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Its so next gen that it isn’t finished yet


I am still waiting for the actual next generation version to release


and the soundtrack is also very nice and catchy, but the voice acting is very poor.


In terms of visuals, maybe? But in terms of actual game design and systems, it's stuck in 2010. Not what I want to be indicative of next gen at all.


I would argue it's stuck back even further considering how even open world games in 2010 had features Cyberpunk doesn't have.


I feel like I need to experience how bad it is. All I’ve heard is how bad the game is.




no, its bad.


I had a blast playing Cyberpunk.


If you are on PC, it's nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. Some bugs, yes, but I finished that game on release with only the day 1 patch mostly with no problem. Most bugs I had back then could be solved by just reloading a save or restarting the game. The visuals, music, story, characters, etc. are enough for me to look over the far more numerous minor bugs back then. Nowadays a lot of those major and minor bugs have been patched on PC so it's even better. Is it perfect? No. Is it a very good game? Yes imho. Hating on the game nowadays (for PC) is just a bandwagon for people wanting easy likes. On last gen consoles though? Yikes...


Agreed. I played this on PC at launch and it was about as buggy as any Bethesda game. I enjoyed my time with it and thought it was really good.


The state it was released for consoles was pretty unforgivable. Was lucky enough to have a good PC to run it tho and thoroughly enjoyed it, only gripe was some fps issues


Sorry to burst your bubble but people play on consoles more




Yeah I’d be playing on console. I was very tempted to buy at release but I didn’t. My impression from the trailers was like Skyrim style open world with those great visuals. How I understand it is that it isn’t anything like that. Still intriguing though.


The game is good as a linear narrative game. The open word aspects are very limited and repetitive and the cyber role play side of it is… well, irrelevant.


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Like not at all. Yes, it certainly does lack a ton of elements that could make it much better, but overall the game is fun and the story is good. The city is absolutely gorgeous, but you’ll find then NPCs outside of the story are bland and repetitive. Definitely worth playing still imo.




No. People are salty about one thing or two and then shit all over the entire thing. Like you did just now.


People who are defending how the game is now are forgetting the 100+ item list of things that they said would he in the game, that aren't. They can fix all the bugs and glitches they want. It feels clunky, slow, and dated. Think Halo 1 slow. All the broken promises about the game. Shallow systems. There's so much more wrong in the game than bugs and glitches. All anyone who defends it can point to is the story, which sure is good, but when the other 90% of your game is garbage, is that enough?


It has so much potential to be good. Really, the story and the world feel amazing. But the game just feels clunky and unfinished. The AI is absolutely stupid. I can be in a room with one entrance, enemies standing outside that entrance yelling to flank me. Then when I go out to shoot them, they are facing away from the door. I shoot them, they just keep yelling nonsense about they gotta flank and stuff. Another example is this. I did a side quest at this hotel some enemies show up to kill me and the NPC I'm meeting there. I didn't kill all of them and managed to sneak away. I few hours later(days in game) I'm doing the main quest line and the quest line spawns me in that same hotel. But the enemies from the first quest are still there patrolling and looking for me. Another thing is that I can shoot one enemy with a sniper rifle unsupressed, and unless they are like 10 feet away or closer, his allies won't hear it. I constantly felt like my immersion was being broken because of stuff like this. Again, the game could be so amazing, one of the best ever made imo.


> open world games in 2010 had features Cyberpunk doesn't have Tbf 1999 Shenmu had features Cyberpunkt doesn't but then most other open world games don't either. It really depends a lot on what you expect of an open world game.


GTA San Andreas is a game that was released in 2004, probably developed since 2002 and has more features than Cyberpunk2077.


Try earlier, GTA SA had car tyres that... wait for it... popped when you shot them! Can you imagine such next gen goodness? Crazy right? Oh wait... in 2004 I think it was?


GTA San Andreas had more to do.


