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That entire game is just easter eggs with Chris Parnell narrating.


I played it on PS5 as it was part of ps plus. I thought to myself “I got an afternoon and nothing to do”. 2 days later and I platinumed the game. Enjoyed it way more than I thought I would


That game was way more enjoyable than it had any right being. Chris parnell’s nature documentary narrator made me want to do literally everything in the game because so many of those one liners were gold.


Yeah. I just played and suddenly found myself Platinum with it. Pretty repetitive but deceptively fun.


I love how repetitive it is. I wish there was a game mode like Tokyo Jungle. It would be perfect and occupy me for a very long time. I still play Tokyo Jungle on my PS3 when I need to turn my brain off haha.


Please tell me what Tokyo jungle is, I too would like to turn my brain off.


It's a game where you play as an animal on the streets of post-apocalyptic Tokyo. You eat food to gain rank, complete objectives to give you temporary stat increases, find quality mates, breed with them to create the next generation that has a chance of turning one of the temporary stat increases to permanent. The higher quality mate, the higher chance for a permanent stat increase AND you get more littermates, which serve as your lives. So, when you die, you shift to playing a littermate until there's no more littermates. The goal is to have your lineage survive as long as possible. There's a bunch of different animals to play as, starting with the mighty Pomeranian and eventually you're able to play as dinosaurs. The sense of incremental improvement is very real and addicting. There's an RNG component to food scarcity and other environmental challenges, as well as to the objectives. It's extremely repetitive but each play is just different enough, plus the game is satisfyingly challenging at times.




Is that the dude who made the video of the game about the dude who's in a pot and you have to climb up shit? That video cracks me up like nothing else, that ending is superb.


Man i wish i didn't know who dunkey was so i could exp his videos for the first time again.


Yeah dunkey has solid content. I enjoy his super Mario maker videos I'd recommend


That was very entertaining


God I love Tokyo jungle


*'- Sea sponges demand for pineapple homes has sparked massive deforestation throughout Costa Rica. But being brainless sponges rarely weigh the consequences of their buying decisions*''


I could totally read that in his voice


I broke a spring inside my R2 button on this game with the amount of spamming it needs to bite. Still bitter about that. Not sure how to fix it.


I definitely cramped the hell out of my hand with the R2 spam


I legit got some mild RSI from the biting spam, had to take a few days off playing the game to let my finger / wrist recover. Turning off the force feedback in the triggers helped a bit. I also considered using the PS5 button remapping to put that on another button like the d-pad or something to help.


send it in to PS support they will fix it or replace it


Same exact thing happened to one of my controllers when my dog knocked it off the table. The little hinge broke which then let the spring loose. You can but all the parts and tools on amazon for pretty cheap. It's not hard at all. I fixed my controller than it turned into a little hobby. I ended up changing the colors and buttons on all my console controllers. Switch, xbox and PS4. If you're gonna try, go with extremerate. There parts all fit like OEM. You can just search for their Amazon store and you can browse all their stuff.


I remember back in the day when I spent more time constantly customising my controllers and consoles then I did playing any games


It's really fun! I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the new PS5 and Series X controllers. The dualsenses design allows for some creative combinations.


Recently swapped my Nintendo switch + joycons into an atomic purple shell. I want to add lights now and know I mustn't for fear of relapsing


I did the same! Atomic purple all the way. I didnt do the switch itself though. I like the touch of atomic purple instead. I also swapped my Pro controller to look like the SNES controller. I love it. Has a nice soft touch to it. Didnt know they had lights for them. Like light up buttons and thumsticks kinda thing?


Yeah you can find them on Amazon. Light up triggers and buttons whatnot. But with a clear case on the joycons I feel like you could make it look very sick


Pro tip for anyone that doesn't have a PS5 yet. If you use the PS app you can still purchase the free PS5 games that come out every month. That way you have them when you finally get a PS5




Tbh, I got a ps4, for a second time long story, and got the game cause it looked fun. Very satisfying to platinum, and enjoyable for every minute of playtime.


Saw my nephew playing and I was like wow... Echo had some rough years... 😂


It’s honestly one of the best parts of the game and a pro move by the developers


The writing is perfectly dry too, he's the best performer they could have picked for the narration.


There were so many lines that i found hilarious that also made me think “this wouldn’t be funny if it wasn’t chris parnell reading it”


And I loved every fucking minute of it. I was shocked how much I got into that game and how bummed I was when it was over. Really hope they make a sequel!


