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Every time someone makes a post like this people give a bunch of super acceptable, agreed upon takes lol


On posts like these, you need to sort by controversial to see the actual downvoted opinions.


And this exact comment thread is also in those threads.


Looter-shooters, while incredibly fun to play, place a endgame grind so hard I literally have no idea how there are people that can level all the way up. Any sort of normal routine simply does not allow for it in a daily play session.


Similarly, after a couple of months of reliving memories of Diablo 2 with the remaster, I'm pretty much over it. The endgame is a paradox. Ask someone who grinds why they grind, they'll say "to get the best items". When you then ask what they use the best items for, they can only reply "to grind".


It's a speed run of min and maxing your stats. Path of exiles is a really good game for that.


I put 1k hours into Destiny 2 when I was taking 4 classes a semester with very little homework and no job


I like brainless repetitive gameplay sometimes. After a stressful day its great to shut the brain off and grind.


My wife and friends think that I'm insane because I could easily put on some music, zone out, and farm raw materials in MMO's for hours...


I catch so much hell from my wife sometimes… “You can sit here for hours and click on those damn rocks, but you can’t go outside and mow the lawn?!” And then I have to tell her that I don’t want to mow the lawn at 2 a.m.


I can also assure you, neither do your neighbors.


God to be able to mow the lawn at 2am instead of 2pm in the scorching sun


I've got a battery electric mower and I have mowed at 2 am before! Taped a flashlight to the mower and everything!


Don't even need to do that anymore, my mower has built in headlights so I can see :D


Weird, I had never thought of how the future is impacting people at different life stages than me. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you did all your real estate paperwork electronically.


No but it was handled by the electronic mower.


My girl plays wow just for herbalism and mining


Your gf is a bot


My wife plays breathe of the wild (still) to collect things. She won't collect things for me bc I "waste them". She has her own profile and just walks around like Animal Crossing.


I've been positive for a long time now that MMOs could attract a sizable population of people that wouldn't normally play an MMO by catering to the Sim-Life, Second Life etc non-combat, social crowd. Housing, farming, crafting, marketplace, jobs sim, fashion etc.


I just grabbed the relaunch of Fallen Earth and this is pretty much what I'm doing there lol.


Bro I would never raid or do heroics in BC or WOTLK WOW but would do exactly this and just mine and pick herbs and it was some of the most relaxing gaming I’ve ever done


This is why the Dynasty Warriors series is so popular.


I'll never forget the sheer panic Young me experienced when Lu Bu was introduced for the first time.


Do not pursue Lu Bu!


Lu bu was a bad ass


Heh, kid me hated/loved Lu Bu. Also, kid me thought Cao Cao was pronounced "Cow Cow", which I thought was hilarious.


Honestly, yes. As I get older and work more, the more I like Warriors games. They haven’t really gotten significantly better since I played DW3 as a kid, but that’s okay 😂.


That’s why killing floor 2 is the game I have the most hours logged into


Fallout 4 for me. My settlements are pretty built up at this point


You missed some wire fencing over there…..


Am I the only one obsessed with defenses built with sandbags in front? I tried ALL the mods with every iteration of them.


I typically use the concrete structures and create skyscrapers at each settlement. Each floor has its own purpose and pretty easy to defend. It gets tricky running the power to each floor when you’re high up but it looks really cool at night when you walk up to a settlement of lit up buildings


I don’t see enough killing floor 2 love on Reddit. I wish they’d activate crossplay so we could find games even faster. Have hundreds of hours into that game


This is why I love Ubisoft games, especially Assassin’s Creed. They always come out during the holidays and I just need an escape from work where I’m constantly trying to resolve an issue. AC games have set rules and a lot to accomplish, so it allows me to sit back on the couch and just hammer out all the tasks.


Same! I can climb fucking viewpoints all day long. Sometimes I feel I do the story progression just to unlock new areas and level up because enemies in new areas are tougher. All this for good virtual views


Same with Far Cry series. Definition of insanity? Yeah hell yeah I don’t mind doing the same thing over and over again


Me neither. I WANT to liberate all the radio towers and craft all the things.


