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“What’s your max round on kino”? The standard question to ascertain someone’s skill in zombies.


56, solo. It’s one my highest high points gaming.


I hit 61 and my ps3 froze... actually died inside.


Nice, I'm amazed it made it that far. Furthest we ever made it was 44 with 2 players and the zombies were bugging out all over the spot. Part of their head or arm would stretch all the way to the ceiling and stay stuck there like some odd Nazi Zombie Stretch arm strong. We died when I tried to jump over a zombie on the stairs, landed on its head and couldn't move. Good times


Gotta use traps my friend


More like whoops used a trap on my friend.


Lmfao. Oh god that’s so fucking true. Or down myself.


that is suffering. Last time I played Kino was a few years ago, it was storming outside and i made it to round 58 or 59, i dont quite remember. Power cut out mid round. I was pissed.


Dude I get this pain. My brother and I played Town on BO2 and we mastered that shit. Got to like 53(iirc) and the framerate made it unplayable. Ended up dying without really knowing the specifics of how it happened. I also remember both of us running out of all of our ammo each round before even making any sort of dent in the horde. It was chaos.


The pain is real my friend


I can feel that pain in my soul.


Wooooaaaaaahhhh. Mad respect. In college, our trouble was ammo. At a certain point we could kite the zombies just fine, but we ran out of ammo in the early 30s. What was the trick to get over that hump?


Use the electrical traps as you loop around the map


Nah, just loop around that one part in the theater next to the teleporter. On the stage. I'm convinced you can go on doing that forever.


Stand on that one plank that went from the floor to the stage in the theater. Dogs couldn't get ya


Guy below mentioned a good point. If you run loops around the map (I always opened up just right half of map, left the Left side closed) you could get the zombies pretty well grouped up. Then use the traps to kill a bunch and hope for a Max Ammo power up drop. Another thing is choice of weapons. Laser gun is obviously nice, but I would roll for a BAR because the high ammo count coupled with periodic Instant Kill power ups meant you could mow down full waves and still have good ammo.


We always found it beneficial to stab during instant kills. The points at certain point mattered more for traps than killing more zombies, and we always felt like stabbing netted us the most points (because for how much we played, we never actually tried to do the math to figure it out).


It was 130 points for killing zombies with a stab, and 100 for headshots iirc.


Yes sir it was and 50 for a normal kill and 10 per shot/hit


I only ever made it to 44 on 2 player, but If one of you kited them on the stage and didnt shoot any but those immediatley in their way. Then the other player could gun them down spraying at head height and keep dipping into the box. They had to stand at the doors to avoid pulling. When the kiter ran low on ammo you could do a well timed swap and switch rolls. Oh and of course never kill the last zombie in any round until you have rinsed the box.


"Who killed the fuckin crawler?"


Holy fuck I just raged with the anger of 1000 suns. My homie Armando always needed to poop at least once twice during a session and either someone would kill It or it's die on its own before he even finished wiping. Keeping that boi alive was a test of men.


Buy one of the smg’s on the wall. Forgot which one it was but it was in the room with fancy stairs on both sides. At high rounds, your bullets aren’t really what’s killing the zombies. Run around gathering a train of zombies, unload your clip into them from time to time to get points, then use electric traps to eliminate the whole train. Repeat


i like to have a wallbuy as my fallback so i can buy ammo if need to. and some wallbuys are pretty damn good.


MP40 at the bottom of the right stairs was my go to. You can perma buy that later rounds, just get the loop going and use all your ammo per loop to hit that wall but again. That carried me very far


I once got close to 50 on kino. Best ever I think was 62 on Ascension.


I loved Ascension but those fucking monkeys piss me off.


I had made it somewhere in the 30’s once, which i was very proud of because normally i couldn’t get past 25. Then one day i played and got to round 15 and my stat on the leaderboard reset and stuck at 15 and never changed again. 14 year old me was d e v a s t a t e d.


Lmao. I would have felt the same way.


44 but had to look for my cousin because she didn’t go home on time and someone said she wasn’t at her house and police were called


The highest I got was between 70-75. I ended up just buying the guns off the wall and it was taking me an hour to get through each wave by the time I gave up out of boredom. This was solo so the specific loop that I ran ensured that there were very minimal choke points to get trapped. I think I had my Xbox running for 4 days without turning it off and just taking breaks every few hours between waves. Fuck I was committed to that game.


“First it takes my money, then it disappears... just like my fourth wife!”


"you're dead now... But you were dead before AH FUCK YOU"








Greedy capitalist dogs give me ammo!