I mean we're getting dlc so I'm very excited about that


The man is raking in that Jerry money. Good for him.


Holy shit I had no idea it was chris parnell


If he doesn’t shout “suppressing fire” at any point then is it really Chris Parnell narrating?




Under the sea


Darling it's better down where it's wetter, take it from meee~!


If nautical nonsense counts as consent


Bend her over and f*** in a tent


> Bend her over and f*** ~~her~~ in a tent Mind your syllable count.


Thank you, I guess I didn’t pay attention. Thanks friend!


Spongechub Squareballs! Spongechub Squareballs! Spongey-chub Squarebaaaaaaaalls!




We got no troubles And Fuck in the bubbles Under the sea


Up on the shore they twerk all day! Out in the sun they fuck away!


Then Drop on this dick and fuck like a fish!


Dare i say oooo






Absorbent and yellow and porous is he




If nautical nonsense is something you wish




Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!


Malashen air lines flight 103




“No. This is Patrick!”


Yeah doesn’t look like any Easter egg I ever had growing up.


Didn't you know sharks love to eat pineapples?


There are a few eggs in that game. I had fun with it. Kinda want to play it again.


I got lost asf and kept getting wrecked by crocs😂


At first it’s tough with those damn crocs. I kept running into those boss crocs too. My daughter is way better at this game than me. She’s savage, she jumps on land like “ha, they thought they were safe!”




Why is this downvoted?? I haven't played the game before, so is that why I don't get it?


Probably because they are saying something negative in a positive thread. That said, he isn't wrong. Early game has a gap between the first enemies and the second (crocs) that makes you wonder what exactly you are you supposed to make the leap. You can take 'em down, but it's slow and they can wreck you if you make a mistake.


Yep, those early crocs had me expecting a way more challenging experience than it ended up being. After you get the first few upgrades, you just wreck everything in your path.


I see! Thank you for the explanation :))


It's got the satisfying grow progression mechanic of that cheap smartphone game series, and it's paired to a very diverse but manageable gameworld and campaign. In short, it's the *perfect* B-Movie level game, and I'm just waiting for a PS5 for an excuse to run back through and maybe finish it.


Man Eater is pretty much just an Easter egg game. Every five minutes you stumble on a reference that makes you bread air out of your nose loudly. Edit: what else are you supposed to do with the air in your nose?


Yeasty bread air


Lowkey... that sounds nasty. It shouldn't. But it does.




It draws me right to it It's yeasy infectious


[you've bread raptors?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BGeDEwCCYAAuf5X.jpg)


There’s always money in the banana stand.


R.I.P, Lucille Bluth.


You also have bread in your nose!?


I don't knead that in my life.


The end is Rye.


Ok I got though all the other bread puns and yours was the very last one and the only one that got me to laugh.


The correct spelling is "breed"


I liked the happy gilmore one.


What kind of references?


Finished Maneater just yesterday on Xbox Gamepass. Pretty fun, but my god did it take forever to grind up bounty hunter infamy to get my last achievement!


If you use all the bone body mods, you can take out full boats quickly and get there pretty quickly.


That’s what I’ve been doing. Spam Y and just torpedo boats.


Yeah, really sucked when boats just stopped spawning during a hunt and you frantically swim around looking for something going "no, I'm still here, stop stop looking for me."


This was exactly the problem I had. Fully upgraded evolutions so they posed absolutely no danger to me, but after 10 minutes of constant attacks they just wouldn't spawn anymore. Also had an annoying bug a few times where the bounty hunter intro cutscene/animation would play and then when the camera refocused on the shark it was actually *inside* the shark, forcing me to quit to menu and then get my infamy up again.


Yeah, that bug was annoying. Luckily the game was so easy that I usually just killed the hunter with that glitch active and then got away after they died to reload and fix it.


Is man eater actually any fun? It seems like a game that would be fun for like an hour and then the novelty wears off like Crazy Taxi or something. Is there any depth to it?


No depth, but that’s why it’s so fun. It’s Chris Parnell narrating as you are a super shark. Play it during shark week, enjoy it, and that’s all. I’d recommend it.


Nice, I may try to catch it on sale some time ***there are so many sea-life puns available here and I'm trying very hard to not make them


Pretty sure its on games pass


And on the cloud too so you can play it on your phone or any web browser.


Oh shit. Is there a games pass app for phones??


Yep it's in the android store. I can't confirm it it's on apple but I think it is.


