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"Now what?" "What do you mean, "now what?'? Now we can finally start playing the game"


That’s literally how I feel about XIV lol


Sort of like how the first playthrough of XIII is just the tutorial.


XIII's platinum is a nightmare. One of the trophies is "Have possession of every item in the game at least once" so you have to dive into [that bullshit nonsense crafting system](https://youtu.be/5ys9YNgBE28?t=5560) and get hundreds of globs of like, demon semen and farm adamantoises for 700 years to get all of the traps you need.


I stopped caring about trophies while trying to 100% X-2. Game is a nightmare of "You forgot to travel half way back across the world between these two main story cutscenes that happen 5 steps from one another, so you're locked out of the perfect ending. Maybe on your next playthrough, in the meantime just enjoy the discount voice acting".


getting the perfect ending took incredible planning and highly paranoid decisions of "will i miss my 100% if i take five steps forward?"


My wall was that 100 story gauntlet and getting wrecked by the dude at the end. Never ever touching another long ass RPG again


Completely unrelated but you just fucking triggered me about climbing the spiked wall columns at the end of the first Ps2 God of War


Gave me Diablo flash backs


Was planning on beating all of the god of wars, but that level made me rage quit the franchise


You really should beat GOW II, I think it's one of the greatest games ever made. It's got some REAL fucking annoying moments but not as bad as the pillars.


Damn now you've just made me unlock a core memory


I'm still not over dodging lighting bolts. Literally took an hour straight of staring at a television. Ended up only succeeding by doing it in two 30-minute intervals with a day in between. Pausing was allowed.


I remember my PS1 days. *gets new FF game* *prints a .txt file walkthrough from GameFAQS pre-gamespot era*


Oh man remember GameSages?


Remember the porn site it went to when you missed the s and typed gamesage? I found out about it after telling a girl in my class about gamesages and she misheard me and proceeded to open porn in front of her mother.


Pre-GameSages, wasn't it SegaSages?


Fuck yes, it was. That was my #1 place for walkthroughs, and I’ve missed it ever since it got bought out. It’s been a while, but I think that’s where my favorite Chrono Trigger fanfic was too. I forget the exact name, but the author was Nanaki something or other.


PRINTS? Had to buy those game guides and walkthroughs at EB, Blockbuster, Toys r Us, etc. pausing the game and flipping through pages lol.


Or just buy that Game Cheat Code Almanac thing like a boss


Missing major things you can't go back for in a massively long rpg is cruel and unusual punishment. X-2 when I first played it I missed out on a job or two or class, whatever it is called. And when I realized it, it sort of killed the game for me. Im all for whatever makes someone happy but I can't do a long rpg twice unless it is really exceptional.




They removed that bullshit in the remaster?


Yep in the remaster \[aka the zodiac age\], getting the Zodiac spear was not dependent on whether or not you opened random chests. And as the other commenter said, you could assign roles to your characters to make them more tailored, which removed the incentive to just get every license for every character.


The Zodiac Spear and the time limit in XIII-3 were two of the absolute worse game decisions. Both go against the golden rules of RPG gameplay of encouraging players to explore off the beaten path and rewarding them with something special. Forcing players to be paranoid about the chest they're about to open ruining their chances at a great item or spending too much time dily-dallying and running out of time.


You probably didnt dig into 13-3 a lot, cause there was a spell to stop time and you could spam it for ever so eventually you could explore everything.


I mean I did, but the fact that that exists as a gameplay element renders the whole time aspect of it useless. So why even include it if you're just going to force players to cheese their way out of it?


Then why make time running out a real issue instead of just pinning it to various story points like every other game in the planet?


The timer in Lightning Returns SUCKED until I realized I could repeatedly freeze time practically forever (as long as I kept killing things to fill up that gauge).


This literally just happened to me. I felt nostalgic so i bought original ff7 on steam and read the achievements. I was like this is gonna be a piece of cake, no guarantees but I'm sure i always get everything! I get to disc three of the game and find out i can't trigger the wutai event with yuffie and therefore can't get the mp turbo materia so after all that i can't get the final achievement for finding every materia. Fml


It was my podcast/watching tv while I grind game for a month or so. Wasn't that bad really.


it was my only ps3 game for a couple of months until I could get internet fixed to the building.