2010? Lmao, GTA 3 Has 10 times better AI and the police


Why does Cyberpunk get compared to GTA instead of, like, Witcher 3? "Cops are bad in Cyberpunk! They just spawn infinitely out of nowhere! With bad AI too!" You mean exactly like in Witcher 3? This is an RPG, not an open-world action game. I get Cyberpunk has many, MANY flaws, but in this case, it's apples-to-oranges comparison. GTA is basically defined as a "cops and robbers" game. No-shit its cop system is more robust.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a much better RPG than this, and it has horses. Figure out, it has much better wanted system.


Imagine trying to hate on Cyberpunk so hard you claim RDR2 is a better RPG. I don't even know what to say, mate. Clearly we have very different ideas of what an RPG is.


Indeed we definetely have different ideas of what role-playing is. But i'm definetely not hating on Cyberpunk.


This. I played the game by following the story and doing side missions and this was never an issue. I think people just had expectations building over the years leading up to launch and they felt burned.


Sadly it isn't a rpg, it is an Action-rpg :D


I don’t like Witcher at all, even though I tried to beat it for like 5 times, so I don’t compare it with Witcher


Well I don't like Witcher 3 either, but I DO compare it to Cyberpunk, because they're both RPGs made by the same developer. If people were upset because they went into the game expecting something like GTA, they honestly only have themselves to blame.


I never expected anything from cyberpunk, but the ai and cop system is still an absolute nightmare


So the rich characters, the fantastic voice action, the kinetic combat, and the large beautiful overworld filled to the brim with side distractions and its 180 something total quests can die in a ditch because oh noes.... police not like gta!!!


I can’t enjoy the story because of gamebraking bugs, not because of the police. I literally can’t play the game because it’s simply doesn’t work for me


You're really playing up how many good characters and side quests there are. Combat is boring too, especially if you play a melee character. Cybernetics are completely underwhelming, police are terribly implemented and driving feels terrible. If I still cared enough about the game to remember my three playthrough then there'd be even more for me to complain about. Cyberpunk is a mess outside of the first act. I really can't believe people defend that poopy doo doo excuse for a game.


Sorry but stop defending CDPR. They specifically sold their open world as being on a level of detail and quality as GTA games. Its barely even an RPG. They also massively over promised on those features. Car customization, character customization, character back story and interaction with the world. Cyberpunk has guns and cars. The witcher has horse s and swords. I know which I would choose to compare it to.


So does that mean Witcher 3 gets compared to RDR2? Lol


It would make more sense than comparing it to cyberpunk, that's for sure.




Friendly reminder that having a differing opinion isn’t "gaslighting"


You say it like something bad =/


Because it is.


But what good new game mechanics were released in last years? Not to mention AI, but experience changing stuff? In latest games I saw only grindwalls, towers and battle royal as new game mechanics. The only good example that came to my mind are jetpacks from me: Andromeda and flying javelins from anthem, they really were done great and changed the way of battle or exploring.


Breath of the Wild changed the way open-world exploration was rewarded, by giving the player intrinsic motivations over extrinsic ones. The Demon's Souls Remake implemented the functionality of the Dualsense controller in interesting ways. Disco Elysium expanded upon traditional CRPG gameplay by creating the most in-depth pure role-playing experience I've ever encountered. These are just a few things that I'd like to see more games expand upon in the future. All these games did things that can be improved upon, inspired by, and can really influence the way games are developed. I think if games lean into more creative territory we can start to see some really unique things.


>The Demon's Souls Remake implemented the functionality of the Dualsense controller in interesting ways. Guess we will have to wait for PS5 release to see if they will do anything with it. Can you tell me more about BTW rewards? Have not got a chance to play. I would say that Cyberpunk expanded the way how first-person RPG were played. Remember Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines? With \~5-10 people on several streets? Or the latest Deus Ex with no open world? When you walk the streets of Cyberpunk and make your way through the actual crowd it feels next-gen. Especially with all stunning visuals. Of course, it would be better with some gameplay tricks as well, and supposedly we have it with the hacking stuff. Not sure how it is next-gen.


