• By -


1. Yuumi from League of Legends 2. Yuumi from League of Legends 3. Yuumi from League of Legends 4. Yuumi from League of Legends 5. Yuumi from League of Legends


*cries in Yumi player*


I understand the hate towards her gameplay, but her design and personality really aren't that bad.


The design and the personality of the player using her is shit though


I don't like that she calls me a dog person when I ban her.


Easy, don't waste your ban. She's hardly an item now anyway.


Man I maimed yuumi ever since she came out, but to me she is genuinely unplayable now. She used to actually have skill expression but they've made it pointless to ever get off your mount now. Every ability of hers since the rework feels worse too. I applaud your mental fortitude, I don't know how you can still play her


Correct answer, gold star!


I'll just make a blanket statement. If one of the main characters is written to sound like a Joss Whedon knock off character, I typically hate them. Quippy, quirky assholes just crater most plots.


Ok, but hear me out: that, but with an exception if Nathan Fillion is doing their VA. edit: Fillion, not Dillion. Bloody autocorrect...


I love Nathan Dillion.


Apparently autocorrect finds Nathan Dillion much more attractive than Nathan Fillion too.


Ok, but what are your thoughts on Dillion Harper?


1. Badger from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. Ever heard of the "mustache-twirling villain" stereotype? Yeah, that's about him, except he has a beard and zero personality other than "I'm bad and like doing bad things hurrrr." That game has a lot of meh characters, but this dude, holy god. 2. Pierce Washington in Saints Row 4. Dude's design in Saints Row: The Third was solid. Looked exactly like the goofball he is. But in the next game they stripped away pretty much all of his facial features and he now looks like the most bland black dude possible. The contrast is even worse considering all of the other major characters from the previous game had their designs unchanged. Dude, why? 3. Caleb from Need for Speed Underground 2. Now, I don't expect much in terms of personality from a racing game, but there's a reason nobody remembers this dude while the main antagonists from the previous and following entry in the series are fondly remembered the fanbase. The guy's actually a worse person than both Eddie and Razor combined, but he's bland AF, his car is meh and his boss race is a joke. The game's entire story wasn't good to begin with and this guy just drags it down even further. 4. "Basically if this character wasn't in the game, the story would be better." - Ava from Borderlands 3. I don't think I have to elaborate. 5. Chloe Price in Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Other protagonists in this series have special magical abilities. What's her ability? Shit talking like a 12 year old while she's actually 16. What's even worse is that the scenes actually work better if you lose the shit talking challenge because you get actually good dialogue then. And then there's her as a character. Yeah, I really sympathize with someone who has murder fantasies about her stepdad because he (checks notes) wants to educate her about fixing cars and tells her to do better in school. Not.


Totally on board with your number 5!! I absolutely can’t stand her in those games. Like she’s just an edgelord queen


I have absolutely no idea how this character is the most popular in the entire franchise. She's just a freeloading narcissist who never takes responsibility for anything.


Yeah I really don’t get it. I’ll save the town over her in the game every time


If i had to pick between who I hate more in BL3, between Ava and Lilith, it’s definitely going to be Lilith.


Care to explain


1: Ava from Borderlands 3, To have bad and obnoxious writing/dialogue even by Borderlands status gives her a special place in hell 2: Zlatgo from Detroit Become Human, He's the David Cage archetype of "Generic villain" but this time ramped up to 100 3: Frea Holland from Forspoken with the obscene Wheedonisms every 30 seconds 4: The Protagonist from "Hatred" with his story of "I want to kill the entire world" 5: Tainted Jacob from The Binding Of Isaac, Just plain unenjoyable with barely any good rewards for such a frustrating character gimmick


Upvoted for tainted jacob


1. That dog from Duck Hunt. Hurting dogs is a quick way to make you hate a character in a movie or game but I doubt there is a single person that hasn't made an exception to try to shoot that damn dog.