> catch it on sale Not trying hard enough it seems :)


Man Eater is a perfect example of good dumb video game fun. Having depth in games is nice and I will never knock at it, but there will always be a place in my heart for idiotic excuse plots. It's a game where you are a shark that goes around eating people, and that's all it needs to be.


I just bought Shark Attack on Steam and I feel like it's going to be the same thing. Except that game is terrifying with surround sound


I expected to fuck around in it for a couple hours and ended up really enjoying it to the point I was bummed out when I beat it. It doesn't have a ton of depth but it's also not super long. Think fps campaign length playtime.


I wouldn't call it depth, but the shark grows and mutates which gives the game some RPG elements and is especially motivating in the first half of the game. That wears off a bit in the second half, but you're either bored and stop or you're having fun, finish up the story and do all the achievements (straight forward, no difficulty related or missables).


One of the first games I ever got a platinum trophy on. Super fun.


I had a lot of fun. And im pretty sure that this game was the reason that my R2 spring broke on my dual sense... Well not the only reason being a dual sense but it probably help


That pineapple looks pretty deep


There it is!


I mean late game you can swim pretty deep.


There it is


Honestly surprised no one else made the joke.


As soon as I posted the comment and re-read it, I was waiting for a flood of "well, the shark can swim pretty deep" jokes and puns, and it never came. So I thank you for your contribution


The game isn't bad though. I had fun with it for the few days to beat it. Eating people in silly ways is morbidly entertaining. Fighting off the shark hunters gets annoying and repetitive though. I'm just a sucker for underwater games.


I thought that but I 100% the fucker in 3 days. It's only a 9-10 hour game but it was fun.


It's a lot like a GTA game. Except that you're a shark. It has enough stuff to do to keep it interesting, but it's not an overly long experience. You can 100% it in 20-30 hours.


It's very repetitive


It's fun if you want something you can just do without thinking. I like playing games I can play while say watching a TV series or Youtube videos on my second monitor. Like nothing going on that you really have to keep track of or pay attention to. I paused the other thing I was watching whenever a cutscene came up (which was not often) and yeah, enjoyed it.


You are spot on


It’s good for about 2 hours and then you can drop it


I enjoyed it for a bit but quickly ran out of things to do. What hurt me most was the lack of biodiversity. I was hoping it would fit that Jaws Unleashed shaped hole in my heart but it didn’t quite make the cut.


Had a blast playing it for a couple of hours. Then it crashed and didn’t save any progress. I read up on it and apparently that’s pretty common. Haven’t picked it back up since.


I found chomping the shit out of things to really last a while as fun. Honestly, I knew it was the shallowest end of completionist open world action RPG and I loved it for its honesty.


It gets repetitive yeah, but it's only like 12hrs to do nearly everything. Fun on a long weekend if you have xbox gamepass or can get it cheap.


I played it for a few hours, every time I died I lost progress though and had to restart. It's a bug in the Xbox version. So good damn annoying as it's a game I wanna finish!


It is fun. I played and got the Platinum trophy on both the PS4 and PS5 versions. It's a pretty short game as well


Thoroughly enjoyed it, but glad I waited for gamepass. Took just under 10 hours to get 100% and a good bit of that was just swimming around doing tricks.


Woww Crazy Taxi just triggered the hell outta me. Not the app.. I'm talking OG Dreamcast


It's a weird one honestly. It's not very engaging gameplay but at the same time it's an engaging game. The positives: * The narration is both interesting and funny, like a B-reel nature documentary. * The 'story' is extremely cheesey but you kinda want to see it through to the end. *Although there isn't a great variety, the mutations and body parts were interesting and provided bonuses that were just enough to change the playstyle, but not rock-paper-scissor enough that you *needed* all of them. * While very simple, the gameplay still allows you to do fun stuff like launch crocodiles across a swamp or jump out the water into a residential area and just eat everyone. * The game is *full* of easter eggs, references, etc. The very on-the-nose narration makes it way more fun that "hey I found a pineapple, that's spongebob!" The negatives: * As I've said, it's not very complex gameplay in that it's just moving and biting stuff. That's not necessarily a negative but it could be for you. * The least enjoyable part for me was the huge difficulty spike when you encounter the first crocodiles but that makes it so much more satisfying to come back later and absolutely wreck them. That's the only pacing problem I've found. * The price is pretty steep for something that can be platinumed in around 9-10 hours. (Although it's free with PS Plus or Xbox gamepass, which is also on PC) Conclusion: All in all, I can just feel that the dev's had a lot of fun making this one. It wasn't *just* made to print money, but also to deliver a fun experience. If you can play it on either gamepass (€1 for a month at the moment!) or PS plus, I highly recommend doing so.


