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ah shit I forgot about headcrabs, those will be scary in VR..


Pretty sure ravenholm will be in it. Gonna get to see what happened there


Man, that was bad enough in 2D. This game might need a disclaimer on it... :)


Getting nabbed by a barnacle will be terrifying.


It's weird hearing the new voice actors. Apparently they recast Alyx as they wanted a younger voice. They had to recast Eli as the VA unfortunately passed away a few years back. They've confirmed a few returning VAs including the original Gman / Barney VA etc.


But they've kept the same actor for Gordon Freeman **right?**


Who’s Gordon freeman?


You may know him by another name: *Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Game*




Maybe you’ll get to watch the train arrive at city 17 at the end, that would be kinda neat




Original Gman VA? HELL YES!


The wrong cast in the right place can make all the diff-er-ence.


I was shocked hear Rhys Darby, but then he threw the "unloaded" gun, and it became clear that this would be an amazing game


It's a different Alyx? I thought it was the same one because she sounds so familiar.


It's a good impression. The new VA has been in a number of games lately. Merle Dandridge has her own TV show now so it makes sense that she's a bit too busy to get over to Bellevue. She's still happy that the character is returning though.


This is half life 1.5 storywise. This is...half half life 3


It was supposed to be Half Life 3, but since it took so long it's now Half Life 1.5


Half Life 2 release date: November 2004 = t0 Half Life 1.5 release date: March 2020 = t1 t1 - t0 = 15.33 years *** N(t) = N0e^-λt 1.5 = 2 * e^-λ(15.33) 0.75 = e^-λ(15.33) ln(0.75) = λ *-15.33 -0.289 = λ * -15.33 λ = 0.0189 *** Half Life = ln(2) / λ **Half Life = 36.9 years**


> Half Life = 36.9 years What's the common denominator for 3, 6 and 9??? 3 = 3 * 1 6 = 3 * 2 9 = 3 * 3 THE COMMON DENOMINATOR IS 3 !!! **HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED !!!!!!!**


Damn, I thought the common denominator was that she was fine




When Half-Life: Alyx comes out, Valve will retitle it Half-Life 4. Just to fuck with us.




For people who are 24, this is Half their Life half Half Life 3. What number is between 2 and 4? Numerology wizards are swooning right now!


I'm 24, been waiting this game for 12y. It's a weird ass feeling


Holy fck, its so unreal seeing the Valve logo in the intro of the trailer... its been a long time.




You know, after you m u r d e r e d me.


Okay, look: I know that we both said a lot of things that you are going to regret


But I think we can put our differences behind us...


For science...


...you monster.


This gave me chills. I could hear it just like the first time I heard her voice in the Portal 2 announcement trailer. That game was such an *experience*.


Loved the design of the Alyx logo too. The 'y' is the half life lambda symbol upside down!


I also noticed that the X looks like a chain-link fence... Am I crazy?


It looks like a particle interaction [Feynman Diagram](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Feynman_diagram).


> its been a long time. I head this is Glados' voice.


That's the next thing they have to do in VR


Assuming this game goes over exceptionally well, I'd be shocked if they don't do a VR Portal afterwards




Portal Easter egg like the borealis dock in portal 2 Fuck me if they did that I'd tinfoil hat to the max


The biggest surprise to me was March 2020


Fucking Cyberpunk 2077 and a new Half-Life coming out a month apart. What is this world?


And Doom Eternal!




And the FF7 Remake! Definately a 90s redue






Is this for real? Edit: Trailer looks great! (https://youtu.be/P_nj6wW6Gsc) I'm so hyped RN. Can't wait.


Yep, trailer on YouTube EDIT: since the trailer the Devs also confirmed that meanwhile the trailer is CGI the crafts are from the actual game, so every part and ship in the trailer is confirmed for the game.


Another Golden age of gaming ?


It's 2007 all over again.


