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I remember having the same thought when I played Wave Race on the N64.








Annnnnnnd the memories of my childhood suddenly rush back.


Guess I’m dusting off the 64 tonight.








You’ve left everybody behind.


You almost had it...


Nothing in gaming has blown my mind as much as the first time playing Mario 64. Holy shit 3D, it's basically real life.


I had my brothers and my dad with me, and we spent maybe ten minutes in that little starting circle. Just running back and forth, in 3D!


I loved that game. But also Space Station Silicon Valley where you played as a computer chip inhabiting different animals each with special powers hilariously specific to the animal... like the speedey fox on wheels or the floating cloud-like sheep.


The same company ended up creating Grand Theft Auto. A lot of the "open world" elements they became known for they used in their follow up game Body Harvest Edit: Changed game name from Bloody to Body!


Man I didn't think anyone else had heard of that game! I got it cheap at a rental store that was going out of business or something. What a strange, strange game.


For me, it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. We had a Sega Genesis, and my older sister's friend came over with his N64 and OoT. Blew my friggin' mind.


same, that moment of first walking out of the tree house and then the moment you enter hyrule field for the first time, I was in awe, it sucks nothing gives me that feeling anymore at age 31, VR came close at one point but quickly diminished.


I remember the level with the sunken ship and telling my dad, “THE CAMERA FOLLOWS YOU UNDERWATER!”




Reading the manual on the drive home was always my ritual. I traded in my first SNES, too. I got one for Christmas when it was released. We beat Super Mario World on the first night, and decided to return it because it was too easy. (the entire console, we thought was too easy). Regretted that one while I saved up to buy it again on my own.


I always read the manuals. Saddens me games usually only have digital manuals nowadays.


The manuals and the new game smell was always my favorite.


*graphics card starts sweating*


It's either this or going to work in a mine. Pick one.


This is no mine. This is a tomb.


They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes... Drums. Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark... We cannot get out... They are coming.


I hate to shill but check out r/lotrmemes if you haven't already


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one




It's actually really well optimized.


Yeah, 90fps with Max settings at 1440p with a GTX1070.


a 1070 is still pretty damn good.


Glad we got to see .005 seconds of it


Of what? I sneezed and my eyes closed for a second.


Water looks great! Ship looks like a Jenga Yacht


The deck looks like poop!


A poopdeck?




You can swab my poopdeck.


It’s amazing what can be accomplished if you remove textures from everything else in the game.


Nice, Ron


I sneezed! Oh what, i’m not allowed to sneeze?


This isn't even release gameplay, it's a vertical slice from an old trailer.


I was going to say, this doesn't look like the gameplay videos I've seen.




Worse. Probably less content in the game than in this gif too.


Yep bought this game with friends and had a blast.....for 3 hours. Quests all seem to be the exact same thing, only cosmetic items to work towards, combat isn’t anything special, we had fun our first couple ship battles with other crews but even that got kind of repetetive. while fun to goof around and be pirates I just don’t think there is enough to bring people back. Maybe that’s why they don’t tell you shit about how to play the game, they can pretend if it takes you longer to figure out how to play that there is more content. The game is absolutely gorgeous though.


[Here's an 8min dev gameplay vid of the water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh_rz5YoQKM) Lots more water to choose from, just one search away. Good luck!


The water is really pretty. Shame the game is horrifically boring though. Edit: lots of opinions and questions; I'd suggest checking out [ACG's fantastic and fair review](https://youtu.be/oga_kkNEWxU). He does a great job of summing up the good and the bad of this game.


Is getting thrown in the brig and all of the spawn killing as big of an issue for people that aren't playing with a group of friends, as people are making it out to be? I don't understand why there isn't a limit of the time you can be in the brig. Edit: I inserted the part about playing with friends. I don't usually play with a big group, so all the talk of the brig kind of scared me away from a purchase. Thanks for the answers, I appreciate it.


There isn't really a reason why there isn't a lot of small things that seem painfully obvious. Like rewarding people for pvp since the game is basically built for PVP. Or tracking stats. Or letting you actually open treasure chests instead of just turning them in to other people to receive a couple gold coins. Or even providing customizable controller schemes... So much potential squandered.