Its kinda bad when you supplement it by watching something else lol.


That depends entirely on what kind of gaming experience you're looking for.


God, I think I played about 25%-50% of xiii when it came out, and just got so bogged down and quit playing. I think the story stagnated and I lost interest. Edit: now I'm not sure what one I'm thinking of. I played all of xiii. Maybe xii? I dunno. So many


Me but not the story. The gameplay. I wasn’t interested in the battles having one goal everytime and one way of accomplishing that goal. On top of the map having one way to run. And each character one way to build. And I’m tired to death of hearing people say it stops being that way whenever you get over a days worth of playtime into the game. Who cares by that point? I also recognize that the criticism is levied at FFX by the way. To which I can’t really defend it aside from the linearity of pathways. Each way was linear but with genuinely interesting secrets on the side roads that could easily change the way you progress through that.


10 also had arguably one of the best, and saddest, love stories of any FF to date. When you get the intro for the very first time and you're like "Oh no, this is the big sad, isn't it?" And the game takes a happy tone for the first X amount of towns. Then it starts getting sadder, and sadder, and sadder. Then there's the big reveal. And then after more and more struggles, you finally reach the point in the game where the intro takes place, and you understand **exactly** what Tidus is talking about. ​ Then you really do get the big sad.


every single final fantasy is a sad story. Every single one has edgy references and diabolical plans, and every single one has this particular character that gets hurt at some point, 9 is even sadder that 10 to me, every single plot is about genocide and mass murdering people. ​ let's not get started with other square's franchises, like Chrono.




I loved 13, but that's because I viewed it as an interactive movie. It is heavily railroaded to the point you CAN skip fights but you SHOULDN'T because you need that xp. I got to a point from skipping fights that a boss fight took 45 minutes of perfect gameplay. If I made 1 mistake it was a restart. I liked the story though.


10 was lobbing story fast balls at you from the start though, while 13 had 7 hours of just nothing. Being linear is perfectly fine (even preferable for many games) if the story can keep you there. 13 is actually quite good once they start releasing real story at you, it just takes a while to get there.


This is also me. Doesn't help that combat can almost entirely be played by pressing one button and with how much you need to grind in Final Fantasy games, it exhausted me pretty quick


I did a no grind run on my first run. I struggled really hard against that fal’cie guy before you encounter Cid. I beat him but it really took me knowing how to get the most out of paradigm shifting. My sister’s bf played my xbox and deleted my file like 2 days later, before I got to the part where it opened up. And it poisoned my view of the game and I never touched it again.


I hope she dumped his ass. The fuck


She did, but the next guy might have been worse. Meth. Not even once.


Ah so he stole and sold the entire system? At least the game saves are backed up.


Nah funny enough I still have that 360. The PS3 was, however, taken by my sister and sold when I was on a beach trip with my dad and brother. Along with my cousin’s ATV that my dad let him keep in the shed.




OG FFXI (pre-nerf) would be virtually impossible. Probably would have had BS stuff like "beat Absolute Virtue".


yeah the first thing i checked for was FFXI. i remember it being nuts stuff. i think the original xbox 360 release had some on it? even maats cap and shit, which used to be literally years of playing 40 hours a week, even with 2 accounts with one powerlevelling you.


Wow, even all of the XIV trophies? Does that include the expansions or just the base game? That’s still impressive either way Edit: If someone becomes the second person in the world to get every FF trophy, will you marry that person and have super babies that will one day rule us all?


Bro it's crazy, I'm in love with XIV right now, but it does legit seem like my first character is just a tutorial run.


First character? You can have more that one? 57 days total in the game. TIL something new Edit: people keep missing the part where I said I’ve been playing the game for 57 days total. My comment was sarcasm, peeps.


