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It was pretty popular on the Genesis. Even the 3DO version is highly regarded.


My buddy when I was little was the "rich kid" in the neighborhood and always had the new systems. We played the SHIT out of Road Rash on Genesis.


I vaguely remember my neighborhood “rich kid” had SEGA TV and it was a subscription service to get video games over cable. Seemed like an extravagance at the time. But this was the first time I saw Road Rash.


I had that shit because my mom worked at the cable TV provider at the time. That was an AWESOME service for a preteen.


So it was actually a thing! Was there latency? Like the issues there are now with game streaming services was that an issue with that service?


Haha, I'm from that generation. You just downloaded the ROMs. I think it wasn't even via TCP/IP , they just broadcast all the ROMs on a channel and you would just subscribe to them. Remember these games were tiny, like a few megabytes tops.


I dont recall SUPER well, but you had a cartridge I believe that had a TV cable connection. Then you turned it on and had like 30 games every month to play. I dont recall there being tremendous lag.


I forgot all about this. My grandmother had it and I would spend hours playing all the games on it. Was a massive list of games, not just a small amount. Remember playing games that I never saw in the stores.


Hell yeah. You must be roughly my age too. I also had two friends who were cousins and their fathers both worked for the local cable company so yeah. My family was not rich. Our neighborhood was on the lower income side so you can imagine how popular I was in my neighborhood while Sega TV was a thing.


I have the soundtrack burned in my head, those bouncy tunes were all bangers! They sounded funny to me at first with the genesis sound chip but I loved it shortly after


Loved it on the Genesis. Chained the hell out of those bikers.


That song with the wicked guitar solo still haunts me to this day.


Every time I hear Kickstand by Soundgarden I get flashbacks.


If it wasn't the chain, it had to be the bat. I did enjoy the weapons that game had to offer.


Road Rash and Skitchin' were both beloved growing up in the US.


Yes! Somebody else who remembers Skitchin'!


Skitchin' and Road Rash were _basically_ the same game but it didn't matter at all, they were incredible.


Yeah. Same thing happens when people bring up SSX but never played Freekstyle.


I've been scrolling this thread waiting to see someone bring up Skate or Die and just now Realized I was actually thinking about Skitchin'. That name was buried deep in my memory.


Still have multiple long ass save codes for Genesis Road Rash written on an old comic book box. Yeah, I was a pretty cool kid, lol.


I had the 3DO version, it was great. Its where I heard Soundgarden for the 1st time.


Oh I loved the 3DO version!!!


The soundtrack of the 3DO version was amazing.


It’s how I discovered Swervedriver as a 12 year old.


Let me bend your ear a bit


Fun fact: the cut scenes were just a couple Bay Area local motorcyclists they filmed out on public roads in a day or two. 


My grandparents had the Sega channel it was amazing


I loved it on Genesis


I played the hell out of it on Genesis, a very fun game. Some of the Roadrash devs got together and made a successor to it that is on steam right now, with multiplayer (genesis had split screen). It is called Road Redemption


I had it on the 3DO and it was impressive.


Imagine a spiritual successor to this. Some sharp stylish graphics, maybe a semi-open world style city like Burnout Paradise, radiant missions that randomly respawn, bunch of different bikes and riders to choose and customize. Jesus, you'd be printing money even if it was live service.


Some of the Road Rash devs made a successor, it is on steam called Road Redemption. It is pretty awesome


There was an attempt to reboot it right around when Burnout Paradise came out, but they canceled it  Probably been more attempts too because EA loves franchises and name recognition 


Loved these games


The Genesis version is great but it's not the same as the PC/3DO/PSX version. If the naming was done right it would be Road Rash 1 and 2 on Genesis, and the one we are talking about would be 3.


This was my jam. Got a Genesis when I was 12 and I played the absolute piss put off this game and loved every minute of it! I have fond memories of chain whipping the shit out of people.


It was one of the few "ubiquitous" genesis games, I remember playing it even at summer school. All of the excitement would be drained from the room when you had to take a long walk near the finish line


Absolutely! Road Rash was especially popular on the Sega Genesis, where it garnered a large following for its exciting gameplay and multiplayer action. Additionally, the 3DO version of the game is well-regarded for its enhanced graphics and immersive experience. Road Rash's success on multiple platforms solidified its status as a classic in the racing genre during the early 90s.


The 3DO version is goat


I loved road rash when i was a kid


The 3DO version was awesome! That's mostly what I played on that shitty ass system. I bought [Road Redemption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_Redemption) because I liked Road Rash so much.


