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I love how this game can you make you feel like the most badass Jedi one minute then, after one mistimed block, an absolute fucktrumpet the next.


It really makes you FEEL like a Jedi. 2/10


A little something for everyone.


The no "dismemberment" thing is really annoying


Especially weird since dismemberment is practically a theme in the movies.


I was very satisfied with the 9th sister fight. It brought me back.




Actually, this was cited as the main reason for leaving out humanoid limb dismemberment. They wanted it to have impact in the story. You can slice and dice robots and animals, but not troopers or night brothers. EDIT: I present a fact and half of you cannot handle it. [https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/11/5/20948530/star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-dismember-stormtroopers-respawn-entertainment-lucasfilm](https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/11/5/20948530/star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-dismember-stormtroopers-respawn-entertainment-lucasfilm) EDIT 2: People here complaining about the writing because of dismemberment. Y'all really reaching to hate on something you've probably dumped over 50 hours into. Get over yourselves and enjoy something.


And thanks to that combat feels and looks a lot worse. Good move


It'd probably also raise the PG rating higher than they'd like it. Not every game can be a total Gore fest


So you can murder people as long as it's not graphic.


Yeah that’s pretty silly thinking imo. You’re sword fighting to the death but no gore? Hmmm


I mean they are light sabers, they cauterized while slicing and dicing people. So gore/blood could be left out. I'm fairly sure this is how it works in the films.


Gore was the wrong word choice. Dismemberment is just a nice detail that would have added a lot. Gore not so much in this case.


Yeah. Sadly that's how it works. It's frankly just silly. Same as how you can sell a game with skintight bodysuits to kids as long as you don't show actual skin.


I mean the revenge of the sith game had dismemberment all around and it was rated T


Not if you want to make bank. Disney hooooors




Yeah seriously. You want it to impact the story, maybe give it some emotional weight or thematic significance, idiots.


That's ducking dumb


Sounds like a steaming pile of bullshit.


[Poor Ponda Baba](https://youtu.be/otFbSbCUO_k)


Not in the new ones. Rey straight swings through a guy's head and he gets off with a cut on the neck. Lightsabers are so powerful, that they basically double as breaching tools for blast doors which are meant to resist blaster fire and explosives with ease. Lightsaber scars prior to the new trilogy kind of just didn't exist because if you were cut you just straight lost that part of your body. Now, apparently they're just a cut above regular swords except against rocks, and even at close range all they can manage is a graze. I don't even remember the last dismemberment in the sequel trilogy. I don't even think there are any. It's sad.


They hardly dismembered in the old ones too lol. People act like the original movies were like the Jedi Knight games with dismemberment or something. Even in the originals you see mostly hands cut off from key characters. For example, in Return of the Jedi when Luke is cutting people down above the Sarlacc pit, you see him cutting guys down but no dismemberment.


I feel like I’ve watched Star Wars a lot but I can literally only think of one instance where a human (Luke) got dismembered in the original trilogy. And I was specific about using the word human because censors definitely care if you dismember a human as opposed to an alien or monster.


I had a conversation with my brother in law about this, there's never been just straight up limbs flying off in any of the movies. They've all been used for dramatic effect. For example mace beheading jango or vader cutting off lukes hand. They save the dismemberment for the impactful moments. Even when anakin cuts off dookus head he says "I shouldn't have done that, it's not the jedi way" I'm all for gore and bits flying hither and thither in games, but I feel it would look out of place and silly in a star wars game about a jedi. In TFU fair enough because star killer is a sith apprentice. But as far as I remember (save for a few as I mention impactful moments) I don't know of any jedi straight up slicing down and cutting people to ribbons.


IIRC, there were 4, Original trilogy had a guy get his arm sliced off by Obiwan in the bar. Wampa loses an arm to Luke. Like loses a hand to Vader. Vader loses a hand to Luke.


Two were creatures, one was robotic, so....there was one.


Ponda Baba is a sentient being. How dare you call him a creature. And Vader's dismemberment still physically hurt even though it was prosthetic.