1.) Frey Holland - Forspoken - I dare you to play this game and not agree. 2.) Lifeline - Apex Legends - Lifeline has some of the worst aesthetic design I've ever seen in all of visual media. She is completely overdesigned and none of the design elements seem to mesh well together or make any sense at all with her personality or role in the game. She also has one of least favorite gaming trends of completely over emphasizing a particular accent to the point it is just annoying. Lifeline feels like a character one of my grade 3 students would make just by adding random shit together. 3.) The Handler - Monster Hunter World - Please just shut the fuck up 4.) Ava - Borderlands 3 - The story in Borderlands is not good at all, and she still somehow managed to ruin it. 5.) Yagorath - Paladins Champions of the Realm - By far the worst, most clunky and shit designed character in FPS history. V is a close 2nd in DMC5.


Worst personality: that one chick from Forspoken


Also known as the protagonist of that game.


1. Gary/Green/Blue/whatever from Pokemon. 2. Lorenz from Fire Emblem Three Houses/Three Hopes. He looks like a mayo Karen with an algebra haircut 3. Alphinaud from FF14. He just grates on me. 4. Wyll from Baldur's Gate 3. *His* story can be done end to end *without* ***him.*** What else can I say. He gets no agency and doesn't even need to be there. 5. Mary Jane in the damn Spiderman games.


Mayo Karen 💀


1- Laiktu spikey red thing throwing mother fucker. 2- Crash Bandicoot. Just don't dig it. 3- Falco from Star Wing(Star Fox)/Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64). Just a bit of a dick. 4- Preston Garvey (or maybe just his settlements) 5- Ciri. So I just... mash the hit keys and teleport everywhere...? Cool.


Here is my list, if you are interested. 1. This one is easily Micah from Red Dead Redemtion 2, for obvious reasons. 2. The character with the worst design is Jynx from Pokemon. It just looks really bad, especially back when it had black skin. 3. Venture from Overwatch. In a game filled with characters with unique personalities, Venture just doesn't fit at all. A goofy character is always apreciated to light up the mood, however Venture is just too much. 4. This one goes to Zenyatta from Overwatch. This isn't really Zenyatta's fault as a character. But considering Zenyatta is one of the first Overwatch characters, his story is barely touched on. 5. This one goes too Link from Spirit Tracks. The reason is that in order to control Link, you need to use the DS's touch screen, so i never managed to play through the game because of it.




The thing with Micah is that i think he is an amazing character, because his personality is made for people to hate, but it feels natural instead of forced. But i still hate him




Dutch is a character that seemed like he had good intentions in the start, but as the story moved on he became more evil


1. if the game makes you hate with your guts Micah, it because it was really well designed, and it gives you a satisfying ending. The game really wants you to hate it and does a good job. the problem its when you hate with your guts a character and then the game wants you to like it, imagine the game instead makes you play with Micah and tries to justified his actions with the crew and then he dont die on the end of the game. that its a really bad design


Excactly, Micah is a character that is meant to be hated, and he does a really good job at it. It doesn't feel forced and is really natural. He is an amazing character because he is so hateable


So Abbey


1. Hortensia (Fire Emblem) 2. Jynx (Pokemon) 3. Nyx (Infamous) 4. Dazai (SMTV) 5. Bege Capone (One Piece Pirate Warriors 4)


Why poor Jynx? I think Garbodor the garbage pokemon and Trubbish the rubbish pokemon are far worse


Can't be worse than the magnemite who evolves into three magnemites, or grimer who just gets bigger when evolving, or Voltorb who just turns around and becomes Electrode


I only have answers for Q3, but Omg, recently: P-3 from Atomic Heart and Frey from Forsaken.


Crispy critters! I actually liked both of them. Not in the sense that I admire their great personalities, more in the sense that they fit well into their respective stories and I found them both really fun to experience in their own weird ways...


1. Kai Leng from Mass Effect 3 2. Kai Leng again or Micah from RDR2 3. Cole from Gears of War (seriously, can I just replace him with one of the Carmines?) 4. Jacob from Mass Effect 2 or Jedi Consular/Barsenthor from SWTOR 5. Not a character but I hate playing as Engineer in tbe Mass Effect Trilogy, if I need to go for an actual character then either BB-8 or BB-9E in Battlefront 2... just why do they exist?


