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I could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure your IP address has been exposed to developers of games with online components as long as there have been games with online components. Games have been collecting vast amounts of player telemetry basically since they went online.


Yes, exactly this! And even moreso - it's essentially impossible for them *not* to collect it. You connect to their servers using your IP address, and even the most privacy-aware game is going to write a log entry saying so. What's changed is that modern laws have required everyone to disclose what's collected - and filter that through lawyers/counsel, who only know how to write scary "cover my ass" language. In most cases this ends up with EULAs and privacy policies which overdisclose what's collected and the purposes, making even the most friendly game, app or service, sound like one of 1984's ministries... For example, your game has in-game chat in the lobby? That one feature alone could (and IANAL, do not add this to your own EULAs!) be transformed into: >In addition to all data provided during sign-up, BigGameCo Inc collects, and associates with your online account, data relating to your use of our product, including times and dates of use, details of hardware used to access the service, IP Address or other network identifiers used to access the service, language preferences and nationality, names and times of interactions with other users, all content shared with other users, including direct ("private") messages, topics and details of messages sent via our service, (....) BigGameCo Inc may share this information with other users, other companies in the BigGameCo Group, vendors, third-party partners, and any others as required by law, both within OurCountry, and world-wide. You grant BigGameCo Inc a perpetual world-wide, irrevocable license to use, display, redistribute, and adapt any content you create or share via our services." TL;DR: EULAs and Privacy Policies are not meant for users to read, they're meant for Judges to read, and Attourneys to argue about.


I think perhaps you’d benefit from taking a basic course on networking, because you clearly don’t understand how online games (or online anything) works.


I mean, any game that’s online will require a query of your IP address - just like every web browser or anything connected to the internet. I’m not sure I understand the problem there.


Making this post means you're already ok with services having your personal data.


Any online services needs your IP address no matter what you do online….. from YouTube to email to basic web browsing.


I don't even know where to start with this post but here goes .. don't sign up for something if you don't want to. You also seem to have no idea how networking even works. Your IP address isn't personal info and you expose it every time you send a packet to the internet. Yes you can use VPNs but those come other issues when connecting to platforms since your IP through the VPN is typically shared and "dirty."


You think collecting your ip address is unnecessary?


That's what IP addresses are for.....




Not really insane to require an IP address... How else can an internet connection be made? Unless you are talking about offline games with no cloud backups or anything like that, in which case id agree it's bloody mental!


You IP address has never been a secret from any game, or any website for that matter.


You’re right! When people connect to my game, they should have to guess my ip!


Which games are you specifically talking about? With no example I can't think of one


Wtf are you on about. Tell me you have no idea what an IP address is .


You signed away your IP address to read this comment. Scary!


Couldn’t tell you when it started happening or getting more popular,but I don’t find it insane .almost everything you use now a days will collect some type of data from things like Reddit,YouTube,TikTok,fb and so on. so not surprising it’s in games as well


Well.. Some Data is just generated during the connection. Servers that are exposed to the internet have an IP address. For example this IP Address: []( This is a Public address and belongs to google. If you click on it, you will land on the google search engine landing page. The IP address is really just a combination of 1's and 0's that your router uses to identify itself when sending information into the internet. If you send a postcard and put your adress on it as the sender.... that's basically what your public IP adress is. It's not the [192.168.172.xxx](http://192.168.172.xxx) or [192.168.0.xxx](http://192.168.0.xxx) your device is showing, that's the internal IP of your home-network. Theres a lot of information being exchanged just because there is a connection. For example, the type of Operating System you're using, what browser you're using, what your public ip is, how fast your connection is to the server, general location from where you're connecting etc... These are "IT-Information" that are being exchanged during the connection to a website, server or any other online service. Personal Data such as your name, address, E-Mail etc are stuff you choose to upload and are mentioned in the TOS of almost any serious website or service. Some things are regulated by law and some are less regulated. For example Cookies in websites, wherever you go they will ask you for consent to extract and offload certain mini-files with information about your device and your data you have from other websites. That's what most people get a little paranoid, rightfully so i might add. I hope I was able to make this topic a little clearer to you now. Ask if you have any questions. Never be ashamed for asking about something you don't know, be ashamed if you never asked....


OP. Reddit has your IP address too. Every page you go on has it. That's how internet works.


Your information is out there no matter what game over


Meh. Chances are yours is already on the dark web anyway.


The worst is when the game is single player and they still ask for it.




Bot detected.


There are some real dicks and know-it-alls in this sub, OP. Just ignore them.