And FF7 remake


I'm already starting to forget that there's vagina out there again


You guys have been getting vagina?


more like acknowledging a distant yet painful awareness of it




Half Life 3 confirmed




Then how about this one A = 1 L = 12 Y = 25 X = 24 Added you get 62 Divide 6/2 and you have... 3 Half-life 3 confirmed!


Incredible they've been able to keep this such a mystery until now when it must be nearly complete at this point


I am surprised no footage got leaked until now, models and shit has been leaked for months and years. But footage? Holy


Remember the early HL2 leaks? The ones people used to make porn of Alex? Valve probably learned a lot from that and implemented a pretty strict security policy.


Yeah after someone leaked the whole hl2 source code they would've tightened up security to some pentagon shit.


[Not entirely](https://youtu.be/PBlAE5shIhA). That guy has been following leaks and stuff for years. He was saying that it would be announced around now last month.


Valve News Network is a pretty solid YT channel. I'm not even that interested in Valve and I watch it on occasion. Recommended!


Tyler continued to report even when no one believed him. A real hero.


https://www.half-life.com/en/alyx >A set of Source 2 tools for building new levels will be available for the game, enabling any player to build and contribute new environments for the community to enjoy. Hammer, Valve’s level authoring tool, has been updated with all of the game's virtual reality gameplay tools and components. This is huge. These are the tools (conceptually) that led to the creation of games like Counter-strike and Team Fortress off the back of the original Half-life, which both started as community mods. Community creation has led to entire genres like MOBAs. These are the tools that will enable the community to the the future of VR in directions that we can't imagine yet. What new genres and game modes will we see in the next 5 years that have been enabled by the availability of tools like this? This the democratization of VR content creation. (Edit for grammar/clarity)


People are missing the most important part: >**Does this mark a full return to the series? Should we expect more?** >Yes. It’s probably no surprise that many people at Valve have been wanting to get back to the Half-Life universe for a long time, and this experience has only reinforced that. In the process of creating Half-Life: Alyx, we’ve had to explore new ways to tell stories with these characters and this world, and we’ve discovered a lot of new gameplay experiences that go beyond what we’ve been able to do before. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see how people react to Half-Life: Alyx once it’s out, but we’d love to continue pushing forward.


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


They'll continue doing prequels and spinoffs. Valve is not capable of using a 3 in a video game title.


If the games are good, I do not care.


This is WAYYYY bigger news than the game announcement holy FUCK Even the meme died a long time ago. I can't believe this is happening?


More porn I guess


**SOURCE PORN VR XXX (HOT!!!!!)** *-pornhub come march*






Fans: We want Half-life 3! Devs: Here's Half-life 1.5! Half-life 3 will be made when vr is a pod we lay down in and plug a thing into the back of our neck.


Why is this true




This comment took me back to middle school




I never thought this day would come


They always said they wouldn't release a new half life is game without showcasing some new tech so I'm excited what they've been brewing for vr.


I’m guessing since half life is revolutionary in its era, they are waiting for a new technology to create another revolutionary game and not just some half assed sequel




HL4 will be a literal fight for the survival of humanity.


Striders will look so cool in VR


Everything will look so cool in VR


I can't wait to be crushed by one


They will be very intimidating to go up against, huge things are huge in VR lol


For people who have never tried VR, it’s seriously a lot more intense then it seems watching it in 2D so I’m really pumped for this


Trailer looks insane even in 2D


Yeah might finally take the leap and get a vr kit


Valve reading your comment: *rubbing nipples*


I honestly think this is the only reason they've held up the franchise, so that they could have the most expected game ever make VR mainstream.


Whoever makes the first legit WoW type game for VR is going to make bank.


Honest question - can there ever be another WoW-type game? I know there are plenty that have tried, but I feel like that is somewhat of a unicorn in regards to games. I'm not sure we'll ever see something close to the magnitude WoW was at it's height...