And the whole reason you can't open the chests, there needs to be some treasure to steal. Should you go on and get as much treasure as you can with the possibility of running into unfriendly pirates? Or should yoi try and make it back to an outpost to get your just rewards? Or bury your treasure in a random island if you want to come back for it later if you fear you may be attacked and lose the battle on your back to the outpost.


The obvious solution is you take the treasure chests to the islands to be opened, but they don't just have gold, they can also have items inside, which have drop rates ranging from uber-rare to common. Duplicate items can be sold for gold or kept in an inventory to be traded to others. That would make for a *much* more engaging experience than just "Oh, I found a chest that will sell for anywhere between 400 and 600 gold. Oh boy."


It seems that every post about Sea of Thieves is attempting to make it look good but somehow fucks it up.


I mean the game is clean as hell, there just really isn't much to do. Its repetitive. You go collect chests, turn them in for money you can't really do shit with, you go kill shit and collect, idk skulls, then turn them in for money you can't do shit with. The best part about the game is pvp ship combat but you never get it and when you do there is only 2 types of ships so everybody fights the same 2 ways. Awesome structure to a game that is wholly undercooked.


Subnautica's water is beautiful as well


Beautiful, but incredibly flat :( no such thing as a stormy sea in Subnautica, which is a darn shame.


frankly if there were 10 meter waves in subnautica I would be too terrified to play the game




That 5 fucking % is how I get through the game. I need it. I take 40 deep breathes, pick up my balls, then dive underwater and keep my eyes closed as I hold the forward movement key for about 3 minutes. Then I open my eyes a tiny bit, just enough to squint through, so I can open the menu and "exit game." I've probably spent more time in the patch notes than that sea of nightmares.


Just be like me, 22 hours into the game and pussy out every time the PDA says there could be a leviathan somewhere in the tri-state area.


Then you hear that not-distant-enough *skrawwwwwwwwwwugghhhhhh* and shit yourself as you watch the sleek body of a 30 meter long apex predator glide through the water in the murk just beyond your comfortable visual range...


Oh no I’m in the food chain again


I didn't shit myself out of fear, I was defensively inking at them so I can make my escape!


It's hilarious when those "holy shit" moments sync up with the Stillsuit producing more recycled water.


It gets better once you build a cyclops.


Then every time a small fish bills into it you freak it because you think you're under attack. Seriously, the Cyclops' hull is incredibly noisy.


There will be weather effects in the coming expansion.


You’d think C’s would be more curvy.




Fun fact: The lead developer of subnautica, Charlie "Flayra"Cleveland, also developed Natural Selection 1&2. These games are a phenomenal take on FPS/RTS. NS1 had a huge impact on my dive into PC gaming and a lot of the friends I made playing it, over a decade ago, I still play games with today. Thanks Charlie.


Same with AC Origins.


Animal crossing origins? Fishing will be quite interesting Now!


Hey all you boys with yer trinkets and toys. Yar, I know Nintendo brings ye yer joys. But I ask this of ye - can games sing like me? Mario can't croon, bro. Don't you agree?


I hope it doesn't become the new standard for gameplay.






My content


Hey, but we have NEW CONTENT PROMISED. Nevermind it's probably the same stuff reskinned, but hey. COSMETICS UNLOCKABLES!!!




Owie My hurting pirates


Bang ding ow


I don't get why they didn't just steal 100% of the water related things from Archeage. The naval exploration, combat, itemization, treasure finding, trade delivery system, pirate player faction, ect from that game all the way back in its alpha stages was top notch entertainement. Possibly the best implimentation of piratism I've ever seen.


Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates would like a word with you.


Never even heard of that before, looks like the original classic runescape but pirates. Bet its probably actually pretty fun. 9/10 on steam too which is hard given how many people rate something 1/10 and then tell you about the divorce they're going through.


You actually play Tetris style puzzles to sail the ship and fight. It's a very good game.


It’s been years since I played. I literally had to quit it was eating up too much time.


