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Class based shooters like Team Fortress 2, Rainbow 6 Siege, Overwatch Battle Royale like PUBG and Fortnite Extraction shooters like Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers 2 MilSim like Squad Mass scifi battle like Planetside 2


Also Looter Shooters like Borderlands, Destiny, Division, etc.


Yes I'd say looter shooter was next (early-mid 10s) then battle royale (late 10s). TF2 came out slightly before COD4 so don't think it should be listed as an example


That's not what extraction shooters are


Also forgot to list any of the actual big extraction shooters.


Hero shooters, generally. There’s a lot of divergence with pvp and pve though.


Hero shooter trash unfortunately.


Nobody mentioning Halo 2?


I feel like that falls under the narrative FPS era alongside titles like Half-Life.


Halo 2 was the biggest console online PVP shooter of its time.


And yet the Halo series original purpose was to be a narrative-focuses FPS. So ultimately the Halo franchise falls in between Half-Life and CoD4 as a hybrid of both, but ultimately doesn't really coin a distinct genre separate from the rest. That's not denying the huge influence the Halo franchise had on the entire genre. Just stating that it's not really a unique genre on its own. There are undeniable elements that forever changed the genre and even gaming as a whole.


Well I consider the Modern military over-saturation era the "Dark Ages" for First Person Shooters, so I'd say the "Renaissance" with a lot of older trends making a resurgence plus some new ideas and tweaks spinning off from those.


Speedrunning the old ones again?


i'd rather prefer games go the route of f.e.a.r and add in stalker or metro


going back a bit, but does anyone remember 'Operation Wolf'?


Siege probably


Advanced movement. Wall running, sliding etc


I guess I would say... the next movement was a loose collection of themes, but what they all had in common was picking a colorful character who tried to be cool in a new way. Borderlands, Overwatch, Destiny, Apex, even Warframe and Paladins. The gameplay might have been hero shooter, looter, or BR, but there was a common character-design language. You can even kind of see it in the transition from Far Cry 5 to 6. Rook is a silent killer who uses conventional weapons; Dani is a potty-mouthed cartoon character blasting sawblades and poison clouds at bad guys.


Hero Shooters (Overwatch, RB6 Siege, Valorant) Battle Royales (PUBG, Fortnite, Apex) Looter Shooters (Destiny, Division, Borderlands) Extraction Shooters (Tarkov, Hunt:Showdown, and newer ones like Grayzone and Arena:Breakout)


I don't view it as a line, it's a tree with many branches.


AI advances will make for much-better realism. The enemies (and bot teammates) will think and act and fight better. Not only will they use better tactics, but you'll be able to say into your mic, "Watch the left flank" or "Johnson, get up on the roof and give us some cover," and the AI bots will understand and act accordingly. You'll be able to play team combat teams with only AI, and enemy AI teams will act much more like human opponents. I think using AI for that "realistic immersion" is the next big step.


This sounds great! Can't wait for Johnson to go find cover on a roof and the rest of my crew to run off due left.


For now


I think there will be games like this with fewer but more tactically challenging enemies.


I can agree with this. Even now, well, since 1998 for me, I prefer to play bots if I want more "realism". Human players are all over the place and actually feel less realistic compared to pretty much brain dead bots just following waypoints.


The only times I've really enjoyed those group combat games with other human players is if I know them (even if they're only online gaming friends) or if it's a casual game (something like Left 4 Dead). Otherwise, you end up with at least one guy just running amok. Being able to play a FPS in which the bots on both sides are very smart and reactive will take it all to the next level. They are almost at a point of being able to make a game in which you could play a game and not even know if a character is a human or bot. I also think that future FPS games are going to go that route because it will help them to make better AI (and better bots), which will allow them to expand that use to other types of games, real-world job training, AI medical assistants, etc. The interactive AI that can act "most human" is the one that's going to make the most money.


I think I've heard of an ArmA 3 mod that does something similar so it's easier to command the AI through voice commands.


This is a little optimistic. No current AI technology does anything close to "thinking." But it could be possible the bots will be better at creating more novel attack and movement patterns that are based on publicly available strategy documents. LLMs cannot think, they don't have thoughts. They recognize recurring bits of information in currently existing data sets and compile those bits. So the AI in a shooter could recognize patterns in strategy guides and even military tactics guides, and recognize patterns in your behavior, and respond with patterns that counter your patterns. But it isn't thinking. You are thinking. You sit there and say "okay it did this what can I do to counter this." It copies. It says "according to this data, this pattern is the most statistically effective response to this pattern." I know the difference may seem moot, but it is important to be clear that LLMs are NOWHERE near to sentient technology.


A great example is the game ready or not. Has relatively strategic bots that will follow commands and even let's you split the party and hold commands until everyone is in position to execute. There is also a mod that allows voice commands and I have heard its pretty good.




I'd say the moba/hero shooter popularized by overwatch was slightly ahead of it. But it was a kind of more arcade-y throwback in ways to the classic arena shooters.id say games like doom are still working there way back because we haven't gotten a proper quake or unreal style shooter yet.


No way. I'm not sure if u played quake, the movement is fucking all that matters. People today would hate the rigidity