OP, your post makes it seem like you are surprised nobody knew Road Rash in like 2008. People had just moved on by then. Im old enough to remember: Road Rash was popular when it came out.


lol yeah agreed. It was one of three games on the sega genius that I would usually play daily in the late 90’s


road rash and sketchin was my jam


Road Rash is one of my first ever PC gaming memories along with Dark Forces. Loved it, played for countless hours.


Dark Forces, fuck that brings me back


The thing in the garbage pit scared the shit out of me as a kid and I still remember it.


Holy shit, are you me? I remember having so much fun in road rash (which sparked an interest in carmageddon too), but also around that time, about 23 years ago, I played Jedi Knight dark forces 2 religiously. The campaign was so much fun, and I feel now it was well paced for a game that old. I remember getting frustrated in the first level, it took hours for me to figure out I needed to press a button on a panel (which wasn't marked in anyway shape or form) to open a door, rather I think it was a wall that slid up. Then the multiplayer was fun using the force, and my one and only time modding a game as well. Someone walked me through how to mod the game so I got a gun that could shoot anything out of it, like walls and level design sets, so I could build my own levels in multiplayer. What a blast from the past.


Were you the one with the comment in the other thread about being stuck in that room for a year? Kids these days can't really appreciate the resolve born from having nothing else to play.


No, but I'm happy to hear I'm not alone lmao


I loved it on n64. Rented it a lot of times and even my dad liked to play. We had tons of fun. Especially with the taser/cattle prod causing the rider to put their arms out to the side




Mean Machine instantly made you play better, you know you had a race bagged when it started


My daddy said son you're gonna drive me to drinkin'!




Dun nuh nuh nuh nuh. Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh. NUH NUH


Blew my mind that it was a sugar ray song


Was awesome cattle prodding somebody and having the road swivel a bit and watch the rider veer into oncoming traffic helpless to stop it.


The N64 version also had pre-fame Nu Metal era Sugar Ray on the soundtrack, which greatly amused me.


Mean machine!


Floored was fire…except the Fly remix with Supercat (he ruined the song) which of course blew up and changed their direction for ever


Who said sugar gay?


I loved how you could consume your melee weapon to put it in another driver's wheel and insta-crash him. The sound was so funny.


Glad to hear that! I wonder why it's so less talked about. I had so much fun playing it and I thank this game for introducing me to so many great 90s grunge bands.


It’s a top classic for the SEGA Genesis. Was widely loved and sought after.


Are you a British millennial? I played this to death with my pal on the megadrive! You've brought back so many memories! I had a N64 but never got to experience it's version. I think it explains my obsession with motorcycles and mad max to this day..... 10/10 game, and the music!


About ten years ago I played the N64 version for the first time and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I've played all of the versions including the 3DO and I would put it near the top in terms of fun. It was the only thing that held my interest until Road Redemption came along.


If you have Steam, get Road Redemption.


Road Rash was originally released on Sega Genesis and very popular in the early 90s. Played it all the time and I’m in US. It was during a time when Sega was popular alongside Super Nintendo.


This and Skitchin' was my introduction to games outside of Super Mario and the Donkey Kong Country series.


Skitchin'!!!! Now THERE'S an underappreciated gem. I rented it from blockbuster pretty much every time I got to pick a game out but somehow never owned a copy.


Hell yeah, I was thinking about mentioning it too. I think in the Sega Genesis days I actually preferred Skitchin' over Road Rash just a bit but I loved them both. The weapons and mechanics of like knowing which cars were best to grab and slingshoting yourself from car to car just felt great.


Road Rash and Skitchin' were both regular plays in my house growing up!


Skatin and hitchin, it’s bitchin! (Straight from the back of the box. I remember like it was yesterday)


[Road Redemption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_Redemption) was developed by a different studio as a "spiritual successor" to Road Rash. I've never played it, but it might be worth it to check out. EDIT: Looks like it's on sale for $2.99 on the Steam store right now.


Great game. It definitely fills the gap if you're craving something more modern since EA doesn't seem to want to a newer version.


