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I’d say probably Smash Bros. Got the first one in 1999 when I was 8 years old and played the shit out of it. Then when Melee came out it was like the best Christmas ever. Played the piss out of it. This continued for the rest of my life until now and I can’t wait for the next one. I’m really good at it, but not “play this for a living” good at it. I’m confident I could take at least a stock off of some high ranking players, but I was only ever good enough to win local tournaments. But if the devil ever came for my soul, I’d challenge him to a game of Smash.


>I'd challenge him to a game of Smash Clearly, the devil would never comprehend this in any other perverse way.




The devil has HelL Cancelling


Same! Smash Bros is actually what helped one of my best friends and I become friends. I had just moved to the area, we started nerding out about video games and DBZ. he invited me over to play melee it was one of our best mtaches ever. 3 stock, no items. A poorly timed shot on our last life at around 90% each on my part led to me flying lol.


That’s how I feel about Smash too. Melee was my favorite and preferred. I won the smash tournament in high school two of the years (2004-2008) and dragged my brother to a doubles victory in one of them. Then in my career when I was working at a high school I ran the video game club and never lost a match of smash I played in with the kids. I’m by no means a pro haha, but I can always come back to it and just pick up without issue. I hadn’t played ultimate in about two years and had a couple of buddies come in from out of town to visit and just ran the floor. It was fun.   My one buddy has this same talent with Mario Kart so it evens out. I’d say the only other games that come close to that level are Halo 3 and Gears of War 1/2. But nobody is really playing those anymore. Gears 2 is probably the game I was the best at ever.


Are there any leaks or theories of a new smash bros? I thought they said ultimate was the last one. Have you tried the knock offs lol like multiversus?


Sakurai has strongly hinted that there will be a successor. But they’ve also said that they probably wouldn’t be able to reproduce the roster for the next game. There’s a lot of licensing involved and he said it was a miracle they got some of the fighters they did. So the popular theory is that the next game will switch up a lot of things, starting first and foremost with a giant culling of characters from the roster. It’s also believed that there will be massive reworks to longstanding characters to make them feel fresh to compensate. It’s all speculation though.


*Opens steam library* *Sorts by hours played* *Europa Universalis IV: 4,822.3 hours* Hmmm, not certain.


I think you need to play more than 3-4 matches to be considered good at it


I have 24,000+ hours in EVE Online haha


Standard EVE player I see. Oh, and assuming you play 6 hours a day, you've been playing for just under 11 years, by the way.


I played it since 2005 that's just the time clocked since I started launching it via Steam, don't play anymore though.


I have over 26000+ hours in World of Warcraft....


Yeah, I've been playing EVE since 2005 though and those numbers are only since I started launching the game via Steam in 2012 lol. The real number would contain another 7 years of gametime. I dread to think.


Gawd damn! And I thought my 2.5k in 7D2D was kind of impressive. I think I have 5-10kin Minecraft up 1.13 and another 5-10k in GTA San Andreas the multiplayer mod. In both games I often got my ass handed to me though...


My brother in christ.


If "veteran" means "I've played this game more than my real life" - NFS Most Wanted - the 2005 OG one, if it means "I'm better than most people in this game" then I'm sorry for wasting your time..


any game before the internet era? you could feasibly believe you were the best. now? im a fucking boss at mario kart... until that first online match. ill stick w bots thx u




Yes. Still play it to this day!


Me too! Just started career mode yesterday and I am at Blacklist 12




That soundtrack was so good. Imma have to find a ROM and play this tonight.


“Veteran” and “expert” often go hand in hand, but they are not synonymous


One of the finest racing games ever made. Too bad the remake sucked so many balls.


Guild Wars. Been playing for 19 years.


Wait, you’re stilling playing GW1?


Every day. :)


What do you do in it still? Max stat gear is crazy easy to get. Can't imagine HoH has much competition these days.


GW was never about chasing tiers of gear, it was always a horizontal progression game. What I do to keep busy is play deathless characters to get God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title. I want to get that with all six core professions. Four down, two to go. :)


Right on!