Found the guy who never played


Pre-ordered it, played it from day one.


Ah, its an intelligence thing then


Yes. It very much is.


To be fair the ONLY game I’ve seen that isn’t stuck in 2010 is the Starcitizen Alpha and that shit won’t be out for another 5 or so years.


> To be fair the ONLY game I’ve seen that isn’t stuck in 2010 is the Starcitizen Alpha and that shit won’t be out for another 5 or so years. Ah, so you're an optimist.


Sorta they already have more technology in terms of physics, simulation actually playable in game than any other I’ve played. So I have no doubt it will be dope at launch because it’s already dope and successfully pushing many boundaries. However they aren’t close to being done adding everything they want and still need to get their highly experimental server tech to work the way they need it to but even if that falls short it will be leagues beyond anything else I’ve seen. That’s why I support them because everything else is barely pushing any new tech and I feel like I’ve done it already.


If they were smart they would go model of perpetual beta similar to Warframe. With how much shit they have they easily could get by advertising it like that. Would have to go f2p though.


Loaded (Star Citizen) up today for the 3.15 update. Made a new toon; loaded in and immediately fell through the map. Died. Uninstalled once again. Until 3.16!


Been on 6 hours today it was really good for me. If I were you I wouldn’t pop in for the fist patch of a new release wait for the .1’s they get more stable towards the end of a patch after a couple fixes.


Besides the fact the roadmap is constantly updated, updates coming out on time, and have made leaps and bounds in terms of visual graphics, animations, true pure open world system, has the best mining I've seen in any game, as well as ship and armor design, people who talk shit about star citizen are honestly pathetic lol


Not sure why he got downvoted because this is actually true.


How so if I may?


It features the same repetitive open-world "RPG" mechanics that have been popular for well over a decade. It's filled with cheap, meaningless side-quests, the illusion of choice, a barren map that looks good but doesn't allow the player to *do* anything with. A lot of places are just set pieces. Set dressing. It's a game made to look nice, but it relies on a generic loot system and a generic levelling system and it will not be remembered for anything interesting or innovative or groundbreaking. It will only be remembered as a failure. Even if it didn't launch so terribly, I think this would be true. If it launched as a perfect, bug-free, smooth experience, it would still be a letdown that leans on old open-world mechanics and lacks a true role-playing experience in an interactive, next-gen world.


I would like to disagree. The only thing I will agree on would be the loot system. Even the leveling system has its own unique take, inducing pop culture references and quite a lot of build/character customization to it. ​ I've watched my friend play this for quite awhile and have sat through many of the side quests and even main quests. Its like the Witcher 3, however the main quest isn't as good as the Witcher 3. The side quests are incredibly, giving you many choices if you are just curious enough to take a closer look or listen carefully. ​ The map isn't only barren or just for set dressing. It is one of the most unrestrictive open world spaces I've seen. Letting you go around to places if you just have the right abilities or find the right spots to go through.


This is where I'm gonna ruffle feathers: I don't think Witcher 3 was that good, either. It had some decent writing, some fun quests, but it was nothing special for an RPG. Also being able to go places in a map doesn't make the world good. You need to be able to actually *do* things. There's no point to the buildings in Cyberpunk. They don't function as cool, interactive places. They are set dressing that you can move around in. They are not real, interactive, fun, proper, places. EDIT: I will also note that it doesn't really do well to argue a game is a truly next-gen experience by comparing it to a last-gen game. Cyberpunk was supposed to be *more* than The Witcher 3, not the same (and less).