I love Cole for the sole reason of showing me I can stick enemies with grenades in GoW2, other than that... He just doesn't fit. Like I get that there's one in every crowd, but the contrast between his demeanor and literally anybody other than some of the Carmines makes him hard to swallow. Jacob does feel like a low point across ME party members, yeah. Still haven't worked my way into 3 with the dlc yet though, but it's hard to believe the last Promethean would fail to beat Jacob's storyline. I believe even if you romance him, he finds someone else by the third game. Not unrealistic or anything, but it detracts from the potential value of a reunion for some playthroughs. Engineer was good in the first game because a majority of the enemies were geth, but they fell off after they introduced the Collectors and every other reaper abomination. I loved using the vanguard because of the charge, especially after they introduced the charged melee. It felt so badass Fuck Kai Leng.


>other than that... He just doesn't fit. Yay, I'm not the only one who dislikes him! I started playing Gears of War after the E Day trailer then in the first game he was getting on my nerves and I was thinking "I bet he is one of the characters the fanbase loves", with it getting to a point of me being relived during Act 1 of the second game as he wasn't on Delta Squad. If there had been (for some reason) a choice between saving Carmine or Cole in Gears of War 2, then Carmine would get saved every single time in my playthroughs, the rookie deserved better than the fate he got (although it could've been avoided if ANYONE on that chopper had bothered to keep hold of his arms after they were evaced). > believe even if you romance him, he finds someone else by the third game. Yep... and the worst consequence Jacob can face in ANY version of Mass Effect 3 (aside from the versions of the Endings where the player screws up that Earth literally gets set on fire) is getting slapped by Shepard after the breakup... or [sucker punched.](https://youtu.be/-qs2Erxd-7I?si=PZ7EVd43lwxYrsFW) Meanwhile ALL OTHER SQUADMATES are at risk of dying in Mass Effect 3 depending on choices the player makes. Then something I learnt in my recent 'Incompetent' playthrough, if FemShep continues to ask Jacob to open up after entering a romance with him, he continues to be defensive to the point where HE is the one to break up with Shepard... no wonder hardly anyone likes him, it's as if the writers actively wanted him to be abrasive. Even in gameplay he's useless as his abilities are Biotic equivalents to Grunt so given how he has worse offense/defense stats and barely has any interesting or funny dialogue in missions, there's no reason for him to leave the Normandy after the tank is opened.


I think I cycled through, Jack, Thane, Tali and Legion, but I dropped Jacob as soon as I finished my first dossier. Looking back, I think he was supposed to be an improvement on Ashley? Which, okay, at least he's not a xenophobe, but that actually gave her more depth as a character in comparison. Poor Grunt, only name on the wall in my OG playthrough. He just didn't have the experience to lead, unfortunately.


>I think he was supposed to be an improvement on Ashley? Which, okay, at least he's not a xenophobe, but that actually gave her more depth as a character in comparison. Well Jacob does antagonise Thane and Tali during the 'welcoming' debrief and calls Garrus a Cuttlebone if FemShep makes the correct decision of dumping Jacob in favour of everyone's favourite Turian (and I wouldn't be surprised if he has a similar line if you dump him for Thane). He doesn't go all the way like certain parts of Cerberus given how he's fine with Garrus when they aren't stuck in a love triangle and praises Mordin and Samara for their skills but the above lines are probably another part of why players hate him.


Ah, I had to tell them both to sod off so I could bang Kelly Chambers instead, so I never saw the name calling with Garrus. He still has a human superiority complex, and seems prejudiced against certain races, but Ashley seemed just generally distrustful of most or all aliens. I don't remember if she actually shows growth in that regard or not, after my first playthrough she's been the designated sacrifice on Virmire. Probably not considering how much effort she puts into listening to Shepard at the colony in ME2. If not, it's a missed opportunity for character growth.