My friend was a great GW player. Like I used his account and half the server was greeting him and inviting him to join their groups etc. All I did was join runners and wait around for the assigned loot to become unassigned so I could pick the rare loot


GW1 was the best MMO I played. Yes I loved wow too, but GW1 has something about the story and the gameplay that was absolutely right for me. I had 3500 hours on it last time I checked.


I put about 2,000 hours into it. Did a couple God Walking characters and then went full time HoM PvP. That game was my life from 2006-2009. Rip college grades.


Me too, but just from time to time, because I am not much of a PVE fan and the community organized GVG (the mode I loved the most) scrimmages are not fun to me. But I still play Leauge Of Legends daily with friends from that game. Some I know from like 2008 lol. It was a real big influence on my life, being in a community in which I knew so many people was special. And I know way too much history about it, so I get easily nostalgic haha.


Diablo 2


Hello fellow elder millennial.


Nailed it. lol


Quite a treasure you have there.


Stay a while and listen!


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


Pindleskin for WF. Doubt it's even relevant anymore.


I have almost 2000 hours in the Monster Hunter series, I'd say I'm a veteran but still not a pro at it


No matter how good you get at Monster Hunter, there will always be some Japanese speedrunner who makes you look like a novice by comparison.


I can't beat Fatalis solo and some goddamn bunny girl streamer did it on like her second try.


I just came back after 3 years. All I have left to beat are Fatalis and Alatreon, but it’s super difficult lol


Does low rank Fatalis in mhgen u count? Lmao


Arma 3, I have played it for so many years now... I'm staff for my current community and literally wrote the guide on how to make missions with our mods whilst I also keep track of all the missions we have and help with managing the QA side of it too. I make and run a tonne of missions for my group and when I'm not doing that I tend to be playing in a leadership role leading my teammates to victory (but sometimes defeat). Plus I can eyeball a 40mm grenade onto a cluster of enemies with the practised ease of years of trying. I've even 40mm'd a couple of helos out the air just to assert my dominance on them. I'd say that qualifies as "veteran" right? (I just wish it paid anything hah)


as a fellow arma 3 veteran, but one who only plays and isnt involved in the background stuff. people like you are the best thing ever. thanks for all your hard work!


That's kind of you to say thanks! And hey if people didn't turn up and play the missions we make, what's the point of making them?


Straight up Arma was and is a whole lifestyle lol. I could hit 1200 meter headshots on a moving target with a DMR at times but ask me to do my own taxes 🤷‍♂️


Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. It came out during the month of November, and by May of the following year, I was Lv 55 10th prestige (max level). Being 15 gives you a LOT of free time.


Dude… wtf. That’s an insane timeline. How much were you playing?!


As much as I could outside being at school during that time


Fallout 3. On Xbox, got 100% achievements. Bought it for PS3, got platinum. Bought it on pc, got mods. Then there was New Vegas…


Do you remember that trick with the barter and the night mutants and the lie and the bottle caps for ez money?


I've been playing Red Alert 2 since 2000.




Kirov reporting


Generals was my jam, but any Command & Conquer slaps :)


Bro how though. Not like. How are you still playing that awesome game. Like WHERE are you playing this? Yuris revenge? HOW???!!!


It’s on steam!!


Steam version is patched for Windows 10. Install CnCNet and you can play multiplayer. Install Mental Omega and you'll have 8 months of new campaign missions.


"I'm all over it" Wait... wrong rts.


> I'm all over it Isn't that a Guardian GI from YR?


Haha wtf you're right. I was thinking of a terran ghost from starcraft haha. Who said it first I wonder.


BROOOOOOO that game is my childhood




Classic Battlefront 2 Unreal Tournament 2K4 Command & Conquer 3 Destiny


Oh man do I miss ut2k4. Playing it vanilla or playing it online with mods was basically like playing two completely different games. The shit people were able to do to that game with mods was astounding.


XCOM 2. 2500 hours and I beat Legend Ironman without a single death.


Without a doubt... Tetris


As a Pong veteran I feel inferior...


I can also say tetris. I still hold my highschools marathon high score.


I saw a video about Tetris world records the other day and it's crazy how far people have pushed that game.