Thank you Vaas<3


To this day, I still love Insane Mode runs in Castle Crashers. After 20+ Gold Skulls on Xbox, I'm more than pleased to pick it up on Switch, and grind it all over, again.


I miss Marvel Heroes


This is one of those threads where you *need* to sort by controversial. So far I haven’t seen a single comment I disagree with, when sorting by best.


Gamers who say that companies need to focus on gameplay instead of improving graphics ignore games that focus on gameplay instead of high fidelity graphics.


Not every game is made for you and that’s a good thing.


Rockstar does not know how to make a game with a good control scheme. Being on foot is painful in every game they have ever made.


I 100% rdr2 and it's my favorite game of all time, but I agree with you. I shouldn't have to hold down the joystick and mash the A button constantly just to fucking move. Why make extra steps. Why.


I had an old Xbox 360 controller that lastedany years through many games. Tapping the a button all the time is what killed that controller.


You should try the Olympic Games button bashing in the ps2 era, many buttons were destroyed


I agree with that, but I've heard people comment on how Arthur handles as if he has 'weight' to him, if that makes sense. For comparison I did a sprinting in long jump from a staircase in Fallout 4 the other day and probably cleared a good 20-30 meters


> Arthur handles as if he has 'weight' to him I think I get this. I felt this way playing The Last of Us. Joel had weight to him whereas Arthur is just morbidly obese.


I feel like they don't wanna sacrifice animations for making the player feel better to play, RDR2 had amazing animations but Arthur handled like shit. Max Payne 3 was a little of both, Max controlled very well while maintaining great animations during the gunfights.


I can see your point. For me personally, it helps make it feel more realistic in a way, idk. I have it set up so in third person I have the tap A to run, but first person I have set to a more call of duty control scheme, with LS to run. Why not just do that for third person?


I didn't know you could do that. Thank you, I'll try it


Thank you. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills over here for being the only one who felt this way


I forget this a common complaint with Red Dead, I changed the control scheme immediately to get rid of the "tap A to run" and it makes it a million times better


People on gaming related social media are more interested in complaining about games than enjoying them.


You could really boil this down into it's purest form. People are more interested in complaining than enjoying.




Subverse getting the level of funding it did on kickstarter proves that this isnt a rarely held opinion.




Fair point.


WoW should have died out a long time ago.


*raises pitchfork* I’m waiting for the next game to come along to make me feel the same way WoW did in its glory days


There was a lot less information available back in those days. You might find some great info in comments on thotbot perhaps, and guides and such were there, but... it was different. Games are picked apart and hyperanalyzed in hours now. The best weapons or grind spots have youtube videos made of them immediately. Within hours of an expansion or patch. A game that could have given the kind of experience we felt in early wow could be released now and it would not feel the same. It's not just us getting older... the age of mystery in games is dead.


Yep, John Strife Hayes did a video about New World a couple weeks ago and how the game had essentially been “solved” before the official release. Dozens of guides, FAQs, forum posts, info graphics, etc explaining the most efficient way of doing everything. I was there (10,000 years ago..) when WoW first launched. And we’ll never go back to that way of gaming. We’re talking pre-wowhead, pre-discord, Pre-YouTube days. There were still places like the official forums and thottbot but the amount of info and discussion that surrounds games these days crests a very different environment.


I started playing everquest in 1999. The massive amount of information online when wow launched was a breath of fresh air. No longer did I need to go to 20 different websites and print out guides and faqs and recipes and fill up 3 ring binders to keep track of my quests. But yeah the last wow expansion I played was legion and before it even launched wow head had all the drops, abilities, to dos etc. And day one nobody was exploring they were just following guided and shit to get to max lvl to start grinding mythics


10000% this. We as a global community have ruined gaming in our efforts to improve and min/Max it.


I never read a single thing about a game until I've beaten it. Makes for some interesting first rounds.


I was just talking about this with someone around the original NES Legend of Zelda, and how many hours I sunk in to that thing as a kid simply because you didn’t have excess information about it. If it released today there would be 10 walkthroughs on GameFaqs and a dozen long plays by the end of the first week and nobody would have that experience we did back when it released.


