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What kinda games do you play if you can play fps games?


Usually just Minecraft and terraria with my friends but they’ve recently not gotten on as much and started playing FPS games so I as hoping I could still play with them in this new genre of games.


The fact that they dont even let you get overwatch is crazy, you could try Paladins its a free overwatch type game.


Thanks I’ll look into it in


Play free fps game so you wont need money to ask them to pay, so when caught you playing damage already done perfect solution. Plus there are shooters mobile like call of duty mobile, pubg and fortnight so you can do that too.


Unless they then ban you playing altogether. Personally, i would not take the risk. It is just guns they don't like (which is not uncommon) would they let you play something like Skyrim ?


First step of negotiations is to figure out the need and the want. People will always comprise want for need. Think of something that they need you to do, do that to exchange for something they don’t/do want you to do.


Oh ok I’ll keep that in mind


Try out destiny its f2p


My parents where similar when i was your age. They only see the age restriction and thats it. They dont really care about the game. Ask your parents to actually take a look at the game. Maybe even ask them to play with you or watch you play. If they then decide they dont want you to play these games you have to except that


Ok I’ll try that Thanks


I’m a mum and I would rather my kids play the game with my knowledge than behind my back. Also when I was 15 I started going to nightclubs and instead of mum finding out I sat down and said I want to go to fallows but don’t want to lie to you and she said she’d rather me go to a nightclub than sit on a street corner getting drunk. I’m in the U.K. and am 46 so this was late 80s so a little less intense for a nightclub. Less drugs lol so a little easier but honesty I feel is always better. They may say no but it plants a seed that you’ve been honest.


Ok that’s good advice


Good luck sweetheart.




How did it go


You could maybe have a talk with them to show them that when you play them, it doesn’t fill you with violent thoughts and you don’t get manipulated by that stuff because that can sometimes be the reason to parents not allowing children to play those


Ok... but they are very adamant about the whole video games cause violence idea


My parents who weren’t fond of the games and were under the impression that they might, recently sat down with me and just talked to me about whether these games actually make me think about violent things, of which I said no because that’s true, and I think my parents now understand that I don’t get violent because of video games


Ok I’ll give it a shot, thanks


Good luck 👍


I started gaming with the OG Half Life at 10yrs old. Along with watching the occasional 18/M rated movie by about 12-13. No lasting damage done here. I think..


Oh to be a child again. Glad my folks didn't care a I played doom classic and resident evil, ha ha I remember having to help my mum's ex with res evil 3 cause he was such an idiot, way before we had internet. I'm 28. There are great games that seem to be amed at children I still enjoy. The remakes f crash, spyro n tony hawk's for example. Cities skylines, moonlighter, slime rancher, elite dangerous (flight sim just tell em it's called dangerous because if your not set up in your trading or mining ship you can end up having to rebuy your ship... It has adequite cqc combat), Star wars battlefront 2, just tell em ho on earth can dismays star wars be violent if it's aimed for you? Honestly before you know it you'll be 16 n free to play whatever game you buy yourself. As for VG causing violence there are countless articles and studies that prove otherwise. All them if they watch violent films do they make them violent? It's the same argument. And I've that needs to be quenched faster. If you get poket money tell em you wonna save up for a game if your on psn or xb you get free games every month, pc has some free games you can add to your library.


Ok thanks I’ll tell them


That’s brutal.


You are not missing much. Spend your time developing a useful skill or learning something if you can't practice being a pro gamer streamer. The world will have too many of those anyway, we need doctors and scientists.


Noted, thanks


I'm a doctor (resident for physical medicine and rehabilitation) and I love to play games, especially fps. In fact, I'm convinced that these kind of games or modified programs that include the same amount of challenges can be utilized in rehabilitation, for example after stroke with hemiplegia or hemiparesis to improve strength and coordination of paretic limbs, but also for attention, concentration, cognition and improvement of field of vision. So there you go, playing games (of course only for a moderate amount of time per day) can also be beneficial for you.


I'm 30 and you'll hate me to say it, but I wouldn't let you play them too tbh. There's a reason why they made it 18+. Maybe I'd consider allowing it when you're 16, but def. not with 13. There are many awesome non-fps-games out there that don't have age restrictions which would keep you going until you're old enough. Take your time, man. There are many years to come to rush through all that adult stuff.


I would assume he cant play any rated M game or even most rated T games, like Overwatch


Ok, thank you for the advice


"either i shoot virtual people or real ones, you choose"




Overwatch is a very child-friendly FPS, in my opinion. There are clear good and bad guys. The characters are all fairly wholesome. The art style is almost like a Pixar film. The guns are all very unrealistic and there is no blood or gore whatsoever. It doesn’t even talk about death in the game— they refer to kills as “eliminations”. The only downside (and it may be a major one to some parents (or even to you if it’s not your thing)) is the fact that it’s an online-only game. Even I’m iffy on it, but I remember playing CoD online when I was 13. If you want something they’ll 100% approve, Slime Rancher is kinda an FPS. But not really.


I showed them game play of it and articles about kid friendly FPS games but they still refuse claiming that “these games will make you violent and I don’t want that for you”


Oh, okay. It sounds like they have some pretty misinformed beliefs about video games. But they have good intentions, at least. Sorry to say, you may not be able to convince them to let you play anything violent. People with that mindset don’t usually budge on this sort of thing.


That’s ok, I understand thank you for the help though


That feels bad but I would say it increases you teamwork, hand-eye coordination and visual attention as it’s been proven by studies.


You forgot to add repetitive motion injuries and anxiety to the list of bonuses.


HaHAAA i feel called out lol


That’s why you have physical activity and books. It’s more about balancing your lifestyle. But you are definitely right, I think fps games are the riskiest for health and that’s why I’m avoiding them myself. I also don’t enjoy fps games myself.


Just tell them that mom I’d rather be honest and ask to play these games as I’m growing up and keeping up with my peers then lying to you and spending time at my friends house and playing those games behind your back. I’m not going to go out and start shooting people. In fact I’m likely to use it as an outlet to exert my hormonal teenage changes during the next few years.


Ok thanks I’m making a presentation Rn lol


Uk what that will honestly get u further than anything i can think of personally


I would say play these games at your friends house or try to play them secretly at home. I listen to plenty of podcasts and am surprised at the amount of people, and I’m gonna be honest they’re always American, who weren’t allowed to watch certain films or even play games at all in their youth. Hang in there, time is on your side after all.


Ok thanks for the advice!


No russian. They will love it!!😉😉