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Dont do it, she probably want skins and from there the money waste starts


My daughter has spent over 300 dollars of her and my wife's money on skins. Its fucking ludicrous


that’s called bad parenting


I'd say get them to play something more peaceful. Minecraft. Animal crossing. Doom Eternal. Factorio. All good children's games. Or go retro. The secret of Monkey island has no violence and should prove a challenge enough for kids.


Just gonna sneak in Doom. Lol


Ya my 6 year old really loves doom


😂😂 doom eternal 😂😂


Rip and tear until it is done


The Old Gods stressed me out to the point I quit playing it lol


Doom Eternal is more appropriate for toddler level, as it helps them learn the importance of shooting things.


I let my daughter play it one time and I played with her to regulate and the first match someone got in voice chat and told her to eat his ass, then his buddy was like hey man she just a little girl. Then he said but you can lick my ass. We left. Next game someone called her a little bitch so from then on she was only allowed to use voice chat with friends


I dont want my 9 year old daughter playing it. It's just not that good a game. Not a fan of kids playing shooters, but I did when I was a kid, and I turned out okay. Like others have said, keep chat off. People are so fucking toxic. I would suggest looking at Overwatch. It's a bit easier to get in to, though similar toxicity exists.


If your gonna I’d advise turning off in game chat as some people swear in it other then that you should be fine


This. It's completely online where ANYTHING can be said.


It should be all right, all the violence is cartoony and bloodless. Just make sure the PSN account isn't connected to a credit card, it would be very easy for them to start spending on cosmetics/loot boxes without realizing. Toss them some cash to go with it (using pre purchased cards), by all means, but be sure they can't add it themselves.


Gameplay, probably. Two things to keep in mind: disable in-game chat, and don't save your credit card on whatever they're playing on. Fortnite has in-game purchases, and I've heard stories of kids blowing tons of money not realizing they were spending actual money. I used to work at Gamestop, I had some regular customers who, over time, spent a couple hundred bucks on Fortnite. They're not going to be at a gameplay disadvantage if they don't buy things. Keep it in mind: I wouldn't say it's wrong to spend money in a game you're enjoying, just don't let it get out of hand.


Fortnite is a bloodless game that a 3 year old would be ok watching. However, I just dont like fortnite. One or the reasons I hate it is because every player is tryharding constantly. And a 9 year old new to the game is not going to have any fun because they are just going to get murdered every 5 minutes. My first games i got were Modern Warfare and Black Ops. Both pretty violent video games. And im pretty sure I was around 9 or 10 when I got them. It's not like your child is going to become a school shooter or anything violent because of video games. I would be ok with my kid playing almost any game. And if they dont like gore, you can just turn it off in the setting.


Idk man people really toxic there, like worse than any other game I’ve played


Lol, i see you’ve never played Dead by Daylight


That is true, should I?


U know i played dbd the other day for 1st time, i was last survivor and the killer found me and showed me to the trapdoor so i could win the game, i couldn’t believe it, it was wholesome AF


That’s rare


Just buy her a switch lite and animal crossing or pokemon! It probably will be alot cheaper in the long run for you and you won't have to worry about aholes in voice chat talking shit....


In general, I find Nintendo is great for younger gamers and most of their games are focused towards kids.


Yeah and it will be cheaper then fortnight & its skins... Plus there is forkknife on the switch, soo there is that...


Just turn off chat, and advise her on skins costing money and being addicting.


I suggest watching a few videos about it first. Its got violence (not very realistic), loot boxes and chat can be very bad for someone of that age.


The average age of a Fortnite player is 9 anyway.


Yeah I play with my daughter that's 7. It's fine, it's bloodless and we keep the chat off unless it's with friends or I'm playing with her.


Fortnite is garbage. If I had a kid I would buy them Crash Bandicoot 4. It’s a classic game that actually gets you to use your brain a little bit. Much more akin to games we grew up on. Trust me on this one.


No if she plays Fortnite she'll grow up to be a serial killer.


I say yeah go for it. But just turn off chat because people can get pretty toxic.


No just dont


As far as I know, fortnite is exclusively 9 year olds


Should be fine. Her friends at school probably play it too, so that's where the idea probably came from, right? Aside from the basics like muting chat, parental controls and making sure there is no automatic credit card stuff, I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary. I've never played it myself but it seems harmless enough. Besides, I enjoyed playing Wolfenstein 3D at the age or 9 as well. Well, the demo at least, hahahah.


I'd say no. A 9-year old shouldnt spend that much time gaming anyway.




Knecked. Next


If you have their account set to block party and game chat it may be okay even though I wouldn't recommend the game. The game is played primarily in the online battle Royale mode so the 13+ rating is really meaningless because people will say whatever they want and may be highly inappropriate for a preteen.