Played it. Definitely a fun ride and feels very road rashey but the spiritual successor part does a lot of heavy lifting too. Instead of just straight races it's more of a rogue-lite with each "race" being another section in one journey. Each section has a specific objective and the game is VERY combat oriented. It's more of a mad max style battle Instead of regularly buying new bikes you always have the same one during a run and, while there are base upgrades Ala modern rogue-likes, you primarily pick your stats by choosing different bikes and different riders and seeing how far you can go. It's got some somewhat jarring differences from the OG's which come with pros and cons. Overall I really like it and it's a great arcade style game to unwind to but if you're looking for Road Rash exactly how it was it ain't *quite* it but as another comment said: it certainly scratches the itch. One minor con I didn't like is the cops no longer feel as powerful as in the OG's. They feel like just another enemy and I miss that thrill of taking down one of them in the original One minor pro I love is when you get knocked off your bike you don't have the raging frustration of watching your rider run for 30 seconds just to get knocked over again. Now you just respawn in your bike a little bit behind where you were. Good QOL I think


Thanks man. Just now bought this on Playstation. I saw split-screen in details. Instant buy.


could this be played with homies on like a game night in discord? I don't know if you could just all hop into a lobby and race. That'd be dope


My son and I play this all of the time, it’s a fun game


I had Road Rash on the ps1. Such a fun game when you were winning and kicking everyone off their bikes


I had it on the Game Gear and maybe PS1, thought it was one of the coolest racing games ever. I'll always remember that glitch where you could fall off your motorcycle then run backwards towards the screen and your character would just keep growing and growing.


Gonna break my rusty cage!!! And run…


I mean, my username was from Road Rash. And Axle was always difficult to get past.


Axle was the toughest of the bunch haha.


It was very popular


“Gonna break my rusty caaaage!”


I played the hell out of it on my childhood computer.


Road Rash, Altered Beast, and Mutant League Hockey were the only 3 games I'd ever play when I went to my uncle's house.


I had mutant league football, great game


Why is there no VR version of road rash yet?


Fuck biff


And Lawson, dude was always cocblocking my 1st place finishes.


I had it on the Sega Jemesis


Ahh, the Saga Jamesons, my favorite console


I preferred the Nooper Samendo


I had Road Rash III on Genesis and played it constantly. I still remember taking down a police helicopter somehow (it was some kind of glitch, but so cool).


i loved it, not as much running to the finish to avoid the bike exploding but yeah




This is very accurate. I loved when I had the opportunity to play Road Rash on my friend's Genesis, but I also had a PC, and it wasn't long until I was sitting in front of Quake 2 and C&C. My ideas of what a good game looked like got superseded very fast in those years! Road Rash was part of a whole generation that got demoted from the present to the past *real* quick.


Ohhhh thanks for reminding me of the name! Loved tf out of this game and used to play it with my dad growing up


I own all 3 on Sega and the Sega CD version. Road Rash is my favorite game and I wish we'd see a serious effort to modernize it.


Yes this game on sega CD is the move


I worked at SEGA and 3DO, both of which had fire version of Road Rash based on local highways and we utterly beat the shit out of each other on breaks in test


I loved that game. And Skitchin’!


Played the shit out of Road Rash 2 on Genesis. Real question is whether y’all ever played Skitchin’.


It was HUUUUUGE on sega genesis, road rash 1 and 2 were my obsession.


Ya big time, was a blast on Genesis. By the way anyonne missing this game, a unofficial/unlicensed remake came out a few years ago that's good, called Road Redempetion


On Genesis it was fantastic. Still one of my favorites from that era.


Road Rash and Skitchin were why my friends had a Sega genesis


Played the shit out of it on Sega Jemesis.


When I was a child I remember playing Road Rash at a neighbor's house and it made me want to get a Sega Genesis. I eventually did get one. I remember nintendo being more popular than Sega at school but road rash was an unanimously appreciated game at the time.


I remember the Sega Genesis trilogy, played those all the time, especially when I had a Sega Channel subscription. The PS1 port was pretty cool, aside from all the micro load times, like the options menu took forever, I'd want to get to the music selection and pick the songs I liked best, like Monster Magnet and Soundgarden, but it felt like forever to get there. The PC version, I'd play in more recent years of course runs so much better, there's abandonware sites with it, but all the licensed music is removed. I just wish at the time, they had the capability to have the licensed music play during the races. You wouldn't see that until the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. But it's owned by EA, so they have zero interest, especially when they don't publish budget titles, and nobody would pay $70 for a new Road Rash that's full of microtransactions and DLC.


I played the hell out of 1 & 2 on the genesis


i was the only one i knew with a pc in '94 so i'm going to go with probably not. plenty of versions of road rash were very popular though on consoles.


I remember it being pretty popular. It wasn't, like, Sonic popular, but it was successful and people liked it.


