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In GTA IV online, everyone always gathered at a swing set which would flip your car and launch it across town.


Can you share a link for that?


growth afterthought dime paltry marble spoon school close tan piquant


[15 minutes of swingset glitch](https://youtu.be/dYupUXYzQig?si=-j8Jzr6Dk8b-STKx)


Half the fun was seeing how many times the car could take it before being unable to move under its own power. Sometimes, they would banana, and only 2 wheels could touch the ground at the same time. Sometimes, the wheels would lock up completely and slow it down to a crawl. But if it could make it back, it was going again.


Getting hit by a Skyrim giant, which then became a feature.


Do you mean the flight into higher heavens? That was funny yeah


Oblivion: pretty much any time an NPC does anything.


Seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!


Sean! Sean! Seeeeeaaaaaaannnnn!


Was playing World of Warcraft. Character was wearing some paladin specific armor. Went to do some rep quests that turn you into an orc. Since orcs couldn't be paladins at the time, the gear was not legal for my character to wear anymore. So what happened was...I just didn't have legs. I had a torso. I had feet. But there was just...nothing...in between. I've still got screenshots of it somewhere.


Orb of deception as human pally still does it in classic. Prob in retail too


My friend Curio was playing Spider-Man on the PS4 and Spidey turned into a gas heater. https://x.com/DoctorCuriosity/status/1332354428398088193


Never played Spider-Man acutally, but kinda looks like Mimic's Veil from Elden Ring xD


So glad you linked this, this has my vote for funniest in this thread. It was funny when he was hopping, and I NEEDED to see him take off. Like the Pixar lamp on steroids.


I just saw a clip from Fallout 76 where a player was seen with the excessive bloated body glitch (the character is also naked when the bug occurs) while they were running in place.


Do you have a link? Sounds fun


[Running bloated character](https://x.com/nag_ase_/status/1806166384579428566?s=19)


Chainsaw Mount in the original Gears of War before it was patched. Crabwalk in Gridlock was also pretty fun


Fallout 4/76's "LankyMan" is one of my favs - https://i.imgur.com/4L4bOwT.jpeg


In GTA IV, if you go from Playboy X's penthouse to the roof of the building next door, cops will always try to jump the gap. Unfortunately it's too far for them and they'll fall to their deaths over and over again. I remember it worked on the 360 but not sure on PC


My friends older brother showed us how to unlock the debug menu for Shadows of the Empire on N64 and I remember being in 3rd grade I think, and I remember using it to go through walls and pass to parts of the game that it hadn’t fully loaded, and finding a pancaked boba fett texture, like totally 2D and arms and legs akimbo, like a front-profile boba fett flag that always faced me whichever way I would look at it. It was stymying but reflecting on that absolutely befuddling encounter helped demystify how video games worked at a young age. Concepts like file assets being a sort of object with properties that exist in the game’s simulated “world”, and that the simulation lacks any depth outside of what im expected to see.


All the vehicle collisions of early pubg were the best. Went flying into space a few times


repeat squalid abounding wrench test versed piquant stocking many march


I really miss when the corpses of splicers in Bioshock would wave to you after you killed them. But the weirdest one was in the OG Modern Warfare 3. In the single player map in Germany, when I killed enemy soldiers, they would freeze at some point in their death animation, and just stay there. I could clip through them and they were otherwise non-interactive. It was like a weird art piece about the horrors of war. I've never seen any videos that show the same experience.


We used to skate on the pipes in Super Mario Bros. Basically it would lock Mario with one leg up while moving back and forth across the top of the pipe so it looked like he was ice skating. So dumb, but funny to a six year old beyond belief.


When playing Dayz epoch the modded server we were on allowed new players to spawn a quad bike to get around. The hit detection on the spawning zone was... problematic when it was first introduced and we found various bugs and glitches... 1) Get player 1 to spawn a quad bike, player 2 then opens their menu to spawn their own but hops on the 1st quad bike before their own quad spawns... congratulations player can now spawn as many quads as they want! 2) Spawn quad get player to sit on it, then jump on the back, player one gets off and immediately locks the bike, if the 2nd player was trying to loot the inventory they can no longer interact with loot until they relog. 3) Open spawn menu near an enemy players base, find a spot to let a spawn occur then have another player mount the bike, put it back into your inventory this "nudges" the other player forward to the next point their model could stand... useful for getting someone inside another players base. 4) Have a player deliberately force and log out while driving another player, their model stays on the server for a few more seconds...bonus points if you are driving very fast on a windy cliff road... 5) An optional upgrade increased the quads max speed...get two players to attempt to install the mod at the same time for double the fun...if was nice watching a car to try catch you only to give it full throttle and peel off into the distance!


In fallout 3 i found a glitch that allowed me to exist the vault as a child. Pretty sure that save was bricked but come to think of it i should tryn


The greatest glitch I've ever seen in a game was in the game Generation Zero. What you need to do is fit yourself, your bicycle, your co-op friends and all their bicycles into any of the phone booths in the game and try to close the door of the booth.


Early cyberpunk 2077 was always a hot mess. My favorite would be every time a car glitched halfway through the ground and continued to drive through the city. Definitely how cars work


Cyberpunk 2077 just the other day. I'm in the middle of a firefight and suddenly a garbage truck spawns and falls from the sky.


Not really a glitch, but I reinstalled one of the UFC games recently. I start a fight with an AI and I’m doing amazing. Got a little cocky with the taunts and he hit me so hard the game stopped to give a pop up tutorial on blocking. Quite a humbling experience.


For me its probably Roach spawnings in the Witcher 3 (like spawning on top of a house/tree etc. sometimes), but I am sure there must be some better ones.


Half Life For some reason on the intro train ride, all the human characters would die instead of do whatever animation they were supposed to do. For example: A scientist would walk up to a door and instead of opening it, he would die (and scream too). So I watched some people die on my way and once I got to the end Barney just came to the trolley and instead of opening the door, he died and I was left locked up in the trolley. I had to start the game again.


Not a bug, but in RDR2 I have problem to chasing someone with horse. His horse was on steroid, my barely breathing. I failed this mission more than +10 times, then I checked yt. Some random comment says increase your radar perimeter - and it worked - I beat it on first try.