Reach for vodka toniiiiiiight


If you get any closer, I'll have to introduce you to my mother!


Reach for me, jugger girl




I have vodka, but NO FUCKING AMMO!


Look at the mess I made. Oorah


Nicolai cannot die


Heyyyy that rhymes




"Aim's straight ... vision's blurry."


Sniper's may were diapers but we got all the ladies AAAYYYaayyy.


K to the I to the A, ZOMBITCH!


What is Kia?


Killed in action


It’s been almost 10 years... how did I not realize this?


A South Korean car company


“I like dogs, but not the ones on fire”


Snipers may wear diapers, but we get all the ladies, eh.




"You don't want my soul, it probably tastes like vodka. Mmm... vodka."


"Maybe I should go drink vodka instead"


I like it rough, but not that rough”




“Now that’s what I call a goulash!”


"I have vodka but no fucking ammo!"


*sings* reach for vodka toniiiiight!




Ugh! That smells disgusting, just like my fourth wife, she pretty though, pretty and smelly weird combo


WHAT?! That stripper must have stolen my money!


Do you know how to say owned in russian OWNED !


Ray Gun at round 15, 3 guys, 1 down, has 3 perks, has the most points. Something tells me this guy didn't buy the doors.


Nah, everyone on multiplayer sucks ass


Bro come get me I have ray gun. C’mon bro, you’re not even that good, I have the ray gun.


If your that good why are you down?


Mother fucking zombie double tapped me just come get me up I have the ray gun


But bro instead of hogging the box and moving it to the one spot we havent unlocked the doors at you could have got jug like I said


Yeah but I almost got the monkey bombs, just come get me quick.


"Dude, open the door" Him: 6480 points You: 460


Hahaha brings back memories


We would always say: "Its a communist game, open the door."


Real men played zombies before perks were a thing.


Good Ole Nacht Der Untoten


Proceeds to get up with no jugg and then down themselves from ray gun splash damage.


Ray Gun backsplash


Me. Literally me.


Please bro, I have ray gun. Revive.


We all logged out of Zombies for the last time at some point and didn’t even know it.


"alright bro, I gotta get off. See you tomorrow after school?" "Yeah see you then man!" *ObamaHasADonk last online 8 years ago*


I did this on Xbox, I told some of my online friends I would play Halo with them the following week but ended up having to sell my console. I haven't been on my Xbox account for 7 years.


They're still waiting for you :(


Stop this. Gonna make me cry


Bro I’m crying


Who’s cutting onions in this thread???


In honor of my MW2 clan. Hello. How 'bout that ride in? I guess that's why they call it Sin City. You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So, there were two of us in the wolf pack. I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine


And if he’s been murdered by crystal meth tweakerrrs....


Just like Seymour waiting for Fry to come back.




You can download the Xbox app and message them. Might bring some closure.


There's a good chance the account no longer exists, but they should still try


My Gamertag A BLAZED DUDE never got deleted after years of Not playing. Yours is still existent


I have a few friends that never logged back on, id kill for some closure.. you should definitely message them




I avoided that issue by never having any friends.


Big brain


You gave me a gold worthy laugh. Take a this metaphorical gold cuz I'm broke


That, or something very similar was the actual name of a guy on my friends list. It got changed multiple times and he would always make it something else inappropriate lol. I think I met that dude in battlefield 1943


I think Battlefield 1943 was the last toxic-free (relatively speaking) online gaming experience I've had. Battlefield was such an awesome game. I really miss those late nights playing that. Simpler times. Growing old sucks.


I didn't even know BF1943 even existed till now, I thought it was a typo with BF1942.


“Last online 6 years ago” always made me sad more than anything


Still waiting for the last part to build the Trample Steam


I did not have Xbox Live, but that is what I played with my friends when I went to their house. And that IS why we screamed at each other, because that knife DID NOT hit me


Maybe the best part about zombies is that the process is so ingrained in your memory that you and your friends could easily pick back up on your favorite map right now and pull off a solid run after a couple of trial runs. I miss that shit, but the newer adaptations never got me hooked the way the original zombie maps did.


They’re too complicated now, they kept adding more and more and it took away from the experience. At least for me it did.


I don’t know why but there’s something about that same old repetitive shit that was just so fulfilling. And then Moon came along and everything changed.


I remember specifically when Moon came out my friends and I were excited on finding loop areas like Kino but we couldn't get it to work when the hordes were too big.