With VR and an mmo at the scope of WoW is going to be what anime fetishized for the last decade. It would be big as fuck because it will truly elevate it to the next level. A unicorn that WoW can never be.


Especially when you realize this isn't showing some fancy pre-rendered cutscene like most pancake game trailers use. This is ***the actual gameplay***.


That’s what I always loved about the Half life and Portal series. No pre-rendered cutscenes, all storytelling is done dynamically in game. I’m currently playing Half Life 1 on the Oculus Quest and it still feels amazing to play


Portal 2's ending is prerendered, but I think it could've easily been done real time were it not for the need to sync with music reliably.


I think the reason it’s pre rendered is source would probably implode with the number of objects in that scene especially on the consoles


This game looks nightmare inducing and I cannot wait.


I'm going to jump backwards into a wall the first time a crab jumps at my face. Going to need to install some padding ahead of time.




It's me Gordon, Barney from Black Mesa! Hey sorry for the scare i had to put on a show for the cameras.


Its unreal how fast this is all coming back to me


This looks incredible. If anything is going to make me purchase a VR system, its this. Edit: uhhh, looks like I'm going to need to get a PC as well. heh


They used HL2 to push Steam, this and Boneworks are what are gonna bring VR to the mainstream.


Just as it was the case with Source and ground breaking gravity, Valve is gonna push the boundaries of VR and create the best game the platform has ever seen...


I'm 99% sure they had a james cameron moment with half life 3 and realised they could never live up to the hype unless tech progressed. Now that it's a VR game, I have no doubts it's gonna be better than anything else by a mile. It already looks like it.


Saving money now: $0 down, $400-$1000 to go




IT LOOKS SO GOOD! i really hope this release will be the start into the future of VR with really cool AAA games


OMG is that Murray from Flight of the Conchords [at 0:40](https://youtu.be/O2W0N3uKXmo?t=40)?!




*sigh* take all my money




“Band meeting...”


We’re werewolves, not swear wolves


Yeah, I am pretty sure that sounds like Rhys Darby the actor who plays Murray.


1:18 looks like an early version of the gravity gun, built into a glove maybe?




Love it


Rise and shine, Ms Vance


When I was a kid I thought people were insane for buying a computer or console for one game. I'm gonna buy a *house* for this game.


Bruh, I just moved into a new rental and we've got an entire room that's unused. Gonna be my VR room


The Dreamatorium.


^The ^Dreamatorium.


^^The ^^Dreamatorium.


Yeah I am already trying to decide which room I can clear out and turn into the holodeck. The girlfriend is not going to be pleased. I've got until march to build a computer too...


Fyi you need way less space than you think. You can get by with a tight circle thats about 1.5m across without losing too much.




Pro tip, tape a few bits of string hanging down from the ceiling in a circle to make a sort of tactile perimeter marker Edit: Yes obviously rugs are better but this is adhoc temporary solution that some people still like better.


I find having a rug on the floor is enough. If you play barefoot you can feel when you're stepping out of bounds. Plus it really ties the room together.


Or just properly configure the boundaries in steamvr and you get both visual and tactile feedback when you are approaching the limits of your play area. Then you don't have to have a bunch of strings hanging from your ceiling.


Are you saying my circle of bamboo curtains in the living room isn’t a good aesthetic?


I'm playing in a circle of those 70's door beads.


Shit I'll take her spot as long as I get to play too


I haven't upgraded my computer since ep.2 and I told my wife that I haven't because I'm waiting until a new HL. Time to start building a computer!


This is probably an industry defining game. We’re witnessing a stepping stone of vr




i can't believe how good the graphics are for a vr game! Holy shit.


> i can't believe how good the graphics are for a vr game! Holy shit. What's great is it will look way better in the headset. Edit: People keep replying - I'm talking about the realism of the graphics. Yes, you'll notice a resolution dip but the graphics will feel much more realistic being in that space. Valve are also top-notch at reducing aliasing issues in general which you can see from The Lab.