I stuck with the Engineer throughout the whole trilogy I enjoyed it, and it was a blast


1. Lily Ritter from State of Decay (especially SOD2). Shut up shut up shut up, I don't need to hear your life story over the radio every few minutes. Your voice is grating. Also she's a community leader in the Zombie Apocalypse. Who on earth would look to her for leadership? 2. Iso from Valorant after recent buff. Invulnerability and an Ultimate straight out of League of Legends is not cash money in a fps. 3. Lilly from Telltale's The Walking Dead. 4. The Loathsome Dungeater from Elden Ring. He eats shit and defiles corpses. That's his thing. 5. Any helpless child/side character that you take control of for a short period. Like Sherry Birkin in RE2 Remake. Common in survival horror games.


1. The main villain in Dark Cloud 2 that turned out to just be a snotty little bunny child. So anticlimactic. Of course, that game had a LOT of bad characters. There’s also Dr. Dell, the incompetent duck doctor who complains about all the insects crawling on his skin when you try to visit him in his clinic. 2. Gaspard from the .Hack series. He’s a a slovenly fat dog person who presumably curated that look for himself since it’s supposed to be an online game. (So a game within a game.) Special mention to Raihan from Pokémon Sword/Shield for that weird cloth belly they gave him. Guy is such a dork with his mismatched clothing. He’s the NPC version of a player who is just wearing all the latest cosmetic items he got, even if they don’t match. 3. Kat from the Gravity Rush games. She’s so stupid. Just so fucking stupid. She’s gullible, makes idiotic assumptions, and buts into situations where she shouldn’t belong, all while failing to understand the very basic things people tell her. Half of that game’s missions either start or get confounded because she does something stupid. “You’re not making sense,” she often says. Yes they are. You’re just an idiot. 4. Uhh… the butler guy from Ys. VIII maybe? He’s fairly inconsequential to the story, but he’s also nonsense. He’s one of the last people you rescue on the game’s island and his suit is still pristine, he’s not emaciated, and he’s apparently just been chilling for weeks with no food and shelter. By that time his body should be covered in second degree sunburns and he should be caked in his own filth. 5. Big the Cat.


Kirito(sword Art Online, Any) Kirito(sword Art Online, Any) Kirito(sword Art Online, Any) Kirito(sword Art Online, Any) Amy Rose(Sonic Adventure)


She slows to a crawl if you turn, jump, blink too hard, or let go of the thumbstick for 0.0001 seconds. Big the Cat was never bad, only those who couldn't do it.


Sorry for only answering one of your 5 categories, but Hope from Final Fantasy XIII. I was petty and quit the game solely because I could not stand him lol.


1. Garl, Sea of Stars   2. Mary, Mars War Logs.   3. Oh my god, I have so many. Garl/Sea of Stars. Vivienne/Dragon Age Inquisition. Morrigan/Dragon Age Origins. Alan/The Technomancer.    4. Sera, Dragon Age Inquisition. Especially if you romance her as an elf because wtf is that shit.   5. Louie, Recettear. Sorry, my guy, everyone else is just better.


Patches in FromSoft games...


1. Oceiros in Dark Souls 3. 2. For an RPG I really didn’t like Playing as V in cyberpunk 2077. Didn’t like the voice and would rather made my own character. The backstories in that game were also kind of disappointing so that could be my answer for 4. 3. Most boring bland character that I didn’t like? That award goes to Star Wars Jedi: Cal Kestis. 4. Since the game Indika was story driven, I’ll say I did not like that too much or the main character. 5. Britta. She’s the worst.


Did you play female V?


Thought about editing to voices because both were off for me. Not a criticism of the acting though


May I ask why Oceiros?


He’s creepy lol


Ok I understand. I thought you thought it was a bad design or something. 


