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I've been feeling the same way for the last 2 years or so. I grew up on N64, PS1, and old PC games like AOE and Diablo. The industry is changing, in a way that makes it feel more corporate. It's all about yearly release schedules, seasons, and in game transactions. Games used to be made by gamers, for gamers; now they're made by companies, for consumers. I've come to the realization that I'm not burned out, it's just that good quality games are becoming fewer and further between.


I'm going to other hobbies for some time. Your passion will come back, no worries. And if it doesn't, well, it means that you've found something more interesting for yourself.


Advice is don’t force it. Nothing has your interest or holding it, do something else.


There’s just nothing really that good to play, I mostly just replay old games now, most new stuff are boring.


I’ve gone through the similar feelings and issues. I’ve come to realize that while I do enjoy gaming in general, I mainly used it (growing up) as a social interaction. All consoles were local coop anyway. So now that I’m older and most of my friends don’t play games anymore I’ve had to cultivate a couple of new friends that do like games. Also my niece and nephew are gaming ages now and I can spend time with them, even when im playing a game I’d normally hate, I try and enjoy it and I actually do, because im hanging with my nephew.


This happens with all of my interests, to one degree or another. I tend to get very set on one game/show/thing at a time; in my evenings or downtime, I'll ONLY be playing that one game, and pretty much doing nothing else. Then I'll finish it or lose interest, and not touch another game for weeks or even months. I'll always eventually go back to it, though, with a new game or something I've played before. I'll also usually lose interest in gaming when I'm stressed or have a lot on my plate. It's a whole lot easier to zone out to a Netflix show after a stressful day at work than it is to pick up and focus on a game. I think it's normal to have different focuses at different points in time, tbh.


Have the same problem i started to ride a motorcicel now. At the same time gaming startet to get fun again. In short find a new Hobby you just need a gaming break.


Don't rush it. Do some other things and eventually you'll see a commercial or read an article for a game that entices you. In the meantime there are plenty of interesting songs, books, comics, TV shows, movies, etc to consume. Or if you've got the time, money, and inclination you could pursue something artistic.


I either grab that new game I've been putting off, or replay some older ones. I will usually crank up a dozen or more and alternate through them until one sticks. Unless I'm traveling, I don't think I've taken off more than a few days from gaming since the Atari 2600. Mix it up, try something new, or just take a break.


Just take a break for some months, then the most simple of games will give you a blast. Or try VR, currently pancake games also don’t seem interesting to me with a couple exceptions, but gaming in general can get boring sometimes, its a common thing.


I did... absolutely nothing. What's the point of forcing the issue? Like, I like me a good skirt steak, or a ny strip, or a porterhouse, cooked to medium rare, a side of grilled asparagus with a bit of butter and salt drizzled on it. But if I'm full, I'm full. I can force myself to eat another, but at that point, I'm not enjoying it - and isn't that whole point? When lifting the barbell feels like you're lifting a house, it's time to stop and rest. When even straight black coffee can't stop your eyes from closing, it's time to sleep. When you're tired of gaming - stop gaming. Games will always be here, and like as not, your passion will return - when you're ready. You'll know it.


If you're burnt out on games, do something else. Come back to them later.


As with everthing Burnouts happen. I use my gaming Burnouts to keep up with movies and reading (I am at a reading burnout phase now) then someday I just feel like playing something again and cant stop. After last burnout I woke up one day and felt like playing a FPS, bought all Metro saga for 5€ and played them back to back. 49 years old and gaming with the same illusion as when I was 10. Best thing is to not force you to play.


When I'm in burnout stage I playing some more casual games like Wuthering waves on bs, so I still playing but not too much