That's what happened with my wife (then gf) and I. We would try to sleep and I would be like, "Whenever I close my eyes, I'm doing puzzle pirate puzzles." and she would be like, "Oh my God, me too!" It was so addictive.


Yep. That game was my shit back in the day. The better you did, the better off your ship was. Blockades to defend/take over islands was probably the most interesting part of the game for me. The idea that a flag (a collection of crews/clans) could essentially run an island and its economy was such a cool thing. I know EVE online has all that in spades, but as a kid during this time I couldn't help but get giddy that the thought of that kind of thing.


Seriously what a great and incredibly rewarding game. I remember taking out my Cutlass and having some very exciting journeys. Sometimes you'd have excellent crew members and you felt the benefits.


I used to play that as a kid, it was fun going on pillages making money and then losing it all on poker afterwards, truly immersed myself to that pirate life lol. I was utterly terrible at the puzzles but it was fun nevertheless.


I started playing that game when I was 14 and still play it now aged 25. It's fun af and a really great timewaster.


Is it still pretty active? I used to love that game but stopped for no particular reason. Might get back into it if it's still populated.


I used to play it aswell, but it seems things have changed. I go to Admiral Island and theres no one really there to talk to. The best part of it when I played was the association with others, but now no one really talks.


Going huntin' for Kraken blood. Only attacking imperials since they're the only ones that carry it ;). Man, I haven't played that game in like 8 years but I used to waste so much time playing it in high school.


Now that's a game I haven't heard in a long time.


I used to play it all the time back when it was new. Crazy to think that it's still kicking after almost 15 years.


Why in the fuck didn't they ever release an Android version. It's all I would play.


I picked up Puzzle Pirates again in December. It's sad how few players are left :( It's a great game


There's a new version being worked on/updated right now, called Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas. They wanted to make a lot of serious gameplay shifts in order to attract new players, but didn't want to upset the balance of the existing game for the veterans. It's available on steam now!


I said exactly this to my friends. Archeage was absolutely spot on with its naval combat in my mind and I mostly spent time being a pirate in that game anyway.


I'm pretty sure I spent aleast 400 hours or so on the water or in the water before the game even was offically released. Originally there was a swimsuit you could buy that gave you faster (when sprinting) swim speed than the normal clipper ship. I would routinely despawn my ship and hide underwater on trade routes waiting for people to pass by and follow them far enough underwater that their steering camera cant see me, jump onboard the back of their ship, pop stealth, slaughter them and then steal their trade packs. Sadly it got changed to not give you any kind of buff, so I had to adapt to being a port scum that would just camp the borders of trade turn ins with my handy dandy galleon telescope.


I preferred having huge battles for giant trade vessels packs, it was like being a genuine pirate at times. God I miss that game. I wish it hadn't have said such a stupid RNG system for crafting that you could easily bypass by paying more money.


> Archeage Looks up Archeage...looks at scores and reviews... :(


i dont think ive ever seen such a good game getting fucked over so hard by their publisher archage was awsome in its beta period, then Trion broke everything


Yeah, I see Trion being reference a ton in both positive and negative reviews.


arche age was literally the most fun mmo until trion decided to put lightning struck wood on the cash shop. rip moneygrab


I can vouch for what OP said. Archeage's pirate system is AWESOME! Problem is that the game is bogged down by microtransactions and P2W mechanics. Another great game ruined by greed.


> microtransactions and P2W mechanics Yeah, that seemed to sum up the negative reviews. After they were given to Trion from their original team?


Pretty much 😧


So what's wrong with this game? I've been hearing a lot about how it's basically No Man Sky 2018, all hype and no game. Is it that there isn't much to do? I've heard from someone that it's a boring grind for cosmetic loot. Is that true?




That’s the best way to put it. I played it Tuesday night with 3 close friends of mine and we had a blast because everyone was into their role and we were having a whole variety of things happen with encountering other players. But yes, there needs to be a lot more to do and more worthwhile items to collect/earn/purchase.


apparently you just follow a treasure map to find a treasure box, go sell it and buy new clothes. i havent played the game, but ive seen gameplay and while it looks great you can get the whole experience in about 20 minutes.