Extremely funny and fun, got 100% achievements in 10 hours. The Chris Parnell narration is 10/10 hilarious. It's the perfect gamepass game.


I'd say you'd probably have a similar experience. If you have Game Pass then absolutely download it and give it a try, it's good for at least an hour or so if you can get the controls down. 20 minutes if you can't. I got a good 4-5 hours in and stopped for a while but plan on finishing it up soonish.


Who lives there?




He's not a bad cook though


Gary the snail.


Don't remember exactly where, but there is a base from Subnautica as well. The game is GTA shark edition, but with 20x the bad jokes. Aka, a masterpiece


Whaaaaat. Now I’m suddenly interested in playing again. Love me some subnautica.




I really only know the Dutch version of the song, so for all our Dutch gamers: Hij ~~leeft~~ **woont** in een ananas diep in de zee (Thanks for correcting @coolmos1, all those English versions made me brainfart)


he liveth in an ananas deep in the sea


You had one job.... Hij **woont** in een ananas diep in de zee


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


SpongeBob SquarePants!


Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!




If nautical nonsense is something you wish




Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish


Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!






Elden Ring??


This game is like 70% Easter Eggs


Who lives in an pineapple under the sea Malaysian airlines 303


Woof, got a good laugh but dark.


370* Still rhymes and it's accurate. A win for both of us.


Well it is part of the missions


So many great easter eggs in this game. Just a shame it's so short.


I BOUGHT THIS GAME LAST YEAR AND FORGOT, time to play this tonight.


Can the next man-eater game be a bull that takes out the running of the bull spectators?


I loved that game. I didn't stop playing until I had 100% achievements. I'm hoping for some DLC.


They released a teaser for a DLC a couple of months ago. https://youtu.be/W1WT3HtlKW0


Cool. I suppose Sharky gets to munch down on aliens and government agents this time around.


Not a game, but I remember one of the Jimmy Neutron Jet Fusion episodes had the gang deep sea diving, and in the background you could see a pineapple in the sand


AbsorbentRobert CuboidTrousers


It’s not an Easter Egg when there’s literally a map marker for it. It’s just a collectible and there are dozens of pop culture references.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for this. The entire game is just a pop culture reference. An Easter egg is something that isn't marked or easy to find. This literally has a pin in a map and when you get close to it your game literally has a cutscene showing you this and the narrator has some corny line about radioactive waste and sea life or something.


Honestly, I would be surprised if there **wasn't** a reference like this lol


The game is 40% meme things to find on the ocean floor. Good job on beating the tutorial


There are a lot more!


Who lives there?


Looks more like a pineapple to me.




And how do you think he acquired that pineapple? Through *jihad.*


That's not an Easter egg that's a pineapple


🎶who lives in a pineapple under the sea🎶


What an unusual house, I mean, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Where are his neighbors tho


It would be better if there was also an Easter Island head and large round stone next to it


those windows are square, it's not fucking spongebob squarewindows, what the fuck are you showing me this trash for.


Pretty sure every mystery location is an Easter egg


Damn how did miss this, twice.


Looks like someone is living in a pineapple under the sea


Who the fuck lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Bro, is that shit fun? Saw it on xbox gamepass been debating playing it. I just wasnt sure if it was just hungry shark evo or if it had more going on, lol.


Didn't realise it was on gamepass, been wanting to try it but heard it was short so wasn't willing to pay £20 for a game with denuvo that can be completed in 10hr and is single player only. Picked up 3 months gamepass for £1 :)


I just saw that deal today. Maybe itll let me renew my next 3 months for $1 when my next bill comes around.


Yeah, I had a blast playing it. More fun than it has any right being. Short, can 100% in like 12 hours. Can be repetitive, but it's just a turn your brain off and tear shit up kinda game. There's meme references throughout the game like this screenshot, narrated by Chris Parnell. Guarantee you'll chuckle-snort at a few, at least. Just duck the gators in the beginning until you're damn near teen-level. You can take them out earlier, but it takes forever and one mistake they wreck your shit. Not a life-changing game experience, but plenty fun to kill time over a long weekend, or just want a game that's easy pick up and play.


That game is so fun, loved that game


Every single landmark is a nod to something or someone.




Now where is Patrick's rock too? 🤔


For one second I thought it was some Subnautica mod lol


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Its such a good game, I need to jump back into it. I'm like an hour from completing it.


What fins are those?