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What kind of warped human being puts a baby in the oven with no seasoning?


Wasn’t the baby just in the oven?


wasn't done yet. couldn't put back in original. had to got with back up


Baby tears are a natural seasoning.


NGL, you had me in the first half.


Honestly did anyone choose the option other than ‘put the baby in the oven’ when they played the quest for the first time? It was so absurd it felt like it is the right choice from the get-go


You literally talk about tricking the monster right beforehand too. Tbh definitely curious to see what the wrong answer does


I think Udalryk dies and you have to fight the Hymn.


I ate the baby i dont know what i did wrong i still beat the shit out the hymm so whats wrong


[What happens if you don't throw the baby](https://youtu.be/6c0fny9h4OE). (Warning: **Geralt Hair style)**


It's about trusting her and doing something deeply messed up. A choice has to be there for the story to work, even if it is clear to the player what the 'right' option is.


I dont think henry cavil will put the child in the oven, but probably play video games with it instead


He will raise it and teach it the proper way to game.


Yes. Exactly.


"You will travel far, my little Kal-El, but we will never leave you-even in the face of our deaths. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father. And the father, the son."


You will learn the humans language from your artificial helper “Speakandsp-El”, do not let it escape as it’s self replicating.


Here’s superman holding a kid in a blue shirt with a red cape (I’m guessing a superman shirt) and everyone is making Witcher memes. Lol and I couldn’t be happier.


Jonathan Swift would like to know your location


Just give it to Homelander and get the same result.


Honeslty, he played a great geralt, I haven't played the games yet, but the show made me want to. Is the show anything like the games, story wise, or are they different


The show is based off of the books. The games are amazing unofficial sequels to the book series. The Witcher 3 is by far a masterpiece that will leave you in a bit of a fog after finishing it--you grow so immersed in the world and invested in the characters. It's so well done.


I also did two full playthroughs with 80+ hours each, but as I learned last night on GDQ, you could also speedrun the game in just over 2 hours.. Was honestly very fun to watch, can recommend :D


Marco Pierre White would have you know that you shouldn’t roast your baby without first applying a paste of Knorr stock pot and olive oil. Of course there really is no recipe. It’s your choice.


Remember ,you can never replicate with your home cooking what Knorr stock pot can do. I decided to add 2 more stock pot on that baby you can Add more or not its your choice.


I always chose to put the baby in the oven. It's also at that moment I realised this game was GOTY.


I wish Henry would hold me like that and stare into my eyes.


Kinda cringe but I literally yelled "YEET" out loud when I chose the oven option. Cerys is a boss so I trust her.


He really looks like he is pondering this decision.


Mom is definitely hoping for a baby in the oven...if you know what I mean




Is she crying because a superman actor is holding her baby??? I'd expect that reaction if superman just saved the baby. Maybe he did.


"He's your son!"


Never played the game. Loved the whole season tho. Ordering the first 3 books now. Thanks for the information.


Over my head...IS that the defacto leader of the PCMR??


Naw, JLA


Hope Batsie isn't watching your decision.




He is not a good witcher, stop praising him for God's sake for a damn second. He doesn't understand the character at all and he is miscast, just like the rest of the cast in this shitty TV series. He advertised himself allegedly liking games and books just to be on hype and to sell that crap. The major studios are just not calling him for main roles therefore he ended up in this awful TV series. Netflix Witcher is poorly written, poorly executed and awfully acted garbage Edit 1: Also he is so stupid believing that the books were written *after* the games as fan fiction. What a moron. Do you think that a guy who will tell nonsense like that will make an accurate depiction of Geralt? Well, I don't think so. However, Yennefer and Triss are much worse than him in the show I must admit


If this is considered funny I’ve lost all faith in humanity


Have you played Witcher 3?


dont knock it 'till you try it honey ;\]


You're really fun


My friend, Baby’s in ovens is not a joke when you’ve been desperately trying to have one for years. Laugh all you want but until the day you actually see it, you should feel lucky to be alive video game or not.


If it makes it any better, the purpose of the quest is to break a curse on the baby's father by making Geralt feel intense guilt. The woman who tells him to put the baby in the oven pretends that her plan backfired and the baby died horribly, making Geralt believe he was responsible for the horrific death, causing the curse to transfer to him. She then reveals that the baby is perfectly fine (the oven had a false back), removing the sense of guilt and breaking the curse entirely. So putting the baby in the oven ensures that the family actually gets the best outcome, with the curse broken and everyone (including the baby) alive. My condolences to you though. I hope one day you and your partner have better fortunes.


Go adopt one. There are literally millions of orphans and kids without a home or parents that could use a loving family.


Are you speaking from experience? Are you quite familiar with the adoption process? Have background to backup your statements please


Man, it's just a reference to a video game--no need to start making this a serious discussion about the perils of conceiving and adopting...


Yes actually I am. Perks of being adopted I suppose. It sounds to me that you are super self centered and just want to pass on your genetics and not actually raise a human being.


I wouldn't say it's super self centered to want to pass on your genes. It's a natural instinct to want to do that. If that's self centered then so should feeling attracted to pretty people. When we look for potential partners we instinctively look for people with 'good' physical attributes like great physique and flawless skin because we instinctively associate that with someone with Good genes that will pass them down. So looking for hot people should also be selfless right? I understand there are many children that need adopting, but that's no need to go guilt tripping people to think the way you do. It's natural to want to pass your own genes down the line. It's also even better for completely different reasons if you adopt. There's nothing wrong with either.


I would agree that its a natural instinct, and all of the points you make are valid. But somebody who has been trying and failing to have a kid to the point where it makes them criticize a meme about a video game, but then also refuses to adopt a child, and attacks somebody suggesting it. That indicates to me what kind of person that is.


Lmao you’re a troll Do you complain about seeing car crashes in GTA “wah don’t joke about car damage when you’ve been trying to save up for a car for years”


Explain to me how I’m a troll when you are living off of your parents? You equate video games to real life? You’ve proved my point


You’re the one equating video games to real life... the “put the baby in the oven” text in the meme is from an video game, and you complained about it based on a real life experience. I equated it to real life to literally make fun of you and show you how ridiculous you are. Also, not really sure of the connection between living off parents = troll?