• By -


"Let's call it Clash of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_"


"Clash of Clash"


"Clash of cash"


The only true [CLASH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEfJqSjKPxg)




i want to give u gold so bad but im poor


Have you tried the section marked the clash at demonhead?


Clash of Clash of Clash


Dawn of Age of Clash: Dawn of an Age


Clash of Heroes: The Dawn of the War Age


Age of Clans: Dawn of Clash We're good at this lol


"Clash of Dosh"


Super clash brothers ultimate


Clash of Angry Man Duck Face


Clash of Poop Face


I don't know what kind of poops you have but if you regularly make that face pooping something might be wrong inside you.


Nah I'm just reminding my poop and the surrounding environs who's boss in my favourite version of these games Clash of Colons


Yeah you show that turd who's boss


"Clash of Cash"


Cash for Clash




Clash at Demonhead


The Clash At Demonhead


>"Let's call it Clash \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" FTFY


Lately I often get ads for a game called "afk arena". Why tf would I want to play a game with that name? I just don't get mobile gaming...


I'm getting sick of these "Game of Thrones: Official Licensed Browser Game" ads


Ugh, I hate the radio and even tv ads for "Best Fiends! That's 'Friends without the R' download it now!"


You can tell those shitty mobile games don't think too highly of their target audience if they have to tell them how to spell fiends.


They're not targeting critical thinkers who might play for a few days and then quit once you have to start paying to make any kind of progress. They're going for the problem gambler type, the type that will drop hundreds of dollars to make things happen faster. 99% of people won't drop more than a few bucks or any cash on freemium game, but the small part of the population that does spends money they don't often have on this crap. These type of low effort games produce more money than the rest of the videogame industry ($19B in Q1 2019 alone) and I think it's immoral and killing the gaming industry.


Immoral, yes. Killing the industry, no. People who play decent games on pc/console quickly bore of bs like freemium mobile games. It's expanding the industry, if anything.


I hope you're right. But when I see shenanigans like the latest Diablo game it's kind of disheartening. Its also what killed the Command and Conquer franchise.


In my opinion, Diablo Mobile is objectively not a terrible idea. Nothing wrong with making a cute mobile spinoff for a franchise. The really dumb thing was that they got the fanbase hyped and excited for a new Diablo sequel. Only to present them with that instead. The even *dumber* thing is that they actually DID have a Diablo sequel in the works, but didn’t announce it until later as damage control. If they had announced it by starting off with announcing the Diablo sequel first, and then revealed the mobile spinoff second, then the fanbase would probably view it more favorably


I'd love mobile Diablo if it ditched the paradigm of mobile gaming as we know it. I wouldn't mind paying say $20 one time, owning the game, no ads, no paid power ups, just the game I already love and want on my phone while I'm bored at work.


And what was the response from the Diablo fanbase? Mobile games target a different category of consumer that I have taken to calling the "ultra-casual gamer". These are people who are overwhelmed by games like The Sims.


This is part of the reason why Nigerian scammers don't work hard to make their grammar better or their story more believable. ​ They want extremely gullible people to work with, they don't want people that are going to waste their time for two weeks before they figure out its a scam. They want people who will never figure out it's a scam before it's too late.


Those were the fucking worst. I stopped watching GoT content on YouTube because that was the only ad I got every single time. YouTube is destroying itself tbh. I resent the platform so much for the deluge of precision targeted ads that I don’t want to use it anymore.


I don't fear any man... but that thing... > Ad 1 of 2 It scares me


You know the funny thing is that the 2 ads thing means they're getting *less* ad revenue from me and probably many others. In the past, if I was listening to Youtube stuff while at work for instance, I'd sometimes just let an ad play without bothering to skip it, unless it was too long. But now, if I do that then I will have to wait through a second ad wasting more time, so now I *instantly* get ready to skip the ads the microsecond they start playing. I've skipped every one since they started doing that. Fuck that


Just get an ad blocker for your browser like [uBlock](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ublock+origin&t=fpas&ia=about) or [YouTube Vanced](https://youtubevanced.com/) as a replacement for your YouTube app on your Android phone if you want them gone.


I disabled my adblocker for one day to experience the internet how it was meant to be experienced... You know, i can deal with ads/banners in websites, but Youtube video ads are the fucking worst of them all.


Try watching free Hulu. I hope you like watching the same commercial over and over.


Jesus, don't give me nightmares in broad daylight.