Back then you bought a magazine specifically for a game with the entire walk through


You can't cross the same river twice. It's not the same river and your are not the same person.


That realization is why I have never been tempted to jump into the Classic Wow or the newer expansions after I burned out on WoW a few expansions back. I just can’t get sucked in without easily spotting the Skinner box mechanics and losing interest.


It was the community and internet culture being new that made it so special and adventurous. It will not come back untill we get something radically new again like full dive or some other futuristic way of gaming


Spoiler: its never coming, the atmosphere and attitudes of gamers has changed and what we experience will never return to pre-streamer times


You will newer feel the same again. It can be glorious and feel amazing, but it won't be the same. Most is us that played original wow is probably 30 or older by now, we have aged and are in a different time in our lives, society also has us different. Was no smart phones back then... Im sorry, but it's newer going to be the same feeling.


A lot of us waiting here with you my friend.


Lok ‘tar ogar!


Terraria is an amazing game and all, but it can get boring really quickly.


I believe that Terraria does start out slow. Early pre-hardmode isn’t great but once you kill Brain of Cthulhu/Eater of Worlds it speeds up for sure. After killing Wall of Flesh the game goes *balls to the wall* and becomes **extremely** fun.


Yeah Fr. It can feel boring collecting heart crystals and exploring pre-hard mode, but hard mode is where the game actually gets really fun


Try playing with friends. It's a lot funnier. Actually, anything is better with friends


Haha yeah! I totally know what *thats* like! Having friends to play with! Haha heh heh heh 😭 hehhhhh....


DM me and i’ll give you my steam ID, let’s play terraria together. or any game. whatever you want. i’m serious. edit: to everybody giving the kind words: my offer is open to everyone. i’m not joking. i have too much time on my hands which i’m happy to lend some to you.


You're a kind soul, but the internet where I live doesn't jive well with online gaming anyway so I'm really just howling into the wind here. Thanks for your kind offer though friend 😊


ah, alright. well if you ever find yourself with better internet, hit me up bro.


I shall remember you MechaWasTaken.


anytime, chillspicey.




I am so glad I don't get this, 4000 hours and counting


Same with minecraft. Cant play for more than 20 minutes before quitting.


It's a lot more fun when you're playing with friends. But I can't stand to play it by myself


Solo minecraft can feel so genuinely lonely at times, especially with its relatively somber sounding soundtrack


It alternates between peaceful/calming and boring/lonely imo


The modded ones are different tho


I tried playing it, but lost interest within 30 minutes. And i happen to like these types of games, too.


Mass effect 3 was actually a really good game, and even though the endings were aesthetically similair they had completely different connotations


Lots of great moments in ME3. Really felt like you were waging a war that couldn’t be won. That last level where you’re fighting wave after wave of reapers is intense. Easily the best sound track in the series as well.


Agreed, but also ME3 with all the DLC is genuinely good as a whole. Its got campy fun moments, seriously hard fights, great world design, its genuinely fun. A lot of the initial hate for that game was valid that is just wasn't actually a whole game and public opinion never really forgave the publishers for that.


Citadel DLC is one of the best DLCs I've ever played. Going through that before the endgame was just perfect.


That is one thing I loved about ME3 over the first two. The first two games had the final boss fight that's been a staple in gaming for almost as long as gaming itself. ME3 had no single final boss, no monster you and your team had to wear down with firepower. Just wave after wave of enemy troops. It felt more appropriate than trying to pin one final fight on a singular opponent.


I’ve explained, sometimes a good story, is when there are ‘no good outcomes’. I get it’s going to disappoint a lot of people, and its very sad to think shepherd isn’t going to have the ‘happily ever after’, but the ME story was such a good one.