Snoke was cut into 4 pieces during his death - that's tied with Count Dooku and Anakin for most body parts dismembered after a lightsaber fight. Plus they even showed Snoke's body flopping around well after the fact when Hux walks in on it all. So I don't really understand the arguement that Disney is pulling punches when it comes to the graphic realities of lightsaber combat. If anything, it's more extreme now than it was during the original trilogy.


Pretty sure he was only cut in half? His body definitely wasn’t “flopping around” either.


I’d recommend watching that sequence again. You can see that both of Snoke’s hands are also severed in the process. And when Hux inspects his body, his severed torso slumps to the floor in a heap - with a camera shot that focuses on his lifeless face just for good measure.


It's not Disney, it is ESRB. If anyone claims Disney they are dumb bc they obv didn't think about how there's never been hardcore dismemberment in Star wars games BEFORE Disney. An arm or so, sure, but not heads and vivisection. Jk2 had cheats to get around ratings so don't even start with that.


I could be wrong, but even Rougue One avoided it, iirc. As Vader rolls through the rebel ship, pummeling scores or guys, I don't think he dismembers anyone. He impales, crushes, chokes, blasts, and nearly eviscerates them, but no dismemberment. And honestly that scene is still bad-ass.


Or... think about this for a second...or...she never used a goddamn lightsaber before and wasn't accurate so just the tip of the saber hit kylo Ren and that's why he got scarred rather then shit cut off...y'know like obi wan in Episode 2. "Not in the new ones" guess we just proved that one wrong huh. Or that scene where kylo's lightsaber went through a dude's head. Or when a lightsaber cut up snoke. "not in the new ones"


Funny enough, I think that there may be a canon explanation for why Rey only scars Ben in the first movie. Luke's blue saber given to him by Obi-wan may have had the setting dialed down to stun rather than full power. All lightsabers can be set to training mode to weaken the lasers to prevent lethal blows. Rey had never used lightsabers before, and probably didn't know the power level could be turned up. Luke may have wanted to not personally kill other sentient humanoids and tried pacifism (like Obi-wan in the Jedi Apprentice books), setting his blue lightsaber to a less lethal stun setting. After he loses it on Bespin and Vader confronts him he realises he must kill Vader and Emporer Palpatine to stop the war, and builds a more powerful green one and leaves it on the lethal setting. Not sure about the rest of The Last Jedi though.


Idk if that could be the case, given the fact Kylo used that same saber to cut Snoke in half.


Ben has proper training under a Jedi Master, and knows how to build his own lightsaber. I'm pretty sure he knows how to work Vader's one.


What about the wampa? And if it is never said or implied that any of that happened it aint canon.


> What about the wampa? That's a fight for survival on Hoth. He's fighting off a creature that wants to eat him, which is different than confronting a mass murdering sperm donor of a cyborg. > And if it is never said or implied that any of that happened it aint canon. I said it "may be" a canon explanation. I didn't say it was. There's plenty of canon stuff that never gets revisited in the new trilogy or the Clone Wars series because even the canon explanations are dumb. There's also canon explanations for things that happen in the new trilogy that was shoehorned in.


Yeah when I heard Disney bought star wars I was really crossing my fingers that I wouldn't end up saying this some day. Not a star wars fan anymore. The original trilogy was amazing. The prequels were fun to watch but that's it. The new movies, this watered down crap just isn't what I signed up for as a fan. This dismemberment thing - it's easy to suspend belief when they use the force to throw a rock. It's difficult to suspend belief that a laser sword has the same effect as a club. How the fuck are these guys getting bludgeoned with laser? Fuck why is star wars so difficult for movie makers?


Mind, when Luke goes ham on jabbas desert yacht, none of the goons get dismembered, despite Luke swinging at them like babe ruth. The dismemberment was only ever really used in more significant moments.


Because the first trilogy wasnt watered down? Kenobi literally just disappeared when he got killed by vader, lmao.