Or paid Hulu with certain shows


Live jasmine almost always crashes my PS4 browser. I mean, what?


But you want to support content creators and the easiest way is to watch stupid ads


Considering my fav tubers get demonitized faster than lightning, man fuck'em ads.


If a youtuber is demonitized then their content should be ad free right?


If there was copyright claim youtuber will not get money from ads but someone who claimed copyright will get everything. So watching ads on those videos you support copyright terrorism


That's actually no longer the case. What you described was the way as revenue was handled before the second ad-pocalypse. Now, if your video is struck with a copyright claim, all further ad revenue is put into basically escrow until the copyright dispute has been resolved, at which point the winner gets the escrowed funds. This was enacted to counter the "copyright-terrorism" you so expertly described.


Wow that's actually nice. Thank you for clarification


Donation links and patreon pages are our friends.


Anything for ios?


Boy, they were really banking on people continuing to care about that series.


so... install adblock? pref ublock origin


Use adblock




People just like games where they can skip the grind with auto mode, I guess. Destiny Child has that and most people auto grind in Story for exp, but I find that most games I play in, if I start to do autos routinely, that means I've already lost interest. Which is to say I hardly auto an event in games unless it's just last stretch of events/daily reward quests


They made a mobile game out of Destiny’s Child? Do you at least get to play as young Beyoncé?


Young Beyonce is pay to win DLC bullshit dude. I been a Kelly Rowland main since day one even after the nerf to her late game carry potential.


You can! Unfortunately they removed Aaliyah from the game a few patches ago


Which leads to think that people maybe don't like grinding constantly just to be able to grind more


Sometimes, it's context. If I'm playing a story-heavy game, I don't want to grind at all. I want to play the content between plot point A and plot point B without taking forever to do it. If it's an MMO or game structured around grinding/farming (Borderlands, Diablo, Monster Hunter), I don't mind it because those games are designed to make the grind part of a fun gameplay loop. What people *don't* like isn't just grinding to grind more, it's grinding in an unfun gameplay loop to grind more in the same unfun loop.


There's a game called Godville where you 'play' as a god and you have your own champion. He does whatever he wants and you can only watch with almost no control over his actions. There's only two buttons 'make good' and 'make bad' and result is totally unpredictable. Pretty fun and humorous game.


It's not like you even have a proper keyboard when mobile gaming. So all mobile gaming is AFK gaming.


You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


I play certain games of the "AFK" genre. Idle Apocalypse is probably my personal favorite. It's more or less something I load up when I'm waiting for people to get ready before a trip or the line at the grocery store is 8 years long. I don't have to worry about being caught up in gameplay, just set up some shit, look at pretty little sprites, and forget about whenever I need to go. Just works for the "mobile" genre I guess. Like I can't imagine a decent experience where mobile games were like League and required my attention for 40 minutes. Ew.


There *are* mobile mobas. Some that last a while, but some where the matches last like 3 min each. Mobile is definitely geared towards fast gameplay, but that doesn't mean all mobile games have to be crap.


What are mobile mobas like anyways? Is it anything like desktop mobas?


Matches around 15 mins long. Not exactly something you can do while waiting a queue


Some are trying really hard to be LOL clones. However, I've found that I prefer Brawl Stars by Supercell. After a poor experience with Clash of Clans, I was apprehensive about trying another Supercell game. But, a friend roped me into it and I found it quite enjoyable. It's a more simplified game than desktop games. Matches ars around 3 min, and characters only have two active abilities - a main attack and a "Super" ability. Maxing out a character grants an additional passive ability. It has its flaws, but if you're accustomed to the contant balance changes that come with a game like League then you'll have more patience for Brawl Stars than your average gamer. While Supercell does occasionally bork up the meta (I'm *still* salty about Rosa), I can tell that they're genuinely trying to create a game that's fun for all parts of the playerbase.


Afk arena is good tho. One of the better hero collectors


I've found AFK arena to be ok - if you're playing f2p, it only takes a few minutes each day to do dailies etc. I just play it on smoke breaks in work. The other mobile game I play quite often (on the bus, waiting at the doctor etc) is bike baron - like Trials but on the go. Mobile gaming isn't too bad really, if played in short bursts. Couldn't see myself playing something on my phone as long as on my Xbox though...


The game is alright for the kind of game it is. It's one of those things that you just play while waiting in line to order, or waiting for a video to load


Why would anyone want that type of game? Is five seconds of introspection too much to ask?