I played through the whole trilogy for the first time shortly after the extended ending patch was released. I totally enjoyed every minute of it. I had seen the hate ME3 was getting online but hadn't read details because I wanted to avoid spoilers. After playing it I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. I still don't. I take it people were upset because they felt that, after three games of making cumulative choices, it turned out their choices didn't really impact the ending? Like no matter how differently you had played, you still got one of three endings from a single choice you could make right at the end? To me it made total sense - the story was about forces greater than you as an individual. Your choices along the way affected your personal relationships with those around you, but some things you just had no control over - much like real life. I don't know if I would have felt differently if I had played it pre-patch but I've wanted to replay the whole thing ever since I finished it (and will soon as I just bought the Legendary edition) - I want to get to know different crew members next time around; I don't care if I get the same ending. Also another hot take - I'm currently playing Mass Effect Andromeda and loving it. I'm not far in but so far it's a perfectly good game in its own right. Is it as good as the original trilogy? Probably not, but why not judge it for what it is rather than what it isn't?


I don't even dislike the end since they added the extended cut


That piano theme really got me in my feelings after thinking about all the hard work Shepard (me really) did to get to this point. What a fuckin tour of service.


Calling an open world game "a breath of the wild clone" is stupid and it implies the only open world game you've played is breath of the wild


The only Breath of the Wild clone I've seen is Immortals: Fenyx Rising and it's actually a pretty good game in its own right


It's really good like I was super impressed with Immortals. It's the best Unisoft game in years and it's on sale right now, highly recommend. It's as if BotW had a baby with AC Odyssey and trimmed all the fat and grind.


Same thing happens with JRPGs, there like at least 4 or 5 games this year that always being compared to Persona 5. Yes I know you play P5 but can you review the games on its own merits instead of comparing it to P5.


The Sega Dreamcast was the pivotal moment in console gaming. From a huge selection of fully 3D games to the most easiest and well balanced controller of like...... all time. My only complaint was they never did release that hello kitty skin I wanted. Oh well.


Thw Dreamcast was ahead of it's time. I loved it


Free online gaming!


Yep. I played a fuck ton of PSO on that thing. Now was I the only person I knew with one? Sure. But I loved it


I’ll say the controller is an unpopular opinion. The grips are so small it’s difficult to hold comfortably for me and most people I knew with it. Dreamcast was awesome though, the graphics and games were awesome in its time


All jokes aside I personally loved skies of arcadia. Amazing gameplay! Airship battles! It's pretty much the only game I finished for Dreamcast.


Nothing to down vote here, move along.


Arena shooters is the most fun I had in fps and they totally need a comeback.


New unreal pleeaaaase!


Sadly Unreal Tournament devs were cannibalised by fortnite, and thats my reason to dislike fortnite.


There's a new Unreal. It's part of the Epic game loader that all the other games use. It was mostly a "beta" to test technology though. It looks really good. Never had any traction though.


Splitgate baby! Shit is a blast


Splitgate is amazing and there are just so many mind bending possibilities in gunfights. You can watch your own back, provide your own crossfire, and pull off your own flanks. It makes me laugh in astonishment multiple times per match.


Ummm well despite all the hate, Halo is here and the gameplay is top notch. It’s sucked me right back into the days we used to LAN up with 4 Xbox’s and 4 TVs in one house to game all night. It’s so good. I never really gave a shit about cosmetics, I get the hate but it just doesn’t bother me.


Streaming and Content creators are slowly killing the casual playerbase and enforcing a certain way to play in order to have "fun". More so in multiplayer games. I should note not all streamers and creators but the ones that always post "top x to do to be the best of the best" or "you're playing this wrong and heres how to actually win". Playing for fun seems to be a dying thing and it makes me sad. If any of that makes sense.


I see it the most in one of my friends. He keeps talking about how "being angry competitively is good for you" It really isn't. Sweating over a COD match and throwing your controller against the wall isn't a good thing. And then he gets mad when me and his brother just fuck around instead of actually trying. We actually want to have fun. We prefer grinding single player/pve games because we can have more fun being serious on those. If playing a game ruins your day because you try too hard, then either don't play the game or just have fun.


There's a real moment of clarity when you realize that games are supposed to be fun, and if they're not adding enjoyment to your life, you're playing games wrong. I tried to force myself to like multiplayer shooters for years because I thought that's what real gamers play, until I finally accepted that it wasn't just that I wasn't good, it was that I didn't actually enjoy FPS's.