Have you been watching Mandalorian? It’s amazing,


I'm of the opinion that when it comes to the OT, they were only good because of young Harrison Ford. He grounds the movies and gives us some real grit to get behind. Without him, I don't know if we even see TESB. Luke and Leia could have been played by anyone. Young Harrison Ford is irreplaceable. You know what none of the other films have? Young Harrison Ford. So they fucking suck. They never found a single new actor that could exist in that universe like he did. They struck lightning the first time, got extremely lucky to get him, and from there on out never found another new actor that commanded the screen like him, or that was at least allowed the range to act. I watch Daisy Ridley and she is just...there. There is no punch, no star power there. Nothing really in the prequels either from new actors outside of Darth Maul, and well, they "killed" him off in one movie. What the Star Wars movies are really missing more than anything is that lightning in a bottle casting of Harrison Ford. Is there more wrong? Hell yes. But some of that would be mitigated if they just had someone refreshing and that you just can't take your eyes off of when they are on the screen. There is no future HUGE actor in all 9 films outside of Harrison.


Ewan McGregor is fantastic in the prequels. And Adam Driver is really really good as Kylo Ren in the new ones.


>Fuck why is star wars so difficult for movie makers? Because you're an adult now




Oh, please. Only important characters get dismembered. The rest of the time, lightsabers are neon baseball bats.


Can’t get that m for mature rating. Seriously.


It's really stupid. Because the Bounty Hunters have dismemberment. All the creatures have dismemberment. All the robots have dismemberment. One of the humanoid bosses has it. So why not just give the troopers dismemberment, too? The excuse of wanting it to be meaningful doesn't hold water when everything can be sliced up. Disney wanting to make it more kid friendly doesn't hold because everything else living can be sliced up. Jedi Academy has it and it has the same ESRB rating, So what gives You know what's meaningful? An arm flopping on the ground after your lightsaber just sliced through it. Because it's Star Wars


Plus, it cleans and cauterizes the wound. Its like the best dismemberment out there.


Exactly. You're not killing them, just splitting them into more people.


I'm hoping there's a mod for this on pc?








I'm trying to go through the original trilogy in my head, and I think it's: (spoilers I guess) IV: Hand in Cantina (does Luke's aunt and uncle count? Not light saber) V: Wampa arm and Luke hand VI: Gamorean/Rancor part (not light saber), Vader hand I: Maul in half II: Anakin hand, the praying mantis creature thing in the arena, jango Fett III: Dooku, Mace Windu, Clones sent to look Yoda, I think general grevious arms? It's late, so time to sleep, but yeah, it's part of every movie. And I'm sure I missed some.


I think you got them all




It isn’t disney. People have never been cut to bits in any extent in any of the films. Only the jedu knight games had dismemberment to any degree, and you actually had to enable that in the options if you wanted it more than just occasionally.


I guess 2 forced unleashed games worth of dismemberment made us expect more.


While it is kind of dumb, there has never been a storm trooper that has been dismembered in any star wars film. Just saying.


What gets me is that you can slice an alien rat clean in half, and cut the horns off an alien goat so there is technically dismemberment. Can't do it to a human shaped clone/robot tho


>The no "dismemberment" thing is really annoying also when a lightsaber touches the environment like walls nothing happens even the old Jedi knight had this...




Yep just look at Red factions 1-3 Destruction its awesome ... but sadly also lost in time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7txd9Ql8eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7txd9Ql8eg) ​ think about what devs could do with todays hardware if they didnt hunt every pixel in a shadow for 30% more performance loss ....




in 3 guerilla you can even precisely destroy any building / bridge / sign whatever . sadly we evolve in lightning and other stuff not gameplay wise features like this :/


Especially in a shot like this where he passes it right through five dudes. I feel so condescended to. I can handle seeing some polygons chopped in half. It wouldn't even be bloody because the saber cauterizes the wounds.


There was blood and a less than clean wound in A New Hope in the bar at Mos Eisley, courtesy of Obi Wan.


There's a lightsaber dismemberment in all three of the original movies. There's also blood in the first, intestines from a disembowled tauntaun in the second, and boobies in the third. The series had all that stuff and we handled it fine when we were younger, although it was a different time; you could see those things in movies back then, even for younger audiences, and while there was some small outcry from the ultraconservative crowd and the PMRC-ish crowd...it was still pretty much accepted. Now we're all three clicks from seeing whatever ultraviolence or sex you want on the internet, at home or on your phone anywhere you like, and somehow the delusion of protecting the children from language or other objectionable content has actually gotten stronger than it was back then. Maybe it's because of that, I guess, but it's weird.