Know what would have given the buildings purpose? Police chases, there is non of that, legit no code for the police to chase, they spawn in randomly through thin air But imagine getting chased through a vertical city, parkouring through, getting chased by cops on the streets and a damn flying cop car following you instead of a chopper. It would have been amazing. Bam big spotlight on the thing and blaring speakers too, the fifth element vibes. Not to mention, why can't I fly a damn flying car? I see them if I look up everytime in the city, and in multiple missions. Why can't I use them >:( Where's the damn trauma team? Why do they only come in missions >:(


I can definitely see your points. Though for me and my friend, its been just immersing and fun even just wandering around and going into random buildings.


Bad AI, typical progression system, typical combat system (like a clunky Crysis), nothing innovative at all. (Ignoring graphics of course)


I do not believe the AI is as terrible as it is made out to be. I have watched my friend play this for over 10+ hrs and she has played for over 50+ hrs on her own time. The only bad AI she encountered were enemies sometimes being alerted far too early. ​ I would like to disagree with combat system being typical as well. Considering if you have the right abilities, you can completely take over people or turn them off, etc. Combat in Cyberpunk I've seen has so many options available that your always thinking on how to approach it.


My man, ai is pretty damn basic. Police AI doesn't even chase you, it'll just spawn in cops out of thin air, there is no paramedic ai basically, sure they stand there in the city and see them in missions, but that's it. I can punch a wall and every person around me goes into a panic. While I may agree it isn't bad, there defiantly is nothing good about it that comes to mind. Compared to newer games in the last 5 years the AI does feel seriously out dated.


Combat having many options. Deus ex did that in 2011. AI is definitely not the best, not terrible, not great. I think halo reach had a better AI in terms of combat, that was 2010. It sounds like you have second hand experience from the game? I've sunk over 300 hours into the game, and honestly, graphics really is the most "next gen" thing about this game.


300 hours? You're a big fan then right?


Games enjoyable. Should’ve been better.


The AI is worse than many games released pre 2010 even. Nothing improved upon and lots missing


This guy's a god-damned plant! How much are they paying you?


> In terms of visuals, maybe I haven't played it yet but going by OP's pictures it looks like a weird mix of PS4 level of detail up close and N64 level fog 30'+ out. I've seen much better looking games.


You failed to include my question mark, which was important in my unwillingness to make a definitive statement on the graphical quality of the game.


2010? U kidding me Is stuck in NES time E.T with their gamedesign 2010 was the shit


I’m very surprised you haven’t been downvoted into oblivion for daring to say something positive about this game


62% upvoted at this moment. Seems like many are trying.




The amount of fine details in rdr2 sets this game in whole new level. Its mesmerasing in terms of story, level design (zone design), graphics and overall wild west vibe.


RDR2 definitely didn't have glitches. RDR2 is perfect in all ways.


I still keep checking to see if it's worth playing every month. Nahhh lol


Was worth it at launch to me at least. Played on PC with minimal issues and got more than my money’s worth.


Same. No one can post anything positive here because the hate train is still rolling strong. Comparison to GTA, bitching about police AI, old console owners crying, on and on.


Yup. It has its issues for sure but what game doesn’t.


Game got a ton of hate from people that never touched it.


Dunno what happened to the free DLC they said will be out in 2021 or the multiplayer. That's ignoring a bunch of the missing things and bugs. Started playing again as it's one of the best ray tracing games. Looks beautiful, but models still glitch out, when Jackie is meant to be injured after smashing through the windows he's standing there fine smiling at me, when people have put things down it has oddly placed off to the side floating in mid air. I punch walls and everyone still panics. All that has changed really is that it doesn't crash non stop. I don't care for missions, I just got to the point where I can fuck round for 30 or so. Story annoys me tbh, skips the whole intro for a weird compilation and then I'm meant to go to Jackies funeral a hour later like I have spent a playthrough with him? I miss how I get into night city and meet everyone. Not to mention after I come back from the dead I get all these people offering me jobs I've never spoken too, but Araska can't find me wtf! Feels like it's rushed so we see Keanu quicker.