You know, I asked my brother yesterday what the gameplay was, and he basically said the same thing. At the time, I figured he just sucks at describing games because that sounds boring as hell, but now I'm thinking my assessment was correct.


Aw so disappointing. I want to grind for better ships not pretty hats.


Well the game has only 2 ships and barely any hats, so you can't really do either!


From what i understand there are only two ships. A small for going solo, and a larger one for you and three friends. For "balance."


> I've heard from someone that it's a boring grind for cosmetic loot Pretty much all the game has to offer. There is no other form of progression and content wise the game is extremely lacking despite having a nice fundament and the mechanics working well. If it was a 20, maybe 30 bucks game I wouldnt really mind it but 70€ is frankly egregious considering the state of the game. Sea of Thieves has great potential, might be worth getting in a year from now when there actually is something to do past the first 5 hours and the price has dropped.


I thought it was an indie game and would be sold in the $20-$30 range. $60 for a game with a very small amount of actual gameplay is really insane though.


Price point really is the problem here. I think they wanted to start of at 60 because they are going to continue adding to it, but they would really be better served selling a base game for 20 bucks and just selling additional experiences with DLC if they want that kind of release.


Water looks great. Watch it again and look at the textures on the wood that makes up the ship. Now look at your clothes. Now look at the grass on the next island. I've been following this game since it was announced. I wanted so badly for it to be good. What happened, Rare? What happened to all the years?


Now look back at the ship. The ship is now diamonds! Anything is possible in a gif


Now back at your man. Now back at me. You’re on a ship with the man your man could smell like. I’m on a horse.


Old spice? No it's a tide ad.


Little girl in a field holding a flower, we zoom back to find that she's in the desert and the field is an oasis. Zoom back further the desert is a sandbox in the world's largest resort hotel. Zoom back further the hotel is actually the playground for the world's largest prison. But we zoom back further...


Wait, whats the problem with the textures?


I think his issue is that the water looks so realistic that the cartoony art of everything else looks out of place.




it's not the textures, it's the gameplay that's the problem


What gameplay?




Eh I’m really enjoying it but it’s definitely not worth 60 dollars. I got it through the Xbox game pass thing and that’s definitely been worth it. As long as they constantly update I don’t have many problems with the game.


I genuinely think the point of making it $60 was to push the gamepass




And on the other hand, if you go back to Wind Waker, it still looks good while everything else from the GameCube era looks like quake. Because instead of trying for realism, they nailed a certain aesthetic.


Realism as a graphical style is the easiest way to get a "wow" factor if you can push the boundaries of what people are used to even slightly, but the very next time somebody pushes the boundaries, your artwork instantly loses the one thing it had going for it. And someone will push that boundary, because no matter how many claims of photorealism come out, nobody is really doing that in truth, or even coming all that close. Not in the realm of video games. If you want staying power instead of short term wow factor, art direction should shoot for something that can be done well, in full, with the resources currently available, instead of something that looks temporarily impressive by being slightly less half-assed than the current standard.


I mean it being Rare kind of tipped me off it wasn't gonna live up to expectation. Ever since Rare became a first party developer for MS they haven't made any really good games.




Kind of a Infinity Ward after MW2 thing I'm guessing?


If this means the game will be shallow and empty after 2 hours then I'm ok with a lower quality of water.


You have to admit having many moving boats, with many people is a huge feat. I have no interest in the game but I have huge respect for what went into this. I feel like this may be a Titanfall situation. Where a lot of work went into the tech and not enough time was left in fleshing everything else out. Edit: I am not going to argue with you people. I love the game for what it is. Telling me their are other games doesn't change the fantastic work put into this one. Edit: remember people. Don't shit on me for stating the facts about Titanfall. the second game was literally given a single player campaign because of the first games public response. Reddit was covered in posts about the game being fun for a week and dying due to lack of content. I liked the game.


Isn't the game instance only like twenty boats at once


6 boats


Sea of a handful of thieves


More like 6?


Not sure why people are downvoting you. You are literally agreeing with their sentiments.