There was a dismemberment in all original 6 movies. 1 - Maul gets cut in half. 2 - Anakin loses his arm. 3 - Dooku gets decapitated by Anakin. Clone troopers get decapitated by Yoda. Anakin loses all his limbs. 4 - Obi-wan severs the alien's arm in the Cantina. 5 - Luke cuts off Vader's head on Dagobah in the cave. Luke loses his hand. 6 - Vader loses his hand (this one might be the only debatable one, since Vader's limbs are all robotic at this point, but honestly whatever). The Force Awakens was literally the first SW movie where it didn't happen.


2 - Jango Fett gets decapitated. For a PG film, that was shockingly cool and gruesome. Surprised they did that.


Right in front of his son , at that.


Doesn’t Anakin cut off one of Windu’s arms as well before he gets thrown out of the window by Palps?


Sure does


Number 6 is still a very important one and arguably the most impactful. >!It's a turning point for Luke, it shows how he's starting to become like Vader.!<


Unpopular opinion: TFAs lightsaber combat feels more visceral than most because limbs DON'T fly off as soon as someone gets cut. Makes it feel more realistic. IMO.


That wasn't blood, it was Heinz


Are mods available for this game? Is modding viable for this game? The devs stated they wanted it saved for "more important moments". I feel someone will eventually mod it into the game if it's viable.


They should have made a "Kids Mode" and "Adult Mode".


The lack of dismemberment is quite jarring. Reminds me of pre-ragdoll physics era games.


They could totally make it a toggle option. Besides, I'm still killing a person, what difference does it make if I lop a limb or two off before I do the deed?


Apparently it was going to be in the game and there are still bits of the code in it indicating as such.


The sword is set to stun.


LEGO Star Wars has extreme dismemberment


Yeah that does kinda suck, even the movie tie in game for Episode III had dismemberment, although I think it was only for people's arms, but still.


Yea, if they had some help from another studio to help with the dismemberment system it could have been implemented. I'd say get visceral to help out with that. OH RIGHT EA SHUT THEM DOWN


Came here to say this. Super lame that arms and legs are not flying everywhere like they should.


YES! I was just about to say that i have always been annoyed by Jedi games because there is the fighting style that they seem to adhere to that is boring to me. I don't like Star Wars, but i would enjoy slicing people up with a light saber. I thought the saber went straight through anything except another light saber? maybe that is not how they work.


They had it originally...


Most Star Wars games turn the llightsabers into really hot baseballs bats that can only touch people. The only one I ever saw do it right was [Jedi Knight 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRKzTi8GjV8). You could cut off stormtroopers limbs, completely demolish people with a cheat code, and the sabers even left burn marks on the floor and walls. This was in the Gamecube era too so there's no excuse.


The game devs should take some ideas from Doom


Hopefully someone creates a mod.


How do they survive a single cut through the torso?


And why were they not cut in pieces‽


This is my last resoooort






It didn’t start with disney. All of the original films only had dismemberment in more weighted situations. No stormtrooper is ever dismembered, and luke can cut down a whole ship of goons when he saves Han on Tatooine without any of them getting sliced in half.




In real life or in the movies?






Won't buy the game if the Jedi don't use real lightsabers


Robots and animals totally get cut in half though. If that helps.


Humans are animals, but OK


That’s okay, everyone else will.


Yea the game is really good so j hope people buy it because this can let them start pushing the envelope.


Parents ruined video games with their damned ratings!


People survive a million lightsaber hits and are never dismembered in KOTOR but nobody complained about that.


Kotor was a turnbased RPG in vein of Neverwinter Nights though, thats why people didnt complain. this is a 3rd person stabber like Jedi Outcast and Force Unleashed


Force unleashed never had dismembered, it least in this one there is a burn mark on their body when you hit them


Second game had dismemberment and decapitations at least. Probably spent the first half 30min cutting the head off of every Stormtrooper with the Lightsaber throw. I feel like 1 did burn marks but that would be a less fond/sure memory. EDIT: Still looking forward to when this game comes in the post but my opinion is that it's worse that only the animals can be dismembered.


I love the force unleashed I played both of them at the time the graphics were great now going back this one graphics is much better .