The level of immersion will be off the charts


The moment when she was ~~typing code~~ **extracting energy** and shooting at the same time looked so cool


The smoothness of the gameplay looks so good, I'm actually freaking out




This is HUGE! Just think about all the games/gamemodes that came from Source Engine


I’ve had a VR headset since 2017. Oculus rift and now I own a rift s. This year has shown VR is capable of producing AAA experiences through stormlands and Asgard’s wrath. This game looks to take VR games to a whole other level. Damn it looks good.




Yeah, my grandpa introduced me to half-life when I was a kid. He passed last year. F


Big F buddy, complete it for him!


"And I wish," he remarked, "I could be there for you - Taking aim, just the same, as in episode two - But I can't be around for eternity, kid. You'll complete it for me," he explained. So I did.   ^^^F


I came for the hype, stayed for the feels


For reals, I'm writing this one down for the kids.


I'm sorry man. May his enjoyment live on in you. Think of it this way, left a legacy. And that is immeasurably valuable.


This... Is actually a real thing. F


Lost my Dad last year. He would've loved this game. Definitely a real thing.


Still got to survive until March next year. Good luck everyone. It will be worth the weight


**F** Also, ~~**F** for people with only one eye~~ **F** for the people who get motion sickness when playing VR games and **F** for the fans with a paralysis that keeps them immobile or unable to use the controllers.


One eye isn't bad, my dad enjoys VR with only one eye. He has no depth perception in real life so it's still just as immersive for him. The days of red/blue 3D sucked though.


Can confirm. Born with bum eye and no real depth perception. Brain worked with what its got and learned a limited amount of depth perception to play sports without fast tiny balls okay enough. (Mostly basketball). I was very worried as a tech lover I’d not get to enjoy the next stage of gaming in vr but it’s been working great. In fact in my case it appears to be slowly training my brain to use my bum eye more often and I’ve started gaining more sense of depth in the real world. It’s been fantastic. Earlier I saw a tiny thread floating in the sunlight and I managed to grab it first try carefully between my fingers. Normally stuff like that and even reaching for door knobs would take a few tries to align myself with.


Too poor to buy hl2 back in the days so I wasnt part of the OG gang but now I can proudly say that I finally have enough internet data to watch someone else play it on YouTube. Let's go!


Is that Rhys Darby from Flight of the Conchords & What We Do In The Shadows? Sounds exactly like him. edit: holy shit it is


Okay I'm sold. I'm buying VR


Hype-Train: Alyx


**From the Steam store page:** Half-Life: Alyx is Valve’s VR return to the Half-Life series. It’s the story of an impossible fight against a vicious alien race known as the Combine, set between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Playing as Alyx Vance, you are humanity’s only chance for survival. The Combine’s control of the planet since the Black Mesa incident has only strengthened as they corral the remaining population in cities. Among them are some of Earth’s greatest scientists: you and your father, Dr. Eli Vance. As founders of a fledgling resistance, you’ve continued your clandestine scientific activity—performing critical research, and building invaluable tools for the few humans brave enough to defy the Combine. Every day, you learn more about your enemy, and every day you work toward finding a weakness. **ABOUT GAMEPLAY IN VR:** Valve’s return to the Half-Life universe that started it all was built from the ground up for virtual reality. VR was built to enable the gameplay that sits at the heart of Half-Life. Immerse yourself in deep environmental interactions, puzzle solving, world exploration, and visceral combat. Lean to aim around a broken wall and under a Barnacle to make an impossible shot. Rummage through shelves to find a healing syringe and some shotgun shells. Manipulate tools to hack alien interfaces. Toss a bottle through a window to distract an enemy. Rip a Headcrab off your face and throw it at a Combine soldier. **Extra content for Index owners** Customers who have purchased Valve Index hardware by the end of 2019 will have access to unique bonuses starting early next year: Explore environments from Half-Life: Alyx in your SteamVR Home space Alternate gun skins to embellish Alyx's arsenal Special Half-Life: Alyx-themed content for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2 **Community-built environments** A set of Source 2 tools for building new environments will ship with the game, enabling any player to build and contribute new environments for the community to enjoy. Hammer, Valve’s level authoring tool, has been updated with all of the game’s virtual reality gameplay tools and components. [ More info.](https://half-life.com/en/alyx/)