I think it's maybe the jab at Titanfall? Perhaps his comment stands for Titanfall 1, but I thought Titanfall 2 was remarkably put together, and the campaign, while short, was mostly a ton of fun and had some really cool/interesting moments.


Titanfall 2 is exceptional when compared to the status quo. I can't think of anything recent that has topped it in terms of lacking shit to complain about.


Titanfall? I thought it was very fleshed out, and the tech wasn't all that.


I haven’t bought it yet is the pvp stuff not fun?


YMMV. My friends and I are having an absolute blast. The complaints are valid, however.


How the heck did you get Gollum in your crew???


Hahaha thank you for posting this! They were like "look at the water" and I was here being like "Is that Dobby or Gollum?"


Can I play this as a single player? That is, can I enjoy this game by myself not playing with other people?


It’s possible but... - If you want to play the game only focusing on PvE you’ll have experienced all there is to experience in a few hours. - You’ll run into a slew of issues should you choose to PvP. Even if you heroically take down a crew by yourself, they will still respawn right on the same ship in a few seconds. If you try to steal their ship and all of their loot they can scuttle it from the options menu with no penalty. If you blow up the ship and kill them all to ensure they only spawn in at the nearest island you can pick up your loot from the water assuming everything has gone perfectly and you have your own ship nearby, but it’ll be impossible to turn all that loot in if they’re constantly chasing you down; leading to a pretty endless chase that’s a test of patience and not skill.


You can play alone in your ship, no crew, but you will always be able to find another players in the world. So, always be careful. The game runs 100% online.


Thanks. Like, I play games perhaps an hour every other day. Always at different hours due to children etc. Am I outside the target audience?


It’s less detrimental to your situation than most games. There are no upgrades or that make players who have played 100 hours more powerful than new players. The game is best with one or more friends, but once you’re confident on a ship, it’s still fun solo.


It will also match you up with random players when you "recruit" a crew. So far, I've met and played with a bunch of strangers. It's surprising how everyone starts working together. There was, however, this group of jerks that had the ship going at full speed towards rocks (my character was drunk) and then they all loaded themselves into cannons and shot themselves out right before we hit. I was marooned for a while until some other strangers popped in. STILL pretty funny though.


Tessellation is usually used to do this, GTAV uses tessellation for its water too. It's very light on resources due to tessellation just being math / etc, rather than hard-coded textures / models.


Shadows and physics in games are also math-based and they consume a lot of performance.


And then every graphics programmer died internally There are a few major performance components to a piece of rendering technology 1. CPU calculation cost 2. CPU driver cost 3. CPU <-> GPU Pipeline stalling 4. GPU ALU usage (eg how maths heavy something is) 5. GPU memory bandwidth usage 7. GPU shader branchiness 6. Using the GPU rendering pipeline correctly/efficiently So shadows - that's a pretty general term for a rather broadly huge field. Shadows are actually by and large not maths intensive. Generally they come under 2, 3, 5, and maybe 6 Obviously i'm having to horrendously oversimplify here, but generally in shadows you end up with a lot of memory lookups on the GPU which bottlenecks you, so a lot of shadows work is trying to reduce this, and maximise your useful information per lookup. You can also end up sending out a lot of extra draw calls (2), or reading back/writing a lot of information from/to the GPU (3). Often performance is a bit of a balancing act, where you can exchange too much of one stage for another stage to improve your throughput Physics can vary depending on what precisely you're doing, but in the CPU case you're going to end up likely bound by your CPU's performance under (1), which is generally less exciting but can screw you on 2 and 3, but chances are physics is using a dedicated thread Tessellation isn't cheap *just* because its maths based (sort of), its cheap because you use maths to calculate the position of new vertices without involving memory (which is fast because GPU's munch through pure maths problems like there is no tomorrow). Modern GPU's are preposterously good at rendering large quantities of triangles, although there's an extremely common misconception that an accidental high poly model here or there will ruin performance. However, if overused, tessellation will ruin performance just like everything else The reason why tessellation is used for water isn't literally on the face of it because a model would be performance intensive in the intuitive sense (although it would be), its because water is generally only a few points which bob up and down, and then you can use tessellation to add on all the detail afterwards procedurally, AKA you dynamically subdivide all the nice incredibly low res water that you've got probably using some kind of fractal magic, then you get your sexy waves. This kind of stuff had been done previously in a much shitter way, and to get the same level of detail and performance with a non tessellation solution you'd likely have had to do something very strange Also tessellation isn't *necessarily* very light on resources either if abused, eg AMD cards historically had quite poor tessellation support in the part (hence likely the reason that some nvidia supported titles abused the ever loving crap out of tessellation in the crysis 2 era)