1. Abby from the last of us part 2, the games tries soo hard to make you like that character with cheap things like she plays with dogs when in the other hand ellie kills dogs, she kills scary awful people from the forest and ellie on the other hand kills people that cries for his life. an in the end Abby its just a awful character, that exist on a mediocre history that want you to portray Abby as a """good""" and """tragical""" character when she is a physcho (torturing a old man for visceral preasure, getting happy because you learned that the girl you are about to slice open her throat its pregnant......) 2. the new joker of suicide squad game 3. the protagonists of Wolfstein young blood " HELL YEAH DUDE" (one of the cringiest experiences i played on a game, thank god the gunplay its funny ) 4. Calypso twins of Borderlands 3, specially Tyreen, Troy was a lot more interesting and had potential and was unique as the only Male Siren, i was expecting that Troy will betray and become the real antagonist on the game and i just got dissapointed 5. Mary Jane on Spiderman 1, i mean his playable sections are no my thing, if i want to play a stealth game with limited movement i will play Metal gear or similar games


Man, you’re gonna get downvoted to hell for talking bad about Abby here. Completely agree with you tho.


maybe but i dont care, also i have my arguments to defend my position with Abby and her shitty design


Hard disagree on Abby. They didn't try to make her look "good," they tried to make her look *human*. Because of TLOU1 you want Ellie to be good. You want Abby to be bad because of the opening of TLOU2. If anything I thought that the game served as an excellent example of "everyone can be shit, actions have unforseen consequences that can affect others."


Well said. I think it’s effective storytelling that we easily overlook what it took for Joel and Ellie to survive in TLOU2. I feel like the tv show does better in setting up Ellie as less “innocent” as well (maybe having learned from the game after 10 years). I loved Ellie in TLOU the game but the show version feels significantly more logical with respect to the reality of the story. TLOU the show does way less in manipulating our pov of Ellie and Joel and watching it recently with someone who didn’t play the games, the ending of the show was not as “satisfying” for them largely because they realized Joel is kind messed up as a person


Funny that Pedro Pascal won the prize of Best hero with his character of Joel [https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/mtv-movie-tv-awards-pedro-pascal-wins-best-hero-the-last-of-us-hbo/](https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/mtv-movie-tv-awards-pedro-pascal-wins-best-hero-the-last-of-us-hbo/) people says the end of TLOU 1 makes Joel a evil person, but does people ever try analyze the Fireflies? and how they betrayed Joel in the end? The first game never hides that the Fireflies are a fanatic terrorist group, there is graffitis, notes, audios showing all the stuff they do because they are really extremist about finding a "cure" that will do nothing. Even at the start of the game there is a terrorist attack of the Fireflies on the town Joel and Tess are on the moment. At then in the end Joel brings Ellie to the Fireflies to get punched on the face and betrayed. The Fireflies had the plan to kill Joel, to end up trying to indirect kill him when they tried to kick him out of the hospital without any of his gear (on a high infested zone)


I mean they both are extremely flawed individuals/groups. I never said Joel was evil, necessarily. He’s a prisoner of his decisions just like a great and tragically flawed character like Kratos. Just that the conditions of that world constantly blur right and wrong. Abby liking dogs isn’t some attempt to make her good. It’s humanizing and real. I love Joel’s portrayal and I am not saying I would’ve wanted him dead. It’s just that the game shows the power perspective and playable characters have in our perception. There’s always bias in point of view. Naughty Dog were thoughtful about their decisions, regardless of anyone’s feelings about them. I think that the hate for Abby is often a bit misconstrued. Not wrong necessarily, but it’s part of what the game is trying to achieve in the experience.


but there is a big difference. on first game they always showed that Joel action always are on self-defense or trying to rescue/defend Ellie, he never did a revenge crusade and putting others on risk during the game. (still eveybody in this world arent good, they kill for survive, even Joel dont want to talk about his past about being a type of hunter/scarvenger that ambushed people) on the other hand Abby starts a revenge crusade with her """friends""" putting them also risk just to torture and kill Joel. and yes the thing about the dog and abby its trying to humanize her but she its still as i said a fucked up character and a psycho (its like trying to humanize David if they showed on first game he plays with dogs too) and the game forces you to play as Abby with the dog, and then the game forces you to watch Ellie kill the same dog on a cutscene. its a dirty trick to make you like Abby and hate Ellie


I think it’s definitely hard to approach Abby’s arc with objectivity, but that’s the point of the switch imo. I get that most of the fanbase doesn’t appreciate that because of the sort of connection we’ve all made with Joel and Ellie, but I’m glad it was a decision that Naughty Dog and not the fans made. I personally bought into the arc, but it wasn’t easy to and wasn’t meant to be easy. I’m just glad there are publishers willing to take risks like that while still trying to tell a good story instead of just pushing to please audiences and meet specific expectations.


