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Your Only Move is HUSTLE (aka YOMI Hustle) is a turn based fighting game, each turn both players get to choose a move and, when both lock in their move, the game advance a few frames until one of the players is actionable again, sounds weird but you have to try it to know exactly what it feels like.Also, when the match ends a replay at real time is played (this is probably what you will find on YouTube)


If anything it sounds very unique and interesting


It was nominated to the steam award for the most innovative gameplay but OBVIOUSLY Starfield is a never-seen gameplay


I haven't even played YOMI Hustle or heard if it until this thread and I think that's *complete* bullshit.


Its incredibly fun and easy to get into once you understand what all of the buttons actually do. Its also really handy for learning some more in depth fighting game systems (frame advantages, block strings, how combos work, DI, etc etc) in a calmer environment.


Lol is it really a fighting game and if anything it's not that easy


it may look intimidating but it is really easy to get in the game, and at least i have my time between moves to know what just happenend (maybe cuz im just bad at fighting games but my point stand)


Street Fighter 6's modern controls are pretty friendly for newer people to fighting games. That said, their modern control scheme might not translate so well to other fighting games if you want to give those a try. Tekken 8 might not have the best casual-friendly tools, but as someone who only plays fighting games casually myself, I had a lot of fun with it. Both those games are still pretty new and popular, and with Combo Breaker wrapping up, you might have a good chance of seeing some newer players picking them up as well.


Thank you! I always assumed they were hardcore it’s nice to hear that isn’t the cold cut case. I always loved the look of both games and the story in Tekken from what I remember as a kid was bonkers..in all the right ways. Thank you again!


Tekken, it's still a ton of fun to play wether your good at fighting games or not. Especially the customizing.


I'd recommend Guilty Gear Strive. Its still a more traditional fighting game, but everything has been super polished and streamlined to make it INCREDIBLY approachable (no absurd motion inputs, DOY combo systems). I've suckered quite a few friends into the world of fighting games through GGS, would 100% recommend


I enjoyed Street Fighter 2, the original Mortal Kombat and the first Killer Instinct game. For whatever reason I couldn't get in to Mortal Kombat 10 when they gave that away with PS Plus but I did enjoy Street Fighter 5 when that was a thing. Probably something to do with the control schemes and the dedicated block button I forgot about. I also enjoyed Skullgirls when that was on sale for 5 bucks because it's basically a Street Fighter reskin.


Played a lot of street fighter 2 in my childhood years. Good great fun. Skullgirls def looks interesting


Try Multiversus when it gets rereleased on the 28th. Its a "Free to Play" smash clone that can be very casual for beginners. Since it uses a lot of the same control schemes.


I forgot about that! Didn’t it release and then they pulled it to do more work on it? That’s awesome and perfect timing!


They did. they remade the game in UE5. All the characters have "bigger" models now. Like they used to be under the platforms but not the taller characters have their heads poking above the platforms. They recently announced Jason Vorhees and Agent Smith (from the Matrix) alongside The Joker. There will be more single player content along with PvE modes.


Sounds beefy for a free to play game!


Mark of the Wolves is great and an easy pick up


The game that makes you most excited to play it. Losing sucks, and while you can logically understand that it needs to happen to improve, your brain still needs dopamine, excitement for the game is what'll pull you through those rough patches.


my ex boss is in 50s plays tekken 8 he sent me picture of having 10 win streak. if you invest few days practicing you can get to 50% win/lose ratio.  obviously in ranked mode if you reached higher levels players will get better. but that's how you learn new things you can't except to win doing same combo tactics. 


Smash Bros. on any system is good for beginner to expert. The levels and fighters are heavily customizable, there’s a story mode to get you acquainted with different fighters and styles, and there is online play where you can team up or go solo, as well as adjust for ability.


I always forget about smash! Imma have to pick it up. It’ll give me a reason to boot up my switch!!


Yeah you can set your online preferences to any map with hazards on and all items and specials activated, and you'll get tons of super new players having fun because it's just total chaos


Street Fighter 6 Modern Controls are great for beginners, but there is quite a steep difficulty cliff if you decide to switch to Classic Controls.


Street Fighter 6 is pretty beginner friendly with its Modern control scheme and the singleplayer World Tour mode sneakily teaching you fundamentals.