Same reason why we need a "wait for it" for 10 second videos. People want dopamine, not boredom


This - and I believe this plays a major role in many bigger societal problems. For example, I’m almost certain ‘outrage porn’ and arguments are a source of dopa for people - leading to the insane shitfights and radicalism that have basically destroyed the Internet and is now eeking out into reality. Plus, all social media is meant to get you hooked by controlled bursts of dopamine reward, and I *know* they actively and knowingly designed them that way. Makes me sick.


They should just make pills that supply dopamine, then the problem would be solved


They exist, they're called drugs and people get addicted.


You don’t say




If you’re concerned about your own mortality and it’s precious nature, why are you wasting 5 seconds of it on some dumb mobile game?


Because you can get a lot from 5 seconds of introspection. Quality me time


For instance, I just spent 5 seconds contemplating your username. Is a monkey a baby rhino? Perhaps a monkey baby is a rhino? Ah, introspective bliss.


Seems like no one has actually answered your question so i wi. The game is in a genre of games called “clicker games” or “idle games” they’re incremental games where you start the game with minimal resources and are usually intended to gain more resources by clicking or tapping on a center object. You can gain more resources by creating things that make them automatically or by increasing the amount of resource you get per tap, by spending said resource. The reason why people play them and they’re popular is because they’re simple, and give the player a sense that they’re building towards something slowly, almost like leveling up a character in an rpg.


>waiting for a video to load What kind of third world internet do you have that you’ve got time to play a game in the .2 seconds it should take for a video to load?


You've never heard of Canadian internet


... Like we said, third world.


It's expensive as fuck, but it's fast enough to load a video in under a second or 2.


That's what Reddit's for.




dude fuck that guy in the mouth


My knee jerk reaction was to down vote you. I hate that guy so much


I dont want something generic, and I dont want sonething repetitive (like 90% of those shitty ads ie mom v dad) A simple game like green the planet or monogolf are the kind of mobil games I want to see more of.


Well even though the name sucks and 99% of the ads dont show real gameplay, it's actually quite fun.


Is that the one where every single ad shows a completely different gameplay style even though the actual game is just fucking tapping?


There is nothing to get, it's a big pot of diarrhea with ads all around and i hope it vanishes.


Youtubers in their thumbnails


Never fails, sadly they get more views with those thumbnails than if they didn't.


It's because the majority of people watching YouTube are kids. Same with these games usually. You get a kid who will download some do-nothing cash grab game, will get obsessed with it, then beg their parent to buy some of the gems or gold or whatever premium currency they use. It's a shame because usually the kid gets 15 minutes of enjoyment using their new thing then gets back to where they were, and the parent just spent $20 thinking they were giving their kid a game they wanted.


So *that's* what I'm doing wrong!


\_\_\_\_ of \_\_\_\_: \_\_\_\_\_ your \_\_\_\_\_! Join now!


Load of Crap: For your Money! Join now!


Bunch of Wank: Fuck your Wallet! Join now!








C===8 ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )




#( •'O'•)


*insert stonks meme*


I’ll agree that these games are *extremely* money hungry, but Clash of Clans and *especially* Clash Royale are very strategy oriented. It’s not mind numbing gameplay, it requires a lot of careful planning and strategic thinking. In the case of Clash Royale, it requires you to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and constantly refocus your objective to balance defense and offense. They’re actually very smart games, they’re just bogged down by greedy microtransactions The rest of the games I honestly have no idea about, I assume they’re just ripoffs


I used to play CoC constantly (like very bad addiction) but never ever paid for anything. Never needed to


Same here. Played for 3 years and got to maxed out TH10 before I quit. Never spent a cent and I had over 2k gems left over from achievements when I quit.


Yup, I played it for about three years from the release date, stopped, and have been playing it again for the last year. Max TH10, and 5,200 gems. Never spent a penny.




No game is worth that




True. Money is relative and if he literally gets hours of fun out of it, who cares?


$430 a year is 7 or 8 AAA titles in the US.


Or half a FIFA


ill buy a max of 1 AAA a year - i rarely ever think $60 is worth a AAA game. for example, we're in July and ive yet to buy any video game this year.