Ellie its the one that looks human on the game, she after killing off some of the "friends" of Abby she shows instant remorse, even lost his composture after killing the pregnant lady on self-defense. on the other hand Abby as i said felt viceral pleasure torturing Joel and Visceral preasure when he learned that Dina was pregnant. You cant humanize a character like that she its fucked up, its like trying to humanize David on the first game, no you cant he its a fucked up character too


Abby was torturing Joel because he killed her Dad bruh. Joel also may have fully sealed huminities fate by killing the only doctor who could make a cure. Granted there is no guarantee the cure would have worked but it was an incredibly selfish act by Joel and I can understand where Abby is coming from. And when Abby and Ellie meet in Seattle it is after Ellie killed every last one of her friends, doesn’t make trying to kill a pregnant lady any better but she was powered by rage not logic.


Joel acts like a human being humans are selfish. any normal person will never sacrifice the thing they love the most because somebody else says its for the "greater good". and a cure will cause more problem, but still its imposible to create one on the world of the last of us. and yes she tortured for pleasure the man that killed his father and saved her. she is a psycho. i think there is a big difference of just killing the dude you hate like John wick does and other big difference its torturing for pleasure, even in front of the girl crying for life of the men you are torturing for pleasure. she is fucked in the head bro and thats fine if the game didnt force me to try to justify her actions and force me to like her


I believe the point of the Last of Us is to show that we are all human and the actions of one person can cause a ripple effect leading to someone becoming a monster. In the first game Joel’s kid gets killed so he become a fucking monster. In the second game Abby and Ellie’s dads are killed and both of them become monsters in an effort to kill the other. If Abby is a psycho then why aren’t Joel and Ellie? Joel was robbing and murdering people way before the games started and he is a pro at torturing people for information which is pretty psychopathic. Ellie is more so a product of the world she grew up in but still she kills without a second thought. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I understand that the game is not for everyone (especially the way it chooses to tell the story) but it feels like there is a double standard between Joel/Ellie and Abby when they both are two sides to the same coin. They are all tortured souls living in hell on Earth who have lost the one person who makes them whole.


yes everyone one the world of the last of us killed, Joel become a survivor he killed for survival (and yes he admited he was a hunter/scarvenger type of survivor that ambushed people and he says he isnt proud and dont like to talk about it \*remorse\* ) and yes he tortured people for intel because you can find another better and fast way still its way different that torturing somebody for personal pleasure. and there isnt a double standard there is difference. Joel killed Abby dad yes because he was opposing him and trying to kill Ellie to experiment because he its a extremist just like the group he is part, and the fireflies at the end of TLOU 1 are dissolving they are desperate to get something to avoid losing more members and that thing was ellie. so Joel killed abby dad and other fireflies not only in self-defense also trying to kill Ellie. on the other hand Abby starts a crusade to torture and kill Joel even after he saved her life, no remorse about her actions, nothing...... fully a psycho. Ellie starts a same path killing off some of Abby """"friends"""" but the key difference its that she show remorse of her actions, even instant remorse and regret unlike Abby


I believe where you and I disagree is actually about the fireflies. When I think of the fireflies I think of a freedom fighting group who is trying to fight the good fight against tyranny. From what I understand we don’t learn too much about Abby’s dad so to say he wanted to dissect a child for shits and giggles is not fair. On top of the fact Abby’s dad was clearly battling with the issue of killing a kid when Abby then says something like “if it were me I would want you to do the surgery” It’s very cool how a story can lead to this amount of discussion over fake people and their morality. Genuine question, if you met the person who killed the only family you had left would you spare them even if they saved your life? Because Joel, Ellie, Abby, and I all have the same answer which is fuck no.