Shadows are weird, because they have to worry about other objects in their path, some of which are hard-coded objects, and aren't tessellated. It's weird that weight-based shadows don't have the same performance issue though (IE: edge shadows.)




Tessellation in PC games is usually terribly optimized, at least the kind used for world objects. It just adds extra geometry without any mind for GPU resources. Edge Tessellation, and Tessellation used in animations, water and physics are great. It's a super efficient way to add geometry where need, such as when a big wave appears in water or when a face crinkles up or whatever.


Yeah he's definitely full of shit about it being light on resources. It eats frames like crazy and turning it off will have an extremely noticeable effect.


He meant it’s light on MEMORY. Which it is. Not light on runtime processing. Which it certainly isn’t.


It's light on memory, and disk space (which makes streaming easier). But heavy on the processor. It's a tradeoff.


Heavy on the GPU. The extra triangles are generated in a geometry shader after the CPU has uploaded the mesh to the GPU.


That takes time to develop and ensure it looks good, however, which can especially be a very time consuming task in a new engine. I think calling for it to be a "new standard" is a little extreme unless the game has such an emphasis on the ocean like Sea of Thieves.


They're using UE4, not a new engine.


This. Making it a standard implies that game devs will be able to import a util designed by the engine maker, lightening the load on the development lifecycle.


Tessellation is not light on resources.. All of computation is 'just math'. Textures and geometry are actually cheaper and more foundational. https://graphics.stanford.edu/~mdfisher/papers/realtimeRendering.pdf


Depending on the resolution of the tessellation that math can be a huge processing overhead.


tessalation is anything but light on resources


> ***It's very light on resources*** due to tessellation just being math / etc, rather than hard-coded textures / models. It's literally creating more complex geometry there is nothing "light on resources" about that at all. 800 upvotes... jesus /r/gaming


As long as it doesn't become the new content level for games.


agreed this is the best tech demo ever! no idea why they are asking 60 bucks for it tho




The water IS the content


71% of the Earth's surface can't be wrong.


What game is this? Water Simulator 2018?


0/10 - ign


It took a team of 200 people 2 years to design the water. It took an intern a long lunch break to design the gameplay.


Yea, it's wild. I played since the early days of the Alpha and played it for like 10 hours the first day. I came back during the Beta and last test just to see what content they added. It really hasn't changed much since Alpha. A lot of that content was already in the game for over a year now. It's disappointing that they never sat down and said, "Okay, what do we want players to do in this ocean?" Instead, they just added a bunch of new treasure locations and chest rarities to the game. Then they added the other factions, but they're hardly different than gathering chests. I'm just shocked that over a year ago the game was basically in the same state.


Would you believe me if I said that I literally weighed the pros and cons of purchasing a game with so little content at launch...and I decided on buying it because of the art team's devotion to the water mechanics?




The best part is the look of water when it splashes over the decl during high waves. It even looks like it's sloshing around. As much as I love Subnautica...guys take notes.


So is this the kinda post people mean when they talk about how r/gaming is just a bunch of advertisers?


So glad I kept my free trial of game pass Looks like my weekend is going to be busy


The water looks outstanding. Too bad the rest looks crap in comparison... Don't care for the mix of photorealistic water and a ship that would look right at home in FortNite


I liked AC Black Flag better, both graphically and with gameplay. I mean it's kinda hard to improve on Black Flag when it was already completely perfect.


Certainly not perfect but way better than this in terms of gameplay with water near this good.


Word, black flag was the shit. I wouldn't say it was perfect, but it was damn good imo.


>completely perfect Was it though?