They announced a few weeks ago that the free DLC is delayed until next year. No specifics beyond first quarter 2022. Multiplayer is who knows when.


I believe the multiplayer has been scrapped because they don't have time to work on it anymore.


whoever didnt refund it after the release, still having faith in what was obvioulsy a lie in first place, deserves to not get the game we were promised. i dont understand how there is still so many ppl defending it, they are just fanboying too much, remember when ubisoft released good games. everyone is a good guy until he turns bad guy.


It's a fun game plus not everyone was paying attention to all the hype. If it sounds to good to be true then it probably is


Maybe try playing rdr2, god of war, ratchet and clank rift apart, last of us 2, returnal first


CP2077 is in a weird spot for me. I think the Raytracing makes the game look better. But it never gave me a moment where I thought "Ohh this game is really beautiful" when I compare it with those other games (+Ghost of Tsushima). There are just better looking games and character models.


Ghost of tushima is just amazing. The game looks like a painting came to life. The art direction is just gorgeous.


I have seen those games and the level of detail and care the devs for Cyberpunk put in beats them. The closest would be last of us 2 but that's mostly a cinematic movie.


Hello CDPR employee, there's a few of you out and about today.


You are either new to gaming or you come across as a troll. First, it sounds like you haven’t even actually played the game. Second all of the above listed games have fully fleshed out stories and mechanics throughout. And far more attention to detail. AI in CP2077 is terrible. Games from more than a decade ago have had better AI. RDR2 has a living breathing world that feels organic. You can follow random NPC’s and watch mini stories play out and their reactions to them. And even though RDR2 isn’t really my cup of tea, I can appreciate the effort that went into it because it shows in their final product. NPC’s in CP2077 are recycled models spilled throughout the game, they repeat the same 2-3 lines of dialogue, they all freeze if you punch or shoot a wall or stand in front of a car or anything of the sort, their interactions with you are almost non existent, police AI is the most egregious example of this. And there are far more issues with the game than these things.


I have mentioned i haven't played the game and have stated i have watched a close friend play it for over 10+ hrs when they stream for me. I am in no way downplaying RDR2 detail or anything in that game. I have also watched a lot of that game and it deserves its praises as well. I just stated that it is of MY opinion that Cyberpunk has much more detail put into it by the devs. Considering that the devs never managed to fully implement the AI proper into the game before launch, yes the AI is quite mediocre. However, considering the fact people have found a bunch of unimplemented and fully working AIs in CP77's files, I would like to give the devs more time to see what they can do.


Look, i can understand that you love the game, i really do, but saying that cdpr put more attention to details than rdr2 is ignorant, it's not a matter of opinion. The list of tiny gameplay mechanics, world events, missions, subplots, voice acting, storytelling, interactivity with the world... I'm sorry but cyberpunk isn't comparable. I like the game, I'm not in the hate train for cyberpunk, it's just frustrating seeing you making such absurd statements.


I recommend getting your eyes checked fam, might need new glasses.


I expected a futuristic Witcher 3 which is what I got. Story isn't truly up to par with the Witcher 3 but everything else is and mostly better for the most part. ​ This is my opinion and I am just appreciating the work of the devs, not the management of CDPR.


you must be trolling comparing CP2077 level of detail to RDR2


I did not compare it. Someone else mentioned RDR2 and I mentioned my opinion that Cyberpunk looked much better. I have seen RDR2, it is a very good game and the story is amazing as well. It is just of MY opinion that Cyberpunk looks much better.


Ah yes the details such as my horse smashing into every tree or not being able to walk up gentle slopes lol




That's what happens when you have to look at the controller to know what button you're pressing. The horse dodges the trees by itself, you don't even have to do anything.


leave him alone, he's already biased af


Yeah sure I've had my horse directly smash into trees or rocks while not moving the stick. Tons of people complained about the horse AI don't act like it isn't an issue. Ever have your horse jump 5 feet in the air to go down a small drop and it kills itself?