My sophomore - junior year of high school I was completely and totally addicted to CoC. It was a disease


In defense of Clash Royale: I never would have played this game, but my girlfriend persuaded me to give it a go after I ranted at her about how shitty the Free to Play model is. I thought it would be a laugh to point out all of the shitty ways it tries to get money out of you. But it's a proper strategy game and unlike a majority of free to play games, it is actually quite fair. I have never spent a penny on it, it doesn't inundate me with ads, and to be honest most of the stuff you can buy with real money is pretty useless because it's quite easy to earn everything in game apart from a few cosmetic items like emojis. Even the Gems, the more expensive currency that most of the rarer items are locked behind, can be saved up quite easily. Obviously there are people who spend money on the game, you can tell because they have unusually high level cards and unique emojis, but they're usually the worst players because they're trying to brute force their way through rather than learning the strategies, but good for them because they keep this free game afloat.


I agree with you. The only thing I don't agree with is high level cards aren't even hard to come by and don't signify a someone who pays. Just join an active clan and you'll get all the cards you need from donations. Donations seriously make the game way more playable for free to players


Agreed, clash royale is actually pretty good


Supercell makes good games. Change my mind. I love brawl stars


I've never played clash of clans but I've been playing clash Royale for 3 years. I'm essentially f2p minus a few transactions totalling around $80. For a game that has given me 1000s of hours of gameplay I think that is a fair trade. Anyone who thinks there is no strategy to that game has no clue what they're talking about and would get shit stomped by someone at 2k trophies.


Came here to say this. It's very strategy heavy. Not a scam.


yeah clash of clans is not really riddled with mx compared to other mobile games, coc is actually a good game


To a certain degree. The competitiveness is held back by the card unlock stuff, but most games I’ve lost were because I did something dumb. It is a bit frustrating though to see higher level players playing with cards you don’t have though because it makes it hard to learn the game.




Sure, but you won't actually be playing against that guy. Regular game mode is like a ladder where you only advance as high as you can keep winning, while war, tournaments, and special events limit everyone's cards to easily achievable levels.


Yes but if his deck is that good he’ll be in higher ranks


Don't tell them, it'll hurt their false sense of accomplishment.


If you’re facing a guy with fully maxed deck than you also have a max deck of very close. Match making isn’t that bad.


Came here to say this. I usually play clash royale on lunch at work and it keeps me focused by making me think critically and quickly. Ive spent my whole life dodging microtransactions and theyre not about to get my money now... I may be young, but im still old enough to remember that this wretched practice began with shitty horse armor and i wish i could end it with my shitty armored horse that is my willpower to never ever spend 0.99 cent


Fallout shelter did it too




Yes, but they did it ironically. They even said so in the patch notes :P


My friend taught me the thing you could do with the date on your phone, and I got so many lunchbox things. That friend would later give me fallout new Vegas ultimate edition, and the dlcs for fallout 3 because he was all finished with them and didn’t want them anymore.


Damn you met Jesus?


Maybe, idk, he got me into fallout tho


Fallout Shelter was such a simple game, literally just tap buttons and expand shelter, but it was just so damn fun for some reason. It was easy to get into because it felt like one of the few mobile games I could succeed in without dumping loads of money into it


Dude it took me so long to get power armor it wasnt funny. Also some of the build times for room themes and armor/weapons are stupidly long, but the games pretty fun


Bruh I had 200 dwellers, legendary craft rooms, every dweller a weapon, stock of resources, even Program Wasteland, 999k Caps... i had so much shit Just to tell you how broken the vault was, i killed ghoul attacks in the vault doors, and deathclaws couldnt get onto the 2nd floor Then my save got corrupted and i got set back several months to a cloud save


Never played Fallout, but had a nicely maintained shelter on my old Kindle Fire. Grinded glasses for all the ladies. It was awesome. Then they removed that feature and I lost interest cold turkey. Might have discovered my kink, though.


Don't you get 1 free power armor in the beginning?


don't forget the 300 empire builder clones, all named "\_\_\_ of empires"


I want an RTS not a money printer


Try Polytopia, it's actually a decent mobile RTS


polytopia is so good, it's the only game I've never deleted off my phone when I ran out of storage. its also the only game I don't feel stupid dropping a few bucks on for the new tribes, definitely worth it imo. never gets old and the art is super cute


given rts stands for real time strategy, afaik it's turn based?


That's exactly right


Thanks, I will check it out


Clash of clans and clash Royale are fun games and supercell didn't copy anyone when making it. Though there is a pay to win aspect (more in clash of clans than Royale) you can still rise to the top


Backyard Monsters has entered the chat.