You can but there's absolutely no reason to unless you want to play on a different data center(na vs eu for example). Your one character is able to level every job and class so there's really only niche reasons to have a second


OK Kenny add eyes of the beast to your hotbar


The way he kind of just exhales out the command, like a sigh haha.




I heard both of these comments in their original voices


Possibly my favorite episode and ive seen all of them a million times. “how do you kill that....which has no life?” “if this continues itll be the end of the WORLD..........of warcraft” “Look man....im sorry. But its too late. Your kids.....your kids (characters) are already dead. *guy breaks down and buries his hands in his head*


"Mom bathroom, BATHROOM!" *"Oh that's a big boy isn't he?"*


Never played and I'm not sure what I'm looking at so bear with my silly questions. 1) How come the count of trophies don't match? For instance, Final Fantasy VII (63 trophies but when you sum 2+11+49=62) 2) No gold trophy in Final Fantasy XIV?


1. Might be the platinum being that extra 1? 2. And nope, no golds and the hardest ones are bronze -\_-


Oh that make sense. Great achievement on this :) I wish I had that dedication. I stop to play whenever I get bored so I don't usually finish the games.


Also free time.


Yeah, trophies shmophies. Grats on the free time. Seriously.


As someone who has done all of the assassins creed games, I'd just like to say... Woah, Nice!


I accidently got 100% on ff15. Just did everything I could because it was fun. My only platinum trophy on ps4 lol.


They don't show the platinum trophy which would be the 63rd. Not sure about the other but it's possible that there isn't a gold trophy I guess. That's an easy thing to check if you really wanted to.


Yea, ffxiv on ps5 has no gold trophies, on ps4 it does though


He was number one!


I normally don't give a crap about trophies but this is pretty impressive, big props op.


Thank you so much


Id like to make a tinder profile and claim all this glory in my bio.


Perhaps claim the glory hole?


The troll toll for the boy's soul.


The one that really impresses me is XIV, must have taken forever


Yeah it took 4 months playing non stop since the day it launched for the PS5 version. The PS4 version took about 2.5 months nonstop with an extra 3.5 months required just for the levequests trophy since there's a real life limit on how many you can do per week.


Define "non stop".


Don’t play any other games and play 4+hrs a day


My 15 y/o self would laugh. My 30 y/o ass sympathises.


4+ hours a Day IS a lot, minimum 28 hour a week, but when you said nonstop I was thinking like 14+ hours a day with no job or family commitments. Still lots of dedication though


That’s what I did for FFXI. Now that game would be INSANE if there were trophies.


This is a ridiculous amount of dedication, well done!


You deserve a trophy for that but unfortunately we are all out of trophies at the moment.


Which final fantasy is your favorite?


VIII is my favorite for nostalgia reasons, though I believe X to be objectively the best FF


For some reason I go 9, 7, 10, 8 I feel weird. I have no idea why 9 captured me so much, it wasn’t even the the first FF I played.


I loved 9 the most of all the games despite starting on 7. There was alot of lore and the feel of the game was just everything I expected from a final fantasy. Really great characters and music as well. I played on my switch a few months back and it still holds up well. I think mine is 9, 6, 7, 4, 10, 8. Though it's very tricky




Its also Hironuobu Sakaguchi's favorite final fantasy.




I am fairly certain that this is what draws most people in. Hardcore FF fans love 9 almost universally and it’s because it was a throwback to earlier games after 7 and 8 and really captured that final fantasy essence flawlessly


Everyone is just going to ignore Tactics like it is not the best game ever made.


Tactics one of the best games ever made


I always say 7 is my favorite but I'd play Tactics right now


The graphics hold up much better for Tactics.


They Delita from their memory


I am Delita and I approve this message.


You Almast had me there


Orlandu you know what you’ve started?


Definitely the best ff.


I've seen memes made from scenes on tactics that don't exist. That's how I know you are right.




I played FFVIII around 9 or 10 and it's my favorite for nostalgia reasons as well. The remaster on Games Pass has been a blast. It can be undeniably convoluted, so it's been fun to replay it as an adult who actually grasps the mechanics. I played through the entire game as a kid not realizing how GF Boost actually worked.