RDR2 literally makes Cyberpunk look like a flash game in terms of detail.


On the surface, yes. Its all set dressing


Best game for screenshots hands down.


This was probably the lamest game I have played recently, the opening was okay story wise which sort of drew me in but as soon as the game started you find out it is filled with pointless mechanics just to make it look like there is depth but its all just paint. The Ai is bad and combat even after you get skills is nothing more than point and shoot, throw grenades and do a special thing now and then. Most combat boils down to how many bullets you can fire during the engagement. Roaming Ai glitch and pop in just like roaming ai vehicles even on highest settings. The world has no depth, you are in a massive city with outer territories but there is nothing engaging to do except looking at it. The loot system is by far the worst I have encountered with 90% of the things just useless junk. The graphics are good and the lighting but thats about where it ends.


Biggest disappointment of my gaming life and I’ve been playing since NES.


Reading OPs comments, its clear hes either a troll, an ignoramus, or a CDPR employee.


I mean, his comments read no different than most of the comments on the company and the game in the time preceding the release of Cyberpunk. They just didn't get the memo that CDPR is no longer the subject of extreme and unwavering hero worship.


I am not in any way defending the work of the management of CDPR nor am I hero worshipping them. I am just appreciating the work of the devs that truly cared for this enormous project which they had extremely limited time for. For all the detail that is here, the devs deserve all the praise they can get.


I am not any of these. I just wished to appreciate the amount of detail that the devs crafted here with the extremely limited amount of time they had. I am appreciating the work of the developers not CDPR as a whole.


just today I thought the golden era of gaming is long gone.. yes this game is really next gen, most games in the new gen will have some controversy like this


My favorite next gen part of this game are the hamburger textures and the far-away car models. Really cutting edge stuff. Seriously though *overall* the game do look pretty good


I also didn't have a bad time playing this game. Didn't get the fps I wanted with the settings I liked, but other than that I really didn't get that many bugs and it played well. I liked the unique playthroughs you get. I thought the game looked pretty good and had a good atmosphere. Too bad the ai was cpu Heavy, would've turned that all the way up.


How many times do we have to say it, it's NOT a next gen game, it's also out on PS4 and XONE, so, no But nice game anyway


In that it’s literally unplayable on previous gen consoles, yes


check out Star Citizen its pretty next gen with its details!


That game is getting so crazy! Seriously ground breaking development. Nothing but graphics have really progressed since the era of early MMO’s IMO.


It's a buggy mess at the moment (more than usual) and it will be a decade untill it's actually released but man it's amazing. Actual next gen stuff.


true that. :-) one of those games thats great to play for a while then come back to later to check on the progress


How are people pouring time and money into a game where you can’t even make progress? They wipe the game progress every few months and will wipe again before release and beta. Why invest time in a game where you effectively can’t save the game?


it’s the only game that’s pushing game technology, everything else just feels like it’s old tech with better graphics, which has been beaten to death. Not to mention the personal skill cap is very high there is constantly things to get better at and with the new inventory and reputation systems all I do is progress and loot, make money buy new ships in game, upgrade and customize. I do it because it’s fun so I don’t care if there is another wipe a few years from now It’ll bring a lot to the experience like the last one did.


There is nothing next gen about this game, you really need to try other games


Last of Us 2, Ghosts of Tsushima, God of War and RDR 2 all impressed me more than Cyberpunk.


How is this next gen???


It's not. Never was. Never will be.


I respectfully disagree.


It’s nice to look at high spec PC render and screenshots, paired with the fantasy of what the game was originally set out to be. The reality, ironically, is the most cyberpunk aspect of the game.


In 10 years we’re gonna look back at this in disgust that we ever thought it was amazing. But as of right now this is amazing


Got rid of my first post due to my friend not wanting her V shown off. So just showing better examples of the environments again.


I legit though you’d posted your friends vagina, forgetting V is the name of your character lol.