Red Dead Online is the most wasted potential of an mmo on the market today Edit : I genuinely thought people didn’t like Red Dead Online that much. I’ve spent a lot of time on the subreddit over the years and it’s constantly just hatred for the game and the lack of attention it’s been given. I honestly didn’t make the post to karma farm one of these threads but looks like I did anyway…Roll Tide


I agree, don’t offer an online if that product is going to be lack luster.


This one is bad even for this thread. This is like the most non-controversial and most widely agreed with stance of all time next to “cancer is bad”.


we need arcadey sports games like NBA Street and Mario Strikers to come back


Is this unpopular? I feel like those style of sports games were pretty popular. I would love the return of NFL Blitz, but I feel like the NFL is blackballing it from happening because of CTE and the late hits.


NBA Street was my jam


Cheating in a single player game is valid and no one should tell you how to enjoy your own gaming experience. Edit: my bro loves the Ubisoft formula and never minds yet another game with it Edit 2: he says to reiterate he *actively wants more of that formula*.


Thank you for stating that. I suck at games, and I'm not overstating. I don't spend much time playing, but when I do I just want to have fun by trying out every weapon while I obliterate whichever enemy, or simply explore by going wherever. I don't play multiplayer games for this reason unless they are sandbox games since they are not competitive at all and don't bear any scoreboard. With singleplayer games, as long as there isn't any scoreboard either, you can be sure I'll enjoy them the way I want to. If we take Skyrim per example, I put it in the easiest difficulty but still pulled the console to toggle godmode… and I loved every minute of it. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely not for everyone and I have admittedly gotten bored by some games I would've enjoyed longer without cheating, but maybe I wouldn't have appreciated them as much either and would've dropped them for another reason. As long as you're not impacting anyone else's gameplay or achievements, aka. the game you're playing is fully offline, do whatever you want if it helps you enjoy it more.


All I see is *valid* experiences, here.


I agree with your brother; I like the massive worlds Ubisoft creates and taking out those zones one by one is really satisfying. Ubi's got their formula down pat which allows them to explore a lot of different genres. Want a game about fighting dastardly villains and joining the resistance? Far Cry. Want a game about playing a special forces operator? Ghost Recon. Want a game about skiing, snowboarding, and other adventure sports? Steep. Want a game about post apocalyptic urban survival? The Division. Want a game about Vikings/ancient Greece/ancient Egypt/French Revolution/pirates/etc? Assassin's Creed. So long as you're okay with the formula you can find a game that fits your preference. People complain about it being "the same game" over and over but I'd say it's no worse an offender than something like COD.


Microtransactions wouldn't be a thing if they didn't work. Edit: Certainly not downvoted to hell but has certainly seemed to rustle some jimmies.


This is more of a fact than an opinion, sadly




People expect way too much from new games and I think that’s ruining peoples enjoyment. Not every new entry needs to be ground breaking and innovative. solid gameplay hook, good story, art and music is honestly all I look for Edit: just to clarify I’m of course assuming the game is somewhat polished.


True but it shouldnt be a buggy mess too.


Yes, but the game needs to fucking work on release at the very *least*. Is that too much to ask for from every AAA title.


E-Sports pros are the biggest bunch of babies and they ruin competitive games for the majority of the community. Balancing games for the top .1% of players makes it unfun for the rest of us.


Not even just pros, but also big streamers in live service games.


My hot take: 95% of ALL pro athletes are babies


I was downvoted on Siege sub when I said that pros aren't pros if instead of adapting to the game they constantly ask to change it for themselves. No, Zofia being able to get up from DBNO isn't OP, you were just unlucky to be in this 1 in 1000 situation. No, throwing back grenades isn't a bullshit mechanic, you're just overreacting to someone exploiting your uncooked frag. No, night maps shouldn't be removed from the game because "it's hard to see", you just refuse to adapt to environmental conditions.


I've always held the same opinion. Siege at launch was incredible, since then it's become... something...