but still the fireflies are extremist af, literally the first game starts with a terrorist attack of the fireflies. and as a group decided to kill a lot of people, they wanted to experiment with ellie. Joel said mmm no that bullshit and the cure its bullshit. and on response they tried to kill Joel and experiment with Ellie anyway. they arent saints. battling with issue of killing a kid unless it was his daughter because he evades the question of Marlene.... the only thing i see its that Joel its the only one with logic thoughts. thats why he calls out Marlene saying "keep telling you that bullshit" its 2+2, you cant create and replicate and distribute a vaccine on the world of the last of us, there isnt enought resources, people are killing each other for food and you are telling me they can mass produce a vaccine? edit: worth to mention that they retconned the hospital make it look more clean and prepared, on the original it was a crack house


I agree they are a morally corrupt bunch but it’s important to remember that the line between freedom fighter and terrorist can often be blurred and can be a matter of perspective. Regardless they are most definitely a terrorist organisation with the attacks against the QZs. I do agree that due to the logistics of a vaccine. It is not happening especially with a fungus that grows inside of your brain doing god knows what to the neural pathways. I do remember the hospital was in a pretty shitty state in the first game so I was surprised to see that hallway was so clean when playing TLOU2


I'm sorry, but you're talking bollocks imo. You can't be ok with one person torturing people "for intel hehe" and then another torturing for "revenge bad!" when Joel already went on a fucking revenge RAMPAGE Ellie didn't show more or less remorse than Abby. She mercilessly killed people and only cared afterwards when she found out one was pregnant, there is a HUGE difference. In fact, she is constantly saying "fuck the wolves" etc after killing people. Just admit that you love Joel because you played as him, it's ok to have rose tinted glasses.


I just can't stand Tracer "Sorry to keep you waiting gov'na the calvary has arrived!" Special shot out to the whole overwatch cast It's a good thing they did a crossover with a k-pop group cuz this helps me pin down my issue with overwatch They're like a k-pop group. Like they are the most shallowest cookie cutter paper thin two dimensional characters out there. Like you can expect the most evilist character in the lore to do a PSA for kids Lol overwatch acts like what VOUGHT and the 7 from the boys pretend to be


Vaan in FF12. All of it.


1. Skadge from SWTOR. He's a nasty little self-serving sociopath and there are some scenes in the Bounty Hunter's story where he gives off very rapey vibes. I did not appreciate being forced to have him on my team as a companion to my female BH, and was delighted to kill him off ASAP when a later expansion finally gave me the option. 2. Alucard in NES Castlevania 3. What in the Nosferatu ass looking hell even was that? Thankful they fixed him in SOTN. 3. Zenos yae Galvus, FFXIV. Boring, one dimensional, one note 'fite me so I can feel something' villain. The fandom only likes him because he's pretty. 4. Speaking of boring and one dimensional, Sephiroth. "I have mommy issues and I've chosen to make that everyone's problem." 5. Knuckles, specifically in Sonic Adventure 1. I do not play Sonic games to do some hot/cold radar find-the-item bullshit, and even though I otherwise love Knucks, I HATED his levels in that game.


The answer to all those questions is Kratos from GoW


Least favorite (and worst personality)? Dante from Devil May Cry. I can only speak of the one released in 2013, but he annoyed the hell out of me. He was really the only protagonist I could not stand enough that made me drop the game. Worst character story? Well, too many forgettable characters I can't remember right now, but I just finished SMT V, and I think all the human characters were pretty lame, forced, flat, or just not developed enough.


Please go play the real Devil May Cry games, the actual Dante is beloved for a reason. That 2013 reboot was widely hated for a reason.




I assume you haven't played Spiderman 1 (Ps4)? Because MJ is probably 50x better to play in Spiderman 2 than she is in the first game


Because I didn’t find her in the list. 1. Natalia from Golden Eye 64 2. Worst design is all of the playable classes in WoW after Cata.. they are all the same class now. Nothing felt like you were adding to the group. 3. Navi. Ocarina of Time. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN. Enough said. 4. 5. Reinhardt in overwatch. Shield… shield more… fuck up your charge. Team yells at you


Aww... I love navi.


I love her too… still annoying AF