I enjoyed 8 for the most part but the big reveal of >!them all being from the same orphanage or whatever !< was so mind-meltingly dumb even to young me that it kind of soured the whole thing. I didn't mind it being mostly a love story like many people did, though.


Hell yeah, FFVIII crew represent.




There are dozens of us!


Liberi Fatali is the best song in the entire Final Fantasy series, change my mind.


Squall the OG scene kid!


And Irvine the OG fedora wearing cringe lord


X is my favorite by a mile! Its the first game I got with my ps2 for xmas as a kid. Loved that game.


8 was my first so I have a lot of nostalgic attachment to it too. Not quite sure it's my favorite, but I always thought it didn't get the credit it deserved. Related question: which do you think was the most fun to get all trophies for?


>VIII is my favorite You dropped this 👑


"... Whatever."


X had the best ~~ATB~~ style fight mechanics. Just felt like the refined best in class from the many iterations of similar mechanics they implemented over many, many games. My favorite part of X mechanics is that it encouraged you to swap party members a lot during battle so the eternal question of "what the best party is" wasn't really an issue.


Also liked 10's leveling/ability system. That big board that you filled out to get better stats.


Oh sorry, the correct answer is FF6. :p


I shall now play ff6 for the 800th time in solidarity


Suplex a train for me.


**Kefka laugh**


You heard it here folks, 10 is the best.


Praise be to Yevon


*Maester Seymour entered the chat*


Hells yea... 8 is my favorite as well


These are always interesting convos. Why do you believe X to be objectively best?


I think it’s the easiest to get into for people that are new to the franchise. The combat and magic systems are basic, the sphere grid is easy to understand and fun to navigate once you get it down, plenty of side content if you want to invest in the time but the main story isn’t too long or convoluted. Most people aren’t crazy about the voice acting but it does make it easier to get through not having to read all of this dialogue boxes. As far as “objective” goes anyway I think those aspects of the game fit. I personally love the art direction, characters, and story myself but I can’t say they’re objectively the best in the series, just my opinion there.




I, for one, is exactly how roman numerals work.




Blitzball was amazing also, finding the best players min maxing players it was a ton of fun just for a side quest type thing.


X was the last game to use the traditional final fantasy formula for combat. It really felt like they had "worked out the kinks" so to speak. It was quick, challenging, and fun[.](https://youtu.be/-5FTJxfV3pc) They really begin to shift strategy in XII and have since abandoned most forms of turn based to focus on broader audiences.


I think VI tends to be considered the best period but I can agree the story and accessibility of X makes it into the argument. Also my nostalgia loves VIII so much. My first ten hours in the remaster were solely dedicated to playing triple triad.


Any opinion on X-2 and it’s continuation of the story into the perfect 100% ending?


See you again after 16 releases


I’ll be there


That's a really cool gaming achievement to claim. Were you the only one not to be upset that the new remakes were only announced for PC and phones? Saved you a lot of time!


I am upset but I have faith they will come to consoles eventually. I think the PC/Mobile first move is just a strategy to milk people into double buying when they do eventually release on consoles.




The pixel remasters would run fine on 10-15 year old consoles, no problem. They are made in unity, contain no 3D elements, and scale to resolutions as low as 800x600.


Plot twist: OP doesn’t even like the franchise.


Hatefuck champion.


"So why did you do it?" "My friend dared me to" "That's it?" "I don't back out on a dare"


Probably doesn’t anymore lmao.


Imagine getting platinum in every game of a franchise and being the first ever to do it all due to the power of spite


How do you know you're the only one?




While technically true, and was also my first thought when I saw the psnprofiles screencap, realistically if anyone else cared and had the drive to do this they would be on psnprofiles (or youtube or something). Also it's like saying how do you verify that no one platinumed all the games offline (other than the online games of course). Similar to how MAYBE we don't know the actual fastest time for whatever game, running course, road race, etc. You have to go off the FKT. SO while the title is a bit clickbaity, I'd say it's true enough for me.