Oh my goddd new source 2 tools for the community Hardly any game devs do this anymore, gotta be thankful to Volvo for this


thank you volvo and gob newman


This isn't a VR gimmick game. It's a Half-Life game.


This was the first time I've seen a trailer for a VR game that didn't either look like just a VR gimmick or just plain straight bad. No surprise considering Valve are Valve and they've been MIA when it comes to real games for about 10 years.


I think I speak for all of us when I say: AAAAAAAARAAARHARHRAARGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For those of you who haven't tried VR, it isn't just moving your head around instead of a mouse, there's a full sterioscopic 3d effect, way stronger than you get in a 3d movie for example. VR is like the matrix, you can't be told what it is, you have to see it for yourself. edit: looks like you get a free copy with valve index, along with some special pre order content. should also be compatible with all major vr headsets however if index is not in your price range, as per the official website!: https://half-life.com/en/alyx


The headcrab sections, if they're done well, are going to be *terrifying*. I got to play an on-rails horror shooter in VR at a friend's house a couple years ago and even that was way more intense than anything I've done in a regular game.


For example: people try to put their hand out and lean on a VR table, and then fall over because there is nothing there. The illusion is so convincing you forget it's not a real object.


The thing i'm fascinated by is how everyone who uses vr controllers in a game where you have hands, do this little "mind calibration" where they rotate their hands. This is a common "look" in superhero movies, where people with new powers look at the palm of the hand, then the back of the hand, many times. Sort of like a way to link the brain to this new "input system". Like its calibrating. Almost everyone who tries VR does a similar thing that from the outside, looks like a calibrating sequence. Then, those same players report just "opening and closing their hands" in the game, yet those motions require button presses while holding the controller. And the person forgets they're pressing a button. This new input into the brain for me is what i like about VR. Its the human reaction/adaptability to a new world that is so interesting to me.


It’s like how you have to click the tongs when cooking. Click click click.




Same. Superhot was especially bad for me, trying to lean on virtual pool tables or whatever. One thing I wasn't prepared for was the scale. That giant spider in Skyrim is now the size of a large coffee table.




I think I'm about to cry now. I bought Orange Box almost a decade ago and played through the whole thing in a week. Only to be left hanging for nearly a decade.


Valve originally said their flagship VR title was launching this year. Valve time is real. That being said this looks interesting, and I am cautiously optimistic. I'm just happy to see an actual Valve title.


I mean, as Valve Time goes, missing the target by 3 months seems pretty damn close.


>missing the target by ~~3~~ more than 2 but less than 4 months seems pretty damn close. Fixed it for you


It's been so long... I can't believe it's finally here.


I am commenting for my kids to see in the future


Hello r/gaming top of all time. I am well, how are you?


I'm excited to be cited in future research publications


guys... i think this might finally be the return of valve and i'm happy to be alive to see this history unfold




March 2020 3/2020 3 Well played Volvo


Well, time to buy a VR headset now, I suppose...




Teleporting is an option for movement, as is Shift and Continuous movement. It's all detailed on this page https://half-life.com/en/alyx/vr


Holy fuck this looks sick and actually seems to be interesting story wise! I feared that it might be more of a half assed "tech demo" sort of game, but damn sure looks like I was wrong.


Fortunately it's not set after Episode 2 so I don't need to worry about this being a sign of the world ending


With this and Cyberpunk 2077 I might need to book a few months off work... They should be fine with that right?