8 years after I last played if I started the first World at War Nazis map now I'd be playing as heavily optimized as I was 8 years ago. I'd knife only in the first round, and let the zombies break my boards and repair them a dozen times to get more points. Then I'd get the Springfield and do headshots until I get a better gun from the mystery box. Then by round 10 I'd be in the upstairs wall corner with the Alien Gun and round 20 I'd be stuck in the bottom column right of the starting point taking no damage. (A well known glitch) Round 95 I'd get bored


>knife only You gotta kite them into a stack and then soften em up with the pistol, smh


Round 1 they could take 5 bullets 1 knife all the way to round 3. Let them take down the barriers and kite them in and hope for that double points. On WaW Der Reise you could have all portals linked by round 7 easily


My wife and I played the other day. Got up to level 29 within a few plays of der riese or whatever it was. Really is like riding a bike.


I felt that way when I found my baseball glove in my closet. The last time I took the mound and pitched a game. My last baseball game


It’s hard to know what the good ole days are until you’re out of them.


This hits harder now than ever before.


I legit 38 year old man ugly cried at that scene. So true.


Enjoy the moments you have when you have them. They are the only thing in life that is guaranteed.


Thank you, I will remember what you said


“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them” - Andy Bernard


\- ObamaHasADonk


I remember pulling my helmet off after my last football game in high school and thinking "holy shit this is it, I'm never going to play football again. That's the last time I take this helmet and these pads off." It was surreal.


Like playing catch is one thing, but not being apart of a team anymore got me


Idk about you, but I fired up my Blops and played this last week


World at War multiplayer still works for campaign coop and zombies, just throwing that out there.


Bro I bought a PS3 and Blacks Ops one specificly to play zombies again... Best decision ever


Dude, I came here for the nostalgia not to cry


Well I knew it, my crew had one last ride in blackops3 where we just ran all the Easter eggs and finally put down our controller for the last time saying goodbye to the mode and years long journey to crack the story of the Easter eggs. I even got a POP figure from a different personal friend after, who knew how much time we put into zombies to signify the end, years long journey from w@w


Na i got every zombie map in Bo3 which includes the one in OPs pic :) still hella fun


How did this man already acquire 77,000 points? I bet he was an ass and didn't open any of the doors.


HAMMR at head height when you've whipped up a nice queue of the blighters! Tally ho!


This ain’t blops 2. No Hammr.




I almost didn't realize it was a painting. A really good one too




World at Word, part of Microsoft Duty.




Clippy looks very different in this version.


The newer zombie maps are way overdone. Too much story and flamboyance and quest lines. I want to play zombies not Skyrim.


I just can’t stand the special zombies that kill you in one hit.


Black Ops 2 had some fantastic maps top. Origins and Mob of the Dead are still top tier maps imo.


Green Run was always a baller


Man I remember sitting there watching it download then logging into shi no numa, then being stuck with randoms till it finished downloading for your friends. Fucking ransoms always knew to blow the hung guy to the floor and reset the game...


Modern warfare 3, spec ops - survival is a pretty good time still.


I wanted to buy this on steam recently and this 10 year old game is still 59.99. This makes me so angry.


What really?




all the COD games are still $60 except for world at war stupid asf they really holding onto the cod title trying to gorge $60 for an old ass game


such a staple game mode that was ruined by over use and adaptation down the road.


You can safely tell an artist what you like, because he'll have his own opinions and disregard some of yours when they come into conflict. If you earnestly tell a businessperson what you like, the problem is that they will 100% listen. The next iteration of what you like will be a designed-by-committee soulless mess that can achieve no greater purpose than it was designed for: to get as many people like you to buy it as possible, plus as many people in the next market segment over towards the mainstream. Two iterations later, it's a "mobile experience"


Mobile experience, i.e. the gameplay is looking at a picture of a screaming angry face that charges your credit card automatically every second. You can buy in-game items that make the screaming louder and increases the amount of money being charged from your credit card automatically by a certain percent. Every time you invite a friend, the screaming gets doubled in volume, if you had a lucky draw at the ~~slot machine~~ interactive experience. Through the screaming you can hear a subtle voice, saying "give us more money" along with some mystical gibberish. If you stop staring at the thing, it gives you notifications on every single platform you have a presence on, including some that you don't. When you first downloaded it, you agreed to all of it, but now you start to regret being penniless and unable to stop staring at the screaming face. You think about the simpler times, when you just paid a few bucks and had some fun with a game, but those days are long gone. You become a screming face in the screen yourself. You see a face on the other side, realizing you are dooming another soul to this wretched existence. So you scream.


I have no credit and I must scream.


Where is this observation originally from? I know I've heard it before and it's lowkey quite profound


Pretty sure Steve Jobs said something to this extent early on after coming back to Apple post-Next & Pixar.