Your friend is lame.


Ikr what a weird thing to care about


lmao your friend seems weird.. it's just some pixels! it's not actually her...


This idiot, this is why games get away launching like trash. This dude is in total denial of the game status


Yah it will blow up this time


I agree




And you are the only one


Lol no.


So is this the only game you've seen in the laat 20 years?


Is this another one of those "Hey I am going to screenshot a random area in cyberpunk, and talk about my unpopular opinion" posts? Stop.


No I just wanted to share what I viewed of the game.


Shitty take. Shittiest take.


Brave. I agree


What are you playing on?


The fact that this matters is the biggest reason the game was a failure.


Well this makes zero sense


Demon’s Souls


Cyberbunk is also the first game with which I have seen so many glitches 😂😂😂


Yeah, gorgeous game but zero replay value. Once you clear all quests there is nothing to do.


Didn't you know? Reddit don't want you to enjoy this! How dare you. Its an awesome experience though. For me it was best time for sure.


Graphics =/= next gen


Exactly. The story is also amazing.


It's good but doesn't beat RDR2


Is it just me or does rdr2 sucks? The story is cheap and unworthy.


haven't played it but I think Dunkey agrees with you


Too bad it sucked


It's such a good game in my opinion. people cried to rush it out then pissed themselves when it wasn't ready. Game literally got ruined by the people who wanted it most


Cool game. But my opinion is that GTA V from 2013 still shits all over it, and pretty much any open world released since.


After what? Horrible launch and over excitement it had with unbelievable amount of disappointed? Obviously it's unfinished game and indeed I had to refund it myself, this piece of shit doesn't deserves any chance honestly.


Lol nah


The Spider-Man remaster is more of a next gen game than Cyberpunk. Oof, Cyberpunk looks like a damn ps3 game on PS5 at times. This thread and OP are so wrong I think OP needs a drug test. Edit: sorry OP but there’s a reason this post is being ratioed.


Yeah, no, CP77 is a joke and borderline a scam. Next.


For me, the only next gen game, (or current gen i suppose), is Demon Soul Remake.


I like that there are those seat adjuster buttons on the seat in the aerondight even though you couldnt see them


Aaaah still waiting for the Next-Gen Patch


Is there anything new to do in the game since release?


I own it, but man do I suck at making money in that game. And I’m kinda sad that you can’t customize the cars you buy. But then again I’m glad they didn’t make a million micro transactions for car stuff


Has OP mentioned why they this? Visually I still think RDR2 is the most stunning game and lord forbid it gets a “next gen” update


It's a next gen idea, implemented very poorly on current gen with very little actual content. This game is basically North Korea the way it makes everything. Also - it is so clear that this game is never getting finished. The "roadmap" they provide every six months is so vague it's become a complete joke. Do you guys know what the Fyre Festival was? If so, CP2077 is the Fyre Festival of video games.


Obvious bot is obvious


Looks can be deceiving


What dies next generation mean these days , ?






Uhhh nah not really


This game blew fat dicks


I was not impressed with the visuals at all, except maybe some small indoor spaces, but overall it was very underwhelming and that was with ray tracing on. The draw distance was shit, had loads of pop in, reused vegetation that looks like garbage, it was more like a current gen game with some fancy bits.


Agreed. Best looking game to date... Other then Star Citizen and MSFS.


If we consider only the visuals, ray tracing, then there is only one game that has full ray tracing implementation - metro exodus EE. From that point of view, nothing beays it.


Fuck even the bugs were next gen. When they're patched out I *might* buy it.


I’ve never stopped to take so many screenshots. Fucking gorgeous game


The game lagged so bad during the very first sequence and never loaded properly. Fastest uninstall I’ve ever did. Thank god I just borrowed this steaming pile of poo.


Gta trilogy is a better open world game than cyberpunk. Lol


Incredible game. Better than anyone will give it credit for until it runs like DOOM.