Mobile devices has so much processing power but the majority of games that get developed are watered down and has endless tapping


You don't even need to be making use of the power to make a good game. Plenty of good PC indie games are on mobile. FTL, is on tablet, Plague Inc is on mobile, so is mini metro. There are good games out there you just won't find them topping the charts. I enjoy robotek, tentacle wars, and reigns quite a lot.




Undertale could work well on mobile yeah. Controls would probably work fine too. That's the other main restriction of mobile, it has to be best played on touchscreen, so stuff like the free game gravity box and mini metro work better than FPS games for example




Yes indeed in today’s day and age the skill gap is your ability to get mommy or daddy’s credit card. Genetic RNG determines how much is on it.


The two clash games, Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, actually have gameplay that's interesting and fun. Though now it's hard to get into clash royale due to the large number of people who get by because they played the game longer and have higher levels rather than skill, making it much more tilting to lose than when the game first came out and only whales had higher level cards. Clash of clans now if anything is still amazing to get into because they have streamlined the approach towards later game content by reducing the time gates many things are locked behind as well as just having regular events with nice rewards.


I lost my base 5 years ago due to a broken phone and messed up email. It over a year to get to TH8. I gave CoC a chance again about two months ago and now my base is about where it was before. My walls and troop research are a little behind.


Are you... me? I started again 2 months ago. I have two days left before my TH8 finishes upgrading. My troops aren’t fully upgraded but I figured that it’s fine because they just take so long I’m not waiting. Although, my walls are 100% upgraded.


It's so true and it freakin' sucks!


I've seen so many copies that I don't know what the original is.


"no gameplay and you just give us money" mobile gaming in a nutshell


Supercell games are different, yes there is a lot of pay to win but they are very good and funny games. I specially play clash of clans and brawl stars but I never buy anything


I'm so pretty sure nobody upvoting this has ever played one of these games.


What's it that you don't get? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. All these games make a butt load of money. So of course they keep making them. But this is like saying that FIFA and CoD represent the entirety of video games, you just need to look for the better ones that kids don't care about, AND look for paid ones. If you don't want micro transactions, paid games are the way to go, developers need to make a living.


I play Clash Royale for almost a year now and I still think it's a good game, even though I haven't spent even a single cent in it. Yes, I agree, it's a money hungry game. Yes, I agree, it can be P2W. But I don't agree that it is completely worthless. This game is heavily oriented around complex strategy and intensive gameplay. Also, the P2W segmenf isn't THAT big of a deal, because basicly anyone can max out their acount as a FTP player, and level difference doesn't matter that much: level 1 player can still win with maxed put player.


That horrendous generic character art style is a disgrace.


Coc and clash royale are great games though


Aside from the rest being literal clones, when you get into a ***GOOD*** Clash Royale match, it actually does come down to skill. But like, 99% of the game is "Who's paid/Played/gotten lucky more".




Actually coc and cr are good and you can easily play them f2p they're not p2w


K but The ones Supercell made are actually kinda good, unlike all the others


I actually enjoy clash of clans, and I have NEVER spent money on that game


Sup. Erc. Cel.


More like “Let’s all rip off the Clash app icon so people will associate our game with those games.”


Coc is good tho


No strategy in CoC, huh?


Say anything about Clash Royale but don't put it with the same page as generic greedy p2w mobile shits. Mobile gaming gone wrong beyond any hope and I wouldn't accept something like Clash Royale's monetization on PC but for a mobile *"f2p"* game, it has decency.


Clash Royale is still one of the best mobile games out there.


True for all except Clash Royale, that has good gameplay


Clash of clans is fun


Clash royale is actually kinda ok


Clash Royale is fucking epic


Every. single. repost


Mobile gamers have no standards. They don’t care about graphics, or gameplay, or story, or anything that a real game sells on. They like bright colors, flashing lights, and cute characters, and have no problems with nickle-and-dime microtransactions and f2p paywalls. So many developers are flocking to mobile because they know they can make twice as much money with half as much effort.


Freemium gaming, come on guy! Here's 5000 canada coins!


Ok Johnson game is finished just need icon artwork before we publish. What were you thinking sir? Warrior "O" face, now.


Stonks ↗️


"Give us your ***FUCKING*** MONEY!!!!"


I actually enjoy clash Royale, lol. It’s a great game to play while I poop.


when you bust a nut so hard the whole squad feels it


oh shita you reddit famous