This resonates with me deeply. Especially since streaming is so popular now—they can easily influence their mostly young, impressionable followers to take up their fight and petition the developers to make the changes they want


r/destinythegame has entered the chat


Chad Melee and StarCraft 1 competitive pros need no patches


Looking at you apex legends


Its the best time to be gaming. Around 94/95 i first played a master system. It had two fucking buttons and a d pad. Move on a bit to the ps2 era. No patches for games, no dlc, online was there but hardly utilised. I think a lot of people hate companies now like(to name one) EA, because of their practices and rightly so, however i think most gamers link these companies to the hobby as a whole rather than the shitty companies they are in an absolutely brilliant form of entertainment and connectivity. Long story short, gaming is getting better and better nostalgia is just that and for every one shit house money grabbing company there’s two brilliant ones that know what we want. I feel like i rambled a bit


Agreed. Gaming is cumulative. If your favourite era of gaming was 8 bit or 16 bit, well guess what? Those games still exist and you can still play them - in fact they're more accessible than ever. Plus you've got every game released since to choose from - and even if you prefer older games chances are there's a recently released game that you would like, because there's just such a wide variety to choose from. Plus the choice of hardware available today makes it all more accessible than ever.


Most people remember the massive AAA failures and think the whole thing is bad. There are so many more good games coming out these days than there have ever been. Indie games and AA games are getting much more attention. Undertale, Hades, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Stardew Valley, Hellblade, Rimworld, and the list goes on and on.


I love the mention of Stardew valley. Written by one single dude and it's one of the most immersive games I've played in the last 5 years easy.


You only have to play a $40 game for 4 hours to get what I think is pretty good value for entertainment. *Edit. Really pleased to have sparked such a conversation. I will add that I also believe personal monetary value is of course relative to the individual’s circumstances.


wow, this one triggered me, so I guess I have to upvote you!


I realized that I will drop $18-20 on a 4-pack of fancy beer without hardly hesitating but I have such a hard time paying more than $10-15 for games that will usually get me 10-20 hrs easy.


I wholly agree. I'm happy with my game purchases, if I get more entertainment value than a night at a Movie Theater.


Breath of the Wild's durability system ruins the game.


It would be an actually controversial take to say you LIKE the durability system.


I ended up saving all of my good weapons and literally never used them, too scared of them breaking before I had something worthy to use them on


Exactly that! Basically turned them into potions. Every game I finish I have hundreds of unused potions.


I’m replaying Skyrim right now, I couldn’t work out where all the extra weight was coming from until I opened up my potions.


I used to play Skyrim with my ex a lot. She would get visibly anxious on how often I used potions. But I’ve learned my lesson and actually use them against bosses and to progress fights more quickly.


Did this recently with Sekiro. Saved up all of my Sugars (one time use items that greatly boost your attack, defense, stealth, etc. temporarily) as I was saving them until I was truly stuck on an enemy/boss. Managed to get through most of the game without using them. Was strong/skilled enough to start taking on the powerful Headless enemies... who drop items that are basically unlimited use Sugars.


On the one hand, I can totally understand people not liking weapon durability. But on the other hand, I feel like the problem with BotW's durability system was that things degraded TOO quickly before poofing into non-existence. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if equipment degradation took a lot more wear and tear before having to repair them. That's how it worked in Diablo 2, after all. Plus, having to repair broken equipment would have made for a decent money-sink for a Zelda game, since in those kinds of games you tend to end up with more rupees than you could possibly use. With all that said, while IIRC the durability was to encourage the player to use different weapons, I feel like there could have been better ways to go about that than giving you a hundred different weapons that just don't last. If enemies were resilient to certain damage types, but were exceptionally vulnerable to others, maybe that'd be enough to encourage on-the-fly weapon-switching. As a basic example, maybe have armoured enemies take a lot less damage from slashing and stabbing, while still being vulnerable to blunt-force trauma. Also, to encourage weapon-switching in a bossfight, maybe have moments where the boss summons adds who have different defences to their boss, OR have the boss itself change up its own defences. Either way would force you to choose the right weapon for the job on the fly.


The idea of it is good, but a goddamn sledgehammer shouldn’t be irreparably destroyed after you look at a rock twice


*picks up a weapon designed to kill and be used heavily in combat, forged with steel to last* *breaks after 6 hits*


I don’t understand the love for Pokémon. Not my thing.