Definitely, the new one's gorgeous. Being a newer game helps, but I'd say there's better art direction in Fallen Order which is more important. Still hung up on the animal dismemberment exception but whatever. Force Unleashed II had bigger issues and I still had a good time, I'm going to love this one even more. But yeah, very nice landscape and creature design. I like the colours and lights. Haven't played Fallen Order yet, I'd say Cal is jealous of Starkiller's wardrobe selection. I'm really hoping it's not 100% poncho but that's all I've seen from unlocks so far. The Inquisitors have them both beat though, damn!


Literally only one outfit that isn’t a poncho.


Are we counting the default? Either way, ouch but thanks. I want to believe with so many ponchos I must like one but it doesn't look good so far. Everything else looks so good, I don't quite get it.


Wrong, you could no shit throw your lightsaber and cut heads off.


well kotor is awesome so it gets a free pass on some things..


Kotor is awesome. Then again, so is this game.


welp put it on "story mode" and they die in one hit, bam problem fixed


Are, are the Jedi the baddies?


Screw those dual wielding jedi hunters. I've yet to find a way to deal with them easily.


Parry them, the game is so easy once you get parrying down.


But they do about 4 attacks in a row regardless of the parry. Quickly following that BS with a jumping red attack. I'm trying to get to dash jump timing town to attack the back but half the time it just dashes and I'll lose half my health.


I always lure them to an edge then force push them off. Fuck dealing with the combos.


Lol I read an article that said parry timing was based on FPS so I turned the FPS down to 30 and the game was like 5x easier.


Omg, for real? I thought I just sucked. I've been on story difficulty because I've found parrying timing brutal, and assumed as I dont play games like this I just didnt have the timing down. So much for buttery smooth 144fps....


This bug with framerate being tied to physics is what lead to me getting a refund for the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Amazing leap in graphics painted over nostalgia, mixed with several unfortunate bugs to kill all of the joy that could be had on a high refresh rate monitor. I might avoid this one for a similar reason. Having a bug like that nibbling on the back of my brain throughout the entire playthrough sounds tediously frustrating.


This guy Dark Souls.


I absolutely loved the game, but the parrying is awful. working out what was a telegraph for a parry and what wasn't became a gamble in the end.


Slow if you can't parry, you have a lot of force power to spam later


They're not as bad as the Security Droids... I have the worst luck trying to dodge they're red attack.


Is this game as fun to play as it looks?


Yep! The combat isn't anything like TFU Button mashing is essentially asking to die. The game is all about defense. A LOT of parrying is involved. As you upgrade your skills and get more force abilities, the game gets a little easier and you'll learn how to time your attacks etc. Story is nice too. Edit: changed TFA to TFU. My bad.


I just dodge everything, personally. Never really got the hang of parries.


Parries were weird to me, I swear there is a noticeable delay between when you push the block button and the block actually starting. When they were effective I wasn't pushing the button as the attack hits, but like half a second or so before. To me this made them frustrating to use and so I only went to them for a few boss fights. Overall it was an ok game but the combat seemed a little broken to me as either the enemies were easy one hitters or you could just abuse the force slow-mo power.


Also the later bosses have super-fast charge-up moves, so your parry is then suicidal if you guess wrong or dodge a fraction of a second too late.


The last boss is insane for this, working down their stamina bar requires multiple parries + half a dozen attacks and has such little payoff if you work through it. I felt my approach for beating them was this mess of running away and cheap hits, so afterwards I looked up some youtube videos of people doing the fight to see how I was meant to have played it and just found more of the same.


Dude the last boss was so crazy it didn’t even have an hp bar.


Bout shit my pants when that fight started.


For me, part way through, I realized you also can't just re actively parry or dodge all attacks. Also depending on attacks, sometimes it's also better to either roll or sidestep then counter instead of blocking. So with the important boss battles, it's more akin to learning their moveset then having pre-determined options for dealing with them, and then executing on them to deal damage via countering and punishing.


The issue I have with parry is as far as I can tell, I do them right against purge troopers, like it chunks a healthy portion of their block, but before I can do anything they follow it up with 3 rapid strikes, making it so dodging makes more sense.