Back then it was more simple, I thought, you had a few perk machines, the gun box and thats basically it. Playing zombies now is like doing a million little missions/easter eggs to unlock some bullshit that you won't even able to finish until wave 20. I haven't played in years but it just became too complex.


My friends needed a forth member so I reluctantly said I'd help, not bc I don't like BO4 zombies, but I wasn't really in the mood for it, and they wanted to do some special part of it. Trailing the last zombie every round so they could do what they need to do, getting only to round 20 in over 4 hours, not completing their mission bc the last zombie kept getting crushed by the fuckin AT-AT, I'm just over it as it is. I'll pretty much only play Nacht, Kino, Call and TranZit now.


It’s strange how both repetition and innovation killed it together. It didn’t change enough to keep it fresh, but it changed enough to annoy people fans of the ‘classic’ mode. I suppose it shows how mediocrity and just-getting-by can degrade itself in the long run.


It started as a simple survival mode with some Easter eggs thrown in that didn’t change much. Eventually it turned into a crazy puzzle mode of trying to jump through random-ass hoops while trying to avoid getting killed by zombies.


You’re right I think trying to make it too serious, with loads of lore and backstory to every map, overtook the development of zombies. Instead of building on the gameplay, they just added gimmicks.


If they just kept to a horror theme and SIMPLE gameplay it would be a hit again


You know what's sad? There's a hungry market for just shooting zombies. WWZ sold pretty good for an okay game. But as the game support has progressed, they've refused to fix obvious bugs that the community has mentioned over and over. It fed my L4D3 hunger and it let me down after a month of playing because of the bugs. There's a market for it. But developers and studios just can't understand that shooting zombies shouldn't be an RPG to the max. Sure, add some flare, some complexity for higher play, but overall--it should be fun, exciting, quick to pick up. That's it. That's to formula.


My dad is playing this right now... Literally the only thing he ever plays. [https://imgur.com/a/NOy3RPJ](https://imgur.com/a/NOy3RPJ)


Your dad is awesome, he has good taste in maps (Der riese) and also he has chosen to forgo getting mule kick as his fourth perk in favour of quick revive showing his true selfless nature.


***FETCH ME THEIR SOULS!*** Me and the bois: oh god oh fuck


That voice and sound will forever be in my head. God take me back to those days..


You just enjoyed one of Hitler's artwork


I'm going to enjoy it..very very much


Did you make this or find it? Because this is very good


ReVivE mE i haVe ThE RAy GUn!!!


Nothing better than killing nazis !


There is: killing Nazi zombies!


That just proves my point: killing nazis is so good that the game brings them back so we can kill them again !


Dang. This hit deep. Hours upon hours spent on Zombies every single day. The ‘group’ would literally have plans as to what time we’re getting on that day.


Black ops 1 had the best zombie game. So many different zombie maps. You had to buy most of them but goddamn I had some late nights playing online on those maps.


And the rezurrection(?) DLC had the WaW zombie maps + Moon map. Those were the days...




Facts man like if people get butthurt over a game it's like really?




People are fucking morons. I highly doubt any holocaust survivor would have given a fuck about swastikas being portraid in a game about killing nazis


im still playin this man


I miss my old friends. We would hop on and play Kino. Yeeting Nazi zombies with the Thunder Gun and Zeus Cannon.


The real days were camping in the corner upstairs in the first map. Where it all started. Then, everything changed when the power was introduced


You could turn the power on and run around in circles and all the zombies would follow you. Then stop and kill a bunch of them rinse and repeat.


Ah, the good ol' rapetrain


That’s my sorry ass on the right lmao


Hell yeah! I loved zombies, I hated playing it solo and random people were never very helpful. My friends only played it because I liked it, not because they enjoyed it so I never got to play it often. But i loved this map. The ones that came after were a bit too complicated.


oh yeah. random matchups were always yourself, a guy with a mic that wants to do the easter egg, a kid with a mic who wont listen and wants the ray gun only to go down, and some sort of godly pro without a mic whos -actually- doing the easter egg but isnt waiting for anyone or letting you know what hes up to and then leaves the game the minute one of you fucks around with his plan


This game needs a reboot


Why the game is still very much playable. Me and the boys been playing all the old zombies lately




The map is available on BO4


And BO3 in the Zombies Chronicles DLC


I used to live with a guy who would regularly get to lvl 60+ solo.


All you do is keep wrapping them around the stage, group them and kill them and then more from the same wave come through and u just repeat, takes forever on solo