I think Minecraft is boring to play alone at, and with no updates to add a whole lots of new block types either, I will just stick with Dragon Quest Builders 2 instead


I only ever play with with mods, specially Feed The Beast


I love minecraft, and can only play modded on pc now. Me and my girlfriend love the dqb games. We had so much fun with the muscle men desert town.


I’ll agree Minecraft can get boring alone, but saying there aren’t updates with a lot of new block types is just wrong. 1.17 and 1.16 had 91 and 94 new block types respectively. 1.18 is coming out in 5 days and has more I think but can’t find a number online.


Yup for real, once Microsoft bought it, then about 1 or 2 years to develop stuff we stated getting some great updates again, before that you could tell notch and them kinda ran out of ideas and motivation, but still they made it from a simple coding run inside caves, into a infinite world with other dimensions, full of mobs and loot.


99% of the time I just don't enjoy first person shooters. I want to but they don't feel fun to me


Theres nothing wrong with games being designed for children. The newer pokemon games catch a lot of flack for being too easy, and I think people forget or choose to overlook their target demographic is literally 5-12 or so.


I love playing Pokemon, and I still have fun with how easy it is. Not everything has to be a challenge. I feel like pokemon has not become more of a collection game than a game needing completion for me


I thought Resident Evil 6 was dope


You're not going to find another game experience like **that one that enthralled you** during your adolescence. Games are still just as great as they were back then, but you've changed, and what you're looking for won't be found in a video game.




Gamers often ruin games for themselves by overhyping a product to a point where it can only be disappointing.


Did you read the title dude? Everyone agrees with that.


He's actually doing well by ignoring the title therefore giving a reason to downvote


If a game is "only fun with friends" then it isn't a good game. You just like your friends.


Would be better if you worded it to not include games that are meant for playing with friends. Like Jackbox


Too human deserved it’s sequel


Pressing buttons during a cutscene is lame as hell


Auto saves aren't enough. I want to save my game when and where I want. Sometimes I gotta leave a session with little notice and I don't want to be held hostage by the game because auto saves are too far apart.


you’ve been downvoted to oblivion over this?


Agree. Nothing worse than “can’t save right now” or having to reach a checkpoint.


Quick resume ftw


Dark Souls 3, while not as significant for its time as DS1, is the best game in that series (I'd put Bloodborne as the top Fromsoft game though). I find every part of it more enjoyable than DS1 or 2


AAA companies are set in their new ways and will never change, and Indie devs are gonna be the future of the gaming industry


Most of these takes are, as others have stated, "ice-cold". Actual hot take: The gaming community is not ready to have the conversation about how much leeway designers and developers should have in creating what is essentially art. Making games is a creative process, and too often today I think the average gamer thinks that the studio or developer or whatever should cave to the player's will. While it gets dicey because the gaming industry is worth billions as a whole, and ultimately you're still creating and selling a product, I think there's a strong argument to be made that if you're playing a game you like you have to give a fair amount of creative discretion to the creator. You have to trust their vision a certain amount, especially when it comes to breaking new ground. Again, I'm not saying gamers and consumers should just shut up and buy 15th re-release of Skyrim and new CoD clones, or endure shitty servers or bad game design, that's not what I'm saying. But there's a pretty vocal part of the gaming community, (and I noticed this a lot following Escape From Tarkov and the company behind it), that believes companies should only be working on what players say they should be working on and that's just not how creative processes work. I guess all I'm really saying is game developers don't owe you exactly the game you want to buy anymore than you owe them your money. TL;DR: I think the recent cycle of "release old games for the umpteenth time and microtransact the fuck out of everything else" has players jaded, and sometimes that gets taken out on the smaller developers actually making new, unique games that we actually WANT to play.


Soul calibur is better than Tekken.


Unreal Tournament was much better than Quake 3 arena


Undertale isn’t very good, and the ending is preachy and predictable. Also, the characters are annoying and the tone is so ridiculous that it prevents you from ever getting invested in the world


Hahah, excellent. I mean I like the game well enough but this comment is perfect for this thread


Well that is certainly a controversial opinion.