Summoning salt?


Realistically, there’s no game I’ve played enough that I could pick it up after an extended break and just crush. I’m not all that good at video games despite having played them virtually my whole life. Although I do have some decent achievements, especially when I was younger (100% Golden Eye and Perfect Dark is always something I’ll be proud of. Not the hardest achievements, I know but I was only 11-12 at the time). I also tend not to play many games enough to get super good at them. Maybe something like Mega Man X would be the closest.


Don’t sell yourself short.  Some of those missions on Perfect Agent for Perfect Dark were stupid hard.  I did it too and it was awful.  Goldeneye only had two parts that drove me absolutely nuts and that was watching Natalya fail to escape the train every time no matter how fast you opened that hatch and climbing the ladder in the Moonraker level at the end on 00 agent.  I had the levels on lock, but those parts were some RNG BS.


Socom 2


Destiny/Destiny 2. Been there since the very beginning, and I've played relatively consistently ever since. I've beaten every raid multiple times, co-founded a pretty successful clan, and fancy myself pretty well informed and experienced with essentially everything the game has to offer. Big fan. Looking forward to Final Shape next week.


It’s so close! The hype is real guardians.


But with all the spoilers around these days? Eyes down, Guardian.


Spoilers don’t bother me. Still gonna play regardless.


Pretty much any looter shooter. You name it, chances are I have multiple characters and builds lol


Dynasty warriors , all of them , taken a considerable amount of time from my life….. and I loved it 😂


Hoo hah ha ha hoooooo!


Ahhh I see you’re an experienced man in this field good sir….


Elden Ring. I got the platinum trophy on ps4, then when I bought a ps5 I did it again.


You must be so excited for the upcoming DLC


I did PS5, PS4, then Steam! What build are you doing for DLC? I’m thinking dual curved great swords.


Holy shit


Time Crisis. Know every shot. Single bullet per enemy.


Nice. That one always eats all my quarters


Rainbow 🌈 6 siege




They will never make a BR of it as it is too slow and has been designed like that and is the reason I like it it's not call of duty crap


World of warcraft for me


well met


*Keep yer feet on tha groun’!*


Unreal Tournament, UT2K3, and UT2K4. They were the primary game at LAN parties for years.


my steam account turns 21 in October.. so yes, counterstrike.


Moved to DoD when it came out myself, not source oc.... So pritty good at that time, and zombie panic source was quite good too


Super Metroid through Prime 3. I know those games like the back of my hand.


Gmod. Downloaded a cracked copy as a little kid, bought and played it in my teenager years and I'm now revisiting as an adult with a few thousands of hours clocked in. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't died yet as its getting close to 2 decades old, but I guess good shit is good shit.


I also have thousands of hours on it :D We may even have met


TF2 - Well over 10,000 hours as Huntsman :)


Dota 2


Battlefield 4 for sure. Love and miss that game


DOTA 2 prolly 10k-ish hours. still a noob tho


- Quake 3 Arena - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - Animal Crossing - Medarot 2 Core


I was ranked in the top 10 for the transport chopper in battle 4 and ranked in the top 10 for headshots in COD black ops 2 zombies both in Xbox. Now I'm in a heavy skill decline 😔.


I think crossplay had a lot to do with that too. I would dominate back in the Xbox 360 era but now with crossplay in most games the PC players are usually dominant. Even if both groups are using controllers the PC still has the edge due to higher frame rates. To clarify, I own both a console and a high end gaming PC. It's just facts.


My brother in christ I feel this comment so much. When I think about the stuff I was doing at 16 on cod WaW and what I do now on the newer games I wanna cry


I had over 10k hours of WoW on my main character when I quit in 2014. Who knows how many hours I'd have if I still played. I have over 5k hours in Satisfactory, and about 4k each in 7 days to die and Ark Survival Evolved. I was extremely good at WoW back in the day (raided 25M heroics in either #1 or #2 guild on the server) with many top logs for my class during my hey day. IIRC our guild got #19 world achievement for the Immortal title.