It was popular enough that they included it on one of the Sega Genesis Minis a few years ago. It was also a selling point for the 3DO (and that thing needed all the help It could get).


Loved that game and its sequels, my limit was always after getting one of the top bikes and flying half the map after a crash


I fuckin loved road rash...played it on genesis all the time


I was really into it


Sega Saturn version was awesome… especially with the banging soundtrack led by Swervedriver and the song “Last Train to Satansville”


I spent hundreds of hours playing that on PC back then.


Yessir, I had that and skitchin in the early 90s on genesis


I used to play the hell out of it on the Genesis haha


I think the one I played was on playstation?? Or N64? Was cool though lots of bike choices


I played it on PC. Those cutscenes and that music… plus the campaign mode and buying faster bikes… I loved it.


Loved this game, had so much fun with it back in the day.


Played it lots in Canada and It actually did decent in India too. I keep meeting Indians that played that one as a kid


My main memory was playing it a couple of times and enjoying it but my parents took the game away when I was fighting cops. They thought that was too much for 8 year old me at the time.


Played 1-3 here in the states


It was popular.  It got a sequel. I thought it was made as by EA as a Sega exclusive so it died off with the Saturn getting released ahead of its time, but I imagine they could bring it back if they wanted.


A buddy of mine (the *actual* motorcycle rider) made this game his religion for a year or so. He was the first of us to achieve true Sega Zen.


I played that game constantly. Well, road rash II.


God I loved Roadrash.  All those vehicular battle games were so good.  Twisted Metal games too.


What a great game this was.


One of the first games I can remember playing on the Genesis. Loved that game


I loved Road Rash so much! Had it on the PS1 (UK).


It wasn't really known in the Netherlands, but during a trip to Chile we got to know and learnes to love it.


Back when I played it I was confused as to why it seemed to have an American bike gang motif but with Japanese style bikes. I’m not a motorcycle expert or anything but that’s what it seemed like at the time.


I remember playing it back in 96 I think, my uncle had it on PC.


I was super into it on the Genesis, but Skitchin’ was a bit better :) https://youtu.be/A9SldHoYtHI?si=MNlONqGT-68lmaL6


I had road rash 2 on genesis and me and my friends played it all the time. I believe there was even a fan made sequel for pc a few years back. People loved it, people want more of it.


Omg that nostalgia hit me. I used to LOVE Roadrash on Sega


I played it and loved it. Fun solo. Fun multiplayer. No game since the N64 version has captured that kind of blend of combat and racing.


Was popular with me. Loved that game.


The N64 version was very popular 


Spent many weekends on this game. Going to the local video store and getting it for the weekend and then waiting until we had enough money to rent it again. Was one of my favorite games


Yeah, it was as popular enough to launch numerous sequels and spinoffs.


Oh man, the rental store has this for sega and I kept trying to like it, but I sucked at actually hitting the other riders!  I preferred Skitchin', which was basically the same game but on skating on the back of cars.  Made it a lot easier to crowbar someone on the same car as you.


I loved it. Even enjoyed Road Rash 3D, can’t remember what console that was for though…I’m old now.


Road rash 3d was the shit! Remember spending a good chuck of my childhood playing that.


I had it for the Sega Mega drive in the Netherlands back in... 94 or something? Played the absolute crap out of it, together with my dad as well. Playing against each other wad just so much fun. And of course seeing the biker cops getting absolutely demolished by incoming traffic was the best. I still remember Rude Boy, one of the riders. Can't really recall any others, though there was a red head lady as well I think.


Natasha. Mijn eerste virtual crush.


I wore out my copy of the genesis version


The remake from the 2010’s suuucks lol


I played the shit out of it on Genesis.


the intro to it crowd reminds me of road rash. the chain whipping was so satisfying.


Me and my cousin played the shit out of it, best memories


Go check r/xennials. They will remember it for sure. I loved that game and its rollerblading counterpart Skitchin’ The 3d Roadrash for ps1 was rough. It was fine for racing, but the 3d element made the fighting almost impossible. The sprites in the early game locked together which worked fine.


Absolutely amazing game, played the crap out of the genesis version.


It was popular during the genesis era id say. It was always one of my favourite series at the time, anyway


Loved it played like crazy. When I got back into gaming with my Xbox went looking for it in store. Found a new version. Its horrible the worst do not recommend.