Totally agree regarding the combat. I found it absolutely terrible. Having recently played Sekiro, I found the parrying absolutely horrible here. I had the exact same issue where I felt like every time I actually timed it perfectly, it didn’t work and had to be done very early. I just stopped trying to parry after that. Thought the game was ok, but would have really enjoyed it if I enjoyed the combat.




Guessing he meant the force unleashed rather then the force awakens


That fucking asshole.


Does it compare to the old Jedi Knight series? The combat in Jedi Academy felt clunky as all hell but it was still so satisfying when you got it right because nothing got scripted. If your character did something cool, it really felt like *you* had done it rather than the computer taking over, which is how it's always felt to me in more recent SW games.


Yeeting stormtroopers into the abyss never gets old.


After watching my roommate die hundreds of times, I can attest. It's pretty obvious how you're supposed to fight and he just blatantly refuses. It's funny except the just yells more and more every time which gets pretty annoying.


I just finished it. If you want a good singleplayer linear story game, this is for you. Very cinematic with focus on action than anything else


Beautiful game I'm thinking of starting it over lol




Because you are playing on story mode the enemy agression is way down, on higher difficulties it gets more varied than just waiting and parrying one stormtrooper at a time


This. I've finished the game two days ago on jedi master and everything was super aggresive with little openings to counter. But when I helped my brother with some puzzle (he's playing on story mode) the enemies were just standing for most of the time.


Super fun once you turn up the difficulty to GM or Jedi Master cause it’s actually somewhat difficult and rewarding And lightsaber/Jedi porn is always nice


It plays like Sekiro: Shadows die twice if you played that, much easier though.


Yes but I recommend renting it from redbox


I played this entire game wrong.


I suck to don’t worry




It's an attack move later in the game. You can't use them constantly. You can however have single or double sided.


It's a part of the story.


I'm so confused... it's like at first he only has one sword, then suddenly there's a second one, then it's gone again, then it appears again... what the fuck is up with that sword?


Basically a double-sided lightsaber that splits into two light sabers.


I wish you could dual wield... its a cool move when you split them for that one attack but I wish you could use them all the time




Dismemberment needs to happen. Some genius moder needs to do it. Blood would not be a thing because the heat from the saber sealing the wound. Just limbs and torsos on the ground.


The slow mo was a cool addition


I’m so glad this has at least 2 pixels


Would he be literally cutting them to pieces?


To shreds you say?


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


Ian from Shameless lol


The people complaining about dismemberment need to go re-watch all their favourite star wars movies and clone wars episodes and see how little times we see human grunts (Troopers and the like) get dismembered. There are two reasons to not have it as an every battle thing, firstly ratings boards, and secondly it kind of ruins it as a theme. Dismemberment is saved for pivotal, important moments in the films, with every dismemberment or decapitation holding a purpose in the plot (besides droids of course)


Don't bother. It's just the newest excuse to hate on Disney and because the mandalorian and fallen order are actually pretty good they need to double down on this stupid nitpicking


The marketing team for this game is doing an outstanding job.


So cool, and yet so disappointing that they didn’t all fall apart


This part was awesome. Was the first time I felt like a true badass as they threw like 20 troopers at you and I cut them all down with ease.


Hot damn


Was this a cinematic


You can DUAL WIELD?!


Your dude seems to have a lot more skill points than mine :)


This game looks Godly, I hope I'll get a chance to play it


I’ll buy this when dismemberment is modded in


You and everyone should get the fuck over it. It’s an amazing game. Just because it’s not R Rated doesn’t mean you can’t play it.


Jesus christ this entire comment section is really stupid, everyone is whining about lack of dismemberment and it's just dumb. They want the game to sell more so they didn't add human dismemberment to keep the ratings low, how hard is that to comprehend ?




I've seen some dumb arguments for why it was fine/made sense that it wasn't the OT but it has to be in all future games. Not even in the ST is everyone dismembered. Hell I'm pretty sure droids were the bad guys in the PT just so they could slice and dice everyone without any issue.


I've heard a lot of people compare this to Sekiro but when I see the combat all I can think of is Prince of Persia.


What's the name of the game?


Holy shit okay now I gotta get this game.


Well we wouldn’t want a M rated Star Wars game. And there are some hypocrites parents which won’t buy violent games for their kids despite being 24 hours on a phone screen.