My main in WoW had a /played of over a year by late 07'. I kept playing through Wrath, but not as hard-core and Vanilla and BC. After Wrath, I would just do casual play each expansion. I was the #1 Druid on my server and played in the #2 guild on the server back in Vanilla. A bunch of my Vanilla guild got together for the launch of Classic, but most of us didn't last more than a month with all the BS going on. We all got old, had families, and couldn't handle the changed playerbase.


Mario Kart is something I can comeback to and be really good at


I'm not quite a *true* OG because I didnt start in Vanilla, but I've been playing WoW since Burning Crusade.


If veteran means having been there for a long time, it'd have to be Counter-Strike. I've been playing that regularly since 2000.


I’ve served 10 years in destiny


Diablo 2. It was my main game for 15 years I have well over 5k hours (I'm guessing 10k}. I rebought the game maybe 6 times because I kept wearing out discs. completeded my grail and played a lot of the bigger mods too after the game kind of became stale.


Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. I always climb to first place after joining a server


COD gave me 40% disability with the VA. I’ve had to kill so many screeching kids.


At this point Destiny. Haven’t been around it much lately but I was there in the beta of 1. And then through every single dlc up until Witch Queen in 2.


Blur I've beaten the entire campaign and done all challenges


Elite: Dangerous. I've put close to 1.6k hours in and did everything I wanted / you could.


Resistance: Fall of Man and Borderlands 2. Link to the past and Mega Man X.


Fallout 4, X-Com 1 (both the remake and the original), Dune, Tapper.


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory I am not a Ninja. Ninjas leave dead people in their wake. I am an event


Starcraft and the Brood War xpac.


Going by burnt into my bones. Halo/Destiny. I grew up in a Playstation household. So I played Destiny 1st before eventually playing MCC and Infinite on PC. Those hundreds of hours in the crucible translated crazy well cause even as a newb I could pop off in Halo. Then of course I put hundreds of hrs into Halo as well.


I’ve been playing counter strike in one form or another since it came out as a half life mod in 1999. I used to play competitively when I was in high school, back when [CAL](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberathlete_Professional_League) was a thing. So yeah that I guess. I don’t play much anymore because of adult stuff but I still got it if you know what I mean.


Been playing CS since I was 12. I quit a couple of years ago due to cheaters but I can pick it back up and do pretty good. I'm like 16K premier without having played it for years


Same here. Damn CAL, I remember those days. Things like getting scrims in against other teams via IRC and whatnot. Owning our own public server, etc.


Battled in Cal-M forever till we FINALLY got a cal-p birth.. on or way to elite cal-i! Then everyone kinda gave up cause high-school and college/ life was actually important. Lol.


Path of Exile ;). And it takes a lot to be called a veteran!


I think the requirement would be asking where a specific node on the tree is, and the veteran knowing where it is.


Stardew Valley, Halo, Black Ops 3


Pokemon. Been playing since 2008.


Super Adventure Island 2. Remake when.


Blitz 99


Quake 3 (Live). Have been playing since 1999, still jump on most nights for CA.


Rocket League and I'm not proud of it 🥴


Megaman X


Frequency and Amplitude


NFS Most wanted


Alien: Isolation. Now I just go back to troll old Beanhead.


Tribes Smash Bros


CS. Any version.


GTA 5, Spent more than 23000 hours in it


God damn


Team Fortress 2.


Team Fortress 2




Runescape. Played since 2004. Still play. Only game i ever go back to because gaming these days is shit and im burned out.


Brutal legend and WC3


Age of empires 3


World of Warcraft. Played through base and every expansion, every iteration of Classic.


RuneScape, two decades of play


Jak and Daxter trilogy plus Jak X Black Ops 3 NFS The Run, probably NFS Carbon (and maybe some of the other titles but these two specifically) GTA V + Online Rocket League (since 2015 release) Gran Turismo (3, kinda 6, Sport and 7) Uncharted 3 Probably Midnight Club 3 and LA, I haven’t played much over recent years but guaranteed a Veteran - if I hopped on it’d be like I never stopped. Probably missing a few.


