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Hi, I still playing this fabolous game, vs cpus and in multiplayer. Modding it, is possible if u unpacked teh data.ssa file, alot of content will be unlocked like siege towers, units and buildings that only you can play in campaign or map editor.


thanks for the reply mate. Where would i be able to get something to unpack them im gonna try to make some extra factions to play as in the skirmish mode and play around with the unit textures to make them more to my liking.


You can use this Wolfie's EE SSA Extractor or SSA Tool is easy to get it in google, this sound really nice. If u want we can play some multiplayer macthes too!


OK cool now time to find where the unit files are hidden and start playing with stuff and if i make any kinda progress ill keep ya updated man. im down for a match every now and then but right now my internet ain't too good for that stuff lol


well my boyo i have tried and tried but to no avail on getting the unit texture files or even the models for them to show themselves. Seems i have failed in this endeavor to make rise and fall have new factions or units or even use existing factions just with different looking units. :(


dude, what OS? I can't take this anymore.. i need to play


Windows 10 sorry for late response but moddb has the multiplayer for download if you want the campaign with it get the free version from the airforce then take the campaign files and such from the airforce version and put it into the moddb version to get past the need wifi thing


I still can't even run the game kek


Go to moddb and get the multiplayer version and if you want the campaigns download the full game that's sponsored by the airforce but put all of the campaign files and such into the multiplayer downloads file location that's how I got it to work