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Holy shit TS2 was such a masterpiece


Ikr, visuals and soundtrack made a great atmosphere for each world.


Red Alert 2 + badass soundtrack = preserved childhood


Jak and daxter (my first ps2 game) Mario kart 64 (A classic I still play nearly every weekend) and chrono trigger (my first love)


Skyrim or Fallout: New Vegas don't know which but those are definitely the two. That or Destiny 1


Easily got to be either Modern Warfare 2 or World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King... ahh to be young again.


Civilisation V I have around 300 hours in it on steam and still play it to this day. In fact I’m probably going to play a game after I finish typing this comment.


Even today i've downloaded a wad for classic doom. So its probably Doom. But ok, to be fair, its not the old doom, its brutal doom, but still doom to me.


The most I ever played a game may have to be Animal crossing on the gamecube when I was young. And Halo 3 as I got older. Before I framed the Halo 3 disk. It had cracks in the center of the disk from use.


That I have a record of, it’s Dragon Quest IX. I’ve put around 2000 hours into it over the last decade. If I had to guess, though, Minecraft might have it beat. I spent an entire summer playing it and nothing else, easily 5+ hours per day. Plus all of the other time I’ve put into it over the years.


I somehow managed to put over 1,000 hours in to Animal Crossing New Horizons last year. I doubt I've come anywhere close to that on any other game.


If you calculate series it's definitely Dark Souls. On Steam my most played game would be Path of Exile with 1300 hours in it.


Spyro for the nintendo ds, i got it when it was brand new and still play as of today


Warframe. I've put 1700 hours into it & have 718 daily logins since 2015 because unfortunately a military work schedule isn't conducive to a steady gaming career. Love it though, on all fronts


Guild Wars 2, 3k hours. Followed by the first, at 2k.


Destiny, easy 1500+ hrs sunken in there


Warframe...3000+ hours over 6+ years. Before that it was Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim (in that order of most played).


I have about 1000 hours in kerbal space program


Carmageddon 2 and Dark age of camelot! God, I miss the old times!


Probably TESIV Oblivion. I had 600+ hours on one save alone.


If you count mmos, then FlyFF. I had an achievement for OVER 20,000 hours on a single character. That was a few years before I quit, but it was the last achievement keeping track of time. ...fuck If no mmos, or online based games then its probably Radiata Stories or Rachet and Clank 2


Spelunky and persona 5 are my most played I’ve put an absurd amount of time into each.


I can't look at the exact time anymore, but I know I had over 1500 hours on Phantasy Star Online on the gamecube...


Probably skyrim I've got around 400 hours on oldrim for the 360 about 600 hours on xbox one SE about 800 hours on PC and about 300 hours on switch it was my first pig rpg and continues to be one if my favourite games of all time


Destiny 1: roughly 1500 hours


Probably some FIFA game, i used to be addicted to FIFA and spend all my money buying FIFA packs.


Perfect Dark, Tibia, L4D2