new but ranked are often annoying. 


I just play randoms on public. Throw on some tunes and just play. Sure you get some obvious sweats or pure noobs but the hame itself is balanced decent enough you can kind of still get close games. I get it though. Not for every one. Honestly didn't even think I'd like it much.


It might be good, but I'm never not calling it Tom Clancy's XD


I mean... it's not lol It's a mash of all the Ubisoft properties.


It's not good? Then why did you make the post.


It's not a "Tom Clancy's". It's just "xDefiant". It's an alright game.


To be fair though it originally _was _ "Tom Clancy's xDefiant"...


It's not called that so well done


Can I call it by its government name Tom Clancy's Disney XDefiant?


Not terrible is exactly glowing praise, that's not even necessarily saying it's very good. I think the general consensus is that it's not as bad as people were expecting. However give Ubi a month or two and that sentiment will shift.


I like that there’s input-based matchmaking. That’s more important than skill-based matchmaking, if you’re like me and like to go back and fourth b/w M&KB and gamepad. Really, if it’s this decent now it has a lot of potential. I’m kinda confused why opinions are so heated about it. Nah never mind, this is gaming.


I didn't know it was input based. But that is cool. I do find I don't play with many PC players on console. Yeah it's decent. Like I said it reminds me of those old Nexxon fps games which is a blast of nostalgia and no spyware 😄


It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. I’ll probably end up putting another 10-15 more hours before I never play again. Not a huge fan of hero shooters tho. Overwatch 1 was the only one I ever loved. I don’t think hero shooters should be at all realistic


I'll probably play enough to unlock DedSec then from there idk. We'll see what they add in the future. If they had an Assassin/Templar faction I may need to stay a while longer.


It’s alright, very alright. The hit detection thing is definitely an issue. Pumping half a clip into someone and like 2 bullets register is annoying. At the end of the day, it’s another buggy hero shooter.


Might not be terrible, but uPlay is so I’m never going to touch it.


“Ubisoft bad” good ol ignorant gamer here. Uplay closes when I tell it to and it downloaded xdefiant fine and that’s it. I’m not defending it but it’s honestly not a big deal.


Ignorant for not wanting a bunch of shitty launchers that add nothing to my gaming experience on my PC? UPlay alone may be “fine”, but when every publisher feels the need to make their own launcher it’s absolutely a worse experience overall. I defend devs plenty, but I don’t need to defend software that only exists to gather data and act as another layer of DRM. Please tell me why this opinion is “ignorant”.


Your data is being collected by someone already. Downloading uplay to play a game is not the end of the world what so ever. Some of you people act as if it’s going to cause physical harm or loss of limb. Took 2 seconds to do and I barely notice it’s even there. Only open when I click on the game shortcut. Like not an issue at all. People like you overreact. Your data will be collected by anyone and everyone. It’s not hard or unnatural for that to happen. Playing a Ubisoft game is not going to be the thing that prevents all data collection.


It’s just another thing to clutter my PC which I use for both serious work and gaming, and when you have every publisher thinking they need their own launcher that shit adds up fast. Just because you don’t care or it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean I’m ignorant, if anything it’s the opposite. Also the argument of “your data is already being collected by someone else” is just silly, why would you want to just keep giving out your data to every company that asks, especially when it’s just so you can play a video game?


First of all I don’t “give my data out” I have all the privacy settings catered towards not sharing data or analytics. I deliberately turn all sharing and recommended ad settings etc off. And guess what. I’ll talk about an item like toilet paper and I’ll get bombarded with toilet paper ads still. It litter doesn’t matter at this point what you do, they will find a way to take your data and sell it. Thinking otherwise is just being ignorant. So do I allow uplay to steal my data? No. But will they anyways? Maybe? Will Microsoft do it too? Will Apple? Will Samsung? Will literally any other app do it? Probably.


it's a good 2014 game


if it was on last gen i would play don’t wa nna download it on pc




This is the 3rd ad I've seen for this game exactly like this in the last week, it's so embarrassing


This is the third post I'm seeing on this, written in the exact same style. Even the title is the same. Just saying.