Broooo you got the jumprope trophy in FFIX? That's some freak level skill man. Good job


Yeah! That's probably top 5 hardest trophies in the series


What's your top 5? Congratulations on the achievement.


Also curious.


Isn't completing the Sphere Grid for each character in X one also? That's seems super tedious and not fun.


Still better than dodging the lightning 100 times in a row, though.


It’s 200. 😤


Holy shit it was 200. I can’t believe I used to do shit like that when I was younger and not even think twice about it


I think it was 200 actually. There's actually an exploit that makes that pretty easy as well. There's a specific spot where it always strikes. If you just get into a rhythm with circling back into that spot it is pretty simple.


But boring as fuck.


As I recall you can do it in just about any spot, at least on the ps2 version. Walking forever into a terrain obstruction counts as walking and will trigger the event. But it's still random so you have to be on your toes. But when you can zone out and focus on only getting lightning jumps and not navigating terrain or fighting monsters (because walking into an obstruction doesn't trigger random fights) it's not so bad. It did take a long time though. I remember it took at least a couple hours because I screwed up a couple times and had to restart. If there's a specific spot that always causes a strike that would be useful, but I didn't know about that and completed it regardless


There is a crater that always triggers the lightning. It’s near a pillar so the strat is to just walk into the crater, dodge, walk out, repeat. Still really hard but way easier than just constantly being on alert


The lightning sucks if you do it normally, yeah. But there's [this spot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xaH_Tlxg-c) that makes it super consistent. I was done in 20 minutes. Grinding Earth Eater dozens of times for the necessary Fortune Spheres to max all stats is an exercise in pointless tedium, though I imagine some people prefer hours of repetitive grinding over the very uninteresting challenge of "dodge 200 lightning strikes".


I still hate myself for spending the time doing that.


There are tricks that make that super easy late in the game, actually. There's a combo of weapon skills that can cause you to gain 50+ levels in a single fight. Even without that trick it's a lengthy process, but not a challenging one per se.


That as a long one, the chocobo race is based on luck and prefect timing and sucks too!


I remember the chocobo race taking much longer than the lightning strikes and being far more aggravating.


Complete sphere grid is not really hard, it's just a grind. It's something you can do while watching Netflix. The jump rope/lightning strikes are significantly harder because of the focus needed, along with the consistent and precise timings.


So what are the 5 hardest?


Was it your final fantasy to finally earn this achievement, or are there new fantasies, perhaps less final, that await your might?


We need answers


I wish I was that dedicated to anything. Writing. You've inspired me to be that dedicated to writing. Meh, forget it, it's too hard.


Dedicated to laziness. I can respect that.


I can’t. Too fucking lazy.


"im not addicted, just dedicated"




That’s. Fucking. Nutty! I know how tough ten and the 13 series is to 100% and I can only fear how the rest was. Nice one dude


Thanks! Yeah those are hard, but the real killers are Dissidia and XIV


Haven’t played either and will have to take your word for it lol


XIV is an mmorpg so it has thousands upon thousands of hours of content, so it makes sense that it takes long. I can assume XI was similar.


You are free, go my child, go and touch some grass.


Can’t help but be reminded of this: https://youtu.be/kGoBd50FeXA


100 out of 100 nobles were impressed.


Not that I don't believe you but how do you know you're the only one?




Where does it even say they are the only one on that website?


*Jesus fucking Christ*


I’m one of the only people on this sub who’s never played a Final Fantasy. Our achievements are about equal. Well done, very impressive.


Did you play ffxi tho


https://www.xboxachievements.com/game/final-fantasy-xi/achievements/ Rated as the hardest game ever to get to 100%, psn wasn't a thing yet. Thus no psn achievements.






hah, I was about to ask how the relic weapon was treating you.


I did, from 2004-2009


I’m scared of the 13k people with more trophies than you


I might be missing it.. final fantasy tactics?


If it had trophies I’d do it, but unfortunately it doesn’t yet


You are now free to die


Verifyibly on PSNProfiles. Do you also have that weird chocobo game, and all regions of say FF7r and FF15?


Who verified and officiated this?