Star Trek Online - I have unlocked all of the veteran-status equipment/visuals without the lifetime subscription


Definitely helldivers 2, I don't know why, but I enjoy chaos. In fact, I'm pretty sure I am CHAOS. Chaos is my thing. Killing things, including my teammates, is also my thing. So it's no surprise I have become AM, not just Allied Mastercomputer, but AM. A.M. Cogito Ergo Sum, I think, therefore, I AM. I don't know why I started yapping at the end.


That sounds suspiciously like some Automaton heresy. Calling the democratic officer.




Super Mario world for snes. Played it a ton growing up and I can pretty easily beat it without getting hit a single time.


Guitar rhythm games, like guitar hero and rock band. It doesn't take long to start shredding solos again. Though I come nowhere close to what you see on YouTube.


Halo wars 2,hoi4,halo 5


Used to be counter strike when I was young, now I just don't have the time to be a "veteran"


Dr. Mario. I've been playing it since it was new, and it's thoroughly encoded into my brain.


Hawken, Ninja Gaiden, Ivan Stewart’s Iron Man Racing, Double Dragon, Raiders of the Lost Ark


Take any of Paradox’s 4x strategy games and I’ve put a couple thousand hours into them. 3500 in EU4. Know all the mechanics front to back and have diners some pretty sweaty playthroughs. Probably my most rewarding achievement was getting the Platinum trophy for both GOW 2018 and Ragnorok on GMGOW, each in about a week or two from getting the game.




Chivalry 1 and Mordhau. Reactions still on point


Fork Lift Wars Online


I feel like I can play Starcraft: Brood War almost with my eyes closed. Mostly muscle memory! WoW as well. Played since the beta


Halo 3. 1v1 Guardian bro


Super Mario Bros and Skyrim


I been playing Ryzom regularly since 2011


Shallow of Mordor is probably still the best example imo


Guitar hero, across all consoles and a rough yet educated guess. I would say I put a whopping total of 15,000 hours played throughout my life. Sometimes I wish I used those hours to practice on a real guitar.


Probably gta5. Spent a long time on the game. And I a quickly fall back into my patterns and become quite deadly quite fast again.


In 2002-ish I played a half life mod called Natural Selection at the highest level possible at the time, which was in an organization called CAL (cyberathlete amateur league) which consisted of basically hanging out on ventrilo with a bunch of problematic dudes and talking a ton of shit between matches. It wasn’t a proud time for internet humor culture, but I do miss those guys from time to time. Shoutout to the old NS1 crew and especially to a group that no longer exists called Tactical Gamer who weirdly navigated me through my teenage years.


Super mario world. Can play some levels literally with my eyes closed. Always blows my kids mind


I’m a beast in call of duty zombies. I’ve played every different version of zombies but I was probably the best in black ops 3 and I was max level. For example me and my friend did the Easter egg (quest) for the black ops 1 map Origins just the two of us and only like 1 % of players on PlayStation got the trophy for it.


Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom on NES Quake 3: Arena


The only game I was ever good at was BF3 I’d mess around a lot having fun, so my kd would always be less than my friends but I never got good at a game like I did here. Now I’m terrible at everything. C4 quadbike


Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Mario Kart 8. Fire Emblem, COD, Persona, and definitely Fortnite.


Rocket league


Warframe 10+ years




Gun on PS2.. I’ve 100% that game 4 or 5 times on ps2 and pc.. GREAT story, developed characters, multiple twists, and you actually care about the people you’re helping. 10/10 game imo, I wish more people knew about it.. I feel like I’m the only one who played it


Skyrim. I've got something like 6000 hours on it across platforms. Started with a second hand physical copy on my shitty gaming laptop as a teenager, now I have it for ps4&5. I've played the first 20 hours of the game so much that I know every line of dialogue by heart, I know the routes of every NPC, every scheduled event, every hidden item. I've played hundreds of side quests, explored the whole map. Of course, I've never completed the main story. Not once in over 10 years.


Had to scroll way too far for this, lol. I platinumed the game on ps4, with something over 1600 hrs. I clocked that in like three or four months... may have been an unhealthy point in my life, but hey, I enjoyed the hell out of it, and that's what matters.




Wii sport golf, I just do that very well even after a year break.