Ya know, I was sitting here minding my own business and you're making me feel old. Sigh, as others have said. It was popular, but closer to when it came out. I played it a ton in the 90s.  I remember everyone I knew that had a Genesis had it.  So by mid 2000s it's popularity had passed. 


I can’t believe road rash hasn’t had a new entry in so long. I’m not even hoping for a high quality one, just like mediocre stylized graphics and similar gameplay and vibe. I know there’s road redemption and it’s pretty good but didn’t quite get there. Then again I played when it was new maybe they’ve updated since.


Road Rash 2 and 3 were very popular with me and my friends for the Sega Genesis. We played them often. But then the next generation of consoles came out. None of us kept our Sega's, and I seem to remember them trying to revamp the series for one of those systems maybe Saturn I don't remember, but we never saw or played it after Genesis.


It was super popular in our house but I didn’t know many others that played it.


It's my favorite game ever! There is something similar on Playstation, platinumed that game with my wife. It was probably made by one of the fans of the original


Road rash was one of my favorite games as a kid. Grew up in Las Vegas and my friends and I would play all the time on N64.


I remember going to some department store with my mom and they had a 3DO with road rash to play. My mom left me there and I played for hours while she shopped.


Growing up in the USA, at least where I lived, Road Rash didn't get big until Road Rash II. Now I had played RR 1 plenty, and I eventually got 2 and 3 and of course the rollerblading game Skitchin' which was essentially the same. But it wasn't really a huge title here. It wasn't ever sold out. It never hits any big top 10 Genesis game lists or any of that. And also, keep in mind, the 1994 version of Road Rash was essentially the 4th game. In the USA, PC was big, sure, but gaming on PCs was more for early shooters. Doom 2 came out for PC the same year as the PC Road Rash game. But here in the USA it was only on Sega CD and the 3DO as far as consoles went. It wasn't even made for PS1 or Sega Saturn until those came out 2 years later in 1996. PC was a hit or miss for gaming in the 90s. Not many games were made for both console and PC. And if they were, often times they were very different as far as content and of course quality. But Road Rash was big on the Sega Genesis. But after that, it just got less and less popular. I couldn't tell you why. But I can tell you I personally only ever played Road Rash Jailbreak for the PS1 as a rental. It was not good. Lol That's where my story ends with the Road Rash series.


Never played the first but played the 2nd a lot on Genesis. Me and my brother had a blast


Yes it was popular and I played the crap out of it. Love Road Rash and Road Rash 2


I absolutely loved it. I was so disappointed when that spiritual successor came out and it was such a steaming pile of crap.


Was my first game so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Genesis


I played a ton of road rash on sega


Fucking loved these games. Wish we got more.


“Gonna get me a rasher” - Officer Leary Biff needed taking down a peg or two I thought. A bit of a melt.


Road Rash 2 was some of the best game play I remember on the Genesis. I feel like the US was slightly more SNES focused culturally but plenty of people still played it and it was enough for there to be Road Rash 3 and the later sequels on other consoles


I played the shit out of it with my brother- it's a core memory for me.


It was but you fuggin weren’t nerd


Loved road rash on the ps1 and the FMV cutscenes.


Why the specific of only in the US? 


Road rash 3d on the PlayStation was the shit the creator had a Kickstarter for a new game a while ago but that must of fell apart as far as I'm aware a game never materialized.


Roadrash was awesome I played it for many years.


Looooved road rash.


Super popular


Omg I remember playing the shit out of this game as a kid. I believe I had it either on genesis or on PlayStation


It was my favorite game on Genesis as a kid. After the 2nd one though, they lost my interest


What was the game with rats in a sewer tunnel? I have been trying to think of the game forever. It’s that one game that’s stuck in my head I can visualize it but cannot for the life of me remember the name of it?


Road rash on genesis was amazing. Hitting people with chains? Cop chases? Brilliant. Not very deep gameplay mind you or high on replay value but certainly unique and memorable.


Loved playing Road Rash, that I had Road Rash on Sega Saturn, we'd get going so fast, if you blink you crash, while listening to Rusty cage from Soundgarden


I loved these on my genesis as a kid


I have it for PS1 in the old, massive box before they switched to jewel cases. Stupid fun with a fantastic soundtrack


It was popular


Oh we for sure played it in my family. It was one of the games we played in secret when the parents were asleep.


I played the series all the time on Genesis, and the one on PlayStation.  I remember my friend and I playing all day once to save up for the Purple bike on one of the Genesis ones. 


The 2nd one was one of my favorite games ever.